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Лажно пролеће

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Живот каже да се нећу зауставити на теби
Са сваким дахом долази крај
Чувај оно што знаш
Ти си лажно пролеће
Каже да нисам више твој
Ти си лажљива јесен
Ја сам љубазан муж сикамор
Колико си ми годишњих доба узео
Колико си љубави вратио ?
Моја душа каже да ме нећеш преварити
Реци ми колико је пролећа било
Ружа је избледела на мом прозору
Можда је време истекло
Моја љубав се не враћа


[Verse 1]
Who are you? I'm approaching, you look just like the others
Later I'm trying to remember your name
Do you see where that has taken us now (Uoo, uoo)
You're saying that you are in the city, you would like for us to meet up, to get closer
I'm not thinking about anything, just looking, cuz I know that there is milions and milions just like you
She could've tell everything, I wouldn't judge her, judge her (I wouldn't judge her)
We we're starting to be something, or that was what I thought, I thought
'Refusing and refusing', she told a lot of them
She says she likes to be drunk, where does she goes all these nights?
She is a girl for disco, for disco
Goes to the floor really low, with rhythm
Give her more tequila immediately, immediately
And save her, God save her, God save her
[Verse 2]
I see, you are what I didin't expect in women
I don't know what is happening in me, they say 'Time fixes everything'
Therefore I was waiting for everything and for you
Until you said, 'Wait for me, another one is calling'
O-o, O-o, don't do that, talk to me slowly
In taxi we we're talking, I don't know what is reallity there
You called me and just me one and only (one and only)
You think there is better, but I don't see that
She is a girl for disco, for disco
Goes to the floor really low, with rhythm
Give her more tequila immediately, immediately
And save her, God save her, God save her


Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati
I da ispričam, neće mi biti vazduh dovoljan(da bi ispričao)
I da kažeš, neće problemu doći kraj
Sve što sam video na ovom svetu u srcu ne vredi ni 5 para
I da vičeš, neće biti dovoljno olovaka(koje bi ispisale)
Potrebno je rešenje, želoja nije dovoljna
Nemoj i ti da ćutiš, reci nešto
Dokle takva sudbina?
Upali svetlo, nek sija u mraku
Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati
Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati
Molim te majko nemoj
To nije venčanica za mene nego plašt
Dok sam trebala da budem pored tebe moje telo je u grobu
Moja ramena su popustila, teret je bio težak, to je cena
Umesto da se igram došla sam na svoju svadbu
Koja je moja krivica? Zašto?
Zbog očevog duga, otišla sam kao mlada
Tek mi je trinaest godina, trinaest ha zemlje
Ako budem imala hrabrosti, ako budem progovorila danas
Ako i sutra ostanem u zatočeništvu koji je bio moj greh?
Moj nos nije namirisao miris olovke, knjige i papira
Lutke nisu bile moje igračke nego prave bebe
Na ulici su mi se podsmevali govoreći mi devojčica mlada
Život mi je rano lupio šamar, zato je moj vrat povijen
Leptirići koji su u meni leteli su ubili oni beščasnici koji su me primorali na ovo
Oče svojim rukama si me dao, nema razlike između tebe i izdajnika
Svaki dan su me mučili
Da li si srećan?
Nikad nisi pitao nikad kako ću disati sa tolikim grehovima?
Ti si obećao, a tvoj lik je postao noćna mora
Teška nekompatibilnost, zar se nismo promenili?
Ulice hladne i tamne, pogledi lažni i ledeni
Žene nisu sigurne i prihvati, to je problem ovog grada
Naučili smo da je na vrhu ovog sveta muškarac
Kod kuće su je bmaltretirali, tata je rekao udri
Beskonačno te je volela, muž je rekao neka
Na ulici maltretirana, rekla je da je to čast i ućutala
Sad razmisli kada te ćerka bude upitala
Zaljubila se u svoju slobodu ali uvek su joj krila bila isečena, Ne!
Rekla je malo saosećanja, rekao si ne!
Misli na tvoj poslednji dah
Ne misli da će do tada ostati sa tobom
Samo oluje i kiša
Nad njenim mživotom u zasedi nije sijalo sunce
Čovek je uvek gazio one koje voli, a voleo one koji ga gaze
Samo strah i noćne more
Život je spoznala kao uplakano dete
Čovek je uvek voleo onog ko sve vidi, ćuti i gazi
Nevoljo, nemoj nas rasplakati
Nevoljo, nemoj da nas teraš da pričamo
Obrati pažnju na vriske u tebi
Oglasi se, nemoj da ćutiš
Dosta je
Život se za dan završava
Ono što si napisala nek ostane kao miraz
Telo umire
Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati
Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati
Ruža i čipka na tvom obrazu
boja kane na tvojim rukama
Majka će zaplakati, teško onom ko čuje
Sve što je ukradeno na ovom svetu
naravno da će goreti u zagrobnom životu
Doći će dan, teško onom ko će odgovarati


Versions: #1
I close my eyes and remember you
they wave hand and show you to me
I miss you I remember you
the world does not have like you, and cant create one
All hearts are impatient for love, but the love is impatient for you
No one cant read my heart
Say which street can guide me to you
I close my eyes and remember you
I miss you I remember you
the world does not have like you, and cant create one
All hearts are impatient for love, but the love is impatient for you
No one cant read my heart
Say which street can guide me to you

I have run out of Mobile credit

Like crazy in midnights
Under her home i take my phone
I want to see and hear my love
UnfortunatelyI have run out of Mobile credit
Be kind to me girl
Give me some of your time
Be kind to me or will tell everyone
Call me cause I have run out of Mobile credit
Like crazy in midnights
Under her home i take my phone
I want to see and hear my love
UnfortunatelyI have run out of Mobile credit
I know that you still wake-up
If your home wasn't high, I could tell you what happened in the bottom
Unfortunately my phone is turned off
Like crazy in midnights
Under her home i take my phone
I want to see and hear my love
UnfortunatelyI have run out of Mobile credit
Your photo front of my eyes
Be kind to me and do good to me
Like crazy in midnights
Under her home i take my phone
I want to see and hear my love
UnfortunatelyI have run out of Mobile credit

Your Honor (Judge)

If I myself am here, why is my heart with you?
Is it possible for Angels to turn evil?
It's my fault that I got used to you being around
But see that now I'm losing feelings for you slowly
It's like you would pour water on a fake flower
It's your fault if you didn't trust me
What pain did you see? Were you little? (In showing love)
I was a lot (in showing love), tell me how much were you? (in showing love)
Didn't we spend all these nights and mornings together?
Didn't you make your crazy man more poetic? (loving)
You're leaving but again, you will come back
Mark my words
No one will ever treat you like I do
Who loves you whole-heartedly
Now who will show you the moonlight while smiling/laughing?
These days, love has become a game
Your Honor, I'm tired
When you fight so much for her,
Well it's hard to see that you lose this battle
Why are the collectors in debt?
The sorrows in my heart have built up
Your Honor! Why does it seem that you owe everyone a piece of your heart's pain?
Didn't we spend all these nights and mornings together?
Didn't you make your crazy man more poetic? (loving)
You're leaving but again, you will come back
Mark my words
No one will ever treat you like I do
Who loves you whole-heartedly
Now who will show you the moonlight while smiling/laughing?

During The Days That Will Pass Us By

During the days that will pass us by we will know to tolerate more
soft fingers
and the heavens will wait for us until we understand.
And at night we will run out from ourselves
to the fields of our youth, in a land of freedom
you are the water that asks that the crops should grow
G-d surely always listens to the heart
when the pain is like a stone sitting there
i almost am already dead from love
The years will cause our legs to fail
but we won't fall, we will stand like a stone
in front of all the sand storms, the snow, and the fire
will always know to remember that this will pass
G-d surely always listens to the heart
when the pain is like a stone sitting there
i almost am already dead from love

Ballad of Jailhouse

Let your head bend not
Pass it by, my heart
Let your cries not be heard
Pass it by, my heart
Raging waves outside
Hitting and wetting the walls
Those noises amuse us
Pass it by, my heart
Even if you're able to see the sea
Look up
The firmament is like the bottom of sea
Pass it by, my heart
When your troubles beat the dust
Send a reproach to Allah
You've days to see
Pass it by, my heart
Bullets run out by firing
Ways end by going
Doing our times by resting
Pass it by, my heart

I Wish

I wish death was not our right
Instead, we had better things
Like fulfilling the desires we bury with ourselves
Like the peace for which we fight and die unjustly
Like the settle of the calmness that we despair of dream of having calmness
And I wish we had so many other good things that made us so happy , that we fed up by all these happiness
And all these calamities that are now with this damn death is our right could be going to a hell that we did not know even where this hell was at all...

For the First Time

Please don't ignore me again
Don't close the door!
You don't need to keep the distance anymore
Because 'for the first time, finally I understand
For the first time, Let's fix it!
Get down from this mountain together!
Don't be scare anymore
Because 'for the first time, I'm here
Anna, go home, life is awaits
Enjoy the sun and open the door
Yes, but....
Elsa :
I know! Leave me alone
I'm alone but I'm free
Go away and then you'll be safe
Anna :
We aren't safe
Elsa :
What do you mean?
Anna :
' I think you don't know
Elsa :
Know what?
Anna :
Arendelle buried in snow
Elsa :
Anna :
You make winter so eternal on every place, everywhere
Elsa :
Anna :
But you can melt it!
Elsa :
I can't, I... don't know how!
Anna :
You can do it! I know you can!
Cause ' For the first time, don't be scared anymore
Elsa :
Oh.. I'm stupid, I can't free!
I can't run away from myself
Anna :
We do it together, stop this storm
Elsa :
Out of control!
Oh, Anna, this is become so bad!
Anna :
Don't panic, comeback to shine
Elsa :
I'm scared, it's not safe here!
Anna :
We do it together, change this storm, and everything gonna be alright
Elsa :
No, I can't!

I Insistent

Versions: #1
Is it me?
What is it then?
Why are you looking away form me?
What's wrong! there must be something.
Say something, don't make it harder
I insistent, I won't leave till you tell me
I can't leave you in pain, why so silent!
Is it me? Did I say something I shouldn't have
I won't leave and I am not allowing you to
Till you tell me what's wrong
Tell me the truth, open up to me
Tell me about the tears in you eyes
We are are looking right in each others eyes but we are so far apart
There something that we love is wasting away
If you want to blame me, go ahead then
That's the time before it's billed up inside of us
Why are you leaving me for all this confusion
I am sorry if it was me

My heart similar to you

My heart similar to you.
As if you were created for my heart.
and when your eyes watch me my face brighten.
On Earth, no one is like you, and no one deserves similar to you.
And from space, nothing like you except a chandelier.
Whoever captures and taste my heart.
Who else like you when meet someone
will be alive.
You live inside me and run through my veins.
And between my feelings and my soul remains.
You are a summary of people in look and sound.
And there is no human being like your beauty. Your voice lights my heart and flies it up.
And seen your smile made me adore you.
A word adore you if it is measured by longing.
Even your imagination when try count will give-up.
Dwells deep down to me until the last extent.
And from the seventh of the land I will love you until the chandelier.


If you want money
God has given to kids
If you want a man loves you
It’s difficult to find him
If you want money
God has given to kids
If you want a man loves you
It’s difficult to find him
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
We leave each other and live single
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
She come regretted and say
This is what god gives
Love compromising I do not like
this is how God created me
She come regretted and say
This is what god gives
Love compromising I do not like
this is how God created me
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
We leave each other and live single
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
That’s it , we get to the end
the end
I pretended you as a goal
a goal
If you forget me so fast
I forget you too
If valley filled with a drop
My heart overflowed completely
I Love You
And you love money
Love is zero with you
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss
Just go I forget you
You love money, treacherous
Just go I forget you
Love with you is a loss

See You Later

I don't have luck with love
and it's not my fault
I don't have a heart that knows how to love
Poor of him if he has to love
I don't have luck with love
and it's not my fault
I don't have a heart that knows how to love
Poor of him if he has to love
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
Come back, come back, come back
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle
You and me on a whim
But what are you doing here
But what are you doing tonight
Oh, yeah, baby, I'll pick you up
Why are you pulling your head
I'm on foot, right
Were you waiting for the car to come pick you up
She made me vice
So I retraced in his footsteps
She gave me a smile, so I went to approach her
She got to know me
But hey, you know, I didn't feel it
She thought i was lucky
But I was flushed
Yes, go ahead, don't worry
Tonight I'm elsewhere
You think of having a party
You are in all the flyers
You thought you saw me disappear, I come back every hour
I'm with my Dream-Tiiw
Yeah, every year bigger
I only have my heart
I’m done and close the door
You only talk and make fun of my
I’ll die in your poision
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
See you later
no heart and no liver
I'm going to set it on fire
I will live another life
Come back, come back, come back
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle
Let her break her daddy will pay for
She grew up surrounded by feathers
of a villa and a poodle

I'm running and time is running

I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my son
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my mom, for my son
for my mom
for my daughter
for my country
i can take a risk, don't leave anything from my best
i can suffer, i don't have luck
i can take a risk, don't leave anything from my best
i can suffer, i don't have luck
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my son
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my mom, for my son
for my mom
for my daughter
for my country
if god take my soul bury me with men
i do my best don't leave anything
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my son
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my mom, for my son
for my mom
for my daughter
for my country
i never fall down i can
I live for you and take risks
for you i run in this life
can't run from destiny
the winner be loser
till goodness is still in this world
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my son
I'm running and time is running
cut my soul for my mom, for my son
for my mom
for my daughter
for my country

I loved and never felt it

I loved and never felt it
she leaves me i can't live a second without her
i fell love with her, my heart love her and rest for her heart
i wait for the day to become mine
i wish to be yours and You be mine
I loved and never felt it
i shakeda my head and leave
your love takes me, and i lost in your eyes
I loved and never felt it
your love takes me
i live every day for you to be my wife my child's mother
my life for you to be mine and between my hand
i lost in your love, ican't live without you
i give you my heart, don't let me down
I loved and never felt it
i shaked my head and leave
your love takes me, and i lost in your eyes
I loved and never felt it
your love takes me
I loved and never felt it
i shaked my head and leave
your love takes me, and i lost in your eyes

My Heart Grip

When the world becomes harsh and you saw someone was laughing, keep focus!
He was laughing after joy or due to much torment.
In the midst of the crowd, when you view someone silent all the time, keep focus!
It's the silence of comfort or due to depression.
When the world becomes harsh and you saw someone was laughing, keep focus!
He was laughing after joy or due to much torment.
In the midst of the crowd, when you view someone silent all the time, keep focus!
It's the silence of comfort or due to depression.
For your knowledge, yes, I was laughing due to severity of torture.
For your knowledge, yes, I was silence due to ‏depressed silent.
My heart carries distress inside it, If he was the one who held it, for sure, I would be above the clouds.
Whatever outside for many hours, it is not like what's inside.
I mean, you can keep a smile on the face, but inside the heart, pains.
I mean, your eye stays seeing the thing, and the opposite is meaning.
Probably the light of the world obviously, but someone sees it as night.
For your knowledge, yes, I was laughing due to severity of torture.
For your knowledge, yes, I was silence due to ‏depressed silent.
My heart carries distress inside it, If he was the one who held it, for sure, I would be above the clouds.

Spring Has Come

Spring has come, spring has come, spring has come
But even this is saddening without you.
Where did you go? Where did you go? Why did you go?
Without you Spring is full of sorrow.
I am that black color of the sad evening
I am that day which has an Autumn morning.
Between sighs and that lunatic every moment
I won't stay, I go around and around.
I seek and never find you
You're the love who increases my pain
Spring won't even grow from the branch
My dried tree of love wouldn't seek green.
Spring has come, spring has come, spring has come
But even this is saddening without you.
Where did you go? Where did you go? Why did you go?
Without you Spring is full of sorrow.
I am that black color of the sad evening
I am that day which has an Autumn morning.
Between sighs and that lunatic every moment
I won't stay, I go around and around.
I seek and never find you
You're the love who increases my pain
Spring won't even grow from the branch
My dried tree of love wouldn't seek green.
Spring won't even grow from the branch
My dried tree of love wouldn't seek green.


Insidious loneliness in the forlorn night
A tired scream in the crimson sky
Autumn tales are in deep sleep
Winds of doomsday is at my door
Wake up, wake up!
Look, the seagulls are crying
Wake up!
All the stars are mourning
Love is an autumn from now on!

My Composition

I have written this song
For I shall dedicate this to you
Although nothing is as beautiful
As the lyrics of the song I've composed
But I must remind you
Will you promise me
My only one wish
You must never forget this
For whatever has happened
Always hold on to your heart
Do not be tempted
By anyone's sweet, yet poisonous lips
A year since we've parted
Yet it feels like eight years
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
For whatever has happened
Always hold on to your heart
Do not be tempted
By anyone's sweet, yet poisonous lips
A year has passed
Yet it feels like eight years
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you

Don't Understand About Love

And it is difficult to get up in the morning
and with the pain to fall asleep at night
don't explain to me what is this thing happiness
be the light that will warm my heart
and when the fear comes again
i will wait for just one kind word from you
and happiness is like a bullet
if fired there isn't a way back
You don't understand
you don't understand
do me a favor
you don't understand about love
you don't understand about love
don't understand anything
you don't understand about love
you don't understand about love
don't understand anything
Don't give up on me now as if 'what is this?'
you still didn't solve1the puzzle
you go you go and then return
see already how much time has passed since we stopped talking
And it is so difficult for me
most of the time your eyes are focused on the screen
instead of looking at my eyes
most of the time you are totally closed and won't open
maybe because you have stopped believing in us... in us
look where are..we are
maybe we already went crazy
and what will be in the end
what will be in the end with us?
You don't understand
you don't understand
do me a favor
you don't understand about love
you don't understand about love
don't understand anything
don't understand about love
you don't understand about love
don't understand
you don't understand about love
you don't understand about love
don't understand anything
  • 1. lit: connect