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Рођени смо зато што је то једноставно имало смисла

У подножју планине у далекој земљи, надирала је најлепша вода овог света.
Убрзо постаје река где се накупљају јата риба.
Гладног медведа који се храни тим рибама хвата ловац.
Продаје га на тржишту и ћерци купује шналу.
Онда дођоше зли људи и украдоше све.
То се десило тачно усред историје, још док је Бог био беба.
Сузе које је мајка исплакала натопише земљу што заудара на пепео,
ожари их сунце и оне испарише у кишни облак.
Исти облаци су прешли океан и спустили се над пустињом која није видела кишу 5 месеци.
Писац који је преживео пијући кишницу се вратио у домовину и написао песму.
Када су младићи, певајући исту песму, послани на прве линије фронта,
девојка којој су разнели главу се вратила земљи без да је ико приметио.
На том месту су израсла велика стабла која су посекли да би створили град.
Док се дизао дим у небеса, родили смо се са прљавим лицима.
Људи убијени са добрим намерама, људи који се сналазе са лошим намерама.
Наши животи су спашени јер смо остали по страни. Рођени смо зато што је то једноставно имало смисла.
Наше вредности обешене о небодере пуштају крваве сузе
јер људи којима је потрошња једина врлина бацају камење на њих.
Уметник који не успева да заради новац ломи свој кист
и живи на подвожњаку воза, увек пуним разметљивим људима
Песме су направљене тако да пашу емоцијама које људи осећају,
те кад си тужан слушај ту песму, а усамљени људи нека слушају ону.
'Не можете ме преварити', помишљаш док ти се сумња накупља.
Све постаје сумњиво до те мере да више не верујеш људима, па те категоришу као болесника.
Моје слабашно срце гладује и чезне за више трагедија.
Странац који је изложио своj правду, без икакве кривице обезглављује


Ако ћеш да напустиш, у реду је,
вратићу све ствари које си ми дала.
Сат, ЦД-ове, возарину,
све осим твоје љубазности.
Ходам сам поред пруге,
али испод расвете ми се указују две сенке.
То је твој дух, и ако си заиста то ти, срећан сам.
Светлост нестаје и потпуно сам сâм.
Мислио сам да се ствари неће променити,
али није било начина да то буде истина.
Но, ти си ме уверила у то,
као неки сплеткаш или мађионичар.
Зар не, Рита?
Не плачем за људима који нису отишли.
Не плачем за стварима које нису покварене.
'Добро сам и сâм', могу да кажем ако је лаж,
али пошто су то речи, свакако их могу рећи.
У соби се чују само тихи фрижидер
и смејање из телевизора.
Баш би било добро кад бих могао да видим осећања.
Заправо, не, не желим то. Било би окрутно.
Ти, која желиш да живиш у корист других,
и ја, који желим да живим само за себе.
Као кад зупчаници не одговарају један другоме,
баш тако, звучао је наш смех.
Када бирамо једну ствар,
то значи да се решавамо друге,
и то је реду. Послушно ћу отићи у канту
и отпратити те. Зар не, Рита?
Ти, која не плачеш за себе,
чак и онда кад ти је најтеже.
Зашто си онда баш ти заплакала,
заплакала пре мене?
Увек мислим само о себи
и никад не пазећи на друге,
ако не будем добро бирао своје речи,
некога ћу засигурно повредити.
Увек мислим само о прошлости
и никад не пазећи на будућност,
као да ходам окренут леђима,
засигурно ћу се спотаћи.
Не плачем за људима који су остали
и јер планирам да разумем то,
више не желим да живим само за себе,
него желим да се смешим за неког другог.
Баш као ти.
Не плачем за заборављеном прошлошћу,
нити за временом које није прошло.
Смејали смо се заједно, годишња доба пролазе,
време тече и то је то.

Silent Eve

The pure white powder snow makes people stop still.
They will remember the place where their heart seeks.
No matter how many love I layered or drew close,
You're not here on the precious night.
I decided my farewell, but I never did it for you.
I was sad to see the candles flickering with anxiety.
The rule that we have to be friends is a very difficult game to play.
I will not disturb the two of you ever again.
The truth is, we all want to be nice.
Even so, we can not be an angel.
When my eyes are not looking away, my memories get moistened.
The transition of the seasons will turn the page.
I decided my farewell, but it's not your fault at all.
All my decorated flowers and cards are, Merry Christmas for me
Instead of smiling like a friend, let me cry alone for now.
Until I catch my dream once more, Silent Night
Until I catch my dream once more, Silent Night

Pure Love

Versions: #1
I wish to sit next to you1
When you sleep
And if I happen to fall sleep
keep dreaming of you
Scent of your breath
Engulfs my body
I wish you realize that
My life is nothing without you
This was just meant to be2
You are coming back to me
Cause, this is pure love
Cause, this is pure love

I know you are more afraid
Then I’ll say I will wait
Cause this is pure love
Cause this is pure love

I wish to hold that pretty body of you
In my arms
To tell you that without you
I’m done
I’m going to die without you
I wish you put your lips
On mine and it lasts forever!
To tell you that my life
Can’t go on without you
This was just meant to be
You are coming back to me
Cause this is pure love
Cause this is pure love

I know you are more afraid
Then I’ll say I will wait
Cause, this is pure love
Cause, this is pure love

ba ra la la la la ba la la la
the moon smells it all
ba ra la la la la ba la la la
'cause this is pure love
ba ra la la la la ba la la la
the moon smells it all
ba ra la la la la ba la la la
Cause this is pure love

You are not here
And my heart is heavy without you forever
But the stars are telling me
It is too late now
  • 1. Male singer
  • 2. Parts in italics are sung by the female singer

Danube, I Want To Ask You Something

Danube, i want to ask you something:
about the time the rooster
was singing until dawn.
- Until dawn
how many ships have passed?
- One thousand five hundred.
One thousand five hundred,
with your man in front,
on his nicely decorated ship.
On his nicely decorated ship
he was singing you a song:
'Go on and get married, my beautiful girl!
Get married, my beautiful girl,
while you're still young and full of life
like the flowers from the garden.'

Kisses on a rainy night

My hair got wet because of spring rain
This tiny body of mine is trembling
I need you to hold me close now
Just like the falling cherry blossoms
An umbrella is tumbling down from the hill
And there is no wind
Kisses on a rainy night
Ah I'm soaking wet, soaking wet
Scared of spring thunder, I cringe terribly
Contemplating the future of this love
Give me your heart, give me the truth
It feels like witnessing the blue thunder
Shoes with broken shoelaces in my hand,
I could go and search for you right now in my barefoot
Kisses on a rainy night
Ah I'm burning hot, burning hot
You picked up the umbrella and almost opened it
But you held me tight and held me so tight
Kisses on a rainy night
Ah I'm shaking inside, shaking inside

Each Day, Each Night

Each day another day is gone
I wake up and you are no more by my side
Days are the same, getting worse by day
The closest thing to me is being away from you
Each day, each night, there is rain in my eyes
My days are [dark] as night, my world is upside down
I fear being alone so bad
Feverish each night, I shiver inside
Your love won’t leave my heart
Here is my heart, with so many screams inside
Have you in my mind, have your love in my heart
Your name is on my lips, once every second
Each day, each night, there is rain in my eyes
My days are [dark] as night, my world is upside down
I fear being alone so bad
Feverish each night, I shiver inside

Come, O my life, come

I’m waiting for you
O my dearest, come
Come, welcome to my eye 1
Come, O the best, come
Come, because of the desire
The longing for you tonight
The flares of the moon poured
On the ground, come
Come, O my life, come, come
Come, O my best, come, come
O my life, the torment of [waiting for] you is killing me
Come, O the apple of my eye, come, come
Come, O my life, come, come
Come, O my best, come, come
O my life, the torment of [waiting for] you is killing me
Come, O the apple of my eye, come, come
Come, [sit] on every twig 2
Of the tree of my heart
Like the birdies on the meadow
Play with so many instruments
Roaring sound of my song 3
Is in the spring of a world
In which the sound of “come, come”
Brings on the apex in the mystical dance 4
Come, O my life, come, come
Come, O my best, come, come
O my life, the torment [of waiting] for you is killing me
Come, O the apple of my eye, come, come
Come, O my life, come, come
Come, O my best, come, come
O my life, the torment [of waiting] for you is killing me
Come, O the apple of my eye, come, come
Come, O my life, come
  • 1. Lit. come to the house of my eye
  • 2. Lit. branch
  • 3. Lit. roar of my signing
  • 4. Lit. : Dance performed by mystics to induce a trance

Gumshoes (full version)

Day and night from the Carpathians to Kuril Islands1
The winds blow, calling and beckoning,
I've bought myself good gumshoes,2
Please, take this and don't hold me.
I want to go throughout the land in gym shoes
To sight personally what is lying long way out,
(Please, write me letters in petty handwriting,
Insofar as there’s not much room in the backpack.) x2
In taiga I love a taiga trail,
And in desert I love a vast amount of ginger sand,
Wherein the uncomplaining camel got used to carry
Two humps as two huge backpacks.
In gumshoes you can walk along with the song:
On the asphalt, on the grass, amidst the swamps,
In gumshoes you can even fly in the sky -
If you also add a helicopter to them.
If the rain springs up with the breeze,
Before you get a cold, be warned:
To a drugstore for a sinapism3
You'll have to go 400 miles on foot.4
Watch at the trail attentively,
I've imprinted by soles wherever I could
The clear number 'forty three' -5
And the factory brand, as a tracery!
  • 1. Карпаты - the mountains in western Ukraine, 'Курилы' (Курильские острова) - the islands in eastern Russia, near the Japanese border
  • 2. 'кеды' - type of sports shoes, popular in '60-80s, obsolete in '90s,
    predecessor of sneakers
  • 3. 'горчичник' - a sheet of paper with mustard, applied in medicine in event of cold
  • 4. 'верста' - 1.06 km length
  • 5. '43' - figure, meaning shoe size


Boredom melted in the glass, your dress & heel jumps into view,
Mmm... You combed your hair back, it's enchanting
You want some love? I wanna be even more captivated
Want some true love?
Love, love, love, I wanna feel it even more
Wanna real love? It's a sign of our start
Baby! Come on, It's show time
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Show me, show me, I love your dance!
No need to keep calm, let's go beyond the limit,
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Kiss, kiss, I want a kiss! Kiss!
I don't want us to be bothered by anyone, so
Don't keep me waiting, let's break through the climax
Tonight is only for you, only with you, this show time
This BGM with a fickle beat
Synchronizes your & my heart
Lines delivered flawlessly by accident, it's perfect
You want some love? Surely, right from the start
Want some true love?
Love, love, love Surely, we were connected
Wanna real love? It's a sign of our fate
Baby! Come on, It's show time
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Show me, show me, I love your dance!
This won't end just like that, the fun has just begun
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Kiss, kiss, I want a kiss! Kiss!
It's something that'll be forgiven by anyone, right?
Don't keep me waiting, let's break through the climax
I've decided, only for you, only with you, this show time
Magic that makes me see only you
Imagine it spreads infinitely
Forever ringing, the best curtain call, la la la...
Making it colorful, a world that blends with the future,
If it's with you, I wonder what kind of color will it be?
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Show me, show me, I love your dance!
No need to keep calm, let's go beyond the limit,
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Kiss, kiss, I want a kiss! Kiss!
I don't want us to be bothered by anyone, so
Don't keep me waiting, let's break through the climax
Tonight is only for you, only with you, this show time
Let's continue this like a dream one more time
Only for you, only with you, this show time
Come baby let's go out, baby!
Dance, dance, you make me dance!
Kiss, kiss, I want a kiss! Kiss!
Show time!

World Resolution

From a top-down perspective, colors look like laws of the world.
If you become the party of interest, staring makes it look like crude grafitti.
Impossible things have happened more times than I can count. All while you were alive.
Each time, you cast your eyes down and pretended it didn't happen. Now, at last you've forgotten.
Both tragedies and comedies have the same capacity.
While listening to BGM at several mega units, I'm clinging to life.
Begging the broken world in tears, as expected we didn't have any of it.
Human talent too was the resolution of a world like that.
Today too, we pushed our way through the cruel overcrowding, exhausted from the things we must do.
The resolution of the world matches the proof of our existence we leave behind.
Your point of view. My point of view. What do you see?
Deceiving and being deceived, when you get fed up and plug your ears
I understand how you feel. But because of that we will part for life.
It's already too late now. Good and evil and such. More importantly, we have to reconnect them.
Burnt out light. You need light at night, if nothing else.
There's a storm outside, it's disastrous but you
skate so defensively and laugh. You fight against it.
At that place only for you, don't close your eyes and look at it.
Each and every point of view restitched together is the new resolution of the world.
Clinging to the success of deceit once ago, what they've set their sights on tomorrow
is just a rerun of the past anyway. That's their resolution.
Today's point of view. The past's point of view. What do you see?
Our every day ends in just a moment. That emptiness will haunt you for life.
Start from fearing the end, because we will likely forget.
Live life and death with daily joys and music at your side.
Your cells came from the edge of space, a line connecting directly to my corpse.
You took my hand while crying, your hand that was already no longer.
My hand that hadn't ended yet is starting your hand from here on out.
Begging the broken world in tears, even if I go crazy I'll sing.
The overtone of speculation and the resolution of the world resounding together.
I came to say I wanted to see you, it's not a period here but a comma.
If you connect that pain and regret it forms the resolution of the world.
What do you see? What do you see? What do you see?

Playtime's Over Now.

Today's come to nothing. It's time to head back now.
Leaving the messy room for one last pint on the deck.
You're still keeping that young wind on the cuff of your shirt.
I softly stroke the horizon on which morning will surely come before long.
Playtime's over now.
The pattern on the rug is so strange. With pizza sauce and beer on it.
I've decided to rewrite our lives that are so dirtied at times.
I understand getting mad at our slovenly politicians, but
I'll need you to pay me back for the TV cracked by a wine bottle.
Playtime's over now.
At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. Antidepressants, warmth of a hand, welfare,
notice of absence and absence of self. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.
Playtime's over now.
Leafing through Swann's Way. Condom in the trash can.
Friend sleeping in the toilet. Wait, no, who are you again?
I can go however far, but with this face that says I don't dare to.
To sit down in this world is to have a drink with tedium.
Playtime's over now.
In one of our hands, we lost an easy game.
See, we dropped it just now. Just like a car key.
'Stop it, you'll die!' You say, like it's funny.
'Stop it, youll die!' It's true. It's true.
At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. A sunny weekend, alcohol, serotonin,
deep sleep and dark seafloor. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.
Playtime's over now.
Only a headache left by wild passion. A dream from some time ago, dried up in midsummer.
Scattered aspirations and recklessness. A smile and defenselessly catering to you.
What is correct is sometimes hysteria. The rotting railroad ties of the track.
The smell of the dampened soil in May. Rather than stepping on shadows, it's more like shadows stepped on.
When we've finished cleaning up, when morning has come,
I wonder where we'll go.
You mumble, about that.. About that,
'We're each going back to our own lives.'
Playtime's over now.

The Eclosion of the Sun

The cluster of silvergrass beckons, as if it has gone mad.
The sunlight is tinged red. Summer exposes things that can't be photographed.
That is, the soon to arrive eclosion of the sun.
Sewing life as a state onto a bonnet,
I transport my body along a white line someone has drawn.
Depression clining to the scenery. At that moment my memories cramped.
I cut my finger on a seashell buried in the desert.
It's coming again today. A sad omen of a dark color.
It's finally here, the eclosion of the sun.
But, only on one side was there a wing missing.
If it's seasons, they've gone and left just now.
They've left this dull song behind.
We were separated so far from each other,
a distance so far we'll never make it back again.
I've given up on it floating in the sky.
The sun lit up the city.
Today, when I stopped starting anything--
I acted like it was just any other day.

Winter Storm

Snowstorm flutters in the North Sea. Today too, Fuyu Arashi.
One thread.
A blacktailed gull groans.
Howling silver.
Ginrin, Tappizaki.
Play the shamisen from Yoshijo.
The black hair of a women’s life.
A protective tag on a rubber kappa.
On the second thread.
Uncut finished bond thread.
Play the shamisen from Yoshijo.
Snow blowed up from the bottom.
When will spring come to me.
Three threads.
The plectrum roars.
Blood freezes in the barking angry waves.
Play the shamisen from Yoshijo.

I Apologize (Man Ma'zerat Mikham)

They say: 'What goes, comes around', it's true then
Go and don't stay with me, because this heart of stone is soulless
I'm bad on purpose to make you leave, I'm scared of waiting around
I'm tired, no I really can't bring myself to tire you out (too)
I apologize that I become bad sometimes
Leave this boring (repetitive) me alone
I'm not in my usual mood nowadays, I'm strange
These days I'm (acting) badly sick with everyone
Go be well, my dear!
Go be well, my dear!
I'm wet under the rain and the snow, I go without an umbrella, they haven't seen (anyone) like me
Go be well, my dear!
Go be well, my dear!
My heart broke badly before you
It's good that this becomes a lesson for you then
Now go! Now don't stay, because it's smoke will go into both of our eyes*
I apologize that I become bad sometimes
Leave this boring (repetitive) me alone
I'm not in my usual mood nowadays, I'm strange
These days I'm (acting) badly sick with everyone
Go be well, my dear!
Go be well, my dear!
I'm wet under the rain and the snow, I go without an umbrella, they haven't seen (anyone) like me
Go be well, my dear!
Go be well, my dear!
*Persian proverb, meaning that the consequences of an action will hurt the person, just like smoke can make one's eyes burn.

The sneakers

Versions: #1
If the rain with a breeze comes suddenly and pours,
Before you catch a cold, you should know:
Four hundred versts on foot to the nearest drugstore
To pick up mustard plasters you have to go.
I want to walk in sneakers all over the world,
To see for yourself something that lies ahead,
And the handwriting in your letters must be very small,
Since there is not much room in my backpack.
And the handwriting in your letters must be very small,
Since there is not much room in the backpack.