Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 20
Плесала сам са бившим
Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)Зором
Долазим а ти ме чекаш у кревету
Скидам шминку да бих обукла пиџаму
Немогуће је да не правим буку због свега што сам попила
И будиш се са једним...
Како ти је било?
Лепо сам се провела
Плесала сам целе ноћи
Али са ким?
Били смо на више места, стварно ми није било у плану
Ако сам дошла касно кући то је зато што...
Плесала сам са бившим
И осећај је био као први пут
Окрећући се пролазили су нам сати, остали смо сами
Радује ме што видим да и њему добро иде
Плесала сам са бившим
Не желим да се то опет деси
Нашла сам га,
плесали смо и поново проживели
када смо се упознали
Радује ме што видим да и њему добро иде
Плесала сам са бившим
Плесала сам са бившим
Плесала сам са бившим
Нећеш ми веровати,
мислићеш да постоји нешто више
Тешко је разумети,
али не бих била способна да те преварим
И ако ти испричам
То је зато што јасно знам шта осећам
Он је за мене сећање
Иако се не сећам
Како се десило, ни у ком тренутку
Догодило се због судбине
Погледали смо се и зачула се наша песма
Плесала сам са бившим
И осећај је био као први пут
Окрећући се пролазили су нам сати, остали смо сами
Радује ме што видим да и њему добро иде
Плесала сам са бившим
Не желим да се то опет деси
Нашла сам га,
плесали смо и поново проживели
када смо се упознали
Радује ме што видим да и њему добро иде
Плесала сам са бившим
Плесала сам са бившим
Плесала сам са бившим
Beki je tako zgodna
Budim se, stavljam sminku na tuzno liceI Listerin ne popravlja ovaj los ukus u mojim ustima
Neko te je video vani u petak,video te da hodas trotoarom
Predpostavljam da se sada dobro je*es
Dobro,dobro,reci cu,isla sam i pratila je
I ne krivim te zaista jer
Prokletstvo,stuk,kukovi,lice,ovo je neprijatno
Da li ste zaljubljene kao sto smo mi bile?
Da sam ti,verovatno bih je zadrzala
Pozelim da je udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Jer Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Ooh,ona j ta koju bih trebala da mrzim
Ali ja zelim da znam kakvog je ukusa
Nekako zelim da j udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Ja sam je nekad nosila,da,to je crop top
Sa crvenom Korvetom,neko nov se vozi na suvozacevom mestu
Ne mogu cak da budem toliko ljuta zbog toga,ona je plameni emoji,wow
To ce me uvek sje*ati jer
Dobro,dobro,reci cu,isla sam i pratila je
I ne krivim te zaista jer
Prokletstvo,stuk,kukovi,lice,ovo je neprijatno
Da li ste zaljubljene kao sto smo mi bile?
Da sam ti,verovatno bih je zadrzala
Pozelim da je udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Jer Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Ooh,ona j ta koju bih trebala da mrzim
Ali ja zelim da znam kakvog je ukusa
Nekako zelim da j udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Beki je tako zgodna,zgodna
Beki je tako zgodna
Beki je tako zgodna,zgodna
Beki je tako zgodna
Da li ste zaljubljene kao sto smo mi bile?
Da sam ti,verovatno bih je zadrzala
Pozelim da je udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Jer Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Ooh,ona j ta koju bih trebala da mrzim
Ali ja zelim da znam kakvog je ukusa
Nekako zelim da j udarim kad je vidim (da joj se udvaram?) :D
Beki je tako zgodna u tvojoj vintidz majici
Let's go, let's go, we're lit upToday the world is mine
Let it go, let it go, I'm here with you
We're a team
Ready, set, ready, set, got your concentration
Hold the conversation
Push it back, swing it back, perfect combination
See me in rotation
Where are you going?
You're not walking away from this
The reality
Is that everything begins with dancing
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn (Hahaha, hahaha!)
This is the champion section
And anything less than that get a hasty rejection
I'll point you in the direction
Of where you can train for the next one
I make my entrance, dribblin', bendin'
Fast like an engine, can't you see me trending?
So anytime that you see me and you feel I'm defendin' my title
I'm rightfully legend
Hmm, this ain't nothin' abnormal
Should have known that I was a top scorer
UEFA Champions League baller
Win, win, win, win, I be oga
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn (Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy)
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
From afar, I can see that you want more, eh
We're not gonna stop
Go ahead, hit the wall, c'mon, bring it back, eh
We're not gonna stop
From afar, I can see that you want more, eh
We're not gonna stop
Go ahead, hit the wall, c'mon, bring it back, eh
We're not gonna stop
Where are you going?
You're not walking away from this
The reality
Is that everything begins with dancing
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
Rotate (Ah-ah), turn (Ah-ah)
Turn (Ah-ah)
Figure eight, release
(Everybody-y-body-y-body-body-y-body, Lord Burna)
Some people they vex, but oh well
Make you celebrate yourself
They know they're there
While I was working (From there)
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn
Figure eight, release
Rotate, turn
Rotate, turn (rotate, turn
No Drama
HahaYou see me with that look from the first time (From the first time)
So perfect, I find no flaws, my world is upside down
You have the exact physique (Exact)
And you have that pride intact (You have that pride intact)
You have so many qualities, they don't seem royal '(Oh-oh, oh-oh)
I like you so much
And you're always fighting me
No drama, no drama, no drama (Drama)
Why so many fights? If you end up in my bed
No drama, no drama, no drama
Why so proud? If in the end he always calls me '
I love his body, yeah.
But you complain to me so much, uh-oh
No drama, no drama, no drama
And she's always fighting me
Ah, ma ', no drama (Drama)
I am calm because you are mine and nobody compares
Stop denying, secretly 'you call me
So that it reaches him and takes you where nobody knows anything
I like you so much, I know your 'charm' well
I swear that without you I can't stand it, it's impossible to avoid
I would never want to fail you that's why I'm like that
You calm down, let yourself go and hesitate
That I have a couple of babies that stand in line for me
You know 'that I am the real killa
She is the comet and I the star, I'm still here in the same corner
And I like you so much, I know your 'charm' well
I swear that without you I can't stand
It is impossible to avoid, I would never want to fail you
That's why I'm like that (Yeah-eh-eh)
No drama, no drama, no drama (Drama)
Why so many fights? If you end up in my bed
No drama, no drama, no drama
Why so proud? If in the end he always calls me
I love his body, yeah.
But you complain to me so much, uh-oh
No drama, no drama, no drama (No drama)
No no no no
Why do you make it 'difficult? Daddy, take it easy
I take out a white flag so you can give me a kiss
Is that I don't want to fight
What is wrong with you in bed we can fix
I am willing to give you what you want
Honestly, I just want to, yeah
No drama, no drama with you
Follow me and I will follow you
And if I climb up, what are you going to do?
And if I kiss your neck, what do you say?
You are already forgetting
What you were saying (yeah)
And if I climb up, what are you going to do?
And if I kiss your neck, what do you say?
You are already forgetting
What you were saying
And you're always fighting me
No drama, no drama, no drama (Drama)
Why so many fights? If you end up in my bed
No drama, no drama, no drama
Why so proud? If in the end he always calls me '
I love his body, yeah.
But you complain to me so much, uh-oh
No drama, no drama, no drama (Oh-oh)
And he's always fighting me
No drama, no drama, no drama
No drama, no drama, no drama (Yeah-eh)
(With The Negrito Light Eyes')
(Ozuna, Ozuna, Ozuna, Ozuna, jaka)
No drama, no drama, no drama
No no, no no, no no, oh no
(Hydro, Mambo Kingz, Luian
Bad saint
They say there is danger when I go outThat I'm not afraid of the bad (Sometimes I'm a fire)
Don't get confused, I'm not good at all
In my eyes you see evil
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
[?] the boom-boom as an earthquake
Couple of drinks and I go into eroticism
I don't say anything, but I want the same
And when I dance like this
You grab me at the waist
My fever goes up
I see his body how he sweats
And that still
He hasn't seen me naked in his bed
I am for lose your mind
Don't talk to me about love
That doesn't interest me
You like the game, I'm the one who starts
But remember that
I am neither bad nor saint
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
A shot of tequila
Rumba until the next day
Single, that's how he loved me
They said that I gave fire
And this doesn't stop
That barely begins
Turn off cell phones
We are for evils
And this doesn't stop
That barely begins
Turn off cell phones
We are for evils
Bring me alcohol so that the throat gets wet
You need one like me
Quiet, but sometimes I'm bad
I start and I don't want to stop
I am neither bad nor saint
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
I love youYah-yah-yah
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
You have the reputation of a womanizer1
But that doesn't work with me, my love
I've trained my heart
And your promises don't catch my attention
You say the same thing to any girl that crosses you
A tree that is born bent never straightens2
You can't have me (No, no),
I'm not one of them and that fucks with your head
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
If they paid you for each time they spoke to you, you'd be a billionaire
Your daily routine would be to ignore all the creeps that come to you
with the same words, you have them raging
If you charged for a photo, even Donald Trump would ask for a loan
She doesn't answer her DMs, no
She said she broke up with her boyfriend and the Internet broke
They throw you to those who do not speak Spanish
I know there are many in line
And that you get tired of the lies, let destiny decide
You are above, always running through my mind
There is no one else like you, you're one of a kind
The viral photo you make public
Let's go on vacation to the Republic3
With a girl like you, what you want is to be a tourist,
but she demolishes my plan
Myke Towers, baby
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
Don't give me that face
You won't convince me with those little eyes
You know my love is expensive
If you want it, you have to work for it (Please, ah)
If I tell you to lower my sky, you lower it entirely
If I tell you to come, bring me to the sea, cross the 7 seas
That's how things are done with this girl
I want more action and less blah-blah
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
If I had a dollar for every time (every time)
That you tell me you love me
I would be having tea with Queen Isabel (The queen)
I don't pay my rent with words, they're worth nothing
Without pajama (Remix)
[Intro: Nio García](This is the remix)
Today I got up thinking about you
Between the wet sheets wishing you
That you think about me, touching you
I go crazy waiting for you
[Bridge: Natti Natasha, Becky G]
That your excitement doesn't go away
You know that I don't leave you stuck there
Calm down, I'm on my way, love
Calm down, I want to be with you
[Chorus: Natti Natasha, Nio García]
If you call me
We're going to your house
We're stayed in the bed
Without pajama, without pajama
If I call you
And you come to my house
I eat you in my bed
Without pajama or with pajama
[Verse 1: Nio García]
And we stayed without pajama
Two shots of tequila and we let go
You are fire, together we burn
I swear that you won't forget me
If she is with her Ferragamo wallet
Sometimes we hate each other and kill each other
If I have desires, I always call her
It's the best, I can't deny it, no
You made me witchcraft, baby
I don't know what to do
Ah, I wanna see you without pajama (Nio!)
[Verse 2: Becky G]
I return to tell my secrets to your pillow
Until then let's make a video call
Send me photos, little pics
Showing everything, everything at all
When I get there, we will mess up the bed
Baby, today we're not going to sleep (No)
Baby, today we're not going to sleep (Wuh-wuh-wuh)
I didn't bring pajama because I didn't feel like it
Baby, today we're not going to sleep
Baby, today we're not going to sleep (No)
Baby, today we're not going to sleep (Wuh-wuh-wuh)
I didn't bring pajama because I didn't feel like it
Baby, today we're not going to sleep
[Chorus: Natti Natasha, Becky G, Casper Mágico]
If you call me
We're going to your house
We're stayed in the bed
Without pajama, without pajama
If you call me
We're going to your house
We're stayed in the bed (We are The Magicians, baby)
Without pajama, without pajama (Casper!)
[Verse 3: Casper Magico]
I got up thinking about her
I am the beast and she is the beauty
None moves me like her
Whoever touches me, the little girl in the face will crash
My Diana the one who kills me in all the poses
I put her and she screams like an R when she coughs
She doesn't put, but I look for her after twelve
I warm her in the bed so that rich man devastated me
Baby give me a call, to give you a goal
We mix sex with alcohol
Here we didn't come to sleep
We fornicate to death
Baby give me a call, to give you a goal
We mix sex with alcohol
Here we didn't come to sleep
We fornicate to death
[Verse 4: Natti Natasha]
If this ain't a theater, stop with the drama
Light the flame in me
The way I came to the world - that's my best pajama
Today there is a curfew, I'll be yours until morning
We get romantic, without an autopilot
Let's ditch the rules*, we're tripping on cannabis
I have always been a lady (a girl)
But I'm a bitch in the bed
[Bridge: Natti Natasha, Becky G]
So come on on on on on on
Add some meat to what I've got cooking*
Smash it all against my bonbon, bon-bon-bon
Let's lose control, that way both of us win
So come on on on on on on
Add some meat to what I've got cooking*
Smash it all against my bonbon, bon-bon-bon
Let's lose control, that way both of us win
[Chorus: Natti Natasha, Nio García]
If you call me
We're going to your house
We're stayed in the bed
Without pajama, without pajama
If I call you
And you come to my house
We're smoking weed
Without pajama, without pajama, baby
[Outro: Nio Garcia, Becky G, Natti Natasha, Casper Magico]
(Baby, today we're not going to sleep)
(Accept that today we're not going to sleep)
We are the magicians, baby
Natti Nat, yeah-yeah
(I didn't bring pajama because I didn't feel like it)
(Baby, today we're not going to sleep)
Becky G, baby
Flow La Movie
Real Hasta La Muerte
Flow Music
Mera tell me Nio
In this we went global with the babies
Becky G
Natti Nat
Flow La Movie
Mera indicates Shorty Complete
And if I call you
It's that I stayed with desires
To have you here in my bed
Without pajama, without pajama
Bez pidžame
/Sam, samcat u sobi,
Trazi, neka trazi od moje toplote, uoh-oh, no-no,
Zeli lek za tvoju bol,
Niko to ne radi bolje nego ja, uoh-oh, no-no,
Nek se uzbudjenje ne ugasi,
Ti znas da te ja necu ispaliti,
Miran, na putu sam, ljubavi,
Miran, jer ja zelim sa tobom,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Ispricacu ti moje tajne na tvom jastuku,
U medjuvremenu uradicemo video poziv,
Salje mi sliku, slicicu,
Pokazujuci sve, sve,
Kada dodjes prevrnucemo krevet,
Bebo, necemo spavati, (ne),
Bebo, necemo spavati, (uh-uh-uh),
Nisam ponela pidzamu,
Jer nisam zelela,
Bebo, necemo spavati,
Bebo, necemo spavati,
Bebo, necemo spavati,
Nisam ponela pidzamu,
Jer nisam zelela,
Bebo, necemo spavati,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Ako nema pozorista, pusti dramu,
Plamen zapali,
Kako sam dosla na svet, to je moja najbolja pidzama,
Sad sledi policijski cas,
Bicu tvoja do sutra,
Proveli smo je romanticno,
Bez automatskog pilota,
Prirucnik smo bacili, putujemo na kanabisu,
Uvek sam bila jedna dana (jedna devojka),
Ali sam prava kucka u krevetu,
Tako da daj pom-pom-pom-pom-pom,
Stavi meso mom zacinu-nu-nu-nu-nu,
Udari sve to sa mojom bon-bon-bon-bon,
Izgubili smo kontrolu da bi oboje pobedili,
Tako da daj pom-pom-pom-pom-pom,
Stavi vatru mom zacinu-nu-nu-nu-nu,
Udari sve to sa mojom bon-bon-bon-bon,
Ocekujem tvoj poziv, dodji daj mi gol,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Ako me ti pozoves,
Idemo tvojoj kuci,
Ostacemo u krevetu,
Bez pidzame, bez pidzame,
Bebo, danas necemo spavati,
Natti Nat, yeah-yeah
Nisam pidzamu ponela,
Jer nisam zelela,
Bebo, danas necemo spavati
Becky G, baby
Without Pjamas
Versions: #2[Becky G, Natti Natasha]
Alone, alone in the room
Look, look for my heat, uoh-oh, no-no
Want ‘remedy for’ your pain
Nobody does it better than me, uoh-oh, no-no
[Natti Natasha, Becky G]
Do not turn off the excitement
You know that I do not leave you planted
Calma’o, I’m on my way, love
Calma’o, that I want with you
[Natti Natasha, Becky G]
If you call me ‘
We go ‘pa’ your house
We stayed in bed
No pajamas, no pajamas
If you call me
We go ‘pa’ your house
We stayed in bed
No pajamas, no pajamas (yo ‘, yo’, yo ‘)
[Becky G]
I’m going to tell my secrets to your pillow
Meanwhile let’s make video call
Send me photo ‘, fotico’
Showing everything, all
When I arrive, I ruin the bed
[Becky G]
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep (no)
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep (uh-uh-uh)
I did not bring pajamas
Because I did not feel like it
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep (no)
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep (uh-uh-uh)
I did not bring pajamas
Because I did not feel like it
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep
[Natti Natasha, Becky G]
If you call me ‘
We go ‘pa’ your house
We stayed in bed
No pajamas, no pajamas
If you call me
We go ‘pa’ your house
We stayed in bed
No pajamas, no pajamas
[Natti Natasha]
If there is no theater, leave the drama
Light me the flame
Since I came to the world, that’s my best pajama
Today there is a curfew
I’ll be yours until morning
We had a romantic time
Without automatic pilot
We drop the manual, ‘we’re traveling in cannabis
I have always been a lady (a gyal)
But I’m a bitch in bed
[Natti Natasha, Becky G]
So give him pom-pom-pom-pom-pom
Put meat to my season-zón-zón-zón-zón
Shock to ‘that with my bon-bon-bon-bon-bon
Perdemo ‘the control to’ win the do ‘
So give him pom-pom-pom-pom-pom
Put fire to my seasoning-zón-zón-zón-zón
Shock to ‘that with my bon-bon-bon-bon-bon
I wait for your call, come give me the goal
[Natti Natasha, Becky G]
If you call me ‘
We go ‘pa’ your house
We stayed in bed
No pajamas, no pajamas
If you call me
We go ‘pa’ your house
Fumamo ‘marijuana
No pajamas, no pajamas
[Becky G]
(Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep
Na-na-na) versuri.us
Natti Nat, yeah-yeah
(That I did not bring pajamas
Because I did not feel like it
Baby, today I’m not going ‘to sleep’
Becky G, baby
Versions: #2[Becky G]
Another night alone in my bed
(Six in the morning and you don't even call me)
I already got tired, tell your friends to stay with you...
Tell the women to take care of your house
To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing with you, what I'm doing with you...
I better stay alone... ahhh
And I'm going out... ehhh
I'm going to live my crazy life... ahhh
With no one to let me down... ehhh
I'm going to dance the rumba
I'm going to see what the world has for me
Tonight I go out aimlessly
And I'll forget everything
Even your name I'll forget
It's that you don't manage to understand how to treat a woman
Don't come with your stories that I already know
Don't call me anymore because I got tired of you
And I gave you everything
I only lived for you
But I opened my eyes and I realized that nothing is what it seems
And that you don't deserve me
Deal with the consequences
Now you deal with the consequences
You didn't have time for me
Now I don't have time for you
I already got tired, tell your friends to stay with you...
Tell the women to take care of your house
To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing with you, what I'm doing with you...
I better stay alone... ahhh
And I'm going out... ehhh
I'm going to live my crazy life... ahhh
With no one to let me down... ehhh
And I'm not going to listen to your lies... no
Live your life because I go my way... oh!
I got tired of everything that happened
I took your license, you don't control my destination anymore... no!
I'm sorry but I'm not going to be your hobby
I withdrawal from your game like Kobe
Zero suffering
I love you, I won't lie to you
But love doesn't take away knowledge
I better stay alone... ahhh
And I'm going out... ehhh
I'm going to live my crazy life... ahhh
With no one to let me down... ehhh
Dancing alone
(Living alone...)
Sve se promenulo (CNCO Version)
[Intro: CNCO]CNCO, Becky G
Con el Remix
[Verse 1: CNCO]
Gledao sam te sa zeljom da dodirnem tvoju kozu,
priblizavao sam se, znao sam da cu te upoznati.
Zaneo sam se malo po malo i nisam mislio
i koje iznenadjenje sam docekao
jednu noc ludu koju necu zaboraviti.
[Pre-Chorus: Becky G]
Ljubio me je, osetila sam njegove usne
i uzbudio mi je srce.
Nisam mogla zamisliti
da ce se ovo desiti,
ali zelim da se
ponovi opet.
[Chorus: Becky G]
Dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo,
zaustavio je vreme sa samo jednim poljupcem,
sve, sve se promenulo.
U jednoj sekundi i bilo je drugacije,
kao sto je nekada bilo,
dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo.
[Post-Chorus: Becky G]
Sve se promenulo i sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo
I sve se promenulo
Sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo.
[Verse 2: Becky G & CNCO]
Nisam ocekivala da ce se ovo desiti,
samo znam da se dalo,
on me je zaveo sa mirom,
ni primetila nisam,
ali sve je teklo, da.
Vise ne znam da ono sto je uradio je bilo pogresno,
ali se osecalo dobro
i necu poreci,
verujem da cu se ubrzo navici.
[Pre-Chorus: Becky G & CNCO & All]
Ljubio me je, osetila sam njegove usne
i uzbudio mi je srce.
Nisam mogla zamisliti
da ce se ovo desiti,
ali zelim da se
ponovi opet.
[Chorus: Becky G]
Dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo,
zaustavio je vreme sa samo jednim poljupcem,
sve, sve se promenulo.
U jednoj sekundi i bilo je drugacije,
kao sto je nekada bilo,
dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo.
[Post-Chorus: Becky G]
Sve se promenulo i sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo
I sve se promenulo
Sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo.
[Bridge: CNCO]
Yeah Ja
CNCO, sve se promenulo,
reci mi Becky
[Bridge/Post-Chorus: Becky G]
Sve se promenulo
I sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo
I sve se promenulo
Sve se promenulo
Sve, sve se promenulo.
[Chorus: Becky G]
Dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo,
zaustavio je vreme sa samo jednim poljupcem,
sve, sve se promenulo.
U jednoj sekundi i bilo je drugacije,
kao sto je nekada bilo,
dodirnuo je moje telo i u tom trenutku
sve, sve se promenulo.
[Outro: Becky G]
I sve se promenulo i sve se promenulo, ahh
Sve se promenulo
Sve se promenulo
[Becky G:]Whoah oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Whoah oh, oh
Svidja mi se kada me tretiraju kao damu,
Iako ponekad to zaboravim kada smo u krevetu,
Meni se svidja kada mi pricaju poeziju,
Na uvo nocu kada pravimo nestasluke,
Svidja mi se gospodin, koji je interesantan,
Koji ce biti dobar prijatelj, ali jos bolji ljubavnik,
Sta fali ako ima koju godinu vise?
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Od onih koji se nazivaju gospodom,
Od onih koji ti otvaraju vrata i salju cvece,
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Koji mi ne stavljaju u usta,
Poljupce koje zele mi dati i koji me izlude,
Luda,whoah oh, oh, oh,
Luda, whoah oh, oh, oh,
[Bad Bunny:]
Ja nisam star ali imam racun kao pravi,
Ako zelis u krevet, ja cu ti doneti dorucak,
Kao ja niko, gospodin sa dvadeset,
Ja sam ti na raspolaganju za sve tvoje ludosti,
Zelis jednog starca,jesi sigurna?
Obecavam ti milion avantura,
U u krevetu cu trajati koliko on ne traje,
Aktivan sam 24/7,
Sa mnom ti nisu potrebne igracke,
Jos uvek sam nov paket,
Ali ako ti se svidja da zloupotrebljavas, onda sa drugim idi,
[Becky G:]
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Od onih koji se nazivaju gospodom,
Od onih koji ti otvaraju vrata i salju cvece,
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Koji mi ne stavljaju u usta,
Poljupce koje zele mi dati i koji me izlude,
Luda,whoah oh, oh, oh,
Luda, whoah oh, oh, oh,
Ne zelim decaka koji ne zna nista,
Pre cu izabrati tipa koji mi daje velicinu,
Ne zelim decaka koji ne zna nista,
Pre cu izabrati tipa koji mi daje velicinu,
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Od onih koji se nazivaju gospodom,
Od onih koji ti otvaraju vrata i salju cvece,
Meni se svidjaju stariji,
Koji mi ne stavljaju u usta,
Poljupce koje zele mi dati i koji me izlude,
Luda,whoah oh, oh, oh,
Luda, whoah oh, oh, oh,
Luda,whoah oh, oh, oh,
Luda, whoah oh, oh, oh,
Bad Bunny, baby
Becky G
Becky G