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You're beautiful, my forest

Versions: #2
You're beautiful, my forest
you smell of youth,
but you inspire in our hearts
only grief and sorrow.
Whoever looks at you once,
he mourns eternally,
not being able under your
shadows to smoulder.
Your oaks and beeches,
your dense leaves,
and the flowers, and the waters,
the fat lambs, and the peony, and the grass
and your coolness,
everything, I say,
sometimes like a bullet falls
on my heart, that is always ready
to weep, when it sees
the new in nature,
when it sees how the spring
sends the old away,
and under the snow, under the cold
life begins anew.
But whoever must
forever leave you,
he cannot until he lives,
forget you.

Intoxicating lilacs

My eyes hold neither sadness nor yearning
But chagrin to the sudden melancholy
So be it that you're far away, faraway
So be it that I'm alone, so be it!
Cold fog does not lift from the ground
Day holds autumn-like frown
Maybe there was no love - twas a lie
But why did then lilacs have blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
Above me are the rustling lilacs
With their fresh and silky leaves
Befuddling are those wild flowers
Intoxicating me with their scent.
But melted, as if ice in spring,
Your ethereal, transparent shadow
Could it have been all but a dream...
But why did then lilacs had blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
My eyes hold neither sadness nor yearning
But chagrin to the sudden melancholy
So be it that you're far away, faraway
So be it that I'm alone, so be it!
Cold fog does not lift from the ground
Day holds autumn-like frown
Maybe there was no love - twas a lie
But why did then lilacs have blossomed?
Oh, why in that illusive hour
On that quiet and gloomy day
Snow-white intoxicating lilacs
As if January's snow powdered us?
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Perfect Symmetry

Every time the phone rings
I think it's you
Every night of insomnia
I think of writing you
To say
That your silence strike me
I do not like being
A calendar from last year
To say that your crime tires me
And it does not pay to get into the dance
After the music stopped
The music stopped (stopped!)
Every time the phone rings
I think it's you
Every night of insomnia
I think of writing you
Write a definitive letter
Do not give any alternative
For those who read
Call you a card out of the pack
Discard, shuffle you
And make you come back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
Your biggest flaw is perhaps perfection
Your virtues may have no solution
Then get on the phone or an airplane
Let go of the scheduled appointments
Forgive what can be forgiven
Forget what has no forgiveness
And let's go back that place
Let's go back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike

Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!

I've found the sun
inside the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
Because when you spit love
on top of the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I've bought the sun
I sell words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
and when you lick my heart
spreading the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
Believe you're like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I cannot tell you what then happens to me. If time goes by and nobody
In a desert where everything is tasteless, your words crawl like a snake
I wait for you bite like a dumbass, your poison like water is nutritious
The only thing, then, I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru words, love.
Believe me, ( in a desert where everything is tasteless) it's like on an island ( your words crawl like a snake)
It's so simple finding a new world that it's not the reflection of itself.
The only thing , then, that I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru the words, LOVE.


Don't let them break you
to put you in chains
to tell you that this World
is made for men only
Even if it is,
make it turns around you
day and night
Don't let them lie to you
don't let them bribe you
Raise your head up
let them kiss your footsteps, Spring is coming
Let them know it will hurts
They like your ''NO!''
If you refuse them
then they'll do anything
Let him wonders where are you
when he wants you to be there
Let him waits for your message
whole night
Let him suffers
he will call you tomorrow
Be unavailable all day
when he calls
Act like nothing happens
It is always an excelent plan
Call him tomorrow
he will appreciate it more

Far away

X 2
When you're alone, I'm sad,
When I go away I try to resist,
When you dream, I try to be in your dream,
I'll come back as I promised you!
And I'll fight, whatever happens,
To bring sunshines into your life!
Wait for me, do not lose your trust/ faith
And everything will be alright, you”ll see!
I wanna see your hands in the air... hands in the air... 3x
I wanna see your hands... Everybody, come on!
Share music and kindness! :)

A lady of thirty years ago

My indiscreet heart
still can't find peace,
more and more awake and restless
it doesn't give up despite its age.
Today it reminded me very secretly,
of a lady of thirty years ago.
In nineteen-nineteen,
dressed in voile and chiffon,
I met you, I don't remember where,
on the main street or maybe at a cotillon ball.
I remember the eyes, the eyes alone,
a bit marked with the blue pencil,
then I swore to you I loved you eternally.
Your name was... I can't remember.
My life is lost
if love goes away.
Today my unchanging heart,
which doesn't give up despite its age,
is still looking for its stranger lady
its lady of thirty years ago.
I remember the first kiss I gave you
shivering for emotion and passion,
a soft kiss, shy and sensible
through that short garçonne hair.
Then I led you... I can't remember where,
and you told me... I can't remember what.
In nineteen-nineteen
perhaps your name was... youth...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Flipper and Lopaka (theme song)

Dark sky upon me
outside fishing on my canoe
[Lopaka/ she is outside]
The storm i will challenge,
I will face big waves.
The water overwhelm me and then
suddenly I'm below.
Like for a miracle
[this way]
you arrived and you saved me
[here you are/thanks]
Flipper,when you are about to drown
Flipper, and your world falls off
Flipper, when all seems to be lost
Flipper,you will save me.
Dexter is an octopus
that hides evilness
and he will not have peace
until he will not own this.
When there is a peril
Flipper and his friends are there.
Even Ray,Otty and Puffy
are there in order to defend us from the trouble
Flipper,when you are about to sink
Flipper, and your world falls off
Flipper,when all seems to be lost
Flipper, you will save me.
Flipper with us!

Кутија цигарета

Седим и гледам у туђе небо из туђега прозора
И не видим ни једну познату звезду
Ходао сам свим путевима и тамо, и овде,
Окренуо се и нисам могао видети стазе.
Но све док је у џепу кутија цигарета,
Значи да није све тако лоше на данашњи дан.
И карта за авион сребрних крила,
Што, узлећући, оставља земљу у сенци.
И нико није хтео бити кривац без вина,
И нико није хтео рукама жар уграбити.*
А без музике на свету смрт није лепа,
А без музике не желите нестати.
Но све док је у џепу кутија цигарета,
Значи да није све тако лоше на данашњи дан.
И карта за авион сребрних крила,
Што, узлећући, оставља земљу у сенци.

Pack of cigarettes

A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?
A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?
This pack of cigarettes will never end
To be honest, I don't really want to quit smoking
The walls of this room are closing in
The ceiling is white, I'm falling asleep in a cold room
The windows are open, the wind blows in
I haven't closed them, I'm waiting the warmer days to come
My cigarettes are my only friends
We'll always be together
A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?
A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?
It's raining outside, my heart is beating
This song... What it's about?
Perhaps, the new day will never come
Perhaps, tomorrow the sun will come out
Ah-ah-ah, I'm so tired of fighting it
Ah-ah-ah, life is not an easy thing
A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?
A pack of cigarettes in my pocket
Makes me live through another day
I'll take my phone and call my mom
Mom, why I want to die?

I became stronger

Howsoever they drag me down
Howsoever the life breaks
But you won't see my tears
I don't have enough strength again but I won't lose my track
Climbing up higher than the stars but you
You can lock me in a cage though I still can fly away
I will be the first, I have my faith with me
It's not possible to break it, to break it
I became stronger, I let my fear and pain go
The victory goes through veins
And the whole world is mine today
And a new day is a new chance
To catch the dream
I became stronger
And I just climb higher
And I remember every glance
Of those who betrayed and ran away
I don't hear them anymore. Goodbye!
Take everything I have
I'll return in double amount
Fears only live in ourselves
I became stronger, I let my fear and pain go
The victory goes through veins
And the whole world is mine today
And a new day is a new chance
To catch the dream
I became stronger
And I just climb higher
You can lock me in a cage though I still can fly away
I will be the first, I have my faith with me
It's not possible to break it, to break it (x2)
I became stronger, I let my fear and pain go
The victory goes through veins
And the whole world is mine today
And a new day is a new chance
To catch the dream
I became stronger
And I just climb higher
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)

Look for me again ( unpublished in Italy )

Eyes made up
eyes into blue eyes
eyelashes of a vague black smoke
magical moments in itself
You will dance, an ephemeral angel
oasis of sensuality
free figure
idol without crown
Chorus: You look for me again
scent of the East
you always present ...
When the aurora comes
burning love, you
look for me again ....
Clear sky, alien clouds
white on black ...
so of us
silver wrinkles ...
Love still
the heart now rests
tell me something!
You look for me again x 2
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

If you're not around

I can't forget
your face when you left me.
When our sad story ended.
You smiled at me and the pain revealed itself.
When I think of the future
I see everything so dark.
I don't know why I let you leave.
And you have to find out without delay about the truth.
Living, is not living if you're not around.
I don't know how to live without your love.
Living is not living if you're not around.
I don't know how to live without your love.

Pevati za svoj život

[1. stofa]
Ljubav je najteža, ljubav je bitka
O, ljubav iznosi ono najbolje, najgore u mojoj senci
Ne, ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
Ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
Ljubav je najveći dar, hajde da se poljubimo ispod imele
O, želim da pokrenem bitku, bitku
O, otopiću taj led, taj led
Da, voleću te uprkos, o, uprkos svemu tome
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
[2. stofa]
Ljubav je najteža, ljubav je ratna zona
Ne, ljubav je hiljadu znakova pitanja ugraviranih u crnom zlatu
O, ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
Ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
O, ljubavi, nauči me svim tvojim lekcijama ovde na Severnom polu
O, želim da pokrenem bitku, bitku
O, otopiću taj led, taj led
Da, voleću te uprkos, o, uprkos svemu tome
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život
O, pevaću za svoj život, za svoj život

Lights are on Red

Versions: #2
Hey! How you doing?
Yeah, it’s going OK ... And you? You OK?
OK ... I’m rushing to grab my place in the future. And you?
OK ... I’m off in search of a good night’s sleep. Who knows?
It’s been so long. But I guess ...
So long ...
Sorry about the rush. It’s just the way things have been.
Oh! It’s nothing. Me too, I’m stuck in the fast lane. When will you call? Maybe we could meet somewhere?
Next week, I promise we’ll get together. Who knows?
It’s been so long. But I guess ...
So long ... so many things I wanted to say. But I’m stifled by the dust from the streets.
Things I want to say too. But memory fails me.
Do call. I’d love a quick drink. Maybe next week?
The lights ...
I’ll come and get you.
Are going green ...
I promise. I won’t forget.
Please don’t forget. Please.
So long. I won’t forget.
So long ...
So long ...


You'll never stop stop my heart (?)
I've known you since forever
You're a kind of woman
That makes me crazy
I have/want to do stuff with you (?)
Many things, many places
Ohh i already know what you're (?)
No need to provoke me
When you know that after everything I still love you
Hey kiki I'm ziki
With you time goes fast
The look behind you like (?)
Wherever you go I'm close you like WiFi
Ah oh I'm the sun, the sun I am
Like you wash me
In the room during the daylight you sleep
Alone I can't let you (?)
You stay with all night
I immediately come to you
Like, don't bother calling me when you're bad (sad, sick or anything bad in general)
Talking to me when it hurts put it paracetamol
With you I don't know the limits /what's too much
Only you know ittt
For you I'm more like a pillow for the night
I'm only an... Object (?)
I wait for you in the parking
Tied up with a rope made from plastic, nothing by luck
Without you I ain't an artist, without you I'm only sick
Hey baby I'm Geti
Don't hate that's Internet (job) (?)
I'm bad at talking to myself (?)
Are you coming, or how's the chit chat(?)
You're not brainless
I know that I'm the man and you're not snob(?)
I know how to talk to you,even
If I don't have school (I'm not educated)
You fall like snow, but you're name is not a word (you're easy to get, but you're not famous for that or act like you're not)
I'm always with you
I can't find a better one
You always stay with me
And like you're not looking to find a better one x2

Try Love and Forgiveness, my heart

1. I love you ... but I will not forget,
When you hurt my soul,
When you hurt my soul, dear!
And maybe ... you did not deserve
To have my love ...
To have my love again(x2).
--- R ---
Try Love and Forgiveness, my heart
That love is unfair anyway,
That love is unfair anyway, dear!
Love in your heart and remain humbly,
And have a reconciliation with the past,
And have a reconciliation with the past, dear!
2. I was expecting you on the nights with moon,
Hoping to sleep on your hand,
Hoping to keep me on your hand.
But you came into the morning,
With other kisses on your face,
With other kisses on your face.
--- R ---
Try Love and Forgiveness, my heart
That love is unfair anyway,
That love is unfair anyway, dear!
Love in your heart and remain humbly,
And have a reconciliation with the past,
And have a reconciliation with the past, dear!
3. Now, vainly say,
That I am the pillar and support,
That I am the pillar and support, dear!
Too late regrets it covered you,
Love between us ... was extinguished
Love between us was extinguished, dear!
--- R ---
Try Love and Forgiveness, my heart
That love is unfair anyway,
That love is unfair anyway, dear!
Love in your heart and remain humbly,
And have a reconciliation with the past,
And have a reconciliation with the past, dear!

Тишина се мора чути

Погледајте друге очи, многе фрустрације.
Читајте између линија, нема речи само вибрације.
Немојте игнорисати скривене жеље.
Обратите пажњу, играте се ватром.
Тишина се мора чути, буку треба поштовати.
Дошло је време да се учи, та тишина...
Тишина се мора чути,
или ће дијаманти изгорети, пријатељске карте ће се окренути,
јер тишина има право да се чује.
Људи много говоре о томе шта имају да кажу.
Речи без значења, само нестају.
Тишина се мора чути, буку треба поштовати.
Дошло је време да се учи, та тишина...
Тишина се мора чути,
или ће дијаманти изгорети, пријатељске карте ће се окренути,
јер тишина има право да се чује.

Coyote Spirit Invocation Song

My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Through this sacred pipe I have come
I have something to tell you, that is why come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
My spirit subsists here, that is why I come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Here beneath the moon of the night
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Here beneath the daylight's sun
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come

If You Remember Me

Versions: #2
I breathe you
Even though it's not my will, I still breathe you
I'll never win if you're not with me
And it hurts to fail if it's not with you
And what do I do,
I liked you before I would like you
God made his plans without me finding out
And it hurts to see my life in another face
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
It enlightens me
Each time I see the mirror, there I see your eyes
And if you want to know what I felt
It's like when I awaken without your embrace
And it hurts me, so much that it hurts when it doesn't hurt
And consulted my soul and it isn't able
Come and tear the pain from my walls
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time that I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
I breathe you, even though it's not my will, I still breathe you

You belonged to me

Go ahead, start dancing kolo*
right beside me
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
I'll kiss you
so you'll kiss me
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
We both have been waiting for this day
both have dreamt about it
you belonged to me, I belong to you
I'm taking you to my place
Go ahead, start dancing kolo*
right beside me
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
I'll kiss you
so you'll kiss me
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
Open your hands to love
and have a smile
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
I'll give you my ring
you'll give me yours
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
Open your hands to love
and have a smile
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
I'll give you my ring
you'll give me yours
that you're mine,dear
everybody should know that
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


The Ice mix up
with the sky, with the eyes
and when the gloom approaches
I'd want to enrapture the cold
in a sunny day
that could come back suddenly
Maybe tonight,
if I've crossed
the street that I cannot see
then in a moment
i'll cover distances
to reach the fire
alive under the snow
Our eyes scared
in the frozen rooms,
at the glow of burnt petroleum
and over the wall only silence,
over the wall only ice and silence.
I'll wait this night thinking about you,
I will cover my breath in the snow
then in a moment different from others
I'll cover the heft of those distances...
of those distances... of those distances...
Of those distances...

We never realized

Let's switch all lights on
in our empty houses,
check all our contacts,
close our eyes and dream...
We never realized how it felt1 to be together.
We never flew through the night till morning.
We were just afraid to heal our wounds
and maybe deceive each other...
How could we have foreseen,
missed all the clues2,
looking into your eyes and thinking
you were just a friend...
We never realized how it felt to be together.
We never flew through the night till morning.
We were just afraid to heal our wounds
and maybe deceive each other...
How does it feel be together?
We never flew through the night until morning.
We were just afraid to heal our wounds
  • 1. lit. 'how it was'
  • 2. the Russian says [how was it possible] not to see everything around [us]'. That sounds a bit contradictory with the previous line, but I can't find another meaning to it

My life without you

Versions: #2
Another day
Starts again
The moon sleeps in San Sebastián
Looking for something to do
I hear it's raining and I think of you
You're so handsome
When you wake up
So disheveled and unkempt
It makes me happy
Seeing you by my side and I think of you
We are gonna love each other for the rest of our lives
Just like night and day love one another when they talk about you
We are gonna love each other in any other life
Because I'd rather die than being without you
Nothing is the same
When you're not here
When you're not back
I hear my *sanity laugh
And I think of you
I think of you
You come back to me
The peace I once lost comes back to me
Frontal crash
No one's alive
And I'm without you
We are gonna love each other for the rest of our lives
Just like night and day love one another when they talk about you
We are gonna love each other in any other life
Because I'd rather die than being without you
I need you here
Close to me
So close to me, so close
I need you here
To see you happy
To see you come back for me
To see you come back to love me, take care of me, lie me down, talk to me
And give me your hand or a kiss or a gift
To see you sleeping, smiling with me
And to tell you that I'm waiting for you, that I miss you so much
I want to understand my life without you
I don't want to hear anyone's comforts
I want to scream
Run to you
I don't want to realize that by dying you killed me
I want to live thinking about you


Versions: #2
He's staying awake at night, one wing down on the ground
He's staying awake at night, wondering why happiness seems to avoid him
With words, he's painting his feelings on the paper
With words, he's painting something he wishes for an answer to
He wishes for someone to find this question:
Hey, are there others like me
Lost in this world
Wandering on this cold ground
Hey, are there others like me
Fallen angels?
Now I'm just here all alone
Waiting for someone like me
The lonely mind recalls memories
It creates a sight of smile on his face
He's still trusting, his fortune might still turn
He's trusting to find an answer somewhere
He knows someone will find this question:
Hey, are there others like me
Lost in this world
Wandering on this cold ground
Hey, are there others like me
Fallen angels?
Now I'm just here all alone
Waiting for someone like me
Hey, are there others like me
Lost in this world
Wandering on this cold ground
Hey, are there others like me
Fallen angels?
Now I'm just here all alone
Waiting for someone like me
Hey, are there others like me
Lost in this world
Hey, are there others like me
Fallen angels?
Now I'm just here all alone
Waiting for someone like me

Since one has to pray

May time freeze and forget
about me for a moment.
May it just wait for our lives
to slowly pass away.
May the gods consent to it
and know nothing of me,
being simply content
with my love and my faith.
Since one has to pray when in love,
may life remain that way
and take a stroll
away from shadows and din.
Since one has to pray when in love,
may time remain there.
I'll do all this easily
since that's the price for love.
May history turn aside
and look away.
May this spinning wheel
leave us alone in this happiness.
May heavens forgive me
for asking so much for myself,
for being after all
just a woman on earth.
Since one has to pray when in love,
may life remain that way
and take a stroll
away from shadows and din.
I love you so much I shudder,
far beyond everything.
Every night I dream
in my wildest desires
that for beseeching the sky so much,
begging on my knees,
god preserves me the spice
of a life to live with you till the end.
With you
With.... you.

like me

i hate those who love one like me
we give ourselves our dreams but we lose ourselves at the end
i am understanding even the betrayal
today you love somebody else
you kiss him ,hug him
i cant forgive you no i cant forgive you
how can you live me back in time
and what can i do now
i cant forgive you no i cant forgive you
your hot touch in my body
you are still here with me like in the begining
sometimes i don't know when it will end
everytime it comes i hope i never wake up
today you love somebody else
you kiss him ,hug him
i cant forgive you no i cant forgive you
how can you live me back in time
and what can i do now
i cant forgive you no i cant forgive you

Прати ме

Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
Понекад заборавим на прошлост.
Увек се сећам да сам био уз тебе.
Изгледа да сам те увек познавао.
У овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо.
То је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
И у овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо,
то је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Да ли ћемо се изгубити једне ноћи у Паризу,
у центру света близу Гвајакила?
Да ли ћемо ићи на плажу у Тулуму или у Пунта Кану?
Погледај да има превише жеље
и ако останемо у Барилочу?
Пусти кључеве, нека одвезу ауто,
нека иду да нас траже по Андалузији.
Шта је битна судбина, са тобом бих ишао.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.

Don't You Worry

The curvy roads of the world
Are made of stones
Who's crazy enough to carry
Stones along his shoes?
Worrying about tomorrow is useless
It comes in time
New grieving sorrows
Surely follows
Perhaps i'm just lying,
Perhaps i'm proud
But merely of water
Life is not
Don't you worry
Young lass
What are tears
Good for?
Grieves won't end by grieving,
Dancing and singing are more important
(Dancing and singing are more important)
If your bread's scattered in the world
And your wine bitter
Don't throw it away unfinished, lass,
There is also better
Faith, hope and give away
What is yours?
Give it away without remorse
That which is useless
Songs are made to be sung,
To fly like birds
We're seeking to find meaning
To life
Don't you worry
Young lass
What are tears
Good for?
Grieves won't end by grieving,
Dancing and singing are more important
Dancing and singing are more important...


They want to find us, but we're offline.
Time stops slowly when we fly.
Alone I freeze, when you're next to me- I melt.
And nobody will know any of our secrets.
Time- stop, between us there's a couple of steps.
We fly and so I know your secret without words.
Nights without sleep, we don't play the love game.
We face-time, but offline to each other without breaks.
Forever, open up for me.
You and I, open up for me.
No hurry, open up for me.
Open up for me, open up for me.
They want to find us, but we're offline.
Time stops slowly when we fly.
Alone I freeze, when you're next to me- I melt.
And nobody will know any of our secrets.
It's easy for me to breathe next to you.
You're that one, I know it to ignore Kents' councils.
You're the one no matter what was(happened) before.
Let the time melt their hearts, alas,
Which maybe are covered by ice.
Forever, open up for me.
You and I, open up for me.
No hurry, open up for me.
Open up for me, open up for me.
Where are you, where am I everybody lost us again.
Our nights are longer for a couple of hours yet.
Hush we're alone, I read all yours thoughts.
Nobody will know about it, so we only fly with him.
Sparks, sparks, sparks, sparks.
There's a flame between us.
Fast, fast, fast, fast.
Feelings melt the soul.
Close, close, close, close.
Roasting passion.
All lost us, we don't answer.
They want to find us, but we're offline.
Time stops slowly when we fly.
Alone I freeze, when you're next to me- I melt.
And nobody will know any of our secrets

The Mermaid

Versions: #3
She wanted to look for her beloved one who left
Many waves ago
She wanted to escape from an island of the
Tropical Havana
She mounted on a rainbow, sliding down, and thus
won her freedom
She went flying, went swimming
To find anyway to find him
Dressed like a fairy, she went
Mounting on a dolphin, she escaped
And she sunk to the sea
Swimming between corals, shells, and
Among colorful fishes,
Playing with the Dolphins on the waves
soaked in love
And the deep blue filled her corners and
Erased her pain
The moon raised, their backs, and their tails
And their scales
Dressed like a fairy, she went
Mounted on a dolphin, she escaped
And she sunk to the sea
Suddenly she was dreaming that she found
Her beloved one
That she swam at his side
Suddenly she was dreaming that their bodies interlaced
They embraced each other
In the sea
Suddenly she awoke and her dreams had been diluted
Among the blues and oblivion
Suddenly she woke up, turned into a mermaid lying
In the sand
Suddenly she awoke and her dreams had been diluted
Among the blues and the wailing
Suddenly she woke up, turned into a mermaid lying
In the sand
In the sea
A mermaid, in the sea, a mermaid

Why are You Angry With Me, Heaven?

If I would fill up a bag with the most beautiful stars
To put them one by one on the table in front of her
And to tighten my heart inside a vice because of her
Heaven, would you hear about my pain?
God, if I were to build stairs all the way to the heaven,
With what prayer would I come stand before you?
To calm the sea, for the field to be fertile
God, to give me back all that is mine.
Why are you angry with me, heaven?
When she's the one who has the last word for me...
It is too tight for the heart inside the chest,
It will follow her where ever she will go.
Why are you angry with me, heaven?
When she's the one who has the last word for me...
I won't bring her back
Neither with a tear, nor with a song