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Број резултата: 29
Pleši za mene
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Pleši za mene
Kao što si ranije plesala za mene
Hajde da promenimo činjenicu
Da pripadamo istoriji
Kunem se da ne razmišljam o tebi
I da ne ne mogu da zaspim zbog tebe
Kunem se da sam bolji bez tebe
I da ne preispitujem svoje greške
Slomili smo je
Završilo se
Glumili smo da je okej, dobri smo u pretvaranju
Jesi li u blizini?
Zar nećeš doći da plešeš za mene
Kao što si ranije plesala za mene
Hajde da promenimo činjenicu
Da pripadamo istoriji
Zar nećeš
Pleši za mene
Napravimo poslednje sećanje
Možemo li jednostavno zaboraviti
Da pripadamo istoriji
U večernjem porvodu, jebote, kako uživam
Da, ceo svet je budan
Ali ti nisi ovde, a za time žudim
Ti možeš da zaustaviš čekanje
Slomili smo je
Završilo se
Glumili smo da je okej, dobri smo u pretvaranju
Jesi li u blizini?
Zar nećeš doći da plešeš za mene
Kao što si ranije plesala za mene
Hajde da promenimo činjenicu
Da pripadamo istoriji
Zar nećeš
Pleši za mene
Napravimo poslednje sećanje
Možemo li jednostavno zaboraviti
Da pripadamo istoriji
Pleši za mene
Kao što si ranije plesala za mene
Hajde da promenimo činjenicu
Da pripadamo istoriji
Zar nećeš doći da plešeš za mene
Napravimo poslednje sećanje
Možemo li jednostavno zaboraviti
Da pripadamo istoriji
После живота
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Требало би да плачем
Али сваки пут када звезде заблистају
Имам осећај да си тамо, горе и смешиш
Ми се, ах, ах, ах
Требало би да лежим
Спуштене главе, у тихој соби
Да проклињем богове, али не могу
Јер верујем, ах, ах, ах
Део твог срца је у мом
(Иако боли)
Надокнадићемо све једном
Кажем свим мојим пријатељима
да ћу те једнога дана поново видети
Негде, после овог живота
Сигурно постоји пут који води (ка теби)
Сада ти не могу рећи када
Али знам да ово није крај
За сада је само до виђења
Све док се опет не сретнемо после живота
Написао сам писмо
Али речи и ја се не слажемо
Знаш да ја обично све боље изговорим
Песмом, ах, ах, ах
А ја, срео сам нову девојку
Чудно је што има твој смисао за хумор
Стварно мислим да би ти се свидела
Али можда нисам у праву, ах, ах, ах (ох, ох, ох)
Да, не могу дочекати да будем са тобом
Али ми је остало још много, много, много да проживим
Кажем свим мојим пријатељима
да ћу те једнога дана поново видети
Негде, после овог живота
Сигурно постоји пут који води (ка теби)
Сада ти не могу рећи када
Али знам да ово није крај
За сада је само до виђења
Све док се опет не сретнемо после живота
Сигурно постоји пут који води (ка теби)
Сада ти не могу рећи када
Али знам да ово није крај
За сада је само до виђења
Све док се опет не сретнемо после живота
Đavo se ne cenka
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Đavo se ne cenka
Beznadežno je, ne radi to, oholo je pokušati
Nemilosrdan je, znala si to, rekao sam ti, nisam li?
Nasilan je, nedostižan, istina je da laže
Znam da ne želiš da pustiš
I baš kao i pre, vidim da si sigurna
Da možeš da ga promeniš, ali znam da nećeš
Đavo se ne cenka
Samo će ti opet slomiti srce
Nije vredno toga, dušo
Nikada se neće promeniti
Nikada neće biti Princ Šarmantni
Samo će ti ponovo nauditi
Ne želim da se mešam
Ali đavo se ne smiruje
Ne, đavo se ne cenka
Đavo se ne cenka
Nisam od onih koji drže predavanja, pričam sa prijateljem
Ne želim da ti stvaram pritisak, niti da ti naređujem
Ali samo želim najboje za tebe
Znam da ne želiš da pustiš
I baš kao i pre, vidim da si sigurna
Da možeš da ga promeniš, ali znam da nećeš
Đavo se ne cenka
Samo će ti opet slomiti srce
Nije vredno toga, dušo
Nikada se neće promeniti
Nikada neće biti Princ Šarmantni
Samo će ti ponovo nauditi
Ne želim da se mešam
Ali đavo se ne smiruje
Ne, đavo se ne cenka
Đavo se ne cenka
I znam da misliš da će se ovog puta promeniti
Ali mislim da ćeš naći
Đavo se ne cenka
Samo će ti opet slomiti srce
Nije vredno toga, dušo
Nikada se neće promeniti
Nikada neće biti Princ Šarmantni
Samo će ti ponovo nauditi
Ne želim da se mešam
Ali đavo se ne smiruje
Ne, đavo se ne cenka
Đavo se ne cenka
Đavo se ne cenka
Đavo se ne cenka
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Reći ću ti da te obožavam mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh
Zamoliću te da budeš moja mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh
Pravljenje planova pod tušem, da, aha
Ima još malo vremena mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh-mmh
Dolaziš, moram da priglušim svetla
Obuci Bee Gees, to će podići raspoloženje
Napraviću Pasta Amatriciana, sipati čašu vina
I radim samo ono što ja radim
Sada stavi malo šampona
Da, mmh
Moram da ti spremim večeru, moram da napravim desert
Moram da očistim kuhinju pre nego što krenem na posao
Izaberi šta ću da obučem, da
Ne, ne želim da izgledam kao da pokušavam
Nameštvam krevet, stavljam parfem
Uveri se da Violetta ne oseti miris u sobi
Tuširao sam se sat ili više
Trebaju vam peškiri da obrišete ovaj pod
Dolaziš, tako je vruće napolju
A moj klima uređaj ne radi od prošlog jula
Skuvaću kafu Affogato, to će nas rashladiti
Onda radi ono što ja radim
Sada stavi malo šampona
Sada stavi malo šampona
Sada stavi malo šampona
O Bože
Gledam slike koje držim na policiJer je previše prošlo od kada sam zadnji put ličio na sebe
Zapali još jednu sveću
Zapali još jednu sveću
Ponestaje strpljenja, ponestaje pare
Nikada neću stići ni na pola puta do meseca
Ali previše je kasno za okretanje nazad
Ali previše je kasno za okretanje nazad
Ponestaje mi kiseonika
Nikada više neću biti isti
Biti isti
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
Možda sam bio budalast, pretpostavljam da sam bio naivan
Nisam znao šta sam imao, i mislio sam da moram da odem
Voleo bih da sam bio vezan za kuću
Voleo bih da sam bio vezan za kuću
Tražim signal, držim telefon
Jesam li previše otišao, jesam li sam?
Sada nema nikoga da me drži
Sada nema nikoga da me drži
Ponestaje mi kiseonika
Ne mogu da ne poželim da sam ostao
Izgubljen sam poput Vila Robinsona
Ili čoveka u raketi u svemiru
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
O Bože
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
Rekla mi je da me voli pokraj fontaneRekla mi je da voli mene a ne njega
I to je bilo veoma lepo, jer je bilo nevino
Ali sada ima šolju sa nečim drugim
Postaje nekako mutno u deset i petnaest
I on je žurio da dodirne njenu kožu
Oseća se nekako prljavo kada pleše sa njim
Zaboravljajući šta mi je rekla pokraj fontane
Sada je hvata za kukove i privlači
Ljubi njene usne i šapuće joj na uvo
I ona zna da ne bi trebala slušati
I da bi trebala biti sa mnom pokraj fontane
Nije mogla biti kući noću jer
Je činilo da se oseća usamljeno, ali tada je bila previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Trebao sam izgraditi dom sa fontanom za nas
Onog trenutka kada je rekla da je zaljubljena, previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
I ako se ikada vrati pokraj fontane
Ručica će se slomiti i rđa će se pojaviti
Ali moja ruka će biti otvorena i pokušaću da je popravim
Moje srce će biti otvoreno i pokušaću da ga dam
Sada je hvatam za kukove i privlačim
Ljubim njene usne i šapućem joj na uvo
I znam da je samo želja
I da ne stojimo pokraj fontane
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Nije mogla biti kući noću jer
Je činilo da se oseća usamljeno, ali tada je bila previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Trebao sam izgraditi dom sa fontanom za nas
Onog trenutka kada je rekla da je zaljubljena, previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
The Most Wonderful Boy
Cause when the sun setsAnd your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
I wonder what you're doing here, masturbating boy?
Extraordinarily retarded boy
I'm happy and no matter what
Just came here to have a sick time, there's your warning
They've maid Bouilabaisse in that bush, children
Ew, it's foul with that smell, close the door
Nice movie, we're on our way to Cannes
But do I wanna hear input? No, god damned
Easy, you're incredibly bitter
The clothing – so-so, but there's good thing about you
Hello, you fool with that crude soul
You can chase your face to where the sun don't shine
Say you're stupid and you're forgiven
Life is too short for that diaper game
Don't want to hear about what you potentially want to do
Smile while your all quiet, cause you know
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
He's a Take That-fan
Two glasses of wine and a hash cake
You spend half a life telling about what you hate
Do I wanna hear about it? Are you dim-witted?
It you want the dream you must add some
Failures and thrills, I'm cool with both
Said, it's techno – Bo said ”No, it's electro”
Shut up, Bo!
Have you bought your beauty box on DBA?1
Man, I thought you were fly enough – where did you go?
Out on the town there's fresh air ready to throw you around
You only talk about what's stupid, boy, wash your mouth
That's what it is, boy, big mistake – especially you
Are you up for a smile? Unfortunately not
You live the sort of quiet life
If there's one thing I don't want it's not wanting anything
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
- 1. Site where users can buy and sell anything, but mostly used stuff
We're all mother's pigsThe best isn't an apple but all others, nou
Lucklily I was able to find an influencer, yaaz
A quick way to get all of it right away
A lunch, a sauna bath, stardust
I just went to the club, I pay with pictures
A little bit of photogenesis and good genes
There are the instructions how the life made you, muah
We're young and beautiful and
All of us have a good time
As long as there's nobody here with us
Hey sisters, let's make that video for the fucking TikTok
That's why we have these discos
So that the gang can see who's tip top, happy birthday Benkku
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
I'm not some basic Peltosen Erkki
My ing .. is a verified mark
I'll post on the social media and I'll teach others how to live
Even if the entire world wants for me to stop
Live, love, laugh, yaas, slay, queen, oumaigaash
I do whatever the gang looks for
As if I couldn't get by without the red carpet anymore
We're young and beautiful and
All of us have a good time
As long as there's nobody here with us
Fragile human shells and the worst fear is to be just nobody
I love that I'm being loved
Hey sisters, let's make that video for the fucking TikTok
That's why we have these discos
So that the gang can see who's tip top, happy birthday Benkku
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tok tik tok tiko tiko tik tok tik tik tok
Tik tik tok
[Verse 1: Benjamin Ingrosso]You walk a meter in front of me
It was too fucking long ago
You turn around, we see each other
You feel I'm losing my breath
I ask you how everything is
And even though you feel fine
Yeah, I'm talking but my heart's stopped
[Bridge: Benjamin Ingrosso]
I remember every sin (Every moment)
The last thing you said (Before you left)
But now nothing's as it was before
Because you talk like it was (Another time)
Say you remember what it was like (To be mine)
So for you, I became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like one
[Verse 2: Cherrie]
I feel something's behind me
So I saw you smile from the corner of my eyes
Everything that's happened to us, that's not yesterday
But nothing that I'm thinking on
Believe it would become too much
Comfortable that I can breath out
As baby, when I see you now
Know everything has its end
[Bridge: Cherrie & Benjamin Ingrosso, both]
But you'll always mean something
I wish I was something more than something
I don't wanna talk like it was another time
Don't remember what it was like to be yours
So for me, you became
Like an old movie
[Chorus: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Just like being on VHS
You can never see again
Take us back
To the time I miss
Like a VHS
That I can see again
Want you back
But for you, I became like a
[Interlude Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
[Outro: Benjamin Ingrosso]
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
VHS, VHS, yeah, yeah
Don't Fall In Love
Lucky if you live itEven if it's so strange
A fleeting effect
Lasting a thousand years
Impossible confusion
Reason won't survive
The heart deletes
Everything that writes
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
Your voice changing
Breathing is a feeling
For getting over everything I want
I'm taming the flames
All value
Going up the ceiling
When we play this game again
When I missed you
Why is love so cruel?
No one escapes from it
No one will know how to get it
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
I wanted a full moon
To tell you
If you're looking for peace
Don't fall in love
Best way
To leave things the same
Inside your soul
Don't fall in love
Wishing Pool
Still remember the autumn when we met for the first timeStill remember your eyes under the red fallen leaves
Still remember our shy faces smiling to each other
The magic of the love at first glance just at the moment
Only when the world pauses everything as if for us
Can I squeeze more time in to kiss your forehead
How to write the following story of our scenario
Let the cast coins in wishing pool witness our wish
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?
I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
Again I return to the pool where we made our wish
You're no more by my side but still clear before my eyes
I will like to cast a coin to break the tranquility of water
Ticks and tocks, of tears or tolling time?
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?
Too young x3
I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
Slow Goodbye
[Intro]Da-da-da-da-da-da, yeah
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, baby
[Verse 1]
I wish that I could say
That I meet someone else
That I'm much happier now
And I wish that I could say
That we made it together
But you are much happier now, mhm
And I probably have to understand that it ends here
Have to realise sometime that you and I won't be together
Baby, that things ended like this, fuck
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
[Verse 2]
Now you walk down the beach
Holding someone else's hand
And why didn't I hold your hand tighter
When I had the chance?
Because every time I see you
It's like my heart stops beating
And, baby, please tell me
How could it end like this?
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
I have to let go off you
Oh, yes, and I have to let you go, oh
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
Znam da Biblija nije savršenaZato što je izostavila jednu osobu
Bio je Adam, bila je Eva
I bio je još neko tu
Da, mislim da je njegovo ime bilo Steva
I prolazio je kroz grad
Kada je čuo zmiju kako šapuće
Adamu u bašti
'Uzmi voće, dobro je za tebe'
Steva je rekao, 'Izvinite molim'
'Znam da nije moja stvar
Ali hoćeš li me samo saslušati'
Rekao je 'Ne bih lagao
Ne bi trebao ići tom drvetu
Guja zna, da jabuka raste
Iz zabranjenog semena'
Oh, želiš ono što ne možeš imati
Imaš sve što ti je potrebno
Bio je Adam, bila je Eva
I bio je Steva
Rekao je, 'Adame, nemoj da te zmija zavara
Ne rizikuj sve samo da bi probao!'
Oh, kakav gubitak
Imati sve i odbaciti ga
Adam je gledao unaokolo i dok se rvao sa svojom sudbinom
Steva i Eva podviše svoje rukave
Da se rvu sa tom zmijom
U sredini svog haosa
Steva je i dalje vrištao
Rekao je, 'Ne bih lagao
Ne bi trebao ići tom drvetu
Guja zna, da jabuka raste
Iz zabranjenog semena'
Oh, želiš ono što ne možeš imati
Imaš sve što ti je potrebno
Bio je Adam, bila je Eva i bio je Steva
Rekao je, 'Adame, nemoj da te zmija zavara
Ne rizikuj sve samo da bi probao!'
Oh, kakav gubitak
Imati sve i odbaciti ga
Ponekad se osećam kao Adam
Zato što imam više nego što mi treba
Ali čak i kad imam sve
Želim ono što je van domašaja
Možda bih trebao naučiti lekciju
Kao da je Steva meni pričao
Rekao je, 'Ne bih lagao
Ne bi trebao ići tom drvetu
Guja zna, da jabuka raste
Iz zabranjenog semena'
Oh, želiš ono što ne možeš imati
Imaš sve što ti je potrebno
Bio je Adam, bila je Eva i bio je Steva
Rekao je, 'Adame, nemoj da te zmija zavara
Ne rizikuj sve samo da bi probao!'
Oh, kakav gubitak
Imati sve i odbaciti ga
Let the dogs bark
You didn't know the drill, my angelYou cut me right through the roots, my angel
White like a bag of heroin, my angel
you didn't know any remorse, my sweet
nor what it's like to be dead in heaven
the moon is blue like a reliable smuggler
you weren't familiar with gullies, my angel
nor with the sobs I hold back, my angel
You play with the rifle, my angel
You didn't know the drill, my sweet
Did you have to guess it, my sweet
To finally make love last for ever
Living life as we want
We won't pray to the heavens any worse
We'll get a full belly
Living life as it comes
We'll go to heaven if we please
We don't walk any more, but we carry on
Let the dogs bark
You didn't know the drill, my angel
My luv, my Caribbean whore, my angel
Can you see the factory chimneys, my angel
You weren't used to silence, my love
the back seat of an ambulance, my love
it's too late once you've jumped off, my love
Like an angel flying by
like a crack in the ice
like the first time you had sex
like you find out in first class
it may seem to you
it may seem a long time to you
Like an angel flying by
A stranger in the mirror
leaving a trace
it may seem disgusting to you
it may seem to you
it may seem good to you
Living life as we want
We won't pray to the heavens any worse
We'll get a full belly
We'll live life as it comes
We'll live life if we please
We don't walk any more, but we carry on
We'll take life as it comes
We'll never be a dog again
We'll reap the rewards
We'll live life as we please
We'll pray to the heavens every other day
We don't get any nearer, but we carry on.
Let the dogs bark
The caravan is far away
Let the dogs bark
The caravan is far away
You didn't follow the rules, my angel
You're lying dead in the orange kitchen
Wearing your t-shirt and your frilly jeans.
Benjamins 2
Techno,arabesque, afro-trap are all in my bloodAcid Arab 'Stil' is playing again in the car
My Albino ni**as are by my side day and night
Search and find us in the dark, with the moonlight
I cut my communication with useless people, I'm cool bro
Do I still care? No, do what you want, get out
I don't wanna leave, my head is like Tipsy Lala Po
Tipsy Lala Po
Where is Tinkywinky bro?
We have no reverse gear, don't search for it
I'm driving to the target, obstacles appear on my way
Rozz is in the game now
She doesn't talk with the snakes
Everything's going to be fine
Believe me, don't mind
Look, even if my way is slope, I don't get tired
Some forgot, is there's no problem, there's a problem
As I said, it's true
Humans are greedy
My head is OK, don't search for love
I hope our ending will be fine
First, The mind is needed, then Benjamins
Search for it you can't find synthetic in us
First, my tongue speak, then the trigger
Benjamins is always in my mind,Benjamins
I tried and failed
That's not for me, I need money
If your secrets are illegal, don't tell us, shut your mouth
This side is fast
No problem
Let it stay there
Your nose is grown
Who believes you?
We don't have any cash
Our pockets are empty
I always go forward
Look in front of you, find your direction
Don't walk, run
I don't respect you
What are you? An exception?
Our head is high, we are always cool
We always exist
My organization is messy
Showy, Albinosare showy
When we start, the works don't be left half finished
What kind of work is this?
Join us or get drunk
You spittin shit I'm killin' it
Yes, Rozz is a killer baby (killer)
First, The mind is needed, then Benjamins
Search for it you can't find synthetic in us
First, my tongue speak, then the trigger
Benjamins is always in my mind,Benjamins
Razočaraj me polako
Noć je hladna u kraljevstvuMogu da osetim kako blediš
Od kuhinje do lavaboa u kupatilu i
Tvoji koraci mi ne daju da spavam
Nemoj da me sasečeš, izbaciš, ostaviš ovde da propadnem
Jednom sam bio ponosna i graciozna osoba
Sada klizim kroz pukotine tvog hladnog zagrljaja
Zato molim te, molim te
Možeš li da pronađeš način da me razočaraš polako?
Malo saosećaja, nadam se da mi možeš pružiti
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj me
Razočaraj, razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Hladna koža, vučem noge po pločicama
Dok koračam hodnikom
I znam da nismo pričali dugo
Zato tražim otvorena vrata
Nemoj da me sasečeš, izbaciš, ostaviš ovde da propadnem
Jednom sam bio ponosna i graciozna osoba
Sada klizim kroz pukotine tvog hladnog zagrljaja
Zato molim te, molim te
Možeš li da pronađeš način da me razočaraš polako?
Malo saosećaja, nadam se da mi možeš pružiti
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj me
Razočaraj, razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Ne mogu da se zaustavim od pada
Ne mogu da se zaustavim od pada
Ne mogu da se zaustavim od pada
Ne mogu da se zaustavim od pada
Možeš li da pronađeš način da me razočaraš polako?
Malo saosećaja, nadam se da mi možeš pružiti
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me, razočaraj me
Razočaraj, razočaraj me, razočaraj
Razočaraj me
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Ako odeš biću tako usamljen
Ako odlaziš, dušo, razočaraj me polako
Dobre namere
[Strofa 1]Zašto ne krenemo autoputem?
Sednemo u moj auto i odletimo
Uzmemo dan da se opustimo
Zaslužujemo odmor
Hajde da odemo se opijemo
Odvešću te na više mesto
Negde gde samo mi znamo
Negde gde možemo da budemo slobodni
Samo dozvoli da teče
Daj tome vremena, pusti da ti misli ožive same od sebe
Izgubi kontrolu nad svojom dušom, možemo ići celu noć
Trebali bismo samo da se naduvamo bebo
Možemo voditi ljubav na nebu
Možda mogu da budem taj dečko za tebe
Da budem pristojan, bebo
Radićemo šta god želiš
Kunem se imam samo dobre namere
Dobre namere, oh ne
[Strofa 2]
Mislim da si jebeno prelepa
I možda posle svega ovoga, možemo da odemo na večeru
Mislim da si ipak prokleto kul
Nikada nisam upoznao nikoga poput tebe
Pretpostavljam da imam sreće
Možda bih trebao da se kladim
Mislim da si ona kojoj sam suđen
Samo dozvoli da teče
Daj tome vremena, pusti da ti misli ožive same od sebe
Izgubi kontrolu nad svojom dušom, možemo ići celu noć
Trebali bismo samo da se naduvamo bebo
Možemo voditi ljubav na nebu
Možda mogu da budem taj dečko za tebe
Da budem pristojan, bebo
Radićemo šta god želiš
Kunem se imam samo dobre namere
Dobre namere, oh ne
Samo dozvoli da teče
Daj tome vremena, pusti da ti misli ožive same od sebe
Trebali bismo samo da se naduvamo bebo
Možemo voditi ljubav na nebu
Možda mogu da budem taj dečko za tebe
Da budem pristojan, bebo
Radićemo šta god želiš
Kunem se imam samo dobre namere
Dobre namere, oh ne
Ljubavne pesme
[Strofa 1]Izgledaš tako prokleto prelepo pijana u mom autu
Prozori spušteni i muzika pojačana, pretvaraš se da si zvezda
Ponekad se pitam čime sam te to zaslužio
I kažem ovo bez namere da te povredim
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme
Verovatno ne bi bila ovde da nije bilo ovih ljubavnih pesama
Oh, kladim se da bi bilo lako ostaviti me, pustiti me
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
[Strofa 2]
Izgledaš tako nezainteresovano sa svakom rečju koju izgovorim
Ne voliš da spavaš sama i ja sam mesto gde možeš ostati
Nekada sam verovao da ti i ja imamo neki potencijal
Jer te volim i ti si očigledno volela da se osećaš posebnom
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme
Verovatno ne bi bila ovde da nije bilo ovih ljubavnih pesama
Oh, kladim se da bi bilo lako ostaviti me, pustiti me
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme
Verovatno ne bi bila ovde da nije bilo ovih ljubavnih pesama
Oh, kladim se da bi bilo lako ostaviti me, pustiti me
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Znam da me voliš samo zato što nastavljam da ti pišem ljubavne pesme, ljubavne pesme, bebo
Biti pristojan
Ako bih ti se udvaraoReci mi, da li bi me zaustavila
Ako bih ti dao sve
Mislim da me ne bi zaustavila
Mislim da nije trebalo da me pogledaš kada si ušla sa nekim drugim
Mislim da ne bi trebalo da te gledam na način na koji to činim ali mi ne pomažeš
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Pokušavam da ih nateram da odu ali one ostaju
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Devojko zbog tebe mi glava ludi
Čuo sam da ti je srednje ime bol
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ali ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ako bi mi prišla
Nema šanse da bih te zaustavio
Nema povratka
Zato bi trebalo da stanemo pre nego što počnemo da prilazimo bliže
Mislim da nije trebalo da me pogledaš kada si ušla sa nekim drugim
Mislim da ne bi trebalo da te gledam na način na koji to činim ali mi ne pomažeš
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Pokušavam da ih nateram da odu ali one ostaju
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Devojko zbog tebe mi glava ludi
Čuo sam da ti je srednje ime bol
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ali ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Devojko tako provociraš
I znam da si loša za mene
Ne, ne bi trebalo da te pustim unutra
Ne, ne bi trebalo da te pustim da pobediš
Sve tvoje strategije, da, one dobro rade na meni
Ne, ne bi trebalo da te pustim da pobediš
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Pokušavam da ih nateram da odu ali one ostaju
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Devojko zbog tebe mi glava ludi
Čuo sam da ti je srednje ime bol
Znam da bi trebalo da skrenem pogled
Ali ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
Ne mogu da nateram oči da budu pristojne
My Flesh Is Tender
In the yard, the neighbour who lives below meDribbles a ball, while chatting quietly
On the window, the rain forms crosses
I hurry, and the memory of a day starts up again
When we were normal, spitting at the wall
I return to myself, in front of this side of the lake, which knows nothing of adventure
I feel ill, I've got complexes
I'm oval, I'm convex
I'm dying, I've still got some fight left in me
Fireworks, fire of jubilation
For rent or for sale
My flesh is tender
To my right, the great fire
It's not wrong to have said that to you
To my left, a movement of the crowd
Of debauchery, the beginning of a new world order
Carousel, carnival
A flag of red, white and blue
Until a lava of ???*
Or a liberal witticism
Turn Asia to fire and blood
I feel ill, I've got complexes
I'm oval, I'm convex
I'm dying, I've still got some fight left in me
Fireworks, fire in the loins
For rent or for sale
My flesh is tender
In my soul, an arc of a circle
Where some children of the century catch fire
Under the seat, the train schedule
Light a candle, and fill yourself up
To rent or to sell,
My flesh is tender
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.
We will be Champions again
We will be Champions againthe cup stays here,
we are number one.
We will be Champions again
making a lot of noise
for the fifth star.
Bought beer, Flags out,
we are doing Public Viewing at home Cheese pig, fryer, and wearing the trikot.
Running, fit, lying, sprin, hoola hoop 'oh
Jogi gives the tactics, “With max speed on the goal'.
Neuer, Hummels, Hector,
“that already sounds
terrific“ .
Müller, Kimmich, Süle
and my Neighbour Boateng.
Timo Werner our Man,
Götze, Samy, Julian
doesn't matter if Draxler or Brandt, we play the opponents on the Wall
We just think from Game to Game
the Title that's our Goal
Throw the glasses on the wall Russia is a beautiful country.
In the first match a 0 to 8
so we don't thought
The player is interrogated directly
'What did you bother so much?'
The shoe's so tight on the foot a bubble,
cause i race through the
The playfield wasn't
the WAGs came to late
The place shit, goal too small,
the lines crooked, how can that be?!
It was the referee who does not work
we know where his car is.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Do You Think That He Cares
[Intro: Benjamin Ingrosso]Do you think that he cares?
Do you really think that he cares?
Do you think that he cares, cares about you?
Is there nothing that you miss, miss with me?
It has been almost a year since we broke up
But I have the same feelings as before
Do you think that he cares, cares about you?
[Chorus 1: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Do you think that he cares?
Do you really think that he cares?
[Verse 2: Benjamin Ingrosso]
I know that you're thinking, thinking about me
Like when you two walk through Kungsan1, where we became one
And we say that we will remain friends now
Like that everything we feel has ended
And baby, do you think that he looks at you, like I look at you?
I should stay now
[Chorus 2: Benjamin Ingrosso]
Do you think that he cares?
Cares about that I care about you?
Know that he's the guy you fall asleep with
But we both know that it should be we
Do you really think that he cares?
[Bridge: Benjamin Ingrosso]
The same thing
Every day
We only have the memories left now
Baby, I promise that I'll wait here
[Chorus 2: Both]
Do you think that he cares?
Cares about that I care about you?
Know that he's the guy you fall asleep with
But we both know that it should be we
Do you really think that he cares?
- 1. Kungsträdgården, a park in Stockholm
Hladna crvena rijeka
Preporođeni daniBore se preklopljenih ruku
Bol ostavljen ispod
Beživotni opet žive
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Ostani reformisan
Obriši ovaj savršeni svijet
Mržnja ostavljena ispod
Mračni ratni pas lutalica
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
(Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život)
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
(Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život)
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko