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Број резултата: 55


Govori se u Sankt Peterburgu

Sankt Peterburg je mračan
Sankt Peterburg je sumoran
Moje gaće su se srmzle
Jer stojim ovde celu nedelju
Od revolucije
Naši životi su tako teški!
Hvala bogu za trač
Koji nam pomaže da preživimo dan, hej!
Da li ste čuli?
Govori se u Sankt Peterburgu
Da li ste čuli?
Šta se govori na ulicama
Iako car nije preživeo
Jedna ćerka je i dalje živa!
Princeza Anastasija
Ali nemojte nikom reći
To je glasina, legenda, misterija
Nešto o čemu se šuška po uličicama
Ili kroz pukotine
Ta glasina je deo naše istorije
Kažu da će njena kraljevska baka
Platiti kraljevsku cenu
Onome ko je dovede nazad!
Jedna rupija za ovu sliku
Romanova je, kunem se
pidžama grofa Dusofa
dođite i kupite u paru
Uzeo sam ovo iz palate
Obloženo je pravim krznom
Može da vredi bogatstvo
Ako je pripadalo njoj
To je glasina,
legenda, misterija
Princeza Anastasija
Će nam pomoći da letimo
ti i ja prijatelju
ući ćemo u istoriju
naći ćemo devojku da igra ulogu
I naučiti je šta da kaže
Obući je i odvesti u Pariz
Zamisli nagradu koju će nam njega draga baka dati
Kome bi drugome ovo uspelo nego tebi i meni!
Bićemo bogati
Bićemo bogati
Pobeći ćemo odavde
Pobeći ćemo odavde
A Sankt Peterburg će imati o nečemu još da priča
Da li ste čuli?
Govori se u Sankt Peterburgu
Da li ste čuli?
Šta se govori na ulicama
Hej! (3x)
Da li ste čuli?
Govori se u Sankt Peterburgu
Da li ste čuli?
Druže šta misliš o tome?
Fascinantna misterija
Najveća prevara u istoriju
Princeza Anastasija
Živa ili mrtva?
Ko zna?


Ako ti nisi ovde, nemam kome da kažem
a popicu sve što nisam rekla, a tek je jedan sat
Kao luda šetam ulicama, tražim te ponovo
Rekla sam kako ću te preboleti, ali evo me ponovo
Isti grad, ista država, pitam se gde si sad
Poruka na govornoj pošti 'za jedan sat'
Nemoj zakasniti da mi odgovoriš
Pozivi bez odgovora, a ti si preda mnom!
Grehe koje si počinio,
Na prstima ne mogu prebrojiti
Ruka mi je na okidaču,
Poneću oružje kada te budem videla
Reći ćeš.. oči moje lepe
Znam da sam kriv mnogo
Ali.. Nema ali,
U tvoj zagrljaj sam se vratio.
Ako ti nisi ovde..
Kao luda govorim u prazno, nema veze
Dala sam ti i zemlju i nebo, primila nezahvalnost
Ako nisi ovde, nemam kome da kažem
i popicu sve što nisam rekla, a tek je jedan sat
nemoj zakasniti da mi odgovoriš
pozivi su neodgovoreni a ti si preda mnom!
Grehe koje si počinio,
Na prstima ne mogu prebrojiti
Ruka mi je na okidaču,
Poneću oružje kada te budem videla
Reći ćeš.. oči moje lepe
Znam da sam kriv mnogo
Ali, nema ali,
U tvoj zagrljaj sam se vratio.
Ako ti nisi ovde..

Golden coins

I'm counting your steps
In order to come closer to you
Your tears look like pearls
On the island of Amorgos
At the monastery1
I fall down and worship the holy icon
I throw golden coins on your2 embroidered apron
May you live many years, as many as the 300 steps 3
Because your children are
Away from you for many years
And they've missed the Father 4
They walk on thorns
Their legs are bleeding
They don't know what's to blame, it's winter season there
I throw golden coins on your embroidered apron
May you live many years, as many as the 300 steps
That's why, sweet mother
In the manger
Place Greece once again next to Jesus
  • 1. Talking about this church , which is dedicated to Holy Mary of Choziba
  • 2. Talking to Holy Mary here
  • 3. Which is the amount of steps you need to climb up to reach the monastery
  • 4. God

Носталгичне песме

Изгледа да ћу се
Помало сетити нечега
Далеког сећања
Носталгичне песме
Меко ме груди
У загрљају држе
У ноћи мећаве
Људи плешу
Попут таласа
Нежно се љуљају
Дани кроз које
Сам некада прошла
Сети се
Шта је ово, молим те
Далеког сећања
Носталгичне песме
Сети се
О мени

Camera roll

(2X) Like my mom is on old film
Today is already an adult, yesterday I was a girl
And in the most gentle waltz it whirled carefree
Today she smiles, yesterday she laughed loudly
Your memory on the film, how many pictures you took then ...
You revisit it so subtly, you remember what it was
Scratched and unfiltered, the years gave her their filters
I will absorb my feelings strongly and I will not forget your eyes
Youth forgives everything, promises nothing
And the sunsets are melting, the years fly by
And the signature on the back: 'love you'
(2X) Like my mom is on old film
Today is already an adult, yesterday I was a girl
And in the most gentle waltz it whirled carefree
Today she smiles, yesterday she laughed loudly
My ship is already sailing away and sailing to different cities
And from case to case with sadness sometimes floats
I stand alone on the dock, childhood has been crumpled for a long time
I promise to keep your movie as a memory
Youth forgives everything, promises nothing
And the sunsets melt, the years fly by
And the signature on the back: 'love you'
(2X) Like my mom is on old film
Today is already an adult, yesterday I was a girl
And in the most gentle waltz it whirled carefree
Today she smiles, yesterday she laughed loudly

Unbounded Love

The sea of our hearts
Is gathering again on the shore
And, gripped by sadness,
It's waiting for another wave.
I reach out my hand to you,
To caress a face of fire,
Which gave me joy
And made me dizzy of dance.
Why do you look at me with pity,
Recalling a bygone time?
Why your hand just stopped
On my forehead and you say nothing?
Why the sea of light
Between us, it got lost?
Why the longing is calling me again,
Without having found you?
An unbounded love
It doesn't go out of thin air.
I'm not calling you in the dark night
And I don't want to sigh anymore.
I will find another path
And a deceived soul.
Maybe that way I'll understand
To love what I didn't love.

Long ago in a winter evening

Versions: #1
As a pattern on the window,
Past is near again.
Somebody sang a song to me
Long ago in a winter evening.
The warmth of someone’s careful hands,
The waltz of exquisite guests
And the race of dashing horses
As if have revived in the past.
A waltz circled and rolled me,
As if beckoning to it's fairytale.
The first ball and the first waltz
I hear again now.
The mirror in amber
Reflects my delight.
Somebody was singing at dawn,
Leaving native home.
Darling, you'll be in December.
Back with me.

Distance lead the way

Versions: #1
Distance let me know now lead my heart, what is in my soul you know.
My distance wish me strenght, give me
I have brave wish, I know, oh my distance I need a lead
Distances of hapiness that should bloom.
World seems to be big, I’m afraid in one moment, I want to believe in this dream I have
Choose the right way, in this is my chance, maybe even I have my home,
My desire will lead me from now on.
Distances of joy, which should bloom.
Simply wishes just home, love, joy, full table.
Simply wishes just to know who I belong to, where is my home.
Strictly far and far, my journey is turning, my steps just go on and on.
Farther away just me and my dog to the open arms of following distances with hope of surviving this voyage.
Just to know the next hapiness, walk on to where my home is.
I'm still longing to know my home

I'm Waiting for You to Come

I know, one day you went away
And you didn't say goodbye to me.
I'm looking for you ceaseless ever since,
All that was seems pointless now.
I know, maybe I was wrong,
You may not have loved me.
I'm still hoping we can be together again,
In a dream with no wind, with no rain.
I'm waiting for you to come on the old road,
So you can give me your good thought,
So you can forgive me if I was wrong.
I am a human being who loved you.
I'm waiting for you to come and for us to keep
A longing that bonded us.
I beg you, come back
So we can be together.

Who Knows

I wake up and, without touching you,
I leave you again in your world,
Away from mine.
Another day is slipping off the calendar,
You chased me away from your soul,
With a restless thought.
Yes, who knows which day
Your way will meet
With regrets,
Who may know?
Yes, sad tears on the cheek
They will dry out in time,
Reminding of my love.
I believe
In everything you said once,
In everything you told me
And promised me.
I woke up
From the endless fairy tail,
Far away from someone
Who, smiling, lied to me.
Chorus (x2)
Who may know?

Welcome to Paris

Ooh la la!
Welcome to Paris
All friends are welcome
Ignore time
You are here, so have fun
There is no place for sad people here
In Paris, the city of dreams
Everyone smiles to life
(Happy day!)
We walk and pass by
We sing and we chant
The Parisians enjoy singing
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!
Paris is like love in my poems
Paris inspires the heart
Enjoyment everywhere
on the ground and in the sky
You will find a painter in every street
in Paris, the city of dreams
Ooh la la!
You will never feel like you're a tool
Since you are here in France
You are free
No one will reject what you do
No one will ask
This is better, it is delightful
In Paris, I'll never forget you my whole life
Oh Ania, I found you but the time
of this delightful dream is over
and how could it pass us by?
In Paris, the city of dreams
you look like movie stars
Let us caress the times
Forget the past and the future
In Paris
Roses are all over the streets
And roses carry all memories
Oh Paris, you are the land of harmony
The memory of Ania
And the dreams...
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!