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Okrivi Bugi

Moja beba uvek pleše
I to ne bi bilo loše
Ali ja ne dobijam ljubav
I to nije laž
Proveli smo noć u Frisku*
U svakoj vrsti diskoteke
Od te noći pozdravio sam se sa našom ljubavlju
Nemoj da kriviš sučev sjaj
Nemoj da kriviš mesečinu
Nemoj da kriviš dobra vremena
Okrivi bugi*
Nemoj da kriviš sučev sjaj
Nemoj da kriviš mesečinu
Nemoj da kriviš dobra vremena
Okrivi bugi
Taj gadni bugi me nervira
Ali me je nekako opio
Očaravajući ritam me tera da ustanem
Potpuno sam promenio svoj život
Video sam kako me svetlo napušta
Moja beba prosto ne može da skine oči s mene
Prosto ne mogu
Prosto ne mogu
Prosto ne mogu da kontrolišem svoja stopala
Prosto ne mogu
Prosto ne mogu
Prosto ne mogu da kontrolišem svoja stopala
Magična muzika me vozi
Taj prljavi ritam me pokreće
Đavo mi je prišao kroz ovaj ples
Pun sam fanki* groznice
U meni vatra gori
Bugi me je bacio u super trans
Sunčev sjaj
Dobra vremena
Sunčev sjaj
Dobra vremena
Nemoj da kriviš
Prosto moraš
Prosto želiš
Okrivi sebe
Niko drugi nije kriv
Osim tebe i tog bugija
Igrajući celu noć
Tebe i tog bugija
Niko drugi nije kriv
Igrajući celu noć

Sin Izraela

Stih # 1
Pazi na svet, dete
Ne postoji osoba, dete
Ko živi u korist naroda, dete
Mi smo sedativna generacija, dete
Mozak je već spržen
Moja boja kože je crna, pa me pitaju odakle sam
Šta sam video šta sam uradio
Kako sam stigao ovde (Izrael)
Pa, bez uvrede, ali to je nebitno
Pitanje koje bih želeo da postavim
Kako to da su ubili Iits-kak Rabina
Moja majka puši cigarete ceo dan
Moj brat je u vojsci koja se bori za mir
Ne tražite od mene pesme za klub
Podelit ću bol iznutra dok mi jezik ne utrne
Ali ipak, put koji sam izabrao nije nimalo lak
Ali kakav blagoslov, stvoritelj me čuva
Dakle, bez obzira koliko teške stvari mogu postati
Ne planiram da dam otkaz.
Jedan čovek usred grada koji se bori za promenu,
Snažan je iako je mlad, ima li šanse?
Zovu ga Ben Izrael.
Stih # 2
Moja olovka je spakovana mastilom,
Moj um je pun pozitivnih misli, ali ne živim u iluziji.
Svašta se može dogoditi, previše zla i mržnja toliko krvi.
da li smo ljudi ili životinje.
Zavisan od neke vrste droge ili novca u gotovini,
Nema jednakosti, rasizma, ratova i politike
Cene su do neba i niko ne čuje poziv srednje vlade iz klase.
Svi želimo promene. Ali ako sedimo i čekamo i nadamo se da to nikada neće doći. Pa ustani i učini nešto,
ponekad se obeshrabrim da propovedam isti govor, ali ako uspem da uštedim jedan od milion, to se ne smatra neuspehom. sloboda je san, stvarnost noćna mora.
Zamka bez bega. gde je spas.
Bože molim te spasi nas samih sebe, zalutali smo.
Pomozite nam da uklonimo mržnju iz svog srca.
Jedan čovek usred grada koji se bori za promenu,
Snažan je iako je mlad, ima li šanse?
Zovu ga Ben Izrael.
Stih # 3
Želimo mir, pravdu, jednakost,
Mir i tišina i život sa našim porodicama
Nije važno vaša rasa ili religija
Čak i ako ste vojnik ili građanin
Možete to osetiti duboko u svom srcu
Šta da vidite kako se vaši ljudi bore, nije bolno?
Iz dana u dan u svom srcu nalazim razlog da nastavim
U isto vreme ne vidim razlog da se zaustavim
Ne planirate da odgovorite
ili ustajanje i kretanje u akciju
ili vraćanje mira
plašiš se i to je vrlo tužno
To je veoma tužno,
Da nema mira, pravde, jednakosti
jedinstvo i sloga kada smo svi jedna porodica
Jedan čovek usred grada koji se bori za promenu,
Snažan je iako je mlad, ima li šanse?
Zovu ga Ben Izrael.

Мачка има четири ноге

Мачка има четири ноге
Има остраг је дугачак реп
Али не можеш је да додирнеш
Због њен мали раст, мали раст
Али не можеш је да додирнеш
Због њен мали раст, мали раст
Лако је да увредиш мачку
Испеглајш је пеглом између ушију
Па неће да лока млеко
И неће да ухвати мишеве
Па неће да лока млеко
И неће да ухвати мишеве
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
Мачка у трбух, мачка у трбух
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир
Она има плаве очи
На трепавицама јој је суза
Стао си јој на реп
Упркос њеном малом расту
Стао си јој на реп
Упркос њеном малом расту
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
Мачка у трбух, мачка у трбух
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
Мачка у трбух, мачка у трбух
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир
Мачка има четири ноге (четири ноге)
Има остраг је дугачак реп (дугачак реп)
Али не можеш је да додирнеш
Због њен мали раст, мали раст
Али не можеш је да додирнеш
Због њен мали раст, мали раст
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
Мачка у трбух, мачка у трбух
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
Мачка у трбух да, мачка у трбух не
Не ударај, не ударај мачка у трбух
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир
И ниси можеш да користиш мокри пешкир

Night's Escape

Don't ask me
It will just be a lie
Tonight is for you
The moment I felt that your eyes had changed,
And you don't care
Lean more towards me
The night is not long
Dim the light
You know I'll prove it
Tonight it don't matter what?
Just as your heart leads you
So tell me now
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
We on a mission
We on a mission
And you know I always see it through
Let me be your Night's Escape
You know I’ll be all right
Just for tonight
I’ll love you long time
We don't have much time
I'll be with you in the deep night yeah
A vibe is what I want
You be doing it right
Don't hide it from me
You can make me feel better now yeah
You the only one to make it right yeah
Take me with you
I'll go as you lead
Don't worry now
Go to wherever you want to
I’d do anything for ya
For love like ya
Yeah you bring me right back
Back back back back
You turn me right back
(Let me take you on a ride)
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
(You can tell me it’s all right)
We on a mission
We on a mission
(Just you and me)
And you know I always see you through it
(Oh my ya ya)
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape

Thigtly close

Elettra Lamborghini
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Night is just starting
I know there will be no control
I already have an account open
Today you'll drink a lot of alcohol
I don't want this rhythm to stop
May it keep going till sunrise
And keep dancing with me
Like we did last time
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
I can se in your eyes that you want me
You want to taste me
Let's go to a place where no one sees us
So I'm able to feel you
Today I want to misbehave
I like the forbbiden
No matter what happens
We are going to repeat
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Feel me, feel me 'cause you love this (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Turn me on, turn me on, misbehave (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
My body already is asking for more, get closer (Get closer)
I want more of your fire, touch me (Touch me)
I'm full of wickedness, tempt me (Tempt me)
If achieve it, we go wherever you say
I know we haven't seen each other (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Since the night we met (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
It was clear, we had a great time
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close
Let's order another mojito
We danced, we sweated, thigtly close

The Promise We Exchanged At Midnight

Shadows appeared within the twilight
A scene that I saw before some other day
It's a fickle imagination like the night
She is sweet, the fatal encounter
A whispered, chilled sigh

Harvesting Money

It's time my turn had come
It's time my life was free now
They say you reap what you sow
Because my life had been miserable for a long time
It's time my turn had come
It's time my life was peaceful
If I remember what happened in the past
I cry my eyes out, cry my eyes out thinking of my fate
It's time my fortune came by itself
If it's really mine, nothing can get in its way
Saying this turns into money
Saying that turns into money
Now it's time to harvest money
It's time my turn had come
It's time my life was peaceful
If I remember what happened in the past
I cry my eyes out, cry my eyes out thinking of my fate
It's time my fortune came by itself
If it's really mine, nothing can get in its way
Saying this turns into money
Saying that turns into money
Now it's time to harvest money
It's time my fortune came by itself
If it's really mine, nothing can get in its way
Saying this turns into money
Saying that turns into money
Now it's time to harvest money

Majordomo Dom Rodrigo set up the table for the king

Majordomo Dom Rodrigo set up the table for the king
when he had said to Dom Henrique: — It will upset your father,
for I have not given you the castle,
— as I tell you frankly —
but I will provide you many foot soldiers as an aid instead.
I will take many companies from the cavalrymen of Campos
and will provide all those of Valdecañas for you as an aid.
I, too, will bring such an attire for my body
which never before had Pero Sarmento brought.
I will take Fernando Teles along with a large unit of soldiers,
All bald-headed and spearless, wearing boots.
Be well aware that whomever the latter ones will kill
Will undoubtedly never ever in this world be compensated.

Sri Has Come Home

Sri is married to another man
Sri got married without telling me
No wonder you insist upon me divorcing you
Ask for a divorce Sri, ask for a divorce
Sri is married to another man
Sri got married without telling me
Can you put yourself in my shoes
I can't bear it Sri, I can't
We haven't divorced yet Sri
You dare to marry another
We haven't divorced yet Sri
The marriage certificate is still here, I keep in the drawer
The marriage certificate is still here, I keep in the drawer
Sri is married to another man
Sri got married without telling me
No wonder you insist upon me divorcing you
Ask for a divorce Sri, ask for a divorce
[Back to 'Sri is married...']


Dear, you are indeed pretty
Your laugh brings me happiness
Beautiful red lips
The more I see the more beautiful it looks
Dear, I fall for you
Are you with someone else?
It's been two weeks
I've been burying my feeling for you
(Sumi-Sumi indeed pretty)
The prettiest girl in Wonogiri
(Sumi-Sumi indeed pretty)
Swear to death I really love you
(Sumi-Sumi indeed pretty)
The prettiest girl in Wonogiri
(Sumi-Sumi indeed pretty)
If I'm wasn't telling the truth, my foot will get hit by a hammer
Do you really love me
My heart is not convinced
If you really love me
Tell my parents you will marry me

Gigantic Lake

mountains of cream
sweets and cakes
a moon made of plastic
and children without dresses
are sitting on a cloud and sing
the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
and we're alone, alone
floating along and singing
Jack is locked up in his room, and chasing bunnies
Franky and Max are picking mushrooms
the grass is glistening
and the sky drips with moisture
light falls like rain
and many stars
we sit on a cloud and sing
and the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake

killer tune kills me

A moment in a flash
Shines forever
If this heart is pierced, killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune
If it's that song, I've already removed it from the playlist
I've changed my email and accounts
I've also deleted the photos
It's over
I've found a nice sound but
It's not like this
Only the intro is best
But I want you to steal my heart, ah
I want to start, so let's forget it (Goodbye my love)
Meeting a new love by chance is a killer tune
I want to dance, I want to sing (That's all I want)
If I pass you by, looking back
That's the killer tune, killer tune, killer tune
Just hiding the hurt
With a bandage you can't see
It's still there
My cold heart
Without earphones
Will waste time today
Such a routine
So I slip away
I can hear that nostalgic melody
The heart throbbing is forever
You will steal my heart
After all, there is all but that song
Bathed in light, embraced by the beat
It healed my wounds, but
That dream, those emotions, they become distant
It's so faraway, ah
The stars have returned, I, too, will return
Alone, I sing to myself

Like How It Was In The Beginning

She would reject me with her hands (the rejecting gesture with the hands)
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back
She would reject me with her hands
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back
I didn't believe
That you're happy with him (another guy)
Until I really saw you two
My heart calmed and went to sleep
When I closed my eyes
Nightmares and fire
I saw you, you were thirsty
My heart became rain and poured
If you wait, someone like me may not come
Anything you wanted, I got it for you though...
We made up, but it didn't become like how it was in the beginning
Always fighting until the middle of the night
I said 'don't go', but that day came
You wanted both of us to depart
Any flower, its smell was one thing
Me, you, him, that one guy
(Behzad Leito):
She would reject me with her hands (the rejecting gesture with the hands)
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back
She would reject me with her hands
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back
I know it's cliche, but if you leave, I'm ruined
Yeah, a lot of people were after you
When you left, my homies altogether flooded into my house
Gang vibes, partying, back to back tequila
From that very first time that I saw you
Everything was the best with you, yeah
But I didn't know you're a snake, no no
Enough all these tears, enough
I miss you so so much!
You said you would immediately call me
Fighting you is fighting oneself
Your plans these days is all vodka and banging
I don't want this to be talked about anywhere
No, you don't know how much I value you
No, I don't want to say 'I miss her,
wish she would call me again'
She would reject me with her hands (the rejecting gesture with the hands)
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back
She would reject me with her hands
She would threaten me with her words
She would put her shoes on and would leave me (leave the house)
But tomorrow she would still come back

Ash, when will you come into leaf?

Ash, ash, when will you come into leaf?
All trees have come into leaf
Dear ash alone was not coming in leaf
Dear ash only started to come into leaf
When a nightingale flew over
Nightingale is forging a crown
In my dear garden of roses
I neither sleep nor work
I only have to listen to the nightingale

I see her on her way to prep school

I see her on her way to prep school (1)
with her school bag and in her school uniform
within an hour she won't be my little girl no more
i think i lost her
I see her on her way home from school
I know just the time
she doesn't know, she'll never know
i think i lost her
has anybody already seduced
the queen of the class ?
i see her, now she's a young soldier already
she's on leave, and serves in the division(2)
with the beret, she still looks like a little girl to me
i think i lost her
I see her on her way to prep school
i think i lost her

The Outlandish Knight

An unknown knight came to us no log ago
And he wants to marry me
To the county on the north coast
I have to go to live in his castle
Bring me the gold your father has
And jewelry from your mother too
And bring some horses to carry us
On the dangerous road
She mounted a mare as white as snow
He rode a black stallion
And they rode until the day went out
And the moon was brilliant in the sky
Oh, stop now, my dear, I'm tired
I need to rest
Let me have a drink and just for a while
I want to rest in your arms
Yet the knight just spurred the horse to a gallop
He flew through the darkness like the wind
Just hold on, my love, in a short time
You will see your room
And so they kept riding north at night
She was already falling from the horse exhausted
When they reached the cliffs on the coast
It was a few hours before dawn
Get ready to die, my beloved,
you will have a grave in the waves
I've drowned six girls here before
and the seventh one now you must be
Take off your silk dress, love
I must take it from you
After all, it would be a shame to let such a beautiful robe
Rot on the seabed
If I have to take off my silk dress
Give me your blanket
I will not allow a robber and a murderer
See me exposed
He turned his face away from her with a smirk
And a line of rags he wanted to throw at her
When she slammed into him, he staggered
And descended from the cliff into the sea
Just taste the sea, my knight
I have the same death for you
You took the lives of six girls
But the seventh death must be yours!
She stood there for a moment motionless
Before his screams in waves disappeared
A foamy surf drove him to the rocks
And smashed him into pieces

Red white green

The red star1fell in no time
and the sun shone through the Carpathian Mountains
any who is Hungarian, joins us now
Our souls can't be corrupted by lies and apathy
our enthusiasm can't be faltered by the red devils
cities and villages both sing with us now
Red, white
Red, white, green
This is Hungarian
This is Hungarian land
Up! Up! Up! Wake up!
We have to claim our land again2
The goulash-communists3 stole our eyes out4
When will Hungary finally be ours?
There was no change of government, there won't be until we do it5
and the 20 million in card debt6
We should not take it anymore to risk losing more than what was lost at Mohács7
  • 1. The symbol of the Communist Party.
  • 2. A reference to the historical act of Hungarians moving in the Carpathian basin in the 9th century.
  • 3. The latter part of the communist rule in Hungary is referred to by some as goulash-communism because after the 1956 revolution the communist rulers of Hungary started to make small concessions.
  • 4. This is a Hungarian saying, it means that you've been robbed of everything you have, even your eyes out of their sockets.
  • 5. Hungary held it's first free elections in 1990, after the end of the communist dictatorship but some people said that those who were in power during the communist era stayed in power even after it was formally over.
  • 6. This song was released in 1992 and I guess this is a reference to some political scandal of that time.
  • 7. A historical reference to the Battle of Mohács (1526) where the Hungarians suffered such a horrible defeat against the Ottoman Empire that it spawned a saying in the Hungarian language which is used to this day when one wants to imply that even though they have lost something, it's not as bad as Mohács was.
    The saying (not the lyrics) literally says: 'Oh, well, we've lost way more at Mohács'.

The Winter Festival is coming

The Winter Festival is coming
Through the field of oats
Treading down the little grass
Lifting up the sprouts
- Mummers, dear elders,
Where have you broken off the rod?
- On the tall mountain
From a holy wood
As they were flogging maidens,
Gold was pouring
As they were flogging lads
Silver was pouring

A Red Rose Is Growing

A red rose is growing
By the side of a great road
- What are you growing and blooming for?
Why are you teasing the lads?
- Why wouldn't I grow and bloom,
Why wouldn't I tease the lads
Why wouldn't I tease the lads
Throughout the whole summer
Dear brother is riding off to war
With a cap that hasn't been adorned
- Go, dear sister, to the garden
Adorn brother's cap
She adorned it while singing
She escorted him while weeping
- Why are you weeping, dear sister,
Are you mourning for the bloom?
- I do not mourn for the bloom,
I am sorry for you
Warriors have a short life
Like a summer's afternoon
Like a summer's afternoon
Like a bubble of water
The spirit of a warrior
Is sitting on the tip of a sword
It's sitting on the tip of a sword
By the side of a fire

A Frail Little Daughter-in-law

A frail little daughter-in-law has sown the dear flax
She's so fraily-frail - dear daughter-in-law, dear lilly
A frail little daughter-in-law has harrowed the dear flax
A frail little daughter-in-law has uprooted the dear flax
A frail little daughter-in-law has spread out the dear flax
A frail little daughter-in-law has lifted up the dear flax
A frail little daughter-in-law has trampled the dear flax
A frail little daughter-in-law has spun the dear flax

I'm Going To Riga By Train

I'm going to Riga by train

Not Like Before

Love isn't as beautiful as I thought
Love isn't as sweet as I imagined
This, for the first time
That's enough for me to break my heart
Maybe this won't last forever
One has failed in trying
The love that each time I desire for
Hopefully I will be happy in the end
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before
I am a woman who can't stand suffering
My first love was filled with pain
I want to try for a second time
Hopefully my last one will be happy unlike before

the Honda

Hey girl, he says, let's load the trunk
for a ride hasta manana
No she says, i hate you
and your rusty old Katana
well, he says, I'll take you out
let's go have some Suflaki
And then we'll go crash at my Mom's
smoke Shisha, drink some Raki
'Please stop' she says you're wasting time
my weekend trip lies yonder
Cause now I date Eugene,
and he drives a brandnew Honda
she's standing by the interstate
her tank-top looks so classy
blonde hair, big boobs and make-up on
try'n-a get to Tallahassee
a fat young man pulls over
wiggling out of his sedan
Say do you need a ride
I'll help you any way I can..
She yawns, that' cute, but you're a worm,
and I need an anaconda
I'm waiting for my pimp
to pick me up in his new Honda
all the ladies lose their shit,
when he's cruising in his Honda
all the ladies flash their tits
when he's rolling in his Honda
with a center intake on the hood
and rims that sparkle green
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
the boy just finished college
top of class 'summa cum laude'
his daddy buys him right away
a decent brandnew audi
but at the great reveal, the boy
he says to his old man
this beat-up german hand-me-down
i'd rather drive a second hand
you'll put 'er right on craigslist
as a miles-per-gallon wonder
and from that cash you'll get me
A pimped-out shiny honda
the daughter brings her negro home
the mother looks enchanted
and dad likes the physique,
although his manners, he lamented
as he looks out the window
while eating fries with egg
his nostrils catch the smell of weed
from a big red cadillac
that's when he finally flips
'say do you think i'm a meshigger?'
the last thing that my daughter needs
is bang a goddamn nigger..
(REF 2)
all the ladies lose their shit,
when he's cruising in his Honda
all the ladies flash their tits
when he's rolling in his Honda
with a center intake on the hood
and his dolled up ghetto queen
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
well, well, who could have guessed
that we would get precipitation
well probably not him
and now we have a situation
its friday ev'ning 5 PM,
and traffick did skyrocket
he's stuck in the commuter lane
and the sunroof he can't lock it
umbrella's still in the garage
and now he's soaked, o wonder
You shoulda think of that
when you go rolling in a honda
now look, there, by the roadside
what a sight to see
an almost brand-new honda
that just crashed against a tree
the airbags are inflated
the luggage got propelled
the tires were out of rubber
but he didn't catch the smell
i think he caught a cold
wrapped in a scarf from his aunt Rhonda
and all the girls are taking pictures
as he crawls from under his Honda
(REF 3)
all the girls are taking pictures
when he's cruising in his honda
all the girls are wooting wildly
when he's rolling in his honda
a V8 with center intake
the exhaust roars so serene
that is really quite a Honda
like no-one has ever seen
all the girls can't help but laughing
when he's rolling in his Honda
all the girls can' help but laughing
when he's rolling in his Honda
with the mashed up center intake
and rims that lost the green
that is really quite a Honda
that need not to be seen


[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Verse 1: Uniikki]
Damn, you're tired of all of this and it has been a bit difficult
If you feel like even though you are giving it your all
And the weight just doesn't drop off your shoulders
I have been there, I know how it feels
When life just gives you negativity
When you can't catch sleep, you get stuck in your place
But we can change all this together
Let me hold you against my chest
Let me give you all that you need
I am here for you, I will take the pain away
And without you I wouldn't be able to carry on here
A little bit messed up, you cleared it, I don't know how
But when my heart was broken, you healed it
And together we have hope, they won't have time to take that away
So let's fight for a moment
[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Post-Chorus: Tuuli]
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Verse 2: Uniikki]
I stand in front of this world alone
All this year full of sorrows and losses
Yeah, and one can't have them back
One little life in a million pieces
But some day we can pick up the pieces together
I will carry you out of darkness, even carry you on my back
And I will be there when you feel like nothing is left
Even if you feel like you can't carry on and the pain in your chest is not going away
Love is not temporary like some quick cash loan
Sometimes broken and sinking like Titanic
But maybe with you I will stay on the surface
You stay by my side, you give me the whole world
Some people try healing wounds with hard stuff
I guess every one of us here is messed up in their own way
But I will pull you close, I will whisper to you that you're enough
Those scars of yours are beautiful, don't cover them
[Chorus: Tuuli]
Tell me where it hurts
I will not let it hurt anymore
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
Tell me what you're missing
I will not let it be missing again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
[Post-Chorus: Tuuli]
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again
I will pick up the pieces and we will make broken whole again

Have fun

Yeah, everyone is telling a story... I'm saying
Maybe I should tell a story too. But my story is not about love, it's from my street. Like in the street I was born and if you ask anyone there they will answer you this. Yes, listen:
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
In the street, I was born everyone knows. So you do too
On one side there're flowers, on another one garbage
On one side heaven, on another side hell
Those who will come and see will know how it is
Someone is flying from the balcony like he is Fantomas
Some selling goods, some trying to trick
Someone walking with a girl, just to have a good reputation
One is dying from hunger, because of it sleeps every day
One is moving on Mercedes E 320 like he is someone special
Crys often when he enters the street
One is moving on Nissan, changed his nick to 'Gül Toto'
Whenever he has money, he plays the lotto
A lot of people start a fight in our street
A lot, lot, lot, lot who watches it
One dying from hunger, one having fun, doesn't matter, to be honest
Anyone will say the same thing
Takes you from yourself in our street (in street)
Every day it's a wedding, engagement in our street (in street) *it is in the meaning of 'party every day'*
One day there will be starvation and fun
And another day there will be neither starvation and fun
But in our street, everyone loves each other
If someone will hurt one of us, he will have a bad day
Everyone says one word, the words are together
'The neighborhood is our neighborhood, the rest of the neighborhoods are workers'
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
In the street, I was born everyone knows. So you do too
On one side there're flowers, on another one garbage
On one side heaven, on another side hell
Those who will come and see will know how it is
When I am entering the street I'm looking everywhere
In this kind of street, I finally feel alive
One is coming to the street, one is looking from the balcony
Someone screams 'It's Meyxana' *traditional freestyle/battle rap*
Our neighbor Ahmed is panicking
Every time he enters the street when he is going to work
The car is not in place, like it's a miracle
During one night it's just gone
One with vodka, one holds wine
And someone just watches the ones who drink
One is a taxi driver, one selling qatiq *it is a national yogurt type. Reminds greek yogurt*
There's no other way! *it is also a shoutout to the song *'Ya Qarabağ, ya ölüm'*
Damn this time, damn it
There's nothing, no money. And my girl run away from me
My 'can' run away, My 'can' left me * 'can' means soul, life. Also can be used to describe someone close to you.
I have no money, left me my gazelle * Gazelle or ceyran in Azerbaijan language is another way to describe a female
But who cares, it's easy to find someone new
As they say, as fathers say
'Buddy, even if you are hungry...'
Still, have fun, have fun!
Have fun, till you're alive, till there're girls on all your side
Have fun, till you have money, till you can enjoy it, till you're alive
RIP Hüseyn Dərya

Heart Loves Even If It's Broken

Versions: #2
One day you are going to miss everything you complained about me.
It won't be like the lies you've forgotten about, you will take everything about me with you everywhere you go.
You broke my heart, I smiled, I didn't say anything.
My heart was yours, you destroyed your own part.
Even if the branch of the tree withered due to absence of rain, how can the tree stop loving the rain?
If your clock stops for a moment, oh how the time waits for her/him.
Her/his smile withheld her/him because of someone heartless.
Heart breaks down, heart gets wasted but heart loves even when it is broken.
Treasures are found in ruins,
Note that.
I am broken, I'm wasted,
I am ruined but it is because of love(so it is okay)
Even if the branch of the tree withered due to the absence of rain, how can it stop loving the rain?
If your clock stops for a moment, oh how the time waits for her/him.
Her/his smile withheld her/him by someone heartless.
Heart breaks down, heart gets wasted but heart loves even when it is broken.

In Love

I’m in love with you,
as if I knew you for years,
as if the whole bright world
bloomed with happiness just for us.
Nothing will ever change in me:
every night and every day it’s you.
With your shadow you’ve outshined
the best dreams.
What more should I want?
In your eyes there shines a stretch of blue,
and the sunshine therein will last
through all the rainy days.
This is an unfathomable problem:
I don’t even know why and how
I’m in love with you
more than words can say.
What more should I want?
In your eyes there shines a stretch of blue,
and the sunshine therein will last
through all the rainy days.
This is an unfathomable problem:
I don’t even know why and how
I’m in love with you
more than words can say.

1000 Violins

With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
Let's go open the doors of the night
While the rulers are snoring
Smell the summer as many times as we want
We've been through dangerous grounds
Through the wire fence of the night
We'll see things we can never see again
And go see Huckleberry
Wipe out that yesterday we screwed up
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
From the cradle to the grave
Assholes follow us around
A thousand violins resound
We zip through an unbeaten path
Feel like someone owes me some money
But such things don't matter anymore
The memories are on a hot tin roof
They melted like ice cream
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating

Oblak od 800 decibela

Kaže on meni na avionu, 'volim te'
Rekla sam mu 'i ja tebe'
Kaže on, 'Sve je sad drugačije, sve se promenilo,
Uvek na avionu, uvek nešto novo'
Rekla sam, 'Nema ništa novo, ništa se promenilo, potreban si mi'
Ja ću povući dim
Da pušim nešto novo
Zavijam džoint, onda pušim, onda je sve nestalo
Pušim taj Dži toliko jako da sam se pao
Piti žeštinu u mraku, to je loša odluka
Idem prema tvojoj glavi, moram te završiti
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Imam kesicu usput.
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Pušim malo trave u jedan danu
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Šta si hteo da kažeš?
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Uspeću usput
Nikada ne kažem šta mi treba, kad si ti meni potreban
Nikada ne kažem šta mi treba, kad si ti meni potreban
Ja sam u redu sa vutrom, ali trebaš mi
Povukla bih travu, povukla bih dim
Zavisna sam Monsterom, lovu i vutru, da
Povučem oblake toliko glasno, da ti ne možeš videti, da
Zavisna sam prema svemu što vidim, da
Išla bih i bacila svoj mobilni u jezeru, da
Nije teško prestati sa brigom na šta ti misliš, da
Spalio si me previše puta kao drvo, da
Sada ti plameni padaju nad tvoje krihe, da
Povučem dim, a sad je sve nestalo
Povučem dim, a sad je nestalo
Povučem dim i vutru, da
Povučem dim, a sad je nestalo
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu, gde je vutra?
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu, gde je vutra?
Molim te, samo me sjebi, gde je vutra?
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu

100 година

Погледај ме у очи, чиниш ми се другачијом
Бојим се нас
Да је ова љубав изненада потрошена
Поново ме подсети када је све било ново
Дана када си се заљубила
Рекли смо да ће ово наше бити вечно
Не реци ми да одлазиш данас, молим те
Уништићеш ми срце
Ако ми тражиш да се променим урадићу то што ми тражиш
Људски је направити више грешака
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој опроштај
Иако кажу да нема зла које је трајало дуже од сто година
Не желим да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Љубав попут наше знаш да се не виђа сваки дан
Љубав попут наше вреди спасити, ох-ох-ох
Ај, дечко
Баци га, мој брате
Хеј, Карлитос
Живели, пријатељу
Мексико и Колумбија
Једно срце, беате
Живеле девојчице
Не реци ми да одлазиш данас, молим те
Уништићеш ми срце
Ако желиш да се променим урадићу то што ми тражиш
Људски је направити више грешака
Ај шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој опроштај
Иако кажу да нема зла које је трајало дуже од сто година
Не желим да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Љубав попут наше знаш да се не виђа сваки дан
Љубав попут наше вреди спасити, ох-ох-ох

Сто година

(Први стих: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Погледај ме у очи, изгледаш ми другачије
Плашим се за нас
Да се ова љубав одједном истрошила
Подсети ме на почетак
На дан кад си се заљубила
Рекли смо да ће трајати вечно
(Пре рефрена: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Не говори ми да данас одлазиш, молим те
Сломићеш ми срце
Ако ми затражиш да се променим, учинићу то
Људски је грешити
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој одлазак
(Рефрен: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Иако кажу да не постоји зло које траје више од сто година
Не бих желео да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Знаш да се љубав као наша не виђа често,
Љубав као нашу вреди сачувати, ох, ох, ох
(Пре рефрена: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Не говори ми да данас одлазиш, молим те
Сломићеш ми срце
Ако ми затражиш да се променим, учинићу то
Људски је грешити
Шта те кошта да ми опростиш?
Кунем ти се да нећу поднети твој одлазак
(Рефрен: Малума и Карлос Ривера)
Иако кажу да не постоји зло које траје више од сто година
Не бих желео да будем први идиот који ће то проверити
Знаш да се љубав као наша не виђа често,
Љубав као нашу вреди сачувати, ох, ох, ох

100 years

Look me in the eyes, that I feel you different
I am afraid of us
That this love was suddenly spent
Remind me again when everything was new
The day you fell in love
We said that our relationship would be eternal
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Oh, boy
Throw it out, my brother
Hey, Carlitos
Cheers, friend
Mexico and Colombia
One heart, brother
Long live the babies
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh