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Poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Staklena pregrada, popunjena mojim suzama,
Prazan prostor, nikoga da cujem,
Setam sam, ne mogu da se razbistrim,
Od tih par sekundi.
Uvelo srce, pokidano bolom,
Prolece me nikada nece izneveriti,
Niko ne moze da potpali moju vatru,
Osudjujem sebe.
Da sam samo mogao da kazem: Zao mi je,
Ne odlazi, budi uz mene,
Jer bez tebe zivot je siv,
A cak ni sunce ne obasjava moj dan.
Ali sada je vec prekasno,
Sve te reci odavno kasne,
Nikada neces opet preci ovu ulicu,
Van vidokruga si.
U svojim snovima, vidim ti lice,
Svaki momenat je kao celi dani,
Ne mogu pocititi svoju sramotu,
U tih par sekundi.
Da sam samo mogao da kazem: Okreni se, nemoj otici, molim te ostani, ostani uz mene, draga.
Da sam samo mogao da kazem: Zao mi je,
Ne odlazi, budi uz mene,
Jer bez tebe zivot je siv,
A cak ni sunce ne obasjava moj dan.
Ali sada je vec prekasno,
Sve te reci odavno kasne,
Nikada neces opet preci ovu ulicu,
Van vidokruga si.
A ja nikada necu biti ta koja te krivi,
Za poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju.*
(Za poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju.)
Brodovi nek te vode,
Nek te vode usput,
Brodovi nek te vode daleko na srebrnim talasima.
Placuce nebo pretvara se u mora suza,
Brodovi nek te vode,
Nek te vode van vidokruga.
Ali sada je vec prekasno,
Sve te reci odavno kasne,
Nikada neces opet preci ovu ulicu,
Van vidokruga si.
A ja nikada necu biti ta koja te krivi,
Za poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju.
Za poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju.
Za poslednje zatvaranje tvojih ociju.

Faraonovo iskupljenje

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Za sve svoje dugove moram platiti,
Ostaje na meni sada da objasnim,
Za svaku mucenu dusu da se molim,
Ubica, do svog poslednjeg dana.
Zvona zvone, dosao je dan,
Za mene i sve moje pohlepne sinove,
Za svaku surovost da odgovaram,
Vecni plamenovi - moj dom.
Nema oslobadjanja,
Od grehova koje je pocinio,
Pokajanje sada,
Dolazi mu prekasno.
Njegova jedina zelja,
Da vrati vreme,
I nikada ne krene u svoje zlocine,
Da vlada srcem, a ne krvlju.
Osveta im gori u ocima,
Da zavrse moju vladavinu i moje lazi,
Da mi proliju krv po mome tronu,
I spale sve sto sam ikada znao.
Izido, Ozirise, svi bogovi,
Nema izgovora za moje greske,
Niko da se okrivi sem mene,
Presuda je vec doneta.
Nema oslobadjanja,
Od grehova koje je pocinio,
Pokajanje sada,
Dolazi mu prekasno.
Nema oslobadjanja,
Od grehova koje je pocinio,
Pokajanje sada,
Dolazi mu prekasno.
Njegova jedina zelja,
Da vrati vreme,
I nikada ne krene u svoje zlocine,
Da vlada srcem, a ne krvlju.

Zimska noc

Zalosni placi su u mom umu,
U ovoj olujnoj zimskoj noci,
Crtaju senku na mom srcu,
Crni oblak lije kisu nadamnom.
Vidis, ovo sam ja, nema zadovoljstva da se vidi,
Jos uvek crni oblak me okruzuje,
Plasim se, da budem nesto drugo od onog sto znam,
A oluja nastavlja da divlja...
Hladna zimska noc - nema izlaza iz mraka,
Niko me ne vodi nazad,
Na mesto gde pripadam.
Pokusavajuci da disem u zracima svetla,
Ne mogu da opstanem bez moje zimske noci.
Vidis, ovo sam ja, nema zadovoljstva da se vidi,
Jos uvek crni oblak me okruzuje,
Plasim se, da budem nesto drugo od onog sto znam,
A oluja nastavlja da divlja...
Hladna zimska noc - nema izlaza iz mraka,
Niko me ne vodi nazad,
Na mesto gde pripadam.
Otkrivene tajne nikada nece biti nadjene,
Nema ponovnog rodjenja, nema zaljenja,
Nikada biti neko koga neko grli.
Hladna zimska noc - nema izlaza iz mraka,
Niko me ne vodi nazad,
Na mesto gde pripadam.
Otkrivene tajne nikada nece biti nadjene,
Nema ponovnog rodjenja, nema zaljenja,
Nikada biti neko koga neko grli...

Someone else

I have to close the windows at night
I have to open the curtains in the morning
I have to do what I did before you left
Before you left
I have to unlock the door again
My eyes need to see some light
I have to do what I did before you left
Before you left
(I have) to stop remembering
To find a way to sleep
Anyway, nothing changes now
I have to become someone else
Someone else who is indifferent
I have to save my mind
My mind and me
I have to write at my heart
It is forbidden to love someone else like you
Like you
I have to start dreaming at night
To see my life without you
I have to do what I did before you left
Before you left
I have to feel my heart beating
And to look for my love from the beginning
I have to do what I did before you left
Before you left
(I have) to stop remembering
To find a way to sleep
Anyway, nothing changes now
I have to become someone else
Someone else who is indifferent
I have to save my mind
My mind and me
I have to write in my heart
It is forbidden to love someone else like you
Like you

Me, (the one) who knows, will tell you

You do not know what it means to think that the phone is ringing
You do not know what it means to think that the bell is ringing
You do not know what it means to imagine that she remembered you again
and how she left a flower at your door
Me (the one) who knows, I will tell you
that the one who doesn't forget goes crazy
and I who still love you
see me, I am letting myself in madness and wherever it goes
You do not know what it means to leave her cigarettes in the ashtray
You do not know what it means to think that she is never gone
You do not know what it means to fill two glasses at dawn
and drink them alone in the house

A not handmade icon

The witches warn me about a danger, a black cloud

The requiem of the seal

This was Akrivoula
the grand-daughter of old-Loukena
She is crowned1 with seaweed
she is given shells as a dowry2
And the old-lady is still mourning over
her births of the past.
As if sorrows and sufferings
are ever going to come to an end.
  • 1. στεφάνια= during the greek-orthodox wedding ceremony, the priest puts on the head of the married couple olive wreaths, reminding the ancient greek κότινος who crowned the heads of the athletes winning in Olympic games. Those wreaths were kept sacred in a frame and were put on the wall, above the bed inside the bedroom of the married couple , for a lifetime
  • 2. Akrivoula was the heroine of the novel ' Μοιρολόγι της Φώκιας' , a young girl that fell by accident of the rocks into the deep sea and got drowned while her grandmother, Loukena, was doing laundry by the sea mourning over her lost beloved ones, near the cemetery.

Τhe song of the gypsy

With the batter, with the sledgehammer1
the gypsy wakes up the village
The village, the village
Tralala, laro, laro...
For the hammer, for the hammer
the fine young lady is crazy for it
the young lady, the young lady,
Tralala, lari, lari...
Inside the fire, inside the fire
the gypsy plays with this glance
the glance, the glance
Tralala, lara lara
  • 1. βαρειό>βαριοπούλα> big heavy hammer


Once again i am headed to your yard, my Christ
to bend over your beloved doorsteps
that my soul longs for, with an insatiable desire
Near you, my flesh rejoiced as my heart did too.
Τhe swallow found a nest and the turtle dove a shelter,
so that they would place in there poor chicks to lie down
into your holy altar, my immortal Christ.
Just one day spent in your yard, is better than thousands ( somewhere else)
If only i would be thrown aside in the shadow of your Temple
it would be better, than live where sinners hang out.

The dark turtle dove

Mother, i am the unfortunate, dark turtle dove
bitten by wind, hurt by the rain
The hapless! Wherever it might turn too, wherever it passes by
founds no rock to stand on, nor a branch to lie down.
I am the lonely little boat, the storm tossed little boat
inside the wide sea, inside the foamed sea
i am struggling against the waves, without sails, without a steering wheel
There is no other anchor for me, but your prayer and only.

Himna slomljenog srca

Strofa 1: Jade
Hej, ja sam, tvoja bivša
Nazvala sam te se ne izvinim, ali želim ti najbolje
I ne zameram ti, obećavam da ovo nije test
Uredu smo, uredu smo
Pre refren: Leigh Anne
Nekada uspe, nekada ne
Možda ćemo to popraviti, a možda i nećemo
Ponekad srce može da tone kao kamen
Dok ne nađeš dom
Refren: Perrie i sve
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ne zanima me šta se desilo
Ali nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
Ne želim da pravim scenu
Uradio si šta si morao
Ne, nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
I ne želim da se osećam, ne želim da se osećam prazno
Jurim za nama, jurim sve ove senke
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ne zanima me šta se desilo
Ali nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
Post refren: Sve
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ovo nije slomljeno srce, ovo nije slomljeno srce
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Himna slomljenog srca, himna slomljenog srca
(Nije slomljeno srce)
Strofa 2: Jade
Hej, to sam ja, tvoja bivša
Nisam htela da nazovem ali postoji bol u mojim grudima
I zahvaljujući tebi ja nosim ovaj pancir otporan na metke
Ali biću uredu(uredu), uredu sam (uredu sam)
Pre refren: Leigh Anne
Nekada uspe, nekada ne
Možda ćemo to popraviti, a možda i nećemo
Ponekada srce može da potone kao kamen
Dok ne nađeš dom
Refren: Perrie i sve
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ne zanima me šta se desilo
Ali nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
Ne želim da pravim scenu
Uradio si šta si morao
Ne, nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
I ne želim da se osećam, ne želim da se osećam prazno
Jurim za nama, jurim sve ove senke
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ne zanima me šta se desilo
Ali nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome
Post refren: Sve
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ovo nije slomljeno srce
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Himna slomljenog srca, himna slomljenog srca
(Nije slomljeno srce)
Outro: Sve
I ne želim da se osećam, ne želim da se osećam prazno
Jurim za nama, jurim sve ove senke
Ovo nije himna o slomljenom srcu
Ne zanima me šta se desilo
Ali nemam vremena da se zadržavam na tome

Can you imagine?

The darkness has pulled there a curtain
and silence prevailed
Woman, your majesty
did you come to me?
The electric light is slightly flickering,
Transparent splashes flow on the eaves
Woman, Your Majesty,
How did you decide to come?
Can you imagine what it would be like for me
If one day
You can imagine what it would be like for me
If you'd show up?
Your appearance is a reddish rumble
it's smoke and hard to breathe
But come on in, come on, here we go
Why are you waiting in my doorway?
But who are you, where did fate bring you?
Funny to me, poor thing
You just messed up the gate,
The city, the street and the century

Quiet in the Sky

My love,
heavy anchor,
hold me tight

Not For You, Martin

Versions: #1
Something happened – the girl got angry,
And left the boy alone in the middle of the movie.
The boy, Martin, in the middle of the movie
Tried to stop the girl at the door.
Cho-cho, cho-cho-cho-cho...
Something happened – the boy got confused,
He can't forget the girl, the lady.
He tried to please her by offering her wine
But he messed up again – the girl got angry.
Not for you, Martin, is the blue sky
Not for you, boy, is the road covered with roses*
You will have to return home alone again,
Look for a worse girl, Martin.
Something happened – the boy got angry,
He fails to talk to her – is always the guilty one.
Cursed lady – how to find the key,
How to get back the only hope?


Bloomed bloomed bloomed
The shameless lavenders next to the road
Blushed blushed blushed
They're smelling and missing a friend
Walk walk alone and in pairs
Wait wait for love together
Don't love love go in a circle
Look for look for happy blossoms
La la la la la la la la la la la
Late late late
Your lavenders were in spring
They can't catch up and bloom, they can't catch up
Autumn came early
Walk walk alone and in pairs
Wait wait for love together
Don't love love go in a circle
Look for look for happy blossoms
Disappeared disappeared disappeared
The colourful spring bush
Who knows who knows who knows
Where our dream lavenders are
Walk walk alone and in pairs
Wait wait for love together
Don't love love go in a circle
Look for look for happy blossoms
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la
la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la


[Intro: Ed Sheeran]
Svi vi kul ljudi bi trebalo da odete sada
Jer sad će da se desi
[Strofa 1: Ed Sheeran & Travis Scott]
Petak je veče i furam solo (Da)
Kada tačdaun-ujem, čuvajte to kao tajnu (Gori!)
Ne zajebavam se s tvojom energijom (Jok), nema slika (Ajj)
Tako asocijalan, ali nije me briga (Ajj)
Zabole me, pušiću ovde (Ajj, tresi)
Imam flašu u ruci, ali donesi još (Ajj, tresi, tresi)
Nosim šešir nisko, ne obraćaj mi se (istina!)
[Pred-Refren: Ed Sheeran]
Bio sam tužan, dajte mi prostora
Ne znate vi šta mi je na umu
Muzika glasna, ublažava mi bol
Da, da, da, da
[Refren: Ed Sheeran]
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Na nečemu, na nečemu
Na nečemu, želim da bančim
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Neću dozvoliti da išta stane između mene i noći (Istina!)
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Na nečemu, na nečemu
Na nečemu, želim da bančim
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Neću dozvoliti da išta stane između mene i noći, da
[Strofa 2: Travis Scott]
(Treba mi prostora, treba mi prostora
treba mi prostora, treba mi prostora)
Treba mi prostora, treba mi prostora
To gde stojiš je preblizu
Mogao bi da uhvatiš dim (Da), mogao bi da uhvatiš dim
Kada zumiram (pew), kada zumiram
Mrtav pijan, budim se sam odmah nakon podneva
Odmah nakon podneva, onda sam osuđen
Zauzet i teram solo (Ooh, da)*
Hennessy utapa sve moje probleme (Utapa)
Baš pre nego što odem, ona mi daje i više od 'nedostaješ mi' (Da)
To čudo ima više pozadine, kao moj motor, ne mogu da opalim
(Na zadnjem sedištu) Video sam viziju u dečku, onda smo odani (Gori!)
[Pred-Refren: Travis Scott]
Bio sam izgubljen u svemiru
Stavila si me pravo na moje mesto
Dao sam ti svoje prezime
Da, da, da, da
[Refren: Ed Sheeran]
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Na nečemu, na nečemu
Na nečemu, želim da bančim
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Neću dozvoliti da išta stane između mene i noći (Istina!)
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Na nečemu, na nečemu
Na nečemu, želim da bančim
Ne diraj me, ne diraj me
Ne diraj me, došao sam da se opustim, da
Neću dozvoliti da išta stane između mene i noći, da


Suddenly a menace appeared,
Word has said - zombies are coming
At night I can't sleep and I am afraid,
Zombies threaten to bite painfully.
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
I already know how to defend myself
Sweep up and clean up
Otherwise creatures will attack
Reptiles, rodents, and zombies
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
There are alot of pigeons in Ukmergė
They're innocent, but all possesed
Don't pet them at all -
You can get infected by zombies
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in


The pouring rain, endless masts
closely interlaced waiting for the storm.
Packs of sharks admired meekly on
the doomed parts of the constructor.
The silver flash-light of lighhouse
grabbed the heartbeat
of beings feeling freedom,
they didn’t care about the weather.
The earth went underwater
according to the laws of nature,
the inhabitants of the integral planet
overlooked this.
The edges of the black carousel are glistening like silver,
triremes vanished into vortices.
The era sank into crater of ocean,
ships were locked with oars.
The fog crawled away in the morning after the storm,
uncovering a flat surface of ocean.
Someone suddenly noticed the glare of silhouette
of fairytale fleet from the shore through the haze.

I am capable

Come on, don't make me angry
and tear my soul tonight
and you to see your face inside...
Come one, don't make me lose my mind
I'm already done
if you decide to come back
I'll say 'screw you'...
I am capable of anything
my pain can demolish a wall
and I am aiming where it hurts
to strike my loneliness.
I'm causing chaos inside me
because I made you fall in love with me
I am capable of anything
God damn you!
Come on, don't get me started
and open my mouth
until even God curses you.
Come on, I'm telling you
I'm drunk and it's not my fault
let there be in front of me
no christian*.
I am capable of anything
my pain can demolish a wall
and I am aiming where it hurts
to strike my loneliness.
I'm causing chaos inside me
because I made you fall in love with me
I am capable of anything
God damn you!

The land as a butterfly

Spelling endlessly
the forest and the springs
we live in the great river of the country
the only one, the great one...
So young as if
we were born and taken by a flower
baby wings in the sky
we are a spot of colour...
And younger then ever
being blood brothers with the melancholy
just like the ones that here
refused the verb 'to cry'
So young as if
a supreme fire in disintegration
would melt us in a word
that means river, that means sea....
Remembering endlessly
the forest and the springs
forever in the great river of the country
with the moon and the sun...
Spelling endlessly
the fores and the springs
we live in the great river of the country
the only one, the great one...

I hate you Sl*t

My self destruction,
my eternal return
At night I say my shame
The day is here again,
Dagger and knife
And what I grab you sell
Soul that lives zoula*
I can't do it...
Give me your kiss
Your best spear
The vinegar, the bile from you
and thank you
My face, you are Judas I scream
You would stay by my side if there was gold...
gold, gold
I hate you Sl*t
you should know that
You only deserve
to suffer
I hate you Sl*t
That's all that I missed
To say murderer
And I will regret it
For my life
Bottle and Petrol
I'd prefer for you not to stay**
I have become embarassed
and it's your fault
Give me your kiss
your best spear
the vinegar, the bile from you
and thank you
My face, you are Judas I scream
You would stay by my side if there was gold...
gold, gold
I hate you Sl*t
you should know that
You only deserve
to suffer
I hate you Sl*t


Be ready. The deserted streets
are gathering in a secret ruth
Any moment now, we'll climb aboard
in an unseen vehicle.
Erase my rusty chain link a little more,
put my hard hat a little straighter
and see why the chariot doesn't come
with the knights that I wait...
On the road, you're gonna patch the silk
of the darkness on the shield.
We're lightened by the thimble
from an unknown metal.
Erase my rusty chain link a little more,
put my hard hat a little straighter
and see why the chariot doesn't come
with the knights that I wait...