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Број резултата: 10


Gelevera creek

You left me and went away, oh
May God damn you
May no one take you
And you stay mine again
My beloved, your love
It scatters my heart
Didn’t you ever think?
That your lover cries like this
Gelevera creek, oh
Gelevera creek is between two mountains
May the scar of my blade
Never gets erased from your face


My prosperity isn’t prosperity
This world is mortal
What did I do to you, fate, you turned your back on me
Its robe is purple, my love,
Our reunion is difficult, my love
When I come to your mind,
Ask the rains, my love
When I come to your mind, ask the waves, my love
In the dark nights, I’m a black destiny
Light up my lamp, fate, I’m fine with one candle, oh fate
Take its robe, my love
The eyes are a tale
When I come to your mind, my love,
Dive into the deep, my love
When I come to your mind, my love,
Dive into the faraway, my love

Zagrli me

Zagrli me
Pre nego što se moja koža ohladi od tebe
Zagrli me
Pre nego što mi se srce osuši
Zagrli me
Pre nego što se moje oči sklope
Zagrli me, zagrli
Zagrli me, zagrli
I da me opet vratiš u život
I da me opet povrediš tvojom ljubavlju
Nisam odustao/la od ljubavi
Veruj mi, da se smrti ne plašim
Nisam odustao/la od ljubavi
Veruj mi, da se smrti ne plašim(2X)
Dok budem umirao spavaj ljubavi
To je svet, bez tebe sam ništa
To je takva ljubav, tako duboka
To je takva ljubav, tako duboka
I da me opet vratiš u život
I da me opet povrediš tvojom ljubavlju
Nisam odustao/la od ljubavi
Veruj mi, da se smrti ne plašim
Nisam odustao/la od ljubavi
Veruj mi, da se smrti ne plašim(2X)

oh this love- ah bu sevdaluk oyku gurman

oh this love
ahh this love
my heart is scattered
my eyes are crying
tell black sea
your sins is not written
My lover falls in the tongue(the gossip)
falls and doesn't burn
my breath this how much I have with you?
my death this how much is with you?
The vapors of your mountains never allow passage
What the waves take doesn't return it
My breath is haram, my fires doesn't stop
tell them black sea.my breaths aren't enough
you say black sea..

Pretvorila sam se u pepeo

Moje nade su potrošene, nestaju
On odlazi neosvrćući se
Nemam srca da to izgovorim
Zbog njegovih reči sam izgorela, pretvorila se u pepeo
Nemam srca da to izgovorim
Zbog njegovih reči sam izgorela, pretvorila se u pepeo
Neko gleda, a neko se gubi
Uvalio si me u nevolju
Tvoj pogled se zadržao na mojim očima
Ne znam gde mi je srce
Koliko sam čula ima devojku na nekom mestu
U tom gradu koji poznajem sa karte*
Da li se može osušiti pupoljak koji još ni procvetao nije?
Da li će ovo srce tebe zaboraviti?
Zar se život može okončati?
Ne razumem, izgorela sam i pepeo postala
Zar se život može okončati?
Ne razumem, izgorela sam i pepeo postala
Neko gleda, a neko se gubi
Uvalio si me u nevolju
Tvoj pogled se zadržao na mojim očima
Ne znam gde mi je srce
Koliko sam čula ima devojku na nekom mestu
U tom gradu koji poznajem sa karte*
Da li čuje za mesta na kojima nije bio?
Da li se srce može zasititi njegovog osmeha?
Zar je lako odustati od snova?
I kad pomislim na to izgorim i pretvaram se u pepeo
Neko gleda, a neko se gubi
Uvalio si me u nevolju
Tvoj pogled se zadržao na mojim očima
Ne znam gde mi je srce
Koliko sam čula ima devojku na nekom mestu
U tom gradu koji poznajem sa karte*
Neko gleda, a neko se gubi
Uvalio si me u nevolju
Tvoj pogled se zadržao na mojim očima
Ne znam gde mi je srce
Koliko sam čula ima devojku na nekom mestu
U tom gradu koji poznajem sa karte*

oh shoot me shoot me

Maybe the flowers will blossom
inside me there are black seaweeds
People looking would think I'm happy
they don't know what I'm going through
oh, shoot me shoot me
for the injustice I endured
all this world's misery
is lying upon my shoulders
The day passes, night comes
without night there is no day
I beg you my lord
Do not accept this prayer, oh

I turned into ash

My hope drained away and it is ending
It is going without looking back
I do not have the heart to say it
They said it to me and i got burned and turned into ash
Sometimes you came into view, sometimes you got lost
You made me fall into trouble
Your glaces are on my eyes
Whiles i don't know where your heart is
According to what I heard i understood that you have a lover
From what i know from maps
Somewhere on that city

You tell all Black Sea

The mist of your mounstains does not allow a free passage
Waves surge but don't give anything back
My breath is forbidden, the fire inside me won't subside
You tell all Black Sea, my breath is not enough (to tell)
You tell all Black Sea
You tell all Black Sea