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Број резултата: 19


My eyes are two candles

Versions: #1
My eyes are two candles
Which give a sad light to my face
Marked by the torments
Of saudade and despair
When I hear church bells ring
And the afternoon is reaching its end
I ask your saudades
To pray an Our Father for me
But you don't know how to pray
You have no saudade or mourning
Why do you despise me
Why do I want you so
You are, to my despair
Like the clouds roaming up high
Every day I await you
Every day you fail me

O bore brate moj

Ribeiru pobeći ne možeš
Ne možeš biti večan
Leto će te ukrasti
Oh što ti donesi zima
Pa i drvo sa planinom
Ima svoj rastanak
Od nekog drveta se prave sveci
Od drugog drveta se pravi drveni ugalj
Pala sam od tuge
Od toga šta činiti
Svi sveci koje slikam
Demoni moraju biti
Tako su velike moje tuge
Skočiću da se udavim
Nadolaze one jedna za drugim
Kao što talasi dolaze na moru
Pokupiće sve sa korenjem i
Što je ispod zemlje
Samo grane neće
Jer će ih ovaj vjetar odneti
O brate moj bore,
Ti si kao ja
Uzalud si raširio
O bore brate
Svoje ruke u nebo

Wrong Score

Versions: #1
I got started in calculus
In school at a tender age
It was later, still trying to reach the answer
That I meddled with someone
Me and you in that chapel
Added happiness
But I was followed one day
What treason life has
What bad times life has
I had a man, I was tempted
I added another, wrong score
I had the test and didn't fare well
One plus one equals two
And it is heaven, perhaps
Come one more, later
Two plus one is three
From the sum I took the final teaching
I really did add
But in love I failed
I did the math wrong
Cheating, even to cheaters
Holds one accountable alright:
It multiplies our pains
And divides an affection
By this time, you and I
Are still sharing an account
I only ask that, for my punishment
What I say should lessen my penalty
In this dark confession
From a cheat who is truthful
Who awaits you but doesn't expect
Your forgiveness anymore


У Алхамбру у Гранади ,
из далеких земаља је дошла,
као краљица у златним кочијама,
девојка једна, принцеза цигана.
Име јој је Тани,
од сунца је лепша,
није крунисана правом круном
већ круном шпанских цигана.
Са белом марамом и ружама,
нема лепше и часније девојке.
Ах, Тани, моја Тани, моја Тани!
Ах, Tаниi, Taни, моја Taни!
Aх Taни, Taни, црна!
Циганке лепше
нити је било нити ће бити.
Ах, Тани, моја Тани, моја Тани!
Ах, Tаниi, Taни, моја Taни!
Aх Taни, Taни, црна!
Циганке лепше
нити је било нити ће бити.
Један и један, два,
два и један, три,
сабрати се нема шта
јер за пут више нема .
(Данас се младенци венчавају,
на свом фламенко трону,
на свадби ће се славити,
у најлепшем дворишту Алхамбре.
Из целог света долазе,
каравани цигана,
и за руке ће се ухватити
на отоку, Триани и Џерезу.
Фламенко хаљину ће купили,
окићену сребром и бисерима мора.)

Stočari iz Ribateža

Idite jednog dana do Vile Franka, pogledate sa mosta, savetujem vam,
Zalazak sunca, tako crvenog, u daljini, na horizontu.
To mesto predlažem jer tamo je stalni sajam i izložba stoke
Videćete tamo ljude i lepote jednog sasvim drugog sveta.
Sočari iz Ribateža, su ljudi srećni i zdravi.
Da znate kako im zavidim kad ih viditm izjutra.
Tamo dolaze da biraju i gledaju stoku samo pasionirani poznavaoci
Koji veruju da su ova divlja goveda odanija od mnogih ljudi.
Tamo dolaze da biraju i gledaju stoku samo pasionirani poznavaoci
Koji veruju da su ova divlja goveda odanija od mnogih ljudi!
Gledam iz daljine te stočare, tako plemenitog izgleda,
Kad bi mogao da se izvaja isti takve veličine u nekoj skulpturi.
Kako držeći čvrsto koplje u ruci, juri nekog zalutalog junca.
I tako muževno kada juri, i u svom stilu tu trku da prikazuje.
Sočari iz Ribateža, su ljudi srećni i zdravi
Da znate kako im zavidim kad ih viditm izjutra.
Tamo dolaze da biraju i gledaju stoku samo pasionirani poznavaoci
Koji veruju da su ova divlja goveda odanija od mnogih ljudi!
Tamo dolaze da biraju i gledaju stoku samo pasionirani poznavaoci
Koji veruju da su ova divlja goveda odanija od mnogih ljudi!

The Sun Walks in My Path

Versions: #2
The sun walks in my path
Each time staying longer
Let's see if it asks the moon
The reason why it doesn't burn
It wants to know so badly,
But then becomes quiet.
And no one ever sees them
Walking arm in arm.
If you follow me during the day,
If at night you always leave me
Don't say that the reason
For my complaints is a fantasy
You are only ever jealous
When I am not there with you
But if you keep me by your side
I don't even deserve your jealousy.

Mornarski Fado

Kada korača, portugalski mornar
On ne hoda, on prolazi plešući,
Kao talasi plime i oseke
Kada on vesla, radi to na osećajan način praveći luk
I ne možeš da razlikuješ
Da li je on ljudsko telo ili kanu.
Dođe li u Lisabon, skače s broda u saltu
Ne ide dalje od Madragoa ili Bairro Alto
A u Alfami, od Alfame napraviće palubu
U portugalskom mornaru uvek je Vasco de Gama 
Kada on ide kraj svoje stare tvrđave
Uvek donosi kamen od soli
Sa pogledom smrknutim
Kao da je ljut, stavio je mornarsku kapu
Ili kao da od udvaranja beži,
Ali nema žene koja njemu može pobeći
Jedan čuperak razbarušene kose
Možda je to sidro kao neki čarobni štapić
Kada plovi, portugalski mornar
Prelazi on mora milujući opasne morske vale.
Kada plovi, portugalski mornar
Prelazi on mora milujući opasne morske vale.

Fado Sailor

When he goes by, the portugese sailor
He doesn't walk, he passes by dancing,
Like just as it happens
When he sways, he does it in a certain way
Only so, that no one can tell
If he's a human body or a canoe
He arrives in Lisbon, jumps off the ship and in a bound
He ends up in Madragoa or in the Bairro Alto
He goes into Alfama and makes Alfama the deck
There is always a Vasco da Gama in a portugese sailor
When he goes by, with his eye-catching uniform
He always has stones of salt
In his malicious glance
He puts his sailor's beret on with malichiousness
But if he invents a caress
There is no woman that gets away from him
A loose wisp of hair
Could even be the grapnel that a fishseller likes
When he goes by, the portugese sailor
The sea goes by with a menace of caressing flloods
When he goes by, the portugese sailor
The sea goes by with a menace of caressing flloods


Versions: #2
Because of your free thought
They have imprisoned you far away
So far away that my lament
Can not reach you
And you only hear the wind
And you only hear the sea
They took you in the middle of the night
Darkness covered everything
It happened at night, one night
The darkest of all
It happened at night, it happened at night
And it never ever turned day.
Oh! The poison of that night
Persists in poisoning me
I only hear the silence
That took your place
And at least you hear the wind
And at least you hear the sea.

The house on the port

Versions: #2
There were songs, songs,
The men came to drink and dream
In the house on the port
Where the girls laughed loudly,
Where the wine made them sing, sing, sing.
The fishermen will tell you,
They came to it
Before leaving, pull their nets.
They came to warm up near us
In the house on the harbor.
The shutters have been opened and since
The laughter of the girls is gone.
Under a neon tube,
An official with lorgnons
Is lost in his papers, old papers.
Where are the Flower Curtains
And color lamps
Maria's hair, her bare arms?
Looks like it's all dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Yet I came back one night,
I had thought that they sang there as before,
But couples who danced
Were nothing now
That the shadows of the past, of the past.
In vain I searched for this girl that I was,
Who also knew how to sing and love.
I tell you that everything is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
It is not on my twenty years that I cry,
Very often with the girls I cried
But we could let
Our songs sleep in peace,
Our songs and our loves, our loves.
I told Maria
And to the girls there:
Let's drink to forget,
... A small marc,
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the port.I

Ključ od mojih vrata

Ugledala sam te za Svetog Jovana
I naša ljubav je počela
Dala sam ti svoje srce
Za struk bosiljka kao poklon.
Naša ljubav je počela
Igrom i plesom u mojoj ulici,
A do Svetog Petra
Ti si već bio moj, a ja sam bila tvoja.
Čekala sam te, htela sam da
te vidim, jer sam te volela.
Kasno si dolazio kući iz tvoga vinograda
A ja sam rano legala u krevet.
Da me san ne bi prevario,
Mrtva umorna, čekajuci te,
Ostavljala sam ključ da viri
Ispod mojih vrata.
Ostavljala sam ključ da viri
Ispod mojih vrata.
Prolazilo je vreme i sledeće igre.
Uvek si ti pobeđivao.
Od druge si dobio maramicu,
I ljubav drugu ti si započeo.
Bila sam luda od ljubomore
Jer sam znala šta je strast.
Nema više istog plama
Ajde ga srce zaboravi.
Čekala sam te
Takakva je sudbina onih što vole
Ti mi više kući ne dolaziš
A ja idem rano u krevet.
Da me san ne bi prevario
Mrtva umorna čekajući te
Ostavljala sam ključ da viri
Ispod mojih vrata.
Ostavljala sam ključ da viri
Ispod mojih vrata.
Da me san ne bi prevario
Mrtva umorna čekajući te
Ostavljala sam ključ da viri
Ispod mojih vrata.