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On the way

Different scenery, we still play the same role,
You leave in a hurry, nothing's random
You say that both of us would have messed up
You want us both to share the blame
And contemplating negative infinity
You bring a war zone
You told me that it'd hurt a bit
That it would hurt and it would pass
But you left so calmly
You, man with a heart of stone
A good sign, another way
Shows up in the morning, which should change my life
I feel how the scales tip
On the way, on the way, on the way
I get lost with you in my soul, how can I stop
I can't be the way you want me to be, but I keep on messing up
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Moja je draga vestica
o tom ni reci nikome
na zidu ispod ikone
sara srca slova
ume sa retkim travkama
mundari tajno s cavkama
u san dozove dobre trolove
i uvek osvane nova
kada prode ribljom pijacom svi sapucu
evo je, bice nevolje
ali blenu kao pijani njenom podsuknjom omadijani
Moja je draga najbolja
andjeo dobrog naboja
prosek u nedra prolije
i eto ti carolije
druge mi za cas posade
bezbojnu ruzu dosade
drzimo palce vrag i ja
da potraje ta magija
Moja je draga vestica
uvraca trista prepreka
odavde do Beckereka
i oko carde kod Zablja
kad se na putu zadrzim
paprenu corbu zaprzim
munja se nebom razmaze
kao zlatna sablja
i samo baja,
i na pertle mi vezuje cvorove
sto sve govore
al' dok mirno spava posten svet
dugo se mirimo
to je tek vatromet
Moja je draga najbolja
andjeo dobrog naboja
prosek u nedra prolije
i eto ti carolije
druge mi za cas posade
bezbojnu ruzu dosade
drzimo palce vrag i ja
da potraje ta magija
Moja je draga najbolja
andjeo dobrog naboja
prosek u nedra prolije
i eto ti carolije
druge mi za cas posade
bezbojnu ruzu dosade
drzimo palce vrag i ja
da potraje ta magija
da potraje ta magija
da potraje

Stay With Me

[ Verse 1]
When even the last song has ended
The last sound has already faded,
Lonely objects on the deserted stage,
Overturned chairs and obstinate gloom.
Sheets, a torn poster under our feet
Who says how much of my songs will remain?
Stay with me, help me
Take me home, take my hand
Love me very much, I'm tired
And my heart is heavy
Comfort me, even if you don't believe
That the tomorrow will be better
Say that it may be... say that it may be,
Even if you don't know, that I believe you
[Verse 2]
When even the last song has ended
And the magic has already faded
What will happen to you, the noisy crowd leaves you alone
You're scarred, and you don't know where do you belong


Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high
I fell in love only when
I saw your smile
Plus when more than words
You used silence
I want to be with you
All summer winter fall
I'm thinking about staying alone
Would we have been able
To be our whole lives
Because only every night
Seems like it's not enough
And I've thought farther
Cause we are for longer
Me and you
You are making me
Feel comfortable
Whenever I have you close
I want to have you longer
And I don't want to leave
How are you laughing
It's not normal
And these feelings that I have in my stomach
You're drowning them slowly slowly oh god
We are a phenomenal couple
And together we take drugs
Until we're ready for the hospital oh god x2
Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high x2
Because we're making laps laps
Rap really good
I'm not thinking about fame anymore nah nah
The feelings you're giving me
Are making me feel
Like living and flying to the moon
We riding around the city blazing
We drowned this honey are we igniting the other one
What happens between us stays
So we keep on blazing
Until the morning closes us x2
Everything that's breaking me
Is in the car only with you
Joints in our hands
And locked together
I rest my head on you
Looking at the stars
We don't have time for the club
Chilling in nature
Just me and you
Go as far as possible
We like to ride
Especially when we're high x2
How are you laughing it's not normal
And these feelings in my stomach
You're drowning them slowly slowly oh god
We are a phenomenal couple
And together we take drugs
Until we're ready for the hospital oh god

Drunk Fellow

The Young Fellow Wakes Up Early And Goes To The Pub In Town
He Doesn’t Tell His Wife Where He Goes Anymore
He’s Drinking A Carton Of Beer And Drinking That All Day All Day
When The Pub Is Closed He Doesn’t Say Where He’s Been Anymore
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
The Sun Comes Up And He Goes Back To His Area
He’s Been Rude To His Wife He Thinks His Wife Doesn’t Care Anymore
He’s Been Fighing With His Wife His Wife Ends Up In Hospital
And The Kids Are Crying Because They Have No Mother
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
He Says Sorry To His Wife When She Gets Back Home
He Says He Can’t Hit Them Anymore They’re His Family
The Beer Is Thrown Out He Sits And Guards His Wife And Kids
Everybody Is Happy Now Becuase They Stay Together
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
The Young Fella Wakes Up Early And Goes To The Pub In Town
He Doesn’t Tell His Wife Where He Goes Anymore
He’s Drinking A Carton Of Beer And Drinking That All Day All Day
When The Pub Is Closed He Doesn’t Say Where He’s Been Anymore
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Drunk Fellow I Find Myself Around Another Mans Area
You Should Stop Drinking Alcohol And Mind Them Your Family
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism
Iii Ooo Save Yourself From Alcoholism

Don't Come Close to Me Anymore

Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
You are finished for me, let me leave your side
I don't want to tolerate you anymore
My heart will beat slowly if I forget you
You are finished for me, don't be in my thoughts anymore
In the final moments, I'll leave slowly
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
You are finished for me, let me leave your side
I don't want to tolerate you anymore
My heart will beat slowly if I forget you
You are finished for me, don't be in my thoughts anymore
In the final moments, I'll leave slowly
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side
Don't come close to me anymore, let me be calm
Don't come close to me anymore, let me leave your side

You Take Me Up

In the dark nights
I sat with you
In the foggy nights
I sat with you
I'm singing to you tonight
You are with me tonight
You take me up towards the skies
You take me up towards the skies
In the dark nights
I sit with you
In the foggy nights
I sit with you
I'm singing to you tonight
You are with me tonight
You take me up towards the skies
You take me up towards the skies

Тел Авив ноћу

Знам да ти је тешко, била си сама неколико дана
Оставио те је, а није ти рекао зашто
Оставио је само сузе,
Усамљене под ћебетом,
Знам да си у себи сломљена и да не можеш да спаваш,
И размишљаш о томе шта ти се, до ђавола, догодило, лоше се осећаш
Мало си изгубљена.
Зато, хајдемо у Тел Авив ноћу,
радићемо све што пожелиш,
И немој ми рећи да не треба,
Зато крени, хајдемо у Тел Авив ноћу,
Веруј ми, само ћеш се боље осећати
Заборави вечерас на своје невоље.
Знам, драга, да ти је тешко, размишљаш о свему и свачему,
Можда је отишао са другом,
А теби је већ мука од плакања.
Поново пливаш у мору суза,
Само немој себе да изгубиш, сачекај још неколико сати,
Вечерас ћу бити тамо да те смирим
Можда ћемо отићи у провод.

Balaton fever

Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
I am fed up already with all the internal politics
So here is this [song], because I also have feelings
This is a happy song when I am in this mood
I just have to put it on and play it loud
'Cause life is beautiful and the other cliches
After solarium, finally plenty of sun tan
Cold beer, almost burns my throat
During a summer like this, only an idiot stays at home
I sit in the car, my back curves
I strech like a spider in a medick field.
But the milometer shows only 2
And when I see a beach, well, let's stop for a word
I go to watch and chase girls
and to present a handstand show in the water
I don't even mind if somebody scolds me
I have never been so well in my entire life
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
When the sun sets and the night slowly arrives
The gorgeous body of the girls in bikini is arousing
When the adrenaline passes a level in your blood
Real playboy bunnies are lying alone on the beach
You would take nightswimming with any of them
They are fresh meat, most of them barely mor than 20
Beautiful curves, tiny painted images
On the neat tiny booties, small butterflies are smiling
on You, just like, if they were calling you to do something
Don't just drink the sights in, eat some pieces from the cake
Well, you have got the appetite, 'cause you would gobble 'till dawn
The dessert at the Balaton's shore is like a bait fish for you
The summer has a positive influence on you
You are preparing for the night, fun awaits
You grab your best, freshly ironed shirt
The best summer of your life is ahead of you
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought just one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
Sunshine fills my heart once again
I have brought jsut one bikini for the trip
Again, I feel the Balaton fever
Budapest can wait until the summer is over
-Fills my heart once again...
This is a bit too much...

White magic

1.I want to be bird, to fly freely
but in this chains you hook me!
I could run away from you
and to live day for day.
You make me white magic
to can't forget you!
You are white magic for me,
My soul submissives!
2.But what did it stops me with you now?
Whetever this magic or love?
I could run away from you
and to live day for day.
Chorus:(2x) x (2x)
You make me white magic
to can't forget you!
You are white magic for me,
My soul submissives!

Numa Numa 2

(You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.)
Mai-ha-ho (to the world right now),
Mai-ha-ha-ha (Marley Waters, Dan Balan).
This’s the new 'Numa Numa'
Bringing it back, 2004-2018
More joy, more love!
Hey mama say damé tell wassup
That new 'Numa Numa' is ready to drop,
Do what yo body won't say nah nah,
We don’t need much amore.
Oh, mama eh-ya
Mix that waist with the rhythm
With just a acapella,
Shout to dee world,
You know this for everyone
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure,
The special sister.
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure, pure, pure
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
Wah gwan where you been
The best time of life bring a friend,
Too many time I see man down,
More reasons to be grateful, yea yea
Oh, mama eh-ya
Mix that waist with the rhythm
With just a acapella,
Shout to dee world,
You know this for everyone
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure,
The special sister.
Cute, you're cute,
You're pure, pure, pure
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
Temptation from the sky
My adventure, my adventure.
You want to leave, but you don't, you don't take me
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't take me,
You don't, you don't, you don't take me,
Your face and the linden love
Remind me of your eyes.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Little Swing

The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
On the platforms, it's all you hear (little swing)
And on the (little) radio, it's all you hear (little swing)
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
The swing levels are up
I see the people letting go
Getting into the dance
They can't resist, the swing takes over
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Go with the swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing (ah)
Little swing (oh)
Little swing (ah, ah)
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing
Little swing (ah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip

Dance on the Rope

[The gypsy king:]
Take Paris
Ragged vagabonds
It keeps poor dogs
Many things
Instead of murdering
As in other places
Here life is like...
A dance on the Rope
[The gypsy chorus:]
Take Paris
Ragged vagabonds
There are rules
We are bounded by them
[The gypsy king:]
Paris shows us gypsies
A few important roles too
[The gypsy chorus:]
Paris shows us gypsies
A few important roles too
[The gypsy king:]
And if we play the roles well
They leave us alone
[The gypsy chorus:]
And if we play the roles well
They leave us alone
[The gypsy king:]
The roles are: the begger
Half-starved and helpless
The street artist in turmoil
[The gypsy chorus:]
A true artist
[The gypsy king:]
Role three: the scapegoat
On this one they place the blame
For suffering and disaster
When they do not applaud us
Donate or take pity
Their bones rarely stay healthy
[The gypsy chorus (Women):]
The wire is chep
[The gypsy chorus (Men):]
The falls is deep
[The gypsy king:]
Like dancing on the rope
Take Paris, Esmeralda
The gypsy chorus:]
Take Paris before you
[The gypsy king:]
Of your dance falls
Every man in
The gypsy chorus: (Men)]
[The gypsy king:]
With your look, Esmeralda
Can you here
Be very useful to us
Take Paris, Esmeralda
Don't interrupt
It's not so bad here
I'll hold my mouth
Also if it is hard
I'm not gonna fight
For others anymore
[The gypsy king:]
Take care of Paris, scumbag
Nehmt euch Paris vor.
Will I finally find a home here?
[All Gypsies:]
We are home here
I would like to stay here forever
[All Gypsies:]
We are home
When i get angry...
[All Gypsies:]
We are finally home
I will not show it
[All Gypsies:]
We are home
[All with Esmeralda:]
With charm and
Cleverness and shows
Let's balance on the straight rope
Of life
[The gypsy king:]
And goes everything fine
Then we celebrate a miracle night
And If today everything goes fine
Then we celebrate a miracle night
[The gypsy king:]
But maybe blood flows
as usual
when you make us tinder
No matter what you do:
Mabye it crashes
[The gypsy king:]
But whatever comes
We have to dare
Get out with you,
And take part like everybody else
[Esmeralda & Gypsies:]
We all take part
At the dance on the rope
[Esmeralda, Gypsies & The gypsy chorus:]
Take Paris
There is a lot to give
But beware!
The Parisian life
[Esmeralda, Gypsies & The gypsy chorus:]
You must always
Balance, because
Survival is a
Dance on the rope!

For you

It's not normal
It's not normal
As soon as I think you're changing
New things come out
You use the same stories
You're not giving me a way out
You say sorry, you say sorry
Between two fires
Between two fires
You know our problems
You act like they're normal
I have to say it to your face
I have to say it to your face
Even though this love is ruined
Cause this song goes just for you x8
You've always been (nxont??)
You've left them
Everything you've said to me
Was a useless promise
Wear the two of us have ended up
Wear the two of us have ended up
At a road
Where we can't go back
At a road
Where we can't go back
That's where the two of us have come
And at the time when your tears drop
You understand what you've done
And at the time when your tears drop
You'll see that you're not the strong one
And at the time when your tears drop
You understand what you've done
And at the time when your tears drop
You'll see that you're not the strong one
Cause this song is
Just for you...
This song is just for you x8

Lendo Calendo

Lendo ... živeli ... aha
Io, Dan ... tvoj je dečko, Brasco
izveštaj iz SAD-hajde
Lepa devojka, lepa djevojka, bez šminke
da je možeš videti, mislio bi da je izmišljena
na žurci je Ciroc, idi gore
dok sunce ne zađe jer je plaćeno
Homies, nabaci težinu
imam najgore u odeljenju, stoj uspravno
svi su različiti ,ali čekaj
ona u crvenoj haljini me je zbunila
Era se munio de manga meri
era se munio de manga meri
camera venda de lunio vara
ti i ja, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
Lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
Ljulja svojim kukovima
video sam je kako hoda
ima telo kao nijedna
ne mogu to zaboraviti
ja joj dam ono što voli
ona drhti zbog mene
plešući u tami
idemo letjeti
Era se munio de manga meri
era se munio de manga meri
camera venda de lunio vara
ti i ja, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
Lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
Lepa devojka, lepa djevojka, bez šminke
da je možeš videti, mislio bi da je izmišljena
na žurci je Ciroc, idi gore
dok sunce ne zađe jer je plaćeno
počela je da se trese, počeo sam ulaziti u ritam
rekla je, dečko dolazi ovamo, ne grizem
ne možeš to da podneseš dok čekaš, dušo
dečko, reci mi ako imaš strpljenja
Znaš, znaš šta želim cele noći
cele noći
znaš, znaš šta želim cele noći
cele noći
Lepa devojko, pojavi se, loša devojko, pojavi se
lepa devojko, pojavi se, loša devojko, pojavi se
pojavi se, pojavi se, pojavi se
Lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio
lendo calendo una malida
calendo peiciara, jedan poljubac me je obeležio

Expose your what

They all talk like animals
Of all the pussies they talk badly
2018 I don't know what you need
But I'm more than an animal
I saw that rap is fashion
And that it has more success when it's dirty
Well we should maybe break the codes
A girl that opens her mouth it'd be normal
Expose your what *
Even if you talk badly about girls I know that you deeply got it
Expose your what
Maybe some day it will change
Expose your what
So let me sing to you
To fu...humhumhum *
Yeah, I won't be on the radio
Because my words aren't lovely
People who say to me implicitly
You're not so stupid for a pretty girl
You're not so ugly for a funny girl
Your parents and your brother, it helps
Oh, you're talking about me?
What's your problem?
I've written only for you
The most beautiful poem
Let me sing to you
To fu...humhumhum
Yeah, I'll be polite for the TV
But go fu... humhumhum
Expose your what
Expose your what
Expose your what
One day maybe it will change
There's no respect in the streets
You know exactly when you go too far
Expose your what
Expose your what
So let me sing to you
To fu...humhumhum
Yeah, I won't be on the radio
Because my words aren't lovely
Let me sing to you
To fu...humhumhum
Yeah, I'll be polite for the TV
But go fu... humhumhum
Expose your what
Expose your what
Expose your what
Even if you talk badly about girls
I know that you deeply got it
Expose your what
Maybe some day it will change
Expose your what


I admit, I like excesses
When you 1 go too far, when I don't have time
At the moment I am having not having quite enough sleep 2
Get me a coffee so that I can get going
And then the handstand, upside down, head first
In front of me is a tightrope without a net, but I stand over it
Forwards with a somersault, into difficulties, 3 catch me again
And I stay balanced
Sometimes I'm far too awake, sometimes far too tired
Now and then I fall to the ground, sometimes I go flying 4
Sometimes a bit down, sometimes a bit up 5
But always balanced
My emotions are a balancing act
They swing to and fro
But between tiredness and euphoria,
I don't want to stand, but instead be too quick
And then the handstand, upside down, head first
In front of me is a tightrope without a net, but I stand over it
Forwards with a somersault, into difficulties, 3 catch me again
And I stay balanced
Then the handstand, upside down, headfirst
And I stay balanced
Chorus (x2)
  • 1. lit. when one goes too far
  • 2. lit. I am having at the moment a bit too little sleep
  • imbalanced?
  • 4. to go flying in the more literal sense, as in 'to start to fly'
  • 5. lit. sometimes a bit underneath, sometimes a bit above. I admit I am 100% about the way it is meant

The Moon's Bright Rays On A Quiet, Windless Night

Versions: #2
The moon's rays are bright on a quiet, windless night
It's light is trembling on the water
In a deep ravine near the village
There the rising river rumbles.
In a deep ravine near the village
There the rising river rumbles.
The leaves of the dense forest
Whispering amongst themselves in the wind
The earth's soil is hidden beneath
The glittering green of the land.
The mountain resounds with echos and choruses
It provokes the barking of dogs
Who do you come to wait here for,
Meeting a dear one in the loneliness?
Who do you come to wait here for?
Meeting a dear one in the loneliness?
Undoubtedly, she is pleasant and sweet
First it's freezing, then the fever,
Not really breathing, only gasping,
So terrified with frantic fright.
Lingering without saying a word,
This heart pounding so rapidly,
Telling of her standing so very near,
Is her chin tucked in your neck's nape?

Ballad on a Day in July

The oxen carry
Sterling silver.
Where are you going, my girl,
Of sun and snow?
        I'm going to the daisies
       of the green meadow.
The meadow is far away
And he has fear.
To (the god) Airón and to the Shade
       My love does not fear.
Fear the sun, my child,
Of sun and snow.
He left my hair
Who are you, white girl?
Where do you come from?
I come from the loves
       And from the fountains.
The oxen carry
Sterling silver.
What are you wearing in your mouth
that lights you up?
The star of my lover
       Who lives and dies.
What are you wearing on your chest
So fine and light?
        The sword of my lover
       Who lives and dies.
What are you wearing in your eyes,
Black and solemn?
        My sad thought
       That always hurts.
Why are you wearing a cloak
of Black Death?
        Alas, I am the widow
       Sad and without assets!
       From the Earl of Laurel
       of the Laurels.
Who are you looking for here
If you want nobody?
I'm looking for the Count
of the Laurel's body
Are you looking for love,
Aleve wink?
You are looking for a love
I hope you find.
Stars of the sky
       They are my wants,
       Where will I find my lover
       Who lives and dies?
Is he dead in the water,
Snow girl,
Covered with nostalgia
And of carnations.
Oh! errant knight
       From the cypresses,
       My soul offers you
A moonlit night
Ah dreamy Isis,
Girl without honeys
The one in children's mouths
Your story pours.
I offer you my heart,
Dim heart,
Wounded by the eyes
of women.
        Galant knight,
       With God you stay.
I'm going to look for the count
       Of the Laurels ...
Goodbye my little maid,
Sleeping rose,
You go for love
And I to death.
The oxen carry
Sterling silver
My heart bleeds
like a fountain.

Marriage breaker

If a movie was made about my life
Or at least a comic (at least a comic).
If a comic was made about my life
I know I would be a completely negative character.
I have one hell of a nose for some things
Hell of a nose (hell of a nose)
For some things I have a creepy feel
And for your heart I have the perfect cure.
And I know your favorite verse very well
In general, I know life better than anyone
Yes, you need someone so kind and silent...
'Oh, you're a naughty one!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!
A flame is burning in your eye
A dangerous flame (dangerous flame).
Some passion is shining in your eye
Oh, someone else's fruit, you're the real passion!
I can see everything your husband can't
Your dear husband (Your dear husband)
A dyed strand of hair, or a new lipstick
I can see everything your husband can't.
And my life without you would be a misery
No one ever understood me until now
And someone could say I'm one hell of a bastard...
'Oh, you're a naughty one!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!
If a movie was made about my life
Or at least a comic (at least a comic).
If a comic was made about my life
I know I would be a completely negative character.
Your dear husband is snoring loudly
Oh, he's so rude (You think so?)
Your husband is snoring in this late hour
While I crave to be at your side!
And my life without you would be a misery
No one ever understood me until now
And someone could say I'm one hell of a bastard...
'Ah, you're so nice!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!


Use your brain calmly,
Simply, neatly Yeah~
Moist lotion applied on her two cheek,
Sensual fashion, similar to the models of the magazines
Before I carelessly get to her
At the alley across the street she lives in
Whistling at her, one two three (she’s walking by),
Even today I’m greedy for her
I still don’t know how to get her (Yeah~)
But each day my heart recounts towards her
I’m a sunflower that’s pinned on her side
(Sunflower, sunflower) Humming
(Sunflower, sunflower)
Love is a blossoming sound,
Spraying on the path where she’s coming Yeah~
I’ll do it without her knowing
Ah! I guess I was too close
Get here, come a bit closer so that a person like me
Can see those eyes of yours Yeah~
She’s falling in (falling in),
Ringing my love-bell (ringing the bell)
The more I look at her, she’s a very beautiful person
(Way to her arms)
I’ll find my way to her arms (Yeah~)
I’m the one that she cherished (pinned because of her)
A sunflower (Sunflower, sunflower)
My heart is pounding (Sunflower, sunflower)
Approaching my scent, sometimes
In the moonlight all through the night
I’ll always be standing here,
Until she stopped meeting me
Whistling at her, one two three (she wouldn’t notice),
Even today I’m greedy for her (I want to have her)
I still don’t know how to get her
But each day my heart recounts towards her
I’m a sunflower that’s pinned on her side
She’s falling in, ringing my love-bell
The more I look at her,
She’s a very beautiful person
I’ll find my way to her arms
I’m the sunflower that she cherished
(Sunflower, sunflower)
(Sunflower, sunflower)
Lalalala~ Hum~

My homeland is beautiful

Versions: #2
A beautiful word and two more, my homeland is beautiful
A beautiful song and two more, my homeland is beautiful
My hope was always, my homeland
To come back to you, my homeland
And stay with you always
The memories of the past.. remember, my homeland?
My heart is full of stories.. remember, my homeland?
My first love was in my homeland
I can never forget it, my homeland
Where are those days of the past before the farewell
We used to say that separation was impossible
And every tear on the cheeks used to drop
Filled with hope that we will stay
In the sea of love and along the two shores
A beautiful word and many more, my homeland is beautiful
A beautiful song and many more, my homeland is beautiful
Where is the love of my heart, my homeland?
He was far away from me, my homeland
And each time I sing, I think of him
Tell me, my beloved, you are leaving me and going where?
It's the most beautiful melody we're both going to sing
How beautiful is the word 'my homeland' in a two-line song!
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט


Common let's play
Common let's waw waw
Where is papadrolla
Money millions
Eey you mami
Do it like Rihanna
Shake your belly mami
Smoking genteman
Bala bala bala bala dancing 2x
Bala bala bala regaeton bala regaeton bala
Common let's play
Common let's waw waw
Where is papadrolla
Money millions
Eey you mami
Do it like Rihanna
Shake your belly mami
Smoking genteman
Bala bala bala bala dancing 2x
Bala bala bala regaeton bala regaeton bala
Bala bala bala bala dancing 2x
Bala bala bala regaeton bala regaeton bala
Common let's play
Common let's waw waw
Where is papadrolla
Money millionson bala regaeton bala


Versions: #2
On the threshold of my twenties
I was easy to get
those were the days of the modern vagabonds.
I don't even want to recall all of that
You know, I wanted to try everything
From all the branches the forbidden fruit called me.
Yes, now I regret,
but what did I know then?
You were just a little girl
your ponytail was flying with the wind like a butterfly.
Everything would have had
different meaning
I'd breathe my life differently
if I'd just knew you exist my Olivera.
Maybe I'd stood front of the same
shop window
with you, not knowing that,
Maybe we got off the same train, together, without knowing it?
Maybe you were so close to me
passed through my street.
and maybe we passed by each other briefly,
who knows?
Yes, now I regret,
but what did I know then?
You were just a little girl
your ponytail was flying with the wind like a butterfly.
Everything would have had
differrent meaning
I'd breathe my life differently
if I'd you by my side, Olivera.
Yes, now i regret,
but what did i know then?
you were just a little girl,
out of my sight, and my pen.
Everything would have had
different meaning
I wouldn't write songs to every girl I know,
if I'd just knew you exist, my Olivera
Everything would have had
differrent meaning
I would have stolen you from the crowd
and no one woud have an idea what I'm going to do.
I'd have knew from where I'd find my peace
I'd have hidden in the secret monastery
and waited you to grow up..

A ballad

When love is blind,
You can make it see us,
And everything would have worked out quickly,
You would make me sing a ballad
Who blows my mind and leaves,
More often than you, and in the end he will return
If it suits him, come on, say who knows that my heart only belongs to him x2
It's magic, it's magic, you can't stay,
To see what you say to me, when you won't have
Anything more to pull out of your hat, the public shouts bye-bye, ooo ai
When love is blind,
You can make it see us,
And everything would have worked out quickly,
You would make me sing a ballad
Well, baby, you know that I don't have any reason to hide,
You can ask any question, 'cuz I'm ready to respond
You know that I'm not lying, mama, and that I'll return to the place where I leave my heart . . . heart
You say that I never stay to listen to you,
But I make myself somehow never let out of my mouth what I have in my mind,
Because you are beautiful fire, and I don't want to see you crying at all,
This is why I am who I am for you
It's magic, it's magic, you can't stay,
To see what you say to me, when you won't have
Anything more to pull out of your hat, the public shouts bye-bye, ooo ai
When love is blind,
You can make it see us,
And everything would have worked out quickly,
You would make me sing a ballad x2
You know that nobody has ever seen what I see,
Next to you in all of the world, it's like a rainbow
Weird temperature, but one cold one
One, ooone hot,
You know that nobody has ever seen what I see,
Next to you in all of the world, it's like a rainbow
Weird temperature, but one cold one
When love is . . . blind
How can you make it see us
And everything would have worked out quickly,
You would make me sing a ballad
When love is blind,
You can make it see us,
And everything would have worked out quickly,
You would make me sing a ballad
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Hallo Momino

Versions: #2
Hussain a.s
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 4x
(Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua) 2x
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
(Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua) 2x
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Aey Momino Tayyar Theyo Manzoor The Pehnji Dua
Ibn-e-Alia a.s Ja Aashiqo Gadh Ji Kayo Shukr-e-Khuda
(Moula Naseeban Main Likhi) 2x Zawwari-e-Shah-e-Huda a.s
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Khuld-e-Bareen Aa Karbala Sardar Aa Moula Hussain a.s
In Khoobsoorat Baagh Jo Singhaar Aa Moula Hussain a.s
(Karbal Main Zawwaran Mathaa) 2x Rehmat Wasey The Ja Ba Ja
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Moulaiyo In Maa Ayan Touqeer Aa Abbas a.s Ji
Hi Karbala Ji Sar Zameen Jageer Aa Abbas a.s Ji
(Aa Hey Awaan Jo Muntazir) 2x Ghazi a.s Alamdar-e-Wafa
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Shabbira a.s Ja Zawwar Thee Arshia Chan Farshia Chan
Mazlooma Ja Sabh Matami Khak-e-Shifa Khey Ta Chuman
(Hoor O Malak Jin O Bashar) 2x Sabh Noukari Kan Tha Adaa
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Karbobala Tey Momino Ehsaan Aa Shabbira a.s Jo
Ohna Jaaey Tey Sajdo Kayo Moula a.s Jithey Sajdo Kayo
(Manzil Asaan Ji Karbala) 2x
Hee Aa Asaan Ji Darsgaah
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Jawwad Sarwar Jaa Okhey Zainab s.a Kithey Rooi Saggi
Mazloomaan Jey Laashey Wata Chup Chaap The Guzri Waai
(Ohna Jaae Tey Kariyo Halli) 2x
Shabbira a.s Jo Matam Bapa
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 2x
Manzoor Kai Zahra s.a Dua
Razi Nabbi s.a.w.w. Razi Khuda
(Halo Momino Halo Karbala) 3x


You are heartless and void of loyalty
You stole away my tears
and deprived me of sleep
How can your eyes fall asleep?
I bet my whole life on you and lost
When you don't even care
My heart does not beat for my sake
but rather for yours
You are selfish and don't think
You don't think of anyone but yourself
If my heart was not kind
you would never be my love
You would never be my love
And in short:
My dignity tells me: she has hurt you
the kindness of my heart tells me: forgive
Forgive many clear mistakes
and turn a blind eye to them
My love for you does not mean
for you who sold me out
to exploit my point of weakness
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

One verse above all

One verse above all
There is a verse
Apparently very simple...
One verse above all...
A verse, more like a bridge...
To overcome, to make it through...
When the story leads to nowhere...
There is a verse...
Full of tricks...
One verse above all
Like a verse over all the verses
So it disarms...
And like a mountain rose breaks the stone...
In spite to all there is a verse
That lights up the fires...
Carried away by the tide, in spite to all,
And all that mote from the shore...
In spite to all, when winter ends,
Sprouts grow green...
And, lucky them,
In love are the young deer...
In the scrapbook for the two Zadran* ...
A few branches of cypress on the cliff of the Adriatic ...
The breath of the gods from Velebit ...
And a seagull,
Heavenly devoted,
worthless ...
In spite to all there is a rhyme
That lights up the fires...
Carried away by the tide, in spite to all,
And all that mote from the shore...
In spite to all, when winter ends,
Sprouts grow green...
And lucky them,
In love, so in love, the young deer...
There is a verse
Apparently very simple...
One verse above all...
A verse, more like a bridge...
To overcome, to make it through....
There is a rhyme that doesn't translate.


I waited for you
From far away
Cold wind keeps blowing
A very small pinwheel
Just blanking standing there
Looking so lonely as if it’s looking for someone
Felt like I was looking at me
Many things happen
So busy without a breath to catch
Because of this damn world
If I say that’s why we grew apart
Feels like I’m making it up so I have no faults
So I can’t say that
I’m just facing the wind
In the future
So I won’t be sorry
I want to always be waiting, that makes me feel better
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future
People only see the outside
And ask if the wind is cold
They just ask and pass by
Why ask if you’re gonna forget anyway?
Feels like wind from you
So without a word, I’m just waiting
Many things happen
So busy without a breath to catch
Because of this damn world
If I say that’s why we grew apart
Feels like I’m making it up so I have no faults
So I can’t say that
I’m just facing the wind
In the future
So I won’t be sorry
I want to always be waiting, that makes me feel better
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future
Feels like time has hidden
And taken you too
Can’t I see you?
Sometimes, I get bad thoughts
I start to forget you
But don’t cry
It may seem sad
But I’m here
For you
Even if you get lost
And it takes you a while
Come round and round back to me
Even if it’s far ahead in the future

So beautifully

Tell me that we're succeeding, that everything has a point
That you didn't turn my world upside down in vain
Tell me that we will always be as we were
Come on, lie to me a little more, because you lie so beautifully
You lie so beautifully
The fire in your eyes doesn't burn the same anymore,
Doesn't burn the same
The bed is emptier with us in it
With us in it
There were nights when only you were my sun and days
And days when my heart beat for you,
Now I ask myself who will love you anymore, who
The truth heals but hurts good
Tell me that we're succeeding, that everything has a point
That you didn't turn my world upside down in vain
Tell me that we will always be as we were
Come on, lie to me a little more, because you lie so beautifully
You lie so beautifully
Now it's not hard anymore,
You say that I'm bad and that I have changed
But how we loved, this is how you have forgotten
This is how you have forgotten, in fact
There were nights when only you were my sun and days
And days when my heart beat for you,
Now I ask myself who will love you anymore, who
The truth heals but hurts good
Tell me that we're succeeding, that everything has a point
That you didn't turn my world upside down in vain
Tell me that we will always be as we were
Come on, lie to me a little more, because you lie so beautifully
You lie so beautifully
I remember us
I remember your words, written on sheets of paper
You said somehow that you need to choose
Because you still feel but you need to leave
Because you don't understand why we love
Only so that we hurt ourselves and so that we run
Your heart doesn't know what it wants
It erases everything, it's not my fault
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Butterfly Of Fire

Dark turns on, my life is rolling drop by drop,
the night is digging,
her deepest wound,
give me my chaffy ball,
to play outside,
with my shadow on earth.
Oh! Butterfly who fly over grief,
and from every love you ask,
nobody (of them)
met God..
Oh! Butterfly of fire
Two black gardens
The happiness to walk away,
(and) ashes too from the wings.

We Are Still Countrymen

When the night meets Saturday
Manhattan turns into such a party
That daisies jump out of flowerpots
Dangerous types come out then
Female good-for-nothings, male sisters
But the main fun is hunting for taxies
The driver pulled over, as if he knew
Droplets of drizzle extinguished his headlights
And just in the moment before I thought that
I recognized St. Basil1 on his car charm
All taxi drivers are mostly the same
Old naysayers and nihilists
Or silent, lost for words from ugly scenes
Familiar speech just made him wince
Somebody's honked for him to hurry up
A small mouse peered from the corner of the rear-view mirror
But every swearword is a mousetrap2
And he couldn't wait to get caught
He pushed away the steering wheel like hot soup
Turned around and slapped his forehead
A bullet stuck in the barrel and silence
But his heart is beating in seven eights3
Just yesterday we were countrymen
I can immediately tell that we have the same eyes
Why are you pretending that you're foreigners
When you're not?
Just yesterday we were the dream team
And look how things are today
It doesn't matter that the country is new
We're still same old
In 19914 he packed his suitcase
Horticulture, but currently a driver
Let's go to his house, to fetch the wife and the sister-in-law
Three glasses, he says, start a river
And four glasses flood New York
A tear dropped and clouded his mastika5
And he said bitterly, don't wish it on anybody
To earn their bread with politics, that's a sin
You see, my little sons, Vangel and Blaže
Reach for the globe, looking for Strumica6
And wherever they put their little fingers on the Balkans
They cover at least three countries
And so it went, one drink after another
The morning blew by like fine flour
Bringing along that old longing for the South7
Nothing too bad
God, look after my ex-countrymen
My songs are full of their words
And our sorrows are so much the same
That they confuse me
  • 1. Presumably in the recognizable form of an orthodox icon
  • 2. Ex-Yugoslav nations are prolific swearers and swearwords are a stereotypical way to spot a compatriot abroad
  • 3. 7/8 is a characteristic rhythm in Macedonian folk songs, also used in this song
  • 4. i.e. at the start of Yugoslav wars
  • 5. The Macedonian version of ouzo, i.e. a clear spirit which gets clouded when a drop of water is added
  • 6. A town in western Macedonia
  • 7. Longing For the South, or T'ga za Jug, is a famous Macedonian poem