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Број резултата: 11



Ponekad se osećam kao da sam tačno pored tebe
Zašto još uvek ne mogu da te zaboravim, Baby hmm hmm
Van vida, van glave
Ne izgleda kao da je to realnost za mene
Yeah yeah, jednom sam pomislila da sam sve zaboravila
Da je stvarno vreme da sam prebolela sve
Onda mi je srce počelo ludeti zbog nekoga ponovo
Kada se to desi prestaću razmišljati o tebi, moja baby
Jednog dana, jednog dana, želim da volim ponovo
Takva slatka ljubav, slatka i kisela
Moj moj moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh
Nikada nisam znala tako slatku ljubav (Tako da baby)
I neko kao ti je stvarno bilo savršeno (Trebaš mi, boy)
Možda i ti mene želiš (Nedostaješ mi, boy)
Vrati se još jednom (Znam)
Nikada se ne vraćaš
Ne vraćaš se
Šta god bilo, šta god bilo
Ponekad se potresem kao i ti
Čak i ako je kul uraditi to
Ne mogu da se forsiram na to
Rekao si da ti je žao
Yeah, stvarno si loš
Oh baby, ali zašto mi nedostaješ
Moj moj moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh
Ponekad se osećam kao da sam tačno pored tebe
Zašto još uvek ne mogu da te zaboravim, baby, yeah yeah
Van vida, van glave
Da li će to biti realnost za mene?
Moj moj, moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks, moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh

Budi Moja Draga

Volim te ja toliko da je nenormalno
Naučio sam nešto koliko dugo te nisam viđao
A to je da si mi ti sve, više nikad te neću pustiti
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga
Ni ti ni ja ne možemo da skapiramo da se volimo
A ja sam tebe samo ikada povređivao
Ali oprosti mi i samo još jednom
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga
Kadagod zatvorim oči uvek tebe vidim
Kako me očaravaš svojim osmehom i trčiš ka meni
Poput sazvežđa koja lutaju po noćnom nebu
Želeo bih da te grlim dok se beskonačno ljuljamo
Više nikada te neću pustiti, ti si mi sve
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga
Budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga, budi moja draga

Be My Baby

I love you so much, to the point that it's insane
I learned something from all this time I couldn't see you
And that is that you're my everything, I won't ever let you go again
Be my baby, be my baby
Neither of us can quite get that we love each other
And all I've ever done is hurt you
But just forgive me now and at least for one more time
Be my baby, be my baby
Every time I close my eyes all I see is you
Charming me with your smile and running up to me
Like the stars wandering over the night sky
I wish to hold you like this gently rocking back and forth forever
I won't ever let you go again, you are my everything
Be my baby, be my baby, be my baby, be my baby
Be my baby, be my baby, be my baby, be my baby
Be my baby, be my baby, be my baby, be my baby
Be my baby, be my baby, be my baby, be my baby

In the Days of Miracles (The Three Bosons)

We’ve gotten used to blaming the century of consumerism
For the reduction of progress, and the discoveries run has subsided
In human motives, the practical interest
Nowadays, has become more important than the abstract mysteries of the skies
But the foundation of nature science
The deeper it is, the more complicated, and humans are not to blame here:
We’re waiting for the news about the particles and fields so badly
But there are no devices to help us reach them through the chain of zeroes
In the days of miracles
The world was so simple and well-arranged
The rows of mysteries
Were given to the life on Earth
But answer me,
How can we build the ring
As big as
The Milky Way?
The particle accelerator could be made more powerful
Prolonging the ring, and discovering the heavier particles
And the discoveries stream was shining so magically
Until the size of devices became an obstacle
At the beginning of the way, the one hundred meter rings
Were enough to discover all the lambdas, deltas, and xis
To predict all the quarks and to sense the common features
Of all the fields for one unified theory of our dreams
In the days of miracles
Weinberg, Salam and Glashow
Managed to find
The common law for the two fields
But, beneath it,
There are a few newest particles:
We haven't managed
To capture them
Lambdas, deltas, omegas, and xis,
All their masses are nearly the same
They all are similar to protons and neutrons
And all discovered in a row back in those days
And, within the theory of the two fields,
The three particles are much more tricky:
They're heavier than both protons and deltas for one hundred times
And one hundred times more difficult to capture
* * *
It took fifty years just to reach the first goal
Which is checking the standard model of the two fields
The three bosons were discovered in CERN accelerators
The length of which is seven and twenty-seven kilometers
But, for three or four combined fields,
There is no proof of discovery, no matter how sad you are about it
Maybe, our rings are way too small again?
One hundred thousand times shorter than they need to be…
In the days of miracles
The world was so simple and well-arranged
The rows of mysteries
Were given to the life on Earth
But answer me,
How can we build the ring
As big as
The Milky Way?

The Inter-Quarantine Summer

Ever since childhood, we've been dreaming
To live for one hundred thousand years, but the terrestrial world
Followed the old railway,
And only the twentieth year said, 'wait!'
Don't ever forget this summer
When we met sunrises
Along the sleeping highways and buildings,
Quiet grass and flowers
In the world that has just started living once again!
The inter-quarantine summer
When death hid from the light
Trying to forget about it,
We wanted to prolong
The fragile thread of reconciliation
* * *
The twentieth year made us
See our path the way it is
The workday, the classroom,
The trail of adversity from childhood to death
The twentieth year reminded us again
How fragile we are amongst the winds
Progress is ready to protect us,
The dream is close, just believe in it…
Science will give the means
For living for one hundred thousand, knowing no tears
We'll leave our trace
There, among the fires of distant stars
The inter-quarantine summer
In the rays of window light,
The sky and building shadows seem so close
Like pictures of the upcoming centuries
Don't ever forget this summer
How we searched for answers
Why we need each other,
And how valuable
Our lives are in the troubled days
The Earth progress accelerated its course,
Just like it was back in the forty-fifth year, amongst adversity,
Science is taking off again:
War always gives it a reason
We will live for a hundred thousand years,
Science will give an answer to everything
The road to the world where there's no death
Will be found by the stream of new discoveries!
* * *
Don't ever forget this summer
When we met sunrises
Along the sleeping highways and buildings,
Quiet grass and flowers
In the world that has just started living once again!
The inter-quarantine summer
Gave us the gift of answers
Why we need each other,
And how are should strive
Towards the dawn of the immortal spring!

The Line Has Been Drawn (Between Now and Then)

Versions: #1
We have been born between now and then
We are the ones still seeking for the truth
The old bygone age gave us a hundred ways
But the new age has erased them too soon
That age of machines, new technical means
Led us from atoms to stars
This age of the nets brightens our routines
But the starry path is gone
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
The same concrete walls and the noise
But our way of thoughts
Has become completely different
The link between the times
Has died…
We were brainwashed back in those times
That progress implies the constant fight:
The risks, the strives to the goals sublime
To the Milky Way spaceships’ flights
The might, force and power had much more weight
Than simple humans’ daily needs
What really mattered was the rockets’ range
Everything was determined by it
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
That naïve age of machines, leaders
And wars
But, within the nets,
The endless truths appeared
The power that exists
* * *
For hundreds of millennia, all the human kind
Honored the tools of fear and death
But the new goal has been defined
To teach everyone to be friends…
The line has been drawn
We're altered by the net
Our Earth is sick and tired of all the leaders
And wars
But some people don’t see
This age as the great one yet
When rockets matter less
Than iPhones…

Complex of epic

Every Brazilian composer
is psychologically traumatised.
Why then this damn habit,
this worry
to speak so seriously,
to sound so serious
to be so serious
to smile so seriously
to cry so seriously
to have fun so seriously
to love so seriously?
Good heavens
to hell with being so serious!

Audrey Hepburn Complex

A cracked head is a phase
Of a cruel hangover on a day like this
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Things like being with you
Things like falling in love with the attention
Are the kind of things I can't tell anybody
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
The fold of my heels
Look like high heels
My goodness! How could I?
Like the weather report
Nobody believe this kind of things
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Things like being with you
Surely everyone will laugh
Saying that it's something similar to measles
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
Somehow it looks like
A monday of downpour
My goodness! How could I?
I'll marry tomorrow
On a busy day like this
Things like falling in love
My goodness! How could I?
After all I'll end burning
Like a souffle
Because these things always happen to me
My goodness! How could I?
Honestly I'm unlucky
I beg your pardon!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mariners Apartman Kompleks

Uzeo si moju tugu is konteksta
U Mariners apartmanu komplex
Ja nisam sveća na vetru
Ja sam zavrtanj, munja, grom
Tip devojke zbog koje ćeš se zapitati
Ko si ti
I ko si bio
I ko sam bila sa tobom na ovim plažama
Tvoja Venecijanska kučka, tvoja izdržljivost, tvoja slabost
Možda bih te mogla spasiti od tvojih grehova
Zato, poljubi nebo i šapni Isusu
Moj, moj, moj, pronašao si ovo, treba ti ovo
Udahni duboko, dušo,
Pusti me unutra
Gubiš svoj put
Uzmi me za ruku
Izgubljen si na moru
Onda ću pozvati tvoj brod ka meni ponovo
Ne gledaj predaleko
Tačno gde si
Tamo sam ja
Ja sam tvoj čovek
Ja sam tvoj čovek
Zamerili su moju ljubaznost zbog slabosti
Sjebala sam se, znam to ali Isuse
Zar ne može devojka samo učiniti najbolje što može?
Uhvati talas i uzmi slatkoću
Razmisli o tome, tama, dubina
Sve stvari koje me čine onim što jesam
I ko sam ja
Je veliki vernik
Da ljudi mogu da se promene
Ali ne moraš da je ostaviš
Kada svi pričaju
Ti možes stajati
Jer čak i u mraku osecam tvoj otpor
Možeš videti moje srce kako gori u daljini
Dušo, dušo, dušo, ja sam tvoj čovek
Gubiš svoj put
Uzmi me za ruku
Izgubljen si na moru
Onda ću pozvati tvoj brod ka meni ponovo
Ne gledaj predaleko
Tačno gde si
Tamo sam ja
Ja sam tvoj čovek
Ja sam tvoj čovek
Uhvati talas i uzmi slatkoću
Uzmi slatkost
Želiš ovo, treba ti ovo
Jesi li spreman za to?
Jesi li spreman za to?
Jesi li spreman za to?


MY LIFE is a negative metropolis (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
Exhausted and nostalgic (UH... Hypocondrie)
The tail end's murmur​ is (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
A teenager dancing during the journalism (UH... Hypocondrie)
The only dream true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
An angelus in a joke remark OH...nineteen ninety-four OH...OH...
NIGHT LIFE A street corner bamboo (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
An unexpectedly quicky groggy (UH... Hypocondrie)
The skinner fixers fascist inspiration (UH... LABEL OF COMPLEX)
A WALKING TALKING dreamy state of mind (UH... Hypocondrie)
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
An angelus in a joke remark OH...OH...nineteen ninety-four OH...OH...
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
The only dream the true's four marks
A very laughable democracy
The fixer's mutter is a bluesy NIGHT
Only material capital
A real democracy
The proletariat's smile THEY FORGOT
UH...Bluesy NIGHT
Bluesy NIGHT..