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Број резултата: 15



Versions: #1
Mehmed-pasha 1 served three emperors
He earned nine towers of treasure
So he sat down and started pondering
Where he’ll spend all that treasure
Will he give the treasure to the poor
or he’ll drink the treasure in wine
or he’ll throw the treasure down Drina 2
or he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosniacan
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, 3 come on, come on 4
He won’t give the treasure to the poor
nor will he drink the tresaure in wine
because wine is the emperor of all sorts of evil
He won’t throw the treasure down Drina
but he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
First of all a bridge on Drina
so Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, come on, come on
and he built a bridge on Drina
  • 1. Pasha is a higher rank in the Ottoman political and military system, typically granted to governors
  • 2. The Drina river is a 346 kilometers rong international river, forming a large portion of the border between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 3. I’ve heard this word a million times, but never in the same context. I use it occasionally when I’m really upset. However, I don’t really know what it means. I honestly think no one does. When I’m addressing my young brother, it means, “Oh my God, don’t make me repeat what I just told you.” When I’m addressing family or friends, it means, “Don’t be crazy, I know what I’m talking about.” I’d say people often use this word when they run out of arguments
  • 4. In colloquial speech it means 'allright'. 'Aman' is tricky though. It literally means a call for mercy (like when surrendering at the end of a battle). But in people's daily speech it doesn't mean this. Colloqually it's an exclamation meaning a friendly warning for something or frustration depending on context

Oh my Bosnia, you poor little cursed thing

Havaj1, [oh] my Bosnia, you poor little cursed [thing]
Now not even the sun strolls around you
Aman1, [oh] my Bosnia, you poor little cursed [thing]
Now not even the sun strolls around you
Havaj, the roosters are not crowing in your landscape
Over your paradise the birds are not singing
Aman, the roosters are not crowing in your landscape
Over your paradise the birds are not singing
Havaj, your hills and plains
Are darkened by gloomy obscurations
Aman, your hills and plains
Are darkened by gloomy obscurations
  • Exclamations without proper meaning, they are mainly here because of rhytmic purposes
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

I bit onto a colourful apple

Versions: #2
Ah, I bit onto a colourful apple,
Ah, and I kissed a beautiful brunette girl
Ah, how the colourful apple is like,
Ah, but the brunette is even more sweet
Ah, o girl, my sweet, Sweetie
Ah, who gave you such a name?
Ah, are you an angel, or a heavenly maiden,
Ah, or has your mother given birth to you beside the paradise?
Ah, I'm neither an angel, nor a heavenly maiden,
Ah, neither my mother gave birth to be by the paradise

Sarajevo, a delightful place

Sarajevo, a delightful place
delightful, flamboyant
In you there are parks
like the bright sun (×2)
In you there are springs of water
cold in the summer
Young girls go there
youthful girls (×2)
Among them [is] my sweetheart
the most beautiful of all of them
With her beauty she has surpassed
the stars in the sky (×2)
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

A girl did the falcon harm

A girl did the falcon harm
[She] did him harm, set the mountain ablaze
The mountain burned for two and even three days
Until it burned to the falcon's nest
The falcon is extinguishing the flames, his wings are catching fire
The falconets are shrieking, and the falcon cursing
Harshly curses the falcon the beautiful girl
[May] you be unmarried for long, [and] silently sick
[May] you not have a child, nor take one by the hand
Because you did harm to me, the falcon (×2)
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

I had ten wives

I had ten wives
all of them met death
dear Allah has accepted them
into the green garden
dear Allah has accepted them
into the green garden
My first one was good
as a white day
and the second one hanged herself
up on the attic
and the second one hanged herself
up on the attic
The third one, my dears
ate onions
and the fourth one on Trebević1
was ripped up by a wolf
and the fourth one on Trebević
was ripped up by a wolf
The fifth one, my dears
was deceived by a loz
and the sixth one in Ildiža2
run over by a train
and the sixth one in Ildiža
run over by a train
The sixth one was, my dears
taken away by the devil
and the eight one under her tongue
stung by an infarct
and the eight one under her tongue
stung by an infarct
The ninth one is a quarreler
quarrel every day
and what happened to the tenth one
I don't even know myself
and what happened to the tenth one
I don't even know myself
  • 1. A mountain near Sarajevo
  • 2. A town very close to Sarajevo
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Young Youssouf got married

Young Youssouf got married
he was with his darling by midnight,
at midnight, a message1 comes:
”Hey, young Youssouf, the emperor is calling you!”
Emperor's treasury2 is robbed
Youssouf is slandered3 of that.
Youssouf immediately started to prepare his horse,
than his darling started to cry miserably.
”Hey, Youssouf, how painful you are,
you haven't kissed me still,
Hey, Youssouf, my tulip,
who are you leaving your dear woman with?'
”I'm leaving you with my mother,
with my mother for three years.
If I don't come in four years,
you marry an other man!'
  • 1. 'haber' is a Bosnian word of Turkish origin, in Serbian it is 'vest, in Croatian it is 'vijest''
  • 2. 'hazna' is a Bosnian word of Persian origin, in Serbian/Croatian it is 'riznica'
  • 3. 'potvoriti' is a synonym of 'oklevetati' (to slander), 'obijediti' in Croatian language
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Fata asks Halil the innkeeper (1)

Haj, Fata asks, aman1
Halil the innkeeper
haj, Halil the innkeeper
haj was my Meho, aman
last night here?
Haj, he was, aman
young Mehaginca2
before morning he was barely at ease
haj from delight3, aman
[he] smashed the plates
Haj he also said
whoever asks about Meho
let them not straggle after Meho
haj and he came back by himself
when the delight let him be
  • 1. Both 'haj' and 'aman' are expressions often found in Bosnian folk songs with no translatable meaning
  • 2. i. e. the wife of Meho
  • 3. 'Merak' is another word that is hard to translate. It also means desire for something, craving, passion, pleasure, pleasant mood...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Fata asks Halil the innkeeper

Haj, Fata asks, aman1
Halil the innkeeper
haj, Halil the innkeeper
haj was my Meho, aman
last night night here?
Haj, he was, aman
young Mehaginca2
before morning he was barely at ease
haj from delight3, aman
[he] smashed the plates
Haj he also said
who asks about Meho
let them not straggle after Meho
haj and he came back by himself
when the delight let him up
  • 1. Both 'haj' and 'aman' are expressions often found in Bosnian folk songs with no translatable meaning
  • 2. i. e. the wife of Meho
  • 3. 'Merak' is another word that is hard to translate. It also means desire for something, craving, passion, pleasure, pleasant mood...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi