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The loneliness that I feel inside,
believe me, has never gone away
ever since you left me
and it now is with me every day.
If each night I search for you up there,
I look towards the sky and I see you,
it's a love that is bigger than us,
and it can never end again.
In the stardust
I see you—I see you alone—
always more
splendid in the sky.
You smile at me from on high.
You are so beautiful,
you look at me
from the stars.
Speak to me about a love—
about only one great love—
lived one day
together with you.
and this love
live only for you,
even if you
are not here with me—
you no longer kiss me
as before.
But a cloud
writes in heaven
that tomorrow you—
you will return to me
and you will never leave me
ever again—
ever again.

Love Letters

My love, where are you?
I want you here with me.
I long for you
and for your kisses that I no longer have.
The night is long for me
ever since you are not here.
I still read over your love letters
and I never forget you.
The night is long for me
ever since you are not here.
I still read over your love letters
and I never forget you.

Believe Me

Believe me, you will think again
of the things that I have given you—
of the trust that now
I have lost with you.
Believe me, you will remember,
and in the dreams that you will have
perhaps you will find me again
as before close to you.
Believe me, you will think again
of the things that I have given you—
of the trust that now—
[I have lost] with you.
Believe me, you will remember,
and in the dreams that you will have
perhaps you will find me again
as before close to you.

Moon River

Moon River,
when you see me
perhaps you will ask about her,
and you, moon, can you tell me
why time passed
quickly for us?
Moon River,
perhaps you will cry
on the nights you will spend with me,
and you, moon, you know that for her
I always come back here
to the place where we discovered love.
Moon River,
perhaps you will cry
on the nights you will spend with me,
and you, moon, you know that for her
I always come back here
to the place where we discovered love.

Ah-chung's Grandma

She stood by the west coastline
while half of the mountain got hidden in dense fogs.
The old lady from the grocery store said,
'Hey Ah-chung, it's gonna rain,
hurry up and make your grandma come in and take shelter from the rain.'
The old guy that sails arranged his things a bit and walked here,
he said, 'the boss, your husband, plans to travel back tomorrow.'
The crowds at the port were dispersing gradually,
the lighthouse looks so beautiful but sad somehow, and where did the lonely bird dissapear after dusk?
Why has my husband been so lazy,
that he never replied any letters I sent.
Hey, soldier on the levee, let me ask you something,
where was the military carrier actually heading for that night?
Oh, Ah-chung's grandma
Oh, she asks people every day and night that,
Ah-chung's grandma asks that...
'Oh, where's the 'south island' that locates so far away?'
If it wasn't because of everybody's bad fortunes,
grandpa wouldn't have to go out and make money.
Ah-chung, we don't need to worry at all,
because after the darkness, when the sun rises, we won't feel cold anymore.
Grandma said, 'Ah-chung, nanny's tired,
let's go to the coast to see if your grandpa has come back.
Don't turn off the light under the spirit tablet,
so your grandpa won't get lost when he comes back.'
Why has my husband been so lazy,
that he never replied any letters I sent.
He didn't want to bring any luggages with him that night.
Where were the soldiers taking my husband to?
Oh, Ah-chung's grandma,
Oh, she asks people every day and night that,
Ah-chung's grandma asks that...
'Oh, where's the 'south island' that locates so far away?'
Grandma, don't you worry now,
someone brought back some messages that grandpa said he's happy now
We don't need to worry at all now,
because after the darkness, when the sun rises, we won't feel cold anymore.

Moja pesma o ljubavi

Toliko puta si čula
te stare poznate reči
Ali ako su ti sišle s uma
reći ću ih još jednom
Obožavam te, moja ljubavi
moje srce je istinito, moja ljubavi,
još odano tebi, moja ljubavi
samo tebi, moja ljubavi
Ako ne postoji drugi način,
da kažem ono što moram reći,
onda pusti moje srce da prizna
da si ti moja sreća
Obožavam te, moja ljubavi
moje srce je istinito, moja ljubavi,
još odano tebi, moja ljubavi
samo tebi, moja ljubavi
Toliko puta si čula
te stare poznate reči
Ali ako su ti sišle s uma
reći ću ih još jednom
Obožavam te, moja ljubavi

Надам се

Некад, негде,
срешћемо се опет, знам
и ја те више нећу волети,
надам се.
Негде, некако,
требаћу ти
као што ти мени требаш сада,
надам се.
Наставите плес и пуштајте музику,
јер ноћас ћу да плесом отерам ноћ.
А сутра, сутра,
ти ћеш отићи.
Па здраво, збогом,
знам да ћу заплакати.
Али заборавићу те, временом,
надам се, насдам се...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)


Can you keep dat secret
Tell me
the guy next to you
he's an empty can No no no
wear my jumper and go out
Imma bout to jump off
with you you you
tell your friends
today your heart got robbed Oh girl
you and me , you and me, the two of us only
We can go slow
Incredible body
I will compare with the fake ones Nothing
tonight Party
besides you and em No ones invited
As a secret
Keep it low low low
in the night air, this fluttering night
let's learn you and me Like
Your scent Chocolate
Skinny jeans with high heels
Wanna get to know ya
Tell me
Can u keep dat secret
move Baby
I will show you everything today Boi
Can u keep dat secret
come close next to me
take me somewhere where no one will look for us
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Approach me slowly
the night is young Boi
it's a night that you hate going home
Wanna get to know u more
I will sit next to you without thinking
Wanna ride bae
open your eyes
Imma party yeh ye ye ye
Tell me where you want to go
it's a diversion
dream next to me
you can throw the meaningless
ring on your left hand Oh yeh ye ye yeh
tell me what your husband couldn't give you Baby
Your scent Chocolate
your husky voice
Wanna get to know ya
Tell me
I can keep dat secret
I will move Baby
shome everything today My babe
I can keep dat secret
Stay next to me
I will take you somewhere where no one can find us
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
We can do anything Baby
if only you open your heart
don't worry about tomorrow
we are strangers
if you miss me, you can
call me on my mobile phone Girl
I will run to wherever you are
tell me your location info
Don't feel burdened
Keep it keep it down low
this is our Secret
don't force it Girl
I just wanna hold u tonight
Tell me
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

I Can't Lose You

What can I care if
You stopped thinking of me
If I remain alone, no one will die
If you're with the man that's close to you
Just to make me angry
Let him go, don't do him any evil
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
If loving you so much is already incredible
I can't lose you
I don't know how to pretend
Being far was useless
Don't hide
Come back with me...
What can I care if
People look at me and you
In my eyes I can't see anyone
Let's do it the way you want
Each one taking care of their own business
And with friends around to be loner
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
If loving you so much is already incredible
I can't lose you
I don't know how to pretend
Being far was useless
Don't hide
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
It's not possible
But I'd go crazy if you weren't mine
I can't lose you
Life is useless
It's impossible for me to move on
Don't hide
Oh, don't hide
Come back with me...
I can't lose you
I can't...

Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

L'Hymne de Bataille du Kentucky

Dans l'année 1861, nous avons quitté notre pays natal,
Parce que nous ne pouvions pas plier nos esprits à la dure commande du tyran.
Et nous avons rallié notre Buckner, alors que nos coeurs étaient tristes et douloureux,
Pour offrir notre sang pour la liberté comme nos père l'ont fait avant...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Quand au début le drapeau du sud déployait ses plis dans l'air,
Ses étoiles étaient à peine rassemblées que les fils du Kentucky étaient présent.
Et nous avons prononcé un serment solennel, et nous nous sommes sévèrement rassemblé
Nous voulons seulement vivre en hommes libres sur le sol sanglant et sombre.
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Avec Buckner, notre chef, et Morgan dans le van,
Nous planterons le drapeau de la liberté dans notre clair et heureux pays,
Nous conduirons les serviteurs du tyran dans le flot roulant de l'Ohio,
Et teindrons ses vagues avec le pourpre du lâche sang yankee...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Alors applaudissez, vous, braves du sud, vous verrez bientôt le jour,
Quand les plus belles filles du Kentucky vous encourageront sur votre chemin,
Et que leurs fières vieilles mères vous accueillerons tous,
Car unis nous résistons, mais divisés nous tombons !
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Simon Bolivar Buckner (1823−1914), et John Hunt Morgan (1825−1864) étaient tous deux des généraux confédérés lors de la Guerre de Sécession

La Rose Jaune du Texas

Il y a une Rose Jaune au Texas
Que je suis allé voir
Aucun autre soldat ne la connait,
Aucun soldat excepté moi
Elle a tant crié quand je l'ai quittée,
C'est comme si ça avait brisé mon coeur
Et si jamais je la retrouve
Nous ne nous séparerons plus jamais.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Là où le Rio Grande coule
Et où les cieux étoilés brillent
Elle marche le long de la rivière
Par une calme nuit d'été
Elle se demande si je me souviens
Quand nous nous sommes quittés il y a longtemps
J'ai promis de revenir de nouveau
Et de ne pas la quitter ainsi.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Oh, mes pieds sont déchirés et sanglants
Et mon coeur est plein de tristesse
Je retourne en Géorgie
Trouver mon oncle Joe
Vous pouvez parler de Beauregard
Et chanter Bobby Lee,
Mais le vaillant Hood, du Texas,
Il a joué l'enfer dans le Tennessee.
Beauregard, Robert Edward Lee (Bobby Lee), et John Bell Hood furent tous trois des généraux Confédérés durant la Guerre de Sécession aux Etats-Unis.
Cette chanson est une adaptation confédérée de la chanson populaire 'the Yellow Rose of Texas'.


I wanna runaway
I wanna runaway
I wanna runaway
Because now I am so tired of everything
my feelings are easily crooked at the smallest things
I am going home alone from work and it's noisy
only laughter has nothing to do with me, I constantly lower my head
I run frantically , I don't know if I became an adult
pretending to live without worries in order to lessen my mother's worries
when I arrive home, I wash, close the lights and lie down
now the reality is heavier than the dream
I can't fall asleep So I sing
In the mirror, why
isn't this the old self I knew?
I want to chase me dreams but
but on my shoulders the burden called 'responsibility' hinders me
If you are looking at the unsteady me
please take me far away from here
I wanna runaway
Yay ye yay ye
To a place no one knows me
to a place no one will find
help the fallen me up
I just can't go on take me there
I wanna runaway
I have taken the habit of thinking the mistakes as failures
I hate failing, I keep screwing up my efforts
because I hate getting hurt, I avoid new meetings
it's comfortable to cry alone, there is no need to feel constraint
Even if I lie on my bed, this doesn't feel like my home
I want to go away to a distant place
Even if I find the hope that tomorrow the sun will rise
at the word 'good morning'
there is no honesty in no one, So I sing
In the mirror, why
isn't this the old self I knew?
I want to chase me dreams but
but on my shoulders the burden called 'responsibility' hinders me
If you are looking at the unsteady me
please take me far away from here
I wanna runaway
Yay ye yay ye
To a place no one knows me
to a place no one will find
help the fallen me up
I just can't go on take me there
I wanna runaway
Oh nanana
My stare looking in the mirror
my two feet crumbling with no strength
and the man in the mirror
they all look at me strangely Yeh ye
It will be okay, far away
at the end of this long wandering
my image that I'm looking for
it will wait for me Yeh ye
Yeh ye ye
I lost my way
now I am worn out so I can't go on
take me away from here
it's difficult to breathe
Yeh ye
Hold my hand that
lost its way
I don’t know why I’m here
I wanna runaway
I wanna runaway
To a place no one knows me
to a place no one will find
help the fallen me up
I just can't go on take me there
I wanna runaway
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

I who can't live without you

Here we are on our own
as we are every night
but you are sadder
and I know why that is.
I know that you want to tell me
that you are not happy
that I am changing
and you want to leave me,
I who can't live more than an hour without you
how can I spend a lifetime without you
you are mine, you are mine, nothing ever, you know,
will one day be able to separate us.
Come here and listen to me,
I do love you,
I beg you, stay
with me some more.
I who can't live more than an hour without you
how can I spend a lifetime without you
you are mine, you are mine, you are mine...
Nothing ever, you know,
will be able one day to separate us.
I who can't live more than an hour without you
how can I spend a lifetime without you
you are mine, you are mine, you are mine.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.

It's Me

I can't keep quiet anymore
This I feel
I can't hide it anymore
Here in my the chest.
I swear I withstood
for a long time
But today I will confess to you
my secrets.
Maybe you can't imagine
What I keep in my heart
But I have to tell you today
I'm crazy for your love.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one that out of cowardice
I would send you a thousand letters and never say
Who wrote them.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one who loves you secretly
Who dreams of you at night
And follows you by day
A madman of love.
I can't keep quiet anymore
This I feel
I can't hide it
Already here in my chest.
Maybe you can not imagine
What I keep in my heart
But I have to tell you today
I'm crazy for your love.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one that out of cowardice
Would send you a thousand letters
And never say who wrote them.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one who loves you secretly
Who dreams of you at night
And follows you by day
A madman of love.