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Резултати претраге страна 13

Број резултата: 549



When you walk on a distant road
You are close if you sing
Picking flowers from road side
Where the load leads to
Nobody ever knows
You just go, without looking back
Wimps are laughed at by
The sunflowers in the garden
Who in any time staring at the sun
Ah my mother's voice, ah my father's voice
Ah again they talk in my ears - don't be discouraged
Even a distant and hard slope
Comes to an end when you finish it
You can meet the beautiful scenery
What kind of scenery it is
Nobody ever knows
But it must be in happiness colors you dreamed
Wimps are laughed at by
The sunflowers in the garden
Who in any time do not forget smiles
Ah my mother's voice, ah my father's voice
Ah again they talk in my ears - don't be discouraged

Мој отац

Отац ме је одгајио попут ветра
Нежно дувајући, певајући, причајући ми бајке
Живео је тамо где се сви путеви завршавају
Хиљаду и једна година није довољна да се такав живот проживи
И сад га чујем, са срцем на струнама
И сад га видим, у времену које пролази мојим борама
Поносит што проповедам његову веру
Од хиљаду и једне песме управо ову певушим
Стари дани, лепи дани
Волим кад ме на њега сете
Кад ме позове, а ја му притрчим
Има ли од тога лепше игре
Старе га песме призивају
Те још осећам сунце на лицу
И даље чујем шум ветра
И даље на ветру ори се његов глас
Песмом је унеповрат одагнао моју тугу
И одајем му признање речима да његов сам
И с поносом могу испричати сину
Да је он мој отац, а овде мој дом
Стари дани, лепи дани
Волим кад ме на њега сете
Кад ме позове, а ја му притрчим
Има ли од тога лепше игре
Старе га песме призивају
Те још осећам сунце на лицу
Ветар је одсвирао успаванку да ми краси снове
Ветар је одсвирао успаванку, коју и дан данас чујем

Open Up, Open Up

Opened up, opened up
What kind of flower opened up?
A lotus flower opened up
Just when I thought it opened up
Before I knew it, it closed up
Closed up, closed up
What kind of flower closed up?
A lotus flower closed up
Just when I thought it closed up
Before I knew it, it opened up

Night-time Tale

This is the night-time tale,
to say you goodbye and to make you sleep,
it’s the lullaby of the eyes when they close,
when it’s dark and the day is over.
The wind blows among the trees,
it combs the fields and the grass in the meadows,
and the tale goes around and plays its tune
in every house, for every child.
Green is the color of lizards,
blue is the sky reflected in a brook,
red is the color of sparks
bursting out dancing in a fire.
Yellow is the wheat in the countryside
in the season of warmth and sun,
and the lullaby ends with black,
which is the ugliest, it’s the color of night.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Sleep and don’t cry
if you have dreams upsetting you,
’cause I’m here always awake
to drive away all sprites.
I’ll keep away thieves, bandits,
bad thoughts, and evil spirit,
I’ll let come only nice dreams,
those of shining gold and true silver.
Don’t you see that night has come,
that there are no more people around, and that you can hear no more noise?
It’s the time to tell some tales,
and sitting next to the fire.
The sun hid,
the wind stopped blowing,
the moon has come by
because it’s time to go to sleep.
Because it’s time to go to sleep.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Nije ljubavna pesma

Ti si fin momak
I ti tražiš finu devojku da padne za tebe, za ceo život
Ali to nije moja vibracija, ja pokušavam samo da se zabavljam
Ti kažeš da je ljubav slepa, ali to je samo neko sranje tačno tamo
Zato što gledam u tvoje oči, i one pale vatru
Seks u mom umu, i to je ono što želiš
Ovde licem u lice, i mi oboje znamo istinu
Ti zoveš moj blef, ne mogu da lažem kao ti
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te volim ali ne mogu
Volela bih da mogu da te zovem ujutru ali ne mogu (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da mi nedostaješ ali ne mogu (da)
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Uzbudim se kada me poljubiš tako (tako)
Kada smo telo uz telo tako (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te želim više od toga
Ali ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Sentimentalni momak, jedinstven
Stvarno dečko, to je teško naći
Ali to nije moj tip, trebao bi da nađeš svoju drugu stranu
Jabuku za tvoje oko, jin za tvoj jang
Plavo za tvoje nebo, tvoj poljubac u kiši
Mari za tvoju Janu
Ali trebalo bi da znaš da to nije moja stvar
Ovde licem u lice, i mi oboje znamo istinu
Ti zoveš moj blef, ne mogu da lažem kao ti
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te volim ali ne mogu
Volela bih da mogu da te zovem ujutru ali ne mogu (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da mi nedostaješ ali ne mogu (da)
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Uzbudim se kada me poljubiš tako (tako)
Kada smo telo uz telo tako (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te želim više od toga
Ali ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Sve su laži, sve su laži
Bajke gubljenja vremena
Sve su laži, sve su laži
Ti znaš šta ja želim, ti znaš šta mi se sviđa
Nema potrebe da se pretvaramo da ćemo na kraju biti srećni
Nema više laži, nema više laži
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te volim ali ne mogu
Volela bih da mogu da te zovem ujutru ali ne mogu (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da mi nedostaješ ali ne mogu (da)
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Uzbudim se kada me poljubiš tako (tako)
Kada smo telo uz telo tako (oh oh)
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem to da te želim više od toga (više od toga)
Ali ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Sve su laži, sve su laži
Bajke gubljenja vremena
Sve su laži, sve su laži
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Ti znaš šta ja želim, ti znaš šta mi se sviđa
Nema potrebe da se pretvaramo da ćemo na kraju biti srećni
Nema više laži, nema više laži

Vermilion (Drugi deo)

Izgledala je kao da je obucena svim sto je moje
Rasirena po mojoj sramoti
Sva muka i bol
Procurela je i pokrila me
Uradio bih bilo sta da je imam
Da je samo za sebe imam
I sada ne znam sta da radim
Ne znam sta da radim
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ona je meni sve
Neuzvraceni san
Pesma koju niko ne peva
Ona je mit u koji moram da verujem
Jos jedan razlog je sve sto mi je potrebno da je ostvarim
Ne znam sta da radim (x2)
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Zamka u mom grlu
Pocepan na komade
Ja necu - ne
Ne zelim da budem ovo
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni
Ona nije stvarna
Ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Bring It Down

Roam through the tunnel searching for the truth
I hear the voice echo in the dark
“Can you feel my heart?”
The moment it whispers, like a ghost, it disappears
I can feel your heart
I won’t let you escape
I will surely find you myself
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Turning even my weakness and uncertainty into weapons
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Bring it down, bring it down,
Bring it down, down down down
Bring it down, bring it down,
Bring it down, down down down
In the gap between the towering buildings, suspicious eyes glow
Even if it is a dangerous trap, if I don’t move, it won’t start
Unreasonable pain
Countless tears
Change them to power
Now I will fly high
Leap beyond my past self
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Shoot an arrow towards the uncertain future
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Turning even my weakness and uncertainty into weapons
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
It’s all up to me Now let it free
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Bring it down


Izgleda da je ona obucena svim prstenjem...
Bivsih kobnosti
Tako krhka, ali i tako nepostena
Ona idalje vidi
Klimatske ruke koje pritiskaju
Njene hramove i moje grudi. Ulazi u noc
Kada se vecno... vratila kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Ona je meni sve i vise od toga
Svecano hipnoticna
Moja Dalija, okupana posedovanjem
Ona je meni dom
Postanem nervozan, izopacen kada je vidim, i gore od toga
I stres je zapanjujuc
Sada ili nikada
Ona se vecno vraca kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Tesko je reci sta mi je privuklo paznju
Fiksiran i lud-- Privlacna vaš
Izrezi mi ime na mom licu, da bih mogao da prepoznam
Taj feromonski kult koji terorise
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Ja sam rob, ali ja sam i gospodar
Bez uzdrzavanja, i neproverenih kolekcionara
Ja postojim zbog svoje potrebe, da zalazem sebe
Ona je nesto unutar mene, sto prezirem
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x8)
(Ona nije stvarna, ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom) x2
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

I'm leaving you with all the best

I'm leaving you with all the best, my dear parents,
My people and my guests...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To their house...
I've crossed the threshold to go outside,
How kind my mother is...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
My parents-in-low, just as they had promised,
Have come to take me...
I've shot a glance over the valley
And over the paddock...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving in yearning
My homeland where I've grown up...
I'm leaving you with all the best, my brothers,
My brothers and my sisters,
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
I'm waiting for you to come as guests
To our house...
© Vladímir Sosnín

As a Human, I'm Quite Warped

Warped, warped, warped, warped
Warped, warped, warped, warped
Warped, warped, warped, warped
Warped, warped, warped, warped
I was watching the TV late at night
I had nothing to do so I was just watching it absent-mindedly
Flipping through channels, successful people were getting recognition
That person isn't warped at all... how wonderful*
'How boring,' I thought and turned it off
Better go to sleep, I have work from tomorrow on
Unable to go to sleep, I flipped through some comics
A gravure idol was smiling at me**
That athlete is just my type.
Those sorts aren't warped at all... how wonderful
I get it, the reason I'm not rewarded
Is because, as a person, I'm quite warped
So sit up properly! Already,
I'm warping, warping, warping away
Make it so I can't tell why I'm trembling!
Slipping away! I'm already a warped human
But if you are here, I can change?
Just realize that I am here
Think of the warping as a surge
Won't this warping change the world as well?
I feel people can't help but notice me
Even if now they can only see me trembling
Alright, I get it, the reason I'm not rewarded
Is because, as a person, I'm quite warped
Ah, I get it, the reason I'm trembling
Is because I don't have anyone to support me
I'm sitting up! Already,
We're warping, warping, warping away
Make it so I can't tell why I'm trembling!
Slipping away! I'm already a warped human
But if I meet you, I can change?
Just realize that I am here

Trčanje sa lavovima

Ako želiš da vidiš, jednostavno otvori oči
Ako želiš da dišeš, idemo napolje na otvoreno
Izvan otvorenog
Nema potrebe da stojiš zaključana unutra
Ovo kraljevstvo je tvoje i ovo kraljevstvo je moje
Dozvoli mi da ti pokažem
Samo mi dozvoli da ti pokažem
Nema potrebe da budeš uplašena
Ne moraš se skrivati
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Ako želiš da govoriš, samo otvori usta
Ne brini za reči, snaćićemo se
Samo probaj
Samo probaj
Nema potrebe da se bojiš
Nema potrebe da se kriješ
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Trči sa lavovima
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez

Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.

When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.


If time could stay still,
if there was a door open to the Eternal,
where would your body remain?
Your simplicity, your eagerness, your dream,
your true image?
If time gives itself to confusion,
if this world goes on like this, with no wheel nor pulse,
the people still claims your modest efforts,
your simplicity, your eagerness, your dream,
your true image,

Ta noć

То је била усамљена ноћ
Нема звезда које су сијале, тамо није било светла
Једна узнемирујућа мисао се пробила
И обојила мој свет тако плаво
Љуба-а-а-а-ави где си?
Љуба-а-а-а-ави требаш ми
Љуба-а-а-а-ави током целе ноћи
Где си моја љубави? Ох
Путовала сам кроз време
Чинило ми се како да чиним злочин
Мој ум је радио луде ствари
Машта је отворила своја крила
Ноћ је тамна као угаљ
Одвела ме је далеко од обале
Молим те доћи к мени док Сунце излази
И врати ме у мој рај
Љуба-а-а-а-ави где си?
Љуба-а-а-а-ави требаш ми
Љуба-а-а-а-ави током целе ноћи
Где си моја љубави? Ох
Љуба-а-а-а-ави где си?
Љуба-а-а-а-ави требаш ми
Љуба-а-а-а-ави током целе ноћи
Где си моја љубави? Ох
Љуба-а-а-а-ави где си?
Љуба-а-а-а-ави требаш ми
Љуба-а-а-а-ави током целе ноћи
Где си моја љубави? Ох
Љуба-а-а-а-ави где си?
Љуба-а-а-а-ави требаш ми
Љуба-а-а-а-ави током целе ноћи
Где си моја љубави? Где си?


Jedan ima malo vremena za ljubav,
prvi put kad se voli je nemoguce zaboraviti.
Ispunjavam svu samocu sa tvojim secanjem
i ne osecam te, ne osecam te,
veoma je tesko disati,
zato sto u dubini mojih grugii postoji bol,
nemoguce je zaboraviti veliku ljubav izmedju tebe i mene.
Vise ne ostaje nista od ljubavi koju sam ti jednog dana dao,
vise nisi ovde, vise te ne osecam,
ovo je samoca koja me sve vise preuzima,
ja ne znam da zivim, ako te nemam.
Kako da prihvatim
da vise ne mogu da budem srecan
u tami moje tihe
Kupidon vise nema strele za mene,
toliko je tesko ustati i ne zeleti razmisljati na tebe.
Prekidam monotoniju zivota
i tvoje ime me proganja cak do poslednjeg ugla
i kada sam u drugim rukama mislim na tebe,
nemoguce je zaboraviti veliku ljubav izmedju tebe i mene.


[First verse: Oskar]
I invited her for ice-cream and home-made fruit cake.
She smoked two fags but then brought up the topic of her ex.
She asks me what do I think about the guy and I'm like ' heel boy' (pussy whipped)
She didn't know what good sex was.
We went to my place.
I started to devour her with my eyes in the elevator. She turned white.
She asked me ' What's goin' through your head? Yuck! I knew it.'
My dick got hard.
She wasn't fat but had big tits.
I drank some whisky straight from the bottle.
Then I grabbed her face and gave her some too.
Her boobs were squeezed so tight.
When I pulled the bra's straps they popped out like German missiles.
My dick pierced through my underpants and trousers.
I tore her dress cause it was laced up tight as bovver boots.
She looked at me all shocked but it was nothing new to me.
It went so far down her throat that breakfast repeated on her.
She was my guest.
She had both her nipples and clit pierced
and few adages in Latin just above her pussy in defiance of social conventions.
I was standing over her like a [indistinct]
Bill Clinton would be shoving popcorn down his throat to this one.
She had that 'horny MILF' face. I threw her on the bed.
She was really pretty.
[Second verse: Oskar]
One swallow doesn't make a summer
but yesterday she was all shy and now
she has nothin' against whipping.
I grabbed her by the hair.
I have a firm grip so I ended up with a lock in my hand.
I wanted to find out how freaky she really was.
When she pushed me towards the perch
I knew I'll have to be more vigorous.
Time for the verdict will come. Women don't like to take breaks.
She's screamin', I'm holdin' her by the neck and we're 'galloping manic' (fast paced sex) like at Kentucky Derby. (play on words)
I turned her over on her stomach so that she could bend over.
She was suprised when I spanked her ass.
But the second one landed smoothly.
Soft one is okay. Like when you're slapping your dick against her butt cheeks.
She was bathed in sweat - like me when I have to pay off a debt with interest.
She started sucking on a pacifier to give her body some time to recover.
She pulled a face but dug her fingernails in my back and stopped protesting.
I've turned her over onto her side, or I should say 'sides' (love handles) - play on words.
I don't want no skinny chicks in here.
I went wild on her, 'oh' stuck in her throat.
But when she smacked me in the face her attitude changed.
Morphine might come in handy tomorrow.
I've decided that it's time to break the bed
and for her to scream like in the last moments of her life
but it's neither my name nor nickname.
[Outro: Steez] x4
She's wearing that gold, shiny stuff.
It's not a walk in a park.
Long nails, salty sweat.
Eyes blindfolded, ice cubes and vanilla butter.


How could a man simply get so intoxicated with me?
How did I just commit the delusion
to trade in my good Peter,
who never did anything to me?
Woke him out of his bed at night
loud and rough by telephone:
“Peter, I don't have any cigarettes,”
What did Peter say? “Bringin' 'em right over.”
Peter, Peter, come back to me
Peter, Peter, was my pride and joy
Peter, Peter, I was so mean
Later, only later, can you appreciate everything
We talked: “Peter, I cheated on you,”
He said: “As long as you're happy.”
Never has a thunderstorm blown up
He was tender all the time.
And without any reason at all, I went to others,
bid my little Peter Adieu!
Now that I give myself to all the others,
my heart aches so much for him.
Peter, Peter, come back to me
Peter, Peter, was my pride and joy
Peter, Peter, I was so mean
Later, only later, can you appreciate everything

Beach Et Cetera

Let's go by car
In a caramel mood
In dynamic rhythm
The radio station we're interested in is BBC
Along the coast
At Magellan Festival
In tune with energetic music
Flying around gulls are BOAC
At the American wharf
Getting nervous for some reason
Full speed in swimsuits
At Matsubara, we drink liqueur in no time
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's go bashfully
Way too picturesque, attractive, long and happy beach
Let's go to the beach
Let's venture into there
Popping rhythm makes us get in the mood to fall in love
Day and night
I want you to come closer to me
Cell phones, mine and my boyfriend's are ringing
That pelican looks sad
Bobbing on the waves
Everyone is lonely
So we apply that perfume even to fish
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's sacrifice personal feelings
The person on a perch is Harrison Ford
We are super lucky girls
Let's go in high spirits
Let's go energetically
Let's run about in tune with rhythm
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's go bashfully
Way too picturesque, attractive, white and happy beach
Let's go to the beach
Let's venture into there
In tune with rhythm, we're falling into temptation
Popping rhythm makes us get in the mood to fall in love

Pay dearly

[Chorus: TPS]x2
You'll pay dearly for all the injustice and scars.
For all the stress, for the years I spent in the slammer, for the drough.
For all the lies and scams, for betraying my trust.
I still haven't ran into some of them.
I finally got even.
[First verse: TPS]
The Bible says to forgive but there's no halo over my head.
Vultures are preying on me but they'll have their fingers burned.
Weeds are pulled up to make space for something beautiful to grow.
It only takes a moment to grow to hate someone.
I laugh at those who don't give a fuck about anything.
Some feel uncomfortable in my presence, they want to have the things that I have.
That's how life looks like with such people.
I got trusted friends, both on the outside and behind the bars.
I don't need new ones.
Many didn't want me to succeed.
Street rap is flowin' from the speakers.
I don't play to the gallery.
I think that is why they don't like me - cause I'm not changin' like others.
I'm expressing my views openly.
When someone is runnin' his mouth he'll get his ass kicked.
[Second verse: Kubi]
I'm playin' with fire, ink is drippin'
and the rain is beating against the windowsill.
I don't squander my time.
I was hanging out with the right people.
We were still coughin' and someone asked about the smell.
We would play the leading part and he was just a supernumerary.
We used to wake up at noon and go for a breakfast at bistro.
As you get older you want more things. It fucks everyone up.
Helpin' others is something one has to take in with one's mother's milk.
Focus on gettin' that paper but don't be a cunt.
Everybody would like to drive a phat ass whip and rock a fancy watch.
You're out of reach, in the Schengen area.
You're takin' risks in order to line your pockets.
You don't know what tomorrow holds.
You want to live a life of ease and in a stress-free way
but sometimes truce is impossible.
[Third verse: Seraf]
I've been watchin' how one would steal from his homie.
I've learned over the years to keep my distance from this shit.
It will come back to bite them in their asses some day.
Many times I thought to myself ' Something's wrong here.'
Things got hectic even though my 'so-called' homie was like ' yo, I got your back.'
I fobbed that phoney prick off and the sky got clearer.
I ain't got no time for revenge, unless it means being indifferent, ice-cold.
Once the luck is on my side I won't forget about people who stood by me
when haters wanted my downfall.
I don't wish you any harm but don't ask me how I'm doing.
Strangely enough things are shitty when you do.
We all gon' end up six feet under
but I'm proud that I left a mark in this world.

passing through

a so narrow and winding road
foliage barely rustles
a grass snake, you slide into it
without the slightest trace
at the still water threshold,
no more path, no more land
the last imprint of your naked foot
liquefies and fades
an unsigned silence page being
forgotten by the unhurried landscape
time stretches and dilates
you never went through here

Sa njom

Ona je uvek bila sa mnom
Pre nego sto je dosla, vec je bila u meni
Sa kojom snagom sam mislio na nju
Da prorezem prostor na zvezdi
Odgovarajuci joj na moju ljubav.
Ona je usla toliko u mene
Postavila je zastavu i ostala je
Rekla je da ljubav ne daje razlog
I jednostavno se instalirala
U najdubljem delu moga srca.
Sa njom, samo sa njom
Svake noci ja se ponovo zaljubljujem
I mesec kada je saznao da je ona bila
Uleteo je kroz moj prozor
Da slika plavo i srebrno
nasu veliku ljubav.
Sa njom, samo sa njom
Svake noci ja se ponovo zaljubljujem
I tisina koja je bila velika kao nebo
Ispunila se sa jednim volim te
Odavde do vecnosti.
Sa njom, ah, samo sa njom.
Ona se razlikuje od ostalih
Tako izgleda, bez vise, niti vise
Ona se ne trudi da se svidi
I zbog toga uvek izgleda tako prirodno.
Ona je horizont na otvorenom moru
Mesavina iluzije i stvarnosti
Ona je za mene tako posebna
Krhka kao kristalni led
Ali u isto vreme tako jaka za ljubav.
Sa njom, samo sa njom
Svake noci ja se ponovo zaljubljujem
I mesec kada je saznao da je ona bila
Uleteo je kroz moj prozor
Da slika plavo i srebrno
nasu veliku ljubav.
Sa njom, samo sa njom
Svake noci ja se ponovo zaljubljujem
I tisina koja je bila velika kao nebo
Ispunila se sa jednim volim te
Odavde do vecnosti, vecnosti.
Sa njom, samo sa njom
Svake noci ja se ponovo zaljubljujem
I tisina koja je bila velika kao nebo
Ispunila se sa jednim volim te
Odavde do vecnosti.
Sa njom, ah, samo sa njom.

They Say (The Rose)

They say love is a water
that floods the tender grass
They say love is a knife
that strikes the soul full of hate
They say love devours
Great and agonizing, full of greed
I say, love is the flower
and the seed lives only within you
If you're afraid of breaking,
you'll never know how to dance
And your dream never wants to awaken
so that you can fulfill it
Are you afraid to give yourself up?
Is there no one who warms you?
Is your soul so afraid of death
that it has never learned life?
When the nights were lonely
was the way, your way, too long?
And you believe you can't love
because you've never succeeded
Oh, then think of the winter
It hides the moss in the snow
And the flowers that still sleep
will become roses as ever

Dok Ne Umremo

Svi moji prijatelji boluju zbog trenutaka i pokajanja
Milosrdje ispleteno lazima.
Mi se idalje nadamo, da ispravimo ove defekte
I ucvrstimo ove iskonske veze.
Zajedno nastavljamo dalje za bolje ili losije,
Nasa istorija je previse stvarna da bi je mrzeli.
Sada i zauvek, ostajemo sve do jutra, i obecavamo da cemo se boriti za nasu sudbinu.
Dok ne umremo
Dok ne umremo
Pocetak avanture je svakog trenutka vredan, vise ne mogu da te izneverim.
Nebo se jos uvek prociscava, mi se nikada ne plasimo
I posledica otvara vrata.
Nikada nisam prestao da pokusavam, nikada nisam prestao da osecam
Da je porodica mnogo vise od krvi.
Ne produzavajte bez mene, jer deo koji ja predstavljam
Pozdravlja svakog od vas.
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Necemo biti zaboravljeni, nikada se necemo upustiti
Ovaj rat koji smo postigli nam je dozvolio da pobedimo.
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Moje poslednje iskreno priznanje ce ti otvoriti oci.
Nikada nisam znao poverenje poput devetke.
Neka bude izgovoreno, neka se cuje vrisak, nikada nas nece uzeti zive.
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Necemo biti zaboravljeni, nikada se necemo upustiti
Ovaj rat koji smo postigli nam je dozvolio da pobedimo.
Produzi dalje
Produzi dalje
(Nikada necemo biti slomljeni, necemo biti negirani.)
(Nas rat je pritisak, mi moramo da se ujedinimo.)
(Nikada necemo biti slomljeni, necemo biti negirani.)
(Nas rat je pritisak, mi moramo da se ujedinimo.)
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Necemo biti zaboravljeni, nikada se necemo upustiti
Ovaj rat koji smo postigli nam je dozvolio da pobedimo.
Produzi dalje
Produzi dalje
Nikada nas nece slomiti, mi necemo biti negirani,
Nas rat je pritisak i mi moramo da se ujedinimo.
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Necemo biti zaboravljeni, nikada se necemo upustiti
Ovaj rat koji smo postigli nam je dozvolio da pobedimo.
Dok ne umremo.
Dok ne umremo.
Nikada nas nece slomiti, mi necemo biti negirani
Nas rat je pritisak i mi moramo da se ujedinimo.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Like I love you

I pass my days like I love you
And I tell fairytales for you to come
I am not saying the right words, I'm touching you
I'm smiling to you
But you are not here
You won't come
You are still shadow, you won't come.
And now that you are leaving
Where do you want to go?
You belong to me
You belong to me
Your love runs
fights, forgets
(your love) scumbles and falls from the stairs one by one step.
I destroy my life like I love you
I lie down on the street
And I tell to the rain to wash me
To change
I beg (the rain)
But still I miss you
You will never come
You are still shadow
And now that you are leaving
Where do you want to go?
You belong to me
You belong to me
Your love runs
fights, forgets
(your love) scumbles and falls from the stairs one by one step.
And now that you are leaving
Where do you want to go?
You belong to me
You belong to me
Your love runs
fights, forgets
(your love) scumbles and falls from the stairs one by one step.
And now that you are leaving
Where do you want to go?
You belong to me
You belong to me
Your love runs
fights, forgets
(your love) scumbles and falls from the stairs one by one step.

You, sweet home

(× 2):
I know about paradise
from this land,
I know about a city -
there you are forever young.
Happy place
so beautiful -
it's wonderful
and so lovely.
Chorus: (× 2)
You, sweet home,
is a shelter for me.
I'm coming back from the road
at home again.
My lovely motherland,
you should know,
I live for you,
my little paradise.
(× 2):
I know about paradise
from this land,
I know about a city -
there you are forever young.
Old and good friends
is one wealth,
not money.
You, sweet home,
is a shelter for me.
I'm coming back from the road
at home again.
My lovely motherland,
you should know,
I live for you,
my little paradise.
You, sweet home,
is a shelter for me.
I'm coming back from the road
at home again.
My lovely motherland,
you should know,
I live for you,
my little paradise.

Hoću da ti kažem

Hoću da ti kažem
Moja glava je prepuna stvari koje hoću da ti kažem
Ali čim si ovde
Sve te reči odjednom iščeznu
Kad sam pored tebe
Ove igre počinju da me deprimiraju
Ali je u redu
Možda ću ti vratiti sledeći put
Ali ako se ikad ponašam bezobzirno
To sam samo ja, nije to moja glava
Koja zakomplikuje stvari
Hoću da ti kažem
Da se osećam spušteno i ne znam zašto
Ne smeta mi
Mogu čekati zauvek, imam vremena
Ponekad poželim da te bolje znam,
Da bih mogao da budem iskren i da ti govorim
Možda bi tada razumela
Hoću da ti kažem
Da se osećam spušteno i ne znam zašto
Ne smeta mi
Mogu čekati zauvek,
Imam vremena,
Imam vremena,
Imam vremena

You Had Right

You had right
To melt & soften
And come again to beat, my heart.
You melt in her love
And feel its pain
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
We melt in her love
And feel its pain
A lot we've said we would stay away
But we didn't
And life takes us away
And still we won't forget
And other eyes call for us
Pleading us
And still we say: only her eyes
or none
We melt in her love
And feel its pain
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
You had right
To melt & soften
And come again to beat, my heart.
You had right
And what could we have done?
We were delivered by love to her hands
If once we tried to hide
It shows in our eyes
Who ever was melt in love,
And that wouldn't appear on him?!
We melt in her love
And feel its pain
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
You had right
To melt & soften
And come again to beat, my heart.

Three gifts

I will wait,
I am not going to leave
I am not going to go away
without first telling you
I love you,
that I suffer when I look at you
so closed to my hands
without being able to say, 1.
love me,
because I think I already deserve you,
because I was already able to put you,
in your greatest altar, in my soul
¡Ay, but love me!
Just a smile is sufficient
to give you three gifts, which are,
the sky, the moon and the sea.
I, who dream of having a queen
to command in my inside...
I no longer have to look for her
because, on you, I find everything.
Just say yes to me
I, who dream of having a queen
to command in my inside...
I no longer have to look for her
because, on you, I find everything.
Just say yes to me
Just a smile is sufficient
to give you three gifts, which are,
the sky, the moon and the sea,
the sky, the moon and the sea.
the sky, the moon and the sea,
the sky, the moon and the sea,
the sky, the moon and the sea.
Just say yes to me


Versions: #3
There's a beautiful woman
the most beautiful with black eyes,
and of gypsy skin
She's, she's a sorceress
that dominates men with her
dances, with her hips
No, you don't know where
where she has gone
and where she is, she's a mistery
she moves with innocence
with the innocence of a princess
that nobody touches
Oh! what beautiful eyes
Oh! what a beautiful mouth
she's a sorceress
a seductress
Come let me narrow you,
let me undress you under the moon
little by little
she is a sorceress who
dominates men with her dances, with her
Oh! what pretty eyes
Oh! what a beautiful mouth
she is a sorceress
a seductress
she is a sorceress
a seductress
Oh! what beautiful eyes
Oh! what a beautiful mouth
Oh! I am his prisoner
and I burst into desire
A seductress
she is a sorceress
a seductress
a seductress
she is a sorceress
a seductress

Baltic Sea Song

I hate the glassy blue of the sky
The tireless sun that reveals everything
I hate the shimmering heat of the south
The grassless cliffs, which stretch spiritlessly
Give me the threatening colours of the north
The dripping silence of the snowless night
Give me the fearful lights of the morning
The rustle of the dunes, the storm that laughs loudly
Give me the rattling breath of the cold
The seamless strings of rain at sea
Give me the fog that distorts everything
The deep black nights and clouds like tar
Give me my childhood beach once again
With mussels and amber on dry white
Give me the salty wind of my Baltic Sea
The wailing of the seagull that circles hopefully
Give me moles with moss-green legs
And waves that sing their endless song
Give me the colours that combine quietly
The breath of childhood, which escapes silently


The city wake up and get out to work
The same routine, the same place
So she agrees he has to stop
She does not disagree that she has to change
But she remembers that she has to fight.
Crowded transport, pressed, standing
The city go down to Largo da Sé¹
mechanically it shows faith
on another day's arrival
And in Liberdade² she drink a coffee
Office, boss, card to mark³
The skinny sandwich eaten in a bar
So she's awake, she's trying to scream
Against what tightens you and makes you silent
But she gives up and begins to cry

Choice without options – that’s all you gave us (VBVVCTND).

Verse 1:
Today is a hard day: they need bread.
They eat what they are given, as if it dinner.
New work, the house is like a crypt.
Did you want a real trap? That’s the trap.
Someone's day is the same as it was yesterday.
Smoke that hemp to lose yourself till morning.
50W bulb is in the room, not sconce,
and mean alarm goes off, but it’s not our game.
Monday, every day like Monday.
Someone will fall on an old bike
to sell it for hangover.
Celebrate your housewarming while you got a reason.
Someone may fly to you this week.
Lifestyle is boundless.
Because you see this guy?
He doesn't have a dad,
he doesn't have money,
he doesn't have a bath.
I know this guy. He has no mom,
so here everybody wants to line the pockets quickly.
Chorus 1:
Rob these bitches!
One more crazy day.
Count all these hungry kids.
Poverty (around). That’s why we know the word “dream”.
People in different towns – they have so much pain.
Discharge them, come on.
Chorus 2:
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
People without hope is poverty.
Now it's time to pay the bills.
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
Verse 2:
Schoolboy hanged himself in the yard of the house.
Chicks hook up cash for straw.
Dogs bark, someone's lock has been cut,
here will get an alcohol from scrap metal.
So bitch, I'm from the underbelly,
my voice is permeated
with cannabis smoke,
not their show-biz.
Watch TV, you're like Alice
in Wonderland. Visa to my world
in 11 kilometers from the city.
Another lonely night, but with a pot.
Tomorrow I will find someone's phone in the pipe.
We again have trouble related to dough:
our packs could not find the way in the middle of the home.
What's up with this shit?
Let's find suckers to feed the young boys,
to get out of all those debts.
You see, not everyone can avoid to do it every day,
to think out new scripts,
to wait when a new piece falls at our feet.
So, if you’re ready -
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
Chorus 1
Chorus 2