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Резултати претраге страна 7

Број резултата: 386


Lies manufacturer

He was a lie manufacturer
he had cardboard stories
His life was a tin fable
his eyes were neon lights
Don't ever have faith
because his lies can bring you pain
She was a typical innocent girl
black shoes, cotton socks
she was only happy in school
she never had love in her skin
It's futile to say
that she believed what she was told
You might want to know the end of our story
some can imagine it
the girl without a fuss
lost her socks and her chastity
We need to condemn
whoever mocks our moral
But there's something we can't explain:
Why the girl laughs instead of crying?

Something brings me far, something brings me near

Today your breath sounded somewhat sad
and you couldn't eat
your eyes didn't look at me the same.
Time doesn't pass in vain
and we're both growing up
keep your normal life, the way you are.
Maybe you can't explain
maybe you can't talk
Maybe you can't explain
maybe you can't talk
Something brings me far, something brings me near to you
and it's love
The moon is seen in the window
and I understand it all without doubt
the wind and you make me tremble again
And in the morning like a rumor
so soft when you stretch
you'll be happy with seeing me waking up

Sun shines behind your struggle

The twilight will come if you keep on
Explaining until you lack
The strength to fight
Your hands to hit
The chains hurt you so much
that your blood is a daily rain
Don't let yourself bleed out
Don't let yourself bleed out
Look at the gray horizon
Sun shines behind your struggle
You got to give warmth to your hands today

And I'll have time in my eighties

I have some regrets and also lots of joy
To feel all that I can do and a soft melody
Sometimes being afraid is to feel a little that we're alive
I mean let's go, take my hand, we'll walk calmly
Too many little and big things always
To much love surrounding me in a thousand moments
And I'll have time in my eighties, I'm sure
Of remembering with a broad smile
At times I notice there are people able to love
I know I have strength but also that I'm sad and tired
I'm in the mood that you call me to alter my plans
A little of music in my head makes me feel calm
And that strange sensation of being
With a time that passes and never returns
Strange things that happened to me time ago
I know that more and better days will come
And I'll have time in my eighties, I'm sure
Of remembering with a broad smile

Your soul will sing happy

You don't understand me, how easy will be
to know you, to hear you and feel what you think
Now I can play with your innocence of years ago
Your harmony comes soft, what will I do
Come, come near, desired, without words.
Make everything be real forever
Remember: your soul will sing happy

Reči koje nikad nisam rekao

[Skylar Grey]
Suviše je glasno u mojoj glavi
od reči koje su ostale u meni, a trebao sam reći!
Dok se gušim u svom kajanju,
ne mogu povući reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
Ne mogu vratiti reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
[Lupe Fiasco - Vers 1]
Stvarno mislim da je rat protiv terora obično sranje –
samo jadan izgovor da iskoristite sve svoje metke.
Koliko je novca potrebno da se fakat napravi prava paljba -
9/11, zgrada 7, da li su stvarno oni to izveli?
Ah, i more je drugih prevara i obmana...
Budućnost tvog djeteta je prva koje će nestati zajedno s rezanjima budžeta -
ako misliš da je to bolno, čekaj da dobiješ udarac posred brade.
Škola je, pod broj jedan, bila sranje, i sve više to postaje -
drže te na dnu – na tvom mestu, ali te izazivaju i mame onim što na vrhu je.
Malo nešto dobiješ, onda te sklone tako da ne možeš puno da napreduješ.
Ako upališ TV, sve što možeš da vidiš je mnogo „koji kurac ljudi' –
lik izlazi s tom i tom, i trabunja o tom i tom -
i to nije Jersey Shore, druže, to su ti vijesti.
A to su mi oni isti ljudi koji nam navodno govore istinu.
Limbaugh je rasist, Glenn Beck je rasist,
pojas Gaze bombardovan je, Obama nije pustio ni jebenog glasa.
Zato neću da glasam za njega, ni za onog sledećeg.
Ja sam dio problema, moj problem je što sam miroljubiv
i što verujem u ljude.
[Skylar Grey]
Suviše je glasno u mojoj glavi
od reči koje su ostale u meni, a trebao sam reći!
Dok se gušim u svom kajanju,
ne mogu povući reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
Ne mogu vratiti reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
[Lupe Fiasco - Vers 2]
Sad možeš tvrditi da nije do nas ako nikad nismo čuli šta se dešava,
ali ako znamo za bolje, onda verovatno to i zaslužujemo.
Džihad nije sveti rat, gde se to spominje u obožavanju boga?
Ubijati nije po islamu!
A ti nisi pažljiv i ne primećuješ,
i ti nisi musliman.
Izrael, nemoj mi zauzimati moju stranu sad, jer pogledaj koliko si ih daleko odgurap.
Hajde sa mnom u geto, tu je otišao sav Avganistanac.
Žališ se na prodavnicu alkohola, ali što onda piješ?
Žališ se na sumornost, ali kad si zadnji put zasukao rukave?
Samo što slušaš Pac-a, neće to zaustaviti.
Biti buntovnik u svojoj glavi, neće učiniti da prestane.
Ako ne postaneš glumac, nikad nećeš biti neki faktor.
Tablete s milion nuspojava,
popij ih kad bolove osetiš,
progutaj ih s dijetalnim gaziranim sokom,
ubij sve svoje nervne ćelije.
Prevarantske banke svuda po Svetu
rado bi ti danas dale zajam,
tako da, ako ikad propustiš da uplatiš ratu,
mogu da ti oduzmu kuću!
[Skylar Grey]
Suviše je glasno u mojoj glavi
od reči koje su ostale u meni, a trebao sam reći!
Dok se gušim u svom kajanju,
ne mogu povući reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
Ne mogu vratiti reči koje nikad nisam rekao.
[Lupe Fiasco - Vers 3]
Mislim da je tišina gora od bilo kojeg nasilja.
Strah je tako jadna emocija koja pokazuje slabost, zato ga i prezirem.
Plašimo se skoro svega, bojimo se čak i da govorimo istinu.
Toliko se bojim onoga što misliš o meni, plašim se čak i da ti kažem.
Ponekad sam jedina osoba u koju imam dovoljno poverenja da podelim stvari -
zatvoren sam u ćeliji unutar sebe, znam da postoji zatvor i u tebi.
Ovo gledaj kao da je neko uplatio kauciju za tebe

Tiny ode 22. The millipede

The millipede and the centipede,
in november, december,
like tiny pieces of tinsel,
roll themselves up in the soil,
As if Christmas time
had set itself into the ground
To warm up the hearts
of gardens in winter
to enable little insects
to take part to the party.

Loši momci divljaju

Napolju na ulicama
Psi su u trku,
Sve mačke su pod pritiskom.
Napolju na ulicama
Zmije su svuda oko tebe,
Prljavi pacovi su krenuli,
Kontrolišu te
I nateraće te na igru.
Napolju u noći
Oči zure u
Tigrovi žele borbu.
Napolju u noći
Pauci su svuda oko tebe,
Pletu mreže i
Teraju te da se moliš,
Vezuju te i
Ne možeš da pobegneš.
Loši momci divljaju
Ako ne igraš
Njihove igre.
Loši momci divljaju
I bolje ti je da im se skloniš s'puta.
Napolju na ulicama
Psi su u trku,
Sve mačke su pod pritiskom.
Napolju u noći
Pauci su svuda oko tebe,
Pletu mreže i
Teraju te da se moliš,
Vezuju te i
Ne možeš da pobegneš.
Loši momci divljaju
Ako ne igraš
Njihovе igre.
Loši momci divljaju
I bolje ti je da im se skloniš s'puta.
Loši momci divljaju
Ako ne igraš
Njihovе igre.
Loši momci divljaju
I bolje ti je da im se skloniš s'puta,
Skloni im se s'puta.

Nothing Romanian Will Be Lost

The sweet language that we share
Will never be forgoten,
Cuz in it lays dormant and lives
All that's beautiful and just.
The brave and passionate voice
Resounds all over the plains and mountains,
Bringing close all our heats
To an undying destiny.
It is the bugle that you hear,
It is telling all those that are far away:
Nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
No matter what hardships we will endure, we swear that,
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
The Romanians know how to deal with harsh times,
They believe in their own justice and in God!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!
All our history is being reborn inside me,
Full of youth and vigor,
The voice of those that paid their tribute
Is sending us word:
No matter what storm will be unleashed
Over our unmovable fate,
The Sun will rise up again
To light the path of our destiny!
Romanians, be ready when you will hear
The signal that will eliberate you!
When our country will aks us to give it our lifes
We will,
When the moment will come
We will make amends!
Cuz nothing Romanian will be lost,
Will never be lost!

My fire of love

My fire of love,
however far
or near I might be,
never changing,
will always be burning
for you, dear eyes.
That flame which kindled me
is so pleased with my soul
that it never dies.
And if fate entrusts me to you,
lovely rays of my beloved sun,
my soul will never be able
to long for any other light.


Osecam se ziva zakopana
Ovaj grad je napet
Ugusena i usamljena u guzvi
Okruzena sam
Svim ekranima njihovog zivota
Vristim u svemir da ih izmamim van
Osecala sam se tako tuzno
Nigde da idem
Ali znam da me ti cekas
Cekas me
Daleko iz vidokruga
Pravo u belo
Ali znam da me ti cekas
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Jer bila sam hipnotisana svetlima
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Da,trebalo je vremena da shvatim
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Zato drzi m cvrsto
Samo zelim da nestanem
Negde gde mozemo zaboraviti na svet
Spremna sam da se sakrijem
Daleko od zavaravanja
Nece nas pronaci uraju koji cemo napraviti
Osecala sam se tako tuzno
Nigde da idem
Ali znam da me ti cekas
Cekas me
Daleko iz vidokruga
Pravo u belo
Ali znam da me ti cekas
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Jer bila sam hipnotisana svetlima
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Da,trebalo je vremena da shvatim
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Slobodan pad sa visine
Pratim poznati glas
Slobodan pad sa visine
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Jer bila sam hipnotisana svetlima
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Da,trebalo je vremena da shvatim
Ali dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras
Dolazim kuci
Vracam se veceras

Zovite me ludakom

Pucao sam u sebe ne znam ni sam koliko puta
I ranjen i dalje hodam, i dalje stojim
Jer pored nje izbjegavam smrt
Jer u njenom plamenu je suština mog bivstvovanja
Bolnica koja živi u meni nosi njeno ime
To je recept, more ,vjetar, pjesma
Kad otkrijem da me udaljila sa svog sjevera
Na jugu je nađem kako puca u mom pravcu
U svakom koraku sudbine
Lebdeći na kormilu
Svjetlost koja povlači obarač mog glasa
I zovite me ludakom jer je volim
Jer slušam svoje srce
To je pobuna njegove slobode
Njegova koža, njegova istina, njegova žestoka ogrebotina
I više mi nije važno što niko ne shvata
Ko je krivac, ko je pogriješio
Jedino ko zna je ova samoća
Ove besmrtne ljubavi koja će nas oboje ubiti
Vječna borba srca i razuma
Sav bes istetoviran na koži
To je droga taj bes koji može
Otvorena knjiga koja me inspiriše bez čitanja
To je katastrofa u kojoj pronalazim ravnotežu
Cvijet koji me vraća u djetinstvo
To je zatvor u kom sam bio najslobodni
Bjegunac koji umire da bi se vratio
U svakom koraku sudbine
Lebdeći na kormilu
Svjetlost koja povlači obarač mog glasa
I zovite me ludakom jer je volim
Jer slušam svoje srce
To je pobuna njegove slobode
Njegova koža, njegova istina, njegova žestoka ogrebotina
I više mi nije važno što niko ne shvata
Ko je krivac, ko je pogriješio
Jedino ko zna je ova samoća
Ove besmrtne ljubavi koja će nas oboje ubiti
Uzdasi govore
Sami od sebe
Imamo dosta razloga
Možemo da promijenimo
Možemo da promijenimo
Za jednu novu sudbinu sa tobom, sa tobom
I zovite me ludakom je želim da se vrati
Do sulude razumljivosti
Da bih izgubio opet i opet povjerovao
Da mislim opet i osjetim drhtanje
Zovite me ludakom, ali ja sam njen
Tog ludila koje me je vezalo
Kako učiniti da zemlja ponovo procvijeta
I da me opet zavoli kao ja nju
Kao što ja volim nju
Tako ludo, ludo

The Candle

¡ This has candle !
Hear me negrita, I request,
that I need and I desire
your candle to functionate.
Celia: I give you.
A ship don't sail whithout its sails
and I don't serve whithout candle,
from the good to•o enjoy
¡ Your candle !
Your candle and my candle is the candle.
Give me from the good to•o enjoy
so everything will be better
¡ Your candle make me•e lost
for eve•er my control !
Ángela: ¡ Just run over !
Celia: ¡ Ay !
Just run over•that this time•is the candle.
Salsa from the good, now you will see,
with candle you'll spend
from dark night to clear day
and you never will restrain.
There that goes ...
This is my secret, to you I tell,
The key is the candle,
that I carry in my heart.
The savour running for my veins,
and this rhythm that fills myself
is the magic that I have.
¡ Your candle !
Your candle and my candle is the candle.
Give me from the good to•o enjoy
so everything will be better
¡ Your candle make me•e lost
for eve•er my control !
Ángela: ¡ Just run over !
Celia: ¡ Run me over !
Just run over•that this time•is the candle.
Salsa from the good, now you will see,
with candle you'll spend
from dark night to clear day
and you never will restrain.
Celia:¡ Ay, que rico !
La la la le ro ro rá ...
La la la le ro ro rá ...
La la la le ro ro rá ...
Celia: ¡ Fuego !
To me, you are naught,
you have the blubber, coloured.
To me, you are naught,
you have the blubber, coloured.
Just sing your Rumba and dance your Son,
your Guarachita and your Danzón.
To me, to me, to me, to me, you are naught.
It's that you have the blubber, coloured.
A ship don't sail whitout its sails
and I don't serve without candle,
from the good to•o enjoy
¡ Your candle !
Your candle and my candle is the candle.
Give me from the good to•o enjoy
so everything will be better
¡ Your candle make me•e lost
for eve•er my control !
Ángela: ¡ Just run over !
Celia: ¡ Run me over !
Just run over•that this time•is the candle.
Salsa from the good, now you will see,
with candle you'll spend
from dark night to clear day
and you never will restrain.
The Rumba is calling me ...
Bongó, bongó, bongó, tell it I now go.
That wait just a little bit moment,
meanwhile I sing, a Guaguancó.
So tell, tell that is not disdain
'cause it lives in my heart.
My life, is naught but that,
good Rumba and Guaguancó.
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Kímbara kimbara cumba kimbamba
Ángela: ¡ I can't do it !
Celia: How not. You did it. Angelita, ¿ what do you think about sell a very little bit of herb ?
Ángela: ¡ For all nice people !
I bring Holy Herb, for the gullet.
I bring Keisimon, for the inflation.
I bring Road Free, for your destiny.
Celia brings the Rue, for who snezze.
Also I bring Basil, for the people tin [ those who don't consume ]
To the paupers, Grass Vetiver [ for who don't see ]
And with this herb, ¡ you get marry !
Celia: ¡ Azúcar !
A ra ra re ro ro rá ...
A ra ra re ro ro rá ...
A ra ra re ro ro ra ...
A ra ra re ro ro ra ...
Bemberé bemberé ...
Bemberé bemberé ...
Follow my counsel very gently.
Put salt in the Guaracha
and piquant to your Guaguancó.
Ángela: ¡ Ajá !
Add paprika at your Merengue,
saffron in the Montuno
and mat for your Changó ...
¡ Your candle !
Your candle and my candle is the candle.
Give me from the good to•o enjoy ...
so everything will be better
¡ Your candle make me•e lost
for eve•er my control !
Ángela: ¡ Just run over !
Celia: ¡ Run me over !
Just run over•that this time•is the candle.
Salsa from the good, now you will see,
with candle you'll spend
from dark night to clear day
and you never will restrain.
¡ Your candle !
Your candle and my candle is the candle.
Give me from the good to•o enjoy ...
so everything will be better
¡ Your candle make me•e lost
for eve•er my control !
Ángela: ¡ Just run over !
Celia: ¡ Run me over !
Just run over•that this time•is the candle.
Salsa from the good, now you will see,
with candle you'll spend
from dark night to clear day
and you never will restrain.
[ Ángela: Your candle ... your candle, Celia, your candle ... ]

Disco in Moscaw

Danger is threatening The East, reports our spy
A weapon from The West leads the revolution
No border stops it
No law stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow
No morals in the Red Army
Every annual plan fails completely
No Tchaikovsky stops it
No Tolstoy stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Siberia, the place of exile
Thousands are taken away
No Stalin's organ pipe1 stops it
No Molotov stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
  • 1. A multiple rocket launcher


In a house
There is music in the house
In the rhythm
In the rhythm of disco heart pounding
I don't care
what happens to me later
I dance like a God
It won't be the same tomorrow
And if you're lucky
Let's continue the night together
Under the starry sky of love
What will you dream about
When not in fun
There will be a knock on our door
Cold January?
I'll open the doors
I'll send everyone away
And keep dancing
Need to, need to leave
That's the same time flies!
And a few words about,
How do we catch the ferry
I'm sick of everything - we'll talk later
I'm passionate about dancing
The dust stands in a column
We are left to dance together!
What will you dream about
When not in fun
There will be a knock on our door
Cold January?
I'll open the doors
I'll send everyone away
And keep dancing

Disco Willy

I bought two red boots
Disco, disco, disco willy
And a green-yellowish tie
Disco, disco, disco willy
A striped shirt, a Pierre Cardin scarf
And a printed suit with no revers
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy
Fish doesn't live on land
Fish doesn't live on land
Neither does a young communist 1 (live) with freaks
Neither does a young communist with...
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy
I shaved your armpit hair
Disco, disco, disco willy
You bought me the record of Paschalis 2
Disco, disco, disco willy
We took the funicular to go up to Lycabettus 3
Fish doesn't live on land
Fish doesn't live on land
Neither does a communist (live) with freaks
Neither does a communist with...
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy

Pucaj polako

Versions: #1
Jutro bez sekretarice
Smijeh ljudi
Kiša, prijatelji koji su trenutno tu
Koji neće biti tu sjutra
Tvoje ime koje se pojavljuje u drugom glasu
Poziv na čekanju
Odbegli konj, koji i dalje bježi
Đaci koji drhte prikrivajući istinu
Tvoja prijetnja mi je na umu
Još jedna i ostavljam je sa tobom
I ti koji imaš plamen u mojim grudima
Koliko puta sam sebi rekla
Mi smo izgubljena bitka
I ja koji sam kriv za sve tvoje strahove
A ponekad neko koga sanjaš
Ne mogu da izliječim ranu
TI i ja, i ti
Pucaj polako, srce
Zar ne vidiš da se bojim
Pucaj, ali pogodi molim te
Da više ne ostane ništa
Puvcaj, kad hoćeš, srce
Tvoje standardne riječi
Ne postoji ništa što već ne znaš o meni
Znaš dobro gdje možeš da me udariš
Prijetnja na umu
Ako me voliš, ne vraćaj mi se
I ti koji imaš plamen u mojim grudima
Koliko puta sam sebi rekla
Mi smo izgubljena bitka
I ja koji sam kriv za sve tvoje strahove
A ponekad neko koga sanjaš
Ne mogu da izliječim ranu
TI i ja, i ti
Kako je tužno što se volimo
A nemamo lijek
Pokušaji i životi se troše
Samo znam da se u jendom trenutku
Noć i dan
Spajaju, saosjećaju i postaju poezija
I ti kao luda tražiš svoje mjesto
Pogledaj me, ja nijesam tvoj neprijatelj
Ubij me kako samo ti to znaš
A ja pokušavam da se oslobodim, ali ne uspijevam
Ako me napadneš, ne znam šta ću reći
Ako me voliš, ne vraćaj mi se
I ti i ja, i ti
Gledam u pod
Možda te nikad nijesam ni shvatao
Bol nacrtan u oblacima(mm)
I sada kad smo dotakli dno
Telefon gori od poziva
Sjećanje na tebe u mom krevetu(ooo,mm)

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love

Pucaj polako

Versions: #1
Jutro bez sekretarice
Smijeh ljudi
Kiša, prijatelji koji su trenutno tu
Koji neće biti tu sjutra
Tvoje ime koje se pojavljuje u drugom glasu
Poziv na čekanju
Odbegli konj, koji i dalje bježi
Đaci koji drhte prikrivajući istinu
Tvoja prijetnja mi je na umu
Još jedna i ostavljam je sa tobom
I ti koji imaš plamen u mojim grudima
Koliko puta sam sebi rekla
Mi smo izgubljena bitka
I ja koji sam kriv za sve tvoje strahove
A ponekad neko koga sanjaš
Ne mogu da izliječim ranu
TI i ja, i ti
Pucaj polako, srce
Zar ne vidiš da se bojim
Pucaj, ali pogodi molim te
Da više ne ostane ništa
Puvcaj, kad hoćeš, srce
Tvoje standardne riječi
Ne postoji ništa što već ne znaš o meni
Znaš dobro gdje možeš da me udariš
Prijetnja na umu
Ako me voliš, ne vraćaj mi se
I ti koji imaš plamen u mojim grudima
Koliko puta sam sebi rekla
Mi smo izgubljena bitka
I ja koji sam kriv za sve tvoje strahove
A ponekad neko koga sanjaš
Ne mogu da izliječim ranu
TI i ja, i ti
Kako je tužno što se volimo
A nemamo lijek
Pokušaji i životi se troše
Samo znam da se u jendom trenutku
Noć i dan
Spajaju, saosjećaju i postaju poezija
I ti kao luda tražiš svoje mjesto
Pogledaj me, ja nijesam tvoj neprijatelj
Ubij me kako samo ti to znaš
A ja pokušavam da se oslobodim, ali ne uspijevam
Ako me napadneš, ne znam šta ću reći
Ako me voliš, ne vraćaj mi se
I ti i ja, i ti
Gledam u pod
Možda te nikad nijesam ni shvatao
Bol nacrtan u oblacima(mm)
I sada kad smo dotakli dno
Telefon gori od poziva
Sjećanje na tebe u mom krevetu(ooo,mm)

Noise of nothing

Did you really believe
we would have spoken Esperanto?
Did you really believe it
or did you just hope so?
But what time1 is this
and what electricity
But what time is this
and what time will come
What will the weather be?
Can't you hear thunder?
Can't you hear thunder yet?
Can't you hear that sound?
It's far away but it seems to be drawing nearer
this music we have already heard.
Dad, there's a killer, don't let him knock at the door.
Dad, there's a fortune teller, don't let him speak.
Dad, there's a plasterer decked out in new clothes
there's the skin of an old snake
that was just hatched
and there's a loud noise of nothing
a loud noise of nothing.
Did you really believe
we would have spoken about love?
Did you really believe it
or did you just hope so in your heart?
Today, eyes shout to eyes
and mouths sit and watch
and ears see nothing
between Babel and the global village.
Dad, there's a killer, don't let him knock at the door.
Dad, there's a fortune teller, don't let him speak.
Dad, there's a plasterer decked out in new clothes,
there's the skin of an old snake
that was just hatched
and there's a loud noise of nothing
a loud noise of nothing.
  • 1. 'tempo' means both 'time' and 'weather'

One hundred and fifty stars

One hundred and fifty stars in single file
in this damp night that tastes like marjoram
in this splendid night that tastes like mallow
one hundred and fifty stars in this hot night.
One hundred and fifty stars or one hundred and fifty-one
and me counting them in this lampblack sky
I count them again and again and let's do the tango
in this filthy night that tastes like mud.
Someone throws bombs and no one saw that coming
in this historic night without lapilli or lava
Someone throws bombs that look like toys
that kill people but spare the squirrels.
One hundred and fifty stars and more than a spark
in this hysterical night that tastes like chamomile
one hundred and fifty stars or one thousand and five hundred
and me counting them again and slowly falling asleep.
One hundred and fifty stars and a single star
in this hypocritical night that tastes like Coca-Cola
a night so friendly one can sleep in a sleeping bag
one hundred and fifty stars in the center of the sky.

You Appeared to Me

You appeared to me
You appeared to me
You appeared to me
You appeared to me
You appeared to me
Made everything become nothing
And vice-versa
I was submerged
I was the olive in the pot pie
You are the owner of the lump
Of the olive from the pot pie that you ate
You appeared to me
Made nothing become everything
Left me silent
From how big
You make me afraid
My stranger
It's the pleasure that I suffer with
It's with an ending like that that I recognize
That the averse was always here
My stranger
You're the mistake in my certainty
You're the insane that's in beauty
The sadness that makes me smile
You appeared to me
Made everything become nothing
And vice-versa
I was submerged
I was the olive in the pot pie
You are the owner of the lump
Of the olive from the pot pie that you ate
You appeared to me
Made nothing become everything
Left me silent
From how big
You make me afraid
My stranger
It's the pleasure that I suffer with
It's with an ending like that that I recognize
That the averse was always here
My stranger
You're the mistake in my certainty
You're the insane that's in beauty
The sadness that makes me smile
You appeared to me
You appeared to me
You appeared to me
You appeared to me...

Hearts on Fire

I am•like (dark) night ...
and You are, like (clear) day ...
What would be of me,
if it dawned and you wouldn't be there ...
What would be of me without thee ...
and what would be of thee...whithout me
I am, (just) like one rock ...
that dies and dries of thirst in the sun ...
and You, are the rain ...
that caresses my skin and entrails ...
What would be of me without thee ...
and what would be of thee...whithout me
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
Hearts on Fire,
lovers of the sun ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire ...
hearts on fire ...
Hearts on Fire,
are we the both ...
I am, like the spring (season) ....
and You, like greenhouse's flower ...
I know that each year you wait for me
to loving and say us 'I Love You ...'
What would be of me whithout thee ...
and what would be of me...whithout thee
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire,
lovers of the sun ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
hearts on fire ...
hearts on fire ...
Hearts on Fire,
are we the both ...
Seagulls -no haven-
pilgrims of love ...
Hearts on Fire ...
Are we the both ...

Waiting for your calling back

Waiting for your calling back
Waiting for your calling back
Waiting for your calling back
Waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
Maybe you need me
I'm waiting for your calling back
There's still a chance
I'm waiting for your calling back
There are feelings left
No matter how long it takes, I'm gonna wait for you
I didn't expect that you're staying cool
even after burning my heart inside
But the feelings still keep growing up
and I'm waiting for you
I didn't expect that you're taking for granted
the series of cancelling our dates, it's absurd
Just saying 'sorry' is that difficult for you,
is it?
But I don't want to lose you yet
I'll be here and keep waiting for you
I'm waiting for your calling back
Maybe you need me
I'm waiting for your calling back
There's still a chance
I'm waiting for your calling back
There are feelings left
No matter how long it takes, I'm gonna wait for you
I once said that I can't blame anyone
Actually, from the beginning, I've blamed you
Trying to avoid the conflicts, only my heart
was shattered
Yes, I'm coward,
I don't wanna run the risk
I wish you were sorry more than me
When I take my courage and come to you first
your attitude stabs me
still, I cannot trust you
until you come to me and show your heart
I'm waiting for your calling back
Maybe you need me
I'm waiting for your calling back
There's still a chance
I'm waiting for your calling back
There are feelings left
No matter how long it takes, I'm gonna wait for you
I'm coward, why I was that harsh to you
uselessly because of that pride
Even if
I tried to call you now first,
No, I don't have any gut to do that
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
You will need me
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm still there
I'm waiting for your calling back
I have feelings left
No matter how long it takes, I'm gonna wait for you
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back
I'm waiting for your calling back


I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
If I keep walking with the hot sun at my back,
then someday will the endless sandy field disappear?
And the hope just ends in a mirage
If I keep walking, leaning on the countless stars,
then someday will my love be around the blue oasis?
Will my love be there, when the desert ends and the grassland starts
I promise myself that I won't give up a single hope
I walk in search of a place to beat my lonliness
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
Even if I walk without any promise, expectancy gets bigger
But only the sand in my shoes gets piled up
and there's nothing left deep in my heart
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
The hot sun, you who has fallen by the heat
The endless sands, you who has fallend by the boredom
My heart for you who flew away and disappeared
But I'm just walking without any regrets
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot


Maybe you're angry, the way you look at me
is not the same as before
I can't bear this atmosphere
But you still seem okay
Without any reasonable reason
I don't want to see you today
I feel like, oh please, should we
have to fight again like this?
Remember, what pushed us out is a fate
When we get used to each other, there comes breakup
I want to be obsessed with you
I'll love you so roughly
Let me own you so that I won't be immune
We've told each other to have some time
to be aparted for a while
We've scratched each other as if to kill
We've hit, hurt and made each other cry
But no matter how we tired of our relationship,
there are times when we are on fire
I do, oh please remember
We can still do love
Remember, what pushed us out is a fate
When we get used to each other, there comes breakup
I want to be obsessed with you
I'll love you so roughly
Let me own you so that I won't be immune
Remember, what pushed us out is a fate
When we get used to each other, there comes breakup
I want to be obsessed with you
I'll love you so roughly
Let me own you so that I won't be immune

San Francisco

If you go to San Francisco
pick a flower and take it along with you.
There is a girl in San Francisco
who, if you wish, will accept it for me.
Open your heart in San Francisco
and you will get back the love that you give.
I have been to San Francisco
and I already know what you will find.
Oh how many eyes
full of smiles,
aha, wherever you look.
You will smell the scent
in the streets and in the air,
aha, of a new world—
of a new world.
And if you go to San Francisco
pick a flower and take it along with you.
There is a girl in San Francisco
who, if you wish, will accept it for me.
If you go to San Francisco
pick a flower and take it along with you—
with you—
with you—
with you—
with you—
with you—
with you-—

I Prefer Paradise

Some people love richness
and dressing like a king
some don't want to do anything
they don't feel like toiling.
Some always talk too much,
they can't tell the truth
and then criticize everything
there's nothing right.
But to me
no, that doesn't work
it's not what I like.
I prefer Paradise,
Paradise, Paradise
I prefer Paradise,
Paradise, Paradise,
Some think they're great
They want to rise up to the sky
They're fanatical and arrogant,
they think they really are something.
Some dream of great careers
big bows and lackeys,
they always want to have success
and honors galore.
But to me
no, that doesn't work
it's not what I like.
I prefer Paradise,
Paradise, Paradise
I prefer Paradise,
Paradise, Paradise,

I Don't Care

I don't care whether life stops or drips of pineapple juice
I don't care if it makes a noise and the road goes backwards
I don't care if light deceives and there's nothing strange
I don't care if the cost increases and the price double, as it should've
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
I don't care if it's a lost cause
If my end goal was never to win
I make immense plans that I shouldn't
When I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I don't care if I changed ideas, lyrics, epics I didn't go back to
I don't care if I win prizes, if I only have dust on my sofa
I don't care if the crises gets larger and if the vest can't handle it
I don't care whether I care, but I'll agree if you stay there
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
I don't care if it's a lost cause
If my end goal was never to win
I make immense plans that I shouldn't
When I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write

When We Disco

It was like magic
When we disco, when we disco
So, I still can't forget it
I miss those days
When we disco, when we disco
Do you still remember as well?
Except for you, everything's a blur
I only saw you
(When we d.i.s.c.o.)
I was sucked in, rapture
I didn't know even if it dawned
Where are you now?
Do you think of me now and then?
We were beautiful back in the days
Do you remember, baby?
It was like magic
When we disco when we disco
So, I still can't forget it
I miss those days
When we disco when we disco
Do you still remember as well?
Everyone would stare at us
When we danced
(When we d.i.s.c.o.)
Every single move sent
Chills down my spine
Can you forget it, or like me,
Cannot forget it
We were beautiful back in the days
Do you remember, baby?
It was like magic
When we disco when we disco
So, I still can't forget it
I miss those days
When we disco when we disco
Do you still remember as well?
We dind't stab the sky,
But each other's hearts
Do you remember? Do you remember?
We didn't shake our hips
But each other's lives
Do you, do you remember, baby?
It was like magic
When we disco when we disco
So, I still can't forget it
I miss those days
When we disco when we disco
Do you still remember as well?

Disco (Bad dance doesn't matter)

Already waiting impatiently
No, I like the house, basically
Suddenly I recall
A sticky floor covered with drink
A relationship that changes in a few hours
The friend of that guy who’s disappeared
Being slightly drunk is the past
I spilled those memories somewhere
And was dancing that time
The underground stairs, the heavy door
The sound that leaks out is the night’s romance
The unfriendly bartender too
Actually loves this place
So it’s not scary, the shining light
With the monthly words let’s sing love hey
The love that’s here, thank you, music
Don’t change
Even if it’s an utterly hopeless dance
It doesn’t matter
To the right, to the left
Cast your magic
Don’t say “But... what?”
In this instant at your eyes,
I’m gazing
Cast your magic
It’s fine if you come by just a bit
Or it’s fine if you leave in the morning
If you don’t want to then it’s fine if you don’t drink
By all means it’s fine under the light
So nimble I could dance
No? Then moderately
Who is this beat?
This beat I know
Try dig
Try find a DJ you like
I’ve lost sight, hey where am I?
I’ve lost sight, hey where is everyone?
This DJ’s good, the scenery moves, that smile
I firmly hold
The T-shirt’s sleeve, lovestruck
But you don’t care? I’m already wasted
The memories became pocket change
I hold on to this swollen wallet
There’s no last train, I’ll dance until morning
Don’t change
Even if it’s an utterly hopeless dance
It doesn’t matter
To the right, to the left
Cast your magic
Don’t wait, look
Even if it’s an utterly hopeless dance
It doesn’t matter
To the right, to the left
Cast your magic
Now just innocently
Don’t change
Even if it’s an utterly hopeless dance
It doesn’t matter
To the right, to the left
Cast your magic
Don’t wait, look
Even if it’s an utterly hopeless dance
It doesn’t matter
To the right, to the left
Cast your magic
Don’t say “But... what?”
In this instant at your eyes,
I’m gazing
Cast your magic