Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 38
I have to go
Versions: #2
I have to go from here am too tired because of experiences
There was someone else on our every single day
My life become upside-down when i act you like such unjustice, loveless in lies.
Her love was silent calm and unruffled, I didn't scare and touched her more
My love was silent calm and unruffled,I didn't scare of it
Believe in me,never seen your any fault and anyone who backbites you
I'd like to listen to you if there was anything left to say
I wish you knew my real feelings inside of me and something which hurts my heart everynight
Couldn't forget you in no way and I am still waiting for you.
I have to go from here am too tired because of experiences
There was someone else on our every single day
My life become upside-down when i act you like such unjustice, loveless in lies.
Her love was silent calm and unruffled, I didn't scare and touched her more
My love was silent calm and unruffled,I didn't scare of it
Believe in me,never seen your any fault and anyone who backbites you
I'd like to listen to you if there was anything left to say
I wish you knew my real feelings inside of me and something which hurts my heart everynight
Couldn't forget you in no way and I am still waiting for you.
I have to go from here am too tired because of experiences
There was someone else on our every single day
My life become upside-down when i act you like such unjustice, loveless in lies.
Her love was silent calm and unruffled, I didn't scare and touched her more
My love was silent calm and unruffled,I didn't scare of it
Believe in me,never seen your any fault and anyone who backbites you
I'd like to listen to you if there was anything left to say
I wish you knew my real feelings inside of me and something which hurts my heart everynight
Couldn't forget you in no way and I am still waiting for you.
Didn't work
I understood suddenly when the hopes finished
Dreams became dust and smoke*
Think once again before you fall out of my life
The curtains don't close with out a last scene
I will wait for you at the cafe at the corner
If we drink some tea we will relax
Let the hands not touch but let the eye's speak
If there's still love, it'll be understood from your looks
How many times has it been and we are still trying
How many years will pass like this
Every time it starts we get hurt
Every time it starts, enough end it
It didn't work, we tried again, didn't work
We tried in vain
This love didn't work for us it left
Didn't work, it didn't fill your place again
Oh how it forced me
This love is badly shook, its over
Versions: #3
She didn’t love me
To my surprise
Without knowing
I only passed through her life leaving no trace
Leaving no word
It’s true what they say
Not even once
She called my name
İ was nothing in her eyes
time passed with no meaning
Don’t contain the fire tonight. Let it burn.
Let it turn the life to hell
Maybe I’ll be free by morning
Don’t hold me tonight
Maybe I’ll flow into the see.
I’ll cry and send it to waters
Don’t hold me tonight.
Let my eye fill up with blood
Don’t wipe my tears
Let it be a lesson for me
Let my soul ache tonight
So it won’t ache ever again
Who did this to me
May she go through this every night
No love for me again
Don’t want its shadow Go near me
My heart constantly tells me to love
Let sudden winds grab you
Tell your dreams, tell
Don't let anything remain in your mind
My heart isn't sick of telling me to smile
Step on your cruel ways
Tell what you feel, tell
Don't put off untill tomorrow
There are very ordinary sentences
That have been told for many times in my mind
I can't narrate
Things that I know are always erased in front of me
Come to my side, I'll take your breath
Talk, I want to hear your melody
Smile and let the darkness run out of my night
I will light up and burn out
Touch me, I'll fill your life
May your sunny future days greet each other
There are very ordinary sentences
That have been told for many times in my mind
I can't narrate
Things that I know are always erased in front of me
Come to my side, I'll take your breath
Talk, I want to hear your melody
Smile and let the darkness run out of my night
I will light up and burn out
Touch me, I'll fill your life
May your sunny future days greet each other
Da li ti je potrebna ljubav?
Kad bi došla i odvela sa ovog mesta
Odakle nema izlaza
Nemam nikakav uslov
Samo me uhvati za ruku
Draga, opet izađi na moj put
Uzmi me pažljivo
Kaži šta želiš od mene
Imam jedan život
Teško živim bez tebe
Da li si čula ?
Draga, da li si primetila da me nema
Draga, opet izađi na moj put
Uzmi me pažljivo
Kaži šta želiš od mene
Moj život je spreman za tebe
Da li ti treba ljubav?
Da li ti treba problem?
Reci voljena šta nam treba?
Pili smo ajran*, razdvojili se
Želela je da se smeje
Draga, ne dozvoli da mi nedostaješ
Hajde, sada je naš put do ljubavi mali
Moj anđele sreće
Ne volim te više
Ne volim te više
Potonuo sam u tvoje laži
Tvoj lažni osmeh
Dani puni obećanja
Nisu više za mene, žalosno.
Bez tebe sam bio
u najvećim poteškoćama
Pokušao se dizati na noge
u dnu usamljenosti.
Ništa nisi rekla
Mesečina za tebe nije postojala
Ostavila si čežnju
sa popodnevnim suncem
Ne, nemoj mi reći ostani
uzalud me preklinješ
Ne dotakne moju dušu
šta god da kažeš
Ne gledaj me u oči
neće uticati tvoji pokušaji
Zakasnio sam što ti ovo nisam rekao do sada
Ne volim te više
Potonuo sam u tvoje laži
Tvoj lažni osmeh
Dani puni obećanja
Nisu više za mene, žalosno.
Ne volim te više
pomešali smo blato i hrđu
Žestoke svađe
Valovi su veći od nas
Ne mogu me više držati, idi