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The perfect Combination

You can not really say about us
that we ever found each other likeable.
We would screw the other one over
And the old feud would start anew.
We were scared of each other
Ice doesn't gets along with fire
No one was listening to the other
We were like two left shoes.
The solution was for both of us
pretty clear.
Only one could be the winner
Who would it be
We are fire and ice
We are green and white
We are cold and hot
You guessed it already
The perfect Combination.
The red button, the ash and the fire
Good advice was suddenly needed
Greenland and the Ice-World were endangered
The old feud wasn't counting anymore
We both started again from scratch
And of all things it was the fault of a vulcano
We are fire and ice
We are green and white
We are cold and hot
You guessed it already
The perfect Combination.
Then we had an epiphany
Literally born out of necessity
Together we could do it
with the view forward.
We are fire and ice
We are green and white
We are cold and hot
You guessed it already
The perfect Combination.
We are young and old
We are hot and cold
We are pure gold
You guessed it already
The perfect Combination.
The perfect Combination.
The perfect Combination.

O glittering starlight

O glittering starlight,
O most splendid and special form
of regal marriage,
O shining gem:
you are adorned like a noble lady
who has no blemish.
And you are a companion of angels
and a citizen among the saints.
Flee, O flee the cave
of the old betrayer
and come, O come into the king’s palace.

My shoulders

The new walls of the house
Under the paint and the false ceilings
Our future questioned
The reminder of my first lives
Sheep herds of dust
My rubble of a single man
And that child that cries that eats
Kilos of milk, kilos of diapers
And all that love in exchange for it
I hope it's not a lot to say
I hope all of that will hold
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
Not fantastic
Love, humour, moods are the same
As the two light bulbs on your face
That illuminates when I pedal
The weight of my ridiculous name
Of that aristocratic phantom
That goes forward when I move back
I hope it's not a lot to say
I hope all of that will hold
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
On my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
Not won
If it holds, then you'll marry me
For my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
My shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
For my shoulders, my shoulders, my shoulders
Not well-built, not hefty
The new walls of the house
Under the paint and the false ceilings
Our future questioned

To The Bottom

As if you aren't, i can't live in that big world
Sure, God give me patience somehow
He enters from one bottom to the top
He coils up about
He goes through my water these days
He thinks heads again
Oh oh how i bored from your mounth
Watch whereupon, you'll see now
I'll travel, i'll enjoy, i'll drink to the bottom
I'll go to bed, you'll get up, you'll wonder, you'll ask 'where i am going to hell?'
Will you come?

O ruby blood

O ruby blood
which flowed from on high
where divinity touched.
You are a flower
that the winter
of the serpent's breath
can never injure.

Three In A League

A hundred pieces of ears, a hundred and two singers.
Ain't this song gonna gain some weight?*
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
there'll be at least.
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
three, two fans, there'll be at least.
Three, two fans there'll be at least.
Every now and then there'll be fans.
Isn't it better to stop the music?
No! There's no one to plough the Dobrudja* (region).
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
there'll be at least.
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
three, two fans, there'll be at least.
Three, two fans there'll be at least.
C'mon, it's time to stop! C'mon, I didn't sleep!
The taxi will take me home (to my neighbourhood)!
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
three, two fans.
Every now and then there'll be fans, there'll be.
Every now and then there'll be fans.
How can one say 'no' to a woman, when she asks you?
And when there are two of them, it's impossible.
If you don't want to be here,
we can get another one.
We take the phone and start to dial.
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
there'll be at least.
Why's that? Let's get the three of us in a league
Let's sing the three of us!
Six, seven fans,
four, five fans,
three, two fans, there'll be at least.

Holy Spirit

Honor be to you, O Holy Spirit,
who, through the mind of the virgin Ursula,
brought together a whirling tumult of the purest doves.
Thereupon, like Abraham,
she relinquished her homeland,
and releasing herself from worldly betrothal,
she entered into the embrace of the Lamb.
So this pure golden army with flowing hair
passed over the sea.
O whoever heard of such as this?
For she released herself from worldly betrothal,
and entered into the embrace of the Lamb Himself.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
She released herself from worldly betrothal,
and entered in to the embrace of the Lamb Himself.

In your world (Reprise)

Here where you live, I want to be with you
Here where you live, I want to stay with you
I want to be here, you're mine
You're my luck
When, tell me when will it happen, that we walk in the sun?
Just you and I, and you'll lead me
Into your world!
I don't know how, I don't know when,
But my life will finally begin then!
Then I'll become yours, then you'll become mine,
In your world!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

In your world

This is my stuff, not bad at all!
And my collection is definitely real
Don't you think Arielle is the one who already has everything?
I show you this and that
Everything hidden in the secret territory
If you look around you think: 'Yes! She has already everything!'.
I've got knick-knacks enough and a-plenty
I've got stuff and gizmos galore
Do you want a couple of thingamabobs? I've got many!
But I'd rather have so much somewhere else!
There, where I can also be like a person,
There I also want to dance in circles!
There I can also go on - How do you say that? Oh! Foot!
Fishy fins are ungallant,
Legs are better to jump, dance...
And to - How's that called? - Take a walk! I wish that!
To be up, up on land,
Up in the sunlight on the beach!
I'd be free, finally by them,
In their world!
In a world where everyone walks and doesn't just swim
In a world where soft breezes blow around you
There where they see, and understand
And do not choose over their daughters.
Strong women, who dare, and stand for it!
And read and learn what people do!
Ask my questions and get an answer!
What is fire and how does something go on fire?
When's it my turn? I want to be on land!
Will my life start only then?
If only I knew how, I'd be like them,
In their world...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Please don’t be silent

I still remember the moment when I went away
You didn’t say anything, and just stand there
You had hidden all the pain and joylessness...
I’ve brought those sweet memories anywhere I’ve been to...
What I should do to go back???
Do not stay silent like that
Cause the tranquility will make your heartbeat stop
Even there’s no existence of love, I still demand for making a word...
No matter how spacious the world is
The world is yours
Despite the fact that we completely stayed away, I’ve still waited for you...
Try as best as I might, I couldn’t truly understand you
Little by little I’m bored of doing this, I just stayed with you
Maybe this was not the perfect love
One is finding the start
One is walking away
With all the sadness
Do not stay silent like that
Cause the tranquility will make your heartbeat stop
Even there’s no existence of love, I still demand for making a word...
No matter how spacious the world is
The world is yours
Despite the fact that we completely stayed away, I’ve still waited for you...
I don’t even know
What you thought about when things were over?
The day I had gone
Why didn’t you say anything with hurt, you decided to conceal all the pain?
How to choose between the separation or the continuance?
The serenity or the sorrow
Do not stay silent like that
Cause the tranquility will make your heartbeat stop
Even there’s no existence of love, I still demand for making a word...
No matter how spacious the world is
The world is yours
Despite the fact that we completely stayed away, I’ve still waited for you...

Drift ice

A year and then two
After three years, love is heavy
Without being thrown away nor abandoned
It passes through anywhere in the stream
The outside of the glass window grows dark in the snow
People look like migratory birds
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
The firestove burns bright red
While a flower fastened in the hair​ feels both hands
Without dying nor living
I look haggard
The foghorns mingle with the noise of the wind
They only sing a desperate enka song
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
Winter becomes intense
If it is the case that love is pale happiness
Even if you embrace me and go away
You wait aimlessly for the spring
The night gets late, the crying sea gets frozen
My entire chest creaks like in a sound
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Gobinday Mukanday

Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite
Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

The star of life

I'm saturated of hearing
The sweet words of love
It's better to be alone
Not just once
I often try
But I failed again
Maybe this fate
Is my destiny
I must be able to endure it
I've walked far
Through my life
That is full of question
Sometimes I hesitate
To determine my attitude
No place to complain
Only faith in my heart
That makes me able to
Always able to endure it
I'm alone at night
Again without your love, ooh... hoo...
I'm only sure of one thing
The star will shine
Into my life
Happiness will come ...ooh

Song-presentation of Robin Goose

I am Robin Goose, not a shy goose!
Yes, I am no coward - but I fear,
That you can't hear anything about me.
I am a well known goose, a fine goose!
I swear to you, I swear to you,
That I am one of these geese that saved Rome.
Apropos, I am a special goose,
Yet not all geese are Robins!


When spring's green doors opened,
The spring of Bingyol sang like a lyre,
The camles went by in pairs,
My love got carried to the fields of Bingyol.
I miss my love one's bright face,
I miss her thin waist, her wavy hair like the sea,
I miss her sweet words, her sweet smell,
Her black eyes similar to the eye of the Bingyol's deer.
I'm lost, not familiar with these streets,
I'm not familiar with these lakes, rivers and rocks,
I'm a stranger, not familiar with these places.
Sister, tell me, which one is the road to Bingyol?

Lass mich dich nicht berühren

Rate mal, wen ich heute sah und nach dir fragte.
Ich sah deine neue Liebe, und es war klar, dass er sich um dich kümmert.
Aber ich warte, bis er aus der Stadt heraus ist,
Dann rufe ich dich an und komm' vorbei.
Aber lass mich dich nicht berühren, lass mich nicht dir nahekommen.
Doch ich könnte schöne Dinge sagen, und ich könnte dir eine Rose bringen.
Es besteht nur eine Chance, dass deine alte Romanze wieder brennen könnte,
Lass mich dich nicht berühren, lass mich nicht dir nahekommen.
Lass mich dich nicht berühren, lass mich nicht dir nahekommen.
Doch ich könnte schöne Dinge sagen, und ich könnte dir eine Rose bringen.
Es besteht nur eine Chance, dass deine alte Romanze wieder brennen könnte,
Lass mich dich nicht berühren, lass mich nicht dir nahekommen.

Wow, how good

Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
The world pulls me by the sleeve again
Because what's with me when I fix myself
But it's normal, they haven't met you
To understand what hit me
Almost natural, almost bizarre
Almost pleasant, almost vulgar
I resemble you and I confess to you
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
We're two savages when we stay apart
We are incredible together
We are the reason why the earth
Kept on spinning, so that we could get our turn
Almost chaotic, almost concerte
Almost hysterical, I almost try
I am not without you, and I confess to you
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Pretend that you don't see anyone
It's just us two, how great
Pretend that you don't hear anyone
It's just us two, how great
Pretend that you don't see anyone
It's just us two
Wow, how good I look next to you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
Wow, how cool this incident is
Which takes place with you, miss
Wow, I just love life, how it returns them
And from loneliness, now I'm more sympathetic
Wow, how good I feel when I'm with you
It's like it's an ad for ladies' men
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


I’m in the Ténéré
Where I wander in the company of wild animals
Where I wander in the company of wild animals
Who feed in the sparse valleys
From our youth to our old age
We remember our life in the Ténéré

I've been ready for a long time

(Spoken: We're about to get going, Your Highness!)
Even if you hate me
My plan is prepared
And you all deserve what you get!
'Be quiet!')
And you say I'm bad
That's fine by me
But I want justice to prevail
(Please listen to me!)
It can only go forward
There's no turning back
Compliance is over and done with
I will do what I must
Until the bitter end
I'll give everything, yes, everything, yes, everything
I've been ready for a long time!
('Captain, are you sure that you want to come with us?'
'Honestly I'm not that convinced any more. I will only hold you back.'
'But we need someone to lead us!'
'That won't be me, but you.')
It is time to rise up
And there's no turning back
Now prove your steadfastness!
And I swear on my sword
Our goal is worth it
You'll give everything
Yes, everything, yes, everything!
I've been ready for a long time!
('There you are!'
'Yes, I've just finished up in the kitchen. I've been informed that you'll get along with this one here.'
'Oh yes, and how!')
'Do you believe we can do it?'
'Together no one can stop us!'
'You should listen to me'
'And trust me'
'He admits everything' [?] 1
And there's no turning back
So we'll go into the fight together...
'Protect what's dear to my heart!'
'... until the evil succumbs
And justice prevails'
'I'll give everything'
'Yes, everything'
'Yes, everything'
'I've been ready for a long, long time'
  • 1. Line unclear in original, I don't have headphones right now to listen to determine the right line.
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Bingle Bangle (빙글뱅글)

Hey baby come on don’t be shy
Tell me about yourself, this fantastic feeling
Your eyes are nailed on me, focused on me
I can tell but I act like I can’t
One step, come closer
Two-step, come closer
Come a little closer
This electric moment is about to burst
What is this trembling? Never felt this feeling
What’s wrong with my heart? I think it’s gone crazy
We know that there’s a strong attraction
You can want me all you want
Just let’s dance
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt
This risky feeling
This sweet healing
Show me confidently
Captivate me with your charm
Take my heart
Don’t stop right there vaguely
One step, come closer
Two-step, come closer
Come a little closer
This electric moment is about to burst
What is this trembling? Never felt this feeling
What’s wrong with my heart? I think it’s gone crazy
We know that there’s a strong attraction
You can want me all you want
Just let’s dance
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bingle bangle
I’ve been waiting, this is the end today
Ding dong dang dong, shake it baby
You and me, it’s a fun party
One step, don’t mind the others
Two-step, dance all you want
Yes, that’s what I want
Just let’s dance before the night is over
I like that
Is it getting hotter? Are you feeling it?
We connected just with our eyes from the start
We know, we want each other
You can want me all you want
Just let’s dance
Make love, take it easy
I wanna dance all night
Come here for the reason, let’s dance
Fill me up with your love right now
Show here for the reason
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt
Bingle bangle, bang bang, bingle bangle
Shake your butt

I'm still here

I stand in this world as a question
Which still lacks an answer
Like the moment you hold in your arms
And what do you want to explain me now
I won't listen even now
You don't know me
And I'll never be as you want me
And what do you believe you understand?
I'm a woman, not a girl
You possess me but throw me away
And what should I learn if there's nothing?
Even if you're alone
They don't know me
Because I'm not here
I want a moment that's real
What otherwise can't be felt
I want to hold it and find my place
And how does the world want to see me?
Can't they change?
They don't know me
Because I'm not here
And you, I can't see it, yet you realize
All you want, I could be
Now you know me, I'm not afraid
And I want to tell you who I am
How does one grow up?
They can't do anything to me
As long as I know who I am
I want a moment that's real
What you feel for the first time
I want to hold it and find my place
And how does the world want to see me?
Can't they change?
No one sees me
But I'm still here
They can't force me to do anything
Just because they don't understand me
Yes, the world is sleeping and I'm dreaming for me
And what they whisper me, I'll ignore, won't hear
I want a moment that's real
I've never felt something like this
I want to hold it and never give it back
Why do you think I never change?
I'm not like them
I'm right here
Because I'm still here
Here I am
I belong here
Because I, I am
I'm still here
I'm still here
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Hide and Seek

[Verse 1: Lujipeka]
A little more cash, cash
I close my eyes on her tracks
She says she feels bad
It's that she wants us to go
A few more steps, steps
I can still see some laughing
Take off your jeans and your Nike.
We only meet when you're high, high
Another hotel, I'm everywhere, nowhere in my house
You're too open (you're too open) it doesn't excite me (it doesn't excite me)
Doors are closed (doors are closed), I don't insist (I don't insist)
Your ideal (your ideal) does not exist (does not exist)
So you hang out (so you hang out), here, there (here, there)
Your little shoe size on the tracks of our steps (tracks of our steps)
In the veins (in the veins), blood and alcool (blood and alcool)
Feel the anger (feel the anger), that rises in you (that rises in you)
She and he (she and he) do not exist (do not exist)
I use it to tell what I see (I use it to tell what I see)
[Chorus : Lujipeka]
I go from her mouth to her lips
I'm old enough to not live your way
Tell me why, why are you getting mad
You don't like Columbine, but Columbine is famous
I go from her mouth to her lips
I'm old enough to not live your way
Tell me why, why are you getting mad
You don't like Columbine, but Columbine is famous
[Verse 2 : Foda C]
Since I was born, I take care of nothing, I want to have everything
Messages, I don't answer anymore because I don't want to see you anymore
I didn't grow up to save the world (save the world)
I want to see Paris under the bombs (under the bombs)
Rise at the hour when the Sun falls (when the Sun falls)
Melon colour (melon colour)
We only stagnate (we only stagnate), with the passing of the seasons
She tells (she tells) she is harassed (she is harassed)
I keep a low profile to listen to her (to listen to her)
And I give coins (I give coins) in cups (in cups)
I give myself good conscience to catch myself (to catch myself)
Everything's fine I'm pretending (I'm pretending, I'm pretending)
Don't hide yourself, you're like everyone else, you have your father away (away)
Undress, the anger that rises in you (that rises in you)
I go down from my house, I lead to tell what I see
[Chorus : Lujipeka]
I go from her mouth to her lips
I'm old enough to not live your way
Tell me why, why are you getting mad
You don't like Columbine, but Columbine is famous
I go from her mouth to her lips
I'm old enough to not live your way
Tell me why, why are you getting mad
You don't like Columbine, but Columbine is famous

Woman By The Window

Here she comes again
the woman by the window
So very pretty,
my heart laughs, cries
Woman by the window
Look out at me
Woman by the window
I am here
Keep an eye on me
Am I not tough too?
Shout of your heart
I will set free
Woman by the window
keep an eye on me
Not just by quick glances
Give me those
Your charm and beauty
Offer me those
Focus your heart
Let me feel that
you like me, like-like-like me
Like me
woman by the window
Waiting for you
Here she comes again
the woman by the window
So very pretty,
my heart laughs, cries
Woman by the window
Look out to me
Not just by quick glances
Give me those
Your charm and beauty
Woman by the window
Look out to me
I am here
Look at me intently
Waiting for you

I am at home

Everyone want to be at home somewhere
Not always on the way and complete alone
A house from them you say that is mine
the wonder happened today
I am at home
Always i yearned for
Always the feeling that something's missing
And everything in me pursuited to it
Such a joy i never experienced
Everyone want to be at home somewhere
Not always on the way and complete alone
A house from them you say that is mine
the wonder happened today
I am at home
I am at home
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Rose of faith

My dear, worth gold
I'm thankful for knowing you
I'm still standing in front of your door
Yet I've been long gone
But love keeps us forever in out arms
E-o-e-o-e, you're my earth
E-o-e-o-e, my only light
I'm thankful for always knowing
Who I am, where I'm from.
My stride has stoped far behind
But my heart brings me back
Cause you're the rose of my faith forever
E-o-e-o-e, you're my earth
E-o-e-o-e, my only light
Blessed, life has married me for you
And when the night is between us
Millions of people, I hear your voice
Rose of my faith
E-o-e-o-e, you're my earth
E-o-e-o-e, my only light, blessed
Blossom my rose, but only for me

Woman Of Steel

I am a woman of steel.
I have very much knowledge of life.
And I would never give my heart to someone so they can play me.
From love I am afraid
Because I've heard it and I've seen it happen
People have suffered from love
And now their lives' are ruined.
People tell me I'm complex
However I'm very proud of it
Better to be than to let someone to demolish my heart.
Indeed, I'm complex
However I'm very proud of it
Better to be than to let someone to demolish my heart.
I'm very traditional when it comes to thinking
I value myself
I want real love
not love like in pretend relationship movies
Enough, the times of good intentions have passed
I have sworn not to be one's victime
I want to be happy and I don't want my eyes to shed tears no more.
People tell me I'm complex
However I'm very proud of it
Better to be than to let someone to demolish my heart.
Indeed, I'm complex
However I'm very proud of it
Better to be than to let someone to demolish my heart.

Everything will be fine

Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine, mama
Bad and good things are destiny
There's nothing we can do about it but suffer
People of Guinea are tired of crying
Have some patience, God will help us
What have we done wrong?
Have some patience, God help us!
And wipe our tears
So that we don't cry anymore
So that we don't suffer anymore
So that we don't cry anymore
This land was given to us by God, let us trust Him
It's you who gave us Africa
It's you who gave them Europe
It's you who gave them America
It's you who gave them Asia
It's you who gave us our land
It's you who gave us Guinea-Bissau
My beloved land, oh
So that we don't cry anymore
So that we don't suffer anymore
So that we don't cry anymore
My people are tired from everything that's happened but please believe that one day all will be fine
(This too shall pass)
Have some faith in your heart, put yourself at work and don't turn your face to the fight
(This too shall pass)
Rute da Silva, Nako Sérgia, Nela Alves, don't suffer anymore
(This too shall pass)
These diseases, tromboses and fatigue that are killing our man on our land
(This too shall pass)
This injustice, thievery and murdering that makes foreigners have more power than normal citizens
(This too shall pass)
This ingratitude situations that makes elder men leave their houses to go after little 14-year-old girls
(This too shall pass)
Our business men, wake up to make sure foreigners are not taking over our land of Bissau
Only Bula will be left!
Make them invest so there is work for everyone
And once the weekend comes we have a party!
I have hope that one day my country will be fine, everything will be fine and we won't be tired anymore
I have faith that one day my country will be fine
Everything will be fine, will be fine, will be fine
The fatigue will leave us once and for all!
We will eat and lick our fingers!
We will eat and lick our fingers!
Guinea will be fine one day
I am sure that my country will be fine one day
Everyone will have a degree, everyone will have a job
Lights won't go off, water won't go off one day in Guinea
(Everything will be fine...)
Everything will be fine.

O bloodshed

O bloodshed
that rang out on high,
when all the elements
joined together
in a voice of lamentation
and a vast tremor,
because the blood of their creator
had touched them:
anoint us
where we are sick.


Versions: #3
Stay with your mother
Stay with your mother
Let's stay with your mother (farewell)
I used to make you pancakes just with love and miss
You're cooking me just roast days, you live I feel like I'm dying
We're getting drunk just with the love that you turned into alchocol
What a man..
When I met you you were more simple and more high
You came with with a kg of apples and won me with a tea
What you had it's called charm now take it from where you don't have
Farewell wherever you want, take the apples with you too.
You know that without you life gets deserted
If you don't have love you pretty much have nothing
But you know that you don't resist without me, I know
Go and stay with your mother, let's go and stay with your mother.
You know that without you life gets deserted
If you don't have love you pretty much have nothing
But you know that you don't resist without me, I know
Go and stay with your mother, let's go and stay with your mother.
My girl why do you hurt me, with you I feel myself titanic
I don't like you for your ass, it can be balkan
I can't have more, really I have a mechanical salary
No panic at the disco, more retro than a blisco
For you I'd go barefoot from here and to San Diego
Must let go to your ego colleague do you understand, ti prego
I want to built something and not with the lego pieces
You either stay with me either farwell.
You know that without you life gets deserted
If you don't have love you pretty much have nothing
But you know that you don't resist without me, I know
Go and stay with your mother, let's go and stay with your mother.
You know that without you life gets deserted
If you don't have love you pretty much don't have nothing
But you know that you don't resist without me, I know
Go and stay with your mother, let's go and stay with your mother.
Go and stay with your mother
Go and stay with your mother
Let's go and stay with your mother
You make my days black, white are my nights
Why do you act like Eva if you don't like the apples
I want you to be mine forever like when we first met.
You know that without you life gets deserted
If you don't have love you pretty much have nothing
But you know that you don't resist without me, I know
Go and stay with your mother, let's go and stay with your mother.

Silly Girl

Silly girl
What's the point in asking if your clothes look nice?
What's with the makeup and lipstick you're wearing?1
To the others, going out like that shows cowardice
What's with the insecurity?
Even the mirror wants to hug you
And as for me, don't worry about a thing
For if I had another heart
It'd belong to you as well
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
I placed an order for you in my dreams
God did his best
Silly girl
What's the point in asking if your clothes look nice?
What's with the makeup and lipstick you're wearing?
To the others, going out like that shows cowardice
What's with the insecurity?
Even the mirror wants to hug you
And as for me, don't worry about a thing
For if I had another heart
It'd belong to you as well
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
With that smile, you can do whatever you want with my life
Silly girl
As much as you think I love you, I love you even more
I placed an order for you in my dreams
God did his best
Silly girl
Silly girl
You silly girl
  • 1. literally lipstick on your mouth/lips

The Girl from Shalabiyah

The girl from Shalabiyah
Her eyes are almond-shaped
I love you from my heart
Oh, my heart, you are my eyes
I love you from my heart
Oh, my heart, you are my eyes
Under the arches
My love is waiting
It wasn't easy for me to let you down, my love
You appear in the distance and my heart is wounded
And I reminisce about days past
Under the pomegranate tree
My love spoke to me
Sang me songs
Oh my eyes
And flirted with me
Sang me songs
Oh my eyes
And flirted with me

Come on let's go

I got all my life on a tray made of gold
Nice people have been around me just that my heart won't ache
With closed eyes I've been walking only on my way
Mom told me, oh daughter don't change
All my life I've been traveling between peaks and abysses
With enough believe one will achieve great things
What marks for me the future, God is great
To the one I love I said
YALLA BINA YALLA (Come on let's go)
Oh Honey, come on
Wipe the tears
And smile to the world
Oh Honey, come on
Oh Honey, come on
Be happy to no limits
We have only one life to live
All my life I've been hoping for my heart to wake up new
Even when it was a bad day I new a sweet one should come
From my childhood I understood that 'a little' also means 'a lot'
To the one I love I said
YALLA BINA YALLA (Come on let's go)
Oh Honey, come on
Wipe the tears
And smile to the world
Oh Honey, come on
Oh Honey, come on
Be happy to no limits
We have only one life to live
Wipe the tears
And smile to the world
Be happy to no limits
We have only one life to live
Without notice
Will come your best day
It will come
And the sun will rise