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Број резултата: 12


Perfect Features

Her perfect features charmed me
and her black eyes stole me away
My love for them made me sing
Oh la la la
The eyelashes on her black eyes are a night
A night that dreams of her absent love
Her black eyes stole me away
Oh, my heart has melted in love
They taught my heart to stay up and sing
They taught it to long like lovers
Why, oh my heart, why?
Why did they steal me away? Why?
I am lost and stranded in her black eyes
They say that patience is a distant sea
They say that her lips are flutes when she sighs
And so I stayed up all night
with my stars
They melted in love and so did I
in her eyes that have forgotten me
Why, oh my heart, why?
Why did they steal me away? Why?
I am lost and stranded in her black eyes


Full descriptions are mesmerizing.
And black eyes cheek me up.
I started to sing from their whim.
Ah Oh night ah oh eye.
Black eyes, their eyelashes night.
Night dreams of the absent.
Black eyes cheek me.
Oh my heart, my heart.
Teach you watch you sing.
Teach you longing beloved.
Why my heart why.
Why take me why.
Tohoni westbound black eyes.
They said patience is far away.
They said his hips Nayat you say sigh.
I stayed up late.
And the star is with me.
Dubney and our bear.
In the eyes of woman woman.
Why my heart why.
Why take me why.
Tohoni westbound black eyes.

I am always yours

Versions: #1
I am always yours stay with me. Take my eye from me and stay longer.
Take both eyes and ask how I am. From the first day, I lost sleep. Say hi to me, say something, whether from your heart or not. Is it good that you are asleep and I am awake, and you leave me alone with the fire of your love?
I am always yours stay with me. Take my eye from me and stay longer.
Take both eyes and ask how I am. From the first day, I lost sleep.
Neil River, night, longing, and desire, sent me, and I came to ask how you are
I miss you, and I miss your eyes

Keep arms at the ready

Keep arms at the ready, ready, ready
Even if the whole universe is not, i am ready with my firearm
My firearm is in my hand ready day and night
Calls 'Oh, rebels, our enemy is perfidious'
Keep arms at the ready, ready, ready


Versions: #2
my lover is so vain, I want to talk to her, I want to tell her something to calm her down and make her understand
she wouldn't listen, vain.. she wouldn't understand, vain
I'll leave her to the days, they'll teach her
my heart, let her abandon you.. longing will call her tomorrow and brings her back
why would you beg her and she isn't even listening
and who would you tell when she's unaware of your love
let's leave her for when the memories come back and she will regret what she's missed
I'm almost fed up with begging her
she wouldn't listen, vain.. she wouldn't understand, vain
I'll leave her to the days, they'll teach her
vain and thinks love is her game.. love is mighty and can have our hearts in its hands
I won't have any glee when longing calls for her
I will only remind her of the day when I told her things from the heart
to calm her down and make her understand
she wouldn't listen, vain.. she wouldn't understand, vain
I'll leave her to the days, they'll teach her
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


A Letter From Under The Sea

Versions: #2
If you are my beloved, help me to escape from you
And if you are my healer, then help me to be cured of you
If I had known the sea was this deep, I would not have swam,
If I had known my ending, I would not have began.
I long for you.
I have began to miss you, so teach me how to stop.
Teach me how to pull the roots of your love up from below,
Teach me how the teardrop perishes in absence,
Teach me how love dies and longing burns to the ground.
For I am, without you, like a book,
Whose pages are torn.
Oh, you, who have decorated for me the world like a work of poetry,
And have planted pain in my heart, and stole my patience,
If you are a prophet, then free me of this magic,
And from this heresy.
If I cry out, calling for you,
Then take by my hand,
For I am drowned in your adoration from the head to the feet.
If I had known love was this dangerous,
I would not have loved.
If I have known my ending,
I would not have began.
Oh, you life of my life, my past and present,
Do you hear my voice, coming from below the sea?
The blue waves in my eyes, drag me to the depths,
But I have no experience,
In this sea of love,
And no boat.
I am breathing under the sea,
I am drowning,

I am busy

I am busy, I swear I am busy
until the end of this week I am busy
I am busy I swear
I swear I am busy
I am going on a date with my heart tomorrow
it is going to tell me what it has been hiding
it is going to tell me my love story
and I am going to tell it what I am going through
it is the story of my life and days
and my uncertain youth that is ahead of mehappily
I am busy with my heart
I am busy I swear I am busy
I have a date with a photo
I am going to stay up all night in front of it
how many nights I've lived
happily talking to it
and its beautiful eyes speaks to me
and it never thought of upsetting me
with the dear photo I am busy
I am always busy I swear
I am busy I am busy
I swear I am busy
I am busy thinking of you
and all what I do is talking about you
my heart talked to me about you
while I was telling your picture about you
and your shadow is always in my imagination
my darling, dear love
I am busy I swear I am busy
Love wins!

A Photo

A photo, a photo, a photo, we all need a photo. (*2)
a photo, a photo, a photo under the winning flag.
a photo of the happy nation under the winning flag.
O, time, take a photo of us, Take a photo of us, time. (time = history, too)
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
Greenery, water, healthy sun and a clear blue sky dome.
Breezes of Peace and freedom. Milestones of arts and civilization.
And cities awake at dawn to the most graceful call and Adhaan.
this is our country,
our country Egypt, the Arabian, is a photo, a photo
a photo enlightened by faith.
Along the horizon, records and records, this one is for our prayers, this one is for our struggles through war.
A chimney whose fire is our haters' hearts. beneath it is steel, like our stubbornness.
In front of it, some of our most precious children, a worker and a sweaty engineer.
Young, and the youth have the most important place in the picture.
O, time, take a photo, take a photo, time.
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
we are all here in this picture fellows, doing what our treaty says.
starting by the smallest girl with braids leaning on plants.
to the farmer with a lot of benefits and favors, to the preacher who memorises the Qur'an.
to the soldier, the lion, who carries on his shoulder the shield of his homeland.
And those you can't see, but in the picture they're the clearest people.
the people who are under the heat of desert and mountains, with an eager heart,
exploding rivers of Black Gold out of sand.
other people covering it with greenery, and every color has its people.
teachers, scientists, laboratories and doctors of the working nation.
sweet men in their offices, serving with their souls when they deal (with their customers)
in the picture, there's no lazy, ignorant or careless about their duty, sleepy people.
It has no one but the whole revolutionary, the Egyptian, the Arabian, the human.
take a photo, time. take a photo, time.
I swear by God we're doing so well right now, O, my lovers I say it from withing my heart.
Our revolution, our photo, how sweet, in the frame of popular organization.
Nasser, we're all around him. Nasser, all the world have their eyes on him, Nasser.
Nasser, is a winner, and victory seeks him. the people are his guide and inspiration.
To those who always talk about him (in a bad way), get close to his thoughts and dreams.
Nasser, Nasser, Nasser.
in the photo, he put you before him, what do you say? (Nasser, Nasser)
Popular leadership, what do you say? (regular people set as leaders)
we say, our leader, here's our hearts, here's our days, here's our nights.
in the day of blood, we gave away our blood, why would we keep our nights?
now, the photo is complete with the leaders their hands in Nasser's hands.
the people and their homeland.. its time and work.. and their hope and hero.. the most courageous.
take a photo, time. (*3)
A photo, a photo, a photo, we all need a photo. (*2)
a photo, a photo, a photo under the winning flag.
a photo of the happy nation under the winning flag.
O, time, take a photo of us, Take a photo of us, time.
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
In the photo!

Welcome Fights

O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
Walking in the morning, people are coming and going.
the look in their eyes reminded me of 1956.
Walking in the evening, I saw the eyes of the revolutionists.
the look in their eyes reminded me of (The Free Officers).
I saw a political meeting, its words is an exciting tune.
There couldn't be enough chairs.
for there are millions
millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights.
One moment we glance.. everyone's quiet.. we listen happily.
Abdelnasser, our lover.. standing between us giving us a speech.
we answer him, he answers us.. a leader and his soldiers.
Say what you want to say.. we are your men.. your right arm.. say.
Abdelnasser says God is greater and the day of Al Azhar is in me.
O, people here we are again defeating the invincible.
I have no more promises, only fights and struggles.
and many many bitter fights, my brothers.
Ask, and you'll find 30 million commanders in every square.
Abdelnasser says in every door in the treaty there's a torch to guide us.
Let's see where our great jihad (struggles to fight) is taking us.
To happiness, Nasser! To prosperity, Nasser!
To happiness and prosperity we'll make a road on the Nile
its name in Socialism is Heavy Manufacturing.
But we have to multiply our production many many many times.
We'll manage if we're in need, and we'll fight profligacy.
with the money we save, we'll fight the colonialism.
and we'll make a great wall to protect the lives of the workers.
that's from A to Z the whole plan.
and God we seek.
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!
we have our plan in hand and we're so ready.
you, who's against us, will be sad, you're against great people!
a mountain of granite is cracked.
nothing can stop us, what about the day of freeing Palestine?
and we swear we'll never never never again be patient to a perfidious.
I swear by the valuable blood, and the sweat of foreheads
no more courtesy for them, and there's no way but a full revolution.
O, our working hands, plant sincerity and harvest, God is supporting.
harvest, repeal, reveal and refuse betrayers and pushies.
we'll make our way with the light of our principles, and to us is the plain win.
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!
O, sea of the revolution, you thunderous, make your thunder in order.
the eye of the enemy won't sleep because of the sound of the working machines.
and you, our youth, move, it's your turn in history.
with your hands, Egypt must prosper in the age of rockets.
and our youth stood up and said 'O, my lovers, it's my turn I'm here for it!'
thanks to the white hair and the sincere people.
with regards to the sincere people, the socialists, have a peaceful life
many real regards to Gamal Abdelnasser and his brothers, may he live for his country.
me, you, and him are fine and in peace.
with regards from us to our hope, the Great Union.
we'll live, make our future and say 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!

Twilight & Palmtrees

The twilight drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully, wherever they could (~Randomly)
How & how it went on here in the streams
The parade of light, like braids
All who saw its golden hair (the light)
Kept on looking at it wherever it went .
Anywhere it walked, it kept on bending & wobbling
got lost & went on
While the twilight
drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully
Anyhow they could
And listen to the song of clarity
Its whispering got louder while it is increasing
Its seedling stepping on sunset-horizons
Hurrying its steps like a runaway
Who mixed in the redness (red light like shed-blood) & frightened the day
Which said in concern (the day)
The twilight drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully anyhow they could
The twilight drenched palm-trees

Laps of the loved ones

You walked on thorns and went to your loved ones
They didn't know what sent you nor what brought you
You threw yourself in their arms that watered you with sadness
There is thorns in the arms of the loved ones my heart
We walked here and went there
Those who were there wounded us
We came carrying our wounds and we cried
We said we came to you all whom
We are belonged (my heart & I)
Hold our hands..
Pull the thorn from our chests and the tears from our eyes
Cry my heart,cry over all
My heart, oh strange country, illuminated by tears
You threw yourself in their arms that watered you with sadness
Even in the arms of the loved ones, my heart, there are thorns
Oh you who in the night of distance we wished that you were with us
Oh you who we dreamed of laughing with you while we are sad
In the name of your love for me
You put out the remaining candle in my nights
In the name of your feelings for me you sprinkle thorns in the road of my coming days
My shore was spread out with love and hopes
How do they surrender my boat to sadness again?
The world is cloudy in my eyes
Where are you sending me, oh sadness!
The journey of a far off illusion
The journey of a new sadness
I cry beneath the nights and fear full of tears
My heart, oh strange land illuminated by tears
You threw yourself in their arms that watered you with sadness
Even in the arms of the loved ones, my heart, there are thorns.

Praiser of the moon

I'm a lover of patience's nights
Praiser of the moon...
I'm a lover
My love to the black eyes made me love to stay up at night
If it's not for the light on your forehead
If it's not for the roses on your cheeks
If it's not for the safety in your presence
I'd not have fallen for you or tasted love ever, my soulmate
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
Your hair is black like the night, O night... O night
and you spread it out on the moon 
O moon...O moon
And your sweet laugh that lightens the night of vigil
Your beauty makes the hearts beat faster and complain
How much they narrated stories & wrote poems about you
And every night they talk about their love for you and about the eyelash that affected them
And the night gets longer with them and makes the happiness of my life gets closer
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
May my eyes be cool on you...
be cool on you
My eyes...my eyes...
All the hearts around you have been melting in you
But me...only me
I see you differently...
I see you with my own eyes rather than their eyes
And I love you with all the emotions in my heart
I see sadness hides behind the smile in your eyes
And I hear in your voice echoes of sorrow fills your nights
And I wish those who defined you
To see you with my eyes
They'd love you more and more
Like the way that my heart and I have loved you
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
I'm a lover...a lover turned to be a melodic song
And my story has been told to the people & to the lovers
I'm a melodic song
And my story has been told in a melodic song
They spoke in the song about the one who kept patience for years
Then his heart felt peace
I'm that one whose heart felt peace & happiness
I had long journey
I have never believed in the impossible.
I walked on the thorns
And never be a burden for me
Until love had surrendered to me
And the pretty one and me have become
A timeless story
A timeless story would never have an end
And you my sweetheart will always be the light to my upcoming days
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you