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Handbook for Aloha Way Love

This is the way to find someone to love
Aloha way to find some peace of mind (So, listen, girl!)
If you keep looking for love and you don't get an answer and you feel emptiness
Come to this island where the magical wind blows
You can meet an unexpected answer
The person who looks like you is clumsy and straight
I realize that the real girlfriend I was looking for is a better half
This is the way to look for someone right
Aloha way to see what you really need (So, look and see!)
Power Spot is next to him who can laugh together rather than the illusion of longing
In the blue sky that tells us the joy that we have forgotten
I'm sure there will be two rainbows soon
Let's share the journey named life with that person
Without parentheses, as you are
This is the way to live your life with nature
Aloha way to live with happy spirits
Aventure she's done with this
Step on the ground now and walk like you
Find it and your true happiness is right in front of you
Happiness is right in front of you
This is all I want you to know
This is the way to find someone to love
Aloha way to find some peace of mind (So, listen, girl!)
This is the way to look for someone right
Aloha way to see what you really need (So, look and see!)
This is the way to live your life with nature
Aloha way to live with happy spirits
This is the way find to someone to love

Look Uncle

For this land I will sacrifice everything
Where the youth lives out it’s life
Don’t love me too much
(Or) You will go crazy
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
When he passes me by
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
I can tell from his gestures that he is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
O Uncle, I used to think of you as my Uncle
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
But uncle you’re cruel, you slander (me) your niece
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
It’s(even) hard to forget someone who accompanies one briefly
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
It’s (even) hard to forget someone who accompanies one briefly
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
(Then) How can I forget the love of my life
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
He keeps searching like a madman
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Either he’s lost something, or he has laid eyes on me
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
O Allah
I have seen many eyes (in my time)
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
But your eyes, they make me weep even in my dreams
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
He throws stones at people, He’s a vagabond
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look Uncle, your son is crazed
Look uncle...Look uncle...Look uncle...
Look uncle...Look uncle...Look uncle...
Look uncle...Look uncle...Look uncle...
Look uncle...Look uncle...Look uncle...
Look uncle...Look uncle...Look uncle...

Venčajmo Se (Stvarno Si Mi Samo Ti)

Hajde se venčajmo odmah sada
Nema potrebe da čekamo i traćimo vreme
Zašto bismo morali da nastavimo ovako?
Niko i ništa ne može da nas razdvoji
Pa, hajde da se venčamo smesta
Probudiću te ujutru, moj dragi
I zasladiti ti kafu svojim poljupcem
Svake noći ću te grliti što čvršće mogu
Šaptajući ti reči koje žudiš da čuješ
Pa, hajde da se venčamo
Zašto me samo ne pitaš i prekineš da se dvoumiš?
Samo razmisli o tome koliko bismo srećni mogli da budemo
Ti i ja
U maloj kući sa jednom psom
Pa, hajde da se venčamo smesta
Pa, hajde da se venčamo smesta
Kada si tužan i skroz izbedačen, moj dragi
Daću ti mali osmeh kako bih te razvedrila
Ali ako se ja rastužim i osetim usamljeno ikada
Molim te me zagrli jako i obriši mi suze
Pa, hajde da se venčamo
Samo ne znam ni kako bih živela sama bez tebe
Možda bi bilo lepo da imamo našu decu jednog dana
I ovo je jedino što mogu da kažem
Hajde se venčajmo odmah sada
Pa, hajde da se venčamo smesta

Little boat

well, now when you going
like a rock a hundred tons
in my chest tossing and turning
like dull bells of Notre Dame
along the cloudy shores
now you will wander alone
we were one of those gods
who didn't spare their own
who piled up ice,
invented all those words,
from under the blue water
pulled out islands
who changed the river flow
and weaved the night
time to switch on the snow
and leave without goodbye
believe me, when I say:
you were brightest, my love
we have tailored the sun's rays
and established a laugh
time to except the gifts
from the mother of silence.
there will be more worlds.
and ours have came to an end.
time, breaking the oars and leave
depart on a journey:
lie in the golden myth
and push the boat away.

2032: Track 15 - 200 Minutes (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
Two hundred minutes of wait,
Hundreds of miles are left behind,
And yet another day
Will disappear with the red sky.
All the events of it
Will vanish too, no longer matter,
The thoughts of all these things,
Among the issues, they will just scatter.
Yet, it’s impossible for us to love
People who want to be loved on the planet.
Can’t feel their hand, it’s unlikely to touch
In this story.
We aren’t meant to feel
Emotions of others within our minds,
Our own feelings are real,
Everything else can’t be defined,
This kind of selfishness
Is a typical issue for our lives,
The progress just doesn’t help,
And the way out is yet to find.
For many people, it is only stress,
The wonderful feeling turns into a bother,
Countless emotions they have to suppress
To solve their problems.
Yet, it’s unreal being able to love
Everyone who is alive in this world,
The everlasting spring still hasn’t come
In this story.

2032: Track 04 – In the Vortex of Time (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
In the vortex of time,
We can see dreams’ colors play:
Some of them turned to dust,
While others faded away,
There are also the ones attracting us
For thousands of years,
And the secrets they keep stay unknown,
Are yet to reveal.
The harder the goal is to achieve,
The faster we’re trying to run,
Inspiring our minds to believe,
As if it was the only right one...
In the wait for the dream
To come true, feeling so high,
We searched for our way,
Forgetting the endless lies,
And our own world
Was just for us and only because,
For the sake of the dream,
We easily can make it destroyed.
And, maybe, it’s just way too silly,
To believe in the ultimate goal,
Which came from the tales of our childhood,
But it’s surely worth living for!
In the vortex of time,
Ideas develop and grow,
And events will decide
Which ones will be let go:
And the Earth paradise
We tried to create, the utopian dream,
Stayed in scientists’ minds,
Just leaving us its colors to see...
The harder the goal is to achieve,
The faster we’re trying to run,
Charmed by what we see in our dreams,
We’re blinded by its divine light,
And, maybe, it’s just way too silly,
To believe in the ultimate goal,
Which came from the tales of our childhood,
But it’s surely worth living for!

2032: Track 10 – The Angel of New Life (Milinevsky's Aria)

Versions: #1
It always seemed to me
That our goal is clear,
That we know what we are searching for.
A lie is justified
When it’s supposed to lead
To the results we’re aiming to achieve.
And by our people’s lives,
Ideas they work for,
The fate itself шs showing us the way,
But how it could be so,
That, now, this very goal
Is being thrown away by our man-made god?
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life!
The spring of yours
Has opened the door
To the break of days upcoming!..
It would be strange
To blame you now,
Because you know too much,
But how can we
Avoid the cost
That you’ve foretold for us?
Our century is hard
It’s full of contradictions
Sometimes, the joy is just illusion,
It’s possible that you
Will give illusions too
But leave behind the very things that matter.
But if your words are true,
And progress we’ve achieved
No longer needs our naïve aspirations,
Then our only goal
Is system with the role
Of supporting those who live consuming only!
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life,
The spring of yours
Has let us explore
The world of things we’ve dreamed of!
The day will come
And, then, you will
Realize everything once more

2032: Track 17 – Two Months (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
Two months already passed
Within the Kremlin’s walls,
The disputes stopped among the ones in power,
And the wind of change
Was stopped for a while,
Because the rulers deemed
It was a serious problem…
She is in full control,
Just like it was before,
That’s why that move was so hard to make:
‘cause everybody knew
It was bound to disrupt
The quality of ruling over state…
And, after thirteen years,
She managed to become
The one behaving as if she was like us:
And it was so easy
To fall in love with her
Be jealous for the leaders
As if she was a human…


To the point that I felt nostalgic over those mundane days
In the smoke-stained, sinking night
I looked upon the flowers
Walking with you through the stuffy air
And the smiling face I saw as I looked back
For some reason I remembered these things
On the white promenade that everyone forgets, that the canary sings on in the end of April
I think I want to remember that your fingertips were trembling
It's OK, if it's with you it's OK
Even if I can't return to this place again
If I'm with you, it's OK
Let's walk together until the end
You pick up the glass that tumbled down and shattered
In those eyes of yours I could see tears
And still you said nothing
In the corners of the lake-shore where the foliage resounds, and the canary disappears at the end of May
I think that I really want to support you, more than anything
It's OK, because it's you it's OK
Even if no one were to find us
Since it's you, it's OK
Towards the beckoning voice of the fluttering wind
Both me and you, we'll probably change
We'll sometimes quarrel, and maybe hurt each other
But losing each other we will fall in love again
And I want us to make sure of that
It's OK, if it's with you it's OK
Even if there was nothing at the end,
It's OK
It's OK, because it's you it's OK
Even if no one were to find us
Since it's you, it's OK
Let's walk together until the end
Towards the beckoning voice of the fluttering wind


Tomorrow I will love you again.
We have such a game.
Everything is infinitely new
In a world where there is you and me.
Stars fall from the sky,
Cities are crumbling,
But it's never too late
In a world where there is you and me.
In a world where there is you and me,
There is only the sea,
And this sky,
The height...
In a world where there is you and me,
Our summers are on repeat.
Such a beauty,
Such a beauty...
How many wet streets
Won't write about us any longer?
We forever wake up
In a world where there are only dreams...
I smiled at you,
You didn't speak a word,
I wrote on my wrist the word 'we'

A thread

The days are torn,
The dreams are torn,
The night is torn,
How to hold them together?
How could I lie about it?
What could help it?
I will be catching you, catching with my lips,
I will be begging you, begging with my arms.
I will be a thin thread
On your wrist,
Don’t cast me away, don’t let me fall.
I will be a thin thread,
A barely visible red thread,
Don’t take me off, don’t kill me in vain.
And when you wake up in the morning,
Keep me in the noise of the cities.
And when you dress up in the morning, hide me in the shade of your sleeves.
And though they say that everything will get carried away by the water,
Don’t believe them all, I will be always with you.
I will be a thin thread
On your wrist,
Don’t cast me away, don’t let me fall.
I will be a thin thread,
A barely visible red thread,
Don’t take me off, don’t kill me in vain.
I will be a thin thread
On your wrist,
Don’t cast me away, don’t let me fall.
I will be a thin thread,
A barely visible red thread,
Don’t take me off, don’t kill me in vain.

H.H.H. and R'n'R

Everybody in the hall, move to the beat
Till we rumble the walls and the floor!
Everybody knows - it's our take-home exam
Hip-hop, house and rock 'n' roll!
Everybody in the hall, move to the beat
Till we rumble the walls and the floor!
Everybody knows - it's our take-home exam
Hip-hop, house and rock 'n' roll!
Today my dad bought me new loudspeakers,
Now everyone's gonna get it! Neighbours, go screw yourselves!
We've got drums, a guitar and the trendiest records.
So basically, we're holding a party today.
Well then! Who we've got? Shaggy, you'll be the MC
Then bigmouth's gonna sort things out with the police in the morning.
And we'll turn four-eyes into a human orchestra!
And our chubby neighbourhood DJ's gonna spin the records!
O-o-o-oh! The hip-hop party's starting!
Chubby, play the records!
O-o-o-oh! Gonna be enough songs and girls for all of us!
Stage, mixer, the DJ table, let's dance H.H.H and R'n'R!
Everybody in the hall, move to the beat
Till we rumble the walls and the floor!
Everybody knows - it's our take-home exam
Hip-hop, house and rock 'n' roll!
All the guys put on cologne, the girls have dolled up
First we all smoked up, then we had a wild time!
Gonna need repairs for a week - that's how much fun we had!
Looks like some are gonna end up in bed...
Well then, I'm gonna go out to the balcony with the redhead.
Then I'm gonna head off with those two to the kitchen.
And I'll take all the rest to the attic.
But the chubby one doesn't need that to have fun!
O-o-o-oh! The hip-hop party's starting!
Chubby, play us the records!
O-o-o-oh! Gonna be enough songs and girls for all of us!
Tempo! Tempo! Tempo! Tempo!
O-o-o-oh! Chubby!
O-o-o-oh! Chubby, play us the records!
O-o-o-oh! Chubby!
O-o-o-oh! Chubby, play us the records!
So what, are we gonna dance? I'm not teaching you guys.
C'mon, more enthusiasm! Hey you, over there, quit bugging me.
I'm cruel, I'm hungry, my head's been a mess since morning.
You with your trendy dancing, but I've gotta go to work.
O fate, fate, O my cruel rapper's fate.
Screw him, maybe I should shut up and go grab some chick?
While the records are spinning I'll find somebody to pinch,
I'll go and take her by the ass and maybe even by the tits.
Hey, wait a second, there was a real woman standing right here!
Aha, she's already on the balcony with four-eyes - look, the pans are ringing.
No doubt, Shaggy's got at least two of them in the kitchen.
But bigmouth's never got enough room - in bushes, attics and even basements.
In short, maybe that's enough? Maybe you guys can finish later?
I don't get it: is this a hip-hop party or a whorehouse?
Let's get together and dance, for real.
After all I'm a super-mega DJ and not some busker in a brothel...
O-o-o-oh! DJ!
O-o-o-oh! Come on! Come on! Come on!
O-o-o-oh! Let's go, Shaggy!
O-o-o-oh! Everybody shake your body!
O-o-o-oh! Everybody in the hall!
O-o-o-oh! Hey!
О-о-о-о! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Masks, GAZ car, protocol, let's dance Hip-Hop, House and Rock 'n' Roll!
Aha! Everybody in the hall, move to the beat!
Everybody in the hall, move to the beat!
H.H.H. and R 'n' R.
Everybody in the hall! (H.H.H. and R'n'R)
Move to the beat! (H.H.H. and R'n'R)
Everybody in the hall! (H.H.H. and R'n'R)
Move to the beat!


Danas je nebo
Kao što je nekad bilo
Jesenji dani
Ostavili su na mom prozoru
Slomljena lišća
Slomljeno vreme
I kao za nas
Grad je disao samo za nas...
Da tvoja duša
Uvek će biti ovde, sa mojom
I verujem
Da će tvoje srce
Uvek biti uvek tamo gde je moje...
Kada padne noć
Odleti daleko poput ptica
U tom trenutku
Osetiću koliko boli
Sledećeg jutra
Probudiću se
I videću da nisi ovde
Da tvoja duša
Uvek će biti ovde, sa mojom
I verujem
Da će tvoje srce
Uvek biti uvek tamo gde je moje..
Da moja duša
Uvek će biti tamo, gde je tvoja
I verujem
Da će moje srce
Biti uvek tamo, gde je tvoje...

Odvedi me

Za vetrove i okeane
Nazdraviću, iako se napijem
Vodi me na krov
Ne, neću pasti
Hej, dođi ovde...
Znaš kako me pronaći
Sećaš se mog imena
Moje ruke nikad ne lažu
Odvedi me ... ukoliko dođeš
Odvedi me... ukoliko nađeš
Odvedi me, da li je toliko teško
Znaš i sam kako, zar ne?
Znaš li ili ne?
Verujem, kao da je moje prvo
Kao da je moje poslednje
Kao da su sve te izbrisane reči
One koje mi je mama čitala, sećam se
U mom džepu postoje dva proleća
Odmah pored noći.. i pored tebe
Odvedi me ... ukoliko dođeš
Odvedi me... ukoliko nađeš
Odvedi me, da li je toliko teško
Znaš i sam kako, zar ne?
Znaš li ili ne?
Ukoliko ne, šteta je
Odvedi me ... ukoliko dođeš
Odvedi me... ukoliko nađeš
Odvedi me, da li je toliko teško
Znaš i sam kako, zar ne?
Znaš li ili ne?
Ukoliko ne.. nema veze
Ne, više nema veze
Ne, više nema veze