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Just Go

The sun cannot see the miles I've passed
So as be to you what you are to me
Neither can it see that we did not make it
And that it's hard
The sun cannot see that your eyes lie to me
Our days were long ago turned into darkness
The more I love you, the weaker I am
That this love is such a loneliness
Just go, don't look for an excuse
No, there is nothing left to save
Just go
I never had you anyway
Go ahead, don't hurt my pride
Take it all from me, leave me the past
This sorrow, there's nothing
In the world I'd give it for
The sun cannot see you're no longer mine
And I am yours as I was the very first day
That our sky is covered with grey
And there is no colors
Chorus 2x

The right to live -The Wall.

Hey you! What are you doing?
Keep your hands down.
Why aren't you like the others?
You should act like everyone else.
-I am only different
such as my friends.
You cannot exist this way.
You should act like us in order to succeed .
There is no place for discrepancies in this world..
- We also see the same sky..
and breathe the same air with you and we exist.!
No, No, No!
There is no place for discrepancies.
-We want our right to live.
The Wall which has to be broken..
...is the one in the people's minds.
We will get that right back. Because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken..
...is the one in the people's minds.
We want our right to live.
from the ones who tell us to stop.
There is no place for discrepancies in this world!
-Hey listen! We cannot stop!
We are only different but we are alive.
No,No, No !
-Break down the walls because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken..
You should be like us in order to succeed.
...is the one in the people's minds.
We want our right to live .
from the ones who tell us to stop.
Hey listen! We cannot stop.
We are only different but we are alive.
Break down the walls because we also exist.
The Wall which has to be broken..
...is the one in the people's minds.

Ako ostavim more

Danas sam te pila gutljaj po gutljaj
iz čaše uspomena
Poput pesme na mom jeziku koja nikada neće zastariti
Pevala, pevala sam ti
Vrtela sam se poput onih ploča, pijana
Ako sebi ostavim more
Ako na pesak pružim svoju senku
Na vazduhu je nada, moj duh beži
Da na suncu osušim srce
Danas gazila sam korak po korak brdo uspomena
Poput slike koja u meni nikad zastariti neće
Mnogo sam te se poželela
Poput onih lepih i zaljubljenih parova kojima sam se smejala
Ako sebi ostavim more
Ako na pesak pružim svoju senku
Na vazduhu je nada, moj duh beži
Da na suncu osušim srce

The night is about to close upon you

The night is about to close upon you
you dive into deepest, deepest of love.
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
you leave me and go to foreign lands
isn't it an oppression for you and a decease for me?
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
Nightingale, why are you jugging? Have you lost your nest?
Or, are you in love like me?
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
I wish to have a yellow gold made to my love's neck.
I swear there are plenty of enemies to who are beautiful
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
Her room covered with dust, her closet in the smoke.
Wake up my coal-black eyed, wake from your sleep.
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
when your hands touched to my hands
No matter comes death or separation,
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.

God, hear this wish

God, hear this wish:
Help that no-one would be left alone
God, look at the suffering child
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
God, you see the child
Who turns to you, praying:
'Give us a daily bread'
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
God, please never forget
Your children in the middle of war
Give them peace, stop the hate
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
Protect and bless Africa
The countries of America, Europe
Australia, the great Asia
Bless the whole world
Bless the whole world
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)

Only sympathy

Long ago, that was long ago
we believed in love
and the good came, the bad came
but we never found love
and every day is short
when I listen what the waves are telling me
and that dream is short
in which we gave our hand to someone
Only sympathy always lives in us
that´s what we know and that gray stone
only sympathy is remembered for a long time
never passes, never fades
only sympathy
Long ago, that was long ago
we´'ve been together part of the way
but happiness almost nobody finds it
and the human keeps on wandering
and every day is short
when I listen what the waves are telling me
and that dream is short
in which we gave our hand to someone
Only sympathy


Amid destruction and fire, our wound is deep
We want to say it loud, but our voice is weak
We may be children, but our cry comes from the heart
We want to erase fear and be the change
*We want to say it loud: everything is possible
Someone listen, someone hear
We want our childhood back
**Together, we can hope
We will be stronger and grow
With pain, fear and tears we write this song
Our hearts beat back to life
Our faces will glow and light this long darkness
Dreams we built together will all come true
Our hearts are beating again
Our smiles are everywhere
Our hearts are beating again
Our hearts beat back to life

Beautiful only for you

Maybe you´re revealing me
for the first time I don´t resist
don´t touch me just for a minute
let me to pretend a little
That I´m untouchable
like white wolf
That I´m beautiful
only for you
and that you´re here
only for me
The night is sneaking on paws
to get me all naked
I´d like to tell you everything
tomorrow I´ll reproach myself
That I´m untouchable
like white wolf
Tomorrow everything can be
strange and different
you´re here to remember this night
only for you
And you´re here
only for me
That I´m untouchable
like white wolf
Beautiful only for you


Versions: #4
The championship comes from sugar
Champion sugar comes
I have a star and I'm heading back
Champion sugar comes
We do not know there is a destiny
We do not see miracles hidden
Friends teased
I can see the view while dancing
I wrote the name, you can not delete it
You can not go too tight
Ellipse puppies
You go hard if you do not go
Love arrested my heart
The bell rang my skirts
You come from scrumptious
Do not stop burning anybody's life

0 (Zero)

Camel put in the fingers
I'm waiting for a Taxi till we say goodbye
The rain has muddied our thoughts
I'll be back, or maybe not
It all started from nothing
I fell in love, or made it up
I was painting, or printing
Suddenly you're my other half
I'm just as much as you might imagine
I'm nothing without you
Nothing, nothing without you
I'm so scared to mess up
The Blue Camel has burned all my fingers
Tempted all lips to hell
I'll take the Subway but
Every morning I'm in your bed again
I'm just as much as you might imagine
I'm nothing without you
Nothing, nothing without you

When I was young (Understandable song)

When I was young, sustipletican
when I was young, krifetonican
when I was young
everyone was zimzali, sustiplirali
when I was young
When I was young
I loved grehte
when I was young
I salted klajle
And when I was young
I picked floge
I stole zbozle
when I was young
And when I was young
I planted zimze
I worked frazne
when I was young

Love in the lack of love

Like two strangers, without the law of atraction
our love was lost in the confusion
there were so many demages, one and another discussion
the repetition of destruction always ends the heart
I can´t anymore
I live the end of story to mishap
we´re two separate lives
two enemies that love each other
you and I under the sky without color
We´re two strange labyrinths
losing the map and the instinct
you and I, a love in the lack of love
How to return and change the direction
so as not to fall into the same error
of this love in extinction
I can´t anymore
i live a memory, a delusion
I can´t anymore
I live the end of story to mishap
We´re two separate lives
two enemies that love each other
you and I under the sky without color
We´re two strange labyrinths
losing the map and the instinct
you and I, a love in the lack of love
We´re two separate lives
two enemies that love each other
you and I under the sky without color
We´re two strange labyrinths
losing the map and the instinct
you and I, a love in the lack of love

Try to hollow out my life

Rushing into the stylish skyscraper
His patron-ish look is my target
How vulgar!
Devouring the costly landscape
I want everything, night view ornaments and all
I expect nothing in return
Even Sherlock Holmes was intimidated by me
Try to hollow out my life
It's always alright, that's alright
I know what you need
How wonderful!
It's top secret
Maybe it's alright, that's alright
Let me see a stolen love
I don't care what becomes of me
I'll take a rain check on making a compromise
My aim is to stab the heartless guy who labeled me a withered bitch
No hesitation at all
Even Friedrich Nietzsche seduced me
Try to hollow out my life
It's always alright, that's alright
Take me down right now
What wonders await me?
Maybe it's alright, that's alright
Something is wrong with my love
But it's you who wanted to see me, right?
I had only one purpose
The end justifies the means
I totally dazzled your eyes
I keep a snake with sharp fangs in the back of my mind
In a flash, I can kill you in your sleep
Turn the emerald green ocean into crimson with my blood
Try to hollow out my life
It's always alright, that's alright
Thank you for amusing me
I'm just killing time
Maybe it's alright, that's alright
Now you don't bring me love
I'll never ever see you again
Put it on my tab
Keep the change

I Must Become Less

I no longer fit into a house
Where the space is all mine
It's not deeds that will save me
Growing is all I know
But growing is all I know
I sleep with the window open
Got my arms on the clothes line
I could wave at you
But growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
I read the top of the shelf
It's all books that fatten
And I have to abbreviate myself
But growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
Any palm that measures me
Is from a hand with no scar
What I am, is large in bones
For growing is all I know
Growing is all I know
I can only fit myself here, inside
But I hit my own chest
For having my air rarefied
I begin the speech
Mentioning the subject
First person is a precept
Not even here, inside, I can fit
But I hit my head on the ceiling
And fall on the bystreet
I already shut the speech
Because the tongue trips
But gigantism muffles
I invent virtues already
On the peak I don't sin
Down there I had a hunchback
I'm so obsessed with myself
That I shoot at the gigantic
Doll barred in the alley
I don't know how to invent myself anymore
It's just more of the same
Yeast in autism dough
I'm not even amazed at myself anymore
There is sea and stagnation
There is going and returning aphorism
Growing is all I know
But growing is all I know

I called her my eyes

they saw me in love with you and thought that I'm mad
some of them thought that I'm ignorant and blamed me
they want your address and asked about your name
I told them that I forgot it but I called you my eyes
she is like the mountain of Lebanon and her name is an honor
and there are no women after her cuz she is the queen
she is from Beirut and everybody wants her
and her home isn't the same as others , it is in my heart and viens
she has arts from the city..and some countryside habits
her hair..her body..her eyes are still natural
cute , wise and smart
if all the world is beside her..she won't go without me
she is from the South..she melts the rocks
she won all her life fights
she is actually from Bekaa..and her hug is breaking
she drank hyenas milk when she was young
she is kind and sensitive
she goes into people's souls in four seconds
her reaction is so high-class even if she is sad
her laugh is so attractive..and she is so affectionate
she is from the north..her family and uncles are good men
she is so beautiful like a high tree
her father is a sewer who wrapped her with honor
her brother are all army men in Lebanon

(My homeland)


Forget Your Trouble

Hope, hold onto hope
Enough monotony and boredom
You remain busy
lost and troubled
Enough, aren't you tired of
doing the same things?
Nothing is worth it,
What are you being sad for?
What are you being sad for?
I see the trouble of the whole world in your eyes
Fear and perplexity
And there are haters around you
Come, forget your troubles, come
Let's sing and be happy together
Live your days
as if they are the last one
Come, let's forget your trouble, come
Let's fly and let love
dance and be happy
as if it's the last time your alive
It is forbidden that you go on in life suppressed
or that you eradicate your personality so
that you can be like every one else
What are you doing that based on?
You may live your feelings
You may live for others and go around
passing onto all of the people
the most beautiful of emotions
the most beautiful of emotions
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


[First verse]
It's mid 1990s', I don't expect you to remember those days.
Streets are dull like in a newsreel. Everyone is getting ready for shit to go down.
There are a lot of skinheads and punks.
Young kid with no allies, kinda fighting a losing battle.
Still I was doin' my thang, wearing clothes from a thrift shop
and cheap sneakers bought at the market.
Different than others, to say the least.
Long-haired like Samson.
Some people were teasing me.
Cut this shit out! You know I could give a fuck.
Different world in my head.
I had it rough when I was young.
Situation at home was (ha ha)
but it's all good now. Back then it was too crowded.
I'm strolling through town again.
In long hair like Samson.
I'm feeling strong again. Feeling Free.
And again I don't care if they're starin' at me.
I'm not standing at attention.
And I'm not standin' like most of them.
I'm focused again, calm.
A bit naive as a child.
[Second verse]
When I got older I wanted to be exactly like those who
I was supposed to avoid.
I wasn't supposed to stick out.
It was my Delilah.
I thought that there's strength in numbers.
Now I see I was wrong.
Strength is within me.
I've wasted many years in my youth,
wanting to be like others.
Now I'm doin' what my conscience dictates me
and others want to be like me.
And that's why I hope you know that
you shouldn't yield under pressure.
Even if others are going to point fingers at you,
the same way they're pointing at me
when I'm strollin' thought the streets in long hair like Samson.
You cannot be nobody but who you are.

Saturday night at violence

I always hear that voice
The one that lived in you
I always hear them you see
Your bursts of laugh frozen by the cold
They are now hurting me
That you no longer remember how
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If your memory drowns
Save me, save me
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If the light sees you
Save yourself, save yourself
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
I’ll furrow Norway’s fjords
You won’t miss that
I’ll recall the words you prefer
They’re already missing you so much
I’ll recall you the name you gave me the day I was born
The other night at violence
You forgot my name
You said tremendous things
“ I implode in constellation “
I looked on your watch
It has escaped time
It’s bringing back violence
The night we were there
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If your memory drowns
Save me, save me
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If the light sees you
Save yourself, save yourself
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
I’ll bring you the beach to sit down
You won’t miss that
I’ll make you taste these famous shell
They’re already missing you so much
I’ll recall you the name you gave me the day I was born
I always hear that voice
The one that lived in you
I always hear them you see
Your bursts of laugh frozen by the cold
They are now hurting me
That you no longer remember

Lost In the Same Wood

There's so much to run from
In the end your legs can't keep up
Some days it's quicksand
Others it's a Bounty Beach, and yes
It's hard, like so much is
It's a life of good and bad
But it's our contract
Between what we know and all the things we'd like to understand
Is it worth anything or just something to get done with?
And there's no easy way
There's no real context
And you can say, well I thought so
And it was better than to believe in nothing too long
It's hard, like so much is
But it's a life of good and bad
And it's our contract
Between what we know and all the things we'd like to understand
If it's it worth more than the paper it's written on
And us, what will become of us?
Lost in the samme wood
Your cry for more
Is not a call I want to hear from any other place
Call it chaos, call it lying
I call it love

A tired lonesome cowboy

A tired lonesome cowboy
riding towards the sunset
A tired lonesome cowboy
And my way is mighty long
Through the wild landscape of the prairie
Shall I yet ride for a long time
And my horse is always with me
My faithful, noble friend
Lonesome cowboy
And your way is mighty long
So long, so long...
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Neću odustati

Moje srce sada vlada
više nije u mraku
Moj dvorac u pijesku
je sad od kamena i stijena
Sjećanja koje sam znala
stvari kroz koje sam prošla
i sve što radim
svakim minutom vjerujem više
Sada kad sam uspjela
Sada kad sam tu
Neću odustati
Neću pdustati
Kada prođeš kroz emocije
iz najdubljih okeana
koje dolaze direktno iz mog srca
neću se predati
Takozvana 'slomljena krila'
sada se dižu do neba
Letjela sam sa kraljevima i kraljicama
koji su u očima imali slobodu
Neću odustati
Neću pdustati
Kada prođeš kroz emocije
iz najdubljih okeana
koje dolaze direktno iz mog srca
neću se predati
Jer čak i u mraku, čak i u najtamnijoj noći
Jer čak i u mraku, vidim svjetlo
Jer čak i u mraku
(Neću odustati)
Jer čak i u mraku, čak i u najtamnijoj noći
Jer čak i u mraku, vidim svjetlo
(Neću odustati)
Jer čak i u mraku
moje srce vlada
više nije u mraku
(Neću odustati)
Jer čak i u mraku, čak i u najtamnijoj noći
Jer čak i u mraku, vidim svjetlo
Moje srce sada vlada
više nije u mraku

Predajem se

imam tajnu koju ne mogu da sakrijem
ona gori iznutra kada sam u svom snu
probam da se sakrijem od tvog secanja
ali ti se vratis nazad i progonis me
sta cu pronaci u toj fantaziji
ako podjem s tobom sada hoces li me osloboditi
i ja se predajem duhu noci
predajem se, predajem se
tama je moj ljubavnik
i to je zadovoljstvo
zato se predajem, predajem, duhu noci
skidam pokrov sa svetlosti dana
ali ti nastavljas da zoves i ja se pokoravam
ne secam se gde sam bila
ali ti mi dodjes nazad u mojim snovima
sta cu pronaci u toj fantaziji
ako podjem s tobom sada hoces li me osloboditi
predajem se
ludim kada sunce zadje
i preuzima kontrolu kada naidjem gradom
dajem svoje telo vrelini noci
i ne dam coveku da sudi da li je to pogresno ili ispravno
svetla velikog grada dozivaju me.

To Be Alone

When I take the mask off my face
When we stay alone, alone - night and me
And there's nothing but this dream and cold pillows
And while I'll be waiting for the morning
I'll tell you the words I haven't told you
All I didn't know how to give you
Now I know it could've been better
I didn't now who I have, who I'm losing
Lie you're here, I close my eyes, dream of you
Like you're here, before the morning breaks
I will dream of you, I swear it on your name
The words I know - to be alone, to be alone...
And while I'll be waiting for the morning
I'll tell you the words I haven't told you
All I didn't know how to give you
Now I know it could've been better
I didn't now who I have, who I'm losing

Androutsos’ mother is glad,

Androutsos’ mother is glad,
Androutsos’ mother is glad
And Diakos’ proud
For they have warriors
And captains for sons
One at the Inn of Graviá
the other at Alamana.
who set the Turks to flight,
spahis and janissaries

Even if were to understand why you left

Will you say the spoken words were all lies,
Who would you say suffers more, the one who stays or the one Who leaves
Who will you say is torn to pieces
The one who breaks or the one who is broken
Even if you talk of spring or summer, why is it always winter then?
Did the wind take away the smell of your hair?
I cannot feel your scent anymore
Did the snow melt your footprints
Even if I search for you, I will not be able to find you
Even if I'd understand why you left, accepting it is not easy
Even if you hurt me, I love eternally, it doesn't go away in a day
Even if i cry, each tear will burn out the memories
Even if i face toward your pillow, next to me there is only emptiness
No one can replace you.

Love is a strange game.

Love is a strange game
she comes and goes from one to the other.
She takes everything from us, but she also gives way too much.
Love is a strange game.
We have known and loved each other for years,
the future seemed so clear to both of us.
We almost drove to the registry office [to get married],
until everything was suddenly changed.
Love is a strange game
she comes and goes from one to the other.
She takes everything from us, but she also gives way too much.
Love is a strange game.
How many times have you sworn allegiance to me,
and between you and me, it was such a long time
But then you have lost your heart.
only for that reason am I lonely again today.

Niko osim tebe

Gospode, dići ću se tako visko večeras
Pustiću brane da se širom otvore
U otvorenom moru sam
To mi je potrebno
Iako pokušavam da ne mislim na tebe
I ne mogu da spavam
Tako sam se uvallio
Ne mogu da te pustim da odeš
Ne bi bilo ispravno da te pustim da pobegneš od ljubavi
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Pa jesam li u pravu što dajem sve da te zadržim večeras?
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Gospode, vratiću te večeras, devojko
Oh, stalno si mi u mislima
Mislim da su tvoja dela moj problem
Kako mogu da tražim nekog novog?
Ono što stvarno želim si ti pored mene
I ne mogu da spavam
Tako sam se uvallio
Ne mogu da te pustim da odeš
Ne bi bilo ispravno da te pustim da pobegneš od ljubavi
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Pa jesam li u pravu što dajem sve da te zadržim večeras?
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Ne teraj me da iščupam srce
Tresem se dok ne padnem
Ne teraj me da iščupam srce
Ne teraj me da iščupam srce
Tresem se dok ne padnem
Ne teraj me da iščupam srce
Ne bi bilo ispravno da te pustim da pobegneš od ljubavi
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Pa jesam li u pravu što dajem sve da te zadržim večeras?
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Ne bi bilo ispravno da te pustim da pobegneš od ljubavi
Nikoga osim tebe ne mogu da zadržim
Niko osim tebe

Dancing Samurai

Versions: #2
Samurai! (Go kill yourself, cur!!)
Dancing in the night, on this floor
Sorry, but I'll have to cut down anyone who can't keep the rhythm
Dancing in the night, in these times
I'm gonna start a fight [1] - Viva Samurai! (Hyaa!)
There are those who rule from the top
And those who squirm at the bottom
I'm neither of those
I just keep on dancing
If you're born as a man in our little Japan
Don't stop until you rule the land
Let nothing hold you back
Dancing in the night, no matter what the beat
If I can't keep the rhythm I'll cut myself open
Dancing in all the night, in these times
I'm gonna kick up a storm
Dancing Samurai! (Hyaa!)
The pretty girls I pass by in the town
Are still too quick for an amateur like me
Though I call out to them
All they do is ignore me
Oh, I'll climb to the top, the greatest warrior
And those who would stand in my way,
I'll slice them in two before they know what hit 'em
Dancing at the place, no matter where
If I can come up with a rhythm I'll have a happy life
Dancing with your pace, no matter when
If I don't give it my all, I'm a Useless Samurai! (Hyaa!)
Dancing in your life - Even at the end,
As long as there's music I'm happy
Dancing all your life - And in that time,
Everyone will notice me
Dancing Samurai! (Hyaa!)
Dancing in the night, on this floor
Sorry, but I'll have to cut down anyone who can't keep the rhythm
Dancing in the night, in these times
I'm gonna start a fight - Ordinary Samurai!
One of these days I'll be a real Samurai
Samurai! (Go kill yourself, cur!!)


A smoky, foggy city
People don't even know their neighbours
Everyone's in hurry
Only a few here smiles
Invisible strings are twitching and ripping these marionettes
That are gyrating like prey fish in well
Everyone's in hurry to nowhere
Kuusamo's calling me
I see a sturdy forest
And a blue-shaded forested hill
Kuusamo's calling me
I'll get my peace from there
In Helsinki, there are no Helsinkians living there anymore
There's just a bunch of lonely people and there are many of them
Too many
I don't want to be one of them
I want to be free and breathe the smell of sprig
Here I'm like a prisoner
I'll go to Kuusamo
Kuusamo's calling me
I see a sturdy forest
And a blue-shaded forested hill
Kuusamo's calling me
I'll get
My peace from there
Far away
The happiness that passed is far away
I lost my peace of mind
But will probably get it back
The only one
Are there any places without pogrom
Forested land
Share it with me
Kuusamo's calling me
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)


I wandered everywhere, night and day
Just to runaway from myself
Now show me where
Because I don't see it bymyself
The night was too long without you
As of today all of my prayers
I say for you
I live for your love
But I do not forget
I was in the dark
I was alone, alone, alone
There where long endless days
Don't pass
Now I know, know, know
Without you, everything is in vain
If you don't love me
May the world collapse in an instant, forever
Because I know well what is life without love
When without you I have nowhere to go
I never forget
I was in the dark
I was alone, alone, alone
I searched where I could find salvation
Empty, I wandered far away
So I would hear, know this, nobody's voice anymore
To touch silence with my heart
As of today all of my prayers
I say for you
I live for your love
But I do not forget

I dreamt love

I dreamt that I love you
I dreamt that we are children, laughing in City Center,
Your face is hiding a smile
The sky offers promises,
and we embraced, warm, summery
I dreamt that we are happy.
I dreamt love
i dreamt happiness,
I dreamt summer,
I dreamt. I dreamt all this.
I dreamt love
You and me in happiness
hearts that we know,
I dreamt, I only dreamt.
I dreamt that you love me
For ever and that is easy
we walk the wire of the world
all is swinging upside down.
I dreamt that we are brave
that we are fighting for tomorrow,
I dreamt a new beginning
I dreamt our mornings
I only dreamt...