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Број резултата: 41


Ceo (sam) tvoj

Van mene je
Svetac kojeg trazis
Van mene je
Heroj ljubavi
Nisam poput snova
Ono sam sto sam
Kada bih jednom brojao
Toliko svojih promasaja
Ne bi mi ostalo dovoljno prstiju
Neizmerne su planine
Tezine mojih gresaka
A opet nijednom nisam sakrio nista od tebe
Pred tobom je sve otvoreno
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I mali i veliki
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I onaj koji place i onaj drugi
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I oni za tebe zive, srce moje
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I kriv i nevin
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I cvrst i slomljen
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
Ne, nisam
Onaj koji je mekan
Ne, nisam
Stena koja te zasluzuje
Nisam neko da ga vodis
Prijateljima koje volis
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I mali i veliki
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I onaj koji place i onaj drugi
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I oni za tebe zive, srce moje
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I kriv i nevin
Ceo (sam) tvoj
I cvrst i slomljen
I svi moji skriveni ''ja''
I oni su za tebe
I iznad svega samo jedna dusa


The islands are dancing
the lives are like handkerchiefs
the bodies are like candles
cheers to our health
my wound, tonight
I will climb you up like a mountain
Opa opa opa opa 1
I fall into the fire
Opa opa opa opa
this is how I resolve my sorrows
Opa opa opa opa
this is how the heart burns
Opa opa opa opa
and from the heart's ashes
I am reborn
on the fingers there's fire
which heavy sorrows
does happiness bend?
to your first gulp of a drink
which love
life owes you tonight
  • 1. greek euphemism expressing surprise. Also used when dancing/during celebrations
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

A hundred times, a million pieces

Versions: #3
I, my love, haven't gone through many things
love, break ups and broken nights
I've never given my heart, to a hundred bodies
but I gave it a hundred times to you,
but I gave it a hundred times to you.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.
I, my love, didn't go anywhere
I never wanted to get away from you.
The little that you give me is my heart,
and I burn inside myself a hundred times the little,
and I burn inside myself a hunded times the little.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.
A hundred times, a million pieces I became for you in one night
A hundred times the eyes, said I'm leaving but I didn't leave a single one
A hundred times the lips, yelled but remained silent
A hundred times a mess, I became for you one more time,
I became for you one more time.


Pričaju da su te videli da skitaš noću
Guliš asfalt
Pričaju da si srećna
I ne sećaš se ko ovde živi
Pričaju da izlaziš sa našim zajedničkim prijateljima
Pričaju i da u nama
U gužvi ovog sveta
Živiš ti i moj bol
Kada bih umeo da stavim malo srca
Malo srca u tvoje telo
Malo srca i kap sećanja
Samo kap, u slučaju da ti se dogodi
Da se setiš ko si bila
Pričaju da su te videli da plešeš noću
I igraš se s vatrom
Ti si šibica za svačije oči
Ali moja toplota ne može da te zapali
Pričaju da su te videli zanesenu
Pričaju da si grlila zvezde
Živi, nebo je tvoje
Znam ja, čitavog života ga pozajmljujem
Kada bih umeo da stavim malo srca
Malo srca u tvoje telo
Malo srca i kap sećanja
Samo kap, u slučaju da ti se dogodi
Da se setiš ko si bila
Slušaj kako kuca
Slušaj, dolazi duboko iz mene
I kontroliše me
Znam da je to jedan nepoznat
Jedan tebi nepoznat zvuk
Ali to je zvuk srca

As long as you're alive

Before you make any decisions
and lose me forever
Before you take another road
There's one thing I'm going to tell you
And I'm stating it to you
As long as you're alive, you'll love me
As long as you're alive, you'll ask for me
As long as you're alive, no matter who you're sleeping with
You're gonna hurt, you're gonna pretend
As long as you're alive, you'll love me
As long as you're alive, you'll ask for me
As long as you're alive, no matter who you're sleeping with
You're gonna hurt, you're gonna pretend
Before time stops
and starts counting backwards
Before we touch the pain
There's one thing I'm going to tell you
And I'm stating it to you
As long as you're alive, you'll love me
As long as you're alive, you'll ask for me
As long as you're alive, no matter who you're sleeping with
You're gonna hurt, you're gonna pretend
As long as you're alive, you'll love me
As long as you're alive, you'll ask for me
As long as you're alive, no matter who you're sleeping with
You're gonna hurt, you're gonna pretend

It's a pity

In a scene of loneliness
You make my dreams drift away
Like fireworks in the night
And you're tortuting me
And I get angry and I wonder
Why did I get to this point
What good had I seen in you
To make me love you
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity for the falling
That you paid back with lies
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity that I believed in you
And I robbed my own heart
So many vows like rain
And they've turned out to be lies
Behind damages and mistakes
You were there
And I get more and more sick
And I break like glass
You can walk over my life
It's become a carpet
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity for the falling
That you paid back with lies
It's a pity that I loved you
It's a pity that I adored you
It's a pity that I believed in you
And I robbed my own heart

Into the Fire

It's night by the window
come on, my loneliness, fight me
because we're celebrating in each other's embrace tonight
Let the moon be jealous
Let it take you away from me
I'm leaving, I can't stand you anymore
Into the fire, into the fire
Let me throw myself, let me turn to ashes
Let the flame embrace me
Like your love used to do back then.
Into the fire, into the fire
let me throw them all and get away
I don't want a body, nor do I want a heart
If you wanted them, I'd give them to you
I'd give them to you...
It's morning by the window
come on, and there's this wind
let it lift the whole world up
In the mirror where I tear up
Cursing is not enough for me anymore
I want to throw a punch
Into the fire, into the fire
Let me throw myself, let me turn to ashes
Let the flame embrace me
Like your love used to do back then.
Into the fire, into the fire
let me throw them all and get away
I don't want a body, nor do I want a heart
If you wanted them, I'd give them to you
I'd give them to you...

Gde si

gde si ti...
kraj otvorenog prozora
sa mesecom koji si izdala
pod kojim smo sada kao stranci
gde sam ja....
sa satom
kao u klopci onoga što mi pokazuje
trenutak mi je prošao
gde si sada,
kada mi je hladno i plašim se
i samo želim da sam s tobom...
možda i ti,ljubavi,
pitaš gde sam ja ili si me jednostavno prebolela
gde si večeras
kada se zidovi znoje
i sećanja okolo kao zveri urliču
možda,ljubavi moja, tebe ljubavi plaše
i zato se nisi vratila
gde sam...
na kauču sa čaršavom
koji još miriše na tebe
i našu slatku ljubav
gde si ti..
u čiji zagrljaj se bacaš već
kojeg se svog straha oslobadjaš?
želeo bih da malo misliš o meni...
gde si sada..
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Voli me

Drži me u svom zagrljaju
pričaj mi o svojim brojnim snovima
reci mi tajne
neka vreme teče
jer sam te sada skoro dotakao
ti si ovde i mogu početi da radim stvari
koliko sam samo želeo da te pronađem.
Voli me koliko možeš
jer je teško ako me ne voliš
samoća je teška
srce ne može da je izdrži
voli me tako da ja mogu
izdržati sve vrste istina
tako da mogu izdržati da preživim
u ovom iracionalnom svetu
voli me koliko možeš
saznaj o meni, živi za mene
pričaj mi, pitaj me
šali se sa mnom, smeši mi se
i ako, kako kažu,
u stvarnosti, zauvek ne traje
želim da te vidim večeraš čak i na kratko
voli me.
Pogledaj me, ja sam prošao kroz mnogo toga
drži me, ja godinama tražim zagrljaj
da se odmorim u snu
ti si tu sada i ja sam živ
Hvala ti.
Voli me koliko možeš
jer je teško ako me ne voliš
samoća je teška
srce ne može da je izdrži
voli me tako da ja mogu
izdržati sve vrste istina
tako da mogu izdržati da preživim
u ovom iracionalnom svetu
voli me koliko možeš
saznaj o meni, živi za mene
pričaj mi, pitaj me
šali se sa mnom, smeši mi se
i ako, kako kažu,
u stvarnosti, zauvek ne traje
želim da t evidim večeraš čak i na kratko
voli me