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Број резултата: 9


Goblet of Gold

Now here comes
The maiden I adore
And in her hand she carries
A beautiful goblet of gold,
And in the goblet she carries...
Love's poison,
And she comes to deliver death
To this poor innocent heart.
Happy are you,
Like a lovely Doana,
You who enjoy
Pleasures and honors.
Now here comes
The mistress of my affections,
And she comes to deliver death
To this poor innocent heart.

I Gave Away My Soul

I gave away my soul
to the most powerful demon, 1
and like a madman 2
I went after you.
I pawned my shadow
to the glow of a star,
and like a flash
like a madman I followed you.
How can I die
if I don't know what it means to live?
you hold my life in your hands,
my worries and my summers,
you hold the best of me.
You flee because of the time, 3
because of everything,
because you can't find a way
to separate me from you,
isn't that right?
I forgot the dream,
I threw away my blood,
I never yearn
to belong to you.4
My body doesn't exist,
my skin is no more,
only in your gaze
does a part of me remain.
How can I love you
if you won't let me live?5
I live in your soul and in your shadow,
in everything that's yours. in everything that names you [as theirs]
I die to live in you.
I live in you dream and in your blood,
I die because I'm hungry
for you to die in me,
pain, isn't that right?
My voice no longer makes a sound,
my ears no longer hear,
it can no longer resist
the sway of any emotion.
My sense of touch deceives me,
my throat has gone silent,
my mind has crashed,
I can't feel anything.
How can I calm
this love when it turns indifference?
I move on because the universe turns,
because you gaze looks
at everything I didn't give you.
I remain half dead and half alive,
because you keep alive
my agony's desire to live.
Right, love, isn't it true?
right, love, isn't it true?
right, love, isn't it true?
  • 1. lit. 'to the best demon'
  • 2. 'echo un....' = like a..... / lit. 'like a madhouse'
  • 3. the effort
  • 4. lit. 'I'm never hungry, it's not because I'm not yours though.
  • 5. lit. 'you won't let me be born'

Simón The Gravedigger

Yesterday afternoon they buried
the daughter of Juan Simón,
Simón was the town's
only gravedigger,
only gravedigger.
When she breathed her
last breath in his arms,
he buried his own daughter,
to the cemetery he took her
to the cemetery he took her.
He dug the grave himself
murmuring a prayer,
saying goodbye forever
to the daughter of Juan Simón,
to the daughter of Juan Simón.
And crying like a child
he left the cemetery,
with a stick in hand
and a mattock on his shoulder,
and a mattock on his shoulder.
The people asked him:
'where are you coming from, Simón?'
and as he wiped away his tears,
in a hushed voice he answered,
in a hushed voice he answered:
'I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
I am a gravedigger and I've come
from burying my heart,
from burying my heart'.


What are we going to do
with this government?
not even the devil wants them
there in hell.
And every six years
their take turns,1
so that others may come
to keep moving it along.2
They hold elections
so people can 'vote',3
but we already know
that PRI is going to win.
There's other parties
that want the bone,4
but PRI has them
held by their throats.5
There's that Fidel,
an old chameleon
that conserves himself
in formaldehyde.6
One thing is certain,
he's got stamina
even though he has more wrinkles
than an elephant.
Poor field workers,
poor laborers,
they're screwed over most,
the have no money.
Yet there's others
who have it all,
they're governors
that can do it all.
We all assume
that a good president
supports his people,7
serving them.8
The truth says otherwise,
they tell only lies9
because the people pay
tribute to the government.
When their terms are over,10
filled from their deceptions,11
now that they've robbed us
they go off to Spain.
One or two get thrown in jail,
they have no shame,
all because they wanted
to pull the wool over our eyes.12
They're never full,
such hungry dead weights,
one must only watch out
from being bitten.
Now I bid you farewell,
just keep it in mind,
may God protect us
from our government.
  • 1. lit. 'they toss the ball', giving others the chance to be in power but only those from a selected group.
  • 2. lit. 'to shake their asses', they want the status quo to remain the same, the same corruption.
  • 3. lit. 'supposedly for [people] to vote'.
  • 4. that want to be in power
  • 5. I could have just used 'held by the balls' to make it rhyme, the meaning would still be the same.
  • 6. Fidel, like a chameleon, was able to stay relevant and in power by changing with the times (obviously not in a positive way), cleaning house etc.
  • 7. lit. 'is with his people' / 'on his people's side'
  • 8. lit. 'serving his people'
  • 9. lit. 'they tell only tales'
  • 10. lit. 'when they're done'
  • 11. their pocket lines are filled from all their corruption.
  • 12. lit. 'to cover man's eye', to deceive us.

I'm going to wash my heart

So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.1
It's tainted from the world,
it's tainted from the sky,
it's tainted from longing,
it's tainted and foul.
It's sick of something,
it's sick of everything,
it's sick of the mud,
it's sick and bitter.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's tired of the hunger
it's tired of the poor,
it's tired of the nobility,
it's tired of the blood.
It's broken in the middle,
it's broken from being forgotten,
it's broken and lost,
it's broken from the inside.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's alone always
it's alone in war,
it's alone on the earth,
it's alone in December.
It's like if something...
it's like it was...
it's like at least...
it's so...nevertheless.
It has no voice now2
it can't [seem] to think,
it asks for nothing,
it can't stand it anymore.
It's filled with voices,
it's filled with sorrows,
it's filled with veins,
it's filled with farewells.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
It's there to be cut
it's there to be pestered,3
it's there to be buried
it's there to be killed.
It's worse than fate,
it's worse than life,
it's worse than it's wound,
it's worse than death.
So I can stop loving you
I'm going to wash
my heart in the sea.
  • 1. He's going to the sea to wash his heart, alluding to washing it 'in' the sea.
  • 2. lit. 'no throat'
  • 3. to be messed up, screwed with.

Each time it's uglier than the last

Each time it's uglier than the last
oh my friend, if you could see what I see!!
that is not the same
as sending a reform for a walk.1
Each time it's more modern than the last
oh my friend, I feel so sick!!
if Juarez was revived this very moment
he'd send this government to hell.
Each time I'm more disgusted than the last
whenever I get the news,
tell me and say it, the gossip
that Televicia2 wraps around my wits.
Each time it's more dangerous than the last,
with treaties, conventions and agreements.
In Oaxaca, Puebla, Chiapas and Guerrero
the sound of the impact can already be felt.
This has cut me in my prickly pears
(and) my crates are filled with tuna,
the sack is empty of beans
because of a handful of lies.
My friend, what's happening right now
I've told my wife: they're so heartless3
our country has gone off with another master
we've been left with nothing4.
  • 1. The joke is that if you switch the words around they have a different meaning: Paseo de la Reforma (refers to Reform Avenue) vs. Reforma de Paseo (A reform out on a walk).
  • 2. a corruption of 'Televisa' (Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.) a multi-media company.
  • 3. lit. 'it has no mother', when something/someone is heartless or shameless.
  • 4. lit. 'we don't even have a dog to bark for us', meaning you have nothing in your life now
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Minimum wage

The people of this country
live on the money,
on one side the Salinas1
and on the other the money-lending bank.
The people of this country
always lose and never gain,
they believe themselves to be happy
because they grow marijuana.
Give the governor the minimum wage
so he can suffer our same pain,
give those politicians the minimum wage
so they can die high as kites2.
The people of this country
are consumed with irritation,
corn3 doesn't circulate
but cocaine does.
The people of this country
is only filled with children
so they can clean windshields
for a bunch of miscreants.4
Give the deputies the minimum wage
so they can die doped up,
give Mr. González5 the minimum wage
so he can understand what it is to be poor.
The people of this country
don't need students,
if there's bankers and politicians
and a peddling government.
The people of this country
don't need any advice,
it prefers to be govern
by a string of fools.6
Give the senators the minimum wage
so they can rot with Herod's Law7
give all of the PRI the minimum wage,
they only know what to do is say 'yes'.
The people of this country
is tired of thieves
stealing their jobs
and millions of millions.
The people of this country
doesn't need culture
everything is worth shit
or worth a lot.
Don't stop handing out minimum wage
for the good of our families,
give the President the minimum wage
so he'll understand how horrible it feels.
  • 1. refers the Salinas family, mainly Carlos Salinas de Gortari (with the PRI party and president of Mexico between 1988-1994).
  • 2. -icos diminuative of 'little', lit. 'little weed smokers'.
  • 3. food
  • 4. this refers to the poor children on the streets that wash people's windshields for money when the street lights turn red (and sometimes people tell them to beat it or they don't pay them). The numbers have grown over the years even though there's laws that keep minors from doing this (they do it anyway to feed themselves and their families), their ages range anywhere from 6~17+. Here is an image of such an example.
  • 5. lit. Mr. Regent, refers to Carlos Hank González, a politician and businessman who sought to run for president but didn't meet the requirement (he was German-Mexican, his father was German and the law requires both parents must be Mexican), he died in 2001.
  • 6. lit. 'string of rabbits'.
  • 7. based on 'Herod the Great', the quote is 'o te chingas o te jodes' = 'either you're fucked or you're screwed'. The line would therefore be translated as 'so they can rot, they're fucked and screwed'. There's a 1999 satire film based on this called 'La ley de Herodes'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.