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To my love who's more precious than me

You are more precious than me.
You are the morning breeze and all my loved ones.
You are the light of the whole universe.
Make me more full of you.
Please don’t go,
and leave my heart wounded.
I want to be saturated with your love.
I love you so clearly.
Life without you,
What it looks like without your presence.
The world is not worth it without you, my love.
It is enough that I love you on that day I told you.
You are my sea of ​​love.
Who you and I? We hugged each other its waves.
And hugged you with great longing,
to you, O, my more precious love.

When Winter Comes

When winter comes and wraps you up in its coldness
Closed off in your room, you will look for a taste of summer
You, you, you will search for my hands and my lips
You, you, you will shiver and feel these kisses of ours
Even if another summer will sufficate our love
Even if you kiss another mouth on that beach
I, I, I, I ask of you, I ask of you, my love
My love, I ask you to remember me
Remember me
I, I, I, I ask of you, I ask of you, my love
My love, I ask you to remember me
Remember me


Постављам себи иста питања,
говорим себи исте лажи.
Сребро на твојој кожи има укус као
филм који вртим у глави.
Ноћи се неће променити
у вечерњим сатима, кад будеш отишла.
Чак и ако боли,
буди моја животиња,
моја брутална осећања,
ноћи се неће променити.
Чак и ако боли,
буди моја животиња,
моја брутална осећања.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Otišao sam, najtužnijeg dana na svetu
I morao sam da otkrijem kako da živim
Bez tebe svakog sekunda
Otišao sam, da hodam po hladnoći
Ponekad da bi naučio da letiš
Moraš da skočiš u prazninu
I naučio sam toliko o tome šta želim biti
I nije bilo dana kad nisam mislio na tebe
Nikad nisam prestao da tražim kako da se vratim
I uspeo sam konačno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem kakav je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem sve tako jasno
Mislim da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe
Vratio sam se najboljeg dana mog života
Nije bilo teško uvek ostavljaš
Upaljeno svetl
Vratio sam se, i već si čekala
Uzeo sam te za ruku i rekla si nežno
Što ti je trebalo toliko dugo?
I naučio sam toliko o tome šta želim biti
I nije bilo dana kad nisam mislio na tebe
Nikad nisam prestao da tražim kako da se vratim
I uspeo sam konačno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem kakav je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Postalo je sve tako jasno
Priznajem da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe
Opet sam sa tobom
I razumem kakva je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Postalo je sve tako jasno
Priznajem da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe

Dok ne poludimo

Kako bih voleo da zaustavim vreme
U ovom trenu i vidim te iznova i iznova
I da ga zaustavim ponovo
Želeo bih da nam se sve dešava iznova i iznova
Trenutak kad se prepuštamo... zar ne vidiš?
I ta budemo tako, golicajući se,
I samo živimo
Da znam da te imam i da me imaš
Za sebe
Iznova i iznova... iznova
Da se ljubimo dok koža ne počne da smeta
Dok čula ne budu znala zašto
Čak i ako umiremo to mora biti od ljubavi
Sve dok više ne može biti
Iznova i iznova... iznova
Dok ne poludimo
Dok više ne bude sveta
Iznova i iznova... iznova
I da poludimo
Kako bih voleo da zaustavim vreme
Baš u trenutku kada pravimo
Od svakog poljupca novu boju
Nešto dobro od tišine, od dodira,
Nešto ozbiljno i učinimo da
Samo naše oči znaju šta da kažu
I ta budemo tako, golicajući se,
I samo živimo
Da znam da te imam i da me imaš
Za sebe
Iznova i iznova... iznova
Da se ljubimo dok koža ne počne da smeta
Dok čula ne budu znala zašto
Čak i ako umiremo to mora biti od ljubavi
Sve dok više ne može biti
Iznova i iznova... iznova
Dok ne poludimo
Dok više ne bude sveta
Iznova i iznova... iznova
I da poludimo
I da poludimo, poludimo
Dok više ne bude sveta
Sve dok više ne može biti

Pariz u avgustu

Pariz u avgustu,
Jedna čarolija više
Vratio se avgust,
Brzo se vrati i ti.
Svaka ulica je jedan roman
Koji smo napisali mi
Jedna priča,
Samo naša, to znaš.
Voleo bih da moja pesma stigne do tebe
I jednim magičnim letom meni te donese.
Za mene je svaki kamen uspomena na tebe
Vratio se avgust
Vrati se brzo meni!
Moram ti reći da te volim,
Ostani ovde sa mnom,
Ne znam da budem daleko,
Ja nemam osim tebe nikog.
Jedna uobičajena senka,
Tiho prolazi...
Koračam u mraku,
Po velikom gradu
Skriven među ljudima,
Ne znam šta da radim,
Moje srce ne oseća...
Gde si, ne znam.
Odjednom jedno svetlo
Ne grešim to si ti,
Vratio se avgust
Ovde si isto i ti!

Pusti me da te vidim

Ne reci da ovo naše nije stvarno
Ili makar naše
Reci mi nakon što si videla da mi ne ostaje ništa da ti dam
Nakon što ne ostaje u mojoj duši više soli
Reci mi kako ti prolazi
Ne reci da ovo naše nije stvarno
Znaš da za mene nema drugih istina osim da te volim
Znaš da za mene nema ničega
Za mene nema ničega osim naših buđenja
Pusti me da te vidim ako odlaziš
Bar me pusti da te vidim
Bar mi skini ovaj povez već jednom
Bez zamki, pusti me da te vidim
Pomozi mi da te zaboravim, ako odlaziš
Skini mi ga, dozvoli da mogu da te vidim
Reci mi bez 'ali' da više ne osećaš ništa
I bar me pusti da te vidim
Ne zaslužujem da osuđujem druge ljubavi
Zbog tvojih prezira
Da te vidim na drugim licima, u drugim rečima, ne
Nisu ništa drugo
Do vazduh koji odlazi, tvoji argument
Znaš da za mene nema druge istine osim da te volim
Znaš da nema ničega
Za mene nema ničeg više
Osim naših buđenja
Pusti me da te vidim ako odlaziš
Bar me pusti da te vidim
Bar mi skini ovaj povez već jednom
Bez zamki, pusti me da te vidim
Pomozi mi da te zaboravim, ako odlaziš
Skini mi ga, dozvoli da mogu da te vidim
Reci mi bez 'ali' da više ne osećaš ništa
I bar me pusti da te vidim
I bar me pusti da te vidim
Ako odlaziš
Bar me pusti da te vidim
Bar mi skini ovaj povez već jednom
Bez zamki, pusti me da te vidim
Pomozi mi da te zaboravim, ako odlaziš
Skini mi ga, dozvoli da mogu da te vidim
Reci mi bez 'ali' da više ne osećaš ništa
I bar me pusti da te vidim


Kome ću se nasmešiti, ako neću tebi?
Kome, ako ti, ti više nisi tu?
Možda je sada završeno,
završeno između nas,
ali možda je malo mog života
ostalo u tvojim očima!
Kome ću ja pričati, ako neću tebi?
Kome ću ispričati sve moje snove?
Znaš, povredila si me ostavljajući me ovako samog,
ali nije važno, ja ću te čekati!
Kome ću ja pričati, ako neću tebi?
Kome ću ispričati sve moje snove?
Znaš, povredila si me ostavljajući me ovako samog,
ali nije važno, ja ću te čekati!


Versions: #1
Ona ne luta ovde, ne luta ovde
Pogled oka, tako obmanjujući
Izgnanstvo duše, mučno brzo
Ne dovodim u pitanje naše postojanje
Samo preispitujem naše moderne potrebe
Ona ne luta ovde...
Hodaću svezanih ruku
Hodaću krvavog lica
Ušetaću sa svojom zastavom od senke u tvoj vrt, vrt od kamena
A ja to ne želim
Posle svega što smo uradili i dalje smo sami
Neće me odvesti još, ali ići ću svezanih ruku
Hodaću krvavog lica
Ušetaću sa svojom zastavom od senke u tvoj vrt, vrt od kamena
Ne pokazujem,
Ne delim
Ne treba mi
To što moraš dati
Hodaću svezanih ruku
Hodaću krvavog lica
Ušetaću sa svojom zastavom od senke u tvoj vrt, vrt od kamena
Ne znam
Nije me briga
Ne trebaš mi da bih živeo

Mbilu Yanga

My heart is broken
Because you went and left me behind
I had not yet let you know
That you are my whole life
(In Portuguese)
I love you, I love you heeei
I love you, I love you heeei
How I love you
My heart is broken
Because you went and left me behind
I had not yet let you know
That you are my whole life
I love you, I love you heeei
I love you, I love you heeei
** life
** these things my Lord
My heart is hurt
** life
** these things my Lord
They hurt my heart
My heart
My heart
My heart
Heart weee
Heart weeee aiai
Heart weee
Heart weeee aiai
(My heart)

In the ruins of an abbey (Rhyming)

Versions: #1
All alone, the two as one,
Lovebirds chatter,
Gathering the springtime sun
That God scatters.
Laughter rings out like a bell
In these spaces
Where dark shadows used to dwell
On blank faces.
They are wedded just this day,
And are voicing
Many trills to show their way
Of rejoicing.
Celebration meets the wind,
As it dances,
Which the abbey’s somber tint
Quite enhances.
Tousled jasmine fills the air
As they revel
Where the abbess bends in prayer,
Hands together.
Cross-marked graves become a part
Of this frenzy.
Stinging nettles make them dart,
Oh, so gently.
One pursues and one takes flight
As their bonding
Grows amid the somber night
At the convent.
There they go, the chirping ones,
With such passion!
They embrace as much they can,
In their fashion,
Through the columns, coldly carved
Out of marble.
Those two lovers are just birds
In the arbor!

Not Just Love

Night is the time of sins.
Hands without words.
Love is in my heart.
Thirst burns on the lips.
You are waiting, I know you are waiting.
In the city of dreams
You call memory.
Feelings live in the clouds.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.
Rain a thousand tears.
Passion without locks.
Believes in love.
The past lives in voices.
You are waiting, I know you are waiting.
You call me with your eyes.
You will find feelings.
Tears in happy eyes.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.
I grab onto feelings.
It's not just love.
It's not easy love.
God, how strange it is.
I love all the time.
I hate it again.
It's not just love.
God, I'm tired.

You Always Leave

Though I didn't tell you to leave my life
Little by little, you have been distancing yourself
Little by little, you have been showing me
The path of ingratitude
You always leave, and I'm left without you
How can I live with us separated
Where I will find the warmth of your hands
Two brotherly doves, who flew away
You always leave, without saying goodbye
The storm winds tore our nest apart
You always leave, because you want to abandon me
Because you want to kill me, and that's why you leave
You always leave, because you want to abandon me
Because you want to kill me, and that's why you leave

Gay Boy

Hey, gay boy!
Hey, gay boy!
Blood boils in the heart
You dream of love
But dreaming with me is dangerous
I bite very passionately
Driving, driving you crazy
I strip naked
A body warms a body
I will burn inside you...
(Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn...)
(Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave)
(Hey, gay boy fuck with me)
(Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave)
(Hey, gay boy fuck with me)
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy fuck with me
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy fuck with me
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Fuck with me)
This guy wants to move
Wants, wants, wants, to hear
Speed ​​drives us crazy
I am your baby today
My body is thirsty
I penetrated twice already
Two times two is four
I enjoy being in your world!
(World, world, world, world, world...)
(Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave)
(Hey, gay boy, fuck with me)
(Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave)
(Hey, gay boy, fuck with me)
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy, fuck with me
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy, fuck with me
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy, fuck with me
Hey, gay boy, come on, come on, be brave
Hey, gay boy, fuck with me
(Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay...)

Lullaby of Hakata

Hakata Willowtown has no willows
While the girls are all willowy
Yoi yoi
Our young madam is a bitter persimmon
Good-looking but parsimonious
Yoi yoi
Our former master is ranked high
He drank a lot and has been high
Yoi yoi

I Don't Care

My patience is broken
Before I've reached the end
I've longed for your absence
I have no chance, God
My objection to separation
You condemned my heart to loneliness
Ahh it's painful to wait
Are you remorseless?
Come and ask me
If you want to shoot, shoot-and-hit
Come hit me in the heart
If your pride allows, hit me one more time
I left sadness at home tonight
I'm drunk
I can't help it
I left you in the place I hugged you
There's no point
I don't care

Don't Give Up

Don't give up, you've still got time
To catch up and to begin again
Accept your shadows
Bury your fears
Release the ballast
Take flight
Don't give up because life is just that
Continue the journey.
Persue your dreams.
Unshackle time.
Run over the rubble
And open up the sky.
Don't give up, please don't give in.
Though coldness may burn
Though fear may bite.
Though the sun may set and the wind may go silent,
There's still fire in your soul.
There's still life in your dreams
Because life is yours and so too is desire
Because you've loved it and I've loved you
Because wine exists and love, that's certain.
Because there are no wounds which time doesn't heal.
To open doors
Remove the latches
Leave behind the ramparts that were protecting you.
Live life and accept the challenge.
Get your laughter back.
Rehearse a song.
Let down your guard and reach out your hands
Unfurl your wings and try again.
Celebrate life and take to the skies.
Don't give up, please don't give in.
Though coldness may burn
Though fear may bite.
Though the sun may set and the wind may go silent,
There's still fire in your soul.
There's still life in your dreams
Because each day is a new beginning.
Because this is the hour and the best moment.
Because you are not alone, because I love you.
Don't give up, you've still got time
To catch up and to begin again.

The girl is different

Guess anyone as beautiful as you
Guess anyone as fresh as you
You guys are out there
Seeing you follow me, it's jealous
Just nod once is okay
Fly tonight is smoothly
Although I've missed a lot
But this time won't let slip
It's okay, honey
Today going out money I poured out
Beautiful baby
Oh why your personal are so attracted to death
Ui soi lời choi
Why do you have to mess with all the girls you hate
Get in the car and hug me
A little extra lipstick looks good again
It's you you you you you
Ask your parents' permission to go up the street to race with me tonight
It's your you you you you
Although you are not in accordance with my style, I will still love you sincerely
It's okay but sometimes you're a little ridiculous (Hi!)
Because I'm forgetful, sometimes I lost my mind
But damn it girl you'll be forever with me
It's okay when every night I will still say I love you so much
It's okay when every night I will still say I love you so much
I'm hallucinating or those eyes can smile
This is a method that can make you kill
intend to flirt with you but fear that others will say I'm talkative
leave you early in the morning but maybe this afternoon I'm addicted
If you're OK, my car still has redundant saddle
Hoodie, jeans are torn as if they are just slanting
Five lines remain only 2 notes
But believe me, I'm still a good boy
Baby get lit, no need to use brown lipstick
I steal my heart with just a few flows
At the age of 20, I would like to correct that I haven't fallen in love because it's a reason
But I'm still opposite


The winter will end
You know (that)
When the warm days are back
It will melt
The people made of ice
Concrete and glass
And we are alone
The people made of ice
In concrete cities
And we are (one of) them
(But) We are in love
We still are
Put your hands around me
I need it
The people made of ice
Concrete and glass
And we are alone
The people made of ice
In cities of concrete
And we are (one of) them

Where is that meadow...

Where is that meadow,
where we roamed?
Oh, where did
our old world go?
Where is that clearing,
where we hugged each other so?
Dewy grass concealed us,
like a green robe.
Where is that valley,
where we roamed?
Oh, where did
our happiness disappear to?
At the edge of the valley there's a small lake.
The wind was rippling it's water so.
How many times have we stopped there
to share a kiss!
The moon above the hill
was sleeping in pure silver.
An old tune is wandering there
like the wind among the trees.
A fraction of an old tune
that always follows me so.
Why did our love disappear,
maybe he1knows why.
I'm waiting for you every night,
like the moon above the hill.
And I too wander like,
the wind among the trees.
Where is that meadow,
where we roamed?
Where is our old,
our old world?
  • 1. Or 'she', the 3rd person pronoun is not gender specific in Hungarian.

If I were

If I were fire, I'd burn
if I were soil, I'd cover,
If I were the sun, I'd heat up
If I were you, I'd look out
If I were a game, I'd lose,
If I were a place, I'd live in it
If I were air, I'd blow
If I were a mistake
(Francesca Michielin)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were a sound
and if I were
If I were ink, I'd be the grey on your sketch
on that page that won't ever go away from the notebook
It would be cold if I were the winter sea
Eternally happy I would probably be
but if I were you, let me tell you,
I would't keep the secrets you keep with me
If I were a language, you'd speak it
maybe just by gestures, when you make jokes
If I were like those who don't need to look,
If I were a nightmare I'd wake you up,
but if I were different, would it be the same for you?
(Francesca Michielin & Mecna)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were the sound (if I were the sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (If I were the quiet, the quiet, if it were the dawn)
And if I were a feather (if I were a feather), I'd fly (I'd fly)
And if I were the dusk (if I were the dusk), I'd wake up (I'd wake up)
And if I were a sound (if I were a sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (if I were the quiet, if I were the quiet, if it were the dawn, if I were me)
(Francesca Michielin)
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah


Warm light is knocking on my window
Open your embrace, and let me in
But again we haven't any time for our meeting
You forgive me
Forgive me that a long ago I'm not the same one
Piggybank of happiness and daydreams
But if emptiness in a heart
Who will give me the answer to any question?
My Mom, we ain't kids already,
But for me, you're more daring, in the whole world
My Mom, you're my light ray from the dark
The epitome of kindness
You and me, we hear each other like that
You are it's me in twenty years and above
My Mom, you create again and again
Unselfish love
The window is curtained, the night shadow
will leave a lamp still to light
And I feel troubling the whole day
Mommy, do answer!
More often want me to look backward,
flipping through an oldish album
So young your eyes, this sundress
You are so beautiful in it
My Mom, we ain't kids,
But for me, you're more daring, in the whole world
My Mom, you're my light ray from the dark
The epitome of kindness
You and me, we hear each other like that
You are it's me in twenty years and above
My Mom, I won't tire to repeat
Mom, I love you!
Mom, I love you!


Have tried the thoughts on so often
I thought it back and forth and almost to pieces
I wanted to know if it really becomes indestructible
I wanted to know how to make everything good, better
That brought me to sleep
Because it irritates me
When it just becomes easy1
What I appreciate so much about big words is that I can do it
What makes me expect a lot, is that I can do it
But actually I should say, I like so much to hear you breathe
Because you can
I haven't tried so many things out of fear
And then almost missed the other half in anger
I've cursed the wrong place out of happiness
And then give it a go, lose your way for making a halt
God, I haven't been so awake in a long time
Is it complicated
When it just becomes easy
What I appreciate so much about big words is that I can do it
What makes me expect a lot, is that I can do it
But actually I should say, I like so much to hear you breathe
Because you can
I don't know if I get too warm when everything burns
I mean, I shouldn't be surprised when everything burns
We're knee-deep in the tinder
I mean, we shouldn't be surprised
When it just becomes easy
What I appreciate so much about big words is that I can do it
What makes me expect a lot, is that I can do it
But actually I should say, I like so much to hear you breathe
Because you can (Because you can)
What I appreciate so much about big words is that I can do it
What makes me expect a lot, is that I can do it
But actually I should say, I like so much to hear you breathe
Because you can
  • 1. 'Einfach' means both 'just' or 'simply' and other synonyms, and 'easy'.

Moses And the Shepherd

Moses saw a shepherd on the way, who was saying, “O God who choosest (whom Thou wilt),
Where art Thou, that I may become Thy servant and sew Thy shoes and comb Thy head?
That I may wash Thy clothes and kill Thy lice and bring milk to Thee, O worshipful One

Gothic Blues

Deep within us, we are completely alone
Deep within us, melancholy will win
Deep within us, we want to be dark
Deep within us, we see all of the lies
Deep within us, we know how easy it is to die
Deep within us, every day we become life
Deep within us, there lives a bit of immortality
Deep within us, we must take more for ourselves*
Deep within us, lives a misanthropist
Deep within us, no colors, no race
Deep within us, a philosopher pontificates
Deep within us, a mass of humans
Deep within you, there was always this hope
Deep within you, a storm of a thousand fires sinks
Deep within you, your Utopia turns dark
Deep within you, this night will revive us
It is a dark dream, that leads the voice
A dark dream, that moves us deeply
It is a dark dream, that leads the voice
A dark dream, that moves us deeply
It is a dark room, only one feeling
It is the Gothic Blues, that I want to have
It makes us pale
Do you understand?
It makes us pale
Do you understand?
It is a dark dream, that leads the voice
A dark dream, that moves us deeply...

Gray shoe

I have a gray shoe, I have a blue shoe
Because I want to walk and go far up there
Because I want to walk and go far up there
I have a green shoe, it's green like your umbrella
I have a green shoe that matches with this and that
I have a green shoe that matches my hat
I take the white road and the green shoe turns blue
I take the green shoe and I can't find the blue shoe anymore
I have a golden shoe, it's golden like your ring
I have a golden shoe to buy this and that
I have a golden shoe and I'm getting married to your brother
I take the black road and the green shoe is gone now
I have two hundred shoes and a green and blue necklace
Clear the sky
Trying not to upset your thinking
Trying to make the carnival dance
On the storm
The din runs, I get so many shoes and the colours
I stick them on the walls of the houses
To then fly
Clear the sky
I draw a Harlequin and I fall in love
My steps are a big rainbow
And a clear sky
The din runs, I get many shoes and the colours
I stick them on the walls of the houses
To then fly
To then fly
To then fly

Blue snacks

Play, time machine, play, play and everything will change
I want my boredom, my room, happiness back
Empty pockets, moped, Chair-O-Planes, head down
A tamarind ice pop, chips, blue snacks
Astronaut, among the stars, give me a whistle and I climb up
I bring a black cherry cone, a Chinotto and blue snacks
Dance, time machine, dance, dance and everything will pass
Like a low-light step, he makes a face and then he'll stumble
Runs, runs, runs slowly, figurines upside down
Ball deflates among the thorns, rocket burns and then comes back up
Runs, runs, runs slowly, soldiers upside down
I bring a black cherry cone, a Chinotto and blue snacks
Sing, time machine, sing, sing and everything will come
I want my boredom, my room, happiness back
Runs, runs, runs slowly, figurines upside down
Ball deflates among the thorns, rocket burns and then comes back up
Empty pockets, moped, Chair-O-Planes, head down
A tamarind ice pop, chips, blue snacks

My way

My love, the light goes down
The bell is reflected
In the voice of farewell
My way
I put some salt into the water
And dream of the sea
I colour it my way
And in the night I will return
I will always be close to you
With a thousand kisses and caresses
Your mouth I will cover
My way
My love, the light goes down
The bell is reflected
In the voice of farewell
My way
I put some salt into the water
And dream of the sea
I colour it my way
And in the night I will return
I will always be close to you
With a thousand kisses and caresses
Your mouth I will cover
My way
And in the night I will return
I will always be close to you
With a thousand kisses and caresses
Your mouth I will cover
My way
Even from the shadows I will save you
And your hand I will bring back
Close to the heart, in the middle of the sea
To fly my way
I love you
And all the time left
To love and play
We are together
I love you so much
And I will take our love
To dance on top of the lightning
And in the night I will return
I will always be close to you
With a thousand kisses and caresses
Your mouth I will cover
My way
Even from the shadows I will save you
And your hand I will bring back
Close to the heart, in the middle of the sea
To fly my way


I'm not able say to say I love you
I miss you, I cannot breathe anymore
Existentialism and french crullers
We're being guided in everything
Light and darkness coexist today
Sadboy meets with Riot Grrrl
Our love will keep stagnating forever
It's like you were killing me
Because it is only a dream, it is too far to reach
Our pinkies don't touch1
I want you too much, the way it is now
My eyes set at night
  • 1. Pinky swear is a symbol of the red thread of fate that connects two people who are destined to be with each other.

My little house

My love, the memory will live on forever
A meeting is a farewell, but it will always live in the heart
I raise my hands, my gaze will fall on the violin
It will remain until tomorrow, in the air it will live forever
I remain seated, I smile to look
My beautiful orchestra starting to play
An autumn dream of a thousand colours
It warms up the crowd, it also lights up my heart
It will never end, this music will never end
In the world it'll live, among the people it'll live forever
Rest in the shade of a sweet coffee
You are my little house for me
I remain seated, I smile to look
My beautiful orchestra starting to play
An autumn dream of a thousand colours
It warms up the crowd, it also lights up my heart
It will never end, this music will never end
In the world it'll live, among the people it's live forever
Rest in the shade of a sweet coffee
You are my little house for me
I remain seated, I smile because
You are my little house for me

I love you

These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
I love you
Till my last breath I will be loving you
and i will die loving you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
I love you
Till my last breath I will be loving you
and i will die loving you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you


I go out, come to take something
Bring a song
In case everything goes well
Hey, get in my car
Let's go from here
In case everything goes well
And nothing matters today
Are you coming or are you coming, yes or no?
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Because the magic
Of your lips talks to me about
Peter Pan and about Rock’n’Roll
We bathe in the sea
Naked before it
Let the moon catch me
Kissing your skin
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Tell me that it's from the movies
Come, approach
Because we didn't paint
The water turquoise
This life is ours,
There's nothing to lose
You'll now see that it goes well
And nothing matters today
Are you coming or are you coming, yes or no?
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Because the magic
Of your lips talks to me about
Peter Pan and about Rock’n’Roll
We bathe in the sea
Naked before it
Let the moon catch me
Kissing your skin
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Mountains, mountains, and the sky
You are the earth, the earth on my fingers
Only looking at you and I already know
That I forget yesterday
And can understand
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Because the magic
Of your lips talks to me about
Peter Pan and about Rock’n’Roll
We bathe in the sea
Naked before it
Let the moon catch me
Kissing your skin
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song
Because the magic
Of your eyes makes me see
That life is a song