Резултати претраге страна 3
Број резултата: 168
Your smile like a most loyal partner
The most alert and awake mirror
You talked about love and it rained
Your breath garden is always the most profitable!
Don't Let Me Die
Don't let me die!
Under the shadows of dreams,
With a hundred fantasies,
Don't let me die!
On the tree of wishfulness,
Wingless and Featherless,
Don't let me die!
You should shine, day 'n night,
On me with your loving light,
Lay your head to get rest,
On the plain of my chest,
When you are full of desires,
You'd make a shirt of flowers!
With the dew and jasmine,
In the garden of my lovin'
Don't let me die!
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
Say it whatever you want!
So I'll be a devotee and a slave
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
But you,
Don't let me die!
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
Say it whatever you want!
So I'll be a devotee and a slave
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
But you,
Don't let me die!
My Sweetheart
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
Why are you stressed out lately?
Your spring has gone and you've become winter
You've changed all of a sudden
What happened that you run away from me?
Why are you stressed out lately?
Your spring has gone and you've become winter
You've changed completely all of a sudden
What happened that you run away from me?
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
You've become a mirage for my thirstiness
You weighed me down
Your lips don't say 'I love you' anymore
You're always against me
You have nothing to say but complains
You're tired, you stay away from me
Flying around a dim light
...is useless for the butterfly
If you want to leave, bon voyage!
I haven't chained you
You leave but I know you will regret
And one day you'll realize your mistakes
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
You've become a mirage for my thirstiness
You weighed me down
Your lips don't say 'I love you' anymore
You're always against me
You have nothing to say but complains
You're tired, you stay away from me
Flying around a dim light
...is useless for the butterfly
If you want to leave, bon voyage!
I haven't chained you
You leave but I know you will regret
And one day you'll realize your mistakes
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
Julian Hernandez Bielma
The one who played the flute at vigils and gatherings
was Julian Hernandez Bielma, I'm sure you've seen him.
He was a drunkard old man who was always telling jokes,
whoever came across him, he would lessen their sadness.
I remember that beneath the arbor he'd always arrive first
so he could liven up the atmosphere because he was the best player,
he played the flute and was accompanied by his drum,
but he played it for fun rather than to earn money.
He played in every neighborhood's main festivities,
he was in charge of decorations in the countryside,
he spoke of a man named Munguía and a Colonel González,
it's what he spoke of when he was in his right mind.
They called him Teterete because of a horse that he had
that threw him about three times and he always rode with him
because he was also an agrarian and he made his living off the land
and he had many partners, I don't know how many children he had.
The day that you left us was surely when we stopped seeing you,
you remain in our memory, sir Julian 'Teterete',
although the band is playing and fireworks can he heard,
the drum and the whistling of Teterete's flute will always be missed.
Stop now, don't leave
no don't go, i am not yet ready
waking up when you aren't by my side
now it's fall....
and it's always the same and where am i to go?
Stop now, don't leave
no don't go, i am not yet ready
remaining here when you aren't by my side
now it's fall....
and it's always the same so i will go where i will....
The truth is, i am a man who overcomes
and i fear and think only of this
you know well!
that you will exit my home and thus from my heart
Stop now, don't leave
so that i can know for how long you haven't loved me
now it's fall....
and it's so similar
its like another bead in the necklace
The truth is, i am a man who overcomes...
your promises are risky
داره بارون میزنه
بارونم مثل منه
دورم از اون که باهام
با نگاش حرف میزنه
رفته احساس منو کشته حالا زنگ میزنه
داره بارون میزنه
کل شهر مثل همه
تو که رفتی چرا باز
فکر من زد به سرت
راجع به من تو چی فکر کردی باشم دور و برت
دیگه دنبال تو نیستم
خام چشمای تو نیستم
باتو بودن واسه من دردسره
Између светог и простог
Између Светог и Простог
Живим између светог и непристојног
Истином која бесни у мени
Са хиљаду навика
Са сваким ожиљком на лицу
Поново излазим да разбацујем речи
Између стварности и лудила, све ми се то враћа
Место одакле сам дошао нема мира
А ово путовање је тешко и мало превише за мене
Морам да израсте из тога и то је то
Да израсту из тога и то је то
Живим између светог и непристојног
Између истине која бесни у мени
Са хиљаду навика
Са свим страхом на мојим раменима
Поново излазим да разбацујем речи
Између стварности и лудила, све ми се то враћа
Место одакле сам дошао нема мира
А ово путовање је тешко и мало превише за мене
Треба да израсте из тога и то је то, да израсте из тога и то је то
Молим те, чувај ме
Тако да ми ноге неће отказати
Између стварности и лудила, све ми се враћа
Чак ни место одакле сам дошао нема мира
А ово путовање је тешко и мало превише за мене
Морам да израсте из тога и то је то
Да израсту из тога и то је то
Живим између светог и непристојног
Виртуално лудило
Оох да
у чему живимо?
Да ти кажем
Чудо је што човек уопште може да једе
Кад су ствари велике, а требале би бити мале
Ко зна какве чаробне чини
Ми ћемо радити за нас?
И дајем сву своју љубав овом свету
Само да ми се каже
Не видим, не могу да дишем
Нећемо више бити
И ништа неће променити начин на који живимо
Јер увек можемо узети, али никада не дати
А сада када се ствари мењају на горе
Видиш, Вха, у овом лудом свету живимо
И једноставно не могу да не видим да је половина нас уроњена у грех
Да ли је то све што морамо да пружимо овима
Будућности направљене од виртуелног лудила
Чини се да сада увек управљамо овом љубављу коју имамо
За бескорисно увијање нове технологије
Ох,сада нема звука, јер сви живимо под земљом
И размишљам у каквом смо нереду
Тешко је знати одакле почети
Кад бих могао да откачим болесне везе
Коју је овоземаљски човек створио
И сада свака мајка може да бира
Боју њеног детета
То није пут природе
Па то су рекли јуче
Не преостаје ништа друго него молити се
Мислим да је време да нађем нову религију
Ваох, то је тако лудо
Да синтетише још један сој
Има нешто у тим будућностима што нам мора бити речено
Будућност направљена од виртуелног лудила
Чини се да сада увек управљамо овом љубављу коју имамо
За бескорисно увијање нове технологије
Ох, сад нема звука, јер сви живимо под земљом
Сад нема звука
Ако сви живимо под земљом
А сада је то виртуелно лудило
Заборавите своју виртуелну стварност
Ох, нема ништа тако лоше, ох да
Знам да
Знам шта може даље
Од ове виртуалне лудости живимо
Мора се променити, да
Ствари никада неће бити исте
И не могу да наставим даље док живимо
Ох, ох виртуално лудило
овај свет се мора променити
Јер само, једноставно не могу да се задржим
У наставку, било је виртуелно
Виртуално лудило у којем живимо
Да живимо
То виртуелно лудило је оно што јесте
Будућност је направљена од виртуелног лудила
Чини се да сада увек управљамо овом љубављу коју имамо
За бескорисно увијање нове технологије
Ох, сад нема звука,
јер сви живимо под земљом
Будућност је направљена од виртуелне лудости
Чини се да сада увек управљамо нашом љубављу
За бескорисно увијање нове технологије
Сада нема звука, јер сви живимо под земљом
да, јесте
(Живот у виртуалном лудилу)
Сада овај живот у којем живимо
То је тако погрешно
(Живот у виртуалном лудилу)
Вичи кроз прозор
Знате ли да нема ништа горе од
(Живот у виртуалном лудилу)
Човек који је створио човека
Ипак нема ништа горе од
(Живот у виртуалном лудилу)
Глуп човек, хеј
Виртуелна лудост је оно у чему живимо
Да, у реду је
Everything passes
Whatever the sound of our tears
Time will drown out the racket
Silence our pain
It's a matter of days or hours
Like an hourglass on our souls
Forgetting our blues and our blames
Spreading the joys
That we hide inside
All the songs we breathe, angels will only hold the tune
Stop singing the worst
The Hymn of Isis (Have an awe to Isis!)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
It is she, the sole mistress
It is she, the sole mistress
Have an awe
to Isis!
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
And (the mistress of) the two lands together
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she, the eyes of Ra, greatly praised in nomes
Have an awe to Isis!
The one who grants many things to the king of upper and lower Egypt
Welcome, One Last Time
Versions: #1
Welcome O sunset of my heart in this strange soil
Welcome O daybreak of departure
Welcome O yearning in the moments of parting
Farewell O white nights' love lines
Farewell O white nights' love lines
Farewell O tale of love
Farewell O oceanic blue love
Farewell O nocturnal scent of love lines
Farewell O the one always by my side
Farewell O my heart’s burning scar
O the one left behind, you won’t be alone
Leave you in the hands of the fallinghearts
Leave you in the hands of the crystallinemoonlight
Leave you in the ocean’s arms
Let me be a night dweller, shattered by the night
Leave you in the hands of a dream of days to come
O night! Don’t let her burn
O heart! Don’t let her [memory] die
May the grief don’t dry the words’ spring
May the time don’t take away this vocal
Farewell O the green tree of my heart
Farewell O my forever shade tree
Alas! You left still green
Still A Child
In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
maybe all the things she says
about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded, heartbeats inside
you were excited, being shy
the tears that you shared only with G-d
maybe it's a bit right
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
in the end you're still a child
in your dreams you want to explode
like all the things that she says about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded,
melodies inside
you turned around, searched for noises
the tears that you included only with G-d
maybe she's a bit right
and it's ok
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
half sad, half happy
half remains, half flees
half ex-smoker, half smoker
half withers, half blossoms
half resident, half guest
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
battles inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hate you, half love
half remembers, half forgets
half shut, half open
half happens, half imagines
half gives, half takes
half anger, half forgives
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
wars inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hates you, half loves
half mysterious, half transparent
half soul and half body
half aware, half ignores
half wants to be whole
Tel Aviv Is You And Me
Versions: #1
Tel Aviv is me and you
It's either with you or leave the city
Cause there's not a street that won't remind me of you
Music is me and you
It's either to be with you or stop singing
Cause it's not fun to get excited on my own
We're still getting drunk together
You're still not interested in anyone else
Still we don't talk of what has been
Still with the stupid tattoo
On our hands instead of rings
So come to me, I'm here to stay
And you're not here to be cautious
We're gangsters for real
Not afraid to break
All the cards are on the table
And you know that I'm not an actor
Tel Aviv for me is only us...
We started with a single room and window
We added a sofa and pictures on the wall
You made me a toast each evening in the shape of a heart
Each morning you woke us up with a song
Now you have a studio
You're there all day
I'm at a coffee place hanging around the city
At night you return when it's getting real late
The toaster is lying in the closet in some pot
We're still getting drunk together
I'm still not interested in anyone else
You still make me laugh like before
You hug me when it thunders outside
We still get excited to touch
So come to me, I'm here to stay
And you're not here to be cautious
We're gangsters for real
Not afraid to break
All the cards are on the table
And I know that you're not an actor
Tel Aviv is only for you and me...
Tell me, if the world comes to an end
Would you leave or stay here?
You love me
With the money or without
Do you still love me when you're too busy?
Tell me,
Will you regret your past with me?
Will you be sorry that you've not accomplished more?
Or will you come to climb some mountain with me
A win bottle with falling skies behind
Cause my world shook when you didn't answer me
And then I started to overthink it
And I don't want to be a bother but I was nearby
And I've got nothing to do...
a couple of days later
Versions: #1
A couple of days later, He came in tears crying..
telling me about a new love he has, meanwhile there was a fire in my heart
I zoned out while listening to him. I was quite, and heart-broken
I was thinking he was coming to complain about our break-up
He surprised me with his story, which woke me up from my dream
I was thinking I was the only one in his heart..
But apparently, some other woman grabbed him in a heart-beat
A couple of days later, He came in tears crying..
telling me about a new love he has, meanwhile there was a fire in my heart
I zoned out while listening to him. I was quite, and heart-broken
I didn't know what to tell him. I was speechless
I just walked away. And every step was a struggle
Astonished, shocked, like being in a different world
But after what he said, I will let time deal with him
A couple of days later, He came in tears crying..
telling me about a new love he has, meanwhile there was a fire in my heart
I zoned out while listening to him. I was quite, and heart-broken
See how unjust that is, people? Is this fair?
Breaking my heart and hurting my feelings.... This is really painful
Have patience, my heart..... His love was nothing by an illusion
Dream With Me
Dream with me, that tomorrow will come
and if it doesnt come, we will bring it by ourselves
We will start to stride upon our path
Our footsteps will lead us to our dream
No matter how many times we fall, we will be able to rise again
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds
We will find our night transformed into a thousand days
Only if we dream
Dream with me my friend
That our footsteps will shorten he distance
I care about my innocent dream whatever happened
I will stand by his soul beside us
No matter how long the journey takes
Even if we become lost my friend
Our reunion will lead us
Towards our dream, towards our dream
Only if we dream
I’ll Never Leave You
I’ll never leave you
Your flaming has increased
It doesn’t matter to me
I’m in love with you
Even though you
Go against my love
I’ll never leave you
Your flaming has increased
It doesn’t matter to me
I’m in love with you
Even though you
Go against my love
And god, oh god, oh god, listen to my call
Oh god, oh god, my heart is not on my own hands
Oh god, oh god, oh god, listen to my call
Oh god, oh god, my heart is not on my own hands
On my hands, my own hands
A jay bird sang
A jay bird sang
thinking it's dawn,
by God, by God,
thinking it's dawn.
Get up, Kate,
get up, honey,
prepare gifts,
by God, by God,
prepare gifts.
I am young,
and poor,
I have no gifts,
by God, by God,
I have no gifts.
If you're young,
and poor,
why are you getting married?
By God, by God,
why are you getting married?
My old mother
got me married,
I didn't even know,
by God, by God,
I didn't even know.
(translated by Gavrilo Došen)
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Hi, hello, I... Where to begin?
Sorry, I'm really tense, don't want to be a bother.
I know everything about you, yep, I can tell you.
I know you don't have much time, but would you stay a while?
It's the first time I see you, I mean for real
We were already in love, now you know about it.
Don't worry, it's nothing, these tears on my eyelashes,
I'm happy that way.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Your cry and your name, yeah, I'd like you to hear it
Do you think there's such a thing as a comprehensible love?
I feel so close to you, and in time
you embellished my dark eyes, the walls of my room
And I don't want tobe a shadow, in the shadow of your greatness
I'm told I'm just a number among so many others,
but I keep hoping, deep down I know:
the heart defines us.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
You'll go away, I'm staying there. When will I keep a bit of dream?
A bit of dream so as to better fall asleep, I see myself smile, no need to heal.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Don't Give Up
With your brain, not with your physical power, is your path
there is one truth that is waiting for you
don't give into the fear on your way to the target
your future in in the palm of your hand
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up your freedom to do
what it is that you want to do
what you yourself only wants
and if you will ask, you will find the fire within
to accomplish all that your heart desires
History does not repeat itself and time does not stop going
so take advantage of today, it will not come back tomorrow
run, don't stand still because you don't have any other choice
this is your country, you will save her
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up...
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
It is our beautiful night,
what a wonderful feeling
It was not on the map before this happiest feeling
I want to make a noise and write on every wall a song
Oh, all creation
My love is here
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
Honestly, the lie is a disappointment.
The moment you're back in time is perfect.
I came at the last minute and turned the events on me.
And I am afraid of my happiness passing out
Oh, all creation
My love is here
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
Lone moon
I met you - and don't regret,
That I opened up to you.
I confess, I'm able to tell you:
I took a fancy to you with all my heart.
As the lone moon
Will tell me, that you are sole.
Why do you come to me, tormenting,
Only in a dream? (end of chorus)
Let them say, that I need another girl,
It's not true, I want only you.
The friends repeat: you’re a stranger to me,
Ooh, girl of my dreams.
Apparently, the world is stoned
My Doe
My doe, my doe, come to my garden
The pomegranates are in bloom and my vines have flowered
Come, my beloved, hasten your steps
Eat of the choicest fruits
If my lover’s wanderings have been extended
How shall I sit alone in my position
My doe, my doe, come to my garden
The pomegranates are in bloom and my vines have flowered
Return to me, you are the loved one
Return to me, and I shall return to you
Behold, I have with me a written word
That you shall be my dwelling place
We'll see
I would like your opinion, tell me how it feels to face life
We can hear it all, we can endure it all, we're made like this
If it's difficult, it strengthens us, we can use it
It must be heaven giving us a sign
If we sometimes laugh to tears
It's because very often, good is found in hardship
If we hesitate, it's because we have a choice
I'm sure we're not sure of anything
We'll see, we'll see the good
All in nothing, infinity in each end
We'll see, we'll see tomorrow
What we hold on to will make what we become
You know, your heart is magic, it sews up its wounds with a golden thread
Look for the light and insist, you're even more beautiful patched up
You have the impression that it's competing against you, don't worry, its plans are perfect
I see life as a fairytale where the wicked can never triumph
It's only a bad quarter of an hour, at worst a quarter of a year
Or a quarter of a lifetime, whatever, it's over soon
The light is there, close your eyes to see it better
We'll see, we'll see the good
All in nothing, infinity in each end
We'll see, we'll see tomorrow
What we hold on to will make what we become
We'll see, we'll see the good
All in nothing, infinity in each end
We'll see, we'll see tomorrow
What we hold on to will make what we become
We'll see, we'll see, we'll see
We'll see, we'll see, we'll see
We'll see the good
In nothing, infinity in each end
We'll see, we'll see tomorrow
What we hold on to will make what we become
My light
I'm telling you about it
You don't believe me, but I'm telling you
I can make your planet an amazing paradise
Finally, I tell myself that life is beautiful
Before it was just nice
I can't get over this new world
Since you've been here, I know who I am
And I tell myself
I don't believe it, but I tell myself
That I want to spend the night in your arms, not outside
I got up before the alarm rang
Yet I haven't slept for two weeks
I look like nothing but I have everything
If you can't breathe, I suffocate
But no, but no, but no
I won't move
Even when you've grown up
I'll stand there between you and the rain
Someone told me 'you'll see,' you'll see
I was just smiling
I didn't see it coming
What should we do?
I can't take my eyes off you
No no no
Doing all those things that can't be learned
What did you just call me, am I dreaming or what?
Did I misunderstand?
It's already time to turn off the light
But I can't take my eyes off you
No no no
You're so small but I hold you by your fingers
I've been here for a little while, I'm babbling
I'm sure you didn't understand anything
But nothing will ever turn off my light
The crying
Sure there will be crying
You make me feel things I can't even describe
And then I would melt like snow
In the sun of your smiles
Kid, don't take it too quickly as a job for Hercules
Your meal is already on my sweater
He was not born the one who will kidnap you
I could go overboard
I could face a thousand men
The wind, the rain
The only question that comes to mind when I see you
How did I last all this time without your smile?
What should we do?
I can't take my eyes off you
No no no
Doing all those things that can't be learned
What did you just call me, am I dreaming or what?
Did I misunderstand?
It's already time to turn off the light
But I can't take my eyes off you
No no no
You're so small but I hold you by your fingers
I've been here for a little while, I'm babbling
I'm sure you didn't understand anything
But nothing will ever turn off my light
Love means a tag
A tag... which has extruded from the ground...
There’s the name of a young guy on it...
A tag... from the ground...
A boot... is the only thing left from a young guy who lied down on a mine
A helmet, with a picture, a will paper drowned in blood
A young guy who became a father, flew up and didn’t see his little daughter
A girl who didn’t see her father and didn’t taste father’s embrace
A father...
It’s twenty and a couple years and a couple of months he’s staring at the door
A mother...
Waiting to see her son’s stature and face...
A tag... from the ground...
Love means a tag... which has extruded from the ground...
Love means a martyr, with thirsty lips, afflicted
Love means a young guy... an anonymous young guy
Love means prayers, with wudu* in blood
Love means waiting
In a nervous mom’s heart
A waiting wet eye
For a sign, for a grave
Love means a father who’s awake until the morning
Love means some news... news from the missing
A tag... which has extruded from the ground...
There’s the name of a young guy on it...
A tag... from the ground...
*wudu is the Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, specially before praying
I'm no longer ashamed of going
In front of the TV
I never feel drunk
Never when you're there
Let's say my heart was born
When our love was born
Ok, ok
Ten times you asked me
What I was doing yesterday
I had just gone out
I did it behind your back
I want to say that I love you
Your dad and mom
To them, I let go of my ego
It's true that I'm a little proud
Yet I do it effortlessly
Knee to the ground without metaphor
It's true that I'm not Shakespeare
I say the words as they come out
I would like you to have children
Leaving behind your strength
You don't blame me if I question you
Before God and all men
Do you want to be the one?
I have no ring box, just a promise
I want to hold your hand until the end
Since I was little
And less complex
But easy to upset
When you talk about yourself
Everything is reversed
When you flipped me round
Ok ok
All my friends are tougher
You've grown softer
And I'm talking about the future
Since it's seen you
You made me docile with a diplomacy
With you, it's easy
I want my heart to close
Your heart opens our door
For what it's worth, you're like my skin
You are the strongest
So I get down on my knees
And I capture your best
I want to make pieces of us
In any which way
You don't blame me if I question you
Before God and all men
Do you want to be the one?
I have no ring box, just a promise
I want to hold your hand until the end
You don't blame me if I question you
Before God and all men
Do you want to be the one?
I have no ring box, just a promise
I want to hold your hand until the end
I have never been so stressed
Nor so sure of myself
I've never been in such a rush
If you tell me no, I could die
If you tell me yes, I could die too
To you, to tell me yes, I am defeated as invisible
You don't blame me if I question you
Before God and all men
Do you want to be the one?
I have no ring box, just a promise
I want to hold your hand until the end
You don't blame me if I question you
Before God and all men
Do you want to be the one?
I have no ring box, just a promise
I want to hold your hand until the end
The sky spreads somewhere,
I'll continue in this path somewhere
Compared than yesterday, tomorrow seems further away
I'm waiting for you in the promised place
I can't do anything when I'm alone
But because I want to protect you
The thoughts of 'becoming stronger'
Give me courage
I can't do anything when I'm alone
But we will, in order to protect everyone
The thoughts of 'becoming stronger'
Carrying a power in it
Tears of loneliness, there's a day when it's spilled
Tears of regret cannot be stopped
Me from that day reflected in the mirror
At the promised place that spreads in this heart
Only a little more we went forward
Even if the trial is waiting
If we move forward and support each others
We'll give our friends happiness
Only a little more we went forward
No matter how many times, we stand up
Whenever something cannot be seen in our eyes
I'll protect you with love
It's okay to be lost, it's okay to be mistaken
Don't be discouraged by it, don't lose to it
All the bonds and memories
Are invisible gems
All of your crying and smiling faces
I will embrace it and overcome it
To that endless dream
Going onward with this family
Where's this wind going to transmit?
Where's this star going around?
No matter what kind of tomorrow comes, I'll certainly go on
Even if now in me, there's surely a reason
That time, at the unseen place
You arrive and laugh
Even if in the unused thing, and even in the brokendream
The flowers in this hearts blooms
Even in this empty morning
Even in times of loneliness
Even in time of unease
Even in sleepless nights
Overwhelming feelings
Even if it burns hot
The strong will of flame will be lighted
From the heart, I say 'thank you'
I believe that day will come someday
As long as there's dreams in this heart
I'll go forward
Extend your hands in the blue sky
See, even if we're separated, we're connected hand in hand
We'll protect this dazzling smile
The shining you with the Family
It's okay to be lost, it's okay to be mistaken
Don't be discouraged by it, don't lose to it
All the bonds and memories
Are invisible gems
All of your crying and smiling faces
I will embrace it and overcome it
To that endless dream
Going onward with (one, two, three)
this Family
No One Other Than You
If time was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If longing was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If time was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If longing was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If time was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If longing was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
The master of my destiny
I will take no steps without you for I have
No one, no one other than you
I have been waiting for you all my life
I dream of you and I desire you
I have been waiting for you all my life
I dream of you and I desire you
And every time I wish that we shall meet
A great longing fills my imagination
And every time I wish that we shall meet
A great longing fills my imagination
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
The master of my destiny
I will take no steps without you for I have
No one, no one other than you
The beauty of your eyes
The very first time I saw them, overwhelmed me
The beauty of your eyes
The very first time I saw them, overwhelmed me
And let me live with them
Your eyes are a paradise into which I melt
And with my affection, I brought warmth
In return, all the affection reciprocated
And with my affection, I brought warmth
In return, all the affection reciprocated
And ah ah ah ah
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
There’s a voice I heard singing lovely words
They fill my dreams
The master of my destiny
I will take no steps without you for I have
No one, no one other than you
If time was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If longing was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If time was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
If longing was to ask me for whom I lived
It would be no one other than you
Just Like Birds
Tell me if you want
To take a walk together
Dancing on the sea
Crossing the rivers
The rays of sunlight
Between the dormant trees
Don't wait until tomorrow
Life passes between our hands
Just like birds in the air
Singing mysteries
We have it all
To be better than yesterday
We'll go really high
Bags on our backs
We will see on earth
Where the light hides
Please follow me
It's easy, you know
And let the wind come
Let the future blow you away
Burning with happiness
We will burn our time
To run in these fields
Filled with laughter and songs
Just like birds in the air
Singing mysteries
We have it all
To be better than yesterday
We'll go really high
Bags on our backs
We will see on earth
Where the light hides
Where the light hides
Where the light hides
Where the light hides...
Where the light hides...
Just like birds in the air
Singing mysteries
We have it all
To be better than yesterday
We'll go really high
Bags on our backs
We will see on earth
Where the light hides...
The Afternoon Hour
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
Or stay, I got used to you
Or stay, I got used to you, I got used to you
From the day love caught my eyelash, love passed by me
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
O night, night, my night, night
He passed by and talked to me without talking to me
He passed by and talked to me without talking to me
And he took me from my fear and delivered me to his kindness
He passed by and talked to me without talking to me
He passed by and talked to me without talking to me
And he took me from my fear and delivered me to his kindness
And I found myself at once living another life
And I found myself at once living another life
And for his sake I made amends with everyone at odds with me
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
Or stay, I got used to you
Or stay, I got used to you, I got used to you
From the day love caught my eyelash, love passed by me
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
Love passed by me in the afternoon hour
The evening came and my heart was unaware
O night, night, my night, night
Love changed me, kept me up in its daylight, when I'm awake or asleep
From that day, the heart within said him, the soul wanders around him
Love changed me, kept me up in its daylight, when I'm awake or asleep
From that day, the heart within said him, the soul wanders around him
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
I don't know what happened to me
O longing, longing, I implore you to leave
Or stay, I got used to you
Or stay, I got used to you, I got used to you
From the day love caught my eyelash, love passed by me