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Број резултата: 127


The Fragrance of Roses

*,#Flower is only fragrant with love
After loving it'll be reminiscent
Fish is addicted to the joy with water
It isn't clear who can forgive
*Blessed is also hurt
Happiness can cause blindness too
Losing all of one's conscience
To fulfil the desire
*The fragrance of roses in the endless night
The one who thinks is different
#Flower is only fragrant with love
After blooming it's still fragrant
With greedy desire
The one who's waked up does not know where to go
Repeat* ,#


Versions: #2
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
I don't want to rewrite our story lines
'Cause if they weren't crooked we wouldn't have met
I don't want to rediscover my truth
If it appears to be so much mine when it's ours
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
How do I cut this at its root if it already flourished?
How do I come up with a goodbye if it's already love?
Don't let me fill with emptiness
The place that's only yours
Don't fall for another fellow
If you've already made your Home here with me

Full Stop

Keep dead quiet as if you had nothing to say
For I fell in love with what I made up about you
I even grew to dig your face
But I'm fighting to rebury it1
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
You live through your body and for the mirror, thinking it's normal
Percent body fat and percent neurons in proportion
The fault is less yours than mine
I was just so foolish I jumped the gun and fell [for you]
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
(He rides waves but leaves no footprints)
(Cute guy but ain't got a thing in his head)
(Asks for champagne with sparklers at the club)
(Better off alone than in bad company)
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
You want me with all the commas
And I want you to be like a full stop
Don't leave for tomorrow someone you could leave behind today
  • 1. literally: I even took off with your face (I even grew to like your face)/But I'm fighting to give it back

When You Pass By

This lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub inside me
That goes ba-dum, ba-dum when you pass by
My eyes learn every movement by heart
Even your smile makes me awkward
If only I could capture you
Take over your feelings
Control your steps
Read your agenda and mind
But my fragile heart
Beats faster and faster
And goes ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum-dum
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
Leave your mark on my day-to-day
On this mix of pleasure and agony
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I miss that peace
That I found in your smile
Whatever this is between us
Has been growing bit by bit
And won't leave us alone anymore
It'll make us go crazy
This lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub inside me
That goes ba-dum, ba-dum when you pass by
My eyes learn every movement by heart
Even your smile makes me awkward
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I miss that peace
That I found in your smile
Whatever this is between us
Has been growing bit by bit
And won't leave us alone anymore
It'll make us go crazy
Whether it's love, I can't say
I just know that without you I stopped breathing
And it's your arrival
That makes this lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub come torment me
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
Leave your mark on my day-to-day
On this mix of pleasure and agony
I give up on trying to get it
It's a sign that we're alive
There's no logic on the books
To this love that'll keep on growing
And who'll be able to predict
An unpredictable love story1
With a ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum-dum
If this lub-dub tattooed on my chest
Gets stuck and the ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum starts bumbling
I'm not even sleeping anymore
I don't go out with my friends
I just miss that lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub-dub
  • 1. romance: literally novel or romance


Wandering in the clouds
a spinning cold oh right
a sweet bite
as it melt it disappears oh no
an endless kiss
your firm response
I wanna make you soft
Want you to spin around
I want to care for you but
my heart is very forward
Hold on, hold on, hold on
You look so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
I grab you tightly by the arm
without exception we dance and intertwine
the more time goes
if you're curled up ,you're becoming smaller, you’re spine
time can't go back
at the futile worries
Baby let’s take it slow
Don’t wanna go to fast
it seems now it's already late
I'm too forward
Go on, go on, go on
You look so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
You are so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good (so good)
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Today I woke up in no rush
I left the window open
And life so replete with dawn
Today I could see from up close
That an open heart
Makes it easier for everything to happen
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
Today I threw myself from the clouds
I dusted off, scraped off the rust
I saw that the sun shines brighter when we're feeling well
Flights can soar higher
Words can be more beautiful
Today I'll scream louder, how lucky we are
To be happy and not hostage
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
Paraparapaparah (8x)
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
I open up my wings
And get my soul ready to breathe!
To breathe!
How lucky we are to be happy with no one else

Typical Andy!

Uoou, Uoou
Typical Andy!
Ty, ty, typical Andy!
Uoou, Uoou
Typical Andy!
Ty, ty, typical Andy!
Hi my name is Andy
And if you don't know me yet
I'm a Guy you call the Master of Antics
It started harmless
but then, but then everyone in the whole town said: 'Typical Andy!'
I'm the greatest, I'm the best I'm the weirdest joker
Typical Andy!
Ty, ty, typical Andy!
I'm the Master of Antics, a Artist
Typical Andy!
Ty, ty, typical Andy!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Today, nothing can stop us
This is our night (Show me)
If you can please me
And you are as sexy as they say, then show me
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
They’ve told me a lot of things about her
And I want to see all these things
If she really moves in the bed like everyone says
I want to have her
I wanted to have her before I even saw her
That devil still isn’t mine
And I already feel like I don’t want to lose her
I want to be a part of her horniness
I have a thousand ways to make you come
Everything’s easy with me, ask for what you want
With you, everything is considered, baby, I don’t fail
Is someone disagrees, calmly, I’ll shut it down myself
And to go in search of all of this, I moved from PR
And I stayed in Medallo because...
We haven’t done it yet and I already want it again
Curiosity kills and with you I’m dying
I know that you’ve already been told the same thing about me but until we do it...
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
You’ve got me thinking about all of the things I want to do to you
And I’m here imagining things that you wouldn’t believe
And if you give me the opportunity, I’ll be your best necessity
And it depends on what you give me
I’ve been told that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
If you see me, it’s true that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
Andy Rivera
What’s up Andy
From PR to Medallo you heard the ones that never fail
The rude boys...

Jednim zdravo

ako nisi uplasen
od toga sta donosi ljubav
potom krajeva i pocetaka
prelepih stvari
to je sansa koju ces prihvatiti
to je sansa kojom pobedjujes
ako ce neko da te pronadje
najpre moras da ga pustis unutra
jer ljubav pocinje jednim zdravo
najtezi deo je zavrsen
sada je lako pustiti
jedno zdravo je kako zapoceti
mozes sve to da pobedis ili izgubis svoje srce
ako nisi uplasen od onoga sto osecas
onda pokusaj i zadrzi osmeh
ili se potrudi i odrzi stvarnim
i ako postoje realna razmisljanja
razmisljanja da ces jednom reci zbogom
zapamti, prijatelju
oprastanja nisu kraj
to je krug znaj
i to pocinje sa jednim zdravo
ljubav pocinje jednim zdravo
najtezi deo je gotov
sada je lako pustiti
jedno zdravo je kako da pocnes
zapamti, prijatelju
oprastanja nisu kraj
to je krug znaj
i to pocinje jednim zdravo
to pocinje jednim zdravo


Zasto u tisini noci
cujem li glas iznutra
taj krik, taj krik za jos
otkad si izjurio kroz moja vrata
dao si mi svoju casnu rec
ali si me ostavio u ovom svetu
pokusavam, pokusavam da se molim,
ali tvoja svetlost jednostavno bledi
hodam kroz noc
tragajuci za svetlom, oh Gospode
pitam se u tami
trazeci mrlju, oh Gospode
u potrazi za danom
mozes li da pokazes put, oh Gospode
ne ostavljaj me samu sa sobom
tesko je biti sam
kada nista ne ide kako treba
kada verujes da je zivot borba
ne ostavljaj me samu ovde
sijaj, mozes uzeti ovo moje srce
sada hoces li mi pomoci da putujem visoko
ja placem, ja placuci molim
necu ti dozvoliti da izbledis
hodam kroz noc
tragam za svetlom, oh Boze
pitam se u tami
trazeci mrlju, oh Boze
u potrazi za danom
mozes li pokazati put, oh Gospode
ne ostavljaj me samu sasobom
tesko je biti sam
kada nista ne ide kako treba
kada verujes da je zivot borba
ne ostavljaj me sasvim samu
zasto ne mogu ziveti bez tebe

Jednog dana cu odleteti

ucinicu to sama
kada ljubav nestane
necujno si napravio svoj otisak
ovde u mom srcu
jednog dana cu odleteti
ostavicu tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze uciniti meni
kada ce ljubav biti potpuno sa mnom
pratim noc
ne mogu ostati na svetlu
kada cu poceti
moj zivot ponovo
jednog dana cu odleteti
ostavicu tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze uciniti meni
kada ce ljubav biti skroz sa mnom
zasto zivim zivot od jednog do drugog sna
i uzasavam se dana kada se sanjarenje zavrsava
jednog dana cu odleteti ostavljajuci tvoju ljubav jucerasnjici
sta jos tvoja ljubav moze da ucini meni
kada ce ljubav biti potpuno sa mnomzasto zivim zivot od jednog do drugog sna
i uzasavam se dana kada se sanjarenje izvrsava
jednog dana cu odleteti, odleteti, odleteti...


Oh my dear love, oh my lotus
Having a tight sleep at nights
You have fallen sleep alone in your bed
You have left me and my heart, oh you moon
Oh the lady of the desert, niloofar
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Come back to me, to my loneliness
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Now who is in love? Me or you?
Don't be cruel to me
I will go to mountains and deserts
to perhaps I find you
between the green bushes
oh you shy flower...
you are unkind to me
Don't be cruel to me
I will go to mountains and deserts
to perhaps I find you
between the green bushes
oh you shy flower...
Oh my dear sent from the skies
Oh my love my lotus
Oh my love, my beautiful lotus
Oh my dear love, oh my lotus
Having a tight sleep at nights
You have fallen sleep alone in your bed
You have left me and my heart, oh you moon
Oh the lady of the desert, niloofar
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar
Come back to me, to my loneliness
Oh Niloofar, oh niloofar

Ne mogu da skinem moje oči sa tebe

Jednostavno si previše dobra da bi bila istinita
Ne mogu da skinem moje oči sa tebe
Bila bi kao raj za dodir
Jako zelim da te drzim
Kada je ljubav napokon došla
Zahvaljujem se Bogu šam ziv
Jednostavno si previše dobra da bi bila istinita
Ne mogu skinuti moje oči sa tebe
Oprosti način na koji gledam
Ne postoji ništa za poredjenje
Prizor tebe me ostavlja slabog
Nemam više reči
Ali ako se osećas kao ja
Molim te daj mi do znanja da je to stvarno
Jednostavno si previše dobra da bi bila istinita
Ne mogu skinuti moje oči sa tebe
Volim te draga, i ako je to uredu
Trebam te draga da zagreješ usamljenu noć
Volim te draga
Veruj mi kad ti kazem
O draga, nemoj me izneveriti molim te
O draga, sada kad sam te zadrzao
I pusti me da te volim draga
Pusti me da te volim
Jednostavno si previše dobra da bi bila istinita
Ne mogu da skinem moje oči sa tebe
Bila bi kao raj za dodir
Jako zelim da te drzim
Kada je ljubav napokon došla
Zahvaljujem se Bogu šam ziv
Jednostavno si previše dobra da bi bila istinita
Ne mogu skinuti moje oči sa tebe
Volim te draga, i ako je to uredu
Trebam te draga da zagreješ usamljenu noć
Volim te draga
Veruj mi kad ti kazem
O draga, nemoj me izneveriti molim te
O draga, sada kad sam te zadrzao
O draga
Veruj mi kad ti kazem

Vreme za nas

Vremena za nas bice jednog dana
Kad su lanci iskidani od hrabrosti rodjene od ljubavi koja je slobodna
Vreme kada su snovi tako dugo odbijeni
Mogu cvetati dok mi razotkrivamo ljubav koju sad moramo kriti
Vreme za nas konačno ćemo vidjeti
Zivot vrijedan truda za tebe i men
I sa našom ljubavlju kroz suze i trnje
Izdrzaćemo dok prolazimo sigurno kroz svaku oluju
Vreme za nas biće jednog dana novi svet
Svet sjajne nade za tebe u mene
Za tebe i mene
I sa našom ljubavlju kroz suze i trnje
Izdrzaćemo dok prolazimo sigurno kroz svaku oluju
Vreme za nas biće jednog dana novi svet
Svet sjajne nade za tebe u mene
Svet sjajne nade za tebe i mene

Pricaj nezno ljubavi

Versions: #2
Pričaj nezno, ljubavi,
i drzi me blizu tvog srca
Osećam tvoje reči
drhtajni trenutak počinje
Mi smo u svetu, samo našem
deleći ljubav za koju su samo retki znali
Dani boje vina ogrejani suncem
duboke baršunaste večeri kada smo jedno
Pričaj nezno ljubavi
tako da nas niko ne čuje osim neba
Ljubavne zakletve koje smo napravili
ziveće dok mi ne umremo
Moj zivot je tvoj a sve to zbog toga
došla si u moj svet sa ljubavlju, tako neznom, ljubavlju
Dani boje vina ogrejani suncem
duboke baršunaste večeri kada smo jedno
Pričaj nezno ljubavi
tako da nas niko ne čuje osim neba
Ljubavne zakletve koje smo napravili
ziveće dok mi ne umremo
Moj zivot je tvoj a sve to zbog toga
došla si u moj svet sa ljubavlju, tako neznom, ljubavlju

Ulični život

Još uvek dangubim
Ni izgubljena, ni pronađena
Čujem usamljen zvuk
Muzike noću
Noći su uvek svetle
To je sve što je ostalo za mene, da...
Ja živim ulični zivot, jer nemam gde da idem
Ulični život, to je jedini život koji poznajem
Ulični život, i postoji hiljadu uloga koje mogu da igram
Ulični život, dok ne odigraš svoj život
Ti dopuštaš da ljudi vide
Ono što želiš da budeš
I svake noći sijaš
Kao superstar
Tako se život igra
Maskarada od deset centi
Ti se oblačiš. hodaš, pričaš
Ti si ono što misliš da si
Ulični život, možeš pobeći od vremena
Ulični život, za novčić od pet ili deset centi
Ulični život, ali bolje da ne ostariš
Ulični život, ili ćeš osetiti hladnoću
Uvek je tu ljubav za prodaju
Bajka za odrasle
Šarmantni princ uvek se smeje
Iza srebrne kašike
I ako ostaneš mlad
Tvoja pesma se uvek peva
Tvoja ljubav će igrati po tvome
Ispod srebrnog meseca
Ulični život, ulični život, ulični život, oh ulični život
Hmm, oh, da
Ja živim uličnim zivotom, jer nemam gde da idem
Ulični život, to je jedini život koji poznajem
Ulični život, i postoji hiljadu uloga koje mogu da igram
Ulični život, dok ne odigraš svoj život
Ulični život, ulični život, ulični život, oh ulični život
Hmm, oh, da
Ja živim uličnim zivotom, jer nemam gde da idem
Ulični život, to je jedini život koji poznajem
Ulični život, i postoji hiljadu uloga koje mogu da igram
Ulični život, dok ne odigraš svoj život
Ti dopuštaš da ljudi vide
Ono što želiš da budeš
I svake noći sijaš
Kao superstar
Tako se život igra
Maskarada od deset centi
Ti se oblačiš. hodaš, pričaš
Ti si ono što misliš da si
Ulični život, možeš pobeći od vremena
Ulični život, za novčić od pet ili deset centi
Ulični život, ali bolje da ne ostariš
Ulični život, ili ćeš osetiti hladnoću
Uvek je tu ljubav za prodaju
Bajka za odrasle
Šarmantni princ uvek se smeje
Iza srebrne kašike
I ako ostaneš mlad
Tvoja pesma se uvek peva
Tvoja ljubav će igrati po tvome
Ispod srebrnog meseca
Ulični život, ulični život, ulični život, oh ulični život
Ulični život, ja živim uličnim životom, ulični život, oh ulični život
Hmm, oh, da

Dim se raščišćava

(Prva strofa)
„Ti i ja protiv celog sveta”
To je ono što mi je rekla
Te noći, na terminalu
Dok smo se ukrcavali
I znam da si to i mislila
Držala si mi ruku tako čvrsto dok
Smo leteli, iz Lafajeta
Nazad u pacifičko vreme
I položila si glavu
Na moje rame
Par suza je proliveno iznad Arizone
Emotivni rolerkoster, da
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Prelaz s refrena)
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Druga strofa)
I kada sam posrnuo
Nazad u decembru
Doživeo sam najveći poraz
Ali pali smo zajedno
I proveli smo vikend zajedno
Koračajući hotelskom sobom u
Westin-u, u Dablinu
Nikada se nisam osećao tako bliskim tebi
I položio sam glavu
Na tvoje rame
Kada smo otišli, bili smo deset godina stariji
Emotivni rolerkoster, da
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
(Prelaz s refrena)
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti
„Ti i ja protiv celog sveta”
To je ono što mi je rekla
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Zajedno proživljavamo i uspone i padove
Nikada nećeš biti sama
Čak i kada se tvoj svet rasprsne
Jer kada se sav dim raščisti
Biću ovde
Biću ovde
Kada se dim raščisti

The fishermen of San Juan

Pero and Fernán
The fishermen of San Juan
Are young and have been single so far
The girl that arrives is named Sue
They both like her
The two of them will be rivals from now on
The boat carrying the two fishermen of San Juan
Sails towards the beautiful island but never arrives
Only the wind knows why it never returned
The boat carrying the two fishermen of San Juan
Thus the girl tells the two men
'You have to make that decision between the two of you
I like you both, I don't have a preference
As a foreigner, I only want to witness
How the fishermen celebrate
It's your choice to whom I will belong during the feast'
The boat carries the two fishermen of San Juan
Over to the feast on the island but never arrives
Only the wind knows why it never returned
The boat carrying the two fishermen of San Juan
Thus the girl tells the two men
'You have to make that decision between the two of you
I like you both, I don't have a preference
As a foreigner, I only want to witness
How the fishermen celebrate
It's your choice to whom I will belong during the feast'
The boat carries the two fishermen of San Juan
Over to the feast on the island but never arrives
Only the wind knows why it never returned
The boat carrying the two fishermen of San Juan
Thus the girl tells the two men
'You have to make that decision between the two of you
I like you both, I don't have a preference'
The boat carries the two fishermen of San Juan
Over to the feast on the island but never arrives
Only the wind knows why it never returned
The boat carrying the two fishermen of San Juan
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.


Baby, which kind of candy are you? Everything is decided by love
Don't ask me whether it's good your sign, or if I love you or not
You are a piece of gravel that wants to win the giant's heart in my candy jar
You are a candy
You are a candy and I, I am your natural enemy that ate you
Defeated by the natural enemy's mouth, do you regret?
What you know about me?No, you don't. No, you don't
Yo the most graceful beauty will never be satisfied by eating someone or the swinging dog
Is it you that's falling into the vortex? That's no use to struggle, you can pamper and dote on me in the end, regard me as your queen
Love is destined, cannot be compelled, place your bet bravely
Dare to love is the glory, dare to hate is the freedom, my dear, please reap what you have sown
Baby, which kind of candy are you? Everything is decided by love
Don't ask me whether it's good your sign, or if I love you or not
You are a piece of gravel that wants to win the giant's heart in my candy jar
You are a candy
Talk to my hand. Talk talk to my hand
Candy like you. Just talk to my finger
Talk to the god. And nothing that you can get
Everyone keeps saying how special he is
Putting them into the mouth, sweetness disappears all of a sudden
I'm good, all the nonsense, please don't
When the candy is eaten up take, take another candy jar will be fine, raise your hand and take whatever you can, why divide it
Love is destined, cannot be compelled, place your bet bravely
Dare to love is the glory, dare to hate is the freedom, my dear, please reap what you have sown
Baby, which kind of candy are you? Everything is decided by love
Don't ask me whether it's good your sign, or if I love you or not
You are a piece of gravel that wants to win the giant's heart in my candy jar among many candy jars
You are a candy
Oh, why can I only encounter boring rivals? No no no no no
Oh, why have I never eaten a perfect candy? No no no no no
Translations posted are mine unless there’s a source link. Everything is proofread for accuracy to the best of my ability. For my Korean work, I edit and often improve sourced translations.

The Conspiracy Song [Kidnap The Sandy Claws]

[Lock, Shock and Barrel] [1]
Shall we snatch the Nicki-Horror?
I want to snatch him
Figure it out!
Jack wants us for this wickedness.
All three of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Three small devils, like fire and brimstone. Wiii!
La LaLalalala La Lalala La LaLalalala lalalalala [2]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
finish him off!
If you have him once,
It's all over for him!
Even one trap would be decent,
What could be even better?
Just one decoy is still missing
And then, one-two-three and he falls in!
Stop! I have a better plan
For this red lobster man.
We initially cook him once
In a pan and he'll be cooked soon!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
You imprison him right away!
Never again let him out,
That would be really fine!
Mr. Oogie Boogie Man,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
If everything takes over, then
He will be happy, and soon
He will cook the living daylights out of him! Uiiiii!
What we need is a tremendous
and then: knock, knock, knock,
And when he comes out: There will be no more Nicki-Horror!
No you blockhead, think about it, will you? We are way too smart for something like that!
If Nicki is in pieces, then Jack will certainly beat the living daylights out of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Snatch Nicki Horror,
Thrust him into a sack!
Throw him into the blue sea
Till doomsday!
[Lock, Shock]
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the worst thing in the world,
And if he were to chase after me, I'll beat a hasty retreat.
He's going to be so happy,
That he'll reward us, perhaps.
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Perhaps he will also cook his Snake-Spider-Stew for us.
We are his helpers and we are also proud of that.
We are always at his service, there is a reward for that. [3]
The partners that I have are dumb!
I'm not dumb!
Stay silent, will you!
Pipe down!
Why don't you!
I know something. Listen to me,
Because this plan is damn fine.
Let's set a trap in the form of a gift box
in front of his door.
We will wait inside the chest,
Until he nearly bursts with envy,
finally opening it,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Destiny will then take its course!
Snatch Nicki-Horror, stuff him into a hole,
Nicki would have almost run away, now we have him, don't we!?
Snatch Nicki-Horror, lock him in a barrel.
Mr. Oogie Boogie is certainly having his fun!
Snatch Nicki-Horror so that he becomes frightened.
Lock him in the cage, throw the key awaaaaay!

Thousand Years

All alone during the night
Only guards at the post
Whom you can’t distract
From their service
And during the night watching
You look at the distant stars
A tear falls from your cheek
Like a diamond
Thousand years on the Moon
Thousand years not so alone
And in the darkness...
What’s the cause...
The fresh air caresses your hair
Makes the tears shine in your mane
The moonlight tells you
How to go back
Thousand years on the Moon
Thousand years not so alone
And in the darkness...
What’s the cause...

Միակ հույս

Մի երգ կա իմ հոգում,
Որը միշտ փորձել եմ նորից ու նորից գրել
Ես արթուն եմ անվերջանալի ցրտում
Բայց դու երգում ես ու երգում ու երգում
Ու ես վեր եմ նայում
Բարձրացնում ձեռքերս ու աղոթում, որ լինեմ միայն քոնը
Աղոթում եմ լինել միայն քոնը
Ես հիմա գիտեմ, դու ես իմ միակ հույսը
Երգիր ինձ համար երգն այն աստղերի,
Որ քո գալակտիկայում պարում են ու ծիծաղում ու ծիծաղում
Երբ թվում է, թե երազներս հեռու են
Երգիր ամենն ինչ պատրաստ էլ ինձ համար նորից ու նորից
Քեզ եմ տալիս ճակատագիրը իմ
Տալիս եմ ամենը, որ ունեմ
Ուզում եմ քո սիմֆոնիան
Որ պատմում է ով եմ ես
Թոքերիս ամբողջ ուժով
Ես տալիս եմ քեզ ամենն ինչ ունեմ
Ու ես վեր եմ նայում
Բարձրացնում ձեռքերս ու աղոթում, որ լինեմ միայն քոնը
Աղոթում եմ լինել միայն քոնը
Ես հիմա գիտեմ, դու ես իմ միակ հույսը

Come to me

I miss you, I want to see you
The longing has increased so much in my heart
Don’t tell me that your circumstances are hard
There is nothing impossible for who is so in love
Come to me, penetrate my heart
Sleep in my eyes and don’t ever go
I want you to stay always beside me
whatever will be will be
The day you walked away from me
The universe became so small in my eyes
My lifetime is running away from me
And I feel it’s going to end soon
The love between me and you
It's a great love and has no limits
I miss you and I'm wondering where you are
My heart was promised that you will return

Andy's song

G, A, F, G, B, A, A, G
Well, but it is a G minor
G, A, F, G, A, E, G, F, E, F, C, F
I'm sorry miss, but I'm in love
You're lucky
I do what I can
I'm in Rochefort to see again a friend of mine
A certain Simon Dame and at two steps from here
I meet a girl and I become mad for her
The girl disappeared, but love has chosen me
I had to pass through two continents
It had at the end to happen this incredible coincidence
To transform my life and give a sense to it.
I had to come back to France.

if there's one day

if there's one day when cars and plains are not pleased enough for you
don't be afraid, what you owned,your gifted legs, will accompany your adventure.
if there's one day, you no longer own your property
don't be afraid, those warm smiles of you family will accompany your dreams, you'll be happy deep within your heart.
the happiness of human, the point of finding it is to learn waiting
those what don't belong to you in fate, you need to give them up
if you keep working on them, they'll keep bothering you. don't be so greedy and you are already rich enough for your whole life
the god won't bully those kind people, it's a simple fact
why you still confused
however rich and beautiful you are, in the end
every result you get is the god's given
the god won't bully those kind people. so you know this.
follow your heart, master your heart
only if you are pleased to eat, pleased to sleep, smile everyday, that's enough for all

I Am Candy,Candy

Even if I am lonely ,even if I am sad I don't cry
holding back crying all the time, why should I cry?
let's run laughingly ,
let's sing while we look at the green fields and blue sky
my name, my name, my name is Candy
When I am alone, somehow I don't feel lonely but
at that time let's have a chat with me in the mirror
smile,smile wild rose girl!
if you cry you're stupid
I am Candy Candy~
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Candy Candy

She is all beauty,
with many colors (with colors many),
with flowers on (her) hair,
and in her kind heart.
She has with her her friend for company,
in nature all is beautiful,
what warmth in (her) heart,
(the) sweet Candy!
There are times that loneliness,
nests in the heart,
but there's always hope,
life doesn't end here.
Tears, loneliness,
not anymore, Candy!
One look at the sun, with festive (clothes),
(the) Candy Candy!
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Greek ending*

She gazes at the stars up above,
her dreams are shining,
she spreads love all around,
she freely gives joy all the time.
She watches the world from above,
the nature around is blooming,
it (nature) smiles like her,
in the joy of her life.
Open your wings once more,
with hope in your heart,
live beautifully,
in your life, love rules.
Candy... Candy...Candy...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.



Me dijeron que te gusta el guayeteo
Una loca, no le den ma na que esta que explota
Yo me enamore de su Bum Bum
Yo me la lleve pa mi casa sin saber que era una loca
Por culpa de Blass, por culpa del vino
Sin contarle tanto se llama Rosa y se vino
De tanto que jodió, en casa termino
Le dimo tan duro que el condón se rompió
La sandunga se le nota por encima
Y yo que prendo de na, pon la mano en la palanca
Que la transmisión es manual
Tiene muchas ganas de comer
Que dale como es
Que dale como es
Da da dale como es

The Star That Shines The Most

Oh, how hard it is
To have to leave and let you go
To hug you and resist
To say farewell and say our goodbyes
It's impossible
To let you go without suffering
I have to smile so I don't cry
Because your love will guide me
Throughout my whole path
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
A love like this
Will survive no matter where
If we look at the same moon
While you're thinking of me
I will feel you touching
Everything that exists between us
Love is the solution
To keep the sorrow away
Until I return
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
When I return, my heart
Will then breathe when it touches yours
It'll stay like this forever
Like this forever...
Oh, you're the one I'll be with, uh
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
You're the one I'll always be with
Inside my heart
Nothing will break us apart, baby
There's no distance for love
And if it hits you and you miss me
Look in the sky
For the star that shines the most (the star that shines the most)
And it will be the glare of my eyes
I'll always be, I'll always be
The star that shines the most
I'll always be, I'll always be
The star that shines the most
The star that shines the most, oh...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sinta-se à vontade para repostar minhas traduções ou pedir que eu traduza algo através do meu email fgmeirelles@hotmail.com. Tenho experiência traduzindo diversas formas de mídia além de músicas, como vídeos, documentos, matérias, entrevistas e muito mais. Só não se esqueça de me dar créditos colocando meu nome como tradutora!

Feel free to repost my translations or to request a translation by emailing me at fgmeirelles@hotmail.com. I have experience translating various forms of media other than songs, like videos, documents, articles, interviews and a lot more. Just don't forget to give me credit by including my name as a translator!

Malo je prekasno

Koliko puta sam te pitala 'zašto si sa njim'?
Koliko puta sam te zamolila da pobegneš?
Koliko puta ti je rekao da neće se ono više dogoditi?
A koliko puta se to dogodilo sutradan?
A sad se pitam, zbog čega nisi mene posušala?
Zašto nisam nešto uradio
Iako si rekla 'molim te, neka bude'
Zbog čega sam ga pustila da te oduzme od mene
One odluke koje smo doneli, da bih ispravili naše greške.
Malo je prekasno.
Šta sam ti rekao kad se ovo prvi put dogodilo?
Pitala sam gde je on sad i šta hoćeš da ti učinim?
Zašto si meni rekla ne, zašto si ga branila?
Kad sam samo pokušavala da te štitim.
A sad se pitam, zbog čega nisi mene posušala?
Zašto nisam nešto uradio
Iako si rekla 'molim te, neka bude'
Zbog čega sam ga pustila da te oduzme od mene
One odluke koje smo doneli, da bih ispravili naše greške.
Malo je prekasno.
Ne mogu da se odolim, da se osećam
Da sam te razočarala.
Tvoj vitez na belom konju,
koji je tebe štitio od zla.
Ma daj, da sam govorila istinu kao i sad,
Ti bi tu i dalje bila!
Zbog čega nisi mene posušala?
Zašto nisam nešto uradio
Iako si rekla 'molim te, neka bude'
Zbog čega sam ga pustila da te oduzme od mene
One odluke koje smo doneli, da bih ispravili naše greške.
Malo je prekasno.
Zbog čega nisi mene posušala?
Zašto nisam nešto uradio
Iako si rekla 'molim te, neka bude'
Zbog čega sam ga pustila da te oduzme od mene
One odluke koje smo doneli, da bih ispravili naše greške.
Malo je prekasno.
Malo je prekasno.