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Al-Yafei said

I looked to her with longingly until she walked away.
Affecting my soulful through the vast desert.
Her absent hunting me and let my wounds painful.
Others told me you look changed, and this love will be affected you deeply.
Others told me you look changed, and this love will be affected you deeply.
They told me to endeavour for who I love.
In the middle of the desert, I was enchanted by her gaze walking through the beautiful camel blonde.
When she walked away through the desert, my thirst increased while she carried water with her, away.
Al-Yafei said, to them, how are you?
You couldn't see how my tear is flowing
Life is not meaningful, and money is not important too.
Life is not meaningful, and money is not important too.
No one is immortalised by their money.
Life is not meaningful, and money is not important too.
No one is immortalised by their money.
How could I be patient in this case?
No one leaves anyone alone.
Which increased my longing to see her while she was walking.
Walking and carries on my soul with her while she is moved and left far away.
For who’s created you with this manifestation of divine beauty
And those beautiful and pretty eyes.
Who is the happiest one that reached and
communicated with you.
What a lucky that person, who's achieve to reached you.
Who is the happiest one that reached and
communicated with you.
What a lucky that person, who's achieve to reached you.
She ignored who has a lot of money to approach her.
And she preferred to stay with her flowers and roses.
How could I be patient in this case?
No one leaves anyone alone.
Which increased my longing to see her while she was walking.
Walking and carries on my soul with her while she is moved and left far away.
As Al-Muhanna told me, what is this misery that is happening to you?
That brought by this beautiful pigeon with her and took it my heart with her.
While she sang in a lovely voice.
While she sang in a lovely voice.
As if she was singing,
On the tops of the trees.
With sweet voices communicated and answered to me.
With sweet voices answered to me.
With sweet voices answered to me.


Its skin has a cinnamon color, its eyes full of innocence
I want to state my singing, little piece of cotton
Where could it be my love? my pigeon, pretty flower
in whose arms could be my cocoon of cotton
Its skin has a cinnamon color, its eyes full of innocence
I want to state my singing, little piece of cotton
I know that you will come some day, my heart tells me so
that despite of the sorrows, tomorrow the sun will shine
then, my pigeon, we will fly together both of us
looking for hope, green natural shoot
(Chorus in quechua)
Imillitay palomitay tikitas malvas tikita
Imamantan wajakuptin cogollito sumajri ñawi(x2)
I know that you will come some day, my heart tells me so
that despite of the sorrows, tomorrow the sun will shine
then, my pigeon, we will fly together both of us
looking for hope, green natural shoot

Hello my Tbilisi-city

1. A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!
As long as we deserved to be here,
We your inhabitants are all of good feet*
2. You will not be short of chanting from me,
I will bles your unwilting maidenhood!
When we leave you, who earlier and who later,
We will wish your land for the grave too!
Harry, Harry, Haralale, Hari-hariae.**
Sweet legend of the pheasant and hunter,***
St. place of royal seat,
The heart-beat of Georgia, Tbilisi-city!
3. Mother, tired of wars,
Let me tell you one bold sentence:
I want to see you with a foreign eye
to know, are you really like this,
or due to blindness only to me seems
The blueness and beauty of your heaven.
A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!
If the dream only seems to me
The blueness and beauty of your heaven
A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!

Моји греси

Моји сопствени греси.
Ако треба да их избројим,
од мојих десет прстију
требаће ми само пет.
Али за твоје грехе
требаће сви прсти света.
Сада тражиш правду
у вину и пијанству,
док на прстима још увек бројиш
грехе које сам починио.
Али за твоје грехе
требаће сви прсти света.

Yellow Asphalt

I'm gonna take you to Santarém
I want you to be my loved one
I'm gonna take you to Marapanim
I want to have you for me
You're coming with me to Redenção
My heart will then belong only to you
I'm gonna take you to Marapanim
And will give you all this blue sky
Wherever I go, you're also going
Come down the yellow asphalt
I'll smother you with love, my love
Kiss and desire all the way down to Belém
You're coming with me wherever I go
Beach, bar, hotel and every gig
In both hurry and calm, bed and so much pain
I'll give you passion
I'm gonna take you to Santarém
I want you to be my loved one
I'm gonna take you to Marapanim
I want to have you for me
You're coming with me to Redenção
My heart will then belong only to you
I'm gonna take you to Marapanim
And will give you all this blue sky
Wherever I go, you're also going
Come down the yellow asphalt
I'll smother you with love, my love
Kiss and desire all the way down to Belém
You're coming with me wherever I go
Beach, bar, hotel and every gig
In both hurry and calm, bed and so much pain
I'll give you passion

Black cherry

I don’t feel like going to the club
Unless you’re driving
Because tonight is already going bad
I texted her but she didn’t answer
Maybe a hole in my veins would’ve been better
And you know that i’ve always sucked at these things
I hate the coast
And that asshole with a Carrera
His face while he drives
His pop music
You, acting stupid
And thinking that he completes you
Tonight i’m going to sleep without having dinner
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s black cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s back cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back
Sometimes love leaves you a few marks on the face
You put on lipstick
It looked like blood on your lips
And all of those rocks in my shoes turned to sand
Because i’ve been looking for you around the whole night
Who loves you shall follow you, but you don’t even care.
I hate the coast
And that asshole with a Carrera
His face while he drives
His pop music
You acting stupid
And thinking that he completes you
Tonight i’m going to sleep without having dinner
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s black cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s back cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back
I puff clouds over the phone
Cigarettes like candy
One after the other
She doesn’t even look at me, mhm-mhm-mhm
Before, i used to look for you
Now i avoid you
I’ll go back to being alone like always
With a pale face
And a heart that doesn’t beat anymore
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s black cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back
And you go to the beach
And then you eat my heart
It isn’t blood, it’s back cherry filling
Night of full moon
Vampires on my back

Dvanaest reči

Brzina i manjak kontrole,
Magija prvog susreta,
Paranoja i ekstazi,
Filmovi i dosađivanje.
Nerešena misterija,
Tri vrline koje nemam.
To su dvanaest reči,
To su dvanaest grožđa belih,
Jer se godina završava
I nema vesti o tebi.
Dvanaest meseci čekam
Da čujem tvoj glas sa druge strane,
Telefon ćuti, tvojih dvanaest sačuvanih cifara,
Označavam prokleti broj,
Ali ne uspevam da te dobijem.
To su dvanaest reči,
To su dvanaest grožđa belih,
Jer se godina završava
I nema vesti,
Nema ni traga od tebe.
Dvanaest svetaca i pokrovitelja,
Ravnodušnost i napuštanje,
Dvanaest molitava i obećanja,
Koje još uvek nisu ispunjene.
U ponoć će zazvoniti dvanaest zvona,
Ne verujem u bajke,
I moja kočija je bundeva.
Samo dvanaest reči,
Danest reči i zaboravljam te.

To Love You Every Day

I didn't quite take notice of the exact moment
that you arrived to awaken my love and give meaning to my life,
all of my life I've lived in the shadows, you are the light of my days,
I never allowed myself this feeling because I thought I was undeserving of it.
I've only lived through disappointment, I fear you'll be one more on my list,
my heart has prepared itself in case it should come to this,
if you throw away what I feel and you demonstrate it's the complete opposite

To Love Maria

To love Maria
Oh, how I wish I could do that
Even if it was just for a day
Maria's love
Dream and fantasy
Oh! How I wish I could have
Maria's love
But Maria didn't even care
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind

Štitovski zid

Okupili su se na ovim ravnicama
Spremni da upoznaju nas čelik
Svi napori su im uzaludni
Smrvićemo ih
Natjeraćemo ih da kleknu
Tu za pobjedu!
Boj spreman! Nema povlačenja!
Tu za pobjedu!
Boj spreman! Nema povlačenja!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Lanac nikad nije jači od njegove najslabije veze
Drzaćemo ovaj zid zajedno
Nasa srca neće nikad potonuti
Ratovanje! Čast!
Slava! Smrt!
Ratovanjs! Čast!
Slava! Smrt!
Evo ih dolaze, uzaludni napad
Naše linije se nikad neće slomit
Stajaćemo na našem tlu i poslati ih nazad
Stavićemo njihove glavu na kocku
Tu za pobjedu!
Boj spreman! Nema povlačenja!
Tu za pobjedu!
Boj spreman! Nema povlačenja!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!
Dižite štitovski zid!
Držite te liniju fronta!
Borite se do smrti!

Волети и желети

Скоро сви знамо да желимо
Али мало нас зна да воли
А волети и желети није исто
Волети је патити, желети је уживати
Онај који воли претвара се да служи
Онај који воли даје свој живот
А онај који жели претвара се да живи
И никада не пати, и никада не пати
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли
Волети је рај и светлост
Волети је пуноћа
То је море које нема краја
То је слава и мир
То је слава и мир
Желети је месо и цвет
То је тражење мрачног угла
То је гризање, гребање и љубљење
То је пролазна жеља, то је пролазна жеља
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли...

I'll Love Again

Today you've written me a letter
That you're leaving
You've found another that has given you more
I've understood that you want to leave me without your love
Leave when you want I won't hold it against you
I did all the impossible so that you wouldn't leave me
Leave when you want
I don't want to see you
Because hypocrisy isn't for me
I'll know how to forget because I'll love again
And you'll cry for me
If you hear a sad bird singing then it's me, listen please
It's me singing don't forget me please
You'll take me with you wherever you go
You don't win anything leaving me like that
Because I'll love again and someone will return what I always gave you
Leave when you want I don't want to see you
Because hypocrisy isn't for me
I'll know how to forget because I'll love again
And you'll cry for me
And you'll cry for me


If fate hears this, it either will ruin me
Or it will return and damn me, There is no middle ground for this!
If fate writes this love, she will rebel against it!
There is no problem with the pen, her page 1 is empty!
Didn’t we say there is no place for rebellion in our memories?
I found it within all these pains! (X2)
She will leave one day without reaching your heart
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
She will break up and leave one day without touching the heart!
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
One day she will leave and go away without looking back!
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
If fate hears this, it either will ruin me
Or it will return and damn me, There is no middle ground for this!
If fate writes this love, she will rebel against it!
There is no problem with the pen, her page is empty!
Didn’t we say there is no place for happiness with our memories?
I found it within all these pains! (X2)
She will leave one day without reaching your heart
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
She will break up and leave one day without touching the heart!
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
One day she will leave and go away without looking back!
You just pressed on my vein, vein...
If she disappeared, disappeared right before reaching your heart
Then, where did she put, put the fate that this pen has written?
She will leave one day without reaching your heart
She will break up and leave one day without touching the heart!
  • 1. Lit: 'fate'

You and Sunday

I wake up to your beauty
Every Sunday morning
My breakfast is remaining
In the tight embrace of your arms
Underneath one blankeet
You are my relaxation
The promise of tomorrow and memories of yesterday
Are no more than the happiness of Sunday
Because on this day, you are beside me
I'll never leave, whether it's sunny or stormy
On this day, we both promised to the heavens
Hour, month and year, I'll choose you and Sunday
We'll turn on the old radio
APO will pray*
There's something Ric Segretto can't say
Rico Puno will ask for forgiveness
These Sunday songs
Won't fade, just like my love for you
The promise of tomorrow and memories of yesterday
Are no more than the happiness of Sunday
Because on this day, you are beside me
I'll never leave, whether it's sunny or stormy
On this day, we both promised to the heavens
Hour, month and year, I'll choose you and Sunday
One Sunday in the month of June
Inside this white room
From your deep slumber,
You didn't wake up
On Sunday, you were going to leave me
In what you felt, you went on and gave in
On Sunday, heaven is your destination
Hour, month and year, this is our last Sunday
You and Sunday, you and Sunday
You'll remain in my heart
You and Sunday, you and Sunday
Even on the very last breath
You are still my relaxation
I'll turn off the old radio
I'll pray and plead
For the help that you asked for
I'm sorry if I didn't hear it
I'll wake up to the memory of you
Every Sunday morning
Underneath our blanket
I'll get used to being alone

Flamengo's March (Flamengo's Popular Anthem)

Once Flamengo, always Flamengo
Flamengo always I will be
It's my greatest pleasure to see it shine
Either on land or at the sea
Win, win, win!
Once Flamengo, Flamengo until I die!
In the regatta, he kills me
Mistreats me, snatches me
What a emotion in the heart!
Consecrated in the field
Always loved, the most highly rated
In Fla-Flu it's the Oh, Jesus!
I would be deeply disgusted
If there was no Flamengo in the world
He rocks, he is fiber
Much pound already weighted
Flamengo until I die I am!

Under The Old Tamarind

How to remember those moments
Where I played with my old friends,
I used to do my accumulated homework
Or just sit during the hot afternoons.
Countless times I climbed on your branches
To eat your fruit, something astringent
Or prepare drinks, jams and sweets
That delighted and made the family happy.
Your branches, so strong and leafy,
Gave shelter and pleasant shade,
You adorned the ground with flowers and leaves
Like a vivid carpet under my bare feet.
Over the years, many of the trees
Have been ripped off, felled and replaced.
But you're still there, immovable and unbreakable,
So much so that I know your harvest days.
You know my story, joy and tears,
But every day I am learning from you.
In every morning when I wake up
I see you and I feel like you say 'hello!'


Niko ne može da zadrži svu vodu mora
U staklenoj čaši.
Koliko kapi moraš da pustiš da padnu
Dok ne uvidiš da plima narasta?
Koliko puta te je nasmejao?
Ovako se ne živi
Koliko suza možeš da sačuvaš
U svojoj staklenoj čaši?
Ako se plašiš,
Ako patiš
Moraš da vrištiš i da izađeš,
Da pobegneš
Koliko puta udaraju talasi
Tokom dana stene?
Koliko riba moraš da upecaš
Da bi napravila pustinju na dnu mora?
Koliko puta te je učutkao?
Koliko vremena misliš da ćeš izdržati?
Koliko ćeš suza sačuvati
U svojoj staklenoj čaši
Ako se plašiš,
Ako patiš
Moraš da vrištiš i da izađeš,
Da pobegneš
Ako se plašiš,
Ako patiš
Moraš da vrištiš i da izađeš,
Da pobegneš
Ako se plašiš,
Ako patiš
Moraš da vrištiš i da izađeš,
Da pobegneš

Luda glavica

Govorio si mi luda glavice
Što sam sledila svoje snove, što sam lomila talase
Branila sam se svojim slomljenim krilima
Uzvodno leti, leti leptirice
Bio si moj anđeo čuvar
Nadletao si moje sitne sate
Bio si muzika zore
Kiša kada sipa
Spasi me, ne dopusti da padnem
U tugu besanih noći
Spasi me i uvek ću biti
Tvoja najvernija prijateljica koja te nosi u sebi
Govorio si mi luda glavice
Što sam sanjala budna
Što sam želela da nikad ne svane
Govorio si mi luda glavice
Uvek je isto
Uvek moj anđeo čuvar
Nadletaš moje sitne sate
Bio si muzika zore
Kiša kada sipa
Spasi me, ne dopusti da padnem
U tugu besanih noći
Spasi me i uvek ću biti
Tvoja najvernija prijateljica koja te nosi u sebi
Spasi me, leti, leti leptirice
Bio si moj anđeo čuvar
Bio si eho dalekog glasa
Bio si muzika zore
Kiša kada sipa
Spasi me, ne dopusti da padnem
U tugu besanih noći
Spasi me i uvek ću biti
Tvoja najvernija prijateljica koja te nosi u sebi
Biću sneg koju pada nad morem
Nad zemljom
Kada te vatra prži
Spasi me, spasi me

Baš ništa

Morska pena
Zrno soli ili peska
Pramen kose
Ruka bez vlasnika
Trenutak straha
Izgubljena nota
Prazna reč u pesmi
Jutarnja svetlost tako malena
Ja sam
Baš ništa
Ništa tvoje
Ništa moje
Povetarac bez vazduha
To sam
Baš ništa
Snežna pahuljica
Kiša koja pada
Odškrinut ponor
Ućutkana reč
Jedno 'žao mi je'
Korak bez traga
Ja sam put koji nema odredište
Ugašena zvezda tako malena
Ja sam
Baš ništa
Ništa tvoje
Ništa moje
Povetarac bez vazduha
To sam
Baš ništa
Dašak života
Istina koja je laž
Zimsko sunce
Sat u tvojoj noći
Tišina rastanka
Jedno 'nenamerno'
Sekund tvog sna
Ja sam korak koji se penje tvojim stepenicama
Kap bez vode tako malena
Ja sam
Baš ništa
Ništa tvoje
Ništa moje
Povetarac bez vazduha
To sam
Baš ništa

Courage to love

Now come away with me
because time ends if
you are satisfied to dreaming.
If you want it, I'll take you
on the threshold of a bonfire -
it will be nice to burn.
Unaware Salome,
I dance there for you
in bitter ecstasy.
The illusion will pass,
what will remain
In me?
The courage to love,
do not run away from myself!
The universe is here with me,
how blue there is
in and out of the sea!
Wanting to die
for fear of suffering -
damn anesthesia,
don't take away
my life!
Everything will end,
hope will fade
if you don't look over the border.
You told me: 'I go away!'
You just have to storm
you will freak out.
When a crossroads will appear,
what will you do? It's already decided -
you will search with a smile.
The courage to love,
do not run away from yourself!
The universe is here with us,
look how many things you will have
inside and outside this immense blue sea!
I said to myself: 'Leave it alone,
I can no longer risk! ».
Slave of jealousy,
I will not lock up my life!
The courage to love -
want to invent
a new humanity
than in simplicity
know how to breathe.
Courage will come
like another vanity
or a castle in the clouds in the city.
This here is my life -
I will respect it whatever it is!
The courage to love
it can come back even when you don't expect it anymore.
Too easy is to hate
and in the end you lose it.
The courage to love
it is the strength to believe in what you do


The sun sleeps with Ægis,
casting drowsiness on our brow,
one loving song
a poetic bird and blue undulation.
A silent night in your arms
there is foundation and repose in regret,
there is foundation and repose in regret,
comforting all, all of us


The sun sleeps with Ægis,
casting drowsiness on our brow,
one loving song
a poetic bird and blue undulation.
A silent night in your arms
there is foundation and repose in regret,
there is foundation and repose in regret,
comforting all, all of us

two slaps and there goes my girl

na na na na
ok, Mr. Nelly, the year 2013., Novi Sad
I'm going to the pool with my good pal
and I say hot chicks are there now
42, 3, 4 degrees
its so hot out here now
I'm looking here I'm looking there
like an idiot I slipped
and here I am, I fell into the water
but the problem is I cant even swim
so here I am, drowning
man I'm drowning I almost died
and then I see someone jumping- saving me
I open my eyes- and hey its my ex
and then boom- she slaps me hey
I say what's wrong with you, she says 'get up!'
you're crazy, get away from me now
can't you see I'm alive and kicking
not even 15 minutes passed
I just sat down to chill out
I know there was a girl behind me
and suddenly she comes and slaps me
I ask my pal: 'what's up with them today, huh?'
why are they all over me, I don't know, no
and he's sitting there like a fool, laughing, and says
bro I'll explain it all
he goes, I accidentally touched her
and she thinks you did it, so you got one
he's laughing and I'm in pain
she's got a strong arm man
I decided not to move
I'm sittin here, sunbathing alone
in 30 minutes I'm going home
because man today is not my day
texting my girl on the phone
she says: 'I'm coming, be there'
I'm watching her from afar
as she's coming with her friend now
and i see, yet again, a girl approaching me
if its a slap, please go the other way
she goes: 'no, i love your songs you know,
Mr. Nelly I'm one of your fans'
she throws herself at me, starts hugging me
she's squeezing my hand, and I'm resisting
and then my girlfriend sees me
she thinks I'm with another girl
and she approaches me
she goes 'you and I are through
I'm done with you'
wait let me explain
it's not my fault
she goes 'you and I are through
I'm done with you'
wait let me explain
it's not my fault
I got two slaps
and there goes my girl
today is not my day
never again am I going to the pool...


I've looked for contact.
Of talking, I was tired.
I've wanted to feel on my body
the things you told me one day.
I've thought too much
about the face you made
when I said love,
to be made, needs skin and nothing more.
I've risked a heart attack
when I saw you yesterday.
I expected some big emotion,
yes, but not to this point.
I've looked for contact
on a June day,
but I've found sweat,
silence and the summer only in a dream.
Yes... the life I wanted is all here.
The friends I dreamed of, precisely like this,
made of flesh and bones, and of a beautiful film.
I've made many dreams
to get here, here, here, here.
To get here, here, here, here.
I've looked for contact
to graze you every now and then,
to understand that deep down in the world
I'm not always that alone.
I've thought, 'I'll do it,
now I'm out to look for you',
'cause I can't find the faces to give you,
I had them here inside in the drawer.
Yes... the life I wanted is all here.
The friends I dreamed of, precisely like this,
made of red wine and a beautiful film.
I've made many dreams
to get here, here, here, here.
To get here, here, here, here.
To get to see you,
to get to touch you,
I've had to dream of you.
Yes... oh oh oh.
Oh oh oh... yes.
To get to see you.
To get to touch you.
To get all the way here,
I've had to dream of you.
To get to see you.
To get to touch you.
To get all the way here,
I've had to dream of you.
I've had to dream of you.
I've found contact.
It was only inside a dream
and I swear to you it'd be so beautiful
if I touched you when awake.

Although it's raining

You scrape off snow from ground and hill,
you drive away clouds from the bright warm sun.
Although it‘s raining,
Although it softens,
Although it weakens
never more.
Dangerous recompense,
withheld gaze,
encountered power
path of clay

You, the sound

The sound of music, your sound
All over the inhabited world
High with hope and holy faith
Captures your voices skillfully
The magic wand of your tones
Kindles life in solid rock
Bridles tears, soothes pain
Lifts the soul to the world of light
Bridles tears, soothes pain
Lifts the soul to the world of light
Lifts the soul to the world of light

Solar Eclipse II

I have gushed to war
Sometimes caught back
And as it often happened in a dream
thereupon I should stay awake
However, the biggest difference
On the dark path of life
Is where men are heading and where men put into
Port at the end of the day
Ship life on a new scale
Now will repel the sand
Although no one knows how many thousands
There are ashore
However, the biggest difference
On the dark path of life
Is where men are heading and where men put into
Port at the end of the day

To love you again

Versions: #1
I'm in a hurry
Always against the clock
Everything that I lived was never for me
And although it hurts to accept it, it is like that
Silly stuff
Separate the two of us
An endless story repeats itself
And I know that I am part of you
Because after
Your love
There is nothing
And I recognize the fear in your eyes.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
To love you again.
I would return
To bet
For this love
To lose my mind
You are the illusion
That catches my heart
Because after
Your love
There is nothing
And I recognize the fear in your eyes.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
To love you again.
I always fall surrendered when you call me
Always at every minute I miss you again
You are for me
Since I saw you
I can't stop thinking about you
And I am so afraid
I am
So, so afraid
To love you again.

be like aquamarine

In the air high above the building that reflects the sunset's glow
is the Pacific Blue that survives.
Both you and the city have the same expression.1
I shake by my own sigh.
Ah! Two people started to walk different ways.
From this time
When I remember it is heart-breaking as for
The summer's ray of lights made my eyes fired up2
Each time, kisses are skillfully,
you hurt your own feelings.
With men passing by,
the woman starts to gleam.
This moment, only myself suppresses feelings (at least).
Be like aquamarine
Sad... Because I did live by believing only in love,
When I couldn't go home,
I did hide my silver body piercing.
My dreams are the exchange for my wounds left behind.
Each time, I kiss the sweet honey,
You betray yourself.
If in case the smile of Madonna, 3
Even if you can feel the love coming from a man,
You are the answer that lives.
Be like aquamarine
  • 1. 色 can mean colour, expression, character, sensuality, sexiness
  • 2. 熱い(atsui) can mean hot (like temperature), passionate, intense
  • 3. The lyrics mention 聖母 instead of Madonna. 聖母 means holy woman or man.

For the time being

You will fade out like an old paper photo
a broken, by the passing of time, mural
that's what you're going to look like.
I will forget you, one of these days this miracle will become true
and the tall dam of desperation
i will manage to break.
For the time being, you don't love me
you are stepping on a different shore
what are you doing in my dreams this Saturday night.
For the time being even the beauty
same as you, cloudy
like a road you filled with spikes, a road of death.
Your goodbye is haunting me, like a sea
a saddness is sleeping inside of me that i didn't call for
your voice's echo is chasing me, for the time being...
In the light your darkest pieces are uniting,
and i am broken to pieces for your eyes
which are looking towards the future whereas i look at the past
for the time being...
I will forgive your few mistakes and lies
and everything i deserve
yes i will suffer the concequences.
You will darken and fade in my trip to memory lane
and if you play the game of appology
you will miss out on a lot more.
For the time being, you don't love me
you are stepping on a different shore
what are you doing in my dreams this Saturday night.
For the time being even the beauty
same as you, cloudy
like a road you filled with spikes, a road of death.
Your goodbye is haunting me, like a sea
a saddness is sleeping inside of me that i didn't call for
your voice's echo is chasing me, for the time being...
In the light your darkest pieces are uniting,
and i am broken to pieces for your eyes
which are looking towards the future whereas i look at the past
for the time being...

Want of Loving

I didn't want to spill all my feelings
Undererê, and fenced your heart in, undererê
I hurt myself, I hurt you, I didn't understand
Undererê, how loneliness hurts
No, no, no, no, no, no
Now I'm alone and needing you
And you're not around to help me
The road of this life is hard without you
And you're not around to help me
Today I regret what I did
Undererê, I come to beg your forgiveness, forgive me, my love
Oh, my heart is so lonely without you
Undererê, it burns with passion
No, no, no, no, no, no
Now I'm alone and needing you
Oh, needing you
And you're not around to help me
The road of this life is hard without you
And you're not around to help me
Now I'm alone and needing you
And you're not around to help me
The road of this life is hard without you
Oh, without you
And you're not around to help me
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
You're not around to help me
And you're not around to help me

Bravely, comrades!

Forward march, comrades,
March bravely into the fire!
Through executions
Freedom awaits for us!
Make way for the true sons of terrestrials
Make way for the children of labor!
Let's free all our brothers!
Let there be a shout of victory!
We were chained for a long time,
We were starving.
Enough, enough of our suffering!
We can atone for ourselves!
After all, more powerful than this world
Only the work of our tools.
In a thundering riot,
We'll load our rifles!
Let's put an end to this audacity
Of the nobles and dives!
We will plant the shaft
Of our Red Banner into the ground!