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Samo ide gore

Samo se popni, to je ostalo
Nisi uspeo, pokušaj sutra
Svet će vam dati naš poklon u izobilju
Nigde nije zapisano da je pokušaj zločin
Preživljavam sa zaštitnim prslukom, ne prestajući da se igram ovde
Snovi koji mi se razbijaju u lice, nije fer
Ako padanje nije učesnik, zato idite napred
Život je poput ruleta pa se ne žalim
Ne, ne čekam u redu, nijedan semafor me neće zaustaviti
Sa željom i verom na kraju ću pronaći svetlost
Vrata koja se zatvaraju ispred njih otvaraju se testerom
Idući napred ne zaboravljajući ono što je bilo juče
Milione pesama koje sam napisao, bačene su u smeće
Ne zaustavljam se dok ne umrem, brate, do preokreta
Na ovoj stazi Raffa, sa bratom Hirom
Ne treba mi nikakvo kopile da bih rekao da pripadam
Samo se popni, to je ostalo
Nisi uspeo, pokušaj sutra
Svet će vam dati naš poklon u izobilju
Nigde nije zapisano da je pokušaj zločin
Vatra u očima, spreman sam
Ovo je nova zgrada, ja sam stari podstanar
Pruža robu bolju od opasne nekretnine
Sa varljivim izgledom koji neće pogrešiti, stvorena sam opasna pasmina
I evo bombaša sa materijalom koji vas tera da ustanete
Kad vas sve ostalo ubrza
Sa anoreksičnim tekstovima, perle koje su u osnovi bivše
Hrani vas tombolom bez tombole
Smajlić koji mi se širi na licu
Madapakama koje sede i zavide
Put do cilja nije lak, uživajte na putu
Dok me ne krunišu za kralja i ne poljube mi koleno
Jer je to Fakinovo preživljavanje, to je Fakinovo samoubistvo
Ostati u svetu koji se ponaša suprotno
Pa živi ili umri, povuci konac
Više volim da omotam konac oko vrata i...
Samo se popni, to je ostalo
Nisi uspeo, pokušaj sutra
Svet će vam dati naš poklon u izobilju
Nigde nije zapisano da je pokušaj zločin
Hiro / Ilk:
Imam ljubav i veru da će je pobediti
Koristim priliku sa obe ruke
U najmanjim satima se dogode dobre stvari
Ostvario sam san u životu

Biće dobro

Prelaz -
Znam da će sve biti u redu
Bez obzira o čemu svi pričaju u tajnosti
Dato u Božju glavu bez zaveta
Znam da će sve biti u redu
Daj srca i duše proroka Thsaga
Nećemo odustati samo od vrha
Znam da će sve biti u redu
Ne slušajući nikoga ko govori bez obzira
Razmišljajte izvan okvira i šire
Istina povraća Jorka do groba
Ne mešajte i ne igrajte igre
Ne kupujte, ne kupujte hiljadu osmeha
Zauzet sobom ne utapa se u spletkama
Od zmija koje pokušavaju da povuku konce
Vavilonski jebeni
Miš ispred Liona
U potrazi za srećom
Ne izgleda da sam Maline
Boom shaka lac jaka crna kafa
Sa najcrnjim Natchom u igri
Chul je kum Sol ostavlja prašinu
Podignite Thrash Scouts na daljinu
Nichi Nichi:
Boia Ahoia Nikad nisam odustao
Čak i u teškim vremenima borim se
Uvek vruće samo da uvek idem napred
Natchi Natchi jaka crna kafa ovde u kombinaciji
Šetnja Dolazim odozdo sa rattttttm
Već dugo predstavljam svoj narod
Godinama sam ovde naporno i borim se sam
Prolazim jednu po jednu kroz sve prepreke
A to što će svi manijaci nastaviti da razgovaraju, to me ne zanima
Šta se dešava sa njima? Šta se dešava sa njima?
Suočavanje sa sobom i posebno
Vidi, još uvek ću da osvojim svet u svetu
Čak i za 20 godina proverite da li ćemo to učiniti
Boli me srce kad vidim kako se toga odustaje
Živi od prvog dana kad sam držao Mikea
Advocate Free Love Love Give Like
Tata mi je uvek govorio da se ne predajem
Nismo generacija koja se plaši da razgovara
Postoji istina koja udara zidove da bi se nadgledala
Ritmovima koji vas vode negde drugde
Ja sam etiopski zvaničnik
Nemojte reći da nisam znao
Nisam želeo da dam pa sam uzeo
U ratovima su zauzeti, mene u Šantiju šutiraju
Etiopski Rasmi
Nemojte reći da nisam znao
Nisam želeo da dam pa sam uzeo
U ratovima su zauzeti, mene u Šantiju šutiraju

Ovde se to desava

Ovde se to dogodi, ovde se to dogodi pred očima
Šta god da je, čak i ako je teško na ramenima
I uopšte nije važno nije važno
Dobre stvari na putu se ne menjaju
I dogodi se ... dogodi se
Levi Desni Bek Napred Dolje Odrastao sam gore
Koliko sam uradio, ostaće mnogo duže i to se neće završiti, nadam se
Vidite danas se to dešava na krovu sveta da se ne menja
Sve što ste danas uništili gradim sve što ste rekli da ne kupujem
Prelazeći iz kuće izlazi, puno je goriva. Ne parkiram
Putujući brzo, okrenuo sam tezgu, osmehnuvši se svima koji mrze emisije Kamere Članci Ostavi sranje Pusti me da živim
Proživite trenutak bez halucinacija rep lisicama, ja lavovima
Pravi sliku sa ljudima na ulici
Roditelji koji ovde traže potpise za decu
Ovde su mi rekli da ne vredi napuštati, ne pokušavajte
Ako do sada niste uspeli, to se više neće dogoditi
Ovde se to dogodi, ovde se to dogodi pred očima
Šta god da je, čak i ako je teško na ramenima
I uopšte nije važno nije važno
Dobre stvari na putu se ne menjaju
I dogodi se ... dogodi se
Neću vam reći da nije zabavno jutro započeti s licem u novinama
Neću reći da nije zabavno ući na paradu prvi, a izaći poslednji
Boom Let Me Just Flov Barbie Album Ispuni san
Godine istrajnosti i datum sakupljanja je upravo danas
Danas vodim redove iz autorskog urednika sveske urednika filma
Ko će mi reći da to nije moguće kad usisavam nektar ravno iz košnice
Žalac, ali ne uboden, svi u trci nisam trčao
Hiljada saveta koji iskaču nisu uvek korisni. Nisam pod stresom
Jer se uvek setim odakle sam
Nisam uvek slušao sve što sam čuo
A ako sam se već složio, onda sam se odmah prijavio
Poštovanje prema njenoj sobi, ali Netaniahu
Otkucaji u perlicama do..dok Home Run
Sezona je započela ne zaboravljajući da počinje ovde
Ovde se to dogodi, ovde se to dogodi pred očima
Šta god da je, čak i ako je teško na ramenima
I uopšte nije važno nije važno
Dobre stvari na putu se ne menjaju
I dogodi se ... dogodi se

Unbounded Love

The sea of our hearts
Is gathering again on the shore
And, gripped by sadness,
It's waiting for another wave.
I reach out my hand to you,
To caress a face of fire,
Which gave me joy
And made me dizzy of dance.
Why do you look at me with pity,
Recalling a bygone time?
Why your hand just stopped
On my forehead and you say nothing?
Why the sea of light
Between us, it got lost?
Why the longing is calling me again,
Without having found you?
An unbounded love
It doesn't go out of thin air.
I'm not calling you in the dark night
And I don't want to sigh anymore.
I will find another path
And a deceived soul.
Maybe that way I'll understand
To love what I didn't love.

World Resolution

From a top-down perspective, colors look like laws of the world.
If you become the party of interest, staring makes it look like crude grafitti.
Impossible things have happened more times than I can count. All while you were alive.
Each time, you cast your eyes down and pretended it didn't happen. Now, at last you've forgotten.
Both tragedies and comedies have the same capacity.
While listening to BGM at several mega units, I'm clinging to life.
Begging the broken world in tears, as expected we didn't have any of it.
Human talent too was the resolution of a world like that.
Today too, we pushed our way through the cruel overcrowding, exhausted from the things we must do.
The resolution of the world matches the proof of our existence we leave behind.
Your point of view. My point of view. What do you see?
Deceiving and being deceived, when you get fed up and plug your ears
I understand how you feel. But because of that we will part for life.
It's already too late now. Good and evil and such. More importantly, we have to reconnect them.
Burnt out light. You need light at night, if nothing else.
There's a storm outside, it's disastrous but you
skate so defensively and laugh. You fight against it.
At that place only for you, don't close your eyes and look at it.
Each and every point of view restitched together is the new resolution of the world.
Clinging to the success of deceit once ago, what they've set their sights on tomorrow
is just a rerun of the past anyway. That's their resolution.
Today's point of view. The past's point of view. What do you see?
Our every day ends in just a moment. That emptiness will haunt you for life.
Start from fearing the end, because we will likely forget.
Live life and death with daily joys and music at your side.
Your cells came from the edge of space, a line connecting directly to my corpse.
You took my hand while crying, your hand that was already no longer.
My hand that hadn't ended yet is starting your hand from here on out.
Begging the broken world in tears, even if I go crazy I'll sing.
The overtone of speculation and the resolution of the world resounding together.
I came to say I wanted to see you, it's not a period here but a comma.
If you connect that pain and regret it forms the resolution of the world.
What do you see? What do you see? What do you see?

Playtime's Over Now.

Today's come to nothing. It's time to head back now.
Leaving the messy room for one last pint on the deck.
You're still keeping that young wind on the cuff of your shirt.
I softly stroke the horizon on which morning will surely come before long.
Playtime's over now.
The pattern on the rug is so strange. With pizza sauce and beer on it.
I've decided to rewrite our lives that are so dirtied at times.
I understand getting mad at our slovenly politicians, but
I'll need you to pay me back for the TV cracked by a wine bottle.
Playtime's over now.
At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. Antidepressants, warmth of a hand, welfare,
notice of absence and absence of self. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.
Playtime's over now.
Leafing through Swann's Way. Condom in the trash can.
Friend sleeping in the toilet. Wait, no, who are you again?
I can go however far, but with this face that says I don't dare to.
To sit down in this world is to have a drink with tedium.
Playtime's over now.
In one of our hands, we lost an easy game.
See, we dropped it just now. Just like a car key.
'Stop it, you'll die!' You say, like it's funny.
'Stop it, youll die!' It's true. It's true.
At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. A sunny weekend, alcohol, serotonin,
deep sleep and dark seafloor. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.
Playtime's over now.
Only a headache left by wild passion. A dream from some time ago, dried up in midsummer.
Scattered aspirations and recklessness. A smile and defenselessly catering to you.
What is correct is sometimes hysteria. The rotting railroad ties of the track.
The smell of the dampened soil in May. Rather than stepping on shadows, it's more like shadows stepped on.
When we've finished cleaning up, when morning has come,
I wonder where we'll go.
You mumble, about that.. About that,
'We're each going back to our own lives.'
Playtime's over now.

The Eclosion of the Sun

The cluster of silvergrass beckons, as if it has gone mad.
The sunlight is tinged red. Summer exposes things that can't be photographed.
That is, the soon to arrive eclosion of the sun.
Sewing life as a state onto a bonnet,
I transport my body along a white line someone has drawn.
Depression clining to the scenery. At that moment my memories cramped.
I cut my finger on a seashell buried in the desert.
It's coming again today. A sad omen of a dark color.
It's finally here, the eclosion of the sun.
But, only on one side was there a wing missing.
If it's seasons, they've gone and left just now.
They've left this dull song behind.
We were separated so far from each other,
a distance so far we'll never make it back again.
I've given up on it floating in the sky.
The sun lit up the city.
Today, when I stopped starting anything--
I acted like it was just any other day.

Cossacks in Berlin

Cossacks in Berlin
Horses were walking along a Berlin roadway
To a watering place.
The horses from Don area were going,
Shaking their manes occasionally.
The rider is singing:
“Hey, guys, this is not for the first time
for us to water the Cossack horses
From a foreign river
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He leads horses at a slow pace,
He sees a girl with a pennant
And who has a nice plait under her sided cap,
Stands at the corner.
With a slender figure, like a willow wand,
And her eyes look by blue.
She bawls to the Cossack:
“Do not slow down traffic!”.
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He is glad to stay more long here,
But he caught her angry eye,
“Well, guys, march behind me!”
And bawled reluctantly.
The cavalry went by dashingly
And the maiden brightened up.
The tender look she gives the Cossack
Is not by the book
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
The horseman is again going
Along a Berlin roadway.
About his love towards the girl
He sings like this:
“Although my dear home is far away,
Although the blue Don is far away,
A Cossack met
A fellow country woman even in Berlin!”
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.

The Sonnet Turns into Simple Words With You

No! It is impossible for your creator (God)
To put someone else instead of you in my burning heart
It is never possible to see you and then after that,
Breathe somewhere other than in your air (around you)
It is never possible to see you and then after that
Breathe somewhere other than in your air (around you)
I sit silently next to my own bewilderment, and
I forget everyone else with your voice
I easily give up all claims
With a humble, simple look from you
The sonnet turns into simple words with you (you make complex poems easy to comprehend)
Because it's better if I fall at your feet easily
I easily give up all claims
With a humble, simple look from you
The sonnet turns into simple words with you (you make complex poems easier to understand)
Because it's better if I fall at your feet easily
The main purpose of my existence was to talk about you
For me to poetically describe you, to you!
The main purpose of my existence was to talk about you
For me to poetically describe you, to you!

You Left

You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer*
You left
You won't come back to see the loneliness of how pale I am
You won't come back, covering the nakedness of my destruction
I'll no longer hear your knocks on my front door
I'll no longer see your footsteps, your footsteps happily
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left
I won't come back to see your image in my window
We won't sit to laugh - you and I,
We won't dream anymore about your hope of peace and serenity
I will no longer see love in your eyes, in your eyes
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left...

I'm Waiting for You to Come

I know, one day you went away
And you didn't say goodbye to me.
I'm looking for you ceaseless ever since,
All that was seems pointless now.
I know, maybe I was wrong,
You may not have loved me.
I'm still hoping we can be together again,
In a dream with no wind, with no rain.
I'm waiting for you to come on the old road,
So you can give me your good thought,
So you can forgive me if I was wrong.
I am a human being who loved you.
I'm waiting for you to come and for us to keep
A longing that bonded us.
I beg you, come back
So we can be together.

Who Knows

I wake up and, without touching you,
I leave you again in your world,
Away from mine.
Another day is slipping off the calendar,
You chased me away from your soul,
With a restless thought.
Yes, who knows which day
Your way will meet
With regrets,
Who may know?
Yes, sad tears on the cheek
They will dry out in time,
Reminding of my love.
I believe
In everything you said once,
In everything you told me
And promised me.
I woke up
From the endless fairy tail,
Far away from someone
Who, smiling, lied to me.
Chorus (x2)
Who may know?

So empty

[Adi Lukovac:]
So empty, I'm spending day after day
Between heaven and earth, between us
Hidden under fear I sink completely
I don't understand anything ...
[Dino Merlin:]
So empty, I'm spending day after day
Between heaven and earth, between us
So cold, hidden under fear I sink
Where now? I don't understand anything
[Adi Lukovac:]
So empty, I'm spending day after day
Between heaven and earth, between us
Hidden under fear I sink all over
I don't understand anything
[Dino Merlin, Adi Lukovac:]
I don't understand anything
When you think it is over (I don't understand)
When you think you are alone (I don't understand)
And when you think you're alone
And when you think it's over
And when you think you're not there
And when you think, I know
I don't understand anything ...
I know
I don't understand anything ...
[Dino Merlin:]
So cold
Hidden under fear I sink


The letter has arrived, Sultan wrote Prince Lazar*
To give him his land and Gračanica*
To give him the keys of Tsar Dušan's* city
That his army drinks water around Prizren*
Lazar is reading and looking at his beautiful Milica*
He's looking for his son and the sweetheart
Miloš is standing on right side with two knights
While looking at the icon, the Prince responds
I don't give, I don't give Tsar Dušan's land
I don't give, kids, not even a stone from his palace
I'm waiting, I'm waiting him in Kosovo*
Well, let him take my head, I will not give Serbia!
Miloš knelt in front of the icon in front of Lazar
He's calling Holy Zosim* in the prayer
Sultan won't drink water next to Prizren
We don't even give him the stone of Tsar Dušan
I'm giving you a pledge prince, may all remember
Sultan will fall in front of you before you fall
For you and for the honorable cross, I will give my life
And then we all will eternally meet in the sky
I don't give, I don't give Tsar Dušan's land
I don't give, kids, not even a stone from his palace
I'm waiting, I'm waiting him in Kosovo
Well, let him take my head, I will not give Serbia!

Her eyes

Versions: #1
Her eyes, unlike the stars
A fire blazes in them like a vivid whirring moth.
Another ordinary evening is gone
Whereas with her, each time it's different.
Her allegations -
Herolds of coldness
Like freshly cut grass in August
And given that in her words there's not even a drop of truth
She is divinly right.
Somewhere Angels are calling: 'Forgive - farewell!'
Soul is melting like a candle
Sorrow pours upon the heart
Me, I will always be Yours,
You - you are No One's.
Her radiance darkens the sun
And blood freezes in her shadow
Such happiness has been given to you dearly
That crowning glory - don't even try to find where you got it from.
Any jack within her big card game will fall, as a victim of blind jealousy
She is the only one and leaves me
A well-known trodden track.
Somewhere Angels are calling: 'Forgive - farewell!'
Soul is melting like a candle
Sorrow lays upon the heart
Me, I will always be Yours,
You - you are No One's.

I see the light

How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road
He decorated my life
My heart beats only for you
You are my love
How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road,
You are the beauty of my life
The stars will shine when you are there
To love is happiness

Still Still

Ask about her for me bring me her news
is she sad or happy?
Does she still talk about me or did she forget about me?
Don't tell her what is happening with me
that I cry when I miss her because if she comes back to me that means she wants me not because I made her
Still Still your love is still in my mind it is impossible for me to forget you although you have already forgotten about me
If we live long and and it is written in destiny
maybe one day you'll come asking about me
My life without you is full of sadness I'm living it in a bitter misery
It is like God only created you only you
You broke me when you left me your kindness is still within me
Live your life or forget me come back to me come back to me

Yesteryear eyes

I lived without keeping moments,
I thought that it will be forever,
Your look at me was heaven sent-
Like no one ever looked at me,
Like no one ever...
But just a year flashed by and gone,
The guiding light went out at night,
Even a miracle won't return-
To me these yesteryear eyes,
Your beloved eyes...
Oh, those yesteryear eyes,
Like the burnt tears of my life...
They don't want to give me peace
Your dear eyes.
Those yesteryear eyes,
I can't forget them, but should I?
They live in memory like pain
Your dear eyes.
Oh, what a pity, that sometime
I didn't value what I had.
What a pity, that ash is behind
And what's lost is countless
It’s countless…
Girl, I have everything I need,
The only thing I miss tonight-
The magic light you used to give,
And yesteryear dear eyes,
Your beloved eyes…
Oh, those yesteryear eyes,
Thunderstorm that passes by…
They look straight into my heart
Your dear eyes…
Those yesteryear eyes,
I can't forget them, but should I?
They live in memory like pain
Your dear eyes.
Those yesteryear eyes,
I can't forget them, but should I?
They live in memory like pain
Your dear eyes!

Not loners

Tomorrow we’ll become better,
Maybe I, may be you.
Tomorrow we’ll destroy everything
In order to build a new world.
It will be free from fire and ashes,
And everyone here will find their home.
We are the point, we are the sunshine, we are the part of the universe
Sharing an umbrella.
It's over,
We are not loners,
We are not loners anymore,
And tonight everything will be just,
Will be just for love.
Who we are here, and where are from -
I know, you know.
Tomorrow morning comes again,
And it's up to you to decide, who you are.
We’re paints from the same palette,
We’re the ones burning canvases by world.
We’re shadows, we’re breaking walls
Anything for love.

I Bet You Don't Leave

You say you're already tired
of my exaggerated way of laughing.
That my tantrums aren't for you
and that you're sick of listening to my showing off.
But all the same, you must admit
that you go crazy when I graze your nose.
If it's not like that, explain to me why
you're still here.
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
Don't scold at me again
like a child who doesn't want to obey.
Let me be the way I am
for my defects do not wither what I give.
If the sun has barely started to come up,
why suffering? Ah.
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
With what right you?
With what right do I
put an end to this treasure of both?
Why letting you go?
Why are you leaving?
Today I defy you, I bet you don't leave!
No, no... no, no, no.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't dare to kill
the small amount of faith
that we still have to keep going.
Who are you trying to fool
with that tale of breaking in two
the heart I've already given you?
I bet you don't leave.
I bet you don't.

Cossacks, cossachenki

Cossacks, oh cossacks, let's go, cossachenki*,
We passed villages in the morning,
We passed villages in the morning,
Girls came out to meet the merry cossacks.
'Cossacks, oh cossacks, we beg you in front of this hut,
Come inside as our guests, red soldiers!
Come inside as our guests, we haven't seen each other in a long time,
We waited for you twenty years, and finally we waited long enough!'
The cossacks, oh the cossacks, valiantly answered:
'Today we go to battle, the horses haven't tired.
Today we go to battle, our sabers are sharp,
We will return girls, our dear sisters!'
The cossacks, oh the cossacks, said farewell by the gates,
They marched to battle for the native Belarus.
Squadrons raced for the native Belarus.
Red banners fluttered in the wind!
Cossacks, oh cossacks, let's go, cossachenki,
We passed villages in the morning,
We passed villages in the morning,
Girls came out to meet the merry cossacks.

In the hour of the wolf

Versions: #1
For a good few years,
I'd rather kill myself, only there is as much sense in that as in enduring, and I am scared stupid
For a good few years
I've been crammed in an articulated joint, in a congestion of human breath - glaring so as you won't speak to me
For a good few years
I long for winter in July, though when it's already night at 4 p.m, I can't stand it no more
For a good few years
I know that a lie becomes a virtue of convenience
Out of many fairy tales I had fallen
Always on my fat ass
For a good few years
I so much want to be honest, and if I'm being honest, I'd like you into her, turn you into her
For a good few years
I'm deprived of sleep - not thoughts, the houses won't turn upside down anymore and no one's left dancing - asa tadarasa*
For a good few years
I confess my sins at 3 a.m
Then I know my things perfectly well
In between croaking and resurrection

Your Eyes Have Understood

Your eyes have understood me to be deserving of love,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination.
Your eyes have understood me...
Yes, this decision of yours is acceptable to me,
Yes, this decision of yours is acceptable to me.
My every glance is saying, oh lord, thank you.
You have blended me into your life with a smile,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...
I am your destination, you are my destination,
I am your destination, you are my destination.
Why should I fear a storm, you are my shore,
Someone tell the storms that I have found my shore.
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...
Your shadow has fallen upon my heart,
Your shadow has fallen upon my heart.
In every direction, millions of shehnaais* are sounding,
I have obtained all the joys of both worlds today,
Your eyes have understood me to be deserving of love,
Stop, oh my heartbeat, I have found my destination,
Your eyes have understood me...

Stil Still

They told to me about her and they brought me her news.
If she is sad or happy and if she still talks about me or if she had already forgotten everything don’t tell her what’s happening to me. I cry when I miss her so that if she comes back to me it is for love and not for pity.
Stil still your desire is in my mind. It’s unlikely I’ll forgot about you for nights like you had forgotten about us and if life goes on and that decides it.
May be day you will take me news.
My life is sad without you.
Life is better and miserable, As if good only created you, just you.
You’ve tortured me since you left me and your sweetness is still in me.
You live your life and if they are unfair to you, come back to me.
Stil still your desire is in my mind. It’s unlikely I’ll forgot about you for nights like you had forgotten about us and if life goes on and that decides it.
May be day you will take me news.

I'm Sorrowful Autumn

I'm sorrowful autumn, you're spring, listen to this and give up
Choose yourself a young spring just like yourself
There can't be such kind of love my angel, time is too late for me1
Choose yourself a young spring just like yourself
  • 1. I'm too old for it

Causes and chances

When Pedro went out to his window
He didn't know, my love, he didn't know
that the light of that clear morning
was the light of his last day.
And the causes were surrounding him,
everyday, invisible.
And chance was getting tangled up,
powerful, invincible.
When Juan returned to his bed
He didn't know, oh, dear soul,
that in the rainy night and without a roof
the love of his life awaited him.
And the causes were surrounding him,
everyday, invisible.
And chance was getting tangled up,
powerful, invincible.
When this verse that I sing is finished.
I don't know, I don't know, mother mine,
if peace or terror awaits me,
if the the present, or the yet to come.
Well, the causes are surrounding me,
everyday, invisible.
And chance is entangling me
powerful, invincible.

The Light In My Eyes

Allah 1 my dear
Allah o Allah
Allah my dear
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes 2
Allah o Allah
My shining fortune and fate
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
O Allah
O my kindest one
Allah o Allah
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa 3
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa
Sleep tight,
The mother's life 4
They are sleeping
All of them entirely
Go to sleep
The mother's life
The sleepyhead champion
Fell asleep
So fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
  • 1. God in Islam
  • 2. One's nearest and dearest, usually a person's child
  • 3. A lullaby that sound like a passage from the Quran
  • 4. Term of endearment, a person's child

Little Farm

A wave runs along the Sosik.
A Cossack urges his pony on.
He is hurrying to a farm, to a famstead
To visit his darling wife, sons and daughters
He is hurrying to a farm, to a famstead
To visit his darling wife, sons and daughters
Just outside Izmail and Constantinople
Bullets were flying like lead hail.
Horses were straining, pikes were snapping.
They hacked, they fought with resounding whooping
Horses were straining, pikes were snapping.
They hacked, they fought with resounding whooping
They carried Suvorov standards
Across the snow-capped Alps.
From the walls of Moscow to Paris
The Cossack din is heard afar
From the walls of Moscow to Paris
The Cossack din is heard afar
A wave runs along the Sosik.
A Cossack unharnesses his pony
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.
Hello darling wife, sons and daughters
I have not been to the farmstead for a long time.

In the Vineyard of Yemen

In Kerem Teiman the moon is shining
The wind is blowing pure
And here I am in my Shabbat dress
Sitting on the doorstep
My groom comes
Young with beautiful eyes
I sing to him
And he claps his hands
My heart is racing in my chest
Hush, don't wake my mom!
Don't worry, Tamar
Mom already knows
She already knows
Don't worry, Tamar
Mom already knows
She already knows
You will sit in our apartment, Tamar
As speaks your groom, Se'adya
And wear only expensive silk
And play what's on the radio
Eat pistachios
And play tunes for me
Both are nice
As you move with your bosom
Give me your hand to caress
Please don't wake my dad!
Don't worry, Tamar
Dad already knows
He already knows
Don't worry, Tamar
Dad already knows
He already knows
In Kerem Teiman the moon is shining
The wind is blowing pure
When our eyes connect
A flame ignites within me
My heart beats in me
Hold me and don't move
My head is spinning
And I don't know why
And my soul is shaking
And my heart is scared
Don't worry, Tamar
It will pass tomorrow
It will pass tomorrow
Don't worry, Tamar
It will pass tomorrow
It will pass tomorrow

My grandfather is a Cossack

My grandfather is a Cossack -
but what can I swear, brothers?
Yes, here's the saber I hung on the carpet.
I ask you not to doubt in any way:
My grandfather is a Cossack, by God, I'm not lying.
Eh, the Cossacks rode half the world,
and if it were necessary, they passed again,
and they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests.
And they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests.
But God forbid the dashing time will come.
and the Cossacks will suddenly be called to March again.
There is a ready combat saber for grandfather
and I know for sure that she will not let you down.
Eh, the Cossacks rode half the world,
and if it were necessary, they passed again,
and they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests.
And they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests
My grandfather is a Cossack, my father is a Cossack son.
I'm afraid to ride a horse.
Eh, anyway I'll become a grandfather someday
which means I will be a real Cossack.
Eh, the Cossacks rode half the world,
and if it were necessary, they passed again,
and they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests.
And they have medals glittering on their chests,
and they have George's crosses on their chests

Auriga the Charioteer

'Eh! Just a moment, w-what? What’s the meaning of this?!'
'Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no Surikire,
Erichthonius is I.'
'The real hero, Erichthonius, Lalafin will play him!'
'Per my fortune-telling, my victory is appearing!'
Hey visitor, can you hear the sound of the beating drum, it's the start of the performance
The 'don don don' comes, and after that now what's the time
The star performer's appearance, ha-hai!
The fool's wisdom YO! Focused governance HO!
How long have I been waiting, I can't become strong
'A miracle is something I make myself.'
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Knowledge helps oneself
To the person who does not act, God says
'I do not extend the hand of salvation'
The theater does not stop seeking
Where is the grand finale?
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius
Let's knock our spirits against each other,
Daringly, begin the war atop the stage
Rakugo is surely the peak of intellect, from humor to tearjerkers
Cradle, graveyard, ironic, intermission bento,
Come what may, ha-hai!
Please cut it out YO! This is more chaotic than Seisho HO!
Chaos comes about, how about a mask of justice?
'From an awakening... transformation!'
From the ancient times of the creation of the universe
The future is engraved in one's hands
Move forward, don't give up by any means
Because 'a chance will someday come along'
The one standing in the center will be me only
Become my ally, spotlight
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius
'Even though I say the curtain is rising, This is the state of affairs… not this kind of revue!'
I wonder if this seems as expected, I say this isn't a revue
That's not the case, 'In all knowledge there is potential'
The dawn of humanity
The curtain rising on the stage
The wide sky is merely one person's
In the world that you perform, you'll be made to drown
Aiyaiya aiyaiya aiyaiya-haha!
'Something like this song, it'll become a habit.'
'You're completely right~!!'
'I'm in high spirits!'
'This is the best!'
To the person who does not act, God says
'I do not extend the hand of salvation'
The theater does not stop seeking
Where is the grand finale?
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius