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Šta nećeš učiniti zbog ljubavi

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Izgleda da se pitaš
Gde sam bio
Tragao sam sa pronadjem ljubav iznutra
Vratio sam se da ti kažem
Svidjaš mi se i ne mogu protiv toga
Moji prijatelji se pitaju šta sa mnom nije u redu
Ošamućen sam od tvoje ljubavi, vidiš
Vratio sam se da ti kažem
Svidjaš mi se i ne mogu protiv toga
Neki ljudi idu oko sveta
Zbog ljubavi
Ali nikad ne nadju ono o čemu sanjanju
Šta nećeš učiniti, učiniti zbog ljubavi
Pokušaš sve ali ne odustaješ
U mom svetu samo ti
Činiš da radim zbog ljubavi
Šta ne bih učinio
Ali onda samo želim najbolje, istina je
Ne mogu da poveruju stvari koje činim zbog tebe
Šta nećeš učiniti, učiniti zbog ljubavi
Pokušaš sve ali ne odustaješ
U mom svetu samo ti
Činiš da radim zbog ljubavi
Šta ne bih učinio
Činiš da radim zbog ljubavi
Šta ne bih učinio

Plavi somot

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nosila je plavi somot
Plavlja od somota bila je noć
Mekša od somota bila je svetlost
Sa zvezda
Nosila je plavi somot
Plavlje od somota behu njene oči
Toplije od maja njeni nežni uzdasi
Ljubav je bila naša
Naša ljubav koju sam čvrsto držao
Osjećajući kako zanos raste
Kao plamen koji žarko gori
Ali kad je otišla, nestao je sjaj
Plavi somot
Ali u mom srcu uvek će postojati
Dragocena i topla, uspomena
Kroz godine
I još mogu videti plavi somot
Kroz svoje suze

Ja i Bobi mekGi

Potpuno švorc u Baton Ružu, idem na voz,
Osećam se izbledeo skoro kao i moje farmerke.
Bobi je stopirala dizelaša malo pre nego što je pala kiša,
Odveo nas je sve do Nju Orleansa.
Izvadio sam svoj usnjak* iz moje prljave crvene bandane*
I duvao tužno dok je Bobi pevala bluz,
Sa tim brisačima na šoferšajbni koji šamaraju vreme
Bobi tapše rukama, konačno smo otpevali svaku pesmu koju je vozač znao.
Sloboda je samo još jedna reč za ništa nije ostalo za izgubiti,
I ništa ne vredi ništa, ali je džaba,
Bilo je lako osećati se dobro, Gospode, kada je Bobi pevala bluz,
I druže, to je bilo dovoljno dobro za mene,
Dovoljno dobro za mene i moju Bobi MekGi.
Od rudnika uglja Kentakija do kalifornijskog sunca,
Bobi je podelila tajne moje duše,
Bila je uz mene ma šta da sam radio,
I svake noći me je čuvala od hladnoće.
Onda negde blizu Salinasa, Gospode, ispustih je
Tražila je dom, nadam se da će ga naći,
Pa, menjao bih sva svoja sutra za jedno juče,
Da držim Bobino telo blizu mog.
Sloboda je samo još jedna reč za ništa nije ostalo za izgubiti,
I ništa ne vredi ništa, ali je džaba,
Bilo je lako osećati se dobro, Gospode, kada je Bobi pevala bluz,
I druže, to je bilo dovoljno dobro za mene,
Dovoljno dobro za mene i moju Bobi MekGi.

Ja i Bobi mekGi

Versions: #1
Potpuno švorc u Baton Ružu, idem na voz,
Osećam se izbledeo skoro kao i moje farmerke
Bobi je stopirao dizelaša malo pre nego što je pala kiša,
Odveo nas je sve do Nju Orleansa.
Izvadila sam svoj usnjak* iz moje prljave crvene bandane*
I duvala tužno dok je Bobi pevao bluz,
Sa tim brisačima na šoferšajbni koji šamaraju vreme
Bobi tapše rukama, konačno smo otpevali svaku pesmu koju je vozač znao.
Sloboda je samo još jedna reč za ništa nije ostalo za izgubiti,
I ništa ne vredi ništa, ali je džaba,
Bilo je lako osećati se dobro, Gospode, kada je Bobi pevao bluz,
I druže, to je bilo dovoljno dobro za mene,
Dovoljno dobro za mene i mojeg Bobi MekGija.
Od rudnika uglja Kentakija do kalifornijskog sunca,
Bobi je podelio tajne moje duše,
Bio je uz mene ma šta da sam radila,
I svake noći me je čuvao od hladnoće.
Onda negde blizu Salinasa, Gospode, ispustih ga
Tražio je dom, nadam se da će ga naći,
Pa, menjao bih sva svoja sutra za jedno juče,
Da držim Bobijevo telo blizu mog.
Sloboda je samo još jedna reč za ništa nije ostalo za izgubiti,
I ništa ne vredi ništa, ali je džaba,
Bilo je lako osećati se dobro, Gospode, kada je Bobi pevao bluz,
I druže, to je bilo dovoljno dobro za mene,
Dovoljno dobro za mene i moga Bobi MekGija.

Am I losing you

One time that one time
I'd like to know just how you feel
But this time it does matter
So listen to what I say
'cause I long for you each night and day
I'll give you more
Oh, how I need you
Of all that I'll get from you
And even if you'll love me
If you would leave me I would die
I'll give you more more
Am I losing you?
La la la... I'll give you more more
Words are words
These words, it's true, I said before
But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter
Please help me anytime
'cause you're driving me out of my mind
I'll give you more
Oh, how I need you
Of all that I'll get from you
And even if you'll love me
If you would leave me I would die
I'll give you more more
Am I losing you?
La la la... am I losing you?


Travel, travel
That's life, do you want?
Going on a journey
Vacation of a lifetime
Board a 747
Destination is your heart

Jedne noći u Pekingu

Ne želim da te pitam gde si zaista
Ne želim da razmišljaš o tome da li možeš da se vratiš
Razmišljajući o svom srcu, razmišljajući o svom licu
Želim da ga držim na grudima i da ga ne pustim ako mogu
Ostavio sam mnogo ljubavi
Bilo da volite ili ne
To je istorijski zapis
Ostavio sam mnogo ljubavi
Ne usuđujem se da pitam put u ponoć
Bojite se da prošetate do najdubljeg dela od stotinu cveća
Kažu ljudi duboko u zemlji sto cvetova
Živi stari ljubavnik koji šije vezene cipele
Starac mirnog lica,
još uvek čeka ljubavnika koji će se na kraju vratiti sa ekspedicije
Ne pijete previše vina
Bilo da volite ili ne
To je istorijski zapis
Ostavio sam mnogo ljubavi
Čovek koji peva uz vino
je ratnik severa
Ljudi kažu da su ratnici severa
Kada je vetar hladan, oni stoje ispred gradske kapije
Nosi oklop od korodiranog gvožđa
Zovu izvan gradskih vrata, sa suzama u očima
Auuu... čekao sam hiljadama godina
Zašto su kapije još uvek otvorene?
Ohhhhh...Čekao sam hiljadama godina
Zašto se moj ljubavnik ne vrati?
Ostavio sam mnogo ljubavi
Ne usuđujem se da pitam za pravac usred noći
Plaši se da uznemirim dušu slomljenog srca
Ostavio sam mnogo ljubavi
Ne pitajte za uputstva usred noći
Bojim se hodati do Dianmena
Kažu to na kapiji Dianmena
Ima jedna starica koja još čeka
Starac mirnog lica,
još uvek čeka ljubavnika koji će se na kraju vratiti sa ekspedicije
Ne pijete previše vina
Nema nikoga koga ne pokreću istinska osećanja
kada hoda izvan Dianmena
Ostavićete mnogo ljubavi
Ne pitajte za uputstva usred noći
Plaši se da uznemirim dušu slomljenog srca
Ne želim da te pitam gde si zaista
Ne želim da razmišljaš o tome da li možeš da se vratiš
Razmišljajući o svom srcu, razmišljajući o svom licu
Želim da ga držim na grudima i da ga ne pustim ako mogu
Ostavio si mnogo ljubavi
Ne pitajte za uputstva usred noći
Plaši se da uznemirim dušu slomljenog srca
Ne želim da te pitam gde si zaista
Ne želim da razmišljaš o tome da li možeš da se vratiš(JEDNE NOĆI U PEKINGU)
Razmišljajući o svom srcu, razmišljajući o svom licu(JEDNE NOĆI U PEKINGU)
Želim da ga držim na grudima i da ga ne pustim ako mogu


Ох, дивља
Укротићу те (припитомити те)
Ах, дивљa
Још ћу те добити (да, да)
Кладите се (да, да)
Мала лутко, само се играш
Сваки дан имаш нову бебу
Али једног дана ћу то бити ја, ја и само ја
Ох, ох, ох, ох, дивља
Натераћу те да се смириш (смирити се)
Ах, дивља, исећи ћу ти крила (да, да)
И ствари (да, да)
Имаш усне на које сам љут
Имам усне које ће те оборити
Хајде дивља
Буди дивља према мени
Вау, да, душо
(Вау, вау, вау)
(Да да)
(Вах, вах, вах, вах)
Мала лутко, само се играш
Сваки дан имаш нову бебу
Али једног дана ћу то бити ја, ја и само ја
Ох, ох, ох, дивља
Натераћу те да се смириш (смирити се)
Ах, дивља, исећи ћу ти крила (да, да)
И ствари (да, да)
Имаш усне на које сам љут
Имам усне које ће те оборити
Хајде, дивља, буди луда за мном
Вау, да (вах, вах, вах, вах)
Хајде дивља
Буди дивља према мени
Још једном
(Вах, вах, вах, вах)
Ах,хајде дивља буди луда за мном
Буди љута према мени

господин Усамљени

Усамљен, ја сам господин Усамљени
Немам никога свог
Тако сам усамљен, ја сам господин усамљени
Волео бих да имам некога да зовем телефоном
Сад сам војник, усамљени војник
Далеко од куће, без сопствене жеље
Зато сам усамљен, ја сам господин усамљени
Волео бих да се могу вратити кући
Писма, никад писмо
Не добијам писма поштом
Заборављен сам, да,заборављен
Ох питам се, како то да нисам успео
Сад сам војник, усамљени војник
Далеко од куће, без сопствене жеље
Зато сам усамљен, ја сам господин усамљени
Волео бих да се могу вратити кући

Are you crying? (U MAD)

The loser is doing better that expected
Bet you caught a stomachache from jealousy
When probably more than half of you were looking at the money
Thought its was pathetic
Never have I ever envied you when you were showing off
In fact when I was put off and fed up
Advice like I should do it too if tempted
Screw you and spit ptooey
Don’t ever tryna fight my crew
Or even tryna wanna be my team
Don’t ever ever tryna be real
It's so wrong how you use your head
Filling up one's stomach with fodder and feeling happy
Wouldn't be human, more like livestock
Being foolish isn't even an illness
Aged from the bottom so don't know how to love
Who are you trying to teach fool
Please mind your own business pervert
Before I call the police
Shut your mouths and go to the toilet
It looks natural wwith your head down
Keep it down, are you prehaps a flamingo
I don't wanna live like that
Just like Che Guevara Imma loving realest
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're upset
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad?
Can't do anything u mad?
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it down to the floor
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
Drop it like it’s hot
I spend my cool time with cool friends
Hanging out, the rest of you turn your eyes away
Don't wanna see you in your favourite
Shop banish from it
I can't have anyone over my head
Stubborn idealism
My pride is the main part of my life
Imma freak u up
If u ever tryna test me
Uh my mind is confused
On the streets of Hongdae
Too much shots on my head
Foolish groups are always amusing
Leaving out wisdom
Enemies are everywhere I love my enemies
Beacause of them I also become who I am
Feeling adrenaline
Feeling energy
Commiting felony
Gangbuk representative playboy
Ladies love cool boys
Taking away girlfriends' hearts
Even if it is't necessary
Gangbuk representative playboy
Ladies love cool boys
Taking away girlfriends' hearts
Even if it is't necessary
U mad?
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Come at me
Can't even move a hand
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're upset
Why you mad son?
Eheheh they're crying
Why you mad?
Can't do anything u mad?

A Lemon Slush

There are those who seek from love
what it cannot give them,
who do not even know what it is.
We who are in love,
we have already understood
that to be happy
at times will be enough.
A lemon slush,
giving a kiss at the door,
and staying close even if it rains.
A lemon slush,
you and me under the moon
every day that
the sun comes up to find you here.
What you would like to have
is hidden in your heart,
maybe one day you will understand.
We who are lucky,
we have already understood
that to be happy
at times will be enough.
A lemon slush,
giving a kiss at the door,
and staying close even if it rains.
A lemon slush,
you and me under the moon
every day that
the sun comes up to find you here.
A lemon slush,
giving a kiss at the door,
and staying close even if it rains.
A lemon slush,
you and me under the moon
every day that
the sun comes up to find you here.
A lemon slush,
giving a kiss at the door,
and staying close even if it rains.
A lemon slush,
you and me under the moon
every day that
the sun comes up to find you here.
A lemon slush,
giving a kiss at the door,
and staying close even if it rains...

Monday Moon

(Wa-dah wa-dah-dah-dah.)
(Wa-dah wa-dah-dah-dah.)
(Wa-dah wa-dah-dah-dah.)
Moon, Monday moon,
I really did not think that
I could be unhappy this way.
This morning, her eyes
gazed into mine
but tonight here am I
and without her.
Moon, Monday moon,
you made yourself
more beautiful than ever.
No need, you know.
How inappropriate
so suddenly
to forget about us
and a response
that you will not get from her.
Say goodbye with a yes (say goodbye with a yes),
say goodbye with a yes (say goodbye with a yes),
(yes, he will smile—ah, yeah).
But on Monday (but on Monday, yes),
but on Monday (but on Monday),
(he will regret it).
Moon, Monday moon,
I really did not think that
I could be unhappy this way.
This morning, her eyes
gazed into mine
but tonight here am I
and without her.
Say goodbye with a yes (say goodbye with a yes),
say goodbye with a yes (say goodbye with a yes),
(yes, he will smile—ah, yeah).
But on Monday (but on Monday, yes),
but on Monday (but on Monday),
(he will regret it).
(Wa-dah wa-dah-dah-dah.)
(Wa-dah wa-dah-dah-dah.)
Moon, Monday moon—
oh moon, Monday moon—
oh moon, Monday moon...


you have made it.
From now on,
the unhappiness has ended.
for the inspiration
that your smile
knew how to give to me.
I was looking for the world in a bottom of a glass.
I did not realize that I was throwing away the evenings
in illusions that lasted a minute
but, after all, I am better with you.
Congratulations and jubilation,
perhaps the accent
is not correct
but yet:
thanks all the same
for the success
that you had with me.
I was looking for the world in a bottom of a glass.
I did not realize that I was throwing away the evenings
in illusions that lasted a minute
but, after all, I am better with you.
you have made it.
From now on,
the unhappiness has ended.
for the inspiration
that your smile
knew how to give to me.
you have made it.
From now on,
the unhappiness has ended.
Today has ended
my unhappiness.

More Than This

You have always
stretched out your hands,
you give me an hour or days
to be together again.
Again you
yesterday and you tomorrow
who lie to me just
to make me stay here.
More than this, more than this—
what more than this can I ask of you?
You dream here, you together,
you read my face when I go away.
More than this, more than this—
I want more later, more than this.
You always mine, both here and there,
and in exchange I am this nostalgia.
Now, yes,
I feel your hands
when I am a bit alone.
I will wait for tomorrow.
I will escape
from your happy caress,
from your unfamiliar arms,
colder than the snow.
More than this, more than this—
I who want to give you more, more than this,
now I am here, my love.
Inside your tears, there is only me.
More than this, more than this—
hold me forever, I am not going away
and I will tell you more than this.
I already cried for you, for myself not like this.
More than this, more than this—
I want to give you more, more than this.
You always mine, both here and there,
and in exchange I am this nostalgia.
More than this, more than this—
hold me forever, I am not going away
and I will tell you more than this.
I already cried for you, for myself not like this.

The Truck Driver

I am Gennaro, the truck driver,
but to everyone I'm Jack.
And I make kilometers
and also erotic dreams, but yes!
We are the bisons of the road
with our trucks
and we are the cursed ones
when we enter the bar.
A journey—an adventure—
for those who live a hard life like us.
And on cold nights
I dream of a warm bed
and inside of it
a woman liberated
from so many useless taboos.
She will love me without pleasantries,
she who, without love, gives so much love
and leaves that smile
whereas entering into heaven leaves none.
Call Jack, the truck driver,
I will answer you.
And with Jack, the truck driver,
but so much joy!
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
with a large truck.
I drive until I arrive in Madagascar
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway—
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway.
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
and I think about when it will end
but then doing the math
and, looking around a bit, maybe not.
We are like stars
when the dark fades
that light up nights
with Iveco and Saab
and never find closed the toll booth
of our freedom.
Call Jack, the truck driver,
I will answer you.
And with Jack, the truck driver
but so much joy!
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
with a large truck.
I drive until I arrive in Madagascar
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway—
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway.
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
that ageless pilot
and on my takimeter
I consume more kilometers than ever.
We are the bisons of the road
with our trucks
and we are the cursed ones
when we enter the bar.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am Jack.
Do you understand?

Sexy Baby

It's on fire,
my heart for you.
I feel the flames
here inside of me.
You in my dreams,
not in reality.
You are a desire
that will not end.
I don't see the sun
but I see you, hey!
And little by little
I think that
your smile
will take me
through the gate
of a long eternity.
Sexy baby, baby blue,
no, I want nothing more.
I want a moment
together with you
to feel a thrill
inside of me.
Sexy baby, baby blue,
no, I want nothing more.
One chance
and my heart for this
will not grow tired.
The world turns
around me.
The night is long
and it seems that
every minute
it never goes away.
One day I will try
to ask if you want me.
I don't see the sun
but I see you, hey!
And little by little
I realize that
your smile
will take me
through the gate
of a long eternity.
Sexy baby, baby blue,
no, I want nothing more.
I want a moment
together with you
to feel a thrill
inside of me.
Sexy baby, baby blue,
no, I want nothing more.
One chance
and my heart for this
will not grow tired.
Sexy baby, baby blue,
no, I want nothing more.
I want a moment
together with you
to feel a feeling
inside of me.
Nothing more!
Hmm-hmmm-hmmm! Baby!
Sexy baby!
Baby sexy!

Never Trust

~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
In the discotech,
there is a boy who
looks at no one,
he looks only at you.
Even if he understood
that you are with me,
pretend nothing has happened
because he is full of himself.
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
In life, it is enough to take
one step further,
then you look around
and you are left alone.
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
Almost an hour has passed
and I see that
you do not listen to me
and I know the reason.
There is a direct line
right between you,
and it has already broken
what was between us.
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
The best in life
surely will arrive.
The worst is silent,
it is here already.
My mom used to tell me:
'Be careful, you know
a woman can multiply
your troubles.'
I didn't believe it
and thought that
she wanted to have me
forever all to herself.
It is already four o'clock
and where are you?
They are getting complicated,
these thoughts of mine.
I am spying on you
as you go away.
Did I get it right
that you won't be back?
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
The best in life
surely will arrive.
The worst is silent,
it is here already.
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
The best in life
surely will arrive.
The worst is silent,
it is here already.
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
The best in life
surely will arrive.
The worst is silent,
it is here already.
In life, it is better
to never trust
because, around the corner,
there is another him.
The best in life
is already here.
The worst is silent,
it is here already.
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)
~~~~~ (Ahh-uhmmm!)

Muchacha—cha cha cha

I follow your lead
but you laugh in my face
and then you go away.
I want you in my arms
but the hunt is futile
if you do not think about me.
And yes, I know you don't want me (I know you don't want me)
and you mind your own business (and you mind your own business).
I'm looking for trouble (I'm looking for trouble)
even as you will not give up (even as you will not give up).
If I was your age (if I was your age),
perhaps, but who knows (perhaps, but who knows ).
Unfortunately I am a long way off,
light years from your thoughts.
Uoh uoh uoh!
do not make that face.
I know for you it is not enough—
all of my love for you.
I want you in my arms
but it is only the unrealistic desire
to be close to you.
In my prime (in your prime),
I never encountered (you never encountered)
two eyes like yours (two eyes like hers),
two lips closed just for me.
They open up, however (they open up, however),
just to say no (just to tell you no).
Is it possible that the time for love
is over for me?
Uoh uoh uoh!
I want you in my arms
but you laugh in my face
and then you go away.
do not make that face.
Open your arms wide
and run here to me.
In my prime (in your prime),
I never encountered (you never encountered)
two eyes like yours (two eyes like hers),
two lips closed just for me.
They open up, however (they open up, however),
just to say no (just to tell you no).
Is it possible that the time for love
is over for me?
For me!

What Will Happen

What will happen
now that you go away?
How is it then that you lose
you have lost for love?
What will happen
now that you know
that everything between us
will change
and your truth
will not be
perhaps even half
of a love (of a love)
to fly (to fly)
a little further there.
One life is not enough,
love alone is not enough
to make you forget
the evil that you do to me.
One life is not enough,
love alone is not enough
to change the color
to what I would like,
to what you do not give me.
What will happen
now that you go away?
How is it then that you lose
you have lost for love?
What will happen
now that you know
that everything between us
will change
and your truth
will not be
perhaps even half
of a love (of a love)
to fly (to fly)
a little further there.
One life is not enough,
love alone is not enough
to make you forget
the evil that you do to me.
One life is not enough,
love alone is not enough
to change the color
to what I would like,
to what you do not give me.
One life is not enough,
love alone is not enough
to make you forget
the evil that you do...

Farewell, Angelina

Farewell, Angelina, the east wind
blows hard, too hard,
and it brings me with it two eyes from heaven
crying for me.
Farewell, Angelina,
the sun sets and I will go away.
Life is cruel, you cannot change it.
Love is over but you want me to stay.
Your face behind the windowpane searches for me.
This is goodbye, Angelina, the light already flees.
I flee from you.
I can't find my voice, I would like to call out to you.
The guitar plays softly and you are up high.
That flower that we picked is dead.
Farewell, Angelina, the sky already sleeps.
You sleep as well.
The snow awaits me, I must leave.
You will be the most beautiful memory I have.
Gently, as in a dream, I walk away from you.
This is goodbye, Angelina, the sky is crying.
Cry for me.

Sway (Quién será)

When marimba rhythms start to play,
dance with me, make me sway.
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore,
hold me close, sway me more.
Like a flower bending in the breeze,
bend with me, sway with ease.
When we dance you have a way with me,
stay with me, sway with me.
Other dancers may be on the floor,
dear, but my eyes will see only you.
Only you have the magic technique.
When we sway, I grow weak.
I can hear the sounds of violins
long before it begins.
Make me thrill as only you know how,
sway me smooth, sway me now.
Other dancers may be on the floor,
dear, but my eyes will see only you.
Only you have the magic technique.
When we sway, I grow weak.
I can hear the sounds of violins
long before it begins.
Make me thrill as only you know how,
sway me smooth, sway me now.
When marimba rhythms start to play,
dance with me, make me sway.
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore,
hold me close, sway me more.
I wanted to live again
the passion and warmth of another love,
of another love that made me feel,
that makes me happy.
Who will be the one who loves me,
who will it be, who will it be?
Who will be the one to give me her love,
who will it be, who will it be?
When marimba rhythms start to play,
sway me smooth, sway me now—
sway me smooth, sway me smooth, sway me now.

In an Old Cathedral

In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.
In an old cathedral,
I spoke to you.
That moment was enough for you.
Our steps on the cobblestones,
it began this way,
it began.
But then it was not like this,
as I had dreamed,
and I found myself in love
with a reflection in the water—
with a reflection in the water.
In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.
But then it was not like this,
as I had dreamed,
and I found myself in love
with a reflection in the water—
with a reflection in the water.
In an old cathedral,
I gazed upon
that black bow in your hair,
and perhaps I already understood
who is in love with me,
in love.


Along the river there in the mountains
there was an old miner
who did not find gold
but his daughter was a treasure.
Sweet darling, Clementine,
oh, my one and only great love!
I have lost you now forever
and nevermore will I see you.
We left one morning
along the river, and so it was,
that into the water, Clementina,
fell and I never saw her again.
Sweet darling, Clementine,
I did not know how to swim.
I have now lost forever
and nevermore will I see you.
And up there on the hill
is a church amidst the flowers.
There rests Clementina,
my one and only great love.


You had sad eyes
(color chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut
chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut).
The sun on your skin
(color chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut
chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut).
Color of the earth,
the best earth,
that gives life,
life, life
to all things
and gave you to me.
The light on your hair
(color chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut
chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut).
I did not know
that you had,
that you had
a soul
(chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut
chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut)—
a soul
(chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut
chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut, chestnut)—
a soul
(color chestnut, color chestnut, color chestnut)!

Oh, Suzannah

I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me.
I will go to Louisiana
to see you again.
The day I said goodbye
the rain got us wet
but your last smile
warmed my heart.
Oh, Suzannah,
do not cry because
I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me.
It was just the other night that
I saw you in a dream.
You had tears in your eyes when
you came to meet me.
A white handkerchief
you had in your hand.
I told you, 'oh, my Suzannah, no!
You must no longer cry.'
Oh, Suzannah,
do not cry because
I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me.
I soon will be in New Orleans
and I will look for you there.
Be assured, my Suzannah, that
I will never leave you again.
And I would die of pain
if I were not to find you
but you, sweet Suzannah, no,
do not cry for me.
Oh, Suzannah,
do not cry because
I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me.
Oh, Suzannah,
do not cry because
I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me.
Oh, Suzannah,
you should not cry because
I will come from Alabama
and have my banjo with me....