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Notarially attested

Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you
Do you want me to tell you something about me?
So later it doesn't look like you didn't get something
I hear that you are talking- I hate that
Are you proud that you've slept with many women?
Do you want me to buy you new toys?
Because you are childishly making me look stupid
I don't smash, I just wank
I'm very good at that, can you do the same?
Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you
Tell me, are playing it like a belt?
If something tightens you, you change the hole
You don't want to get to know any woman
If it gets hard, let the next one enter
Do you want me to buy you new toys?
Because you are childishly making me look stupid
I don't smash, I just wank
I'm very good at that, can you do the same?
Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you

Notarno overen

Napij se, pozovi me,
umoren od svih - super tužan i pijan!
Da ti nedostajem, kaži mi,
neću ti se vratiti, dosta mi je, znam!
Je l' udaraš pristima, ili da ti ja udarim
pečat, jer zamnom ludiš?
Nešto notarno da ti overim?
Bol, na primer, to sam od tebe videla!
Hoćeš o sebi nešto da ti pričam?
Nemoj posle da bude, da nisi razumeo!
Čujem, da pričaš, ja to mnogo mrzim,
da se hvališ da si sa mnogo njih spavao?
Hoćeš nove igračke da ti kupim,
kao da sam dete, pa me praviš da sam glupa!
Ja ne pucam da ti kažem, ja samo sijam!
Može mi se, je l' možeš i ti tako?
Napij se, pozovi me,
umoren od svih - super tužan i pijan!
Da ti nedostajem, kaži mi,
neću ti se vratiti, dosta mi je, znam!
Je l' udaraš pristima, ili da ti ja udarim
pečat, jer zamnom ludiš?
Nešto notarno da ti overim?
Bol, na primer, to sam od tebe videla!
Ti kao sa kajišem da se igraš, kaži?
Steže li te nešto - menjaš rupu!
Nijednu ne želiš da upoznaš,
čim ti postane teško, neka uđe sledeća!
Napij se, pozovi me,
umoren od svih - super tužan i pijan!
Da ti nedostajem, kaži mi,
neću ti se vratiti, dosta mi je, znam!
Je l' udaraš pristima, ili da ti ja udarim
pečat, jer zamnom ludiš?
Nešto notarno da ti overim?
Bol, na primer, to sam od tebe videla!


Maybe it's an accident,
And maybe this is not the first time.
The love will remain a mystery,
You know, all of these feelings are not for us.
You've shot so accurately, straight into the heart,
This was instantly.
Dissolve inside me without words and pain,
As an adrenaline in veins.
Perhaps we still did not become crazy,
Perhaps it had happened, but not with us.
Maybe we still are not crazy,
Probably we did not get familiar with the Love itself.
The whole world is inside you, I've burned to ashes all of my secrets,
Perhaps I am abnormally crazy about you.
Look into me, inhale me, you see - I'm on the verge,
How to become crazy of love - we still do not know.
Perhaps we still did not become crazy,
Perhaps it had happened, but not with us.
Maybe we still are not crazy,
Probably we did not get familiar with the Love itself.

Friend Like Me

Master! I see you don't quite realize what you got in your hand!
So I'm ready to explain,
If you'll sit and listen to the song,
That makes everything clear.
Ali Baba has forty thieves,
Scheherazade's got a thousand tales,
You're lucky that I'm with you, Master,
Because my wishes never fail!
Like in a heavyweight boxing match,
I always stand in the arena.
You want power, strength, talent?
All you gotta do is rub the lamp, and then I'll say:
Dear Monsieur Aladdin,
There's a home kitchen here,
I jot down your order,
You ain't never had a friend like me.
Life is a restaurant,
So come and take a bite of it with me!
Come whisper your wish in my ear,
You ain't never had a friend like me.
The service is top-notch,
And all is for free!
You're the king, the master, the shah,
I'll get your dish right away!
There's a wide variety here,
Only quality foods.
I want a satisfied costumer,
You ain't never had a friend like me!
Yes, yes.
No, no, no!
Yeah, yeah...
More juggling tricks.
Notice all the details!
Who pulls out rabbits
Out of hats?
Who spits fire?
What happened here?
If only you say 'Abra cadabra'
In the blink of an eye, everything fades away!
What a gaping mouth, staring eyes,
I pray for you!
You've won me, I'm a perfect magician,
You got a certified genie.
I got a powerful urge to help you out,
So just tell me your wish already!
The list is endlessly long,
So just rub it, but not too hard!
Mister Aladdin, it's all on my control,
I'm a worker, I'm never lazy!
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend,
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend,
You ain't never had a friend like me!
You ain't never had a friend like me.


What can I say when I'm looking at you this way?
There's nothing I like more than being naked,
just after making love,
when we listen to this song looking at the ceiling.
This song that wonders if this is true,
that wonders if this is crazy,
that says you've already hanged your armor
at my gates.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
My room is enough for the two of us,
the same sun is enough for the whole universe.
Sometimes everything's so normal, so quiet,
I don't think I've ever saw me before, now I look me when I see you.
And then I make me a cup of tea
and I play the guitar,
you stay asleep
and I make you this song so you can be calm.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
Sometimes I feel so tired
and I go to bed to lie down.
Sometimes life bores me so,
you make my days more beautiful.

Blasted spring

I was more or les like that,
white wine, night,
and old songs
and the blasted spring,
sweet deceiver,
laughed at me.
What's left of an erotic dream if
suddenly I wake up
and you are gone?
I regret your not being there,
I despair
as if love were painful
and although i don't want to,
without wanting to I think of you.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm harming only myself.
What your passing left behind
is a kiss that's not enough
of a kiss,
a caress which
rings false,
an 'I love you and I don't love you'
and even though you don't want to
without wanting to you think of me.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm cursing only myself.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

Prelazak leta

Držali su nas u hotelu...vruće
Posle vazdušnog masakra
I kakva si osoba...niska
Protiviš se retorici
Kunem ti se da sam znao da te povređujem
Ne bih otišao nikada,nikada,nikada
Da si me hrabro pitala
Ne bih te ostavio nikada,nikada,nikada
Prelazak leta
Večna zimska ljubav
Srasno i hrabro
Ići ću na ovaj put s tobom
Prelazak leta
Kunem se da tajne i sećanja
Prodati neću nikada,nikada,nikada
I da me preklinješ da te izdam
Posrnuo ne bih nikada.nikada.nikada
Prelazak leta
Večna zimska ljubav
Srasno i hrabro
Ići ću na ovaj put s tobom
Prelazak leta
Nećeš me videti
Nikada jadnog
Nećeš uspeti
I otići će...
Prelazak leta
Večna zimska ljubav
Srasno i hrabro
Ići ću na ovaj put s tobom
Prelazak leta
Večna zimska ljubav
Srasno i hrabro
Ići ću na ovaj put s tobom
Držali su nas u baru...vruće
Između plaže i bezalkoholnog piva
I kakav ti je karakter... nizak
Ako veruješ samo medijima