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Број резултата: 161


Crveno i crno

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Pouke života i opasnosti smrti
Kreni pogrešnim putem gubeći dah
Nađem sebi ravnog u životu posle smrti
Potiskujem demone koji muče noć
Namučen um je bezbedno utočište
Ali istina vreba odozdo iz mraka
Zakorači u moj znatiželjni um
Plašiš li se onoga što bi tamo mogao naći?
Ugledam se u dvorani ogledala
Drugog sam oblika pri svakom mom koraku
Drugi um na svakom koraku puta
Ali na kraju svi su moji
Žalost koja se smeje mi je u glavi
Ne mogu se izvući, samo osećam strah
Znam da je ovaj teret teško breme
Mračna greška, put bez kraja
Crni kralj i crvena kraljica u sukobu
Lukavi podlac broji svoje zalihe
Džoker je lud kao vragolasto dete
Dok gospođa fortuna čeka unutra
Amajlija za sreću je pak previše
Umorni stari vojnik kaže: 'pucaj po želji'
Avioni odozgo traže da unište
One ispod ljudskog mamca
Treba mi neko da me spase
U međuvremenu igramo igru čekanja
Čas je kucnuo i konj je poklekao
I kad mislimo da je sve prošlo
Okušaj svoju sreću, onu sa četiri lista
Braniš svoje uloge bitka je izgubljena
Da čekaš uzalud i ispaštaš
Tanka linija
Između dobrog i lošeg
I baciti kocku i biti srećan-tužan
Treba mi neko da me spase
Crveno i crno
Ljudi ne žele istinu
Pogledaš li ih u oči, oteraćeš ih
Crveno i crno
Sudbina i licemerje
Teret je teško breme, nema sumnje
Crveno i crno
Opet se nema sreće
Koliko šansi se može imati
Crveno i crno
Izdaja na putu ka pobedi
Na pogrešnom mestu u pogrešno vreme
Treba mi neko da me spase


Draga, ja krvarim
U mraku blijedi mlada zvijezda
Dopada ti se to?
Rijeke su preplavile
Ne mogu imati sve
Jedva stojim
Vjeruj u sebe, uradi to
Vjeruj u sebe i uradi to
Vjeruj u sebe i uradi to
Uradi to sada
Vjerovala ili ne, usamljen sam
Pruži mi šansu, ja još učim
Vjerovali ili ne, osjećam se usamljeno(Jako sam usamljen)
Vjerovali ili ne, osjaćam prazninu
Sve ovo što imam
Zapitao sam se
Zar nije mnogo?
Usamljen sam, tako sam usamljen sad
Draga, krvarim
Na hladnoći, moje usamljeno srce se smrzava
Dopada ti se to?
Rijeke su poplavile
I srušile mostove
Jedva stojim
Vjerovala ili ne, usamljen sam
Pruži mi šansu, ja još učim
Vjerovali ili ne, osjećam se usamljeno(Jako sam usamljen)
Vjerovali ili ne, osjaćam prazninu
Sve ovo što imam
Pitam se
Da li je to dovoljno?
Usamljen sam, tako sam usamljen sad
Napio sam se
Ne mogu da usatnem, duša mi je suva
Spusti me u krevet nježno
Uspavaj me, i moje suze će nestati
Pijan sam, kasno je
Ne mogu da stojim, duša mi je suva
Možeš li me takvog voljeti
Možeš li me takvog voljeti
Vjerovali ili ne ja još učim
Pruži mi šansu
Vjerovali ili ne, usamljen sam, tako sam usamljen sad
Vjerovali ili ne osjećam prazninu
Sve ovo što imam
Pitam se
Da li je to dovoljno?
Usamljen sam, tako sam usamljen sad
Vjeruj u sebe, uradi to
Vjeruj u sebe i uradi to
Vjeruj u sebe i uradi to
Uradi to sada


Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Празна платна и необликована глина
били су раширени преда мном као што је некада било њено тело.
Свих пет хоризонта вртело се око њене душе као земља око сунца.
Сада се и ваздух који сам удисао променио.
А све чему сам је научио је све.
Знам да ми је дала све што је носила.
Сада се моје горке руке трљају испод облака
од оног што је било све.
О, слике су све опране у црном
тетовирао сам све.
Шетам напољу, окружен децом која се играју.
Осећам њихов смех, па зашто ме све пече?
А уврнуте мисли које ми се врте око главе,
вртим, о, вртим, како брзо сунце може да зађе.
Сада моје горке руке љуљају разбијено стакло
од оног што је било све.
Све слике су опране у црном,
тетовирао сам све.
Сва покварена љубав претворила је мој свет у црно.
Тетовирао сам све што видим, све што јесам, све што ћу бити.
Знам да ћеш једног дана имати леп живот,
знам да ћеш бити звезда на туђем небу, али зашто,
зашто, зашто то не може бити, о, зар не може бити моје?
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Gde je ljubav?

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Šta nije u redu sa svetom, mama
Ljudi žive kao da nemaju majke
Mislim da je ceo svet zavisnik od drame
Privučen samo stvarima koje donose traume
Preko mora, da, pokušavamo da zaustavimo terorizam
A još imamo teroriste koji žive ovde
U Americi, velika CIA
Bladsi i Kripsi i Kju Kluks Klan
Ali ako voliš samo svoju rasu
Onda ostavljaš prostor samo za diskriminaciju
A diskriminacija samo rađa mržnju
A kad mrziš, onda ćeš se sigurno naljutiti, da
Ludilo je to što demonstriraš
A upravo tako bes radi i deluje
Čoveče, moraš imati ljubavi da bi to ispravio
Preuzmi kontrolu nad svojim umom i meditiraj
Nek ti duša gravitira ka ljubavi, svi, svi,
Ljudi ubijaju, ljudi umiru
Deca su povređena i čuješ njihov plač
Možeš li praktikovati ono što propovedaš
I okrenuti drugi obraz?
Oče, Oče, Oče pomozi nam
Pošalji neko uputstvo sa neba
Jer ljudi su me naterali, naterali da se zapitam
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav, ljubav, ljubav
To više nije isto i sve se promenilo
Novi dani su čudni, da li je svet poludeo?
Ako su ljubav i mir tako jaki
Zašto ima delova ljubavi koji ne pripadaju
Nacije bacaju bombe
Hemijski gasovi pune pluća mališana
Uz stalnu patnju dok mladi umiru mladi
Zapitajte se da li je ljubav zaista nestala
I ja se pitam šta nije u redu
U ovom svetu u kom živimo ljudi se neprekidno predaju
Donoseći pogrešne odluke, već ideje o njima nas dele
Ne poštujte jedni druge, odreci se brata svoga
Rat je u toku ali razlozi su tajni
Istina se krije, gura ispod tepiha
Ali ako ne znaš istinu nikad nećeš ni znati voleti
Gde je ljubav, svi, hajde (ne znam)
Gde je ljubav, svi, hajde (ne znam)
Gde je ljubav, svi, hajde (hajde, da)
Ljudi ubijaju, ljudi umiru
Deca su povređena i čuješ njihov plač
Možeš li praktikovati ono što propovedaš
I okrenuti drugi obraz?
Oče, Oče, Oče pomozi nam
Pošalji neko uputstvo sa neba
Jer ljudi su me naterali, naterali da se zapitam
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (Ljubav)
Gde je ljubav, ljubav, ljubav
Osećam težinu sveta na svojim ramenima
Što sam stariji ljudi su sve hladniji
Većina brine samo o pravljenju novca
Sebičnost nas navodi na pogrešnu adresu
Mediji daju samo pogrešne informacije
Glavni kriterijum je negativna slika
Inficiraju mlade umove brže od bakterije
Deca žele da se ponašaju kao što vide u bioskopima
Hej, šta god da se desilo sa vrednostima čovečanstva
Šta god da se desilo sa pravedošću i jednakošću
Imesto da širimo ljubav širimo neprijateljstvo
Nedostatak razumevanja nas udaljava od jedinstva
To je razlog zašto se ponekad osećam bolesno
To je razlog zašto se ponekad osećam utučeno
Nije ni čudo što se osećam bolesno
Moram sačuvati veru dok se ne pronađe ljubav (sada se zapitaj)
Gde je ljubav
Gde je ljubav
Gde je ljubav
Gde je ljubav
Oče, Oče, Oče pomozi nam
Pošalji neko uputstvo sa neba
Jer ljudi su me naterali, naterali da se zapitam
Gde je ljubav
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)
Gde je ljubav (ljubav)

Black Catcher

The wind is blowing at my back
Drops of water fall down along the string
Get up come to your senses
Get down there's no time
Forming strong emotions into words that reach
It's dressed in black
In order to shake off all the dark clouds
Sirens are singing SOS in the shadows
Quickly, it's too late
You can't see the bonds if you're far away
Let's stay together
We are in the middle of our journey
Why do I feel throbbing pain now?
Somebody just help me out
I'll fulfill my wishes as I promised
In this cracked world
Let's dye this world even
I can not grab this sword
All I need is getting strong
We can catch the game
I won't lose
Look, I'll turn everyone I see into allies
We can catch the game
The wind is blowing at my back
Regret pierces through my chest
Don't give up
It can't be helped, level down
Now is the time level up, level up, level up
I don't like losing
Bouncing like an amateur please, it's real
God only knows how the story ends
I'll illuminate, just like I planned
I cannot see the shadow
Let's dye this world even
I can not grab this sword
All I need is getting strong
We can catch the game
I won't lose
Look, I turned everyone
I saw into allies
We can catch the game
Let's dye this world
Even I can not grab this sword
All I need is getting strong
We can catch the game
I won't lose
Look, I turned everyone
I saw into allies
This way of viewing will change
And then the future will change
We can catch the game

Black Rover

A simple performance
Thirst for wishes, water flows along the thread
A difficult stage will make someone's wishes come true
And demonstrates the top's pattern
The horizon is fluttering midair
No matter how many times I fail
I'll hold on to the hope with my both hands we're being knocked down by waves
We shout at them to show their wings
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down
Back up, get far of the sky black Rover
Let's experience it together
Let's dye the present black
That's the joke of our time
A black rover
A number of times I perform
I'm seen but I can't see, Ican't see the attempt
Who makes up for this apathetic play
I'll hold on to the hope with my both hands
We're being knocked down by waves
We shout at them to show their wings
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down
Back up, get far of the sky
Let's experience it together
Let's dye the present black
That's the joke of our time
A black rover
We stand in a line in hollowness
From now the gate will open up
Just open your eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
We know we are reckless
Just open your eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
Don't stay, don't blame
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down
Back up, get far of the sky, black clover
Let's experience it together
Let's dye the present black
That's the joke of our time
A black rover
We stand in a line in hollowness
From now the gate will open up
Let's go next stage

Listen to the shell

Summer day,
which might have already passed,
which might have come yet,
summer day.
Summer day,
which it may never be,
which may not come
gold from the sun.
Summer day,
which is trapped in the shell,
which is trapped in the sun,
burried in it.
Listen to the shell,
in it it's trapped,
listen to the shell,
in it summer echoes.
It invites you to your ear,
listen to ut,
how it plays to you and
invites you with dreams.
Summer day,
which is trapped in the shell,
which is trapped in the sun,
summer day.


My life is on a roll
There's no better time than now
Looking at you, I'm sure of it
Although we don't know each other yet
I have known you for my entire life
My conscience can't hope for better
Whatever I do
It brings me to you
And even though I know, I know that there are
Thousands of choices more
Maybe even the seventh sense
Warns me again
I lose everything when I try to win
You over
I see that the right time does not wait
I know what I'm doing
I'm in the blazing ring of fire
And I can't get out anymore
I'm the stuntman, the actor in my own movie
Like the best Friday beat, drags us to the party and
We can't hold ourselves back
You are here and we fly to the sky together
Whatever I do
It brings me to you
And even though I know, I know that there are
Thousands of choices more
Maybe even the seventh sense
Warns me again
I lose everything when I try to win
You over
I see that the right time does not wait
I know what I'm doing
Everything that you do
Is like a drive with no brakes on a highway
Everything that I do
Is like a game, that isn't definitely won yet


I want to return inside you
Leaving aside the masks
Pull me in
I still haven't found anything
It is still hidden....
Seeing everything
I've become blind
Written truth with the pen of lies
I sit with everyone
I still haven't found anything
It still hides....


Quietly, you take in my gestures, every look I give
Like this, like that
The looks are pouring out on us right now
Like it, like that
Baby, slowly, you don’t need to hurry
As if to show everyone, I’ll take you, honey
It’s so easy, how’s my attitude?
(How’s my attitude)
Yeah it’s so easy, if I want it, I take it
(If I want it, I take it)
I only pick what I like, whatever it is
Like this, like that
I’m not the type to just sit there and wait
Not my type, my type
Baby, slowly, you don’t need to hurry
As if to show everyone, I’ll take you, honey
It’s so easy, how’s my attitude?
(How’s my attitude)
Yeah it’s so easy, if I want it, I take it
(If I want it, I take it)
I’ll make it look good for ya
I’ll make it look good for ya
You’re killin’ it, I’m feelin’ it
I like you a lot so you, I’ll grab it
You’ll get cut with my sweet words
What kind of deceit is this attraction?
Halfway there (you)
Pick the place you wanna go crazy (aye)
Oh my, maybe you design me
All night with eyes wide open, I’m not done yet
This is me, I don’t care about what others think
Now trust yourself with me (ahh)
Don’t be shocked already, I haven’t even started
Just watch, just you and I-
It’s so easy to make moves to captivate you
(moves to captivate you)
Yeah it’s so easy, if I want it, I take it
(If I want it, I take it)
So easy
I’ll make it look good for ya
I’ll make it look good for ya

Sea Song

The sky sways, sways above me
And the deck trembles underfoot
One who hasn’t tasted salt,
Who hasn’t felt the waves
Can’t be called a real sailor
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor
The ship sails calmly toward the familiar pier,
And with pride we’ll climb down the ladder to shore
We’re on the ground, still shaking a bit,
And tomorrow we’ll be at sea, tomorrow we’ll be at sea again.
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor.
And our lives, our lives are not the easiest
Today there’s a light breeze on the sea, tomorrow a hurricane
But I wouldn’t switch places with anyone
For this life, for this life I’ll live two lives!
And let the sea waves roll, roll
And far from us is our native lighthouse
And let it rock, rock, I know for sure
Any storm can be weathered by a sailor.

Ослободићу те

Овај пролаз времена
Јер ја сам увек био
Кроз сенке сумње
Опет и опет
Све што си пожелео
Све што вам треба
Оставите своје жаљење
А онда ћеш видети
Узми моју руку
Шетај са мном
Свет без краја
Ослободићу те
Обећања дата
Угњетач лажи
Лаж истине
То никада не може умрети
Све што си пожелео
Све што вам треба
Оставите своје жаљење
А онда ћеш видети
Узми моју руку
Шетај са мном
Свет без краја
Ослободићу те
Узми моју руку
Шетај са мном
Свет без краја
Ослободићу те

Natasha's Lullaby

In the declining years
More tenderly we love.
Shine a farewell light,
That light of the last love.
Shadow of the evening dawn
Embraced half a sky
Just there, in the west
Radiance wanders.
Slow down, slow down
Slow down the evening day.
Stay longer, charm.
Let the blood get thinner in veins,
But not in the heart get thinner
My tenderness for you.
Oh, you, charm,
The last love.


Suddenly their attitude got cold,
and they will turn their face away from me.
Why? Why? Why? What's wrong with me?
No matter how good things are,
if you're at wrong time,
sometimes gets my nerve.
I don't know why it is but, when you start talking,
you will completely change the bad atmosphere.
Even you are out of tune, that will become your 'timing'.
You can soothe and give me peace of mind. What a wonderful power.
I'm working oddly hard, and I'm not having fun, just like yesterday.
Before I met you, I was so uptight, I thought I was going to die.
I'm so annoyed by every little thing
and I've forgotten how to smile.
People, city and the universe, roll, roll and roll over, 'timing'.
If you adapt yourself too much to the other,
that will only make you feel painful.
Sometimes the bad timing is also necessary, 'timing'.
Let's laugh at the happiness of you and me.
I wish everyone could be like you,
and then, I'm sure there will be no more conflict.
People, city and the universe, turn, turn and turn over, 'timing'.
If you adapt yourself too much,
that will only make you feel painful.
Sometimes the bad timing is also necessary, 'timing'.
Let's laugh at the happiness of you and me.
Even you are out of tune, that will become your 'timing'.
You can soothe and give me peace of mind.
What a wonderful power.

Spiralni Arhitekta

Izvori ludila
Mi prodaju svoje vreme
Božije dete sedi u suncu
Daje mi umni mir
Izmišljeno zavođenje
Na crno snežnom nebu
Tuga ubija supermena
Čak i očevu plaču
Od svih stvari koje najviše cenim
Gledam unutar sebe i vidim svoj svet
I znam da je to dobro
Znaš da bi trebalo
Sujeverni vek
Zar vreme nije prošlo sporo
Odvaja razum
Gleda kako deca rastu
Sinhronizovani grobar
Okrugla neba
Srebrni brod na plazmičnim okeanima
Su sakriveni
Od svih stvari koje najviše cenim u životu
Vidim svoja sećanja i osećam njihovu toplinu
I znam da su dobra
Znaš da bi trebalo
Oči koje gledaju od celuloida
Ti govore kako da živiš
Metaforično motor ponavljanje
Daj, daj, daj!
Smeh ljubljenje ljubav
Mi pokazuju put
Spiralni grad arhitekte
Ja gradim, ti plaćaš
Od svih stvari koje cenim najviše
Gledam nad zemljom
I osećam njihovu toplotu
I znam da je to dobro
Znaš da bi trebalo

Zla ženo

Video sam pogled zla u tvojim očima
Ispunila si me lažima
Tuga neće promeniti tvoja sramna dela
Nosićeš tuđe gorko seme
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Sad znam tačno šta tražiš
Želiš da priznam to dete koje si rodila
Pa znaš da to nisam bio ja
I znaš kako je moralo biti
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla žena, nemoj da se igraš sa tim
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla laž je na tvojim vlažnim usnama
Tvoje telo se pomera kao prasak biča
Crna mačka spava na uzglavlju tvog umrljanog kreveta
Sigurno želiš da me vidiš mrtvog
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom
Zla ženo, nemoj se igrati sa mnom