Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 15
Breskvičasta Simpatija
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem seNe mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
Izgleda da je ovo zaljubljivanje, zaljubljujem se
Po prvi put ikada
Toliko da ne kapiram ništa što ne kapiram
Mi se sviđa
Pitam se da li-li-li-li-li-li
On ima devojku
Počinje da mi se pojavljuje čak i u snovima
Još više me interesuje nego što je do sada
Izgleda da imam breskvičastu simpatiju
Nisam ni svesna bila ali je već imam
Kadagod se slučajno sretnemo u srcu mi zazvoni muzika
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem se
Ne mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
Ne mogu ga zavesti, definitivno ga ne mogu zavesti
Jer eto, malčice sam nervozna
Kapiram, tako je, kapiram, sad je
Vreme da mu kažem
Malo 'duha' da stavim-vim-vim-vim-vim-vim
Bi li ste hteli da pričate sa mnom?
Skupim hrabrost da Vam kažem 'Ćao!' ali odmah posle je 'Zbogommm~'
Nešto mi neće razgovor...
Iako se zaljubljujem jednostrano
Iako bih da bude dvostrano
Malčice smo bliži nego juče i muzika mi zvoni u srcu zbog toga
Breskvičasta simpatija, ljubimo se
Ne mogu da ne sanjarim tako
Možete li da me vidite Vi?
Boja ljubavi je breskvičasto godišnje doba
Izgleda da imam breskvičastu simpatiju
Nisam ni svesna bila ali je već imam
Kadagod se slučajno sretnemo u srcu mi zazvoni muzika
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem se
Ne mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
Chocolate soul
Since last year until now it was futileI saw a movie with a friend who was picking the cellphone restlessly
The situation has changed
By late January, Thank you God
For the present that came just in time
Who set my chocolate soul on fire
Was you, you, you, you, you
Congratulations for winning
I don't care if you're tall
I'm not just attracted by the looks
I didn't even know myself
At the store where I do the line, you were a part timer
Ouch ouch, when I said I was burning, you quickly
Put water before my eyes and said 'Eat slowly'
I was moved by your way of saying tender words
Who set my chocolate soul on fire
Was you, you, you, you, you
Congratulations for winning
I don't care if you're tall
I'm not just attracted by the looks
I didn't even know myself
I found my treasure
hu... hu... hu...
You're my chocolate
hu... hu... hu...
Who set my chocolate soul on fire
Was you, you, you, you, you
Congratulations for winning
Even if we meet everyday, it's a new discover
Was you, you, you, you, you
I keep liking you
At the first surfing, I didn't strop throbbing
I rely on your back
I didn't even know myself
I rely on your back
I didn't even know myself
I found my treasure
hu... hu... hu...
You're my chocolate
hu... hu... hu...
I found my treasure
hu... hu... hu...
You're my chocolate
hu... hu... hu...
You're my jewelry
hu... hu... hu...
The difference
It's the difference. Since there are differences.The world goes around. Each one has it.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. Beacuse everything varies
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power.
And nothing comes up
As one expects. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
But wherever we go
There's only one sure thing
It's the difference. Personality.
It's in the whole world. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the short becomes long
The weak becomes strong. It's true
That's why it's interesting. It's personality.
It's the difference. That's why it's interesting.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
The first becomes the last
The slow becomes fast. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
Personality. Personality. Personality.
It's the difference. It's something precious.
It's personality. Each one has it.
Sometimes the sweet gets sour
The weak gets the power
Since there are differences, the world goes around
Each one has it. It's true
That's why it's interesting.
If you realize
If you realize, by my sideYou always been
Hold me with an unwithering love
Take me please
Being halfway of happiness is too natural
Maybe little by little it becomes extravagant
I yearned for my days with you
I feel that those days were nostalgic
I made a big mistake
And you wrapped me with your nonchalant voice
If you realize, I always depended
Of a passionate love
I spill tears of love color
If you realize, by my side
You always been
Hold me with an unwithering love
Take me please
We kissed in the twilight, we entwined our fingers
It's annoying that time passes
We embraced on a winter day, the summer sea
Scorches in my eyelids if I close my eyes
I pretended to cry on purpose
But someone unbearable found out
Over and over I was helped
By one of his stock phrases
'Move on with a smile'
If you realize, I always depended
Of a passionate love
I spill tears of love color
If you realize, by my side
You always been
Hold me with an unwithering love
Take me please
Tropical love
With the wonderful mood of summerI just nodded
But, to mom and dad
How will I explain?
I have a tropical love
A cheap trip for two
To the tropical island of dreams
He's so serious
Can I be merry?
What would I do if I had
A weird habit that I don't notice?
Can I be merry?
He's so tropical
If he expects a kiss, what would I do?
I gotta take my passport
I bought a swimsuit
But will I wear it seriously?
Even if I do diet
I feel that I can't
I have a tropical love
I have a serious love
To the tropical island of dreams
The departure is near
Can I be merry?
I'm serious with the table manners
Thanks to mom and dad who taught me
Can I be merry?
My preparation isn't progressing
I can't close the suitcase, what should I do?
My souvenirs won't get in
'Yes...I'm happy...I'm happy but...
No... is not that I hate you...
I like you...I like you but...'
Can I be merry?
I'm serious with the table manners
Thanks to mom and dad who taught me
Can I be merry?
My preparation isn't progressing
I can't close the suitcase, what should I do?
My souvenirs won't get in
We'll leave tomorrow morning
Can I keep loving you?
After all you're my eternal unrequited loveI love you
I dream of you vaguely so much
That I don't know if I'm awake or asleep
Like undoing an entangled thin thread
My days with you don't seem to end
From the classroom window,
Friends watch the last landscape
After all you're my eternal unrequited love
I love you
This romance will graduate
I'll wait for a new spring
I had a fleeting first love, a romance with kisses
And even a romance without time for noticing
But we are called lovers
What are you seeing?
Even if I keep growing
I fall in love with someone else
And have a lovely wedding
I'll keep loving you
Even if I keep growing
I fall in love with someone else
And have a lovely wedding
I'll keep loving you
You're my eternal unrequited love
I love you
This romance will graduate
I'll wait for a new spring
You're my eternal unrequited love
Goodbye summer boy
Goodbye boy, let's bid farewellWithout kissing, goodbye boy
I'm not a woman as innocent as you think
While working on a library
(One, two, three, summer boy)
I don't know why, we became friends
(Four, five, six, summer boy)
I ended up picking a character
With the image of a serious girl
A kiss at least
Would be the average but...
Goodbye boy, let's bid farewell
Without kissing, goodbye boy
I'm not a woman as innocent as you think
Goodbye boy, while knowing nothing
I've been rejected, goodbye boy
I don't know what would happen if I liked you a lot
You kept appearing every week
(One, two, three, summer boy)
I don't know why my chest sways
(Four, five, six, summer boy)
If you didn't stop me by force, I'd go home
On purpose I say that the closing time is early
Goodbye boy, it was a forced talk
And very inappropriate, goodbye boy
I'm not a woman as innocent as you think
Goodbye boy, surely my lie will be exposed
That's why I can't talk, goodbye boy
It wouldn't hurt me if I liked you a lot
If you didn't stop me by force, I'd go home
On purpose I say that the closing time is early
Goodbye boy, let's bid farewell
Without kissing, goodbye boy
I'm not a woman as innocent as you think
Goodbye boy, while knowing nothing
I've been rejected, goodbye boy
I don't know what would happen if I liked you a lot
Goodbye bye bye summer boy
The 100th kiss
Don't get into my heartIt's not because I hide particularly
I simply can't talk
So interestingly like someone
Don't peek at me so much
Is not because I hate it particularly
Is that there are parts of each
That we don't know respectively
I think it's better this way
Or perhaps not, never mind
My feelings of that day
Don't look like a lie
If I kiss you a hundred times
I want you to say 'I love you' a hundred times
And then I would laugh unconditionally
And forgive you a hundred times
Yes, it's my love story
Since I met you in this city
I learned many things
I have the feeling
That even the speech changed
On that moment I was alone
Because I had may things accumulated
In fact
Nobody knows me
I think I don't want to talk
Or perhaps I do, never mind
Why tears
Are falling?
If you kiss me a hundred times
I'll dream of you a hundred times
And then I would say unconditionally
Kiss me in dreams a hundred times
Yes, it's my love story
If I kiss you a hundred times
I want you to say 'I love you' a hundred times
And then I would laugh unconditionally
And forgive you a hundred times
Yes, it's my love story
The aesthetics
Without being able to confess my loveI'm overwhelmed and embarrassed
He's a tender man
And so handsome
Always on a hurry
I want the midnight to come soon
Baby I have a trillion things
To say to you
Because I'm in love
It's aching
But even if we love each other
I cry, I cry, I cry
The aesthetics of a man
And a woman in love
If I wake up tomorrow
I'd kiss kiss kiss you there
The glamour of a woman
And a man in love
On a lonely night
Even if I spill tears
It's ok
I consult to all my relatives
About the practicality of a wedding
He's a lovely man
But he's indecisive
So let's dance on this shining midnight
Fall in love please
Baby, half of me
Is ready
I dream with the metropolis
An afternoon of romance
With a yell around the world
Raise my right shoulder
The chemistry of a man
And a woman in love
If there's a reaction
I'd kiss kiss kiss you there
The spell of a woman
And a man in love
On a lonely night
Without being apart
We'll dream
I dream with the metropolis
An afternoon of romance
With a yell around the world
Raise my right shoulder
The chemistry of a man
And a woman in love
If there's a reaction
I'd kiss kiss kiss you there
The spell of a woman
And a man in love
On a lonely night
Without being apart
We'll dream
Love, tears color
Love, tears color, I read your mailLove, I didn't want to hear you say
'I broke up with her'
Ah, I was playing innocent thinking
That I forgot you
Ah, complex emotions quickly
Go round my head. It's annoying
With your capricious personality
And my obstinate personality
Surely we can't continue
Love, tears color, I can't stop crying
Love, all ended that night
I won't answer your mail
Ah, if you're halfway a love with her for some reason
Uh, I wonder if you've been calm
Ah, how many times I wanted to forget your number
But I keep remembering it particularly. It's annoying
How much you grew, what part-time job you do
How much weight you won or lost
I only think of that
Love, tears color, now my tears don't stop
Love, I want to return to that night
And presume of your honesty
Love, tears color, I can't stop crying
Love, all ended that night
I won't answer your mail
Pink unrequited love
I have a pink unrequited loveI stare at it fixedly
And if we look repeatedly
My chest chokes, pink fantasy
For the first time I have
An unrequited love
It seems that I like
What I can't understand
I wonder if for him
I'm his lover
Even in dreams comes out
I'm so interested
I have a pink unrequited love
In an unknown pause
I met him by chance. My chest chokes
I have a pink unrequited love
I stare at it fixedly
And if we look repeatedly
My chest chokes, pink fantasy
I can't even invite him
I'm so nervous
I understand that it's the time
To confess my love
Giving all of me
I want to talk to him
But being brave I say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'
No conversation
I have a pink unrequited love
But even if I aim to mutual love
I got closer than yesterday. My chest chokes
I kiss a pink unrequited love
I dream of it fixedly
Is he seeing me?
The color of love is a pink season
I have a pink unrequited love
In an unknown pause
I met him by chance. My chest chokes
I have a pink unrequited love
I stare at it fixedly
And if we look repeatedly
My chest chokes, pink fantasy
Yeah! Super holidays
Yeah! Super holidaysHopes of a happy summer
Yeah! Super summertime
I wanna fall in love happily
I get advantage to the age
Opening a fashion magazine
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, a swimsuit
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, on fashion
When all the girls compete
They don't give up before their rivals
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, passionate
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, battle
Sometimes, from time to time
I get sentimental
But I do something or other
Me at dreams dot dot slash
Yeah! Super holidays
Hopes of a happy summer
Yeah! Super summertime
I wanna fall in love happily
Yeah! Super holidays
Swelling up of bravery
Yeah! Super summertime
I want to help
A new myself
Fall in love happily
Don't lose the focus
Of an unexpected meeting anywhere
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, motivation
Incredible, incredible, incredible
Incredible, season
I'm really anxious
Can I do it?
But I have to do something or other
Palpi at tation dot dot slash
Yeah! Super holidays
Hopes of a happy summer
Yeah! Super summertime
I wanna fall in love
Yeah! Super holidays
Hopes of a happy summer
Yeah! Super summertime
I wanna fall in love hard
Yeah! Super holidays
Swelling up of bravery
Yeah! Super summertime
I want to help
A new myself
Fall in love happily
What was unlikely to happen becomes a factWe all notice our powerlessness
What's right? Where to go?
You can't lose sight of it again
To protect what you love
You stand up and keep walking
But the longer is the road
The more tired you are and the less you can talk
You're not used to smiles when you're sad
But please, try to remember
If you live, something will be born
If you live, you'll be rewarded
So don't give up
Because you're not alone
Hurt by cruel words
Meeting with people turns us bitter
By being denied without letting us explain
No one can persevere nor have self confidence
Keep believing
Even if you keep walking against
The longer is the road
The more you know the true meaning of tenderness
You're not used to smiles when you want to cry
But please, don't get bitter
If you live, because tomorrow will come
If you live, you'll get through
So don't give up
Because you're not alone
Single-minded dreams, clumsiness
You can accept yourself entirely
Your cold heart and body
The way they are
You're not used to smiles when you're sad
But please, try to remember
If you live, something will be born
If you live, you'll be rewarded
If you live, because tomorrow will come
If you live, you'll get through
So don't give up
Because on any moment
You're never alone
Subject: Goodbye
I was noticing a littleYour reasons to stop mailing me
But until hearing it from your lips
I didn't want to believe it
If the name of your new girlfriend
Is of a girl I know
Don't you think it's cruel?
Picking a friend of mine specially
In the long time that passed
I couldn't win over the sudden temptation
Before not being able to meet you
I wanted to know your true feelings
I often sent you mails
Why don't you reply?
How cold you leave me
I can't hate you from the bottom of my heart
Because you're the one I loved
At least be brave to retire
A love excluded by the weight
If it doesn't graduate, it's only miserable
My fingers tremble writing a mail
With the word 'goodbye'
Before the screen saying 'Sent'
I spill overflowing tears
'Goodbye'. After being prepared
To never follow you anymore
While I erased the address I was familiarized to
I muttered 'Stay well'
This time I sent another mail
Of goodbye to that girl
Friendship and love
I lost them at once on a cold night