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Број резултата: 14


Мали тарзан

Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ...
Живот у џунгли
Далеко сам од нигде
Сам као мали тарзан
Играм се док јурим преко шуме
Мајмунски послови сунчаног поподнева
Живот у џунгли
Ја живим на отвореном
Изворни ритам који се наставља
Јарко светли
Ватра дува сигнал до неба
Сједим и питам се стиже ли порука до вас
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ...
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми другу, дај ми другу
шансу вечерас
Дај ми другу, дај ми другу
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми други, дај ми други свет
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ...
Живот у џунгли
Далеко си од ничега
Све је у реду
Неће ти недостајати кућа
Окушати срећу
Оставити све иза себе
Дођи и придружи ми се
Неће ти бити жао
Лако је преживети
Живот у џунгли
Живимо на отвореном
Сасвим сам као мали тарзан
Играмо се док јуримо преко шуме
Мајмунски посао сунчаног поподнева
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми другу
Дај ми другу
Шансу вечерас
Ох да
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми другу
Дај ми другу
Из ноћи у ноћ
Нећеш играти
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми другу
Дај ми другу
Шансу вечерас
Ох да
Из ноћи у ноћ
Из ноћи у ноћ
Дај ми другу
Дај ми другу
Оу хо оу хо
Хо хо хо хо хо хо хо хо хо ...


Autumn covers the ground with a yellow shroud,
The air is riddled with misty dust.
The stars laugh at those who fear the night,
A random passer will pass and immediately disappear away.
The lantern in blue is dimly lit outside the window,
Autumn walks barefoot on the ground.
The trees were stripped, they were hot, they gave their clothes to the asphalt,
And only a birch leaf twists somersault in the air.
The sun lights up the day with red dawn,
And beyond the red dawn we continue to live .
The sky became lower, the city became different,
The last rain falls on the rooftops, we leave with him.

So white

It is snowing so unbelievably white
And I am afraid, that the earth is cold tonight
And I do not know, at what time so quietly
My heart has fallen deeply asleep tonight
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs
And I am afraid to say out loud
Just what your 'Let's both be quiet' Means to me
And i flow through your hands
Like milk closer, closer towards your heart
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs
We shall ice over faster than the trees
And slowly will slide towards spring
Slumber, sure enough the sun shall find us
And smile to itself, about how it caught the thieves
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs

The Baltics Are Waking Up!

Three sisters stand by the coast of sea
They are pressed by weakness and tiredness.
There waded land and spirits
Of honour and sense of three nations.
But in the towers of destiny belling loud
And the sea starts to wave.
Three sisters wake up from the sleep,
Come to stand for theirselves.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters sleep by the sea
They are pressed by the bond, desperation
Wandering like a beggar by the sea coast
The spirit of nations' honour
But the bell of the destiny reechos again
And the sea tousles its waves
Three sisters wake from the sleep
To defend the honour of theirs.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters with faces of sea,
they were made sleepy by the song of waves.
Three nations fighting here for centuries
sacrified ancient honour.
When the bell rings in towers,
the sea is taken by the will of freedom.
To protect the fate and life,
three sisters wake now.
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!


{First Verse}
Drunkard drinking his cup in a bar, troubled consoling his troubles
Life has passed, he missed the bus and didn't pay the shop's debts
Returing in the dark, secretly to home because in the neighbor, he is wanted and debted
And the neighbor's daughter is beautiful in his eyes however she went with the million's owner
Four beers and house essentials, the salary went between bus fees and soap
Forgetting the female and forgetting to have a children, not even ' where're you hubby ? ' in the phone
Not a suit nor a flowers bouquet, even in his coldness, he can't find a warm cuddle
Late at night and he missed the bus, four beers and the drugs are olives
And he wants to sing and sing and sing
When life will smile at me ?
When life will be sweet with me ?
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot
{Second Verse}
The Breakfast, a black coffee and a cigarette and it's crowded whether you are student or an employee
And the neighbor's daughter passed by him, he wanted to speak out but couldn't find the words
Neither finding his cents nor his dinars, lucky the one who speaks and his pockets are filled
And he can't find a heart, he found____ and_____ and the Moujira¹ rode in a BM²
Not a building permit, oh mother nor building his house, seeing his hair becoming white with days
Running after the life's bread and couldn't find his worth, people became cheap and the prices has risen
Sitting in the bar, thinking about his fate and the neighbor's daughter who didn't give him a like
And he liked the intoxication and he missed his bus, four beers and the drugs are illusions
And he wants to sing and sing and sing
When life will smile at me ?
When life will be sweet with me ?
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot
{Third Verse}
Not a good news nor a morale's boost and the salary goes before it comes
Not a message nor voicemail, not ' Where're you hubby ?' nor ' Where're you sweetheart ? '
And days goes by, he becomes suffocated and the bread he chases becomes expensive
And the neighbor's daughter is absent and her absence was for too long, she came back with a man and two childrens
A ghazelle lost in the jungle and a hyena looking for a soft meat
And hearts become like clay, sometimes it hardens and sometimes it melts
And human becomes cheap and the dinar went down, follow like a cow and laugh like ' The Laughing Cow* '
And as usual, he missed his bus, the bar closed its doors and they told him : Goodnight
And he wants to sing and sing and sing
When life will smile at me ?
when life will be sweet with me ?
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot
And living like an idiot
They want you to live like an idiot

للازمة : 

يا ليلي، ويا ليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يمّا
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمّة
نحب نطير ونطير الفوق
يحبّو يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي
[المقطع الأول : بلطي]
الحومة كلها موحلة، دوق دوق دوق
كلها تشوف الدنيا كحلة
صحرا قاحلة (صحراء قاحلة)، دوق دوق دوق
باش تشوف الدنيا أحلى
والحومة مفحلة (والحومة مفحلة)، دوق دوق دوق
تستنّى في عسل النحلة
صبورة كحلة (صبورة كحلة)
هزنا الطّيار ورمانا في عقاب الرحلة
ياه ضايع بين لحيوط وما لقيتش بلاصة
حومة بين بلاد الرهوت
يمّا خلّوني بالشيخة مسموت
و حوكمنا سرّاقة والكراسي بالهبوت
ياه نحب نشد الروت ونقلب المناظر
نقلب وجهي من هنا يا مّا
ما نحب نعيش الحياة بالموت
نوفى كيما ولد الجارة بالشيخة تبل

The situation is bad

Nothing looks good and you want us to say that everything is good
As the ones ruling us are thieves
They sell drugs to us and then throw us in jails
Neighbours are lost between home expenses and tobacco powder
People look at tomorrow with fear and hallucination
Strikes and terrorism in addition of sickness and joblessness
I want to go from this country to change my address
As the future is ruled by stupids
They want us to be useless , the situation is bad
to take his food ,the situation is bad
Not to hear his voice , the situation is bad
and to skip his age , the situation is bad
The situation is bad,the situation is bad (x4)
You said the revolution , but the living cost just get increased
Running I can't keep up with it and the age is not a salad
The neighbours are divided , some go abroad and others go to Jihad
Fighting in Syria and before was in a night club
Between those who want the heaven , and the ones who want Euros
Because the Dinar today can't get you a candy
They ate the bread and left the crumbs
The King ate the Queen and left us Knights wth swords (Scopa game)*
They want us to be useless , the situation is bad
to take his food ,the situation is bad
Not to hear his voice , the situation is bad
and to skip his age , the situation is bad
The situation is bad,the situation is bad (x4)
I don't find what to eat so I loaned to pay after a month
Having a dinner for tonight , and for the rest red pepper with salami
Everyone is stealing us , we are eaten by evil from the inside
This country ruled by thieves one by one
They want to see male marry a male (homosexuality)
May the God be merciful in a country where homosexuality is not a crime
Hey neighbours , I want to cross the sea
I fear that Tsunami will come to us
They want us to be useless , the situation is bad
to take his food ,the situation is bad
not to hear his voice , the situation is bad
and to skip his age , the situation is bad
the situation is bad,the situation is bad (x4)
They said there is Petrol in the country
as a poor Tunisian I want to live like a Qatari
They said there is Petrol in the country
Give me my slice and run , don't set my fire
eh-eh-eh gimme the food for my children
eh-eh-eh I want to
They want us to be useless , the situation is bad
to take his food ,the situation is bad
Not to hear his voice , the situation is bad
and to skip his age , the situation is bad
The situation is bad,the situation is bad (x4)


I spread my cloak
And silver falls on it for me
All the years that were
You had to swear
To be the frontline in the West
The blacksmith hammers in the heavens
Glowing coals fall into the sea
Now the tide has turned
But once again
You are the frontline in the East
I see it all through this amber in my hand
Now you've turned around
But hear the sound
Of wind that blows straight from the West
I spread my cloak
And silver falls on it for me
I close my eyes with this amber in my hand