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Људи са Ибице

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Саплитао сам се горе-доле
Свуда од града до града
Упознавао људе сваке врсте
Неки су били добри или неки лоши
Неки су били срећни, други тужни
Никад не знаш кога ћеш наћи
Живети као скитница
Као шпански лобо
Ибица ми је још увек у мислима
Сваки дан различита места
Сваки пут на другачији начин
Да изаберете да будете на слободи
Никада нисам срео људе попут мојих пријатеља из Земље чуда
Тако луд бенд као моји пријатељи из Земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибизе
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда
Саплитао сам се горе-доле
Свуда од града до града
Упознавао људе сваке врсте
Неки су били добри или неки лоши
Неки су били срећни, други тужни
Никад не знаш кога ћеш наћи
Никада нисам срео људе попут мојих пријатеља из Земље чуда
Тако луд бенд као моји пријатељи из Земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда (плешу на песку)
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда (плешу на песку)
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
Ох, људи са Ибице
Дечаци из земље чуда
Људи са Ибице
О људи са Ибице
Девојке из земље чуда

Volite osobu koja ne ide kući

Ne izvinjavaj se ako si me ikada voleo
Na kraju krajeva, prošli smo kroz to
I nikada nisam zažalio zbog lepog susreta
kada sam te prvi put video
Jednom sam mislio da ću ti biti romantična ljubavna priča
Jedina konstanta zauvek
Spreman sam da podnesem rezultat takve pobede ili poraza
Još uvek ne žalim
Radujem se vašem izgledu
Sumrak je
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Ne izvinjavaj se ako si me ikada voleo
Na kraju krajeva, prošli smo kroz to
I nikada nisam zažalio zbog lepog susreta
kada sam te prvi put video
Jednom sam mislio da ću ti biti romantična ljubavna priča
Jedina konstanta zauvek
Spreman sam da podnesem rezultat takve pobede ili poraza
Još uvek ne žalim
Radujem se vašem izgledu
Sumrak je
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem
Volite osobu koja ne ide kući,
čekajući vrata koja se ne otvaraju
Neverne oči,
čvrsto zatvorene usne
Zašto moram da molim
i preklinjem

Candy Sugar Pop (Najslađi Slatkiš)

Hajdemo, kreni da se voziš, nikada se ne zaustavljaj
Čak i nizak ritam kaplje
Razmuti tamu i svi uskočite
Plavičasta svetlost se odrazila na horizontu raja
Padajući u jarku sunčevu svetlost
Kao da sam uvučem u sladak osmeh
Prilazim tebi i govorim ti da te želim
Stalno mislim o tebi
Da li ikada misliš o meni
Želim da te odvedem na sastanak
1 2 3 idemo
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Reci mi kadagod
Približi se za korak
Reci me da te odvedem večeras
Tamo gde je pogled mora
Plavi talasi i cvetajuće cveće
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Gde god da se nadaš večeras
Tvoje reči me tope
Svaki put udarim nogama
Kao da hodam po oblacima ovo je ljubav
Vožnja u nebu
Ti i ja gde god da stignemo
Oseti pravo uzbuđenje
Popuni ga, popuni taj osećaj
Radi šta god hoćeš
Još uvek ću biti tu
Topao vetar nas omotava
Svetlost koja se njiše u blistavo plavim talasima
Skloni se sa puta
Ovaj trenutak zajedno
Se vozimo u raj
1 2 3 idemo
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Bez da iko zna
Približi se za korak
Reci me da te odvedem večeras
Tamo gde je pogled mora
Plavi talasi i cvetajuće cveće
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Gde god da se nadaš večeras
Predivno je
Iznad neba na kom oboje sanjamo
Na kraju raskrsnice ima samo jedan put
Woah woah woah oh
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Reci mi kadagod
Približi se za korak
Reci me da te odvedem večeras
Tvoj odraz u mojim očima, moj odraz u tvojim očima
Um samo nastavi da mi govoriš
Ovaj trenutak
Oh najslađi slatkišu
Baby nema drugog odgovora nego da uživamo u ovome, hajde da trčimo zajedno
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Reci mi da te odvedem večeras
Odvešću te tamo do kraja univerzuma
Svetlost je ispunjena oko tebe i mene
Moj najslađi slatkiš
Gde god da se nadaš večeras


Napukli prozori, pusta stepeništa
Crknut mesec na nebu se njiše
Usrdnost ljudska prosto kipi
Danas će mislim biti kiše
Strašila odevena po najnovijoj modi
Ledenim smeškom teraju ljubav da zbriše
Usrdnost ljudska prosto kipi
Danas će mislim biti kiše
A ja sam sam kao nikad
Nekakva konzerva nađe mi se pred nogom
Pa ritnuću je niz ulicu
Tako se drugu kaže zbogom
“Bližnjeg pomaži - put mu pokaži”
Bleštavim slovima preda mnom piše
Usrdnost ljudska prosto kipi
Danas će mislim biti kiše.

Kapetan njenog srca

Bilo je daleko iza ponoći
I još nije mogla da zaspi
Ove noći san je otišao
Toliko se trudila da zadrži
I sa zorom novog dana
Osećala je kako se udaljava
Ne samo za krstarenje, ne samo za jedan dan
Previše davno, predugo razdvojeni
Nije mogla da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Kako je došao dan, zaustavila se
Prestala je da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Previše davno, predugo razdvojeni
Nije mogla da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Previše davno, predugo razdvojeni
Nije mogla da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Kako je došao dan, zaustavila se
Prestala je da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Previše davno, predugo razdvojeni
Nije mogla da čeka još jedan dan
Kapetana njenog srca
Kapetana njenog srca

Prince of the Seas

I go out everyday at sunset
With hopes of seeing you
Running on the sand
Of this beach
I hear the music in the ocean
Seagulls flying in pairs
But you don't even look at it
You work out
And how much, how much water
I imagine
You and I holding hands
And you whispering in my ear
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Please do
Boats sail on in the horizon
And so sails my heart
Carrying this secret and my desire
I look for your eyes
I wanted to kiss you
But shyness kept my kiss
And how much, how much water
Every night
I see in my room
You coming and calling me, sweetly
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Nobody knows
The prince of the seas took me away
In his aqualove dreams
And we escaped
Atlantic love affairs of a summer
And the sirens sing about us
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only
Come to me, to me only (come)
Come to me, to me only
Please do

Dance with me now

O my heart .. baby
You stole my heart away
O baby .. You’re my love
Dance with me now
She don’t have to be up in the spotlight
And she never needed nobody else
Type of girl that will give you a good life
Acting like a shy girl but I can tell
Stimulate my mind when she play around
Shordy is a fine one it’s clear to me
Show me what you got when i come around
And When i come around
Let your body speak
You’re the only one I want you know
So come on put your loving on me
And let me see you
Wine up on Me ya wine up on Me ya
A feeling I've never felt before except when your heart snatched me
When you're near me, I see myself the most beautiful girl in universe
O my heart .. baby
You stole my heart away
O baby .. You’re my love
Dance with me now dance with me now
O my heart .. baby
You stole my heart away
O baby
Dance with me now dance with me now
ohh oh oh ohh
Dance with me now dance with me now
ohh oh oh ohh
Dance with me now dance with me now
He says


Versions: #1
Andy Panda
Like Brooklyn.
Dogs go to the smell, when dogfather is in the kennel
Hustle... Bloody Babylon is not a joke to you
Cloud individs are tasteless like loot
The heavy Biggie is on my shoulder and a monkey is on my neck
My scyths are at my side, the same Nikes are on my feet
Don't seem to be the Billboard, but we're from the same gang
Flying to Compton, picking up my brother
Don't threaten southern quarters, my homies are there.
I'm Bob to myself, club vice versa
Clubs are not for us, we are different, it doesn't get us
Gather in a crib far from others
If you wanna come closer, black mouths will eat you
Flow is as fast as fcking gnob
No matter how long you search, we are the rarest strain
Notorious for crime get in the way
Hajime is in touch, if you asked for
Hook: Miyagi
No no no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up,
I talk about a legalize.
If you scared,
shut tf up, man if you scared
There are sneaks on the wires here
People, who are blacker than black
Problems are not on words,
But on crashed Molotov cocktails
Heads get smashed in these matters, pots get warmed
I left the room to remind you
Who is here at mic, the street wake up
My black magic broke the fader
Everything is self-made, sound from basement
This is how our katana was hardened and it cuts now
Panda went up - it's classic of the genre -
In the city of winds from gutters - it's my Chicago
Yo, flow, yo
The hood brought me up
And now it's spreading far over the horizon and across the borders
Far beyond cheap offices
The shoulders of my homies is my support and reliance
Protect you body from the bass
It tears the monitor like cardboard
From mountains to steppes -
like from Brooklyn to Compton.

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Theme Song (German)

Who gets along like cat and mouse?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Who cooks the soup, who has to eat it up/face the consequences?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
They are a lap dog and a rabbit
Tumbling out of the air somehow
Down into the jungle's biology
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Side by side, they live here together
And are always ready to fight
Friend and foe
United in joy and sorrow
See them throw words and other things
They get on each other's nerves
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Friendship thrives slowly mostly
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Be careful not to be eaten
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
You sweet fancy lady, arrogant and spoiled
Radio totally turned off but drowned out
A team that fights, insults and mocks itself
Harmony and consideration, what's that?
Ayayayay Brandy and Mr. Whiskers

What Can I Say ?

Your lips are like the color of a pomegranate, and your body is like a garden of spring
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, those tempting eyes of yours 1
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
Flower of hope are on your lips, delight of happiness is on your eyes
The jingle of happiness bell like coquetry of your laugh
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
The sonnet doesn't have this passion that you have in your talks
Diamonds don't have this light that you have in your eyes
The dawn doesn't have this freshness of on your pretty face
Swear to God, the cypress doesn't have this stature that you have 2
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
(Four times)
  • 1. Main lyrics : چی بگم دار و ندارت ، اون چشم وسوسه بارت
  • 2. In Persian literature :
    Cypress tree is a symbol of the height and stature of the beloved

A normal girl

She is a normal girl
who gets up early to go to work
He is a special guy, day after day he doesn't stop traveling
This is how life is, it can change you in a day
It never passed through his head
that he that traveled with her he fell in love
He was that prince charming
that all the girls dreamed for his love
He didn't believe it, he thought it was a lie
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid
Remember when he looked at her,
he only thought of giving her conversation
At that moment he noticed,
like a tickle inside him,
that came from his soul, something new in his soul
Little by little time passed
he was realizing that he finally found her
That girl who did not look, his fame and his money, but his interior
She wanted him ... above all
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid
Come look at me, come on and touch me,
don't be afraid to be with me
Come closer, don't be shy,
snuggle up if you're cold
Don't ask why, yesterday I didn't call you,
just live in the moment with me
Don't look at who I am, or when I leave,
just treat me like a kid

13 Steps

We are talking again,
in the park in front of your house,
almost like back then,
still familiar
I shouldn't stay,
but I'm coming upstairs,
just because it's getting cold,
I know the way too
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I am in thoughts,
but lying with you,
A glass of wine was probably too much again
Question everything,
'Why am I here?'
A look is enough for me,
and it's happening again
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
And I know,
and I know,
and I know,
where this is leading
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
from the door to your bed,
I lose myself completely here
It is only 13 steps,
13 too much,
Why can't I get away from here?
I lose myself completely here
I lose myself
I lose myself
(lose myself)
(-se myself)
(-se myself)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
It is only 13 steps
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
I lose myself
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)
(Huh, Huh, Huh)


Versions: #1
Late at night, who is still
keeping you awake counting scars
Why keep a light on before going to sleep
If you refuse to answer, I won't ask
But now you have to admit
That sometimes love is a deep void
While disappointment may come from the relationship itself
But don't blame it on being a woman
If the love is deep, can't keep a balance
Stuck in love and torture the soul
Should love then love, should hate then hate
Got to keep some for yourself
A lady's unique naiveness and her natural sweetness
should be left to someone that truly loves you
No matter how tough and treacherous the future is
he will be there accompanying you
Although love is a kind of responsibility
When you give you give unconditionally
Sometimes love is beautiful because it can't be eternal
However much love can ravish, it can hurt that much as well
If you're brave enough to love, then you need to be brave enough to split


It’s easy to have a week, and it’s a weekend
I have more dates on weekends, and I can’t hide.
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me, waiting for you to come to me.
I am the happiest when I spend the weekend with you.
The most lonely this weekend, the most lonely weekend
Why didn't you come, didn't come to me?
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me,
Waiting for you to come to me.
I am the happiest when I spend the weekend with you.
My friend came to me, my classmates came to me.
They come to me, don’t go, just wait for you to ask me.
I am waiting for you to come to me,
Waiting for you to come to me.
I spend the weekend with you. I am the happiest.
I am the happiest, I am the happiest.
I am the happiest

Slave of love

Slave of love
How beautiful is this title
Heard it
Slave of love
I am crazy.
Slave of love
How sweet is this title
I am too happy to be too happy
In order to love me,
I am willing to be your slave.
What do you do with it?
I want to cry, I want to laugh.
As long as everything is for you
I am willing to do anything.
I am willing to do anything.
Just let me love you
Slave of love
How mysterious this title is

We are friends

I'm in that alley
See you waiting
Don't know who you are waiting for
Could you wait for a friend
I walk by your side
Beckon me
I know to you
Beckon you
I'm in that alley
See you waiting
I knew you were waiting for me
Want to be friends with me
You are at that alley
See me waiting
You know i wait for you
How gentle you laugh
You walk by my side
Beckon me
I walked with a smile
Nod to you
Cute alley
I wait with you often
You wait for me i wait for you
Have become good friends


Oproštaj nije usluga
I izvini je samo reč
Nećemo biti prijateljski raspoloženi posle
Uprkos onome što si čuo
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Nebitno kako se karte promešaju
Bitno je kako se njima igra
Tvoje laži nikada nisu bile suptilne
Kao da ja ne znam igru
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Oproštaj, on nije za tebe
Oproštaj je za mene
On je u planinama kojima sam se pela
I otisak koji ču ostaviti
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
oh, da li ću?
Nemaš pravo da znaš

Alone to Have Fun

Don't give a fuck who nurses a grievance
I'm used to my fucking business
Just go if you want
I don't need your company in my private space
I'm rebellious from the inside (Leave me alone)
I wanna drive away all shit on me (Leave me alone)
I kill my upsetness with unrestrainedness (Leave me alone)
Ecstacy is my most faithful friend
Alone to have fun, I don't need your supervision
Say goodbye to you, I gonna find a partner
Alone to have fun, I'm not adapted to this
Say goodbye to you, but I daren't do that

Altai Sayan Tandy-Uula

From ever-snowclad mountains
Flows my Ene-Sai river
From heavenly times
My ancestors were blessing you
I am praising these places...

No One Like Me

Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl