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amazarashi - A Feeling of Life 生活感

Versions: #2
amazarashi - A Feeling of Life 生活感
The reflected light of the highway flares in the blue sky.
A mirage of the Milky Way, the Northern Star feels alive.
More fuel in the heater. A night of deep snow.
The smoke rises up endlessly. The whooping cough starts to act up.
In the forest at the hase of a precipitous mountain, a moonlit night that only comes once every thousands of years.
An invoice that elicits a sigh.
The girl sleeps soundly, cloaked in stillness.
On a wallpaper depicting a dense forest, a centipede makes its way across the world.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
To this song of joy, this ode.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
Persistent stains cling to my song.
To this song of joy, this ode.

amazarashi - Waiting for Spring 春待ち

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Waiting for Spring 春待ち
The alley to the right, when your back faces the station, meets a dead end at a freight warehouse.
There, across the corner from a coin laundry, is the road to her house.
''Though I follow a number of memories, the road I'll follow is this alone.''
I stay with only these sentimentalities, which I'll one day leave behind.
A certain town. The passing of heavy rain.
A blanket of snow. Damp, slushy snow.
In the end, I rise up against the dancing snow, and I wait for spring.
At the mercy of high waves the gulls drifting about beneath the midnight sun are lost in the engulfing darkness. I offer my condolences, and I wait for spring.
Beyond this point, the darkness grows. I wince at it.
Suddenly, the lyrics I've written are worthless, so I wait for spring.
The flowers count the seconds until their bloom. Faintly, sunlight pours in.
A good omen. On this day, I leave town, and wait for spring.
Somewhere, I'll wait for spring.
Somewhere, I'll wait for spring.

amazarashi - The Reason I Wanted To Die 僕が死のうと思ったのは

Versions: #2
The Reason I Wanted To Die
The reason I wanted to die, was that seagulls were squawking down by the wharf.
They floated off at the mercy of the waves.
Peck away at my past, too, before you fly off.
The reason I wanted to die, was that our apricot tree blossomed on my birthay.
When I dozed off in its dappled sunlight, I wondered if I could join all the dead bugs and return to dust.
Peppermint candy. The lamplight of a fishing harbour.
In front of a stove in a wooden station building, but there's nowhere my heart can embark.
Today was exactly the same as yesterday.
''If you want to change tomorrow you have to change today!''
I get that. I get it. But still...
The reason I wanted to die, was that my heart had become hollow.
The reason I cry about how unsatisfied I am, is surely because I'm wishing for fulfillment.
The reason I wanted to die, was that my shoelaces had come untied.
I was never really that good at re-tying them.
My relationships with others are same way, too.
The reason I wanted to die, was that a teenager was staring right at me.
And now I'm prostrated atop my bed, apologizing to my younger self.
The dim light of the computer. The ambient noise from the floors above.
A bird-caged boy, plugging his ears to block out the interphone chime.
I'm fighting with an enemy I can't even see, like I'm Don Quixote in this 10x10 bedroom.
And in the end, what I'm fighting for is a truly unseemly thing.
The reason I wanted to die, was that I was called a cold-hearted person.
The reason I cry that I long to be loved, is that can't unlearn the warmth of another person's touch.
The reason I wanted to die, was that you smile so beautifully.
The reason I can't stop thinking about death, must be that I take living too seriously.
The reason I wanted to die, was that I still hadn't met you yet!
If the world has people like you in it, then I like the world a little bit more.
If the world has people like you in it, then I have a little bit more hope for the world.

amazarashi - In the Darkness: To Leave and Never Return

Versions: #2
In the Darkness: To Leave and Never Return
Sucking on a piece of hard candy, in a school building the night before the war, jailed-up teenagers whistle the moonlit night.
And on the two-day-old newspaper that clings to the iron fences are the typical sensationalist headlines and smiles of a mother and father.
On the veranda of an apartment building, a pack of panty-raiding boys - steal the capitalism-glorifying lingerie.
In my case, I want to get in a little bit of trouble tonight, so I'm packing contraband CDs and a knife in my backpack.
Misery is continuing to act miserable, while being miserable all the while.
And my misery makes me boast about how miserable I am.
''If it's sunny out tomorrow, let's go play catch or something!'' - Catch this emotionally unstable curveball!
The days always pass us by, and they always leave us in the dust.
We missed the last train, and we're waiting for daybreak on the platform.
But we're such cowards, so we always cry as though we were the victims.
And we'll cry untill these excuse-like tears return to the sea.
It's like I'm driving a bomb-rigged truck down the rough roads of the Middle East with a speed far greater than merely hurrying toward death.
And though that's not really the reason, I'm going out on a journey.
There's exhaust gas in the headwinds, and I've got the Blue Hearts playing on cassette.
Tomorrow will take care of itself, just like it always does.
Our freedom always makes us run off at the mouth about how restrained we are.
If yesterday never comes back once it leaves, then on recycling day, it can take with it the thrown out heap of classified magazines.
The days always pass us by, and they always leave us in the dust.
We missed the last train, and we're waiting for daybreak on the platform.
But we're such cowards, so we always cry as though we were the victims.
And we'll cry untill these excuse-like tears return to the sea.
Until they return to the sea.
Until they return to the sea.
''Do we keep going? Do we turn back?'' We can't look back ever again!
''Do we keep going? Do we turn back?'' Once you stand still, it's over!
Like empty soda cans that didn't make it into the park trash bin - Look! Our unfulfilled dreams from way back when are littered on the ground.
The days always pass us by, and they always leave us in the dust.
We missed the last train, and we're waiting for daybreak on the platform.
But we're such cowards, so we always cry as though we were the victims.
And we'll cry untill these excuse-like tears return to the sea.
Until they return to the sea.
Until they return to the sea.

You cut my heart into slices

Versions: #2
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
Come you, come by yourself
Come only you beside me
Your look, your voice, your lips
I want them only for myself
Come you! beside me!
Your look! I want it with me!
Your voice! I like it!
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
[Chorus x2]
You cut my heart into slices
Don’t disturb me! Then I’ll want you!
You cut my heart into slices
You make me vagrant, but I want only you
You cut my heart into slices
You cut my heart into slices

amazarashi - Living Dead (リビングデッド) Song 2018

Living dead
Take a closer look: they run rampant in an age where nobody can be innocent.
Even as they condemn one another, they just grow apathetic again.
The hole that opened up when love left us -there are no idols large enough to fill it here.
Or at the very least are none in my room.
They keep stuff like ''I want to keep living'' and ''I just want to die already''
Oh, living dead.
Oh, living dead.
They wander idly through life.
Some say, ''I can't take this anymore!'' as they jump from rooftops.
The rest have faces that say ''That's none of my business. If I can live without taking that responsibility, then I'll do just that.''
Even though there's no such thing as ''eternity'', we made up a world for it, and now we choke up with tears at impermanence.
When we scream our regrets, weaknesses, and tears loud enough, they become songs.
So to the people whose tears won't dry up: go on and sing!
Let's stop throwing stones at each other when we falter and fail.
After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
In fact, we're already making one right now: Because we're linving in an age where it's no skin off your back if you don't love your neighbor, and understanding each other isn't such a simple thing to do.
''Which way was it? I don't care anymore. I'll just go where I want.''
Oh, living dead.
Oh, living dead.
They aren't hindered by the corpses they wear.
They don't back.
They can't turn back.
But even still, they can't choose a path.
Never looking back, always gazing up at tomorrow's sky.
Even though there's no such thing as ''correct'', we made up a word for it.
Tomorrow, yet again, we'll be clinging to our hatchets.
When we confess by ourselves our cowardice, crimes, and disgrace, they become songs.
So to the people who won't be forgiven: go on and sing!
If we're searching for righteousness, then at the very least won't find it here. We won't find it here.
A steam train could make a full journey, fuelled by all the mistaken emotions of dejected losers.
It's all horseshit.
We have no choice but to give up on honesty and integrity. We've dirtied our hands.
And if some haughty prick belittles that as worthless drivel, I'll kill them it their sleep.
Burn away your unfulfilled wishes.
Burn away your unrealized dreams.
Burn away your fruitless resentment.
Burn away the nights that never fully died.
Even though there's no such thing as ''absolute'', we made up a word for it.
Why are we always keeping an eye out for what our neighbors might do?
When we sink our inferioty complexes and self-loathing down to the bottom, they become songs.
So to the people who can't quite die: go on and sing!

amazarashi - ''14 Years Old'' 14歳

Versions: #2
14 Years Old
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
The gloom of crows, sitting on the overhead wire of the North-bound Joban Line platform.
The gloom of the girl watching them, shouldering days that she can't laugh away.
''Every day, it's always the same, but I'm not a kid anymore. So I won't chase after the things that have left, and I won't look back on things past. I still feel like I'm making a mistake, but there's surely no getting around that.''
The long hair of a boy, who came to Tokyo with a dream sways in the gust from the city's high-rises. And she watches it.
She watches.
With the eves of a crow, she watches.
She watches.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
I have no idea where I am.
I can't put up with the lingering ridicule.
It's like white dwarf star down an alleyway, and I'd like to be incinerated in it.
In an instant, I'd be turned to dust, blow off into the wind, and disappear.
But I'm cooped up in a locked room, so I won't even burn out or anything.
A father and son were laughing out on the veranda of an orange apartment building.
Their voices were confident that good things would happen tomorrow.
But it was a little heartbreaking, just how confident those voices were.
Because with dark clouds in the distante, I'm sure there will be rain tomorrow.
It wasn't fun, but we tried to smile.
And yet, we're still empty inside.
Right now, I need to start doing something.
In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
In the attic of teenage self-consciousness, which wanted to fit in more than anything else, all the light is blocked out by posters that say things like, ''I didn't want people to dislike me''.
''What on earth can I even become?'' - in the end, I didn't really become anything.
Still today I live on, sipping an evening dew that resembles the embers of adolescence.
Unlike all the American movies, my happy ending never came.
In the end I'm still me, so in the end today is still today.
I thought we were supposed to have the power to change our futures.
A run-of-the-mill variety show playing on TV made me laugh a little.
It wasn't sad, but tears still fell.
That's because we're always empty inside.
Right now, I need to start doing something. In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
She didn't want to live, but she still survived.
Because even today, she's still empty inside.
Right now, I need to convey something. In that case, I'll sing songs.
Though dreams don't really exist, I tried to sing.
Because in the end, everything is garbage.
Right now, I need to leave something behind. In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.

amazarashi - “Mayday, Mayday!” メーデーメーデー

Versions: #2
Men and women of all ages bleach their retinas, clouded by limitless pleasures.
They march mindlessly along to the tune of depravity.
Resistance is futile.
Tyranny of the majority.
No is not even an option.
That still, small voice in your head? Kill him.
Ignorance incarnate, incompetence, and trash are our moral compass now.
The opposers, who stay clear of the dazzling, popular world are cornered here, backed against the wall of modern rationalism.
We pray for the many victims on the other side of the TV, but click our tongues at the suicide victim who delayed today's train.
Our ill intentions are unconscious, like sighs, and they saturate Tokyo with a smell like fast-food oil.
A moment of silence.
“Keep it down, you're so noisy!”, my self-consciousness can't help but blurt out, “Stop ruining the silence!”.
Trampled asphalt, an anatomy purged of all life - if we should die equally in this land, the Sister!
Please show us mercy on us outlanders!
What is “immorality”? For it was good that begat evil.
We cling tight to it, immediately after it abuses us - “You whore!”
The age of mankind's rebellion is at last ushered is by the 21st century.
In order to redefine value, virtue, and beauty, we have a sword sharpened for insurrection, hymns of lamentation.
You haven't forgotten who you are, have you?
At a used bookstore, Heidegger comes at a dollar a pop.
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
After graduating college, he found a job at a small company.
He took that as the opportunity to settle down with the classmate he had been dating.
Sons and daughters, one by one.
Blessed by a family of four.
Work was hard, but the salary was better than average, so he was at ease for a while.
He sacrificed so many things.
he gritted his teeth through all the humiliation.
For his efforts, it seemed like he might be able to afford that brand new apartment downtown.
Light started to shine a bit.
He worked himself harder than ever before.
But that ended poorly.
Ambition and vanity kept him away from his friends.
Rumors spread about how loathsome he was.
He was insulted and scorned.
“Don't stand out”, he admonished himself Peer pressure.
Bottom of the hierarchy.
Housing costs.
Down payments.
He realized he was no more than a chained- up dog.
He couldn't bear to let down his wife's smiling face.
──── That's all what I guess happened, to the guy who jumped in front the train today.
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
Should we lay them off?
Should we discriminate?
Should they be weeded out?
Truth is, that very sort of malice is ubiquitous.
These days, if you're able to have the confidence that you'll be alright, you're either stupidly powerful or just plain stupid.
If the only reason you vent your anger on others is that you want to flaunt your status, then you should keep that filthy, sewage drain of a mouth shut.
Is this a loveless era? I don't think so.
But I've seen love carelessly handled countless times.
I love people.
But more than that, I've hated people too.
There are bastards I want to kill, but I've also met people I want to protect.
The time to idly resent the world is over.
I plan to pay it back.
But if it gets to than point, I wonder if I'm going to have to fight.
Win or lose, top or bottom - it's not about that.
Not prizes or awards either: it's already a fight for survival.
Can you afford to be distracted?
Can you bear to stay silent?
Will you please just make it out of this alive?
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
“Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
“Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.

amazarashi - Karappo no sora ni tsubusareru (空っぽの空に潰される)

Versions: #4
amazarashi - Crushed Beneath an Empty Sky
I collected too many letters that I had to get rid of my own belongings.
Just as I finally start to feel satisfied, the truth is it empty again.
''It's better to have more money'',
''It's better to have more friends'',
''It's better to have more peace of mind''
- what is ''happiness'' in the end?
We speel ''frantic'' as ''certain of death'',
we speel ''dazed'' as ''inside of a dream''.
And, right now, frantic and dazed, we're running through the seasons.
Our injuries wouldn't stop growing, but we had friends who could laugh and say, ''It hurts!''
But don't envy your past self- that person's only an imaginary rival.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky!
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
These curt seasons come one after another, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
In the end, ''human beings'' seem to have one or two things missing.
Do you think we're lacking something?
Do you think we're in need of something?
I only have as little baggage as I need, and for me that's more than enough.
So let's see if I can run again.
Let's see if I can run, frantic and dazed.
Today comes to an and, and another today comes around.
I can't go anywhere as they stream past, but when I said I hate the things I hate, I've finally washed ashore at this ''today''.
That's why today is an anniversary: the anniversary of when I finally took a stand.
But there's still just one problem: today feels completely empty.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
The people and things we loved abruptly disappear, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
Would things get easier if I complained? Would things get easier if I did nothing but cry?
Does it feel nice to say ''I want to die''?
Do I even want to take another step from here?
I left something behind somewhere, in a classroom or maybe back in the womb.
''Happiness'' must be learning to love your permanent flaws.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
I came all this way from a dark place, only to return back to another dark place.
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky!

amazarashi『ポルノ映画の看板の下で』|| Poruno eiga no kanban no shitade

Versions: #2
''Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie''
The shadow of an old apartment complex stretches out, and it engulfs an abandoned bed of flowers,
full of grave markers written in pen by children.
The flowers, in their windswept uncertainty, refuse to bloom.
Vagrant crows splash around in the water - in the parking lot of a taxi company.
A rusted fence decays along the roadside, almost like this city's laceration scars.
Almost like this city's laceration scars.
I often say, ''It's too painful, it's too painful'', but there's no time I've ever died from the anguish.
This feeling of loneliness is just the perfect amount Almost every day it's just the perfect amount.
That's why I dress myself in it, like the jester of a play set in the night sky.
Is what's falling stardust, or is it trash?
Either way, it's nothing more than rubbish.
If going on living is such a bother, then dying once and for all is also a bother.
And making these songs is also a bother.
All around the world, everything is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
And if she wears her careless ''everyday'' in place of a scarf, her frozen, numb future still won't warm up, and whatever she calls ''dreams'' are just vain idols.
But those are the kinds of idols I worship, like an angel fallen from grace. (basically, a person without virtue)
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, but it doesn't do me any good.
''The cherry blossoms scatter away, and that's what makes them beautiful''- almost as if they're trying to liken it to human life.
If that's just run-of-the-mill romanticism - then it's something I used to hold on to, too.
When the flowers scatter away, it brings me to tears.
When the flowers bloom, it brings me to tears.
Even the end of a long day brings me to tears.
And it doesn't make a difference when I point out how depressing that is.
If thinking optimistically is such a bother, then thinking pessimistically is a bother too.
And falling asleep is a bother too.
Each and every little thing is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she wears these carefree memories as earings, those expressionless days will do nothing but abandon her.
If dreams themselves are our last salvation, then I'll go around preaching that like a megalomaniac.
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, me, but it doesn't do me any good.
Derisions, like insects, swarm around a town lamp-post, its light of hope flickers on and disappears, and each and every face tries to float up into the light.
Even if light were like an unwavering lantern, you can't trust your own speculations - that is to say your resignation.
The red color of blood that spills at the brink of surrender - is the red of the evening sky back home, the red certain death in the face of flames.
It all flows with so much anguish.
And mere time slips away.
Is there a sort of empty despair in that?
Is there any place to start anew in that?
Urderneath the billboard of pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she decorates her flowerpots with her carefree hopes, these dreary days will remain bland and dull, and if dreams themselves are struggle of humankind, then all of our sympathizers will go around preaching that.
''If you wish something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging me, but it doesn't do me any good.
(but it doesn't do me any good...)
(but it doesn't do me any good...)

amazarashi - Getsuyoubi ''Monday'' (月曜日)

Versions: #2
The smell of moldy urethane in the P.E. storehouse, the court lines separate us clearly.
A pigeon is lying dead in the walkway, next to a tidier than usual stream of discarded textbooks.
Road side trees bound to supporting stakes, almost like crucifixions made to set an example.
Even though they way want to stretch out their branches freely, they seem like they're bound by their identical uniforms.
They turn to the right, then look to the left, then they face the other way, like a grammer school line-up.
Our immaturity was clearly mean to relieve us, so can you please be theonly one to not grow up?
If we were to say no to Mondays, we'd despised and left in the dump, tumbling around and rusting from the tidal breeze.
The reason it's so hard for us to breath, is because this isn't a place for us to live.
Maybe we're extra-terrestrial life?
Saying that you like things that you like, was it always this hard of a thing to do?
If that's so, I'll hold my breath and dive in.
Even though compared to the depth within your chest, it doesn't even come close at all.
Waiting idly at the train station building's concourse, our soft-serve ice cream melted, and every time the drawn-out car horns got closer, I learned more and more that there are so many things that I didn't learn in that off-district school overlooking the river.
I hate talking about tomorrow to begin-with, and I hate talking about the future even more.
People say they're beautiful because they're fleeting, but I think it would be better if fireworks lasted forever.
I pretend that I can't see the things I can see, and I pretend I don't know the things I know.
When I think of how much I've grown up without realizing, it's gotten to a point that I can't help but to laugh.
If we were to say no to Mondays, and skipped stones on the surface of the river, we could split the full moon's reflection in half.
The reason that my chest hurts so much, is that we're sharing the things we think and feel with and feel with each other.
Or maybe I'm telepathic?
Saying that you dislike the things you don't like, I wonder if that's really such a selfish thing to do?
If that's so, I'll hold my breath and dive in.
Even though compared to the depth within your chest, it doesn't even come close at all.
Since we could neither become normal or ordinary, we at least wanted to become special individuals, but since we couldn't be special individuals either, we at least needed people to accept us.
Well that's the case for you, and maybe it's the case for me, and even if we were left behind in trash cans, from my perspective, for a long time already, you've already become special, you know?
Well if we were to say no to Mondays,we would just burn up in the atmosphere, and a crater would open up in my chest.
We were definitely very similar to each other, but we're just not meant to be identical people.
The most terrifying thing to do is say goodbye, so because of that, let's make promise that until the end of time, we'll never leave each other.
Even though I know it won't really be the end of time, and the thing I swore, doesn't even come close to how long love and friendship last.

amazarashi - Natsu wo matte imashita (夏を待っていました)

Versions: #3
amazarashi - We Were Waiting for Summer
Hey, do you still remember that hot June back when we were young?
We walked along those abandoned rail tracks as far they would take us.
With Masatoshi, excitedly, wearing something like a canteen, bragging about the mountain bike his dad bought him.
“But hey, you know, I hate my old man, cause all he ever does is make mom cry.”
I was a little embarrassed, and I turned my eyes away, because there was a big bruise on Masatoshi's face.
Running through a sudden evening rain, taking shelter in a run-down train station, “What do you want to do tomorrow?” “And the next day?”
We rolled around laughing at pointless stories - my chest throbs as I feel a storm coming.
Back then, we were all, whithout a doubt, waiting for summer.
“I don't want to be here” and “I want to go somewhere”, they both have the same meahing, right? At any hate, let's get going.
Yasuhito was terrible at P.E. and sports more than anything else, and at the end of the day, clutching his knee, whispered, “I'm always holding everyone else back... I'm really sorry for being such a worthless friend”
For some reason, we all broke out laughing.
By the end, even Yasuhito laughed with teary eyes.
Playing hide-and-seek in the tall summer grass, waiting for “it” to finish counting, “Are you all ready?”, “No, not yet!” we'd shout.
Even now, nobody found found me yet, so I clutched my knees just like I did that day, I looked up at the blue sky from my bedroom, and I waited for summer.
Tall in stature and tough in a fight, Taihei was always coming up with ridiculous games: “Whoever can hang from that bridge railing the longest, no matter what they tell us to do, we have do to it!”
We were all too scared, and couldn't do it at all, but Taihei hung there with a without breaking a sweat.
Seven years later, Taihei jumped off a building.
If that's courage, it would have been better if he didn't have it.
Now we're playing hide-and-seek in the shadow of high-rise buildings, and I wonder, how long has is been since those days?
“Are you all ready?” “No, not yet!” There's no voice calling that out anymore.
If today is just a continuation of those days, then I had no choice but to continue my adventure, so I looked up at that June sky, and I waited for summer.

amazarashi - Taxi Driver

Versions: #2
Shopping malls, outlets, the melancholy of suburbia, family outings, suffocating crowds, portraits of saints on sweaty T-shirts, gloomy young men buying car-towing rope, planning to hang themselves from the rafters of their houses.
What we call suburbs are just cities that can't make up their minds, still hanging out with friends back home, occasionally having a drink, boasting about happiness while felling asphyxiated, the blue, blue sky is so blue that it's practically black.
Taxi driver, lament the state of the world with me.
Put on a hit song for those whose lives are clouded with their sighs.
We'll race down Route 4 with our drunken ramblings, it doesn't matter if it's politically incorrect, just talk to me.
An absurd blackness is stuck in the black of my throat, I feel like I'm about to spit out the things I don't want to spit out.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
There was a pregnant woman standing tiredly in front of the priority seating, I was furious, but in the end I couldn't say anything.
Salarymen were sending out perverse imagens on the screens of their smartphones - all the unpleasantess of the world was consolidated in that train car.
A terrorist attack in a far off country and a crime statement - all the things I heard on the taxi radio this morning.
From the cab window, the high-rise buildings of Roppongi are so hideous, materialism is all over the place, it's the cornerstone of Tokyo.
Taxi driver, can you open up the trunk for me?
We have way too much luggage, we can barely walk.
The scenery of the city rushing by is far too gaudy, it makes our own happiness seem withered by comparison.
I spend all my time and effort fort a single drop of satisfaction, so, let me leave the ''getting home'' part to someone else.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Conflict in the news, jpegs of dead bodys circulating the web, people can become all but demons when they can ignore others' suffering.
There are peole who alienate others in the name of tolerance, there are those who ignore conflict in the name of non-violence.
To become a bad person, you first have to be a good one, just like how can't run away from home without living there first.
Mr. Driver, you've got the best mind of anyone I've met, since you're running with a philosophy built from life experience.
Taxi driver, can you roll down the window for me?
Get rid of this stale air, and let in the summer breeze.
My short and long-term future both have a fairly bad outlook, but there's no way that I can surrender my life to insecurity.
When the hell do you think we'll get out of this long tunnel?
It doesn't matter, just go ahead and take me as far as you can.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!

amazarashi - hakisou da ''Nauseated'' (吐きそうだ)

Versions: #2
amazarashi - Nauseated
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
Though I've moved into a new house, I'm still close friends with the western sun.
Peace of mind comes once you've settled into a new life, and I'm an uncommitted daydreamer.
I remember the landscapes hazily, those old days are like black-and-white photos.
I've killed ''me'' so many times, but that bloodstained ''me'' still dwells in my mind.
Momentarily reflected in the window at night, his eyes are ghostly and reproachful.
''Come back here whenever you'd like''
Whenever he says that, it takes so much effort to stay put: talking myself out of my own values, playing with words just to prove him wrong.
If you strip off my façade layer by layer, inside my head is an absolutely, loathsome person.
That's no surprise.
A fully exposed person isn't much different from an animal in the first place.
So basically, I'm the only one at fault. How many times has that been the punchline?
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
In an instant, an infinitesimal flash changes our lives.
But I think it's wrong to worship that flash like a god.
That naive sense of self-worth has bent the knee to reality.
And the tune of resentment on our lips has really cut deep.
I'm still grateful for that flash, but it's just become an excuse for laziness.
By only wanting to lord over those who've treated me like a fool, I've become a show-off, like some kind of vain exhibitionist.
At the end of the rat race, we're ashamed of the meaninglessness of such an existence.
But in the end, we've all contributed to the intention of the masses.
So given that, just get back to claiming to be the cutest, you pack of animals!
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
Life is a desolate breakwater overlooking the shores, rusting in the ocean spray.
But calling it so is an aimless way to live, so I'll tack on a half-hearted ''even still''.
Nowhere to belong, nowhere to go.
Even my soot-stained spirit is beyond my control.
I push my heavy legs forward, dragging along the regret of pretending not to have regrets.
Stop complaing. Stop whining.
Stop dreaming of becoming someone spectacular.
Just put up with it. Even if you give it your all and lose your way, don't turn back.
Live kindly, with a strong sense of duty.
Pay back favours.
Don't rack up debt.
That's loving selflessly. Is that loving selflessly?
Or is that just egotism? God, I hate this!
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.

Love storm

She's a ghost wearing a pink dress
Smiling sweetly
She beckoned you
I feel the worries in your voice
Finally I wake up from the dream
Just now there were fingers on your neck
Really you went too far
'Fire' write the jealousy
Even if we're together
If I have to spell it, it's 'jealousy'
It seems that in the end you're going somewhere
Jealousy storm jealousy storm,
storm, storm, storm, storm…
I'm a woman who is poor in spirit
Breathing the violet smoke
You easily say that you love me
But when I see you smiling carefree
I end up hating you a little
'Madness' write the jealousy
I can't have all of you tied
If I have to spell it, it's 'jealousy'
I'm rolled up in the extreme of loving
Jealousy storm, jealousy storm
Jealousy storm, jealousy storm
storm, storm, storm, storm…
I'm a woman who is poor in spirit
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

What's Your Name?

What's your name? Who owns your lips?
What's your name? Who owns this teaser?
Sees me right away and hugs me, sits
Tremendously sweet and she knows that she is attractive
Where is the cutie? where this cute girl?
Where's the cutie? No one has seen anyone like you
Where's the cutie? Tell me fast, where is the cutie?
Where's the cutie? Has anyone seen my love?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns your lips?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns this teaser?
I want to go with you higher and higher, I haven't told this to anyone till now
My heart is trapped for long, trapped by her
I die for those acts, I die for those lips
From now till unknown, my heart is hers
Sees me right away and hugs me, sits
Tremendously sweet and she knows that she is attractive
Where is the cutie? where this cute girl?
Where's the cutie? No one has seen anyone like you
Where's the cutie? Tell me fast, where is the cutie?
Where's the cutie? Has anyone seen my love?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns your lips?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns this teaser?
You're my world and world
You're my world and world, show it
You're my world and world
You're my world and world
Come on now, shake it
where is the cutie? where this cute girl?
Where's the cutie? No one has seen anyone like you
Where's the cutie? Tell me fast, where is the cutie?
Where's the cutie? Has anyone seen my love?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns your lips?
What's your name?
What's your name? Who owns this teaser?
By Paparizou Forum

Goli (Girl Name Meaning Flower)

I didn't want to leave, you were a flower from a garden
Goli, look now you are withering in my heart
Goli tell me who except me will be your gardener?
Who will treat you with water and let sun hit you?
Goli, I'm scared you will wither, die and go away
Goli if something hurts you i'll die, I'm a Gypsy (Refering to how Gypsies have no home and get discriminated)
Goli, I'll be your soil and i'll keep silent as long as you're with me
I'll pray for some rain for you
Goli, alot of memories of you have been left in this garden
This heart wants nobody other than you
Goli, all i'm afraid of is people stealing you
I hope whoever flower picks you brakes his hand
Goli, I'm scared you will wither, die and go away
Goli if something hurts you i'll die, I'm a Gypsy (Refering to how Gypsies have no home and get discriminated)
Goli, I'll be your soil and i'll keep silent as long as you're with me
I'll pray for some rain for you
Goli, I'm scared you will wither, die and go away
Goli if something hurts you i'll die, I'm a Gypsy (Refering to how Gypsies have no home and get discriminated)
Goli, I'll be your soil and i'll keep silent as long as you're with me
I'll pray for some rain for you


I find peace
A peace in you
You're so good
I'm so in love with you
I remember the first time you came, came to say hey
Now things are just memories, that's what's sad (ah)
You drew me in (in)
You threw me out (out)
I wanted more, went out on the field for a whole quarter
Just wanted to think like a bear in a cage
Couldn't figure it out, it couldn't be
Come get me
Come get me now
In the back of the bus, the light blue one
I said wait now!
Where should we go?
Staring at the wall, that was when it broke
And I fell
Just wanted to get away
Get me, take me, tell me
Why do we see darkness?
We're gonna go there
Baby can you see that it's me and you (because)
We're gonna go there
Our bonds have to be fixed (ah)
We're gonna go there
Our hearts starting to pump hard (because)
We're gonna go there
Suddenly they're beating in time together
How could this happen?
Why did you lie to me?
I just fly away
Go away from here, go
How could this happen?
Why did you lie to me?
I just fly away
Go away from here, go
It was us two
Who were gonna fight the world against us two
The odds against us
The distance against us
And lots of other shit against us
But the cover between our feelings was hacked away
Locked me in for good
And thought this was enough
The feeling in my heart triggered me to give up us two
The thoughts came up, us two
I don't wanna go there
Don't wanna go there
There between what's nice and grey
Let something come between something so sad and soft
Our notes must be fixed, playing in minor
Count to ten, 'cause you need to slow down a bit
We're gonna go there
Baby can you see that it's me and you (because)
We're gonna go there
Our bonds have to be fixed (ah)
We're gonna go there
Our hearts starting to pump hard (because)
We're gonna go there
Suddenly they're beating in time together
Why did you lie to me?
How could this happen?
Why did you lie to me?
I just fly away
Go away from here, go
How could this happen?
Why did you lie to me?
I just fly away
Go away from here, go
Why did you lie to me?
Go away
I don't want to be with you anymore
Don't go
My dear, say me and with you
Ai ai aa-iaaa

Come between us

They look at me as something negative
My whole life has been an explanation of
Where I'm from and what they're doing there
Fuck if I know, man, I was born in Steinkjer1
I've blended cultures, and both give me structure
Dad said do what you want, we both know he's hesitating a bit
Motherfuck all of you who think my family needs to do it better
Mom has a master's degree, can't get a job
Because of her name Safartabar
And I was born in Norway, grew up in Norway, will die in Norway
You think I have the wrong name and color
But I don't intend to leave my country
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things will come between us
Come between us
Come between us
Come between us
Culture, politics, religion, and orientation
There are a thousand kinds
You say white, black, fat, thin
Rich, poor, and beautiful and ugly
Peace, war, honor and bullshit
There are a thousand kinds
Because my blood is the same color as your blood
Hey man, take hold of my hand
Sorry that you think it's my fault
The thing is sun turns to rain, rain turns to ocean
You fall down with vicious jellyfish
You call it your home
But I call it my roots
Planted in the same earth as yours
What color do you give me now?
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things will come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things will come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things come between us
I see a brighter future with you, baby
Don't look at it so darkly
Those things will come between us
Come between us
Come between us
Come between us
  • 1. Norwegian town


Come here, to a dimension never seen before
Knocking, hopping, popping, shocking Emotions fluttering around
You know? A solar system which produces light That's our spot light
Vanishing gravity, the motion of the moon's surface floating above Passing through all of the creations in space
I know, our ideal goal is Andromeda in a faraway galaxy
A sudden spark Get excited, people Look at the stars, they draw out the path they take
Thousands of lights are blessing this night
Dance in the starship in a party that won't end Go to Intergalactic, just like this
Everything in the world is romantic Dance! Intergalactic
Whoa It's because time is limited that it sparkles, right?
If you're enjoying a bouncy groove, it's cosmic Shine! Intergalactic
For tonight only, I'm in the cockpit Flying with the UFO
I slid into the seat next to you and over heat We're gonna have a party 
Feeling high, we're tumbling through the universe We'll go say hello to Earth again!
A passionate dream means we'll take off to a zone never experienced before Our capacity is infinite This will definitely be an adventure
In space This is our stage Everybody, move your body
An eternal spark, almost like a supernova In a warp at the speed of light, we can overcome space and time
Being led everywhere by a streamline of light
Ride on the starship, on a journey that won't stop Everyone, go to Intergalactic
Every meeting is fantastic Go forward! Intergalactic
Whoa We're attracted to each other Even if we're hundreds of millions of light years apart
Our feelings speed up It's cosmic Going to you Intergalactic
We can't see anything at the edge of the universe So we toast our drinks to the blue of Earth that was born
365 Revolving day and night It continues to turn, connecting everything together
In an end, there's a beginning Repeating it over and over, this is the universe
Dance in the starship in a party that won't end Go to Intergalactic, just like this
Everything in the world is romantic Dance! Intergalactic
Whoa It's because time is limited that it sparkles, right?
If you're enjoying a bouncy groove, it's cosmic Shine! Intergalactic

Us Against This Life

Versions: #2
Fireworks in the parking lot of a shopping mall, young parents bringing all their kids along,
The lights from the Walmart and baseball field,
Look like meteorites from another world.
A paycheck earned hungover and sick.
A city that to butterflies is allergic.
At a bypass my coworker met their end.
That makes one every year for the past ten.
It’s over once you wonder about what all of this means.
Or so we like to claim as we crush ants beneath our feet.
Philosophy is to us like the poem you see in a bar while in the bathroom and sitting on the seat.
And only when you’re already drop-dead drunk do you nod your head up and down in empty agreement.
Covered in sweat and lotto tickets the next day, it’s not long before you're all dry.
Through the trees sunlight shining, by a switchyard near the station, on you as you’re working
On the world that one day you’ll find yourself changing.
There was a time when it was only you and me.
We called it the world and it was brimming with peace. Our bodies connected.
In the end I would care for the sick and weak,
As the sunset lit the clouds in the country.
The ribbon on my blazer and the lovely ending scene,
On my shirt is a fresh oil stain to clean.
I load my illusions into the back of my truck.
In every time, it’s us against this life.
It feels like I might have left something behind when I left.
But I no longer have a clue what it might be.
I suppose it’s possible that I might have been the one left behind.
Always rushing around like I’m on some mission.
I just remembered my girl who rushed off was called Time.
And I can’t see her anymore. I can’t even remember the smile she wore.
Pain has come and gone, like a scab during a sunset, but the scars still throb.
The sound of the alarm clock from me was robbed.
Once there was a wasteland stretching forever before my eyes.
To my fallen friends whether you stay or should you go, courage is required for both.
I would never leave any of you all alone by the road.
Delicate and in a hole, we finally take to arms and mutiny.
From the jaws of defeat we snatch victory, our first instance of glory.
But what will our final destination be?
In every time, it’s us against this life.
I truly believed that this world would change.
I truly believed that I myself could change.
But all everything does is just separate.
If these feelings of mine don’t change, there's no room for doubt in my vocal range.
Betrayed, lead astray, and accusations you’ve no reason to say.
Flattery and reasons lame,
Words with no ink to their name.
A humble cafe and well-packed train,
Compliments that fall flat on their face. Accepting the blame, plus abuse and shame.
Companions who always say what they mean. Friends who were there through fire and flame.
Funny stories that honestly weren’t that funny all the same.
Music made, all your children safe, authority obtained.
Decisions shake, this past and present place and the future at stake.
A moment’s rest on the weekend.
Through the park blows a tepid wind, clasped together hands.
The amount of time that’s passed, and all of the warmth that it sent.
The world that I saved that day can stay evermore,
Now that I have destroyed the world that was here before.
Even with this agony, we continue to live so eagerly.
In every time, it’s us against this life.

The Nighthawk Star

I kill so many beetles and insects every night.
And now I’m to be killed by the hawk.
So this is what it feels like. I can’t stand this.
I’ll stop eating insects, and starve to death.
No, the hawk will kill me before that happens.
No, before that happens I’ll fly far, far away.


Don't stop, baby Oh my lady
Don't be afraid What's your name?
(So tell me what's your name)
Right no, let's get away Party's already on
Nothing's gonna change my world
So I got it now
Hold you tight Tonight,
I'm gonna steal your crazy heart
Oh shake it, shake your body
Shake it, shake your body
Knock it... knock you out
Knock it... knock you out completely
Oh shake it, shake your body
Shake it, shake your body
Knock it... knock you out completely
Look, we can't stop We like it
In your eyes In your mind
Don't stop, baby Oh my lady
Tell me what you want now (So tell me what you want)
Let's get away together That's right, turn it up
Nothing's gonna change my world
So I want it now
Let me access When we connect like our instincts tell us to, it's a digital love
Oh shake it, shake your body
Shake it, shake your body
Rock it... Rock your world 
Rock it, heart pounding, rock your world
Oh shake it, shake your body 
Shake it, shake your body
Rock it, heart pounding, rock your world
Look, we can't stop We like it
Answers we can't calculate are not found
Completely lost in you You're the only one
I wanna synchronize with you In a cyber future
My heart's full of you Hand's up It's alright!
Hold you tight Tonight, I'm gonna steal your crazy heart
Oh shake it, shake your body 
Shake it, shake your body
Knock it... knock you out 
Knock it... knock you out completely
Oh shake it, shake your body 
Shake it, shake your body
Knock it... knock you out completely
Look, we can't stop
Oh shake it, shake your body 
Shake it, shake your body
Rock it... Rock your world 
Rock it, heart pounding, rock your world
Oh shake it, shake your body 
Shake it, shake your body
Rock it, heart pounding, rock your world
Look, we can't stop We like it

Nighthawk's Star

Beetles and many other insects
They kill me every night
And that unique-only-one me
This time kills the Hawk
Such a painful act
I've already stopped eating insects
I starved until I died
No, before that
The Hawk has to kill me
No, even before
I have to face the faraway sky
And go to its boundaries

Molding Our Futures

Versions: #3
From as far back as I can remember, I’d always hated myself. But somehow, I’d all but forgotten.
I wonder why. I bet it was the moment that I first met you.
Whoever the person in front of me was, I would think they were hiding something.
I was never very good at smiling, yet the time I spent wearing a smile kept increasing.
I’m not afraid of all the time passing by. I’m sure tomorrow will be wonderful. That’s what this song is about.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, forever and ever.
Ever since I was born I’ve been running away, from loving others and being loved in return.
Dealing with people is so intimidating. That goes double for when my heart’s put on display.
Of course, I’ve known the truth all along, the truth that I’m the one who’s in the wrong.
I can’t say for sure just how well it’ll go, but if nothing else I can give it an honest try.
I know I’ve hurt many people. I gave up on them before they even had a chance. Now’s the time to make amends.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, believing in each other.
If only I could rewrite everything I’ve ever done until now.
If only I could toss all of my failures into the trash where they belong.
And because of how I am, if all you you do is tell me that you’ve fallen in love with me,
That’s enough. That’s enough. That’s far, far more than enough.
I can stick out my chest, and with a loud voice, finally say I’m proud to be me.
Please tell me, tell me that it’s okay for me to come back whenever I want.
I’m finally willing to be myself with all of my heart.
And all for you, to do the same for the one who never stopped believing in me.
And I will say, “Thank you so much. Good-bye for now. I’m home.”
I hope that we can stay like this, so comfortably, even far into the future.

The City, Baked in Moonlight

Through the curtains the moonlight comes pouring
So now to this letter my pen begins flowing
Should now be the signal to the end of my life
This note will be pinned to the wall with that knife
The various reasons behind various things
On this journey that traces my whole history
Detailed in this regrettable itinerary
This pen looks to me no different than a blade
My wild imagination imposes itself upon my feelings
To somebody’s heart these bullets are connecting
In this city the sky up above is slowly burning
Bust my gut at the city I always thought laughed at me
Thus began the days that I spent trying to flee
Only to be cornered with nowhere behind me
I stood there waving around my freedom like a weapon
Only for it to spin back around and cut my head off
Shut in their head, eyes frozen lead
Hands held and red, my life it mends
Journey ahead, when will it end
A dream in bed, over once said
So burn this world. Burn it all dead
Burn it all dead. Burn it all dead.
Rain in droplets. On feet they fled.
On feet they fled. On feet they fled.

If I sing to The Sky

Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky, not even regrets stand a chance
It's inevitable. The future we got with our strength.
Keep up the fight.
Seeing a mirage, I've paddled through a tear river. Much has passed.
Goodbye, I've got to move forward
It doesn't matter what I lose
I'll use my unforgettable humiliation and frustration
And I'll decorate my heart
Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky, not even regrets stand a chance
It's inevitable. The future was too bright
To be abandoned.
Our dreams can't be grasped without hurting someone
I'm ready to lose my ideals, it's a signal
If I laugh, laugh too, it's all a joke. Follow me!
Your voice that day, the things you said and couldn't say
If I sing to the sky, I'll throw my regrets away
It's inevitable. Throw away what you've been carrying.
Keep up the fight!
Suffering became a sudden rain
To keep up the walk will only hurt your feet and leave them in a muddy mess
Swimming in rain clouds
On an isolated sky
Escape the darkness by which you were captured
What I've grasped is long gone
Even though, only with this warmth they've left
It's worth living this miserable life
Beyond this turbid and cloudy sky
Only a ray of sunlight pierces through
By that time, rain was getting heavier and more frequent
Piercing through falsehood to see the blue sky, eternity's in flight!
If I sing to the sky
What you've screamt that day, the things that were said, and the ones you couldn't say
If I sing to the sky, regrets stay by your side
It's inevitable. We've lost many things we've finished.
Keep up the fight
It's limited. What remains of our future
Keep up the fight

Nameless One

Loneliness of spending a night alone, though I can make it an excuse, the words I use to hurt you just sound empty, nevertheless
When you have a heart with a hole, and muddy water is poured in through it, you’ve got to spit it all out, even if it’s so painful
When you’re out of luck, you can’t get anything right
When you think nothing will work, even success can fail
Coming in through the curtains, the morning sun rushes me
It’s time to leave now, oh well I guess I might as well
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it happened too quickly to call it an encounter
Can you please give a name to a damaged way of life like this?
Even if someone spoke badly about you, it’s alright, because your way of life cannot be labeled good or bad
Standing at the crossroads of life, you can be torn between choices but the choice to say that it’s wrong is the worst kind of all.
When you’re out of luck, it’s easy to lay the blame on others
But you blame it all on yourself because you’re just too kind
Standing on a platform, you’re even suppressing a sigh
And making yourself suffocate, that is just very you
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it was not special enough to call it a destiny
We are going to give a name, to a damaged way of life like that
Shedding a secret tear, the frustration of hiding it, the sadness destined to remain nameless, author unknown
It soars up by the wind blowing through buildings and piles in a corner of an alley. Maybe we can forget about it as if it never existed
Our nameless sadness ought to be celebrated now
Our nameless sadness is waiting to be found by you
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it was too trivial to call it inevitable
Now is the time to call each other’s name, the name of this damaged way of life
Nameless one


Uvek u mojim mislima, uvek u mom srcu
Čekao sam te iz noći u noć
Kao senka, ostajući blizu svetla
Odjednom, stojiš pored mene
I ja vidim milion gorućih zvezda
Ti si mi uvek u mislima,
Uvek u mom srcu
Mogu da čujem kako dozivaš moje ime sa najviše planine
Uvek u mojim mislima, uvek u snovima
Želim da te držim blizu sebe
Uvek, non stop
Verujem da sam zavistan od tebe
U tvojim očima vidim kako se snovi ostvaruju
Konačno sam te pronašao
I sada, nikada te neću pustiti, ne
Ti si mi uvek u mislima,
Uvek u mom srcu
Mogu da čujem kako dozivaš moje ime sa najviše planine
Uvek u mojim mislima, uvek u snovima
Želim da te držim blizu sebe
Uvek, non stop
Ti si mi uvek u mislima,
Uvek u mom srcu
Mogu da čujem kako dozivaš moje ime sa najviše planine
Uvek u mojim mislima, uvek u snovima
Želim da te držim blizu sebe
Uvek, non stop