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Број резултата: 1607


I've Seen It All Before

I've seen it all before
Birds flew back, to the north
I've seen it all before
We were in a car with you, thunder crashed
A part of mine really wanted to see the very end of it
to watch the scene while everywhere is burning
I've thought about you
I've seen this movie before
to watch the scene while everywhere is burning
I've thought about you
I've seen this movie before
I've seen it all before
Birds flew back, to the north
I've seen it all before
We were in a car with you, thunder crashed
A part of mine really wanted to see the very end of it
to watch the scene while everywhere is burning
I've thought about you
I've seen this movie before
to watch the scene while everywhere is burning
I've thought about you
I've seen this movie before

Nemam mnogo

Želeo bih da imam sve, da budem svuda
da ti poklonim sve zvezde ovog neba
aliza mene postoji samo jedna zvezda na planeti
jedan je moj svet, samo ti.
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
nemam mnogo da podelim
samo jedan život, uzmi ga, ceo je tvoj
samo jednu sreću i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori ništa i zauzvrat ti ništa ne tražim
i svoj drugi život ti dugujem.
Želeo bih ceo svet u svom zagrljaju
da te vodim u gradove i još dalje
ali gde god da odem, svako putovanje
jedan je moj put, samo ti.
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
nemam mnogo da podelim
samo jedan život, uzmi ga, ceo je tvoj
samo jednu sreću i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori ništa i zauzvrat ti ništa ne tražim
i svoj drugi život ti dugujem.

Not The World's Most Beautiful

You who know that a wall only is a bridge turned sideways
And what is doesn't have to constantly be
You who hear calls for help when no one else does
Do what you do but never get anything for it
If you don't there's no one else that will do it
You who go where you go without someone steering you
You who get your wounds without becoming martyrs
You who dream but never close your eyes to what is happening
Forget your enemies but never your friends
Hide and help people you don't know
You are not the world's most beautiful,
But the world is the most beautiful in you
And it's not in your eye's
It's in what you see
You who laugh your way to the outermost serious
You who make people wonder if you really should walk freely
You who always does it wrong and is never perfect
Play no games and don't give a shit about the correct
You who dare being askew and defective
You are not the world's most beautiful,
But the world is the most beautiful in you
And it's not in your eye's
It's in what you see
Oh, how you manage to inspire
Makes me want to keep going for more
Without making me feel worse, or like I have to perform
Oh, how you manage to excite
Makes me keep wanting more
It can be heard in your voices
It shines through when one looks at you
So you are the world's most beautiful. The world is most beautiful in you
And I see it in your eyes. I see what you see

Large walls & small fences

It's okay to just lie down
and say 'thanks and bye, I'll die now'
I can shut out whatever I want
and forget all that's toilsome
But I don't want to die
don't want to forget anything
Not leave someone out
I'm here, 'cause I want to
Even though the walls separate us
we want them as an excuse
And they stay put where they are
Only we can leave when we choose
Even though the walls separate us
we want them as an excuse
And they stay put where they are
Only we can leave when we choose
I escaped it all
but not dead or alive, like you
I gladly wanted to be your friend
put on your shirt, warm like you
My chest lets out a cry
and it's unusually weak
Could it be the force in our steps?
Something we share, but only figuratively?
Even though the walls separate us
we want them as an excuse
And they stay put where they are
Only we can leave when we choose
Even though the walls separate us
we want them as an excuse
And they stay put where they are
Only we can leave when we choose

They're waiting me back here

Like a wanderer, I travel half of the world
I've seen how the seagulls are flying in Seychel
I know how the Italian pizza is
And how cool Vegas is at night
Still my heart is pulling me back here
Where the girl isn't Christine, but Kriszta
Where the 'Balaton' is a lake, for us a sea
Where the politics is difisive and it makes arguments
But for me Borsod and Budapest are the most beautiful
I was born here and I'll be put into a grave here as well
I haven't seen more beautiful than the shore of Danube
Doesn't matter if I travel further with a plane
When the Andrássy road becomes full of flowers
My heart sinks in the sunset of Danube
I know it's not perfect but I love it
I haven't found its couple in the world
I can be anywhere, any far,
My heart is always pulling me back to Budapest
I can walk anywhere on the planet, it is clear that
It isn't perfect but they're waiting me back here
To think that at us every crap is a trap
Somewere else there isn't clean water in the tap
It had expiated a thousands times its past
But at least there are no wars here anymore
It is bleeding from hundreds of wounds,
But I'd rather be the gauze and I won't disappear
like the carbonate
How many wonders, look, aromas and tastes
And abroad I don't feel myself more than a decoration
Chinese tourists are keeping their mouth*
Because they had seen Budapest only on photos before
The bridges and the castle are beautiful
But the bus is being late and the underground doesn't run, again
A lot of pair of eyes at night, the body of the girls impresses me
The way is straight, but sometimes a bit steep
You hate Budapest exactly as much as you love it


Versions: #4
Everyone seems to have me figured out
Atleast in the moments where I'm messing up
Everyone seems to have me figured out, but myself
I have hardly even figured out who I want to be.
Pretty and ugly and all inbetween.
Never again, but maybe one more time.
I want it often, want it seldom.
I know what i want, I dont know a thing
Feels like i am made out of sand
I build up high and fall apart at times.
Finding myself in someplace completly different
Where i can start again, stronger then yesterday.
Feels like i am made out of sand
I build my walls up by my own hand
Tear them down and try something else
So that i can start all over, bigger next time.
Just when i thought I had found home
Im packing my bags all over again
I dont want anything easy
Have to boldly try new paths
Strong and weak and all inbetween.
Never again, but maybe one more time
I dont have a choice, i have to choose
I know what i want, i dont know a thing
Feels like i am made out of sand
I build up high and fall apart at times.
Finding myself in someplace completly different
Where i can start again, stronger then yesterday.
Feels like i am made out of sand
I build my walls up by my own hand
Tear them down and try something else
So that i can start all over, bigger the next time.
Honestly, is there anyone who's whole?
Honestely, is there someone out there who's never made mistakes?
Honestly, Is there anyone out there who's managed to live a happy life, with an exterior of stone?
Honestly, honestly?
It feels like we're made of sand.
We build up high and fall apart at times
So we find ourselves somewhere
Where we can start again, stronger tomorrow

Before You After You

These shrieking waves
And sad beautiful seagulls
They strike the wind and come and filling my heart
I'm alone at cliff coast
Between the life and death
My whole life is flowing away
Under my feet
How many bodies do I need
To forget you
Before you after you
Before you after you
How many bodies do I need
To forget you
Please don't use my translations unless my permit. If you see a mistake about the translation, let me know.

Lütfen çevirilerimi izinsiz kullanmayın. Çeviride hata görürseniz söyleyebilirsiniz.


Pregnant, she is reading that letter for the hundred times
She is crying, that's why she can't read
That lines
He took the money from under the mattress
And then he wrote her 'burn my photos'
The sound of limo died away
And Denis was gone
He swindled women and he was promising marriage
He enjoyed expensive stuff
He took what he could, this individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
Only a few knows how not to be afraid and steal
And have a car in Gabria, well and girls, money, booze
And how can you afford it, it will tell you individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
Poor pub and poor bar
That he - the tsar of frauds - visited
Mister Denis
Bottle to every table and gypsies play
He said to the waitress 'I want to sleep with you'
But she unfortunatelly fell asleep under the table
And in the morning Denis was gone
He swindled women and he was promising marriage
He enjoyed expensive stuff
He took what he could, this individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
Only a few knows how not to be afraid and steal
And have a car in Gabria, well and girls, money, booze
And how can you afford it, it will tell you individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
And so the time went by, Denis was well-known
And one day he came to our place again
That fraud Denis
He was quite old and when he started the party
He drank a few hard liquors and he fell like a beam
So we robbed him, and it's fair
He swindled women and he was promising marriage
He enjoyed expensive stuff
He took what he could, this individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
Only a few knows how not to be afraid and steal
And have a car in Gabria, well and girls, money, booze
And how can you afford it, it will tell you individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
He swindled women and he was promising marriage
He enjoyed expensive stuff
He took what he could, this individual named Denis
Denis! Who the fuck is Denis?
Only a few knows how not to be afraid and steal
And have a car in Gabria, well and girls, money, booze
And how can you afford it...

Шта да ти дам!

Оног дана кад си ми рекао
,,збогом добра моја, ја одлазим одавде,,
оставио си ми душу у болу,
по ћошковима
плакаа сам за тобом.
Сад је од тога догађаја прошло више
од годину дана и ја сам те већ заборавила,
срећу ми пожели, и да се не видимо никад више ,
добро је испало.
Збогом срце моје
шта да ти дам , шта хоћеш сад ти
кад ниси онда знао шта да ми даш
зар је оно мало, оно што сам ти дала
шта хоћеш још да ти дам...
Ах стварно, ако пролазиш поред мојих
врата око 7 или 8, можда, чекајући мене
за игру или плес у дискотеци, да идеш на пиво
или да попијеш чај
Ја ћу се само кокетно осмехнути,
данас сам заузета, не могу да идем.
Сутра лепо наврати
са четири руже
до мене.
Збогом срце моје
шта да ти дам , шта хоћеш сад ти
кад ниси онда знао шта да ми даш
зар ти је оно мало, оно што сам ти дала
шта да ти дам! шта да ти дам! шта да ти!

When no one was by my side

I was in the dark
Without a light.
The night was a friend,
The pain was a brother.
The way I lived, I didn't know
In all that silence,
What happiness is
What love means.
If I took the wrong road
If I took in the wrong turn,
Everyhing now seems
To be the right decision.
Everything happened so that you come
Everything happened so that you come
My mistakes were so right,
That they brought me in front of you.
As I was sleeping,
You woke me up with a kiss.
I came to know myself,
I loved life.
I was in the dark,
So low.
You gave me water,
You gave me wings.
If I took the wrong road,
If I took the wrong turn,
Everyhing now seems
To be the right decision.
Everything happened so that you come
Everything happened so that you come
My mistakes were so right
That brought me in front of you.
When no one was by my side..

I Am Waiting

Versions: #2
I have been waiting, waiting from afar
In the somber shadows of the towers drab
In the somber shadows of the towers drab
In the somber shadows of the towers' spray
You will see me waiting forever
You will see me waiting forever
One day it will come again
Above the seas, over the lands
Over the lands, above the seas
The spring's breeze will return
To revive, my broken heart
I will be drawn away by its breath
Far away within its flow, its worthy wishes
The determined desires, far from this world
That is between the sea and the stars

Тел Авив ноћу

Знам да ти је тешко, била си сама неколико дана
Оставио те је, а није ти рекао зашто
Оставио је само сузе,
Усамљене под ћебетом,
Знам да си у себи сломљена и да не можеш да спаваш,
И размишљаш о томе шта ти се, до ђавола, догодило, лоше се осећаш
Мало си изгубљена.
Зато, хајдемо у Тел Авив ноћу,
радићемо све што пожелиш,
И немој ми рећи да не треба,
Зато крени, хајдемо у Тел Авив ноћу,
Веруј ми, само ћеш се боље осећати
Заборави вечерас на своје невоље.
Знам, драга, да ти је тешко, размишљаш о свему и свачему,
Можда је отишао са другом,
А теби је већ мука од плакања.
Поново пливаш у мору суза,
Само немој себе да изгубиш, сачекај још неколико сати,
Вечерас ћу бити тамо да те смирим
Можда ћемо отићи у провод.

Maiden voyage

Until now, a calm harbor was embracing me
I had fun with gulls that played flying
The noise of the storm blowing strongly in the world
I didn't mind just by covering my ears
Is not that I leave my house only on a sunny day
Now since I'm hurt, I leave the boat
Calm spring days, radiant summer days
Faded autumn days, frozen winter days
The light of each day, the color of each wind
Is a casual meeting and chat with the seasons
I'm just a little tired of the pitiful memories
On a dark corner of my room, I crouch daily
I would be happy if everything was just the chest
Of a sweet man embracing me tenderly
But is not that there's a man giving me a bouquet of flowers
Now at the sea of loneliness, I leave the boat
Calm spring days, radiant summer days
Faded autumn days, frozen winter days
The light of each day, the color of each wind
Is a casual meeting and chat with the seasons
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Waiting For A Strong Man

Maybe someone thinks of me here
I live in the valley, indeed it's picturesque
Nevertheless, if you mix the colors
Like this you'll be fine but once again allowed to say
I'm afraid
That soon a minaret will be higher than the church
You've told me what that will lead to
Today it's on TV, tomorrow it's at my door
I'm not the brightest candle on the tree, but I've realized
My soft knees need a hard hand
Here the children are still playing 'afraid of the black man'
My fear is dyed black, red, and gold
I stand for you, my man stands for you
At some point I'll put the liars on the wall for you
Waiting for the strong man, I'll deliver myself
You let my worries run wild
Please give me a feeling, yes
Please give me a feeling, yes
Just give me something
When you lie to me
I believe your every word, because you have all of mine
Please give me a feeling, yes
Just give me something
Just not the feeling (no, no, no)
Of being a loser
How nice, you've brought us something
Hate, hate, you've packed it very nicely
Finally I have something, finally I have strength
You don't flare long, you just flare up!
Out on the road, boy, today will turn
One must take care that weeds don't spread
I only believe what I can feel
My violence is just a silent scream to be cut down!
First came the Monday demo, then (Frauke) Petry, and then salvation
Hail, I never said that, no, what are you talking about?
Waiting for the strong man, I'll deliver myself
You let my worries run wild
Please give me a feeling, yes
Please give me a feeling, yes
Just give me something
When you lie to me
I believe your every word, because you have all of mine
Please give me a feeling, yes
Just give me something
Just not the feeling (no, no, no)
Of being a loser
I'm not
I'm not a loser
No, I'm not a loser, no, no
No, I'm not a loser, no
No, I'm not a loser, no, no, no
I'm not a loser, no, no, no
I'm not a loser, no, no
I'm not a loser, no, no
I'm not a loser, I'm yours
I'm not a loser, I'm yours
I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, I'm yours
No, I'm not a loser, no, no

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger opening

We are the invincible superstars
With burning spirits and fully charged
Our chests are pounding
Conducting a legend is wonderful
The brave ones cannot be quieted down
For they are always challengers
Who can say where
True strength really lies?
More important than going around the world
Is seeking for it in your heart
(Let's do this!)
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
We're rumbling in today too (Fire!)
Let's Go, Kyoryuger!
Strike 'em down! More deviously!
Taking a bite here and there
We won't let anyone stop us
Listen and be amazed at our magnificence!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!
Courage without fear is hard like a diamond
The dinosaurs are roused awake
When we become friends
The ice rocks are slowly melting
And now, we need the strength
Of these dragonlike creatures
Sometimes, people go on journeys
In order to discover things
If you want to be stronger than yesterday
Let your desires guide you
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
With these unrestrained fangs (Fire!)
Run, Kyoryuger!
Absolutely serious! Charged and waiting!
This is the time to persist
Let's awaken our powers
Shiver as you get amazed!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!
If there's something you think is important
Protect it with your hands
Send your fears running away
As you let your brave heart burn!
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
We're rumbling in today too (Fire!)
Let's Go, Kyoryuger!
Strike 'em down! More deviously!
Taking a bite here and there
We won't let anyone stop us
Gaburincho! Mucho extreme!
With these unrestrained fangs (Fire!)
Run, Kyoryuger!
Absolutely serious! Charged and waiting!
This is the time to persist
Let's awaken our powers
Shiver as you get amazed!
Electro-beasts Squadron, VAMOLA! Kyoryuger
(Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow) Brave In!

Drugačiji svet

Ti me vodiš
Pokazujući mi put
osećam se malo izgubljeno
malo čudno danas
Mislim da ću se uhvatiti
Svega što mi se nađe na putu
Onda ćemo videti šta će biti
Kako vreme bude prolazilo
Mislio sam da sam sve sredio
Sve mi je krenulo
Šta mi je samo sve sudbina spremala
U to nema sumnje
Ali onda se karta otvorila
I ja sam odigrao još jednu rundu
Ali ne znam da li je to
ispunjenje za kojim sam čeznuo
Reci mi šta čuješ
A onda šta vidiš
Svako ima drugačiji
Na koji vidi svet
Voleo bih da znas
Kad pogledaš na male stvari
da ceniš ovaj život
Nije kasno da se nauči
Ne želim da budem ovde
Negde bih radije bio
Ali kad tamo stignem
Možda shvatim da nije za mene
Reci mi šta čuješ
A onda mi reci šta vidiš
Svi imaju drugačiji način Na koji vide svet
Voleo bih da znaš
kada vidiš male stvari
da ceniš ovaj život
nije kasno da se nauči
Ne znam šta želim
Ili gde želim biti
Sve sam više zbunjen
Kako dani više idu

Faithful Mother

Faithful mother of hopes and tears,
mother, you’re so dear with your love,
and you live taking care of the man
who is alone, upwind, every day.
May God save us, Mary, to live
blessed with you,
always walking with no clouds
in the light that you give to us.
Faithful mother, oh glorious mother
of God and of the men,
life is precious with you
to your soul.
You’re the love that heals the pain,
you’re the friend of any prayer,
you’re the hand that the sinners
desire like bread.
May God save us, Mary, to live
as his sons and your sons…
Since the evil can make we fall,
you give us forgiveness
and a hope lights up
inside our hearts thanks to you.
Faithful mother, oh glorious mother
of God and of the men,
life is precious with you
to your soul.
You’re the love that heals the pain,
you’re in life, you’re in the soul.
You’re inside our destiny
of ancient mysteries.
You’re the mother
who, in heaven and in earth,
everyone listen to,
you’re mother in heaven and in earth,
a salvation for the men…

Saint Anthony of Dalmatia

My dad had sailed the sea
Through his whole life like he was on the cross
The man of the house was missing
So we, the children, threw the net
One sister, two of us brothers
Little house like a candle on an island
Shutters squeak, rain will come to the door
There's a storm, and mother is out in the field
Saint Anthony of Dalmatia
All the fishermen are at sea
Waves are beasts
The wind will shred the sails
And the ropes and all the anchors
Tell him to calm down
Saint Anthony of Dalmatia
Guard our dear ones tonight
Wind is blowing from the south
If the boat doesn't come back
Who will sing tonight
A song filled with soul?

I can't

And I'm trying to hold on from somewhere
And learn how to leave away from you
In a box on the table
In our old drawers
My dreams (are) tired and heavy
I'm screaming come back I can't
Miss you, looking for you and being hurt
You must come I can't stand
I'm telling you I'll drown
In the waves on which you left me living
I can't
So many months apart
I can't
I'm getting down, I tear apart the bed sheets
I'm just asking for one message by you all this time
I can't
So many months apart
I can't
I'm getting down, I tear apart the bed sheets
I'm just asking for one message by you all this time
So I can find the strength to tell you
That I can
I woke up again and I wanna see you
I've missed your hugs and all these (things)
The smile the laughter and your lie
That colored my grey sky
But I know I'll see you one day
I'll be fighting, trying not to tell you
That the days (on which) you didn't tell me
A single 'I love you'
Were lost years

I like her

I like girls with split ends,
the cars without the fines
I like those jobs where you sweat a lot,
I also like the lunch break
I like laughter and streamers,
bare feet in the middle of the fields
But on everything and everyone, on everything and everyone
I like her, and I like her
and I would like her to see me,
that she thought exactly like me
If she likes cooking, I will become a kitchen
I'll be the sun, if she likes the morning
If she likes her house, I will be near her,
I'll become grapes, if she likes wine
If she likes to walk when it rains a lot,
I'll be someone else's umbrella
If she likes flying ...
On everything and everyone
I like her, I like her
and I would like her to see me,
that she thought exactly like me
I like her and I like her
I like her and I like her
and I would like her to see me,
that she thought exactly like me
I like her and I like her
and I would like her to hear me,
that she thought exactly like me
I like songs with sad ends.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Let this night never end

Let this night never end
carry me through this time
On the skin, Magic Hands felt eternality.
Let this night never end,
dance in the light of the stars
Deep in me thousand of fires, I only live for you.
My partner who's going with me through the fire.
Lock you up in my heart and in my prayer.
Celebrate the live carefree under our star.
Cause my sky is starting in your arms,
I find my Island in your arm.
Dreams and Tears, Feelings
that just belong to us.
Let this night never end
carry me through this time
On the skin, Magic Hands felt eternality.
Let this night never end,
dance in the light of the stars
Deep in me thousand of fires, I only live for you.
We are driven by a new era,
Hope and Courage open up the soul
Be glad about your life, but also the moment counts
Behind the horizon, you start to breathe,
Live your feeling, arrive at home.
Dreams and Tears there's is not more anything that is aparting us.
Let this night never end
carry me through this time
On the skin, Magic Hands felt eternality.
Let this night never end,
dance in the light of the stars
Deep in me thousand of fires, I only live for you.
Deep in me thousand of fires,
I only live, only live for you.
only for you, only for you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Inherit the distant, undying light
On that day, the sky fell away
Is there a fading sun in the endless night?
The everlasting silence in between
A myriad of souls, a faint heartbeat
Everyone's lights of life
Left their body in the wind blowing through
These living things release faint light
Unable to escape time, the chains of destiny
A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Inherit the distant, undying light
As fate spins, a breath will sprout
New life will begin in this earth
Everyone is caught in the struggle
Together we step forward, facing tomorrow
These living things are faint light, joining into a star
Until the end of time, our souls will sing
A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Wherever you're led by the distant, undying light

I have you by my side

I'm very thankful my dear,
For just being by my side!
My soul is melting
In your hands.
Let the years go by
Like a color succession,
Let the death get exhausted -
I have you by my side!
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
And I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!
My heart
Won't be soften on the fire,
You're like an angel,
Release an arrow out of the sun!
I agree that my dreams
Are hidden from everyone,
My thoughts are drunk
On your magic love.
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!

A Little Beside Myself

Life burns in my throat
And everything I've done goes wrong
But right now, I don't give a shit about anything
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Life seems wrong somehow
And the world outside makes me shy
But right now, I don't give a shit about what happens
Let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
And life knocks in my head
And the Lord doesn't doesn't pick up his phone
But I don't care to talk with anyone anyway
So let me lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
I know where this is going
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
When the sunlight is struggling desperately to break in through the cracks in the bed sheet I use as a curtain
And the birds tweet as soon as I open my eyes to see that it's day again
Fuck everything
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I don't think I can stand
I don't think I can walk
I just think I'll lie right here
Just pour it on me
I'll live a while longer
No matter what happens
I can't fucking stand
I can't fucking walk
I just think I'll lie right here
A little beside myself
A little beside myself
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Maybe I'm stronger as you think

I got the luck in the grip with you.
That I thought now is the ship sinking.
Now also my dreams are going down.
Now I feel how you clock around,
and laugh sunnily though you are freezing.
But you also know we have to go forward.
Say now how it goes forward and don't spare me.
Remove the veil from the face of the truth.
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
that I love you that you already know
But I don't let someone lie to me.
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
and if it hurts I'll let itto, because I want to understand you,
don't let our ship sink.
Just believe in me.
I know myself good and I know you
you are half the world for me.
But let us explain a lot before they fall silent.
You know that you can talk,
without taboos, without fear
we could always trust each other blindly.
If you see me cry
then you think that it's your fault
come and look at me and sometimes trust me more.
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
that I love you that you already know
But I don't let someone lie to me.
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
and if it hurts I'll let itto, because I want to understand you,
don't let our ship sink.
Just believe in me.
I want you to never lose me again,
Because the truth is us!
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
that I love you that you already know
But I don't let someone lie to me.
Maybe I'm stronger as you think,
and if it hurts I'll let itto, because I want to understand you,
don't let our ship sink.
Just believe in me.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Tiananmen Square

Like all children I read stories and I loved those from China.
I thought they were so exotic and erotic.
They evoked a picture of beauty, they conveyed smells and tastes,
and the names of the people and places there were so beautiful.
But the lovliest name of all
was Tiananmen Square.
So I read about China's history, about the emperors and dynasties,
about the thinkers, and philosophers and despots.
And I was dazzled by their knowledge, their striving for elegance
like when other cultures bowed, they could emerge.
and the symbol of that elegance
was Tiananmen Square.
But progress was built on slavery, because the majority lived in poverty.
Only the few got cultured and well-mannered.
The Mighty War was born between the lords and their slaves,
and at the head of the masses there was a son of a farmer.
And he swore that one day victory would
reach Tiananmen Square.
And the Sun rose up over China, The New Time was there,
and those who were used to submitting could teach themselves.
Because no one was more than any other, and everyone was for each other,
and the people and leaders spoke about the same future
when they annually celebrated the victory
of Tiananmen Square.
But the times changed, soon they were back to the old times
Because those older leaders distanced themselves from the people.
But the young ones, who learned to think and talk and read and write,
went out, as they had learned, and reminded about all the promises.
But the promises were drowned in blood
on Tiananmen Square.
I sit and turn the pages of the stories which I read when life was simple,
Then princesses were beautiful and kings were wise and good.
And I look up at the stars in the east, and I discover they have gone out.
I understand so well, there is nothing more to shine upon.
Because there exists an icy darkness
on Tiananmen Square.

Bob the Builder Intro

Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder, no problem.
Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy, as well as Roley,
Lofty and Wendy will always help.
Together, the team is faster,
Together with friends is always fun.
Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder, no problem.
Sardine and Birdie, Travis, and Spot
They all play together all year round.
Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder...

I Love Students (Long Live Students)

Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless birds
In front of any animal or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!
I like students
Because they protest
When they're told it's flour
When everyone knows it's bran
And they don't play dumb and deaf
They rise up to the occasion
Good grief, good heavens!
The code of laws!
I like students
Because they are the yeast
In the bread that will come out of the oven
In all its tastiness
For the mouth of the poor
Who eats in bitterness
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live literature
Long live students!
Garden of our joy,
They are fearless
Birds in front of animals or the police
And they aren't scared of bullets
Or packs of hounds and their barking
Good grief, good heavens!
Long live astronomy!

What hard things we went threw

I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we alqays stayed united (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we always stayed united
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love, whatever it is you can't leave (x2)


Was it ever like this for you?
You said that I wasn't worthy of him
he became mine, and just a short while before
My history is exactly like this..
It was him and me
why, oh tell me why
I stayed with lots of dedication, happiness and costs
take this pain from my throat, I couldn't swallow it
just you, only you I could not ingratiate
I didn't look once neither in the past or in the future.


Help the outcasts

I don't know,
If you can hear me.
If yes, if it depends
If also a gypsy girl
Can pray to you.
Yes, I know, I'm avoided
The world despises me
But I look at you and ask myself
Were you unwanted like me?
Help the outcast.
You look into their heart.
Nobody else feels and
Understand their pain
See the outcasts,
In the shadow of the light.
Give them hope,
Otherwise they have nothing
God make me rich
God give me power
God give me honor,
God, take care of me
Love that stays
Luck that exists
I ask you, God
To bless my way.
God, I demand
Nothing for me
Because so many others
are weaker than me
Us homeless
Despised here
Are we not all
The children of you
Help the outcasts,
Children of God.
Children of you

Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav

Otvoren je sve do noci nas krevet
Ispod teskog meseca
Baci sumnju kao hodajuce senke
Kroz uglove nase sobe
Uvek sam mislio da imam pun rezervoar da idem
(ali ne veceras, nisi sam)
Uvek sam mislio da cu naci svoj put
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Da li je nesto sto sam rekao?
Znam da zivis u proslosti
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Mozda sam nesto rekao
Izludjuje me i mozes da pokusas da lazes
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav.
Boznje oci gledaju preko nas
Da ne prekrsimo zlatna pravila
7 mora, da li smo naucili
Ili plovimo na brodu budala?
Uvek sam mislio da imam pun rezervoar da idem
(ali ne veceras, nisi sam)
Uvek sam mislio da cemo jednog dana stici tamo
Izludjuje me i mozes da pokusas da lazes
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav.
Kada zatvoris oci, reci mi sta vidis?
Zakljucana u svojoj sobi, da li ima mesta za mene?
U plenu tvoje milosti
U postovanju tvog kreveta
U kolevci jutra
Sta je bilo sto si rekla?
Sta se desava u tvojoj glavi sad?
Neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
I mozes da trcis/pobegnes do brda
I mozes da zatvoris svoje oci
Ali neces, ne mozes poreci
Ne, neces, ne mozes poreci moju ljubav
Ne mozes poreci moju ljubav, moja ljubavi.