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Two inches

If I'm a painting, you lower your eyes.
You don't care if I'm an almond tree.
And if I'm breath, your lips look like a closed gate.
Give me two inches
so that I enter although you don't want me.
Grant me one spot
even if you claim that it's too late.
I'll bring a sunny day throughout the wintertime,
I'll calm your mind and sweeten your heart.
Just don't say no to me.
Rush to open your gates to me,
come close to me.
Give me two inches
so that I enter although you don't want me.
Grant me one spot
even if you claim that it's too late.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

A star is burning

We were not created to understand
and explain all the deepest reasons
but no one can shackle a national will that is free -
its death is its own fault.
There's a star burning bright on the eastern way
casting a glare over the fatherly field.
In the south the sun grows higher with each passing day,
the sails twinkle, stretching towards it.


I no longer have the sweetness of his kisses,
I wander alone through the world without love.
Another happier mouth will be that master
over his kisses that were all my passion.
There are moments when I don't know what happens to me . . .
I have the urge to laugh and to cry.
I harbor jealousies, I have fear that he won't return.
And I love him, I cannot help it.
Singing I gave him
my heart, my love,
and from the moment him left
I sing my suffering.
Singing I found him,
singing I lost him . . .
Because I don't know how to cry
Singing I'll die.
Little miraculous virgin,
forgive me if singing this song that lives within me,
I ask you to bring me what is mine,
that so soon and without wanting I had lost.


It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your Apocalypse is starting
See, I don't want anything you don't want
not even the things you'd like to share with another
So kiss me, say goodbye to your brains*
And don't ask for my personal info
My lies are fast and short
I'm still not telling the truth
A crazy night in a cheap hotel
A black stain in your file
I'll be to you what I was to others!
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your Apocalypse is starting
See, somewhere in the dark, the right one for you is waiting
to put a ring on your finger
but you, just like every woman
consciously make a mistake
and choose a complete idiot
and fall in love with a jerk
A crazy night in a cheap hotel
A black stain in your file
I'll be to you what I was to others!
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your apocalypse is starting
We meet for the first time....
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your apocalypse is starting

The Day That You Love Me

The soft murmur of your breathing
Caresses my reverie,
How life laughs
If your black eyes want to see me!
And if you are mine the shelter
Of your light laughter which is like a song,
It allays my wound,
Everything, everything is forgotten . . !
The day that you love me
The roses that emblazon
Will dress themselves up for a celebration
With their best color.
To the wind the bells
Shall say your love is mine
And crazy the fountains
Shall tell me of your love.
The night that you love me
From the blueness of the sky,
The jealous stars
Will look upon us passing
And a mysterious ray
Will make a nest in your hair,
Curious firefly
That will see . . . that you are my solace . . !

Kada me budes prestala voleti

Ti ces otici, skoro mogu udisati tvoje zbogom,
Pasces kao strela koja nikad nije dosla,
bolece, nisam ja samo koji ce te otplakati.
Kada me budes prestala voleti,
izaberi dobro oprostajne stihove,
ako odlucis da ti je previse mog drustva,
razmisli ponovo, razmisli i ne nastavljaj.
Znam da nece biti povratka nazad,
nakon svega dao sam ti ceo zivot,
ako me samo hladnokrvno iskrvaris,
vise ces moja biti
kada me budes prestala voleti,
vec ces videti.
Nisam surov, jednostavno to je konacna istina,
papir nije garancija da uvek cemo uraditi dobro
i nikad lose nece ostati,
nisam ja samo koji ce te se secati.
Kada me budes prestala voleti,
izaberi dobro oprostajne stihove,
ako odlucis da ti je previse mog drustva,
razmisli ponovo, razmisli i ne nastavljaj.
Znam da nece biti povratka nazad,
nakon svega dao sam ti ceo zivot,
ako me samo hladnokrvno iskrvaris,
vise ces moja biti
kada me budes prestala voleti,
vec ces videti.
Vec ces videti,
iako me pustis,
neces se osloboditi.
Kada me budes prestala voleti,
izaberi dobro oprostajne stihove,
ako odlucis da ti je previse mog drustva,
razmisli ponovo, razmisli i ne nastavljaj.
Znam da nece biti povratka nazad,
nakon svega dao sam ti ceo zivot,
ako me samo hladnokrvno iskrvaris,
vise ces moja biti
kada me budes prestala voleti,
vec ces videti.


Old wall
of suburb,
your shadow was
my partner.
Of my childhood
without glory
my friend was
your honeysuckle.
When trembling
my first love,
with its hope
kisses my soul,
me with you,
pure and happy,
I was singing
my first confession.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
make my first love
not to die.
Years passed
and my dellusions
I come to tell you
my old wall..
So I learned
that one must fake
to live
that love and faith
are lies
and of pain
people laughs...
Today that life
has punished me
and taught me
its bitter credo,
old wall
with excitement
I come close to you
and I say like yesterday.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
Why my first love
no more returns?
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hand in glove

We go hand in glove
foam and velvet,
me with a creak of starch
and you serious and haughty
People stare at us
with envy by the street,
the neighbours mumur
like the friends and the mayor.
They say is no more in style
neither my comb nor your hairclip,
they say is no more in style
neither my locket nor your belt
I know that are in style
your big eyes and my pride,
when you go taking my arm
on daylight and without hurry.
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
~ ~ ~
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hand in glove

We go hand in glove
foam and velvet,
me with a creak of starch
and you serious and haughty
People stare at us
with envy by the street,
the neighbours mumur
like the friends and the mayor.
They say is no more in style
neither my comb nor your hairclip,
they say is no more in style
neither my locket nor your belt
I know that are in style
your big eyes and my pride,
when you go taking my arm
on daylight and without hurry.
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

(Nadam se da) Brine o tebi

Dosadna noć, koja me podseća
I vraća me tamo
Gasim svetla, gasim zvezde
Pronašao si novi život u drugim rukama
Ono kroz šta prolazim... čak iako ne deluje tako
Boli me... noću pogledam svoje srce u oči
I ti se uvek pojaviš odmah ispred mene
(Nadam se da) Brine o tebi, da je uz tebe
Da te mnogo voli i pruža ti više
(Nadam se da) Brine o tebi, čak iako mi smeta
To što je sa nama gotovo, dovoljno mi je da znam da se smeješ
(Nadam se da) Brine o tebi, da je uz tebe
Teška noć, kao i obično
Čekajući tebe da se pojaviš
Moja duša je poput izgubljenog deteta
Znam da je krivica moja, ali ti nećeš doći

After all this long period of time

It's coronation day! x2
The window is open, how nice!
The same is the door, how curious!
And how do we have so many plates?
Since lots of years everything is empty
Why here isn't anybody, I don't know!
But now here it will be a ball!
There will be real people!
Which is amazing!
I can't wait the decor change!
That after all this long period of time
The music will sing again
After all this long period of time
All night I will dance!
I don't know why I'm so confused
But I'm going to float
That after all this long period of time
People I will meet!
I can't wait to meet everyone!
Maybe I will meet the one?
I see myself arranged with style
A splendid appearance!
Sophisticated, full of ???
But, suddenly he appears
Tall, elegant and handsome
That I'm going to eat the chocolate!
And we will laugh all night
How strange it will be, I've never lived such a thing
After all this long period of time
My house is magic!
After all this long period of time
Maybe someone will see me!
But I know that it might be crazy
To search/look for love!
But after all this long period of time
At least to hope!
Don't show yourself! Don't let them in!
Good girl, you need/must/should be!
You can't to do a wrong step
Because then everything will be discovered!
But it's only for today!
Anna: ...only for today!
Elsa: To wait, is nonsense!
Anna: To wait, is nonsense!
Elsa: The guards, please make space as I can get out!
Anna: as I can get out!
After all this long period of time...
Elsa: Don't show yourself, don't let them in!
Anna: It happens what I've always hoped/dreamed!
Elsa: You don't need to be...
Anna: ???
Elsa: You can!
Anna: ...you can search/look for love!
Elsa: You can't do a wrong step!
Anna: ???
That after all this long period of time...
After all this long period of time
Is my chance!

You sinned

You took everything from me
mind and soul
I kept nothing
I forgot how many shots I drunk
but still
I can't forget you
You sinned, you hurt me
and where are you wandering now
no matter how much love I gave you
you're giving it somewhere else now
I'm dying every night
In bars and smokes
You sinned even though I had told you
you were all I had
You opened (the door) I got in
and my ego
was totally left out
I thought I had found
the beginning of the world
but unfortunately you were my end
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

How Wretched They Are

I was given advice
And by that time, what good was it?
For all that had happened to me
Could no longer be helped
How wretched are all of those
Who are sentenced
They're always thinking about their suffering
Whether they will carry it out or not
Virtue is happiness
That gives relief to the heart
And such sorrow is a misfortune,
It is sadness, it is pain
I have come to hate my beloved
May that gypsy come to a bad end
How tragic is my destiny
I'm deprived of warmth
If I come near, no matter where

The fear of love is the fear of being free

The fear of love is the fear of being free
For whatever comes
Free to always be
Where the just is
The fear of love is the fear of having
At every moment to choose
With skill and precision
The best way
The sun rose earlier and wanted
In our closed house to enter - to stay
The fear of love is not risking
Waiting that other do it for us
What is our duty - to refuse the power
The fear of love is the fear of having
At every moment to choose
With skill and precision
The best way
The sun rose earlier and wanted
In our closed house to enter - to stay
The fear of love is not risking
Waiting that other do it for us
What is our duty - to refuse the power
The sun rose earlier and blinded
The fear in the eyes of those who went to see
So much light

Sexy and Paunchy

I’m sexy and paunchy, a scarce set of virtues
I’m what the world wants or what it may be, I’m sexy and paunchy.
I’m a good combination of Homer Simpson and Rolling Stone,
I take advantage of confusion, ‘cause I know I’m sexy and paunchy.
I regard disregard and compassion, I don’t always let things out,
Inside every, every candy today, there’s a paper and it’s written:
Sexy and paunchy.
I owe you the washboard, I’m an old-fashioned type of man
But I know that I can make you happy,
Even being so ugly, but sexy and paunchy.
I regard disregard and compassion, I don’t always let things out,
I’m inside every, every candy, there’s a role and it’s written:
Sexy and paunchy.
Everyone has their nail, and everyone has their cross,
Everyone has their evil side, everyone has a side.
Sexy and paunchy.
I have d’Artagnan’s musket,
And a house with ten pine trees in Saigon,
I show off in class, a boorish type
I’m all-out sexy and paunchy.
Everyone has their nail, and everyone has their cross,
Everyone has their evil side, everyone has a side.
A sexy side, sexy and paunchy.
Paunchy but sexy, paunchy but sexy.

Stand-in for your heart (singable rhyming translation)

Versions: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11
Shóuld thé óthěrs ásk whăt běcámě ŏf mé
Sáy thăt ĭ líve fŏr yŏur lóve
Yóu cămě ălóng, yóu jŭst cŭt ín
Whĭlě lífe wăs fŏr mé wěarĭng óff
Ládý, hárkěn tŏ mў práyěrs
Í wĭsh thăt yŏu cáme báck, măybě yóu cŏuld tăkě mě báck
Lóve ís ă gámě ŏf twŏ hálvěs tŏgéthěr
ănd máybě yŏu cŏuld júst stărt óff ăgáin whěrě yŏu lěft óff
Ládý, hárkěn tŏ mў práyěrs
Í wĭsh thăt yŏu cáme báck, măybě yóu cŏuld tăkě mě báck
Lóve ís ă gámě ŏf twŏ hálvěs tŏgéthěr
ănd máybě yŏu cŏuld júst stărt óff ăgáin whěrě yŏu lěft óff
Shŏuld yóur cŏncěrned héart néithěr wánt tŏ búdge
Nór wánt fŏr ă dárt, nŏr ěndúre ă smúdge,
Wíth nŏ děcísiŏn běing máde ŏn yóur běhálf,
Thěn mý brŏkěn héart wíll stănd ĭn fór yóur hálf
Whereas a translation is presented as 'singable', it's by no means intended to be a literal version of the lyrics in another language. It just aspires to be a rhythmical, sometimes also rhyming, rendition of the text, so that different words can be sung along to the music, keeping the original meaning as much as the syllable count makes it possible .

I will love you

I've always loved you
And, my love, I'll be
Forever by your side
I will never leave you
I promise my love
I promise to God
I promise to God
I'll never leave you
Your heart
Will never cry again
Oh, if it feels cold
(it feels cold)
Your heart
(your heart)
I'll be your coat, your dream
Oh, until I stop breathing
I'll love you
I'll love you

Being a Preacher and Loving Her

I was so happy before finding you
Since my adolescence, repressing within me
The call of sex, that hit me so strongly,
My loves were two, religion and science
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Against the wind and tide, I resisted, unaffected
Steady as the tower of a cathedral
Temptation arrived with the strength of a hurricane
And awoke within me the fire of an old volcano
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Far away from the woman, I flagellated my body
And in the middle of the night, I descended into hell
I stopped praying and I opened my window
Looking at your face as the new dawn rose
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Caress me with one hand, torture me with the other
May it be capable of cleansing my sins
If you go to hell, I'll go too
It will be Eden for me
Oh, being a preacher and loving her
Loving, loving her until you lose your soul
Oh, being a preacher and loving her

Да бих те овако волео

Увек ћеш бити девојка која ми испуњава душу
Као немирно море, као мирно море
Увек тако далека као хоризонт
Вичем у тишини твоје име на уснама
Једино што остаје је ехо мог разочарења
И даље сам овде у мом сну што ће наставити да те воли
Биће, биће како ти желиш али биће овако
Ако мора да те чекам још седам живота
Држаћу се овог осећаја
Да бих те овако волео
Ово је моје богатство, ово је моја казна
Може ли бити да је оволика љубав забрањена
И још сам овде жудећи да будем са тобом
Да бих те овако волео
Тако мало до твојих усана али без могућности да их пољубим
Тако близу твоје коже и без могућности да је пипнем
Горим од жеље са сваким погледом
Да бих те овако волео
И овако ћу ходати по овој немирној жици
Трчао сам за твојим траговима који су се претворили у сенку
Затвореник сам љубави коју си ми одбила једног дана
Бројим секунде да те поново видим
Правим те кривом за своју личну срећу
Сањам чак и да те учиним мојом
Биће, биће како ти желиш али биће овако
Ако мора да те чекам још седам живота
Држаћу се овог осећаја

Odvedi me daleko

Ako moj zivot ide nizbrdo
i ne mogu da ga zaustavim,
ako dani prolaze
u punoj brzini,
ako izgleda da trazim nesto
sto se ne dopusta pronaci,
ako verujem da sam u povratku
i ne stignem nigde,
ako je ovo put kojim bismo trebali krenuti
Podigni me da bih disala
tecni kiseonik na tvojim usnama,
zelim da spavam da bih se probudila
u paralelnom univerzumu,
skloniste u drugoj dimenziji.
Ako se borimo sami
i ne mozemo pobediti,
i ako je sve bilo jasno pre pocetka,
ako je ovo put koji smo odabrali preci,
ako je ovo bila moja volja.
Podigni me da bih disala
tecni kiseonik na tvojim usnama,
zelim da spavam da bih se probudila
u paralelnom univerzumu,
skloniste u drugoj dimenziji,
odvedi me daleko, molim te.
Ako pljujem gledajuci nebo
uprkos gravitaciji,
ako treba da krenem od nule
i ne znam odakle da pocnem,
jedino sto trazim je da ne pogresim ponovo.
Podigni me da bih disala
tecni kiseonik na tvojim usnama,
zelim da spavam da bih se probudila
u paralelnom univerzumu,
skloniste u drugoj dimenziji,
odvedi me daleko, molim te.
I ucini da lebdim i podigni me
u svaku novu egzaltaciju.
Uhu uhu uhu...
Odvedi me daleko
za sva moja secanja...
Uhu uhu uhu...
Odvedi me daleko od ove zemlje bez srca.
Odvedi me daleko,
izbrisi sva moja secanja
od ove zemlje bez srca.
Odvedi me daleko,
izbrisi sva moja secanja
od ove zemlje bez srca.
Uhu uhu uhu...

My dear

You say that I've lost you
that there isn't anyone else
that's what happens when you lie to yourself
lying takes you too far
I certainly won't cry
the distance separated us
fortunately for you and me
My dear
I certainly won't cry
the distance separated us
fortunately for you and me
My dear
My dear if we are two worlds
my dear if everything about me bothers you
my dear if I break your wings
my dear why didn't you leave me
You say that I've trapped you
but I was eager of love
the truth never has two faces
you're either a cage or a bird
Come back to my dreams
I'll give you everything for them
and everything will be fine
I won't betray you
Come back to my dreams
I'll give you everything for them
and everything will be fine
I won't betray you
My dear if we are two worlds
my dear if everything about me bothers you
my dear if I break your wings
my dear why didn't you leave me

Loving each other slowly

We are going to love each other slowly, this time,
that today we have all the time in the world.
You won't have to return, no more, to any place,
from tonight on, I am yours and you are mine.
We won't have to look for the corner at a bar
to be able to kiss and hold hands,
We won't have to get lost in the dark
in order to play love, and hug.
We are going to love each other slowly, at last,
with slow kisses, profound and soft,
leaving the feeling, some time, perhaps,
leaving the feeling, some time, perhaps,
that we still have a long night ahead of us.
We are going to love each other slowly, this time,
we are going to make love naked and under a roof,
as we dreamed to do some time ago,
body with body, that it's just the way is done.
We won't have to look for the corner at a bar
to be able to kiss and hold hands,
We won't have to get lost in the dark
in order to play love, and hug.
We are going to love each other slowly, at last,
with slow kisses, profound and soft,
leaving the feeling, some time, perhaps,
that we still have a long night ahead of us.

Love doesn't pass through here

Versions: #1#2
In a child's eyes
a giant's look
in a woman's dreams
the irreverent beauty
an old man running after
that vanishing moment
had he get it before
he wouldn't have used it
a roof that opens up
from the house rains down the sky
someone picks it up
to make it into some poison
to drink with short sips
like crystal drops
there's a lonely girl
waiting for the dance since forever
love never passes through here
in the lovers' kiss
that Exchange their silences
there's a story to throw away
and another to be fully remade
in the dark basements
and these scattered corners
there's a mass of dust
and wishes to be mixed up
a dog is satisfied
by pissing on the walls
no new land
worth being tough
the cat stands still
staring at it on the rooftops
that girl has lost
even the last of her teeth
Love doesn't pass through here
Love doesn't pass through here and is nowere to be seen yet
Love never passes through here
Love doesn't pass through here
Love doesn't pass through here and is nowere to be seen yet
Love never passes through here
in the memories' shadow
of who has never lived
there's one that looks like you
and you haven't recognized him
in the money we count
there's a devastating restlessness
to make time smaller
to shorten the distances
in the marks I keep
on the skin you're scar
if you still burn so hard
it's not true what they say
through here love's passed
and quick left
but you remained mine
you're trapped inside
And love doesn't pass through here
Love doesn't pass through here
Love never passes through here
Love doesn't pass through here
Love never passes through here
Love doesn't pass through here
Love doesn't pass through here and you still burn so hard
Love never passes through here

Vratice se sreca

Sija svetlost dana, zato sto cu se vratiti
u taj grad na severu gde sam se ja pocela igrati.
Oni koji su mi pricali o kraju sveta
sada ostaju iza, senke izbledjuju
zato sto cu se vratiti.
I zelim da imas slatke snove,
jer kad se probudis
sreca ce biti na nasoj strani.
Vraticemo se da zivimo kao deca srece,
kada nas sunce bude pozdravljalo svakog jutra.
I nije bitno ako je sudbina
se napisala u nasim rukama,
vratice se sreca na nasu stranu.
Vratice se sreca na nasu stranu.
Leti ponoc izmedju casa sapmanjca,
sutra ce biti drugi dan, aj, sutra ce se vec videti
i sta god da kazu nece slomiti nase prijateljstvo,
zato sto je sreca na nasoj strani.
Vraticemo se da zivimo kao deca srece,
kada nas sunce bude pozdravljalo svakog jutra.
I nije bitno ako je sudbina
se napisala u nasim rukama,
vratice se sreca na nasu stranu.
Vratice se sreca na nasu stranu.
Vraticemo se...

Преврнула се планина

Преврнула се планина,
и затрпала два пастира,
и затрпала два пастира,
два пастира, два другара.
'драга жали од зоре па до подне,
кева жали све до гроба.'
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please.
СР: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'.
EN: You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author.
СР: Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена.

Samo želim da te volim

Uuhhh (Uaahh...)
Pi pe Cal deron (Aaahhh...)
Slušaj Vela! Jajaja (Aaahhh...)
Kada sam sa tobom vreme staje
Prestaju moje kazne i moja patnja
Ništa nema lepše od ovog osećanja
Koje imam za tebe, koje imam za tebe
I gubim se u tvom pogledu mala (Hej Papi)
Pod zvezdama i punim mesecom
Zaglavićemo naše snove u areni
Dok ne svane, dok ne svane
Dok ne svane...
Ubrzavaš mi srce
I zbog tebe gubim razum
Znaš da me teraš da se zaljubim u tvoj pokret
Kada plešeš ti si moje svetlo
Vidi kako te preuzimam
Dajem ti... Capara... mog tela
Imam samo ove oči da te gledam
Imam samo ove ruke da ti dam
Imam samo ove usne da te ljubim
Dođi ovamo kada samo želim da te volim
Hej Pipe želim samo da te volim (Hej Mami)
Kada samo želim da te volim
I kada ne mislim samo na reči (Ni ja takođe)
Jer sa tobom nikada ne prestaje (Ja)
Način da ti kažem da me imaš
Postajem lud za tobom, postajem lud za tobom
I ako me parališe tvoj osmeh
Nije važno jer sa tobom nema žurbe
Ne postoji niko poput tebe u mom životu
Umirem za tvojom ljubavlju, umirem za tvojom ljubavlju
Umirem za tvojom ljubavlju...
Ubrzavaš mi srce
I zbog tebe gubim razum
Znaš da me teraš da se zaljubim u tvoj pokret
Kada plešeš ti si moje svetlo
Vidi kako te preuzimam
Dajem ti... Capara... mog tela
Imam samo ove oči da te gledam
Imam samo ove ruke da ti dam
Imam samo ove usne da te ljubim
Dođi ovamo kada samo želim da te volim
Hej Pipe želim samo da te volim (Hej Mami)
Kada samo želim da te volim
(Pipe Calderon)
Znaš da moja ljubav prema tebi
Nema poređenje
To je jedna opsesija celog srca
Blagoslovljen sam od neba i niko ne može da nas rastavi
I zbog toga ova nežnost se ne poredi sa ničim
Bejbi, nikada se neće završiti
Ovo je večno, neprocenjivo je
Sa Velom i Pipeom, najnežnijom ljubavlju
Ubrzavaš mi srce
I zbog tebe gubim razum
Znaš da me teraš da se zaljubim u tvoj pokret
Kada plešeš ti si moje svetlo
Vidi kako te preuzimam
Dajem ti... Capara... mog tela
Imam samo ove oči da te gledam
Imam samo ove ruke da ti dam
Imam samo ove usne da te ljubim
Dođi ovamo kada samo želim da te volim
Hej Pipe želim samo da te volim (Hej Mami)
Kada samo želim da te volim
Pipe Calderon (Kada samo želim da te volim)
Evolucija (Samo želim da te volim)
Moja moja muzika (Samo želim da te volim)
Evolutivna muzika
Znaš (Samo želim da te volim)

Поново ме воли

Неподношљива грешка,огромна пустош аааааа
Глупа фиксација,обостран је опроштај ааааа
А ја не желим у то да вјерујем
Додирни ме,поново ме воли
Погледај ме,загрли као прије
Покушала сам,али не могу те мрзити
Казнила сам себе да те никад не заборавим
Апсурдна моја одлука
Што сам се везала за твој глас аааа
Глупа фиксација,видимо се обоје стално
Како сам те могла изгубити
Додирни ме,поново ме воли
Погледај ме,загрли као прије
Покушала сам,али не могу те мрзити
Казнила сам себе да те никад не заборавим
Ослепљела сам и видјела сам те
Обрисала сам те,у мени си
И опет ме имаш испред себе
Додирни ме,поново ме воли
Погледај ме,загрли као прије
Покушала сам,али не могу те мрзити
Казнила сам себе да те никад не заборавим
Слушај,молим те,додирни ме
Оживи нашу љубав,пољуби ме
Присјети се свега данас,поново ме воли
Слушај ову пјесму,додирни ме
Осјети ми срце,пољуби ме
Не опраштај се од мене,поново ме воли