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Ne pitajte me zašto

Dečki ! . . .
Ako me neko noćas
vidi da idem u kafanu,
sredinom teško posrćući
pijanog, i da razgovaram sam,
Ne pitajte me zašto!
Pijan ...
Sa rasčupanom kosom,
kravata visi razvezana
i sa ljutitim pogledom,
ne pitajte me , momci,
zbog nevolje sam tražio piće
i molim vas oprostite mi.
Sjajem tih božanskih očiju
opijeni su moja i duša i moja vera
i kao iz čaše med, sa tih usana,
sve do juče strasno sam pio.
Danas ponovno živim u tami
čeznući za svetlom njene ljubavi
Hoću da potopim svoj život
i zato tražim alkohol.
Dečki ! . . .
Ako me neko noćas
vidi da idem u kafanu,
sredinom teško posrćući
pijan i da razgovaram sam,
Ne pitajte me zašto!
Pijan ! ...
Bežim i tražim olakšanje
ispijam sladunjjavi bućkuriš
кao nekad, ono naše otmeno piće.
Možda ovako zaboravim
moju dojučerašnju zvezdu
danas me ubija bol.


The poor Brazilian people
Has no, has no, has no money
Gold came from abroad
But none one has seen the money
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Who knew there of the aviary
Forgets here about the hen house
Only thinks of a companion
In order to be his heir
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this

Mountain of Good Hope

Mountain of Good Hope, hope that settles
In the Heart of Brazil a handful of land
In the heart of who goes, in the heat of who goes
Mountain of Good Hope my last love
I depart leaving longings, longings leaving
Withered fallen on the mountain there close to God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine
In my song I carry the memory of the mountain
I know Jesus doesn't punish[,] the poet he was
We poets once were, because we rhyme well
Our eyes in the eyes of someone who's not coming
Mountain of Good Hope, do not be afraid
I will keep your image by the grace of God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine


Little star Twinkle little star
Always twinkling
Little star Twinkle little star
Always Please never end
From the first time we met you were different from other people
and now I will always feel that you are special
As never before
I can't express it well with words
I wonder why I feel like this
Ah I want to get closer to you
A shining shooting star
I make a wish upon the shooting star
Stars are twinkling in the sky
These emotions start flickering
A shining shooting star
These moments that i spend with you
They are dazzling and endless
to the point of me being dazzled Please never end
Little star Twinkle little star always
Little star Twinkle little star always
Even with Just a small conversation you turn the irritation I felt until just a few minutes ago into a smile and I can sense your warmth
As never before
I can't control myself well
I wonder why I feel like this
I want to try knowing you better
A shining shooting star
I make a prayer upon the shooting star
Stars are twinkling in the sky
these emotions shine forth
A shining shooting star
The brilliance of the stars is reflected in my eyes
It won't disappear since my childhood
Like a dream I've seen Please never end
A shining shooting star
I make a wish upon the shooting star
Stars are twinkling in the sky
These emotions start flickering
A shining shooting star
These moments that i spend with you
They are dazzling and endless
to the point of me being dazzled
Little star Twinkle little star
Always twinkling
Little star Twinkle little star
Always Please never end
Little star Twinkle little star always
Little star Twinkle little star always

The Summer Dance

Put your hand on your head
And rotate your hair counterclockwise
Cross your right knee with your left elbow
Viva the summer dance!
One day I was on the beach and it was hot
There was a lot of sand and some green dinosaurs
I was thinking it was really really hot
When I met a beautiful girl, who told me, to break the ice:
'It's really hot, my popsicle's blown up'
I tell her: 'Don't worry, I've got the solution: let's dance the summer dance!'
Put your finger in your throat
And rotate your teeth counterclockwise
Cross your right foot with a soup
Viva the summer dance!
(OK guys, are you ready for the summer dance? There's nothing better than the summer dance when it's so hot. Okay, so shake your forks, yes, like that! Now raise your right shoulder and put it on your knee and rotate your liver, well done, like that! And now get into the pool full of sharks!)
One day I was in the mountains and it was a thousand degrees
All life forms had died out a long time before
And I confess I wasn't really feeling fine, too
But luckily my talking dog told me: 'Don't be afraid!'
And he handed me a fork and I immediately understood
It was time for the summer dance
Punch a wall
And eat a bean in New Zealand
Throw yourself off a running bus and do a pirouette
Viva the summer dance
Eat a banana
And do a somersault in a banana
Jump up three times, jump down twice
This is the summer dance
(Very well guys, are you ready for the summer dance? Good! Jump to right once, to left twice, once back, once forward, once into the future, once into the past, then go to the bank, in the city, a laser jump, a jump onto Obama, an elephant's jump, a small jump to infinity and beyond, four jumps in the pan1 and now throw your fork in the eye of someone near you, join your hands and vomit very hard! Done? Good! Now the final part of the dance! Are you ready? The atomic blast!!)
  • 1. Italian easy-to-cook food brand
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Our last song

And if we were still together
And if this were our last song
We ran out of words
And you that have never got
Where to start
Let's get a drink
As if this were our last night together
Let's pretend to dance
We can't stand
But now they're closing the pub
And let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
It's starting now
Our last song
(Our last song)
For you, that are better than before
And it's worthwhile
For you, that if they call you girl
Your heart hurts a little
And this night, for the last time
Let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
Dance now
Our last song
(Our last song)
And let yourself go
Breathe deeply
Our last song
And don't turn around
As if it were
Our last song
(My last song)

Green pastures

Oranges are big
lemons are red
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Every angel is a kid
a dirty, mischievous kid,
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
The radio always plays
dance music
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Nothing to bet,
everything to play with
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
You don't have to go to school
you only need one word
up there, up there in the green pastures.
There's meat to eat
and grass to dream about
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
Oranges are big
lemons are red
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Daddy is not busy
daddy can play with you
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the concert will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the concert will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.

Caterpillar John Luke

One, two, three, four, hi, caterpillar!
Where might you be?
In China, in Africa or maybe in Thai-
Land, we'll never know
You're a true joker, alright
You don't know
But your power is greater than ever
And you'll find that out
With all the enemies you'll face
For example that old lady over there
Or maybe the famous caterpillar-eater
Or a wizard, or Hitler, or a hundred pellicans,
Or Hitler in command of an army of pellicans
Caterpillar John Luke, how cool you are
When Hiroshi calls, you immediately come
With initiative you'll fight
You'll take us to a more glorious present
The dark daemons you'll defeat
With your magic caterpillar powers
Caterpillar John Luke, how funny you are
I can't believe I have you as a friend
Caterpillar of the seven souls
You've got seven powers
And certainly you can list them
Super-strength, visibility, fire rays, ice rays, bike spokes
Power of love
You'll go back
To your planet, you certainly know
You'll find the seven souls
Your family, oh, you'll save
Your strength is much
But who knows if it's enough
Luckily there are some who are already
A part of your super gang
Hiroshi, Tanaka, Yukiko, Shizue, Sasuke, Sasuke
They've got the same name, but they're two
Caterpillar John Luke, how strong you are
When the destiny calls, you beat it down
Maybe you'll discover many more powers
Like reading marmots' minds
Everyone has a power in your super gang
Together you make the giant megarobot
You fight against the evil, you defeat the bad gang
With you the future is a dazzling star
You will
Remember your past
You'll love
Because you never forgot
Far, far away
In your Christmas planet out there
There's your love
And he'll always be waiting with a pear
Caterpillar of the seven souls
Caterpillar John Luke, how cool you are
The Earth counts on you doubtlessly
The seven devils you will fight
The shiny souls you will certainly extract
In a hundred countries, so many journeys you'll have
With your super gang of carefree friends
A thousand thousands challenges you will win
Thanks to your very magic plunger
Amazing friend, luckily you're here
I'm happy I can have you by my side
Caterpillar John Luke, you're all of us
Your name's John Luke, it isn't John Frank
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Your Garden

Versions: #4
I never wanted you
Any less than completely
Always, my love
If you’re happy in heaven
Then I got this
Always, looking out for you
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
I promised you
That someday I’ll be
Or try to be, better
If you’re happy in heaven too
Then I swear
Always, because of what you mean to me
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden


Kada bi...
bilo istinito za mene
da život nije
samo jedan drhtaj koji
odleti i ne vraća se više
I kada bi još
bilo istiniti da ćeš ti
ostati jednostavno saučesnik
do osećanja mira u plavom (na nebu)...
Samo kada si ti tu
i dalje ostaje sve
ono što sam najviše želeo
sada shvatam
to sam tražio okolo ali
bilo je upaljeno i zbijeno
u tvojim očima što ne znaš
za mene su besmrtnost...
za mene su besmrtnost...
Kada bi...
bilo istinito za mene
da će moji dani stajati uspravno
gledajući napred
čak i bez tebe
I kada bi još
bilo istinito da ćeš ti
držati me za ruku leteći
preko svog nereda sveta koji je ovde dole...
Samo kada si ti tu
i dalje ostaje sve
ono što sam najviše želeo
sada shvatam
to sam tražio okolo ali
bilo je upaljeno i zbijeno
u tvojim očima što ne znaš
za mene su besmrtnost...
za mene su besmrtnost...
Samo kada si ti tu
i dalje ostaje sve
ono što sam najviše želeo
sada shvatam
to sam tražio okolo ali
bilo je upaljeno i zbijeno
u tvojim očima što ne znaš
za mene su besmrtnost...
za mene su besmrtnost...
za mene su besmrtnost...

Male stvari

Kada ne znaš više šta je ono što želiš,
već to imaš u šaci a ne znaš,
kada bi trebao da budeš ovde
a umesto toga ideš sve dalje,nešto te odgurne tamo.
Kada svi kažu ne,
ono što si hteo ne može,
pravi je čas da to uradiš,ne zaustavljaj se nikada,
ne zaustavljaj se nikada...
To su uzbuđenja koja se ne kupuju,
trenuci koji se ne vraćaju,ne vraćaju,
ne vraćaju...
Dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari,
dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari.
Kada baciš kamen koji ode dole,
voda je tamna i ne vidi se više,
ali ostavlja krugove koji se šire,koji se šire,
koji se šire...
To su uzbuđenja koja se ne kupuju,
trenuci koji se ne vraćaju,ne vraćaju,
ne vraćaju...
Dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari,
dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari,
dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari,
dok vreme polako prolazi,
nestaje smisao malih stvari,
malih stvari.

Prokleta ljubav

Dan za danom,sat za satom leti,
celom mojom dušom protiče tuga.
Otišla si i ne znam kako je
prokleta ljubav i njenih hiljadu zašto,
a vreme znaš li to,znaš da leti?
Kakva si muka,zvezdo moja,
zabava koju ćeš mi dati,
sreća,bol i toliko problema (nevolja)...
Ali ponovićemo ljubav dok nas ne povredi,
i pevaćemo ljubavi dokle nas može čuti,
i opet ćemo ljubavi dati vreme da sanja,
ja bez tebe,
ne,ne mogu se više smejati,smejati...
Sat za satom,dan za danom leti,
život u viteškoj borbi,sa srcem uvek u bekstvu,
vrati se kod mene ovde,bez prekora (zamerki),
prokleta ljubav i njenih hiljadu zašto,
a vreme znaš li to,znaš da leti.
Kakva si muka,lepa moja,
gubitak koji ćeš mi dati,
suze,krv i koliko problema...
Ali ponovićemo ljubav dok nas ne povredi,
i pevaćemo ljubavi dokle nas može čuti,
i opet ćemo ljubavi dati vreme da sanja,
ja bez tebe,
ne,ne mogu se više smejati,smejati...

Moscow Street

In fake fur
Cigarettes on my lips
Licking our wounds to be part of our dreams
Alone we are much weaker, we are even more beautiful
And we end up outside, never again to drink water
But shout, make out that you're pretty
Make out that you're mad
Your kisses which lead me parties
Moscow Street
In jackets that are too short, our fingers on our lips
We don't give a damn, because it's us that we're touching
Dirty, we're much bigger, much grander than all our poems
That by overtaking us, send back what we love
But shout, make out that you're pretty
Make out that you're mad
Your kisses which lead me parties
Moscow Street
In borrowed bodies, skins that we don't know
We look at our reflections and we wash our hands of them
Mad because of so many desires, but when we come back
When it's time to go
We realise that we are nothing
But shout, make out that you're pretty
Make out that you're mad
But burn, make out that you're queen
Make out that you're mad
Nothing is more immortal in our wars
Moscow Street
Moscow Street
Moscow Street
Moscow Street

To make a man

The rain falls and changes everything
death and life never change:
winter has returned, summer is over,
death and life remain the same,
death and life remain the same.
It takes twenty years to make a man,
an hour of love to conceive a baby,
thousands of hours to make a life,
a minute is enough for sorrow,
a minute is enough for sorrow.
The time will come, when we say words
when life creates a life
the time will come, when we make love,
when winter moves north,
when winter moves north.
Then we'll leave like birds
no one knows where they go
but that time will come and we'll see those skies
when winter comes back from the north,
when winter comes back from the north.
The rain falls and changes everything
death and life never change:
summer is over, winter is approaching
life and death remain the same,
life and death remain the same.

Selfie of the selfie

Selfie of the selfie
Selfie of the selfie
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave in the school
Let's share, for time flies
Let's share, for time flies
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave in the school
Let's share, for time flies
Let's share, for time flies
Took for me a piece for the new disk
Took for me a piece for the new disk
What a shame
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave in the school
Let's share, for time flies
Let's share, for time flies
Selfie of the selfie, there are elves doing the wave in the school
Let's share, for time flies
Let's share, for time flies
Took for me a piece for the new disk
What a shame
What a shame
I want to be a farmer
I want to be a farmer
Leaving back the selfie of the selfie
I want to be a farmer
A farmer, a farmer
(selfie, selfie, selfie, ...)
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

I'm Coming Too, No, You're Not

We could all go to the public zoo..
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
..to see how the wild beasts are faring
and shout: 'Help, a lion is on the run!'
and secretly see the effect it causes.
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'But, why?' 'Just because!'
We could all go, now that spring is here,..
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
..arm in arm with the beautiful one to talk about love
and discover that it always ends up with a rainfall
and secretly see the effect it causes.
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'But, why?' 'Just because!'
We could all hope for a better world..
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
...where everyone is ready to cut your hand,
a beautiful world only with hate but without love
and secretly see the effect it causes.
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'But, why?' 'Just because!'
We could all go to your funeral..
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
..to see if, after all, the people really cry
and discover that, for everyone, it's a normal thing
and secretly see the effect it causes.
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'I'm coming too?' 'No, you're not!'
'But, why?' 'Just because!'
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Evening time in the suburbs of Moscow

The silence falls now
All things in sleep
Do you know the wonderful
evening time
Do you know the wonderful
evening time
In the shining moonlight
The river is calm
Singing voice flows far
through the silence of evening
Singing voice flows far
through the silence of evening
Casting her eyes down with shyness and chastity
My beloved one
In my arms
Dreams of tomorrow
In my arms
Dreams of tomorrow
The pre-dawn eastern sky grew light
Another good morning has come
Never forget
This summer's evening time
Never forget
This summer's evening time

Everything I Have

[Verse 1]
I don't know if we're friends anymore
It's cold, and I'm exposed1
I promised myself that I wouldn't wait for you
For I couldn't stand any more, I can't stand it anymore
Sometimes I think that I’m just groveling
And you’ll never notice
For you refuse everything I have
I'm seeking an opportunity
I have patience and will wait for you
If it talks of happiness
I'm talking about something greater
Come a bit closer, I'm cold, stop staring
And take everything I have
[Verse 2]
Use me for whatever you want
Realize that a body awaits
I have a limit, and it's going to break
The little to nothing we have left
Tell it that it doesn't get friendship
Hush up a bit and think about what you want first
I'm seeking an opportunity
I have patience and will wait for you
If it talks of happiness
I'm talking about something else
Come a bit closer, I'm cold, stop staring
And take everything I have
No one can make you do anything, right?
They're your ideas, you have to let them go
There are no shadows, just you and I
You've been wanting it for a while
Recognize the warmth
I'm seeking an opportunity
I have patience and will wait for you
I'm seeking an opportunity
I have patience and will wait for you
  • 1. literally 'I have no coat/shelter'

Večito sada

Ova priča počinje sa tobom
sa tobom koja sediš između mojih reči
upaljeno svetlo,pritvorena vrata
pusti me da uđem napolju pada kiša.
Gledajući svet sa druge udaljenosti
između dana na ivici i onih najboljih
ruke znaju sta je strpljenje
oči uče godišnja doba
Ima jedno mesto koje sam sakrio za tebe
jedno mesto koje je ovde oduvek
postojalo je pre mene,postoji i dalje
otvara se za nas večito sada
oh oh oh večito sada
oh oh oh večito...
Ovo moje vreme se nastavlja sa tobom
neočekivani mir posle mnogo buke
ti si dobra voda na vrhu uzbrdice
ograda na koju se oslanja srce
I ova noć koja seje zvezde
predivna kao što nije bila nikad
moja koža će ti biti sklonište
izgubiću sebe ako izgubim tebe
Ima jedno mesto koje sam sakrio za tebe
jedno mesto koje je ovde oduvek
postojalo je pre mene,postoji i dalje
otvara se za nas večito sada
oh oh oh večito sada
oh oh oh večito sada
Večito sada
Večito sada
Ima jedno mesto koje sam sakrio za tebe
jedno mesto koje je ovde oduvek
postojalo je pre mene,postoji i dalje
otvara se za nas večito sada
oh oh oh večito sada
oh oh oh večito sada.

In secret

I tried not to call you
I tried not to look for you
And here I am, in front of you
I know that you now have another life
That he gives you what you ask for
I swear I tried
And I can't be with you
But I know that you like the forbidden fruit
[My] love, you know that we are attracted to each other
And you and I always end up
in secret
Let's fill each second with caresses
in secret
Imagining that we live another life
in secret
We meet secretly every night
in secret
I would give anything so that you were only mine!
And only mine, just mine
And not in secret
[My] love, you know we are attracted
And you and I always end up
We kissed in secret
We walk every corner of our room
Tomorrow we will ask for forgiveness
But today we do it again and again
And I can't be with you
But I know that you like the forbidden fruit
[My] love, you know that we are attracted to each other
And you and I always end up
in secret
Let's fill each second with caresses
in secret
Imagining that we live another life
in secret
We meet secretly every night
in secret
I would give anything so that you were only mine!
And only mine, just mine
And not in secret
[My] love, you know we are attracted
And you and I always end up
in secret

The broom

I´m going to tell you what I woul´d do
if I had a magic broom
This one yes, that one no
this little broom I´ll take it
This yes, that no
this little broom I´ll take it
If I had a broom
if I had a broom
if I had a broom
if I had a broom
how many thing would it sweep
If I had a broom
First thing
that I would do
I would sweep the money
which is the cause and the reason
of so much despair
Second thing
that I would do
I would sweep well deep
all dirty things
that are seen in the lower words
If I had a broom
Look kids, I´ll give you a
broom to each one of you
This one yes, that one no
this little broom I´ll take it
And we´ll return with the broom
If I had a broom

Pobornica Los Anđelesa

[Prva strofa]
Imaš dva modra oka jer prejako voliš
I crna kola koja idu uz tvoju najcrnju dušu
Ne bih te menjao, oh
Ne bih nikada pokušao da te nateram da odeš, ne
Oh, neonska obala, ona je bila tvoj znak
I vetar sa Srednjeg zapada sa podznakom Ribe
Ne bih te menjao, oh
Ne bih nikada pokušao da te nateram da odeš, ne
Nepomične palme tope ti vibracije
Ponoćna šaputanja
Crna magija u ulici Mulholland Drive
Bazeni pod pustim nebom
Pije belo vino pod crvenim svetlom
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Zalasci sunca na urokljivom oku
Nevidljivi holivudskom hramu
Uvek u lovu na malo više vremena
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
[Druga strofa]
Imaš oči izbledele od peska u dolini
I crni katranisani dlanovi nastavljaju da oplakuju tvoje ime
Ne bih te mogao promeniti
Ne bih nikada pokušao da učinim da vidiš, ne
Svetla visokih zgrada koja čitaju tvoja prava
I oluja u centru grada sa podznakom Ovna
Ne bih te mogao promeniti
Ne bih nikada pokušao da učinim da vidiš, ne
Nepomične palme tope ti vibracije
Ponoćna šaputanja
Crna magija u ulici Mulholland Drive
Bazeni pod pustim nebom
Pije belo vino pod crvenim svetlom
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Zalasci sunca na urokljivom oku
Nevidljivi holivudskom hramu
Uvek u lovu na malo više vremena
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Pobornica Los Anđelesa
Pobornica Los Anđelesa
Pobornica Los Anđelesa
Pobornica Los Anđelesa
Crna magija u ulici Mulholland Drive
Bazeni pod pustim nebom
Pije belo vino pod crvenim svetlom
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Zalasci sunca na urokljivom oku
Nevidljivi holivudskom hramu
Uvek u lovu na malo više vremena
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna, samo još jedna, o-o
Samo još jedna pobornica Los Anđelesa


I went out tonight but I didn't read the horoscope
It isn't Rio de Janeiro but the climate is fantastic
Tonight I'll look for you in the traffic, I swear
Under the nails, in the pubs, until the Baltic sea.
'cause you don't remind me no girls
A stereo that plays, a house that burns.
All night, all night
But I remember a quote on a wall
A roller, a drum, the kuduro dance
All night, all night
You came to find me
Like a lake you watch me and you mirror
You'll never understand me
The cats move between nerds and broken glasses
And the people take the means between bacteria and delays
You try to take my hand but I'm not there
You can mirror in my lake
While you watch my breath
But you, you don't remind me no girls
A stereo that plays, a house that burns.
All night, all night
But I remember a quote on a wall
A roller, a drum, the kuduro dance
All night, all night
You have something bad behind left in a film
Surely, you act like this
You have something bad behind left in a film
You have something bad behind left in a film
But you don't remind me no girls
A stereo that plays, a house that burns.
All night, all night
But I remember a quote on a wall
A roller, a drum, the kuduro dance
All night, all night


If after arriving here
you think something has changed
Right now it's my time
Take the knife once and for all human!
There was a time
when my brother warned you
that if you continued this way
You would have a bad time!
But it was no use
you hands are stained
with blood and dust!
Now it's too late
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!
At these moments I'm
completely alone
I go only with the dust
as a reminder
Your steps trigger death
everyone shakes at seeing you
When we see again
it will be burning in hell!
I swear for everything in what I believe
that this doesn't end like this
that every corpse
will turn into a scar
I feel disgusting
the destiny of your steps
Revenge will make me pay the lifes
of those you have taken away
There's no more forgiveness
There's no more determination
for the thousands of friends
that couldn't say goodbye
I don't believe in you anymore
Now it's too late to say
that it was not your intention
that all has been a mistake
All the damage you've done
is shown at your hands
I still remember the trail of bodies
where I found my brother!

Vrati se kuci

Mislila sam, kada si rekla
samo malo duze
i nadao sam se da ces zvati
moram da se suocim sa svakim bogovetnim danom
pitam se zasto je nasu ljubav ukrala daljina
sa svakim zasebnim udahom ja se rasipam
gorim kao pozar
oh neka neko pomogne mom bolu
davim se nad vodom
oh pomozi mi da opet disem
i ja, ja ne mogu da te pustim
stoga kada budes spremna
vrati se kuci
voleo sam da kazem
zao mi je
i mislio sam da ces ostati, ostati
bas svake noci moram da se suocim
sa svakim novim snom moram da tragam
pitam se da li je nasa ljubav na istom mestu
gorim kao pozar
oh neka neko pomogne mom bolu
davim se nad vodom
oh pomozi mi da opet disem
i ja, ja ne mogu da te pustim
stoga kada budes spremna
vrati se kuci, aha
trudio bih se i bio covek kakav sam rekao da cu biti
samo se vrati kuci
i trudicu se, trudicu se jer sam rekao da hocu
samo se vrati kuci
trudio bih se i bio covek kakav sam rekao da cu biti
samo se vrati kuci
i trudicu se, i trudicu se, i trudicu se
vrati se kuci
molim te vrati se kuci
gorim kao pozar
oh neka neko pomogne mom bolu
davim se nad vodom
oh pomozi mi da opet disem
i ja, ja ne mogu da te pustim
zato kada budes spremna
vrati se kuci


I stand alone at the window
The sky outside is gray.
Of this I think, so what?
Later, it will be blue again!
It will be beautiful once again,
The wind will blow all the clouds away
And with you tonight
We'll look up at all the stars.
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
The lights on the street
My path leads to you
At the destination of my dreams
You open the door
Oh, how wonderful
When dreams come true
Anything I want becomes my truth
Because you are here!
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
Each kiss from you is like a diamond
You give me red gold1 and jewels.
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
  • 1. This is a fine wine.

Listovi na mrazu

Cvet pada bez buke
bez krivice, bez bola
Bez pitanja zašto.
San prelazi u oblik iluzije
jer je život prilika
a sutra će se ponuditi.
Nebo nad nama se menja,
Nema žurbe, a onda
Pri buđenju tama će se plašiti.
U rukama nešto novo
moje dostojanstvo
sunce će sijati kao beli sneg.
Ovde ćemo se vratiti
Bledo lišće na mrazu, golo bez težine
Ovde ćemo se ponovo sastati
Zatvoren u ladici, još jedan predan san.
Bez pitanja zašto
Juče je bilo, a danas nema.
Svetlo kao novo doba
Ni volja za ponovnim početkom
neće biti dovoljna.
I kao da se nikad nije ni desilo,
lepota jednog početka
se čini kao da se nikad neće završiti.
Nebo nad nama se menja,
Nema žurbe, a onda
Pri buđenju tama će se plašiti.
U rukama nešto novo
moje dostojanstvo
sunce će sijati kao beli sneg.
Ovde ćemo se vratiti
Bledo lišće na mrazu, golo bez težine
Ovde ćemo se ponovo sastati
Zatvoren u ladici, još jedan predan san.
Bez pitanja zašto
Juče je bilo, a danas nema.
Kao predano lišće
bez više spasa
Protiv vetra i dalje visi.
Sada otvoreni dragulji
žile vode i svetla
čekaju sunce dok nebo ćuti.
Ovde ćemo se vratiti
Bledo lišće na mrazu, golo bez težine
Ovde ćemo se ponovo sastati
Zatvoren u ladici, još jedan predan san.
Bez pitanja zašto
Juče je bilo, a danas nema.

Bye bye

Bye bye
It is a shame to go, but bye bye.
You, beautiful woman on the threshol that says farwell to me.
And kisses hugs and spits,
And I spit love,
Me, that never spit.
Bye bye
To go was written, so bye bye
You, beautiful girl that never understood me.
The train is already leaving,
Weave your tissue,
My love, but cry a little less.
Bye bye
Bye love bye, love bye
Look at the beautiful flowers of that city
Bye love bye, love how are you?
Bye love, love bye, love bye.
Bye bye,
Look at the beautiful flowers of that city
That never has seen me and won't ever see me.
Look at the sea
Look at those small boats that go sailing


Никада ти нисам жељела
мање од свега
увијек, драга
Ако си и на небу срећна
поведи ме, да те пазим
да ти, увијек, будем близу
Цвијеће је моје мјесто
сада кад те нема
ја залијевам твој врт
Цвијеће је моје мјесто
сада кад те нема
ја залијевам твој врт
Већ сам ти обећала
да ћу се једном промијенити
или покушати бити већа
Ако си и на небу срећна
поведи ме, кунем ти се
увијек, за твоје добро
Цвијеће је моје мјесто
сада кад те нема
ја залијевам твој врт
Цвијеће је моје мјесто
сада кад те нема
ја залијевам твој врт
Сада кад те нема, ја залијевам твој врт
Сада кад те нема, ја залијевам твој врт
Сада кад те нема
Сада кад те нема, ја залијевам твој врт

Father Francisco

Father Francisco
Don't ask them whaat they think about Christ
They have another worry
Father Francisco
They added a new nail in the crucifix
To leave it forgotten in the wall
Bread and work
Of what miracles do you talk about?
Ceiling and under
The land where to grow
Reason and faith
Father Francisco
You'll have to multiply the bread for the people
Or else there won't be a God
Father Francisco
We can't render the Caesar's stuff to Caesar
Because he takes them without asking
Raise your hands
to summon the protection
of the brothers
Whose sin was to be born
without control nor warmth
Father Francisco,
Don't worry if they call you communist
With standarts and speakerboxes
Father Francisco,
Go out for Christ to preach
A bolder justice
There won't be calm
Speak to the soul
Of the standing people
So much faith is needed
Be able
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Pet of the system

You're a sweet pet of a corrupted system
and you'll be destroyed, destroyed like that!
You're a silenced, muted, censored voice
and you'll be destroyed, destroyed like that!
Breaking the rules of the game
blasting out your wild side!
Breaking the rules of the game
blasting out your wild side!
You're a sweet pet, a broken puppet
and you'll be destroyed, destroyed like that!
You're a sieged, prosecuted, censored mind
and you'll be destroyed, destroyed like that!
We're the degenerated generation
and we'll burn your head.
This ain't no party, it's a mess
it's all shit
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Death Disco

There is no god in you
The so-called atheist
You should not have anything to do with you, such as the crunch that God set.
Why somehow it is supposed to be
Someday you believe, you have a belief in a certain thought
I do not know if he was taught, but you absolutely believe
I believe that 'life is worth it'
I think 'I should not kill people'
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?
There is no god in you
An atheist
Principles that believe only visible things
Miracles that God brings, you fantasy world
But you believe it
You believe that there is a universe
I have not seen it, I have never been, but you dream of the 'universe'
I believe in scientists
'Things scientifically proved are' truth '
That's why you think
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?
There is no god in you
The so-called atheist
There is no relationship to you, such as the distinction between justice and evil
Why somehow it is supposed to be
Someday you believe, I think that the evil should be destroyed
I believe in the meaning of destroying evil with righteousness in myself
Government of Asia ...
You do not absolutely doubt a lot of Gisei in
'Why is that?'
What do you believe?