Резултати претраге страна 26
Број резултата: 1144
Raskini sa svojom devojkom, dosadno mi je
Dobio si me nekim tipom načina
Nisam navikla da se osećam na ovakav način
Ne znam šta da kažem
Ali znam da ne bi trebalo da razmišljam o tome
Jedan jebeni pogled na tvoje lice
Sada želim da znam kakvog si ukusa
Obično ne dajem
Ali ti znaš da sam ovde razmišljajući o tome
Onda sam shvatila da je ona tačno tamo
A ja kući kao, 'Dođavola, ovo nije fer'
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Možeš da udaraš ujutru
Da, da, kao da je tvoje
Znam da nije ispravno
Ali me nije briga
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Ova sranja uvek se dešavaju meni
Zašto ne možemo samo da se igramo za čuvanje?
Praktično na mojim kolenima
Ali znam da ne bi trebalo da razmišljam o tome
Ti znaš šta mi radiš
Pevaš moje pesme u ulicama, da, da
Gluma sva nevina, molim te
Kada znam da si ovde razmišljajući o tome
Onda si shvatio da je ona tačno tamo
A ti kući kao, 'Dođavola, ne može se uporediti'
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Možeš da udaraš ujutru
Da, da, kao da je tvoje
Znam da nije ispravno
Ali me nije briga
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Sa tvojom devojkom, devojkom, devojkom, devojkom
Sa tvojom devojkom
Sa tvojom devojkom, devojkom, devojkom, devojkom
Možeš reći da mrzim ako želiš
Ali ja jedino mrzim nju zato što te želim
Reci tripujem se ako osećaš to
Ali bez mene nisi u redu
Možeš me zvati ludom zato što te želim
I ja te nisam nikad čak ikad jebeno upoznala
Reci tripujem se i nije u redu
Ali bez mene nisi u redu
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Možeš da udaraš ujutru
Da, da, kao da je tvoje
Znam da nije ispravno
Ali me nije briga
Raskini sa svojom devojkom
Da, da, zato što mi je dosadno
Sa tvojom devojkom, devojkom, devojkom, devojkom
Sa tvojom devojkom
Sa tvojom devojkom, devojkom, devojkom, devojkom
Sa tvojom devojkom
Those Who Wear the Skirt Well
Men of the world
Stop and listen for a second
'Cause it seems so absurd to us
What you sound like out there
Stupid songs
With lyrics that don't respect us
And I can't wrap my head around
Why you paint us that way.
We are much more than sex
A pair of breasts, a nice body
Under our hair we have a brain
A heart to feel
We are much more than that
Open your eyes 'cause these are different times
And from us you were born
There's nothing more to say.
Excuse me?
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
Those of us who know how to live (that's right)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel (I am Ivy Queen)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes you can.
(Yes you can, man)
Those of us in charge have arrived, in pants or in skirts
Women do not fall. Get up!
'Cause we're the gift to this planet
And whoever hits us like that sins
Man, respect us!
Respect what we can do, without any opposition
That we have a brain, intelligence, and a heart
That there are many in the fight
It's not the same to hurt one
Men of the world
To clarify this point for you
We are the same, we are one
There's nothing more to say
(We won't let ourselves go)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well (that's right)
Those of us who know how to live (we know how to live man)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now (the ones in charge)
Those who wear the skirt well (Yes Sir)
The ones who can make you feel.
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us (Yes Sir)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes we can
We are more than sex
We're an I love you
We're an I can
We're an example
We're more than sex (sex)
We're an I love you (I love you)
We're an I can
There's nothing more to say
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel
Oh oh oh
María José
La Josa
Ivy Queen
Eliot the Wizard of Oz
The power of the universe
Loša ideja
Bila sam izvan vidokruga
Brinula sam se za tebe u poslednje vreme
Bežeći od vremena
Želeći da dođeš i spasiš me
Jer ja sam ta koja je to napisala
Pokušavajući da dobijem kontrolu nad njim
Zašto ne mogu da ga pustim?
Moram naći nekog brzo
Imam lošu ideju
Kako bi bilo da odvojimo malo vremena?
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega
Zaboravi na mene
Imam lošu ideju
Da, pozvaću te ovamo da ublažiš bol
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega, da
Zaboravi na mene
Da, znam da ne bismo trebali, dušo ali hoćemo (znaš da hoćemo)
Treba mi neko, daj mi nešto što mogu da osetim
Ali dušo, nemoj se tripovati, nemoj se tripovati, znaš da ovo nije stvarno
Trebalo bi da znaš da sam ja privremena
Jer ja sam ta koja je to napisala
Pokušavajući da dobijem kontrolu nad njim
Zašto ne mogu da ga pustim?
Moram naći nekog brzo
Imam lošu ideju
Kako bi bilo da odvojimo malo vremena?
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega
Zaboravi na mene
Imam lošu ideju
Da, pozvaću te ovamo da ublažiš bol
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega, da
Zaboravi na mene
Pokušavam da dobijem kontrolu nad njim
Zašto ne mogu da ga pustim?
Želeći tebe da dođeš i spasiš me
Imam lošu ideju
Kako bi bilo da odvojimo malo vremena?
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega
Zaboravi na mene
Imam lošu ideju
Da, pozvaću te ovamo da ublažiš bol
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega, da
Zaboravi na mene
Imam lošu ideju
Kako bi bilo da odvojimo malo vremena?
Imam lošu ideju
Ma zaboravi, da, zaboravi na njega
Zaboravi na mene
Pomiriti se
Volim da se j**em sa tobom, samo da bih se pomirila sa tobom
Jer kako si vrištao moje ime
Teraš me da želim voditi ljubav sa tobom
Mogla bih da raskinem sa tobom samo da bih se pomirila sa tobom
Na kraju dana, dečko
Znaš da ću se probuditi sa tobom
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, upropasti mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, uništi mi šminku
Moja energija i stav se ne poklapaju
Ostajem besna po ceo dan, tako da večeras možemo to da pustimo
Dovedem te do kreveta gde stvarno možemo to da ispravimo
Žao mi je u kutiji, kada iskoči iznenada
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, upropasti mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, uništi mi šminku
Obećaj mi da ćeš kad poljubiš moje usne, dokazati to
To je način da mi zatvoriš usta nakon svađe
Nema ajlajnera na očima, ali gledanje u tebe je rešenje
Istakni moj život baš kao Fenty Beauty komplet
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, upropasti mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, uništi mi šminku
Dozvoli mi da ostanem u svojoj torbi jer mi se sviđa kada si lud
To je raspoloženje, to je vibracija, to je pogled, to je veza
Stav, promeni mi mišljenje
Kada kažeš da sam u pravu (da sam u pravu)
Izuzetno je dobro i upali svaki put
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, upropasti mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, uništi mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, upropasti mi šminku
Volim kada se mirimo
Hajde, uništi mi šminku
Ovo je mali korak za ženu
Ali veliki pomak za žensku vrstu
Pre bih bila sama večeras
Možeš da kažeš 'volim te' preko telefona večeras
Zaista ne želim da budem u tvojim rukama večeras
Koristiću pokrivače da ostanem topla večeras
Mislim da je bolje da sam večeras ovde sama
Neću ni proveravati ništa kada se vratim kući
Samo se uveravam da ću biti dobro sama večeras
čak iako ovde nema ničeg pogrešnog večeras
Da ja samo kažem, dušo
Ne možeš ni da mi nedostaješ ako sam sa tobom
i kada mi nedostaješ, to promeni način na koji te ljubim
dušo, znaš da je korisno da se razdvojimo na neko vreme
to je kao da sam ja univerzum a ti ćeš biti NASA
Dajem ti ceo svet, trebaće mi prostora
Trebaće mi prostora, ja ću, trebaće mi
Znaš da sam ja zvezda, prostor, treba mi prostor
Trebaće mi prostor, ja ću, trebaće mi prostor (N-A-S-A)
dajem ti ceo svet, trebaće mi prostora
Trebaće mi prostora, ja ću, trebaće mi
Znaš da sam ja zvezda, prostor, treba mi prostor
Trebaće mi prostor, ja ću, trebaće mi prostor (N-A-S-A)
Na jednu noć
obično bih obožavala kada ostaneš preko noći
ja samo mislim da sam na drugom listu večeras
tu nema ničeg pogrešnog ako kažem da mi treba vremena
ali obično bih se vrtela oko tebe
ali čini se da je gravitacija jedina stvar koja me odvlači
bićeš moj uspon i sjaj uskoro kada se zvezde poravnaju, mmm
Ne možeš ni da mi nedostaješ ako sam sa tobom
i kada mi nedostaješ, to promeni način na koji te ljubim
dušo, znaš da je korisno da se razdvojimo na neko vreme
to je kao da sam ja univerzum a ti ćeš biti NASA
Dajem ti ceo svet, trebaće mi prostora
Trebaće mi prostora, ja ću, trebaće mi
Znaš da sam ja zvezda, prostor, treba mi prostor
Trebaće mi prostor, ja ću, trebaće mi prostor (N-A-S-A)
dajem ti ceo svet, trebaće mi prostora
Trebaće mi prostora, ja ću, trebaće mi
Znaš da sam ja zvezda, prostor, treba mi prostor
Trebaće mi prostor, ja ću, trebaće mi prostor (N-A-S-A)
Ne želiš da me napustiš, ali ja pokušavam da otkrijem sebe
drži me blizu sebe i znaš da ćeš me uvući
ne želiš da me napustiš, ali ja pokušavam da otkrijem sebe
(ne želiš da me napustiš, ali ja pokušavam da otkrijem sebe)
drži me blizu sebe i znaš da ćeš me uvući
(drži me blizu sebe i znaš da ćeš me uvući)
Sama večeras
možeš da kažeš 'volim te' preko telefona večeras
Krvna linija
Zato što pokušavam da uradim najbolje što mogu
I ne mogu da nađu nešto da me zadovolji, pogledaj
Iako si loš za mene, znam
Ti si onaj o kome razmišljam
Osećam se tako neverovatno
Da li bi ti smetalo povezivanje?
Voli me, voli me, dušo
Jesi li tužan, hoćeš li mi reći?
Ostavi to onda, moramo da idemo
Uzmi to kao što me voliš
Ali ne ti, dečko, to je samo za predstavu
Uzmi ili ostavi, moraš uzeti ili ostaviti kao oh
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Samo želim da se zabavljam
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš, ne
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Ne pokušavaš da napraviš moje tvojim
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Ne, nećemo pričati sledećeg dana
Nemam šta da kažem
Ne tražim svoju jdinu pravu ljubav
Da, taj brod je otplovio
Voli me, voli me, dušo
Jesi li tužan, hoćeš li mi reći?
Ostavi to onda, moramo da idemo
Uzmi to kao što me voliš
Ali ne ti, dečko, to je samo za predstavu
Uzmi ili ostavi, moraš uzeti ili ostaviti kao oh
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Samo želim da se zabavljam
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš, ne
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Ne pokušavaš da napraviš moje tvojim
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Reci da znam šta želiš, šta želiš od mene
Znam šta misliš, šta želiš da vidiš (Pa šta misliš)
Znam šta tražiš, ali ja sam kompletna
Znam šta ti treba, ali to neću biti ja
Znam šta želiš, šta želiš od mene
Znam šta misliš, šta želiš da vidiš
Znam šta tražiš, ali ja sam kompletna
Znam šta ti treba, ali to neću biti ja
Voli me, voli me, dušo
Jesi li tužan, hoćeš li mi reći?
Ostavi to onda, moramo da idemo
Uzmi to kao što me voliš
Ali ne ti, dečko, to je samo za predstavu
Uzmi ili ostavi, moraš uzeti ili ostaviti kao oh
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Samo želim da se zabavljam
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš, ne
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Ne želim te u svojoj krvnoj liniji
Ne pokušavaš da napraviš moje tvojim
Ne moraš da se izvinjavaš
Ali moraš da završiš sa ovim sranjem
Lažan Osmeh
Versions: #2
Posle smejanja dolaze suze
Posle smejanja dolaze suze
Još jedna noć, još jedna žurka, pozdravljam se sa svima
Žao mi je, počeću da idem, moram da idem sada
Imam negde gde moram da budem sada, umirem od gladi
Može li me neko odvesti do kola?
Ako idem sada, neću daleko stići
Srećna sam zbog ljubavi i svega što je iznad
Ako sam iskrena, previše sam prošla
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh
Pročitala sam stvari koje pišu o meni
Čujem šta kažu na TV-u, to je ludo
Postaje im sve teže da me šokiraju
Ali s vremena na vreme, šokantno je, nemojte mene kriviti
Znam da je to život koji sam izabrala
Ali, dušo, zahvalna sam, želim da znaš
Srećna sam zbog ljubavi i svega što je iznad
Ako sam iskrena, previše sam prošla
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh
Ako sam povređenja, neću da lažem o tome
Ruke su prekrštene sa stavom, usne se napućile
Ako sam ljuta, neću da lažem o tome
Vrat se vrti sa stavom
Ako sam povređena, neću da lažem o tome,
Ruke su prekrštene sa stavom, usne se napućile
Ako sam ljuta neću da lažem o tome
vrat se vrti sa stavom
Ne mogu da lažiram još jedan osmeh
Ne mogu da se pretvaram da sam dobro
I neću da kažem da se dobro osećam
Nakon onoga što sam prošla, neću da lažem
Jebeš lažan osmeh, osmeh
Jebeš lažan osmeh, lažan osmeh
Nisam ni htela da idem
Ali ako me nateraš, dobićeš šou
Ima toliko tela na podijumu
Tako da, dušo, mogli bismo otići i dodati još koje
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za?
Gde god da pogledam su ruke ljudi
Dignute u vazduh da im pomognu da plešu
Hajde, dušo, uhvati me ako možeš
Znam da nemaš drugih planova
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, za, za, z-z-za?
Znaš da možemo sve da ih posramimo
Sada nije vreme da pucamo na sigurno
Zar nije to razlog što si došao?
Tako da, dušo, ne daj da sve to protraćimo
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za?
Sve jedna stvar se čini pravom
Počelo je kao tiho veče petkom
Mislim da zaista ne bi trebalo da se odupiremo ovome
Šta ako ne prestanemo dok ne svane?
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, za, za, z-z-za?
Jesi za, z-z-za, z-z-za...?
Za, z-z-za, z-z-za
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, jesi za, jesi z-z-za?
Jesi za, za, za, z-z-za?
Your eyes Lena
Are like cherries from Voden
Give them to me, dear,
I'm going to eat them!
Let my desire, dear Lena,
Let my desire fades away.
Bride, bride of mine,
Come out my bride.
Your mouth, dear Lena,
Is like a box from Kostur
Give it to me, dear,
I'm going to open it!
Let my desire, dear Lena,
Let my desire fades away.
Bride, bride of mine,
Come out my bride.
Let my desire, dear Lena,
Let my desire fades away.
Bride, bride of mine,
Come out my bride.
Bride, bride of mine,
Come out my bride.
Kažem da mi je žao previše
Možeš ići napred i nazvati me sebičnom (Sebičnom)
Ali nakon sva ova oštećenja ne mogu pomoći (Pomoći)
Onaj kome možeš da veruješ, zato što mi treba tvoj dodir
Ja vrištim i vičem onom kog volim
Strastveno ali jebe mi se
Priznajem da sam malo zabrljala
Ali mogu da krijem kada sam sva obučena
Opsesivna sam i volim tako previše jako
Dobra u preteranom razmišljanju sa mojim srcem
Kako možeš čak misliti da je došlo ovako daleko?
Ovako daleko
I ja mogu biti potrebna, previše prokleto potrebna
Ja mogu biti potrebna, reci mi koliko je dobar osećaj biti potreban
Ja mogu biti potrebna, tako teško zadovoljiti me
Ja znam da je osećaj tako dobar biti potreban
Marijin pogled
Marija, sa očima koje se bude
Uz sunce koje mi je prikazuje
Sa crvenom stidljivošću
Ona je videla svetlo u mojim jutrima
Izbegava poglede
Dok se penje u voz
O Luisu samo znam da beži od gužvi
Porter umetnika
Pokriva knjigu koja je
Naslonjena na rukove njegove košulje
Sviđa mu se dok je čita
Ušli su u tunel
Koji je postajao sve dublji
Odsečen, kao svet,
poražen od nade
Ostavljajući nam život u konstantnom besu
Krik u ujednačenoj noti
Hiljadu sudbina odjednom
Ušli su, šine nisu izdržale
Probudili su se uplašeni,
Nepokretni, u neznanju...
Odlazeći u smrt planirajući život
Marijin pogled -
Grad sa perona
I ovaj bol je ostao na asfaltu
I ovog marta, skupljajući njihove delove
I ovaj duel, koji nas ostavlja u patnji
Koji nikada nećemo razumeti,
Ja sam Marija, mi smo Luis...
Ušli su u tunel
Koji je postajao sve dublji
Odsečen, kao svet,
poražen od nade
Ostavljajući nam život u konstantnom besu
Krik u ujednačenoj noti
Hiljadu sudbina odjednom
Ušli su, šine nisu izdržale
Probudili su se uplašeni,
Nepokretni, u neznanju...
Odlazeći u smrt planirajući život
Marijin pogled -
Grad sa perona
Neka sirene zvuče samo kao pesme sa mora!
Neka nam se usta nikada ne umore od vikanja!
Neka se sreća vrati danas brzo!
Neka se ne zaboravi Marijin pogled!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Yπερφύσισσπάστιγκούτσιγούτσικαλιρίο
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Yiam diridam diridam diridam
Yiam Diridam diridam diridam dim dam
And if these children do not behave well
They don't have much love in their life
They have a strict father
But one day they learn a new magic word
A word that gave them happiness in their life
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it backwards
You gonna get a prize
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Tonight, mama,
I’ve heard famous men
In a chorus with God.
Give me back my life,
Great voice of the heaven.
Till my departure
May the pain be sweet to me.
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you
Tonight, mama,
We’re all together.
Only one wish,
That of the Sardinians like you.
Sons of history
Sons of unity
We are the memory
We’re today, we’re tomorrow
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you (x2)
Change Your Life
Change your life if you do not live satisfied
Change your life, there is always time to change
Change your life, you shouldn't live against your will
Change your life if there is life throbbing in you
Seeing you smile, I never did
And hearing you sing, I never have
Is it from you or do you think you have... to be like this?
Change your life if you do not live satisfied
Change your life, there is always time to change
Change your life, you shouldn't live against your will
Change your life if there is life throbbing in you
Seeing you smile, I never have
And hearing you sing, I never have
Is it from you or do you think you have... to be like this?
See that life isn't, nor should it be
As a punishment you will have to live
See that life isn't, nor should it be
As a punishment you will have to live
Change your life if you do not live satisfied
Change your life, there is always time to change
Change your life, you shouldn't live against your will
Change your life if there is life throbbing in you
Change your life if you do not live satisfied
Change your life, there is always time to change
Change your life, you shouldn't live against your will
Change your life if there is life throbbing in you
It Is for Tomorrow
It is for tomorrow
You could very well do it today
Because tomorrow I know you will be delaying again
And you well know how time flees
But you do nothing to grab it
Another day and you did nothing
One more day you think it's fine
Another day comes and everything repeats
And you let everything remain the same
It is for tomorrow
You could very well live today
Because tomorrow who knows if you will be here
Oh you well know how life flees
Even if you think it lasts
Another day and you lived nothing
You let the days always pass the same
When you think about the time you lost
Then you will want it but it's too late
It is for tomorrow
Nevermind, don't do it today
Because tomorrow all will get fixed
Oh you well know how work flees
Even if you say you want to work
I know you are looking for
That place that suits you
You can't seem to like what shows up
And what you like is already filled
Sylphs or gnomes play
Rub on the pinewoods
Shadows and light breaths
Of musical rhythms
Curl as in turns
Of roads I do not know where
Or as someone who between trees
Now shows, now hides themselves
Distant and uncertain form
Of what I may never have
I hardly hear, and almost cry
And why do I cry, I do not know
I hardly hear, and almost cry
And why do I cry, I do not know
Such smooth melody
That I hardly know it exists
Or if it is just the twilight
The pinewoods, and me being sad
But it stops, as a breeze
Forgets the form of its 'oh's'
And now there is no more music
Other than that of the pinewoods
Distant and uncertain form
Of what I may never have
I hardly hear, and almost cry
And why do I cry, I do not know
I hardly hear, and almost cry
And why do I cry, I do not know
It's the Body That Pays
When the head has no judgment
When you strive more than you need to
It's the body that pays
It's the body that pays
Let it pay, let it pay
If you're enjoying it
When the head doesn't break free
From frustrations, inhibitions
All that force that tightens you
It's the body that suffers
The deprivations, mutilations
When the head is convinced
That it is the eighth wonder
It's the body that suffers
It's the body that suffers
Let it suffer, let it suffer
If that gives you pleasure
When the head is in that mess
You are unsure of what to do
And you swallow everything that comes to hand
It's the body that keeps
Keeps falling, without resisting
When the head rolls to the abyss
You do not control that nervousness
It's the nail that pays
It's the nail that pays
You don't stop biting
Not even if it's hurting
When the head has no judgment
And you consume more than you need
It's the body that pays
It's the body that pays
Let it pay, let it pay
If you're enjoying it
Let it suffer, let it suffer
If that gives you pleasure
Let it sing, let it sing
If you're enjoying it
Let it kiss, let it kiss
If you're enjoying it
Let it scream, let it scream
If you're letting yourself free
I Am Beyond
I cannot overcome
This state of anxiety
The rush to arrive
To not arrive late
I do not know what I run from
Is it from this loneliness?
But why do I refuse
Who wants to give me their hand?
I will keep searching
For whom I will give myself to
Because until now I only:
Want whom, whom I never saw
Because I only want whom
Whom I never met
Because I only want whom
Whom I never saw
Because I only want whom
Whom I never met
Because I only want whom
Whom I never saw
This dissatisfaction
I cannot comprehend
Always this sensation
That I am losing
I'm in a rush to leave
I want to feel as I arrive
Willingness to depart
To somewhere else
I will keep searching
My form
My place
Because until now I only:
Am well where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
I am well where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
Because I only want to go
Where I do not go
Because I am only well
Where I am not
You ask
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
How can I walk close to you
How to come back in your armful
When you let me get forgotten
It was a mistake
But I found a way
To recover my life
To stand up again
And leave the night
You ask
(For me) to be hurt again
You ask
To heal your bad times
You ask
(For me) to believe words
You ask
(For me) to see you again
You ask
To find truth
You ask
For more fairytales
You ask
Unfairlessly for help
You ask
Unfairlessly (for me) to come back
I can't stand coming back to life
I'll live forever in the dream
Closed in on a cross
For some other purpose
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
You'll see, you'll see...
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
Gummi Bears Theme
Loving and strong, playful bears,
they have odd tales for you
They can do everything, they talk and sing,
brave bears are living beside us!
They jump in tact, jump here and there, and there and here,
who can compare them with someone else?,
someone else
Hidden and unknown are their secrets
For power they drink the magic juice
So their glory grows and wins,
they want good and they do good
They jump in tact, jump here and there, and there and here,
who can compare them with someone else?,
someone else
Here they are!
7 prstenova
Doručak u Tiffany-ju i flaše mehurića
Devojke sa tetovažama koje vole da upadnu u nevolje
Trepavice i dijamanti bankomati
Kupite sebi sve moje omiljene stvari (Da)
Prošala sam kroz neko loše sranje, trebalo bi da budem tužna kučka
Ko bi mislio da će me pretvoriti u divljaka?
Umesto toga, treba da budete vezani za pozive, a ne za žice
Napiši moje čekove kao što pišem šta pevam, da (da)
Moj zglob, prestani da gledaš, vrat mi je končan
Napravi velike depozite, moj sjaj je nezaustavljiv
Sviđa ti se moja kosa? Hvala, samo sam je kupila
Vidim, sviđa mi se, želim ga, imam ga (Da)
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga
Sviđa ti se moja kosa? Hvala, samo sam ga kupio
Vidim, sviđa mi se, želim ga, imam ga (Da)
Nosim prsten, ali ne zato što nisam 'gospođa'.
Kupila sam dijamante za mojih 6 ku*ki
Radije bih pokvarila sve moje prijatelje svojim bogatstvom
Razmislite o maloprodajnoj terapiji kao novoj zavisnosti
Ko je rekao da novac ne može da reši vaše probleme
Nije imalo dovoljno novca da ih reši
Kažu 'Koji?' Kažem 'Ne, želim sve'
Sreća je ista cena kao i crveno dno
Moj osmeh je sjajan, moja koža blista
Kako sija, znam da si ga video (video si ga)
Kupila sam krevet samo za ormar
I njegov i njen, želim ga, imam ga, da
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga (dušo)
Sviđa ti se moja kosa?Hvala, kupila sam je (oh da)
Vidim, sviđa mi se, želim ga, imam ga (Da)
Da moji računi izgledaju kao telefonski brojevi
Ako nije novac, onda pogrešan broj
Crna kartica mi je kreditna kartica
Način na koji mi postavlja ton
Ne bih htela da se hvalim, ali bih rekala: 'Stavi ga u torbu', da
Kada ih vidite, stali su kao moje dupe, da
Pucaj, idi od prodavnice do separea
Neka se sve vrati u jednoj petlji, daj mi plen
Nema veze, dobila sam sok
Ništa osim mreže kad pucamo
Pogledaj mi vrat, pogledaj mi vrat
Nemam dovoljno novca da mi plati poštovanje
Nema budžeta kada sam na snimanju
Ako mi se sviđa, to je ono što dobijam, da
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga (Da)
Želim ga, imam ga, želim ga, imam ga (Oh, da, da)
Sviđa ti se moja kosa? Hvala, samo sam je kupila
Vidim, sviđa mi se, želim ga, imam ga (Da)
Bite Me
[Verse 1]
You're not the first one that bite me there
You're not the first wolf I met
Your lambskin doesn't fool me
I'm not the beginner here
[Verse 2]
But you don't have me patience
And this is what makes a difference
You decide if you lose decency
With my bad influence
If I want, you want (You want)
If I dare, you dare (You dare)
If I call you, you come
Let's go to behave bad
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite, bite) (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
[Verse 3]
That I'm your forbidden girl
I'm your dead end
I put you between the sword and the wall
Drink, my mouth if juicy
[Verse 4]
Eat me, kiss me, take me, hold me
Beam me up, put me down over and over
Eat me, kiss me, take me, hold me
I want you to sweat and make my skin crawl
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
[Post-chorus 1]
Bite, bite (let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad)
Bite, bite (let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad)
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite, we're hot
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite
I want to take me in your body
It's in hell where I want to burn
We're fire, I will procede
There's not much left to do here
I take you to the extreme, I like this game
If I want, you want (I want, you want)
If I dare, you dare (I dare, you dare)
If I call you, you come
Let's go to behave bad
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
La-la-ra-la, la-la-ra-ra, la-la-ra-la
La-la-ra-la, la-la-ra-ra, la-la-ra-la
[Post-chorus 2]
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite, I'm impatient
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite
Bite my heart
You're beautiful, my forest
Versions: #2
You're beautiful, my forest
you smell of youth,
but you inspire in our hearts
only grief and sorrow.
Whoever looks at you once,
he mourns eternally,
not being able under your
shadows to smoulder.
Your oaks and beeches,
your dense leaves,
and the flowers, and the waters,
the fat lambs, and the peony, and the grass
and your coolness,
everything, I say,
sometimes like a bullet falls
on my heart, that is always ready
to weep, when it sees
the new in nature,
when it sees how the spring
sends the old away,
and under the snow, under the cold
life begins anew.
But whoever must
forever leave you,
he cannot until he lives,
forget you.
Ave Maria
Not all of us have the luck
to be chosen by the fate
and the destiny to give us something
On roads of humility
your step is hardly guiding you
and makes a calvary of your life
You choke with the sour bread of poverty
and don't understand what you made wrong
what your hand is chosing
to be a slave while another one's a king
and have nothing of all that you wish for...
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...
Why do people live their life
everyone for himself
and forget about the love for the close ones?
Wondered of so much hatered,
I shut myself deeply
and I wonder
'God, where have You gone?'
Does not anyone just have the soul
to let you down on his downfall
and coming to you
with a word to calm
the wounds of the soul from the past?!
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...
I take by hand Air
I take by hand you
That with a blow of the wind then
you ran away from me
I'm still walking slow
one last half hour
and everything that touches me then
brings me back to you
It's pointless thinking about it
I find myself distraught
I lie often what can you do about it
But too many are the nights
you aren't here
Now you are only air...
I'm distraught
I act tough even though
I miss you
you knock
that you'll fulfill me with your quirks
air.... air
Colors and strange lights
make me draw
paintings of nostalgia of those sunny days
It's pointless thinking about it
I find myself distraught
I lie often what can you do about it
But too many are the nights
you aren't here
Now you are only air...
I'm distraught
I act tough even though
I miss you
you knock
that you'll fulfill me with your quirks
air.... air
I lie often what can you do about it
But too many are the nights
you aren't here
Now you are only air...
I'm distraught
I act tough even though
I miss you
you knock
that you'll fulfill me with your quirks
air.... air
Нема шале
Ево већ десета адреса коју промених,
и број телефона сам променила,
али непознат мушкарац са Мерцедесом
Уходи ме као сенка
Немам ја ни тренутак мира
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''
,,Пловићеш на сребрној јахти,
живећеш у царској палати,
блистаћеш као Сунце и злато,
ако пођеш са мном у Багдад.''
Немам ја ни тренутак мира,
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''
Нема, нема, нема, нема, нема шале,
Шеик од Црног злата* се изгледа заљубио у мене!
Можда нека друга девојка
тражи мужа пуног као брод,
али човеку који ми се не свиђа
не дајем чак ни осмех!
Немам ја ни тренутак мира,
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''
My Sassari
I left Sardinia
and my family
to work for money
in a foreign land.
But you, my Sassari,
always reappear in my dreams
with my children:
I hug you, then I fall asleep.
I dreamed of you tonight
my Sassari, my Sassari…
I dreamed of you tonight,
my Sassari, I was returning to you.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.
Even if I’m not asleep
or I’m talking,
I just close my eyes
and I’m seeing you.
That’s the emigrant’s life:
he works and dies
to raise money
thinking of his sons.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead, you were dead.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead calling my name.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.
Bite me (Snippet)
You are not the first that bites there
You are not the first wolf that I knew
Your lamb's skin don't trick me
That I am not the beginner here
But you don't have patience to me
This is what make difference
I decide if I lose modecy
With your bad influence
If I want, you want
If I dare, you dare
If I call you, you come
We are going to behave badly
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
That I am your Eva forbidden
Marianne, you make me happy for one moment
And then I won't live anymore, Marianne
What is that great desire that you must chase?
You never pause for a moment here with me
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Marianne, Marianne
Cartagenera my brown girl
I was all by myself that day
On the beach of Marbella
When I saw Cartagenera
With the shine of her brown skin
Then I come up to her
With the intent to seduce her
But a big laughter
Was her only answer
Cartagenera my brown girl
My heart is burning for you
Cartagenera your lips
Are like pomegranates
Cartagenera my brown girl
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
I went several times again
To the beach in Marbella
But did not see Cartagenera
'Cause the beach was desert
And since then I think
Of the lovely brown girl
Who shone unconcerned
In front of me on the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
My heart is burning for you
Cartagenera your lips
Are like pomegranates
Cartagenera my brown girl
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Your skin has the colour of the moon
Cartagenera my brown girl
Always I think of you
Adios Lima
Adios Lima de mi amor
Adios, shall I see you again?
I leave the one I loved between you and I
My heart will never forget her
Adios the snow white summits
Adios the silver ponds
My one and only wish
Is to come back to you one day
Adios my love, Lima
At night Peruvian Indian girls
Dream hopeless dreams
They listen in the Andes far away
The legend of the Inca
Adios Lima de mi amor
Often when night comes
Your sunny song and its hot rhythms
Bring me some of your sky so blue
Lima, I already find myself
Dancing in your joyful streets
Tonight, a guitar plays
My song of hope to see you again
My love Lima, Lima
Lima, mi amor
Lima, mi amor
Tražio bih te
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo i vratilo se korak unazad
Iste naše jučerašnje ludosti bi se ponovo desile
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo
Vratiti se na to mesto gde je naša ljubav nestala
U tvojim očima se videlo sivilo jeseni
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo, vratilo bi se plavetnilo umesto
Sivila u tvom pogledu, ukoliko bih te ponovo pronašao
Kada bih znao na kom si mestu, danas bih te tražio
I rekao bih ti da moj život nema smisla bez tebe u njemu
Ali tako si mi udaljena, da bi ovaj san postao stvarnost
Sve bih dao, i dalje gledam tvoju fotografiju
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao
Stvari koje sam naučio od naše ljubavi, ponovo bi ih oživeo
Drvo u našem domu bi počelo da gori, zamišljam
Da si samo kao juče, moj glas počinje da peva
Našu pesmu, tvoju pesmu...
Kada bih znao na kom si mestu, danas bih te tražio
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo i vratilo se korak unazad
Iste naše jučerašnje ludosti bi se ponovo desile
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo
Vratiti se na to mesto gde je naša ljubav nestala
U tvojim očima se videlo sivilo jeseni
Ukoliko bi vreme manje skitalo, vratilo bi se plavetnilo umesto
Sivila u tvom pogledu, ukoliko bih te ponovo pronašao
Kada bih znao na kom si mestu, danas bih te tražio
I rekao bih ti da moj život nema smisla bez tebe u njemu
Ali tako si mi udaljena, da bi ovaj san postao stvarnost
Sve bih dao, i dalje gledam tvoju fotografiju
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao
Stvari koje sam naučio od naše ljubavi, ponovo bi ih oživeo
Drvo u našem domu bi počelo da gori, zamišljam
Da si samo kao juče, moj glas počinje da peva
Našu pesmu, tvoju pesmu...
Kada bih znao na kom si mestu, danas bih te tražio
Ukoliko bih te jednog dana ponovo pronašao