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Biti sa tobom

Biti sa tobom je kao dodira neba sa rukama
Poput sunca prvog dana leta
Poput bajke je biti sa tobom
Biti sa tobom, otkrivajući jednu po jednu tvoju tajnu
I sve ono što imaš u sebi
Ostavio bih sve na momenat sa tobom
Osećam da je tvoje prisustvo
Najbolji poklon koji mi je život dao
Snaga koja me gura napred
Od svega što imam je najvažnije
Biti sa tobom je poput sna
Iz kojeg se ne želim probuditi
Zatvorim oči i nema te
Želja mi je živeti sa tobom
To je sve što želim
Zato što uz tebe mogu biti
Onakav kakav sam (onakav kakav sam)
Onakav kakav sam (onakav kakav sam)
Biti sa tobom je
Svaki dan drugačije
Uvek postoji nešto što me iznenadi
Biti sa tobom je poput igre koja me zabavlja
Osećam da je tvoje prisustvo
Najbolji poklon koji mi je život dao
Snaga koja me gura napred
Od svega što imam je najvažnije
Zauvek, mala
Zauvek biti sa tobom

Ukoliko pitaju za mene

Uprkos što mesec ne sija, sutra,
Svejedno je, samo da te vidim da se smeješ
To me čini srećnim, moju dušu
Tačno je da drugačiji pogled
Ili neki hladni gest, prikuje
U moje grudi bodež zbunjenosti, ali ljubavi
U tome je magija
Jer te vidim malena i već mi puno nedostaješ
Ne mogu zamisliti svoje rane ukoliko jednog dana odeš
Zato, živote
Ukoliko pitaju za mene, ne govori kuda sam otišao
Neka ti duša bude jaka dok gledaš napred
Ne pamti sve ono što ti nisam pružio
Toliko toga ti imam reći a i ti meni
Toliko puta i strasti proživeti, pored tebe, oh živote moj
I daj Bože da naše oči sjaje, sutra
Da tvoj glas me doziva ljubavlju
Povikom nade
Sada kada te imam ne želim gubiti vreme
Ni izgubiti se zbog apsurda ega ni na trenutak
Nestaje, strah
Ukoliko pitaju za mene, ne govori kuda sam otišao
Neka ti duša bude jaka dok gledaš napred
Ne pamti sve ono što ti nisam pružio
Uvek sijaj jer ti to zaslužuješ
Oprosti ukoliko sam jednog dana nameravao
Da ne budeš, oh svoja
Ukoliko pitaju za tebe, samo ću reći da sam te video
U svojim snovima jedne noći
I od tada samo sanjam
Da te vidim svakoga dana pored sebe
Toliko toga ti imam reći a i ti meni
Toliko puta i strasti proživeti, pored tebe, oh živote moj
Pored tebe...

Damn the consequences

I'm waiting while you're elaborating
on another subject
than me.
I'm expecting you, I'm losing you
like one would an object, a year
and a month.
I hear you're falling
for a taller, more handsome guy.
Why is that?
I'm listening, at great loss,
your tales of the warmth
you find in his arms.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are?
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Flood and rains may come
after I'm gone, for all I care1

and this is it.
I'm frolicking about, you don't care.
Could you drop any lower
than this?
I seek, you hide2
We've been playing that game
long enough already.
I'm calling, you're spelling
leave me
I'm begging, you're deeply regretting
to have given in, just once
and never again.
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
I know I'm the one who left you,
now who do you think you are,
thinking that grass will grow back
after I left?
I want people to be unhappy
after I'm gone.
Neither Noah nor shelter,
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
  • 1. 'après moi le déluge' is idiomatic ('after me, the Flood', i.e. 'the (biblical) Flood might come after I'm gone, for all I care'. Basically: 'damn the consequences' Regular smile
  • 2. allusion to the 'chat perché' child game. One player is the 'cat' and tries to catch the other players. They have to climb on something to save themselves before the cat gets them. If the cat catches a player, the victim becomes the new cat. If the player escapes, the cat has to seek another 'prey'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Your eyes
Show me
What I know that not just anyone sees
I don't have anything
To hide when you look
At me, into my soul
We both have known each other
Even if we know each other
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
Coincidence, I don't believe in it
Your walk is the dance that enchanted me
This is obsession at first sight
The right moment has come
Tell me, stranger
What have you done
To twirl a stranger around your finger
I feel as if I've known you
For about a thousand of lives
Tell me, stranger
How come you can
Love in a night, a thousand nights' worth of love
Maybe, for a thousand of lives,
We were together, surely together
I like the nights in which
We swim in oceans of stars
And how your lips
Giggle and move rebelliously
Tell me that in my arms
You feel protected from the bad
Tell me that it isn't a bit strange
How 'we' happened
The moment you appeared
You ignited in me what you put out a long time ago
Come on, come here
You, stranger, tell me what you did
Come on, come here
I didn't know that I could love so much
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
Qué te llamo y tu no coges el teléfono
No se por que te escondes de mi baby si yo
Deje de ser de mi pa' mi para entregarte to'
[Coro: Alex Rose]
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet (percocet)
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)

The Bathtub

I would like to be in the bathtub all day long
The warm water cuddling me.
One foot outside that gets a little bit chilly
Getting out only when it is dinner time
Eating and drinking excessively
Without the need to add a hole on the belt
And tomorrow I am not going to work
I won't call in because silence is precious
I will pass by my school with my friends
But I won't enter, I will just shout.
There won't be student who repeat the year, that's that
We will all be in the same bathtub
So big that it is a pool
We will be soaking in the bathtub until the morning lights
But now there are too many people and it is uncomfortable
We would be better going to the beach
When it will get dark we will start a big bonfire
We will turn a big TV screen on and start a game
And after chasing each other and a few fights
We will swim in the sea at midnight
I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax
I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun
And I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax again
And I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun again
We will be more than 100 people, almost 120
Friends, acquaintances and relatives too
With a watermelon and some fresh coke
With some guitars to sing all together 'it is not Francesca'
We will wait until the morning lights
And then we will celebrate with croissants and cappuccinos
And when we will be exhausted, we will sleep on the sand
Our bedrooms carved in the fog
But we will just sleep for a few hours
And then we will get up and jump in the bathtub again
I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax
I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun
And I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax again
And I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun again
I would like to be in the bathtub all day long
The most relaxing thoughts in my head
A foot outside as it was a flag
Get out only when spring comes
I really hope that this fantasy
It is not only an utopia
They still haven't invented a medicine
That turns my bathtub into a pool yet
Neither one that turns it into the sea
But someone really should do it
I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax
I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun
And I swim, I dive, I turn around and I relax again
And I swim, I dry myself off and here it starts the fun again

Here every sound hurts

Here every sound hurts
It hurts when yesterday
I wrote this song
My painful heart dies
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts
There you stood and asked
Let's turn back again
Let's hug one another for one minute
You told that you'd want it.
The streets heard it
It heard that you cry
My painful heart dies
It will be better if you live for someone else
This city now is
so pernicious / harmful, that
Among the houses
Every sound is painful
Then once you will,
You will just once,
Be surprised that
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts.

Sta trazis ti?

Moze biti da jednog dana po ovim datumima
neces se secati vise teksta
od one teme koju sam komponovao zbog tebe.
Moze biti da zivot bude tako kratak
ili da se vreme ne seti
da izbegne ono sto treba da zivimo.
Vrati se, vrati se kasno, ali se vrati.
Vrati se, devojcice, ako se izgubis,
danas zelim da te vidim.
I leti, leti visoko dok mozes,
da zivot je tocak koji nikad ne koci.
Zivis cekajuci cudno srce
da dodje ovde
i izvadi iz tvog tela i tvoje duse
najbolje od tebe.
Danas osecam da mi zivot pokazuje sa tobom
svoju plavu stranu i to je sve sto trazim da bih bio srecan.
Sta trazis ti? Sta trazis ti?
Moze biti da umre u trenutku
zbog straha da pogresim,
sve ono za sta sam jednog dana sanjao.
Moze biti da se bacim u prazninu
kao sto sam jednog dana uradio sa tobom,
bez razmisljanja sta ce doci posle.
Vrati se, vrati se kasno, ali se vrati.
Vrati se, devojcice, ako se izgubis,
danas zelim da te vidim.
I leti, leti visoko dok mozes,
da zivot je tocak koji nikad ne koci.
Zivis cekajuci cudno srce
da dodje ovde
i izvadi iz tvog tela i tvoje duse
najbolje od tebe.
Danas osecam da mi zivot pokazuje sa tobom
svoju plavu stranu i to je sve sto trazim da bih bio srecan.
Sta trazis ti koja zivi cekajuci cudno srce
da dodje ovde
i izvadi iz tvog tela i tvoje duse
najbolje od tebe.
Danas osecam da mi zivot pokazuje sa tobom
svoju plavu stranu i to je sve sto trazim da bih bio srecan.
Sta trazis ti? Sta trazis ti?

Allow Me

I'm like losing feelings
Cannot explain this loss
I'm like out of focus
Calling you in a daze
I'm like a hollow shell
Facing the scene of breaking up
I always want to know how are you?
Are you happy with whomever?
If whoever let go you
Indifferent to you or don't care
Allow me to step in? Allow my hands?
Allow me leaning on you?
If whoever loves you
Give you happiness or true concern
Allow me to perplex? Allow my wishes?
Allow me shedding tears for you?

Mora se videti

Ponekad se desava da tvoj pogled
izrazava vise od hiljadu reci odjednom,
reci koje podsecaju na trenutke koje si zivela juce,
sta ces raditi, takva je ljubav sa mnom drugarice.
I ponekad mislim i pitam se
da li te stvarno zasluzujem
i da li ce mi zivot dati jednog dana ono sto si mi dala ti,
sta cu raditi, takva je ljubav sa tobom devojko.
Mora se videti kakav je zivot sa tvojom ljubavlju
koja ispunjava iluzijom i nadom svakog dana
i zahvaljujem ti se sto si ucinila da vidim sta je voleti,
dozvoljavajuci mi da budem ko zelim biti
i dala smisao ovom zivotu.
Ako places, placem, ako se smejes, smejem se,
gde god da krenes ja cu te pratiti.
Ako ti je potrebna moja pomoc, bez sumnje cu ti je pruziti,
sve sto jesam, sto sam bio i sto cu biti, ja ti dajem.
(Refren x2)

Reci mi ako nije ljubav

Reci mi ako nije ljubav gledati u oci
i videti da tvoje grudi hoce da eksplodiraju iznutra,
osetiti svaki poljubac, ceniti samo jedan gest.
Ili reci mi ako nije ljubav trcati vise nego vreme,
jer sati prolaze leteci
i nista nije isto ako nisi pored njega.
Reci mi ako nije ljubav nositi
svaki dan iznenadjenja koja cuvaju u koferima
tajne koje nas ujedinjuju.
I reci mi ako nije ljubav gledati slatko u sunce,
zahvaljivajuci se Bogu zato sto je tako velika
iluzija svakog dana i da prestanemo da budemo kukavice
kada iskrvare rane.
Reci mi sta vidis ovde? Reci mi ako vidis ljubav?
Reci mi sta mislis? Sta oseca tvoje srce?
Neka nikada ne umre ova slatka strast
koja ispunjava nase zivote.
Reci mi ako nije ljubav zamisliti jednu zelju
i videti da se ispunjava, da vise nema pustinja,
da su sve mora koja cuvaju misteriju.
I reci mi ako nije ljubav moci da cujes njegov glas
podizajuci tvoje ruke cak do neba
da bi video da dolazi dan i da zna pobediti strah
kada iskrvare rane.
Reci mi sta vidis ovde? Reci mi ako vidis ljubav?
Reci mi sta mislis? Sta oseca tvoje srce?
Neka nikada ne umre ova slatka strast
koja raste bez mere.
(x3, sa 'iluzijom' umesto 'strasti'- drugi put)
Reci mi sta vidis ovde? Reci mi ako vidis ljubav?
Reci mi sta mislis? Sta oseca tvoje srce?
Neka nikada ne umre ova slatka iluzija
koja ispunjava nase zivote.

Ona zivi u meni

Ona zivi u meni
kao pesma
koja hrani usi mog srca.
Ona zivi u meni
u svakom budjenju, u mojim snovima
i tajne jos uvek neotkrivene.
I ja se izgubim u njenom osmehu
i pustam se da padnem u njen ambis...
To je ona koja nosi nebo u rukama,
ona koja me voli takav kakav jesam,
ta koja ispunjava svet radoscu i fantazijom.
To je ona koja istice svo moje ludilo,
ta koja me prati u avanturi koja je zivot,
ona koja leci moje rane sa svojim poljupcima
gde se uvek vracam.
Ona zivi u meni
kao strast koja ubrzava
otkucaje mog srca.
Ona zivi u meni
u svakoj pori moje koze,
ne postoji nista sto bi moje zelje moglo da zaustavi.
I ja se izgubim u njenom osmehu
i pustam se da padnem u njen ambis...
To je ona koja nosi nebo u rukama,
ona koja me voli takav kakav jesam,
ta koja ispunjava svet radoscu i fantazijom.
To je ona koja istice svo moje ludilo,
ta koja me prati u avanturi koja je zivot,
ona koja leci moje rane sa svojim poljupcima
gde se uvek vracam.
Zato sto ona zivi u meni,
ona zivi u meni...
Ta koja ispunjava svet radoscu i fantazijom.
To je ona koja istice svo moje ludilo,
ta koja me prati u avanturi koja je zivot,
ona koja leci moje rane sa svojim poljupcima
gde se uvek vracam.
Zato sto ona zivi u meni,
ona zivi u meni...

Crazy and freak

Dawned and still not home
This girl is crazy, she is a freak
Drop the beat of the pancadão, open the trunk
This girl is crazy, she is a freak
She loose her hair down and put the hand on her knee
Just to tease me she came down slowly
Bass shaking the car's roof, the beat going tum tum
In the sequence she senses
And wiggle the butt, butt, butt

What Do You Ask For?

Versions: #3
Nowadays, perhaps,
You no longer remember the lyrics
Of the song I wrote for you
Perhaps life is so brief,
Or maybe Time does not remember
To stop us from living what we are meant to live
Come back, come back late, but come back
Come back, girl, if you get lost...
I want to see you today
And fly, fly high while you can
Because life is a wheel that won't stop spinning
You spend your life waiting
For the heart of a stranger to come here
And bring out the best in you,
Body and soul
Today thanks to you I feel that life shows me
Its heavenly side, and that's all I ask for to be happy
What do you ask for? What do you ask for?
Perhaps everything that I ever dreamed of
May die in a single moment,
Due to my fear of making mistakes
Perhaps I will dive in head first from the sky,
As I did with you once,
Without thinking of what would happen afterwards
Come back, come back late, but come back.
Come back, girl, if you get lost...
I want to see you today
And fly, fly high while you can
Because life is a wheel that won't stop spinning
You spend your life waiting
For the heart of a stranger to come here
And bring out the best in you,
Body and soul
Today thanks to you I feel that life shows me
Its heavenly side, and that's all I ask for to be happy
What do you ask for? What do you ask for?
What do you ask for, you who spend your life waiting
For the heart of a stranger to come here
And bring out the best in you,
Body and soul?
Today because of you I feel that life shows me
Its heavenly side, and that's all I ask for to be happy
What do you ask for? What do you ask for?

Ke Wa

You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
Saying that we don't want each other any more
Saying that we forgot each other
You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
To your lips I won't come back again
And tell me that you don't desire any longer
No way
No way, no way, no way
It hurts so not to have you
Yet I don't want to look for you
No way
Tell me babe what was It
I know you were waiting for me to find you
But I don't know the way you think
She's got someone else still I love her
Don't believe that I'll die for your love
I travel the world In case I see her some day
Clear babe
I know you were for me
But you were confident that my heart would be for you
I only decided to forget you
But I swear that If you call me
I will run out
To drown myself In your kisses
The silence is killing me
I will run out
To drown myself In your kisses
I'm still addicted to you
The silence is killing me
You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
Saying that we don't want each other any more
Saying that we forgot each other
You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
To your lips I won't come back again
And you tell me that you don't desire me any longer
No way
No way, no way, no way
It hurts not to have you now
Yet I don't want to look for you
No way
I will leave
After having you once again
With this I won't be left
A last chance, passion and romance
I still hope that my phone will ring
Nobody Is so malicious as you are
I'll be far away from you mami It doesn't work out for me
And If you called me I swear that
I run out
To drown myself In your kisses
The silence Is killing me
I run out
To drown myself In your kisses
I'm still addicted to your body
The silence Is killing me
You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
Saying that we don't want each other any more
Saying that we forgot each other
You pass It from here to there
I pass It from there to here
To your lips I won't come back again
No way
No way, no way, no way
It hurts not to have you now
Yet I don't want to look for you
No way
Alex Sensation
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
The clear eyed nigger

If They Ask About Me (Shouts of Hope)

Even if the moon doesn't shine tomorrow night, it will be the same to me
Only seeing your laughter is what makes me happy, my love
And it is true that a look that's different or a manner that is colder pierces through
Here in my heart confusion is wandering, but dear, therein lies the magic
As I see you now, girl, I already miss you. I can't imagine
My wounds if one day you go far away.
Because of that, what I'd like...
If they ask about me
Don't tell them where I went
Let your soul be strong
And when you look forward
Don't remember all the things I didn't give you
It's just that there is so much left to tell you about
And for you to tell me about, so much time and passion
To live by your side, oh my life.... by your side
And I hope that our eyes do shine tomorrow
And that your voice continues to shout for my love, shouts of hope
Now that I have you with me, I don't intend to waste time
Or to losea single moment because of my absurd ego
And to this I add my fear
If they ask about me
Don't tell them where I went
Let your soul be strong
And when you look forward
Don't remember all the things I didn't give you
May your light shine forever
Because you deserve it
And forgive me if there was ever a day where
My intention was for you not to be yourself
If they ask me about you
I will only say that I saw you
In my dreams one night
And I only dream, since then,
To see myself next to you every day
Because there is so much left to tell you about
And so much for you to tell me about, times, passions
To share and live next to you, oh my love... next to you...

Twenty Hours of Nothing

I've noticed the light in your eyes
While mine were closed
And I've felt the warmth from your lips without having touched them
I noticed I felt a puncturing in my soul
I think your shot has reached me
Maybe that was your intention or you dreamt it
Tomorrow we'll see one another again
Now our luck is cast
I don't know if I'll be able to withstand 20 hours of nothing
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
I've taken out my old watches,
Kept in dark drawers
I've tried to set the time correctly
But I have not been able to
Tonight I've gone out
I was looking for you without realizing it
Asking everyone about your name
But I didn't find you
So I sleep while I wait
For the wee hours to pass
I don't know if I'll be able to withstand 20 hours of nothing
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
Whoo... today the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
There's no need for me to tell you that I'm dying to make
Time run faster
And to see you again
Whoo... because the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it
Whoo... today the world's stopped
Whoo... and my heart with it

Iako ne mogu da te vidim

Ako si juce imala sivi dan, mirna,
ja cu napisati pesme da bih video,
ako tako uspem da te nasmejem.
Ako ono sto zelis je da pobegnes, hodaj,
ja cu napisati pesme da bih video,
ako tako nadjem snage da zivim.
Nemam vise razloga da ti dam,
od ovog straha koji imam
da te ne vidim nikad vise.
Mislim da vidim kisu da pada
na mom prozoru te vidim, ali ne pada kisa,
nije nista drugo nego odraz mojih misli,
danas mi nedostajes.
Ja samo zelim da znas
drugarice, gde god da si,
da ako ti fali vazduha, ja cu ti ga dati,
ako se osecas usamljeno, nazovi me
ja cu te slusati,
iako ne mogu da te vidim,
iako ne mogu da te vidim.
Od toliko stvari kojih sam izgubio, rekao bih
da samo cuvam ono sto je bilo,
carobno vreme koje se rodilo u aprilu.
Tuzni pogledi na mene se fokusiraju,
postaju deo moje koze
i sada uvek pada kisa jer sam bez tebe.
Nemam vise razloga da ti dam
od ove hladne samoce,
moram da ti dam toliko stvari jos.
Mislim da vidim kisu da pada
na mom prozoru te vidim, ali ne pada kisa,
nije nista drugo nego odraz mojih misli,
danas mi nedostajes.
Ja samo zelim da znas
drugarice, gde god da si,
da ako ti fali vazduha, ja cu ti ga dati,
ako se osecas usamljeno, nazovi me
ja cu te slusati,
iako ne mogu da te vidim,
iako ne mogu da te vidim.

Kajem se

Vise me ne zoves na telefon,
to je znak da se sve zavrsilo,
ranije si radila i uvek sam bio ja
koji sam ti trazio da ne.
Od tog dana kada sam te napustio,
zakunela si se da ces se vratiti po mene,
ja nisam zeleo i nisi se vise vratila
i dans dolazim da ti kazem...
Ako si tu, javi mi se,
hajde saslusaj me,
ja znam da sam bio glup
i da sam se u tebe zaljubio
i ja nisam prevazisao.
Vrati se zato sto vreme prolazi i nedostajes mi puno,
u ovom trenutku ja cu biti iskren
i ja cu pustiti moje srce da prica.
Ovo srce kuca u ocaju zudnje da krenem u potragu za tobom,
ali to je tako uzalud, jer moje srce je uradilo to prekasno
i kajem se za sve sto se desilo.
Kada smo poceli bila si za mene
samo prolaznost, nista vise,
tako da nikad te nisam razmotrio
i pustio te da odes.
I sada sve se promenulo,
ko te zove sam ja,
moje racunanje me izneverilo,
inverzno ne, nisam te zaboravio do danas.
Vrati se zato sto vreme prolazi i nedostajes mi puno,
u ovom trenutku ja cu biti iskren
i ja cu pustiti moje srce da prica.
Ovo srce kuca u ocaju zudnje da krenem u potragu za tobom,
ali to je tako uzalud, jer moje srce je uradilo to prekasno
i kajem se za sve sto se desilo.