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Број резултата: 12


Boy From The River

Boy from the river
Heat that causes shivers
Dragon tattooed on the arm
Shorts, body open to the space
Heart of eternal flirtation, love to see you
Bummer boy
Floating tension of the river
I sing so God protects you
Boy from the river
Heat that causes shivers
Dragon tattooed on the arm
Shorts, body open to the space
Heart of eternal flirtation, love to see you
Bummer boy
Floating tension of the river
I sing so God protects you
Hawaii, be it here, what you dream
All places
The sea's waves
Because when I see you
I wish for your wish
Boy from the river
Heat that causes shivers
Take this song as a kiss
Boy from the river
Heat that causes shivers
Dragon tattooed on the arm
Shorts, body open to the space
Heart of eternal flirtation, love to see you
Bummer boy
Floating tension of the river
I sing so God protects you
Hawaii, be it here, what you dream
All places
The sea's waves
Because when I see you
I wish for your wish
Boy from the river
Heat that causes shivers
Take this song as a kiss

Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija

Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Poneću te gore do najviših visina
Hajde da raširimo naša krila i odletimo
Okruži sebe ljubavlju, to je pravi užitak
Pusti svoj duh, oslobodi se
Dođi i oseti moju energiju
Budimo prijatelji jedna duša i jedan um
Ispuniću tvoj svet ekstazom
Dodirnuti sve tvoje snove skroz iznutra
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija, da da da
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti da dodirnem tvoje snove
Samo raširi svoja krila i odleti
Dođi u moju zemlju čuda
Raširimo naša krila i odletimo
Losioni ljubavi teku kroz tvoje ruke
Gledaj vizije boja svaki dan
Pusti me da osetim tvoj topli zagrljaj
Pusti boje svog uma
Staviću osmeh na tvoje lice
Imam šta mi treba da te učinim mojim
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija, da da da
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Odvešću te više...
Da da da
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija(fantazija)
(Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija)
Pusti me da budem tvoja, pusti me
Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija
(Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija)
(Pusti me da budem tvoja fantazija)

Divine Orgy

(Tune in, turn on, drop out
Four, three, two, one...)

When there was only
Only you, you, only for you
(My eyes...)
When there was only
Only in you, you, you
(My thoughts...)
When there was only
Only for you, you, only from you
(My body...)
When there was only
Everything with you, you, only for you
When there was only
Your mouth, your sweat
Your voice, your tongue
When there was only
Your light, your pleasure
Your love, your song
When there was only
Everything with you, everything for you
When the day was beautiful
Bright, clear, full of certainties
When passion shone
In the wonderful nights of pleasure
It was such a crazy, powerful feeling
Of strength and light, yeah
Of emotion, yeah-yeah
A powerful one fighting
Certainty, decision
Love, omnipotence, passion
A transcendental life
Another dimension
Another dimension
When that was all that existed
And all that existed was that
There was happiness
Peace and trust in what would come
Nothing could kill, nothing
Nothing could injure
Nothing could hurt
Nothing could destroy
Nothing could kill, nothing
Nothing could injure
Nothing could hurt
Nothing could destroy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy
That divine orgy

A Fuss With You

I wanted so much
To fly with you
I wanted so much, so much, so much
To find you
And make a fuss with you
Fall, fall onto my hand
I won't let you fall over
Winged man, my balloon
You fly in the sky like a seagull
You are a bird
You dive from the sky down to your nest on the ground
You realized men's old wish of flying
With the wisdom of birds
You own the world
I wanted so much to be with you
But I feel happy only with rooting
And I wait for you, anxiously praying
For a tranquil, victorious landing
And then go out with you
And make a fuss
I wanted so much
To fly with you
I wanted so much, so much, so much
To find you
And make a fuss with you
Fall, fall onto my hand
I won't let you fall over
Winged man, my balloon
You fly in the sky like a seagull
You are a bird
You dive from the sky down to your nest on the ground
You realized men's old wish of flying
With the wisdom of birds
You own the world
I wanted so much to be with you
But I feel happy only with rooting
And I wait for you, anxiously praying
For a tranquil, victorious landing
And then go out with you
And make a fuss


Once upon a time there was an usual person
Who wanted to know about good and evil
And one day she realized
That love was her position
She doesn't accept violence
She harvests awareness
And lives in this magic
Looking for wisdom
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Deep within her little world
Was born
The wish of knowing
How deep it is to live
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
From matter to spirit
As strange as it may seem
Cosmic is the spiritual harmony
To be transcendental
Deep within her little world
Was born
The wish of knowing
How deep it is to live
From matter to spirit
As strange as it may seem
Cosmic is the spiritual harmony
To be transcendental
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Cosmic, the clarity of the morning
Cosmic like the infinity of the sky
Cosmic like the whole nature
Cosmic, cosmic, cosmic

Baby Don't Cry (Mermaid's Tears)

Versions: #3
Will you please stop hesitating?
Just take out my heart
That is like a piercing light
Moonlight through the night Close your eyes
If it wasn't me But another man instead
If it was only a line from a comedy
Burn Dry Leave it be
I am willing to exchange scars with your live
Baby don't cry, tonight
When the night once again lights up
Baby don't cry, tonight
Just pretend it never happened
You'll never turn into foam
Don't you know?
So baby don't cry, cry
My love will protect you and never leave
Set down your most uneasy misgivings
Just please accept fate
Compared to more lovers, I think I love you
So many times more
When you smile, sunshine
It's so radiant I can't speak
My entire heart is rippling
When it's shattered It stops
Baby don't cry, tonight
In the night when the thunderstorm attacks
(Woo I can hold you in my arms)
Baby don't cry, tonight
It seems like it fits this night
But extending this instant of passion is impossible
And I have to watch you leave
So baby don't cry, cry
Let my love be like a memory
The dark, heavy, frigid air
Sank into a pain called separation
About to suffocate Weak with pain
Your smile is the only analgesic, ah!
My caprice becomes deviant
Hoping our story has an end
Don't cry Don't want you to be sad or cry
I'd rather you be cold toward me, baby
Say no more (Baby) No more (Don't cry)
Don't hesitate Don't struggle
When all of this begins to collapse
Say no more (Baby) No more (Don't cry)
Please let me be able to retain my last remaining dignity
Or just simply destroy me
Your eyes are full of moonlight, baby, woo
Silent in the agony
Flowing with untainted light
Baby don't cry, tonight (Cry)
When the night no longer glows
(I can hold you in my arms)
Baby don't cry, tonight
Just pretend it never happened
You'll never turn into foam
Just need to never know
So baby don't cry, cry (Don't cry, cry)
My love will protect you and never leave (Cry, cry)
Watch the early morning sunlight spill down (Down)
Spill down just as radiantly as you do (Falling down)
I think my eyes were lost Only just now cry, cry, cry

Baby Don’t Stop

After I first saw you
I got a feeling that I needed no other reason
Like magic, I felt each hundredth of a second
For every detailed one minute
All of my nerves are on edge
I want to get to know you
I feel every small tremble
That’s unfamiliar and strange
Stop baby don’t stop
Don’t stop, baby don’t stop
A special sign that only I can recognize (cool)
It’s just us right now, baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop (don’t stop)
A secret sign that only we know (baby don’t stop no)
Each sign is so perfect (ooh)
Beautiful, so baby don’t stop (baby don’t stop)
Play play play play play
I’ll play in the Paris
Stay clay sketch dirt dough
I’m gonna knead your body
Rothko, Auguste Rodin, Claudel
I’m gonna make you with warm colors
All day holding, hold me tight
Baby don’t stop
Come on come on come on come on come on
Baby Don’t Stop
You’re the fire that revives
A flower that was definitely wilted
So I’m trusting my senses
Relying on your eyes that spread over me, come to me
Between our narrow space, this tension gets higher
I feel so right, so sweet that things get hazy
Stop baby don’t stop (don’t stop)
Don’t stop, baby don’t stop (no)
A special sign that only I can recognize (don’t stop)
It’s just us right now, baby don’t stop
Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that
I won’t ever lose you, gonna get that
Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that
I won’t ever stop, gonna get that
Cotton wind blow blouse
Hair flower aroma scent
Cold eyes ice dive
Touch warm melt lips
Baby baby I just feel so right
Baby I just feel so nice
The most perfect sign
Oh baby give it to me
Stop baby don’t stop (don’t stop)
Don’t stop, baby don’t stop (baby don’t stop no)
A special sign that only I can recognize
It’s just us right now, baby don’t stop (baby don’t stop)
I’m gonna fly fast and go to you, mi amor
(Baby don’t stop and no)
Even if you’re on the other side of the sky, I’ll keep looking for you
(Baby don’t stop today)
Just get yourself around it now yeah
(Baby don’t stop and no)
Estoy loco mi dulce coco
(Baby don’t stop today)
Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that
I won’t ever lose you, gonna get that
Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that
I won’t ever stop, gonna get that
Stop baby don’t stop
A secret sign that only we know
Each sign is so perfect
Beautiful, so baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop
Stop baby don’t stop

Mojoj dragoj se ne sviđa

da li sam to samo ja, ili mi nešto činiš?
Kada se nasmešiš, sve sija
Ali iz nekog razloga, iznutra me lažeš
Ti si tako opasno lepa
Polako si mi se približila, to je moja dilema
Poput navike,
Već tražim tvoju ruku koje više nema ovde
Ono što je strašno je način na koji govoriš
Ono što me ježi je kada se nasmešiš
Moja pažnja i kontrola je samo tvoja, o ne
Ali problem je to što to ne mrzim, o ne
Sviđa mi se kada smo blizu
Kada postane rizično
Samo kada me držiš za ruku, ja živim
Kada sam sa tobom
Opasnost izgleda kao dobra stvar
Da li je to netačan ili tačan odgovor
Odluči ti umesto mene, devojko
Mojoj dragoj se ne sviđa
Kada si ti u blizini
Prirodno je da se plašim
Jedne opaste devojke poput tebe
Možda ću se jednom
Još više zaljubiti u tebe
Ja nisam strpljiv
Dosađivaću ti do kraja dana
Približi se, pokaži mi svoje fantazije
Polako ću ti pokazivati svoju ljubav, tako je
Treba da me se plašiš, to želim
Želim da me udaraš i šutiraš, uništi me
Dodeliću ti ulogu slike, stvarno sam iskren
Moje telo reaguje, još uvek nisam zadovoljen
Želim da se igram sa otkucajima tvog srca
Nadam se da to znaš, sa otkucajima tvog srca
Neka nestanu dok više ne mogu da ih čujem
Obuci se u kostim Snežane
Sviđa mi se, ja ću biti tvoj hobit
Budi bezobraznija prema meni, osećam to, draga
Sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se i meni
Ja ću da bacam, ti hvataj
Odbojka na pesku
Uradićemo to, idemo tako visoko
Igraćemo cele večeri, odbaci svoj umor
Sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se, sviđa se i meni
Ja sam tebi pokazao sebe, sada i ti sebe pokaži meni
Želim da me zagrliš
Šta misliš o ovoj bolesti želje za pažnjom
Koju sam zaradio zbog tebe?
Ne znam zašto sam ovakav
Zašto želim da činim loše stvari?
Mojoj dragoj se ne sviđa
Kada si ti u blizini
Prirodno je da se plašim
Jedne opaste devojke poput tebe
Možda ću se jednom
Još više zaljubiti u tebe
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Svako govori loše o mom dragom

Ljudi kažu
Taj dečko će te povrediti
Njegova ljubav nije prava
On se samo igra
Igra sa tvojim srcem, devojko
Ali znam kako se osećam sa njim
I ne treba meni bilo koji dokaz
Oni samo ne razumeju
Ne znaju istinu
Mama kaže da je loš za mene
Tata kaže da će meni biti žao
Svako govori loše o mom dragom
I svi moji prijatelji sumnjaju u njega
Kažu da bi trebalo da živim bez njega
Svako govori loše o mom dragom
Nije kao drugi momci
Neće niko da vidi
Ni ne žele da pokušaju
Ako osuđuješ knjigu prema koricama
Nikad nećeš znati priču
Tu ima više nego što oči vide
I znam da njegovo srce je iskreno
Ne treba mi nekoga
Da govori šta da radim
Moje braća i sestre
Kažu da bi trebalo da nađem drugog
Svako govori loše u mom dragom
Oh, ali ne mogu oni osećati njegove dodire
Ne mogu osećati njegove poljupce
Ne znaju šta znači biti ovako voljena
Briga me za njihovu tačku gledištu
Jer zna se
Kad ljubav je prava
Neće ništa drugo je izmeniti
Ne, ne znaju ko je on
Svako samo želi da govori loše o mom dragom
Ne, ne mogu da vidi da njegovo srce je od zlata
Svako hoće da bude neprijatno sa njim, tako neprijatno