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Број резултата: 48


Lutka koja kaže ne

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
To je lutka koja kaže ne, ne, ne, ne
Po celi dan samo ne, ne, ne, ne
Ona je, ona je tako lepa
Da je sanjam noćima
To je lutka koja kaže ne, ne, ne, ne
Po ceo dan samo ne, ne, ne, ne
Niko je nije naučio
Da bi mogla reći da
Čak i ne slušajući, ona kaže ne, ne, ne, ne
Ne gledajući me, ona kaže ne, ne, ne, ne
A ipak bih dao svoj život
Samo da kaže da
A ipak bih dao svoj život
Samo da kaže da
Ali to je lutka koja kaže ne, ne, ne, ne
Po celi dan samo ne, ne, ne, ne
Niko je nije naučio
Da bi mogla reći da
Oh, ne, ne, ne, ne
ne, ne, ne, ne
Ona kaže ne, ne, ne, ne

In that empty house

I remember well
That musician,
Autumn was there
At the house
I remember well
That musician,
Autumn was there
On his violin
The time has gone
From the violin times
When you were in that house
It's been raining so much
For so many seasons
The violin times are gone
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my summers listening to
This symphony
That was so beautiful
And which reminds me
Of an ended love
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my nights watching
Birds passing by
Like threats
And I hear the autumn coming
I have nobody to wait for
I remember well
That musician,
On a night of farewell at the house
I remember well
That musician,
And the farewell
On his violin
And every year
When the summer ends
I hear the september violin
And the past
Like a symphony
Enters this very room
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my nights listening to
That symphony
Today long gone
And which reminds me
That you were beautiful
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my nights watching
Birds passing by
Like threats
And I hear the autumn coming
Nobody to wait for
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my summers listening to
This symphony
That was so beautiful
And which reminds me
Of an ended love
Me, in that empty house,
In that empty room,
I spend my nights watching
Birds passing by
Like threats
And I hear the autumn coming
Nobody to wait for

Who killed Grandma ?

Versions: #2
There were, in Grandma's times,
Flowers growing in her garden
Time has passed by, only pansies remain
And in your hands there is nothing left
Chorus :
Who killed Grandma, is it time
Or people who have no time
To make some time ?
La la la...
There were, in Grandma's times,
Silence to listen to
Branches on trees, leaves on branches
Birds on the leaves singing
The bulldozer killed Grandma
And turned her flowers into jackhammers
Birds now only find construction sites to sing
Is that why we mourn you ?
Who killed Grandma, is it time
Or people who have no time
To make some time ?

The ball of the Laze

I will be hanged tomorrow morning
My life wasn't meant
For the castles
Everything happened on that June night
There was a party given
At the castle
In the Laze castle,
The largest ball in London,
Lord and Lady de Laze
Were receiving the high society
Diamonds, rubies, topazes
And white long dresses.
Hidden in the garden
I was clenching my fists
I was watching as they danced
Jane and her fiancé
I will be hanged tomorrow at dawn
That's a pity for the girl
Of this castle
As I think she liked the love
That we were making, alone
Far from the castle
In the Laze castle
For Jane's twentieth birthday,
Lord and Lady de Laze
Had received the Queen
Me, the fool people stared at
I was seething with hate
Hidden in the garden
I was clenching my fists
I was watching as they danced
Jane and her fiancé
I will be hanged tomorrow morning
It will take up barely four lines
In the newspapers
I am just a common assassin
A vagrant unworthy
Of this castle
In the Laze castle,
Maybe that Jane
As they put me down
Will feel a little sorrow
But my last sentence
Will be to pity myself
Since she will be given
Another fiancé
And I won't be able
To eliminate that one

Without Me

Without me I was married off
Without me given birth
Without me I was loved
Without me I was buried
Not with me
Not with me I was crowned
Not with me conceived
Not with me I was encountered
Not through my grief
Not with me
I will weave traces as a braid,
Outline my eyes with turquoise
Through sand I'll pass by barefoot
I will meet, but not with myself
Not with me

Curly Eyelashes

On that sorrowful night, next to that weeping willow
You were singing a song of the heart, in a sorrowful tune
“No one will be more faithful than me, will know your sorrow better
Try as hard as you wish, look wherever you like” You said
And that chant made me an enchanted lover in your legend
Turned me into the lunatic I am now, crazy for you
O curly eyelashes [one]! You left and this fiery love
Torches my heart, burns the warp and woof of my life
[repeat all above once more]

If you stay with me

When I say: 'I don't want you to stay'
My heart says: 'stay' though it doesn't have a tongue
I love you but I won't tell you
I won't let you hold my cold hand
If you stay with me, your heart will die
the warmth of your heart will be taken away by my hands
what would happen if I met you earlier?
now that I meet you, it's too late
there is a long distance between us
my heart has to put up with this distance
I have heard about the spring in the stories
so far, all I've seen was cold autumn
You are still at the beginning of this long way
but I am at the end of the road
If you stay with me, your heart will die
the warmth of your heart will be taken away by my hands
what would happen if I met you earlier?
now that I meet you, it's too late
there is a long distance between us
my heart has to put up with this distance

The Sultan (King) of the Hearts

Versions: #2
'The Sultan (King) of the Hearts!'
(Aref ft. Leila Forouhar)(Soltane Ghalbha)
A part of my heart tells me to, go, to go,
The other part of my heart tells me not to go, not to go,
My heart is not patient, not patient,
What should I do without you,
For the love, o my pretty one, my pretty one,
The world is so small, so small,
Everywhere I go, your memory is with me, your memory is with me,
I won't leave you alone,
You're the sultan (king) of my heart, my heart,
You broke through my heart's gates,
You gave a love promise to my heart,
You joined me,
Now if I'm anywhere but far from you,
I won't give my heart to anyone as a beloved but you,
I'm filled with wishing and demand,
O my beautiful beloved,
A part of my heart tells me to, go, to go,
The other part of my heart tells me not to go, not to go,
My heart is not patient, not patient,
What should I do without you,
For the love, o my pretty one, my pretty one,
The world is so small, so small,
Everywhere I go, your memory is with me, your memory is with me,
I won't leave you alone,
You're the sultan (king) of my heart, my heart,
You broke through my heart's gates,
You gave a love promise to my heart,
You joined me,
Now if I'm anywhere but far from you,
I won't give my heart to anyone as a beloved but you,
I'm filled with wishing and demand,
O my beautiful beloved.

Oprezno s mojim srcem

Versions: #2
Oprezno s mojim srcem
Mogla bi ga slomiti
Ne uzimaj moju ljubav olako
Stvari se mogu promeniti
Ponekada poludim...
Izigravam budalu i složićeš se
Nikada neću biti isti
Bez tebe ovde pored mene
Oprezno (Molim te budi oprezan)
Sa mojim srcem
Osećam se nekako ogoljeno
Oprezno (Molim te budi oprezan)
To je moje srce
Moje srce
Oprezno s mojim srcem
Možeš ga slomiti
Ne uzimaj moju ljubav olako
Stvari se mogu promeniti
Ponekada poludim
Izigravam budalu i ti ćeš se složiti
Nikada neću biti ista
Bez tebe ovde pored mene
Oprezno (Molim te budi oprezna)
Sa mojim srcem
Nemoj me povrediti
Oprezno (Molim te budi oprezna)
To je moje srce
Moje srce
Kada bih mogla da doprem do tebe...
Ništa me neće zaustaviti...
Uzela tvoju glavu u moje naručje...
Reci mi šta bi uradila..
Poljubila tvoje oči...Uspavala te pesmom...
Tvoj glas je kao uspavanka...
Da li će moje srce ovoga puta ostati
Da li će moje srce ostati...
[Refren: x4]

Bosonog u parku

Rupice neba
Koje propuštaju Božji sjaj
Jedna munja pala je na tvoje oči
I slomilo mi se srce
Rupice neba
Pokažite mi kuda ići
Da ne pogrešim
I tako da vidim svoju budućnost
[James Blake]
Otkako si raskinula
Vidim negativan prostor
Šta si mi učinila
Treba da izgubiš jednog dana
Kome treba da se moli?
Kome je potreban balans?
Videću te svakoga dana
[James Blake & ROSALÍA]
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
Imam sve što želim
Ne mogu više ništa tražiti
Kada si pored mene
Prošlost ostaje iza
Ukoliko te odvoje od mene
Moram te pronaći
Čak i tamo bih te pronašla
Poput reke koja se uliva u more
[James Blake & ROSALÍA]
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
[James Blake]
Saturn počinje da gasi svaki prsten
Nebo gleda gore, mislim
Prekinuću mučenje
Kome je potreban balans?
Videću te svakoga dana
[James Blake & ROSALÍA]
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
Bosonog u parku
Počinješ da mi se suprotstavljaš
Počinješ, počinješ mi se suprotstavljati, nedostajem ti
Bosonog, bosonog u parku, u parku
Počinješ, počinješ mi se suprotstavljati, nedostajem ti

Pazljivo Sa Tom Sekirom, Eugene

Dole, dole. Dole, dole.
Zvezda vristi.
Pod lazima.
Laz, laz.
Pazljivo sa tom sekirom, Eugene.
Zvezde vriste na glas.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

My Regrets

No need to get up to listen to me
Sorry to disturb you on such a beautiful evening
Your wedding dress is made for marriage
My regrets, my regrets
Do not be afraid of me I will not disturb
Your happiness that begins where my joy ends
I really did not know that in one night we could ...
But what's the point, what's the point ...
What good is it to say that life is only possible with you?
You are not listening to me
You do not see me
How far are you already
If one hour one night we could meet again
I said stupid and empty words
I must forgive myself I have not yet ...
Accustomed, accustomed
It must be said that everything changes so quickly
I have to close my eyes to see you as before
No do not speak
In me I hear your voice as before, as before
She tells me words this voice
How far it is
But talk, do something, do not leave me
Go away like that
Sorry for disturbing such a beautiful evening
I came first and foremost to ask you
Not to come back, only not to smile
Not smile, do not smile

Letter to France

Versions: #3
Once upon a time
You and me
Never forget this!
You and me!
Since flew away from you
I'm like away from myself
And I think about you softly
You are six hours away from me
I'm lightyears away from you
That's how it is, living here
The difference
Is that silence
Sometimes, deep inside me
You still live by the seas
Sometimes in the newspapers
I see you on photographs
And I live away from you
In a music box
Electric and fantastic
I live in delusion
The difference
Is that silence
Sometimes, deep inside me
You're not always the prettiest
And I remain unfaithful to you
But who can predict the future
Of our memories?
Yes, I miss you so bad sometimes
Even though I won't admit it
Love is made out of that
Once upon a time
You and me
Never forget this!
You and me!
Since I flew away from you
I'm like away from myself
And I think about you out there
Yes, I miss you so bad sometimes
Even though I won't admit it
I think about you softly

Budi oprezan/pazljiv

Budi pazljiv, budi pazljiv, budi pazljiv sa mnom
Da, gledaj
Zelim da se udam poput Currys Steph i Ayesha s*anja
Ali smo mi vise kao Belly, Tommy i Keisha s*anje
Dala sam ti TLC, zelis da
gmizes i s*anja
Prosula sam citavo svoje srce do go*ana
Covece, mislila sam da ces nauciti svoju lekciju
U vezi lajkovanja slika, ne odgovaranja na poruke
Sve je okej, covece, kapiram poruku
I dalje mucas nakon odredjenih pitanja
Ostajes u kontaktu s odredjenim bivsima
Zar ne, veruj mi c*njo, sve je kul ipak
Kazes da si radio, ali eno te tamo juris gu*ice ('culo' - spanska rec)
I kurve, opustas se kraj bazena, zivis dvostruki zivot
Mogla sam da ti uradim sta si ti meni ucinio nekoliko puta
Ali ako bih odlucila da mi se omakne, nadjem c*nju,
J*bem ga, po*usim mu,
ti bi odlepio
Al to nije moj nacin, nisam takav tip kucke
I karma ce za tebe da bude ona s kojom zavrsis na kraju
Muka mi je od tebe, c*njo
Jedini muskarac, dusa, obozavam ga
Dala sam ti sve, sto je moje to je tvoje
Zelim da zivis svoj zivot, naravno
Ali nadam se da ces dobiti ono za cim umires
Budi pazljiv sa mnom, znas li sta radis?
Cija osecanja povredjujes?
Osvojices ceo svet, ali da li ce biti vredno devojke koju gubis?
Budi pazljiv sa mnom,
Da, nije pretnja, to je upozorenje
Budi oprezan sa mnom
Da, moje srce je kao paket sa oznakom za lomljivo na njemu
Budi pazljiv sa mnom
Brini za mene, brini za mene
Uvek si govorio da ces biti tu za mene, tu za mene
Decko, bolje me tretiraj pazljivo, pazljivo, gledaj
Bila sam ovde pre svega ovoga
Izgleda sad glumatas, imas publiku
Reci mi gde ti je pamet, ubaci oznaku, koje su koordinate?
Mozda imas bogatstvo, ali ako me izgubis i dalje ces biti siromasan, c*njo
Reci mi, ova ljubav te je sje*ala u glavu,
Zelis neku random kucku u svom krevetu?
Nece ti znati ni srednje ime, obrati paznju na nju, mozda ce ti ukrati lanac
Ne zelis nekog ko te voli umesto toga? Izgleda ipak ne
To je ocigledno nepostovanje, nisi uopste poput c*nje kog sam srela
Pricas ludo sa mnom i zaboravljas brzo,
Cinis da se tripujem, cinis da se gledam u ogledalo drugacije,
misleci da ja ne valjam
jer si ti nepostojan
Izmedju kamenja i teskih mesta, blata i prasine
Povredice me da te mrzim, ali je gore voleti te
Sve prestaje naglo, poceli smo da se zamenjujemo
Uci me da budem poput tebe, tako da me bas zabole
Slobodan si da se petljas s nekom drugom, volela bih da se ova osecanja istope
Jer ti ne maris ni za sta sem je*eno za samog sebe
Muka mi je od tebe, c*njo

Who Knows

Who knows
if I will ever see him again or if it's done
Why has he left his lover here
for everyone to pity?
He passes in front of me
My life and my heart are in pain
And I tell myself, it's normal
Every sweet thing has to go away
He's always on my mind
And he resides in the embrace of my heart
I pity myself
I can't forget him for one second
Who knows what he's doing now
or who is embracing him now
Why do I remember him while he
is living for other people?
If he has forgotten me
It's not fair for me to keep remembering him
And now I have finally
lost myself in his love
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Your Love Won't Die

Foresake me o you the familiar one,
Because I've already foresaken you,
Like others, you also become a stranger to my destiny,
I want your love to die in the heart,
I want your memory in the mind to end,
Foresake me o you the familiar one,
Because I've already foresaken you,
Like others, you also become a stranger to my destiny,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart,
Any love will die,
It will become silent,
Your love won't die,
Believe me that after you,
No one else will replace you in my heart.


You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
Dream, dream
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
Dream, dream
And if one day you leave me
My love come back to me soon
And I'll hold your hand
Until early morning
And we will be fine
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
Dream, dream
You have, Schubidoua
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
You have, Schubidoua
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
I do not know what's going on
No, my heart, what do you want me to do
Because of your crazy hair
Yes, I am jealous
I admit it
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
You have, you have, a tibili-wa
Dream, dream
You have, Schubidoua
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
You have, Schubidoua
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa
Schubidoua wa

The Prince Held Captive

When my mind is like a stormy day
When life takes me by the throat
When I'm bored when I'm like a prince being held hostage
That does not come to claim anyone
I make myself light I do not weigh a gram anymore
And I'm going to heaven
So my view is beautiful
I have a light heart I do not shed a tear
And I'm in the stars
So I am not hurt anymore
I hover and I forget the earth and the drama
And I'm walking and I'm strolling
When it's over and I take my luggage
And yet I still love you
When I know that I live like a scaffold
Who only stands by one edge
I make myself light I do not weigh a gram anymore
And I'm going to heaven
So my view is beautiful
I have a light heart I do not shed a tear
And I'm in the stars so I am not hurt anymore
I hover and I forget the earth and the drama
And I'm walking and I'm strolling
And when life is like a cage
And that I feel running autumn
When I say to myself that I am like this prince being held hostage
I do not come to claim anyone
I make myself light I do not weigh a gram anymore
And I'm going to heaven
So my view is beautiful
I have a light heart I do not shed a tear
And I'm in the stars so I am not hurt anymore
I hover and I forget the earth and the drama
And I'm walking and I'm strolling
And I forget the land and the drama
And I'm walking and I'm strolling
And I forget the earth
And I'm walking
And I forget the earth

Ring A Ding

I'm born into a ring-a-ding family
My parents wanted a girl and ring-a-ding
At school I passed for a ring-a-ding
In the hand I had like a ring-a-ding
You understood me
One day I have grandmother deals with ring-a-ding
She returned a pair of ring-a-ding
Even did not understand the ring-a-ding
She spoke Chinese but not the ring-a-ding
She did not understand
I spend my life doing ring a ding
I never wanted to change my style
I like life, I like the ring a ding
And as I go from city to city
I'm in love with a girl very ring a ding
She has blue eyes and then ring a ding
And already the bells were ring a ding
But at the town hall, I said 'ring a ding'
She did not understand
I said:
Oh oh oh

The man who cried tears of glass

If there is anyone interested
Send me his name and address
I will tell him the story
Of the man who cried without hope
He was crying tears of glass
And when they reached the earth
It made music that was
Angelic and ghostly
The air was always the same
An air that told the story
From a woman with an ephemeral soul
Who was falling one day in the sea
Pushing in the back by a man
Who was crying tears of glass
If there is anyone interested
Send me his name and address