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Број резултата: 17


Похвала Дијалектике

Неправда данас напредује сигурним корацима.
Израбљивачи се припремају за наредних 10 хиљада година.
Силе осигуравају:Говоре ти, остаће како и јесте.
Ниједан глас сем гласа владара не чује се.
Израбљивање са тргова говори:
Тек сад почиње.
Али многи потлачени говоре да никада не можемо добити оно што желимо.
Kо још живи, не говори 'никад'.
Оно што је сигурно није сигурно.
Онако како је сад, не остаје.
Kада владајући заврше, проговори ће потлачени.
Ко се усуђује рећи никад.
На коме је, кад се тлачење наставља. На нама је.
На коме је када тлачење пропадне. Опет на нама.
Kо поражен је, подићи ће се.
Kо је изгубљен, бори ће се.
Kо је препознао свој положај како се може суздржати?
Јер побеђени данашњице су победници сутрашњице.
И из 'никад' постаће 'сутра'

Send Me a Leaf

Send me a leaf, though from a beautiful shrub
that withers not, but grows at least one half hour
away from your house. Then
you are to leave and have strength, and I
shall give you thanks for the lovely leaf.

Ballad of the paragraph 218

Mister Doctor, the period...
Well, be happy, man
That the population rate
Can grow a little.
Mister Doctor, without a flat...
Well, you must have a bed
Give yourself a little rest
And stay a little strong.
Then be a nice little mother
And create a piece of cannon fodder
That's what you have a belly for, and you have to do it
And you know that
And now stop it with the nonsense
And now you'll become a mother and that's it.
Mister Doctor, an unemployed man
Cannot have a child...
Well, wifie, that is just
More motivation for your husband.
Mister Doctor, please....Mrs. Renner,
I cannot understand you
You see, wifie, the state needs men
To stand by the machine.
Then be a nice little mother
And create another piece of cannon fodder
That's what you have a belly for, and you have to do it
And you know that
And now stop it with the nonsense
And now you'll become a mother and that's it.
Mister Doctor, where am I supposed to lie...
Mrs. Renner, don't babble
First you want to have fun
And then you don't want your duty.
And when we forbid something
We know what we are doing
So be happy
And let this be our problem, yeah?
And now
Be a nice little mother
And create a piece of cannon fodder
That's what you have a belly for, and you have to do it
And you know that
And now stop it with the nonsense.

The song of the Vitava

At the bottom of the Vitava the stones are wandering
Three emperors are buried in Prague.
Big things don't stay big and small things don't stay small
The night has twelve hours, then the day already comes.
The times change. The giant plans
Of the powerful stop at the end.
And even though they walk around like bloody roosters
The times change, no violence will help that.
At the bottom of the Vitava the stones are wandering
Three emperors are buried in Prague.
Big things don't stay big and small things don't stay small
The night has twelve hours, then the day already comes.

Who says A

Who says 'A', has not necessarily to say 'B'. 1
He can also realise that 'A' was wrong.
  • 1. German proverb: wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen = as you make your bed, so you must lie in it

Song about the uselessness of people’s ambition.

Versions: #2
Das Lied von der Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Strebens
Song about the uselessness of people’s ambition.
In life people use their head
But the head doesn’t serve ‘em right
If you just take a look on your head
At best you’ll see some lice.
‘Cos In this life people just are always taken by surprise
They never seem to notice all the tricks and lies
They try to make a plan
To become a shining light
And then they make a second plan
But neither of ‘em will turn out right
For in this life, people just really aren’t that sly
And all their fine ambitions are no more than a ‘nice try’.
Yes just chase after joy
But just you bear in mind
Because everyone is chasing joy
Joy gets left behind
Because in this life people are never content with what they’ve got
And So all this striving is just a load of rot.
People really aren’t that good
Try whacking them on their caps
Go on, Knock their hats right off
And they’ll go straight, perhaps?
Yes in this life people are never good enough
So you might as well just tap them gently instead of being rough!

Cannon Song

John was amongst them and Jimmy had joined
And Georgie became a Sergeant.
The Army doesn't ask anyone who he is, though
And they marched up to the North.
Soldiers dwell
On the cannons,
From the Cape to Cutch Behar.
When it rained some day
And they encountered
A new race,
A brown one or a pale one,
They perhaps used them to make their beefsteak tartare!
For Johnny the whisky was too warm,
And Jimmy never had enough blankets
But Georgie embraced both of them
And said 'The Army shall never perish!'
John has deceased and Jimmy is dead
And Georgie is missing and rotten
But blood is still red,
And the army is recruiting again!