Резултати претраге страна 10
Број резултата: 675
don't miss me (nemoj da ti nedostajem)
Provera jedan, provera dvaProvera jedan, provera dva
I sada ću da počnem da pevam
Osećam se malo nervozno, započenje novih stvari
Me baš i ne vole
Imam dečka, rekao mi je da me voli
Mislim da i ja njega volim, ali je smešno
Jer nisam najbolja u vezama
Više sam tu za zezanje
Sve moje drugarice kažu da je problem
Ne, samo ne bih da se povredim
Jer ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Tako sam nepredvidljiva
Jednog dana sam neodoljiva
Sledećeg mrzim sebe
Nikada dobra za nekog drugog
Tako da pokušavam da se udaljim
Ne želim da se muče sa mojim mozgom
Ali odjednom se promenim
Jer samo želim da me drži, pi
er ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Frankenstein (Frankenšatjn)
[Verse 1]Tako mi je muka
Od svih ovih lepih dečaka koji se ponašaju kao sranje
I samo želim
Da se zaljube, i onda da me ne ostave tako brzo
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Pričanje satima, ulaženje sa cvećem
Prljave starke, 6'2 i braon kosa<3
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
[Verse 2]
Kada sam ljuta
Ljubiće me dok utrnem i neće me loše tretirati >:(
I zasmejava me
Nikada mi ne ide na živce, lepo se slažem sa mojim tatom (Mojim tatom) :D
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Oh tako odan, da se osećam razmaženo
On je moj san, nikada noćna mora
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Clap, clap
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
I have no power to stop my boy.
I have no power to stop my boyFriend, friends, from loving me,
And though I complain, it‘s no use,
And when I really ask him and say
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.
If he wants to talk with me, I say at once
That he not talk to me, because great harm
Comes to me from his talk, but it doesn‘t work,
And when I really tell him and ask
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.
I‘m always upset by his company,
‘Cause I‘m afraid of losing my good name
Because of him, like the other time,
And though I tell him really in anger
That he stop loving me so much,
I might as well just keep quiet.
When I went one day to talk.
When I went one day to talk,With you, my friend, I did it as a favor,
And for that you boasted about me,
But if I ever talk with you again
Go right away and say that you did
With me all that you wanted to do.
Because, my friend, I talked one time
With you, to save you from death,
And you went and boasted over me,
But if I talk with you another time,
Go right away and say that you did
With me all that you wanted to do
‘Cause I know very well that you didn‘t do
Half of what you said you did.
Љубав са игралишта
Ја сам дечко из средње,а ти си мој омиљени тип девојке.
Љубав је све, сва моја душа,
ти си моја љубав са игралишта.
Ипак ми се руке тресу,
осећам како ми се тело превија.
Време није важно, ја горим,
на игралишту, љубави.
Ти си комад злата,
који преплављује сву моју душу.
Продужетак времена, на земљи,
ти си моја љубав са игралишта.
Било када, било како,
ти си моја љубав са игралишта.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Donna - Hashish
I'm missing DonnaThe loveliest of all
Oh Donna, Oh oh Donna, Oh oh oh missing being with Donna
Who, who'll bring Donna with them
The psychedelic dream girl
Oh Donna, oh oh Donna, oh oh oh I want to be with Donna
Who took
The tattooed childish woman
We don't know
Baby I'm hooked on a beauty
I'm missing Donna
The loveliest of all
Oh Donna, Oh oh Donna, Oh oh oh missing being with Donna
I sank into deep thoughts with the Guru of India
Took the clouds of South America into my nostrils
Living as an enlightened person back then
Now I can rise up high
Falling down (falling down)
Who, who'll bring Donna with them
The psychedelic dream girl
Oh Donna, oh oh Donna, oh oh oh missing being with Donna
With her I'll sink
into pleasure so big
I'd get all the craziness from my head
Next to my feet
I'd do nothing but make love to her
Until the sky explodes
Like that I'll change, grow, my head rising to the clouds
Everyone else stays on the ground (everyone else stays on the ground)
I'm missing Donna
The loveliest of all
Oh Donna, Oh oh Donna, Oh oh oh I want to be with Donna
I want to be with Donna
I want to be with Donna
Opium, LSD
APC, alcohol, cigarettes
Polishes, injectable drugs, ???
Quartet No. 20
There is tears in my eyes, instead of sleepBecause I'm in hurry to meet you
They say:
To dream her
Quartet No. 48
O heart!When the grief of her separation,cuts the vein of your soul
Do not show your bloody cloak
Moan so that
no one can hear and burn in such a way that the smoke cannot be seen
Tripper in a strange land
From the alley leading to the harbor,scent of sea salt flow through me.
When I ran out and looked up,
Seagulls are flying away.
When I bite into an orange,
Every scenery will jump into my eyes.
I want make them into picture postcards, and
delivered to your city.
Tripper in a strange land.
Tripper different from yesterday.
You don't even know what's in my heart.
You makes me impatient a little.
I want you to find out my heart.
We two are gonna walk ahead.
I want you to take care of my freshly awakened feeling carefully.
A boat in the cove is rocking,
with its mast shining.
By tomorrow,
it will depart for a faraway land.
Tripper in a strange land.
Tripper opens the door.
I'm a little scared, but I want to confess my mind.
From the top of the hot sand,
I'm going to give you alone.
This is my best smile. To your distant heart,
I will fly down to you.
Tripper in a strange land.
Tripper different from yesterday.
You don't even know what's in my heart.
You makes me impatient a little.
I want you to find out my heart.
We two are gonna walk ahead.
I want you to raise up my freshly awakened feeling carefully.
Three People
Dinner for one is boring and lonelyTwo friends can talk openly and honestly
Three people can give you courage
And comfort your loss with one voice
Because of you, I have a new sense of humor
And because of you, the world has become a lighter place
For us to meet, it's hard to get by
So we sing as loud as we can and share every minute
We have a true friend (We are true friends)
Even if there is wind, it can't blow away our emotions (It can't blow away our emotions)
I really hope you'll be happy forever
You know me, I don't have to say it. We want to see each others' smiles.
Dinner for one is boring and lonely
Two friends can talk openly and honestly
Three people can give you courage
And comfort your loss with one voice
Because of you, I have a new sense of humor
And because of you, the world has become a lighter place
For us to meet, it's hard to get by
So we sing as loud as we can and share every minute
We have a true friend (We are true friends)
Even if there is wind, it can't blow away our emotions (It can't blow away our emotions)
I really hope you'll be happy forever
You know me, I don't have to say it. We want to see each others' smiles.
If your sadness takes away the dark clouds in the sky (You take away the dark clouds in the sky)
Climb to the clouds and I'll keep dreaming with you (Climb to the clouds, I'll dream with you)
I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you every day
You are worthy of the most beautiful dream I want to fulfill in my life
The Next Dawn
With your shaking figure, hide your weeping heart.There are some stories you don't have to tell everyone.
So many eyes see too shallow, too close--
They pass over me, never seeing who I truly am
With simple words, untangle your overburdened heart.
There are some feelings you should tell to those who understand.
Your tears evoke my heart, my sympathy--
I promise I will work hard, have courage to support you
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain
With simple words, untangle your overburdened heart.
There are some feelings you should tell to those who understand.
Your tears evoke my heart, my sympathy--
I promise I will work hard, have courage to support you
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain
Time can wear away some of my rough corners
While some remain, never wearing down
Please forgive me this small amount of selfishness
Because I can only afford it with you by my side
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain
Плес са биковима*
Волим те више од своје мајкеВолим те више од своје мајке
а не заслужујеш толико
мајка ми је дала живот
а ти ми га узимаш
Волим те више од своје мајке
Бикови долазе
бикови излазе
бикови долазе
кроз маслињак
кроз маслињак
Хосе Рамона
бикови долазе
дошли су
Волим те више од свог живота
волим те више од свог живота
и више од срца свога
и да није грех
више од Дјеве и Бога
волим те више од свог живота
Дању са биковима
ноћу на кафу
мајко, торероси
згазе ми ногу
згазе ми ногу
ја не говорим не
мајко, торероси
ће ме убити
Видела сам га ја,
Видела сам га, ја,
Гледај пролази,
Потврђујем у овом хору,
Незаборавни звуци,
Кад су били најсигурнији
Видела сам ја
Гледај оде.
Бикови долазе
бикови излазе
бикови долазе
кроз маслињак
кроз маслињак
Хосе Рамона
бикови долазе
дошли су
Како желиш да те волим
Како желиш да те волим
с љубављу се према теби односим
као да имаш уљару
и делиш на више делова,
Како желиш да те волим
Дању са биковима
ноћу на кафу
мајко, торероси
згазе ми ногу
згазе ми ногу
ја не говорим не
мајко, торероси
ће ме убити
Свом срцу кажем
свом срцу кажем
немој да плачеш
а срце ми говори
док живим патићу
у свом срцу говорим
Бикови долазе
бикови излазе
бикови долазе
кроз маслињак
кроз маслињак
Хосе Рамона
бикови долазе
дошли су
Никада ми не реци збогом
никад ми не реци збогом
то је тужна реч
срца која се воле
никада не треба да се растају
никада не треба да се растају
Unfortunately, we get sluggish with each passing dayLittle by little, we forget the colors of the world
It was funny how the water got us wet
We look like a bright star
Even though the light that paints the entire sky, don't fall on us right now
The wind will be colored
And you can find your passion just ahead
If it makes a noise, it will be a signal
I want to hold you even if you're far away
See, I'm sure you will overflow in my heart
Everything is fine with you? You speak and give a fake smile
I can't remember your face like that
Everything you do will not be in vain
You're like a big stain in my white notebook
Even if my feelings change, I'll still love you
You are the color of a warbler
In this world where you guide him forward
If you hold my hand that's not far away
Someday, you might overflow in my eyes
It's coloring time
This passion that is in front of you
It's a sign that it will make you melt
I want to hold you even if you're far away
See, you will always overflow in my heart
You are the color of a warbler
You will always overflow in my heart
You are falling while looking for the ideal place
Looking, looking, searching
The petals that spread, become more beautiful
Every time you blink, there are changes between the two of us