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Резултати претраге страна 47

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I became someone's.

I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love(nearest meaning, it doesn't exactly mean this).
Couldn't I have met you earlier than this?
At least now that you've found me, hold on to me tightly before i get lost again.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
To your eyes I'm useless even now,
what else do I need to become a monk of love*.
In your laugh, I can hear the sound of flowers blossoming.(meaning you have such a tender laugh).
I demand you set right my loneliness right away!
Whatever I may say, I know you're cleverer than me, hide a kiss for me in your lips, before i try & steal it.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
I have dreamt on and gotten spoilt, without even your knowledge/without asking what you think, and since you've given it wings, my heart flies!!
I've to tell you about the things that surprise me one by one, when you listen to me telling them, just look at me intently and that's enough! might i become sane in (your?) company? Save a demand (one that only I can fulfill) from me before I (playfully) drive you crazy!
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
*-yogi is someone who is a master at yoga. Yoga isn't just the physical exercise. It's also used in other contexts.

Rossz idők járnak

Rossz idők járnak
Látom közeleg az ítélet
Földrengés, vihar tébolyít
Mára semmi jót nem ígérek.
Ma este ne menj sétálni
Mentsd a menthetőt
Démoni árnyak fölöttünk járnak.
Süvöltő hurrikánok támadnak,
Tudom itt a vég nemsokára.
Félek a folyók megáradnak,
Mindennek megvan az ára.
Helyes !
Remélem egyben vagy lelkileg
Remélem, kész vagy a halálra.
Úgy tűnik most minden véget ér
A természet 'szemet szemért' kér.

На Kрилах Mрії

Вчора я мріяв як то є умирати
Про лягаючи до відпочинку, а потім літаючи
Як момент під рукою - це єдине
Ми дійсно володіємо
І я лежав у своєму ліжку і дивувався
Врешті-решт сказано і все зроблено
Чому це таким чином ми тут
І так скоро нас немає
Це життя - це лише шлях до місця
Звідки ми всі прийшли
Чи серце знає шлях
І якщо ні, чи може його коли-небудь знайти?
У посмішці, в сльозі або молитві
Або зітхання або пісня
І якщо так, то я співаю для свого батька
І насправді ви повинні знати, було б краще
Він був тут зі мною
Ми могли летіти на крилах мрії
До місця, де дух би знайшов нас
І радість і капітуляція зв'язують нас
Ми всі так і так все одно
У будь-якому випадку ми всі більше, ніж нам здається
Є ті, які нас привадять
Захищають нас кожен крок на шляху
Від початку до кінця
На кожен момент назавжди кожен день
Такий подарунок був даний
Його ніколи не можна забрати
Хоча тіло мимохідь повинно залишити нас
Там Один, хто залишиться, нас прийняти
Там є ті в цьому житті
Що є дружні із нашого небесного дому
Тому я слухаю голосів всередині мене
Бо я знаю, що вони там просто провадять мене
І моя віра буде промовляти це так
Ми ніколи не самотні
Від життя до світла
Від темноти ночі до світанку
Він так в моєму серці
Він тут він ніколи не міг видіти
Хоча співачка мовчить
Там ще є та правда в пісні
У пісні
Вчора я мріяв як то є умирати
Про лягаючи до відпочинку, а потім літаючи
Як момент під рукою - це єдине
Ми дійсно володіємо
І я лежав у своєму ліжку і дивувався
Врешті-решт сказано і все зроблено
Чому це таким чином ми тут
І так скоро нас немає

Song for Erdouan (Sweety-Mustache-Boss-Osman)

Versions: #2
Do you have some time for me
Then I'll sing a song for you
Of Recep Tayip Erdogan
(We have Allah, we have our Prophet
Hasid Mohammed Mustafa, and now ..
Tayip Erdouan..)
He wants women to have five children
No wonder the chicks dig him..
With X-ray stare for journalists
He can see they're (Terröristün !)
Let's throw them in jail right away
Capital punishment will follow suit
Who wears the most flashy suit of all ?
It's Recep (Tayip Erdouan..)
(Erdouan is a Hero no dictator..)
Erdo doesn't fuck around..
With any Terror-Nazi-Hag
Cause every European is
Abetting terror and (Fascist !!)
Joining the EU, anyhow
He couldn't give two shits at all
(Without Erdo.. we're going to the EU!)
More humble than a muslim brother
Flashier than a pit girl
Showing a strong hand in the kurdish land
Finally some space again on turkish beaches..
Forget about supposed corruption
Soon he will have all the power
Then he can drive every metro train
Our Recep (Tayip Erdouan...)

Бесконачни снови

Бесконачни снови, не могу их се одрећи.
Бесконачност је тешко појмити.
Такву вику не бих могао да чујем чак ни у мојим најстрашнијим сновима.
Уз гушење се будим, у зноју.
Уплашен да заспим поново, да не би опет почео сан.
Некога јуре, не могу се помаћи.
Крута непомична фигура у кошмару.
Какав сан?! Кад ће се окончати?
Хоћу ли га пребродити?
Спавање је заморно, ум у пометњи.
Један кошмар се завршава други се рађа.
Постаје све ужасније да заспим.
Али уједно и преплашен да би се пробудио, у амбису.
Иако су досегнуте нове висине
ипак су ми драже немирне ноћи.
Наводи ме да се питам и да размишљам.
Постоји много више од овога, иако се ја налазим на рубу.
Не бојим се од онога што се налази иза,
већ је питање како ћу реаговати?
Имам интереса за тим, готово жудњу.
Међутим, да ли бих стварно желео да одем тако предалеко?
Не би све ово могло бити случајност
Премного је очигледности.
Кажеш ми: Ти си неверник!
Спиритуалиста? А ја нисам ни једно ни друго.
Зар не би желео да знаш истину,
и да имаш доказе о томе шта се налази са друге стране?
И да просто откријеш на чијој си страни,
где ће ти бити крај у Есхатону или у Паклу?
Помози ми, помози да (про)нађем праву истину о себи не завирујући у будућност.
Спаси ме, спаси од мучења самог себе чак и у мојим сновима!
Морало би да постоји неко објашњење
више од овога...
Или ми ти реци, зашто ми постојимо?
О томе бих желео да размишљам тек након смрти,
да још једном добијем прилику за то.
Да се опет вратим и поново живим.*
Да све реинкарнирам и играм игру изнова
И опет и поново и наново и опет....


Сада знам да је дошло право време.
Моја предвиђања ће бити тачна.
Надолазећа катастрофа се назире.
И цело село је проклето.
Зашто не желиш да ме (са)слушаш?
Тешко ти је да схватиш
да ја заиста јесам седми син.
Твој живот или смрт од мене зависе.
Патња и бол - надолазећа катастрофа.
Душе плачу - демон се смеје.
Чуо се јецај седам звиждука.
Луцифер се смеје, гледа и чека.
Ставићу твој живот у моје руке.
Твоја судбина и срећа се налазе у мојим привиђењима.
Пази на оно шта ћу ти сада рећи и видећеш шта ће бити.
Молим, (са)слушај ме.
Они сада виде да се катастрофа десила.
Сву кривицу товаре на мене.
Мисле да сам ја призвао проклетство.
Како не знају за ту патњу?
Она са мном остаје будући да сам сада сам.
Кроз очи будућности посматрам.
Они чак не и знају шта не страх.
Зар не знају да сам ја онај који је проклет?
Чистилиште позива вечно изгуљене душе.
Живот после смрти или Есхатон од сада и во вјек вјека.
Опет се чуо позив седам звиждука.
Сада Луцифер се смеје и Ад дочекује.
Ја имам њихове животе у мојим рукама.
Њихове судбине у мојим привиђењима.
Нико није (по)веровао у моје пророчанство.
Али сада је већ прекасно...

When our Heroes die

My tears
I can hardly stop
You were the voice at the time
The voice of the feeling
When our heroes die
A part of us also dies
Now the circle of life turns
And nothing will stay the same
When our heroes die
Our love keeps them alive
We want to celebrate our heroes
And mourn them while dancing
These places
Will never be occupied again
But these places
will never be empty
Ziggy freedom and a hallelujah
You have given, we took
Black ashes blanket the land of heroes
Purple rain falls from heaven
When our heroes die
It will be unbearably quiet
Their hymns will remain our favorite songs
Our heroes live on
We remain your life's work*
We remain your light
We remain your insanity
Your love, your dedication as a mirror image
When our heroes die,
We keep them alive inside of us!

Don't apologize to me

Don't apologize to me
from my tiny body
I can't forgive nobody
while my soul is burning like that
how did you murder me
during my childhood time
I stayed alone and weak
against the life
the basil has no smell anymore
a hand's smell in my skin
Is my bridal dress a cerement?
Isn't there any fear of god?
even if the sun shines everyday
I've been buried in the darkness
even if I breathe and exhale
I am living dead
listen to your conscience
what ever says useless
I can't forgive you
don't apologize mother
the life you thought it is worthy
it is like the death name
from now on my life
has no taste
the basil has no smell anymore
a hand's smell in my skin
Is my bridal dress a cerement?
Isn't there any fear of god?
even if the sun shines everyday
I've been buried in the darkness
even if I breathe and exhale
I am living dead
O my god give me power

No We're Not Selling

This year it's going well
it's going well
all the plants are going well
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling
The children are happy
the children
They see a plentiful crop
The middlemen will flock again
they will profiteer
and we'll be the same yet again
they're buying our crop too cheap
No we're not selling

Born in the USSR

Yes! A!
Those who were born in the USSR, who lived in the CIS
We've seen a lot of sh*t in our lives.
(Yes!) So as not to be poor or in prison
We can't be fooled - we were born in the USSR.
Generation 'We don't give an X'(1)
Hardship and difficulties we'll crush and sprinkle into soup
Here I am - try my borsh.(2)
I was born in the USSR.
I'm part of the generation that was born in the USSR
I was an oktabryonok, then I became a pioner
Grandpa Lenin took care of me
But times changed and I didn't become a komsomoletz. (3)
Things changed many times since then (as well as before) -
First we built, then destroyed (what's next?)
Unions broke up, families got divorced,
First we were controlled, then we became alcoholics by ourselves.
And we're the ones left, born at the border between two eras
Children were taught that there isn't such a thing as God
That we're the best, and the rest of the world is bad!
That myth died, and each started to believe whatever he could to get by...
Born in the USSR
Born in the USSR
We believed Kashpirovskiy, Lenya Golubkov,
Chubais and Mavrodi left us with nothing. (4)
There was no war in Afganistan, no, thousands weren't dying
And each year the school history books weren't rewritten
Statues weren't made, then weren't pulled down,
The asphalt of my city wasn't overrun by tanks (5) (6)
As if! As if we could forget all that -
As if! But we did forget.
Those who were born in the USSR, who lived in the CIS
We've seen a lot of sh*t in our lives.
(Yes!) So as not to be poor or in prison
We can't be fooled - we were born in the USSR.
Generation 'We don't give an X'
Hardship and difficulties we'll crush and sprinkle into soup
Here I am - try my borsh.
I was born in the USSR.
This is our past, this is what it's like
It's red, the same red as my blood...
Everyone must be the same, not farther, not taller,
See nothing, say nothing, hear nothing.
They decide for me - they know better,
They shoot off rockets into the sky
And years fly by, centuries melt away.
Ah, why are the people so cold?
Without a king in your head, but with a king in the Kremlin.(7)
With a bottle in the hand and no ideas about tomorrow?
No, I won't live like that! No!
Our tribe is choosing the green light!
Ideology - that's not for me.
I'm needed where my family is,
my friends and you, just like me.
Freedom - do you know this word? - is what I believe in.
I'm young and I live in my own country,
I know better what I need
We won't fight their wars anymore.
Born in the USSR.

I am one of those who thinks love is immortal

I don't want dear, don't smile at me
If you are going to make me cry at the end
I don't want dear, don't give me hope
If you will put my world in a blackout at the end
I am one of those who thinks love is immortal
I am one of those who loves a life long
I don't want your hands to touch mine
If you will break up at the end
You cannot lock a heart
Broken hope will kill the lover
Dear, go away without getting close
If you will break up at the end
I am one of those who thinks love is immortal
I am one of those who loves a life long
I don't want your hands to touch mine
If you will break up at the end

I'm living a fairy tale with you

When life's hard for me and destiny is cruel
You know what to say to me always
When I see you crying in tears
I would want to cry for you instead
Life did not give us too much
It did not help us
But we have our love
And we forgot all the bad
Chorus :. x2
I'm living a fairy tale with you
Which is with a happy ending
Between us there is just love
That binds us forever
We do not have a big house
But for us it's a castle
Neither our meal is so rich
It is just one style
We feed ourselves with love
And I am thankful
That you've always been close to me
When I had harder times.
Chorus :. x2
Chorus :. x2

Back to Back

You said you booked the taxi a hour ago
Something got in the way, you haven't seen to left
Writing our parts, starting all again
I don't wanna be the one, who puts more pressure
We are starting early, drinking the wine all by myself
Seeing myself in the bottle, wondering when you get home
I don't seam to care, but you know how it feels
Yes, you know how it feels, how it burns.
Back to back
you and me against the world, everyone watching
Back to back
Dosen't mean the same as then
Back to back
Said we never would sleep like that
Back to back
Should never sleep, never sleep
Back to back
Should never sleep
Back to back
Packing my clothes, moving to my friend
I need to think, you need to yearn
The same whining, we starting over again (starting over again)
You stoped listening long ago
Stockholm feels so lonely, I don't wanna go home
Drinking the whole bottle on dance floor for myself
Dancing through the mist until it does not feel
but you know how it feels, how it burns.
Back to back
you and me against the world, everyone watching
Back to back
Dosen't mean the same as then
Back to back
Said we never would sleep like that
Back to back
Should never sleep, never sleep
Back to back
Should never sleep
Back to back
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
Should never sleep
Back to back
We used to sleep skin to skin
Head against your chest
Your hand on my hip
Oh, breath in and breath out
When we see a end, why do you sleep?
Do you dream about someone else?
My lips against your forehead
Can we reverse and forgive?
I can't sleep back to back
Back to back
you and me against the world, everyone watching
Back to back
Dosen't mean the same as then
Back to back
Said we never would sleep like that
Back to back
Should never sleep, never sleep
Back to back
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
Should never sleep
Back to back
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
(Doesn't mean the same thing)
Should never sleep
Back to back

I Don't Give a Fuck

Versions: #2
Glamorous babe loves to strictly, much, brazenly
I thought a couple of times, but it turned out exactly for an year,
Sex and martini, plus the scent of your perfume,
A surge of emotions and grew into love.
I put at all, because you were number one,
Took the money from the guys, to invite to the cafe,
You're my stimulant, my charge, my atmosphere,
Well, who knew that you really are a bitch and a damned wretch.
You broke everything I cherish, pumped with poison and I lived in a lie,
Well, why did you create these mirages?! I lived in love, now the beast's alive again
You often confused my name in the bed, How many did you give yourself?!
You became disgusted at this moment, remember the bitch I...
Don't give a fuck how do you do, whom gave,
Don't give a fuck on you like you're on me,
Don't give a fuck at all, was like a faithful dog,
Now I don't give a fuck you bitch!
Don't give a fuck how do you do, whom gave,
Don't give a fuck on you like you're on me,
Don't give a fuck at all, was like a faithful dog,
Now I don't give a fuck you bitch!
Six months later I learned that you became famous,
You are now summoned to bed only by the elite,
There's a good deal, how do you like sex and bucks
Everyone will be happy to fuck such a princess.
You managed to get up, the jeep brings you home,
It's better to die poor than live out of a rich whore,
You think that you realize yourself at the expense of them,
But you don't get paid for beauty, but for fuck.
Think you need someone now?! After you let the crowd in
And I loved the wrong one, you are taboo, because you have already chosen your path,
It was a business I had been in trouble for a long time, didn't understand how I fell in love with you then,
Didn't give a reason, everything was like a dream, but now, frankly, on you, I...
Don't give a fuck how do you do, whom gave,
Don't give a fuck on you like you're on me,
Don't give a fuck at all, was like a faithful dog,
Now I don't give a fuck you bitch!
Don't give a fuck how do you do, whom gave,
Don't give a fuck on you like you're on me,
Don't give a fuck at all, was like a faithful dog,
Now I don't give a fuck you bitch!
Tibor from QS-FB

I'm Not In The Mood

I'm not in the mood to see anyone
I'm not in the mood to leave the house
I'm not in the mood to go to work
Everything seems pointless to me...
Where I go without you
Everything is a lie
Away from you I feel an emptiness
To see your two eyes
Splits me into two pieces
You made a dream real
I'm not in the mood to see anyone...
I'm not in the mood to get in my car
Since I don't have you to take with me
I'm not in the mood to sleep either
I don't have the thirst to drink water...

In difficult moment [When you believe]

We waited till today,
wordlessly hiding the pain.
Quietly there was a call within us:
'The Savior is here!'
Now we are not afraid
even if hard days shall come.
We believe and we know
that we will make it till the end.
If you believe too
in a difficult moment
the hope will not die.
Love will come into our souls.
If you believe too
than you must know
you will see miracles.
In these sorrowful days
it's like we waited in vain.
The faith turned into
a bird with no wings.
But I am different now,
my heart is beating with a flame.
Filled with courage,
I don't feel fear anymore.
If you too believe
in miracles
the hope will not die.
Love will come into our souls.
If you believe too
than you must know (know this now)
you will see miracles.

Kiss Her

You're out of this world
Never where you should be
As if you are always somewhere else
Here's the punishment for your lack of attention
Just kiss her
Forget what we were
Now nothing hurts anymore
Say 'I love you'
To someone other than me
Now nothing hurts anymore
Ah, ah, ah
Say 'I love you'
Ah, ah, ah
To someone other than me
Kiss her
There was a time when we dreamed ourselves away
In the darkness of the night
In a crowded club it was only you I saw
We spun around in circles
And now we're losing each other
And nothing hurts
Even if you're sleeping with someone else
I'd wish I could touch you, feel you, hurt you, teach you how to love me again
Just kiss her
Forget what we were
Now nothing hurts anymore
Say 'I love you'
To someone other than me
Now nothing hurts anymore
Ah, ah, ah
Say 'I love you'
Ah, ah, ah
To someone other than me
Kiss her
Follow her home
You can do it again
It won't affect me
So just kiss her
Just kiss her
Uh yeah, ah
Just kiss her
Forget what we were
Now nothing hurts anymore
Say 'I love you'
To someone other than me
Now nothing hurts anymore
Ah, ah, ah
Say 'I love you'
Ah, ah, ah
To someone other than me
Kiss her
Kiss her
Kiss her
Say 'I love you'
Kiss her
Kiss her
Kiss her
To someone other than me
Kiss her

Mehmet Atlı - Dengê Dilemin

Neither far nor next to you
Voice of my heart cannot reach your heart
Come only once
and be my guest to see this heart burning for you
Say it only once
Say that you have loved me, too
There is nothing left of hope
The heart has faded out
That is enough for me if you say it only once
I am neither believing nor hoping
I am a heartbroken idle
Years have gone by this way
I am neither a beggar nor am I waiting anymore.

Here every sound hurts

Here every sound hurts
It hurts when yesterday
I wrote this song
My painful heart dies
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts
There you stood and asked
Let's turn back again
Let's hug one another for one minute
You told that you'd want it.
The streets heard it
It heard that you cry
My painful heart dies
It will be better if you live for someone else
This city now is
so pernicious / harmful, that
Among the houses
Every sound is painful
Then once you will,
You will just once,
Be surprised that
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts.

Candles of Gold

Her eyes met with mine, the universe stood still
I wasn't willing to die of breath loss just yet
Her lips without a word said, just say nothing now
My desire became so large that I totally flipped
I need a physician, a medical doctor
Get help and fast, a helicopter
I need a host of ten thousand faes
I need a new heart from candles of gold
God is certainly involved with you
The way you present His heaven here
And if I ever lost sight of you
I could end up going out of here
And never seeing you again
(Olli Banjo:)
My concrete emotions are usually just badly managed
The hormone balance not in sync with my synapses
I'm moved by basic instincts, biochemical power resources
I dissect love like a mathematical function
No Einstein nor Darwin could tell me how many feelings do I have
No scale nor measure could say what it's like to hold you in my arms
Please doctor, the pain, it martyrs me deep in my heart
I need a light for this journey, I need those candles of gold

Milk Teeth, Wolf teeth

(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
You are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
Yes, you are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth

Hidden Treasures

This told me the wind blowing over England from west
For some shall come blessing, for most come distress
Come closer, come closer
For words in your ear
Come closer, come closer
There's nothing to fear
It's over, it's over
We're starting to hear
It's over, it's over
It's part of the deep
We will go where no one ever went before
We will find those hidden treasures and more
This is our time, these are our times
We're out of time
These are our signs, this is our sign
This is our sign's
The terrible pictures
Repainted, retraced
The terrible wild one
Be dead in his grave
The winter was a mild one
The summer turns grave
Does this state act, o Father
Under the banner of the brave?
There's a deep blue sea
And a sky so high
Tell me what do you see
There are tears in your eye

I have a picture of you

From my bedside,
Your picture smiles at me.
I remained with dreams
And with memories.
The flowers you gave me,
Have not dried up yet.
When I look out of the window
I see only you.
Chorus : x2
I have a picture of you
And I keep it in my heart
Written on a corner
I love and adore you
I have a picture of you
I take it with me wherever I go
It doesn't bother me, doesn't talk to me
I look at it and it smiles
We were on the same route.
And it would be pity now
if you get on the wrong way
And forget that I loved you.
Is that what I deserve ?
The one I love is not with me anymore. (*)
That's how you reward me
Because I gave you my soul ...
Refren: x4

That day

So many nights, days
So many of us complaining
But we never get to start over, over, over, over
I have my own tale
I follow my own rules
And I don't listen to them, them, them, them anymore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Only one chance, only one day
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
A moment that lives on
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh
A moment that turns around
Where eyes meet and lights up
And the look, the one that says come, come, come
May be a sand grain in space
And Newton understood the weight
Nothing comes again, nothing comes again
Only one chance, only one day
A moment that lives on
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh
A hundred years is a really short time when you're dead
Everything is now, me and you
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh

A moment comes in Time

Versions: #2
A moment comes in Time
And - like it or you don’t
There flies the wicked spark
What happens after that
It’s not for you to know
The ways of Love are dark
The ways of Love are dark
The steps of Love are mute
The features are unknown
The language is disguised
Your True Love you will see
Recognize at once
Split second will suffice
The ways of Love are dark
The ways of Love are dark

Anthem Of Örebro SK

There is a team in our hearts
That carry us forward every day
And we will do everything for black and white
Even if the winds are cold
You're the team in our lives
A fire burning inside
And we will have a common faith
And carry Örebro forward
I was standing in the city square one evening
My heart was filled with sorrow
Until I realized that a team
Would brighten up my day
We aim for victory every time
There's happiness in our song
'Cause we are the best on the arena
ÖSK, we win most things
And a song is heard in the city
Echoing through the night
About a team that we love dearly
ÖSK, our pride
We will win, we will rise
We march forward with our team
And even if we have a hard time
We will claim the victory, it's ours
I was standing in the city square one evening
My heart was filled with sorrow
Until I realized that a team
Would brighten up my day
We aim for victory every time
There's happiness in our song
'Cause we are the best on the arena
ÖSK, we win most things
Good old Örebro
Good old Örebro
Good old Örebro
Good old ÖSK

After you

After you loving someone else
is like committing sin
you filled my life with silence as you left, the life we had was something different,I regretted knowing you
Sometimes I cursed my bad luck
Later on I thanked god for the life I had with you
how much small is this city compared to this love
without you even the seconds feel like centuries to me now, tears in my eyes, and those two words on my lips,
I never said I love you to anyone after you

Kill Hitler

[Part 1: Alligatoah]
Time traveling can save relationships
I would if the rules of the physics would leave me
Back in our nostalgia awakening, picturesque love nest
We would (oh) count stars again
She would dislodge all out of the focus
I would after the first date
gift her this necklace of my grandmother again (yes)
That phase I would use
Every way is open, we are very young humans
Smoking, fucking, watching films
Only waste no thoughts about the future
Once more she would laugh
If I would tell a joke in front of other people
Bitter tears patter out of her visage
Just because I go pissing in between
We would have complete confidence again
Again I would sell her gold jewelry unasked
For the debts in the gambling hall and a good booze
Once more I would park my cart in an underground train tunnel
Once more she would hide my drink
And again I would break her fingers
She would be faster pulled than a cigarette
Once more I'd wish that I would have a time travel machine
[Hook: Alligatoah (x2)]
Yes, I know I should kill Hitler
Or destroy the ship during the Titanic-building
But if I would have a time travel machine, my travel destination
Would be in your arms and there I'd stay lying down.
And you, Sudden? What would you do with a time travel machine?
[Part 2: Sudden]
I would in the middle of the night sneak through her window
There with her parents don't notice anything
They would wake up again
Because in bed she can rarely contain herself
And for the date, I'd have flowers
I would eat with her in a good premise
I would be honest with her again and promise her
That we will have a future
We would again have two hours sex after three hours Mario Cart
And for the diamonded engagement ring
I'd have saved for years again
Once more we would quarrel
But only because the make-up sex is that horny
Once more It would appear that Paris is too small for her and me
She would throw again with plates
I would suspend her in the cellar again
But seriously, I would probably
Instead of becoming a hero, destroy her world
She would send me to the devil again
And I would again fuck her friend
Once more it would be clear that I will unfortunately never forget her
Once more I'd wish that I would have a time travel machine
[Hook: Alligatoah (x2)]
[Bridge: Sudden & Alligatoah (x2)]
We could mind this time,
but we are briskly in love and stupid
Briskly in love and stupid...
I lay next to you and watch
How history repeats
How history repeats...
[Hook: Alligatoah]

Time is Burning

You pushed me away from yourself, away from yourself
Swaying and dancing quietly
You kill devils and sing goodbye to everything that still hurts
And there was a time, maybe yesterday, where you danced to another song
But there are songs that come, songs that stay, and songs that pass away
Time is burning
And the years are passing
But the yearning is the same
Oh, oh, oh
And you're dancing all alone
And the past comes, like ghosts come and bites you a goodbye
While another summer is ripping and tearing in your turbulent soul
I hear your sing, feel you dance to yourself
But life is beautiful because no one can tame your turbulent soul
Time is burning
And the years are passing
But the yearning is the same
Oh, oh, oh
And you're dancing all alone


Show me your mirror, your merciless mirror
Show me your dog, your tears, your mistakes
Show me your guilt, your infinite debt
Show me your spleen, burn your mark on my soul
Outside, outside
Where everything changes and where nothing lasts
Outside, outside
Where no one is moving towards the things we don't understand
Today, yesterday
Maybe, maybe a place exists
For all the shit that life gave us
Maybe a place that no one sees
Maybe but what? I love everything that you are
Outside, outside
Where everything changes and where nothing lasts
Outside, outside
Where no one is moving towards the things we don't understand
Today, yesterday
Outside, outside
Where everything changes and where nothing lasts
Outside, outside
Where no one is moving towards the things we don't understand
Today, yesterday
Outside, outside
Where everything changes and where nothing lasts
Outside, outside
Where no one is moving towards the things we don't understand
Today, yesterday
Today, yesterday
Today, yesterday
Today, yesterday

Nemam mnogo

Zelela bih da imam sve, da budem svuda
Da ti poklonim sve zvezde ovog neba
Ma za mene ima samo jedna zvezda na planeti
Jedan je moj svet, samo ti
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
Nemam mnogo da podelim
Samo jedan zivot, uzmi ga ceo je tvoj
Samo jednu srecu i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori nista i zauzvrat ja ti necu nista traziti
I drugi zivot cu ti dugovati
Zelela bih ceo svet u svom zagrljaju
Da te vodim u gradove i jos dalje
Koje god mesto i koje god putovanje
Jedan je moj put, samo ti
Nemam mnogo da ti poklonim
Nemam mnogo da podelim
Samo jedan zivot, uzmi ga ceo je tvoj
Samo jednu srecu i dugujem je tebi
Ne govori nista i zauzvrat ja ti necu nista traziti
I drugi zivot cu ti dugovati
Zelela bih da imam sve, da budem svuda
Da ti poklonim sve zvezde ovog neba
Ma za mene ima samo jedna zvezda na planeti
Jedan je moj svet, samo ti

The President's March

A president is going hunting
The field is too big,
The sun is too white
The wind is too high
Too soon, a child...
Playing with his toothache,
Playing with his eye to see inside
He's biting grains of sand with his eyes
In front of the silent concrete
Behind our house, there is a pond
A president is going to kill time
And its great vulture, money
That sees everything coming from high there on the winds
The child sees the president coming
He puts his eyes back into his balloon,
Pretends that time is not dragging by
Aimed at the wind, killed the wind
Mister the child,
Give me your name and rank
For a seven year old boy,
You're quite tall
The child see the president coming,
With the intention to steal his kite
The vulture goes flying higher up,
A child turned his back on them
There is bad weather over the pond
Mister the child,
For a moment,
Talk to the president
Who's wasting his time
Who are you, from all of your seven years of age?
The child says, 'I am the president,
Even though I don't have a vulture
Following me, circling around me'
The vulture asks, 'So when will you?
Tomorrow, or forty years from now?'
The child says, 'Ask this to the wind'
The wind says, 'The child is president'
'It's charming, but most of all quite funny',
Says the president to his vulture,
'This little guy will do great things'
But the child still sees where this is going1
'Tell me, mister the dreaming child,
What will your first laws be?'
The child says, 'First I will abolish
The mining of silver and gold,
And all of the gold and all of the silver2 of time
Will be used for your monument,
The construction of your regiment
With iron and concrete all around it
I will abolish the government
With this president job,
I will blackmail the reactors
In agreement with the blenders
I will hide under your monument
The whole arsenal and weapons
I will only keep the knives,
And then turn my back on you'
Under its wing, it's bleeding
The president
Says to his vulture,
'Go fly around
At the end of my field'
A balloon dying on the pond3
And talking to a kite
The sun goes down with a bloody eye,
And the moon looks like the white balloon
Three ladies go and pick them up
  • 1. 'Voir venir quelqu'un': literally 'see someone coming', as an idiom 'see what someone is going to say/means by something'.
  • 2. 'Argent' is both 'silver' and 'money', I guess any of those could be used here.
  • 3. 'Crever' means 'to die' (for people) and 'to burst' (for ballons).