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Број резултата: 9



I have a ticket with a destination of your lips
A thousand kilometers of sky, I miss you
And I can't wait
It's been days since you went to London
Time has passed slowly since then
And I want to see you again
And the city traps me
And this traffic kills me
So I go by train, by bicycle
I even left my suitcase
To arrive at your door
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie
Five minutes and the door is closed
I sent a message, but received nothing
It'll be too late now
Because so much has already happened
Maybe you've forgotten
My mind goes side to side
The turns it takes, and I want to see you now
And the city traps me
And the traffic kills me
So I go by train, by bicycle
I even left my suitcase
To arrive at your door
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie
Let's not leave it for tomorrow
Kiss me hard, hard
Until the sun comes up, seated on the balcony
While alcohol takes us higher, alcohol takes us higher
Until the sun comes up, seated on the balcony
Until the sun comes up
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie


I have a ticket with a destination of your lips
A thousand kilometers of sky, I miss you
And I can't wait
It's been days since you went to London
Time has passed slowly since then
And I want to see you again
And the city traps me
And this traffic kills me
So I go by train, by bicycle
I even left my suitcase
To arrive at your door
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie
Five minutes and you already had me
I never thought I'd see you walking away from me
I want more than memories (More than memories)
So turn around and I'll be waiting at the station
I can sit and wait for you if only you come running
Come back and settle in
And it's not the seat that traps me
And this driver guy kills me
So I'll go back any way I can to get to your door
So I go by train, by bicycle
I even left my suitcase
To arrive at your door
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie
Let's not leave it for tomorrow
Kiss me hard, hard
Until the sun comes up, seated on the balcony
While alcohol takes us higher, alcohol takes us higher
Until the sun comes up, seated on the balcony
Until the sun comes up
I want to dance with only you
You have me crazy, you have me bad
This love is like an American movie
I want to dance with only you, on the moon, under the sea
This love is like an American movie


Остани вечерас да заједно гледамо како свиће
да осјетим твој глас
како ме мази
Остани још само секунду
немаш шта да изгубиш
док на твојој кожи сликам море
сачињено од успомена
Спустио сам небо да откријем
шта се крије у твом погледу
на само пар центиметара од мене
Остаћу и обећавам
да ћу те вољети више него јуче
Љубићу те лагано
као први пут
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати
Знам да има много њих попут мене
који имају много тога да понуде
али, кунем ти се, ову љубав
нико не може да побиједи
И иако наш плес
буде правио кораке уназад
Не брини се, ја
ћу увијек плесати са тобом
Па шта и да се свијет сруши данас
и као да је важно шта ће бити сутра
ја од тебе нећу отићи
Остаћу и обећавам
да ћу те вољети више него јуче
Љубићу те лагано
као први пут
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати
Уз тебе чак и ако нам тло подрхтава
и ако се угаси сунце
и ако падне небо
на само пар центиметара смо једно од другог
И оставићу страх иза себе
док ми је твоја душа међу прстима
јер ја ћу остати


I know how to draw magic into reality,
everything in me I discovered through you,
how can I be more than that? a true hero,
how can I rebuild the dreams I have lost?
And leave it all behind and find myself again
and dance with fear itself and win,
your words are my sword if I should have to fight.
And if my voice is extinguished,
if on the way my heart wants to leave me,
you will return to me, I'll be able to follow your steps.
And if my voice is extinguished,
you'll break the silence for the both of us,
here you'll remain, you'll remain for me,
screaming for me to come back.
I know my freedom will end if you leave,
that's why I built a world for myself,
everything was left behind, I can't remember the sensation1
but I dance and find myself again,
your words are my sword if I should have to fight.
And if my voice is extinguished,
if on the way my heart wants to leave me,
you will return to me, I'll be able to follow your steps.
And if my voice is extinguished,
you'll break the silence for the both of us,
here you'll remain, you'll remain for me,
bringing down paper stars,
putting the world upside down,
building ships to sail on
and to make me come back.
And if my voice is extinguished,
you'll break the silence for the both of us,
here you'll remain, you'll remain for me,
bringing down paper stars,
putting the world upside down,
building ships to sail on
and to make me come back.
  • 1. lit. 'I can't remember my skin' / He's doesn't remember how his body functions.

I Won't (Follow Your Steps) Again

I lost a war in her look
I even lost my voice in the silence*
And in my dimmed stars,
the ashes of one love
The call hit me like thunder
I let the reins of fear go
I broke the chains that were still tying me
with a memory of one goodbye
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
I won't hide my scars
in case I forget to remember
And if your shadow haunts me
I'll close another door
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
I won't follow your steps again
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again

I am not him

At some point you are going to remember him again
Do not let him go, no
You can hear voices with no control
Voices that are telling you that he has already forgotten and you lost
You are torturing yourself with no reason
Do not listen to them anymore, please
Just listen to me because I am here
Say my name
The train has gone and I promise you that
I'll take you with me to the places where he never wanted to go
Don't be afraid my love, understand it
I am not him
I'll draw peace into your fragile look
He was nothing but pain, understand it
I am not him
Night after night you can see him coming back to you
And you forget easily that you are already with me
He is nothing but a dèja vu
I am begging you, listen to me because I am here
Say my name
The train has gone and I promise you that
I'll take you with me to the places where he never wanted to go
Don't be afraid my love, understand it
I am not him
I'll draw peace into your fragile look
He was nothing but pain, understand it
I am not him
Just listen to me because I am here
Say my name
The train has gone and I promise you that
I'll take you with me to the places where he never wanted to go
Don't be afraid my love, understand it
I am not him
I'll draw peace into your fragile look
He was nothing but pain, understand it
I am not him

Ja nisam on

Iznova i iznova tvoja glava ponovo razmislja o njemu,
ne dozvoli mu da ode, ne,
cujes glasove bez kontrole.
Glasove koji kazu da je on to prebrodio i da si izgubila,
mucis se bez razloga,
ne slusaj ih vise molim te.
Samo slusaj moj glas, jer ovde sam ja,
izgovori moje ime,
voz jednom prolazi i obecavam da, da...
Odvescu te sa mnom ovde na mesta gde on nije zeleo da ide,
ne plasi se ljubavi, razumi,
ja nisam on.
Oslikacu bez sumnje mir u tvom pogledu krhkom kao staklo,
on je samo bio bol, razumi,
ja nisam on.
Noc za noc vidis kako njegov duh se vraca ponovo,
zaboravljas da me imas ti,
on je samo deza vi.
Trazim da slusas moj glas, jer ovde sam ja,
izgovori moje ime,
voz jednom prolazi i obecavam da, da...
Odvescu te sa mnom ovde na mesta gde on nije zeleo da ide,
ne plasi se ljubavi, razumi,
ja nisam on.
Oslikacu bez sumnje mir u tvom pogledu krhkom kao staklo,
on je samo bio bol, razumi,
ja nisam on.
Samo slusaj moj glas, jer ovde sam ja,
izgovori moje ime,
voz jednom prolazi i obecavam da, da...
Odvescu te sa mnom ovde na mesta gde on nije zeleo da ide,
ne plasi se ljubavi, razumi,
ja nisam on.
Oslikacu bez sumnje mir u tvom pogledu krhkom kao staklo,
on je samo bio bol, razumi,
ja nisam on.