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Број резултата: 17


Хитна помоћ

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Бојим се да ће крв испарити, јер ми је врућа.
Бојим се да ћу видети халуцинације као да имам грозницу.
Бојим се да оволики аспирини не делују на мене.
Већ дуго нисам устао из кревета и није зато што се осећам болесно.
То је зато што чаршави миришу на тебе
и мој јастук пита када ћеш доћи.
Ако видите хитну помоћ или полицију,
вероватно иду ка мојој кући,
јер моје срце хоће да експлодира
и притисак ми је на 180.
И уколико чујете да пролазе ватрогасна кола,
то је зато што сам их позвала јер горим,
зато што мој кревет после оне ноћи када си дошао
још увек гори.
Била сам угасила своје срце,
али када је тебе видело само је одлучило да се упали,
ватра се неће угасити, чак и ако
пустиња постане море мислећи о томе шта желим да ти урадим.
Осећам се лоше због тебе, мислим да ми треба доктор.
Моја зависност на тебе више није смешна.
Желим да знам шта има твоја генетика.
Мој свет се окреће око тебе, ти си магнет
и како да не?
Ако видите хитну помоћ или полицију,
вероватно иду ка мојој кући,
јер моје срце хоће да експлодира
и притисак ми је на 180.
И уколико чујете да пролазе ватрогасна кола,
то је зато што сам их позвао јер горим,
зато што мој кревет после оне ноћи када си дошла
још увек гори.
То је зато што чаршави миришу на тебе
и мој јастук пита када ћеш доћи.
Ако видите хитну помоћ или полицију,
вероватно иду ка мојој кући,
јер моје срце хоће да експлодира
и притисак ми је на 180.
И уколико чујете да пролазе ватрогасна кола,
то је зато што сам их позвао јер горим,
зато што мој кревет после оне ноћи када си дошла
још увек гори.

Good morning

Good morning
It's good that you're still by my side
What a surprise it was to wake you up in my shirt
A little crazy night
To see when it is repeated and
You put on your clothes (Put on your clothes)
So that I take it away from you
Stay another couple of hours, but if you want to leave (For you, my lova)
Just leave me your mouth
just leave me your body
What is given is no longer taken away
Don't take all that away from me
Just leave me your mouth (Leave me your mouth)
Just leave me your body (Your body)
When you look at me
I want again
Baby, let's kill each other with kisses, you know about that
You have me a prisoner in the process ('I'm a prisoner)
It's that I love you, I confess it to you (I confess it to you)
Come on, use those naughty lips (Mua)
My baby is harder than a wall (You know it)
I don't forget that night we did it on the beach (When we did it)
Eighty inches the screen, warrior in battle (Hard

Wherever You Are and Whoever You’re With

No matter how much you try to flee
and when you talk about me
and say that things between us ended,
you'll never be rid of me
even if it pains you to admit it.
No matter how much you try to silence it,
you won't be able to stop your heart
from speaking on your behalf and there you'll find me,
wherever you are and whoever you're with.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
I'll never tire of waking in the morning
thinking of you and waiting to hear these words:
'my love, I've decided to return'.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me...

Markirana odeća

Ovo je priča zasnovana na stvarnim događajima
Od onih koje se ne govore jer su previše lične
Kada sam upoznao jednu devojku lepih manira
Sa previše sledbenika na društvenim mrežama
Sve je išlo dobro
Dok nije pokazala opasne znake
Jednog dana rekla mi je:'Vidi, tako mi nećeš izaći'
'Sa tom jeftinom odećom'
I sada želi da nosim markiranu odeću
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Ali od toga nemam ništa
Želi da nosim markiranu odeću
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Ali od toga nemam ništa (Aha)
Prvi put u prodavnici Luj Vitona (Vitona)
Tražeći blejzer i kaiš (kaiš)
Cele noći pazeći da se ne upropasti
Da bi se narednog dana vratilo
Kola da iznajmim kako bih je pokupio
Namirisan da bih je mogao videti
Sa frizuricom kao dečkić pred školu
Poput pingvina Marinela
Šta mi se desilo? Zaboravio sam
Na sve stvari kojima me je porodica naučila
Šta mi se desilo? Neće moći tako
Nisam takva osoba
I sada želi da nosim markiranu odeću
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Ali od toga nemam ništa
Želi da nosim markiranu odeću
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Ali od toga nemam ništa (Aha)
Vidi se svetlost Parme
I sada želi da nosim markiranu odeću
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Balensijaga, Guči, Prada
Ali od toga nemam ništa
Markiranu odeća
Guči, Prada
Guči, Prada
Markiranu odeća
Guči, Prada
Guči, Prada
Markirana odeća
Guči, Prada

Expensive clothes

This is a story based on real events
Of those that are not counted because they are so personal
When I met a girl with good manners
And many followers on social media
Everything went well
Until she showed dangerous signs
One day she told me: 'Look, you don't come out like that'
'With that cheap clothes'
And now she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that
And she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that (aha)
First time in Louis Vuitton store
Looking for a blazer and a belt (belt)
All night taking care not to break it
To return it another day
Rent a car to pick her up
Perfumed to be able to see her
Combed like a child for school
Like Marinela penguin
What happened to me? I forgot
All the things that they taught me at home
What happened to me? It doesn't work like this
I'm not that person
And now she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that
And she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that (aha)
The light of Parma is seen
And now she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that (aha)
Expensive clothes
Gucci, Prada
Gucci, Prada
Expensive clothes
Gucci, Prada
Gucci, Prada
Expensive clothes
Gucci, Prada


Један, два, три и...
Твоја страна кревета
Која је била топла, леди се
Гледам у телефон и твоје слике ме муче
Још те не заборављам, ко ти је рекао ту лаж?
Знаш да те не заборављам
Не желим крила да одлетим на друго место
Ја само желим да будем са тобом
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Душо, не иди, ти си моје благо
Без тебе не живим, не једем
Заборавио сам своје другове
Летим само око тебе, без престанка
Хајде сад, не говори ми сутра
Тај струк и то тело ћу појести
Ти си мој бисер, дијамант, благо
Оно што највише волим на свету и не одустајем
Да, жарко желим да те повратим
Да, мој кревет каже да си моја срећа
Да, ти си једина која ме не воли због свега што имам
Има нешто твоје код мене
Али не одустајем
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Зашто си отишла?
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
(Не иди!)
Реци ми већ једном зашто
(Не, душо)
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Знам да твоје усне желе само моје
Остаје ми само твоја успомена да пребродим ноћи и дане
Знам да твоје усне желе само моје
Живот без твојих пољубаца не могу да замислим
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла
Ел Алфа
Играј душо
Играј душо


One, two, three and...
The side of your bed
that was hot is freezing
I look at the phone and all your photos are torturing me
I don't forget you yet, who told you that lie?
you know that I don't forget you
I don't want wings to fly to another place
I just want to be with you
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Yah (Wuh!)
Honey, don't go, you are my treasure
I don't live without you, my love, I don't eat
In the street I don't do a chorus to my friends
I fly where you are, I don't delay
Give it to me today, don't tell me tomorrow
I devour that little hip and your body
You are my pearl, diamond and treasure
What I love the most in the world and not chorus
Yes, I'm crazy to have you again
Yes, my bed says you're my luck
Yes, the only one who loves me and is not because of what I have
There is something of yours that comes to me,
but I don't stop
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
(Why you left?)
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
(Don't go away)
tell me now why
(No, baby)
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
I know your mouth only wants with mine
Only your memory remains to wrap my night and day
I know your mouth only wants with mine
I don't know what it would be like a life without your kisses
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why, eh-eh
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Tell me why
Tell me why you left
El Alfa
Dance for me, honey
Dance, honey


For first time

Versions: #1
I want so much
Of kissing you in the morning, just when you get up
But I'm afraid
That you look for someone perfect
And I so flesh and blood
If I could control the time
I would wait again
A thousand times, to see how you wake up
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
With you
If I have you, I lack nothing
So long it was yesterday and it's almost tomorrow
To give you the kisses that we never gave each other
To tell you nice things I'll always be here
Because I feel good when you feel good
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
If I could control the time
I would wait again
A thousand times, to see how you wake up


I don’t know about poetry
Neither about philosophy
I just now that I want
Your life in my
I do not know
How to not have
The desire that I have for you
How to not love you
No one like youyou
There is no substitute
For that body of yours that has me like cucu
In a while I looked for you
I go and snuggle you
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
We are online like YouTube
Connected like Bluetooth
If you leave me, I am the needle and you are my voodoo-doo
I want you for me-me
If you tell me yes-yes
I will die and fall apart just for you
Because I snuggle only with you
Let's put the air on 16 to die from cold
And come to my side
My kisses will soon serve you as a coat
How to not love you ...
No one like youyou
There is no substitute
For that body of yours that has me like cucu
In a while I looked for you
I go and snuggle you
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
Because I snuggle only with you
Let's put the air on 16 to die from cold
And come to my side
My kisses will soon serve you as a coat
How to not have
The desire that I have for you
How to not love you
No one like youyou
There is no substitute
For that body of yours that has me like cucu
In a while I looked for you
I go and snuggle you
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou
There is no one like youyou

Limeno srce

[Verso 1]
Naprotiv, imaš me sa rukama
Kuda koračaju stopala
I sa slabim užetom presekao si moj oklop
Strahovao sam i potom pao
Tražio sam te pod vodom
Ne znajući plivati
Kada sam umro mogao sam disati
I probudio sam se na plaži pored tebe
Noć je postala obasjana
I mogao sam te ugledati u tami
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce
[Verso 2]
Želeo sa ispaliti svoj poslednji žar
Videti ga kako obasjava
I nikoga da dođe da me spase
Ubrzo te ponovo pronađoh
Noć je postala obasjana
Turbulencija je prestala
Mogu te videti u tami
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce

Don't Go

Very soon I'll be able to see you again
My mouth without your mouth is an eternity
The night seems like it's going to be great, very great
Wear whatever you want, it's all the same to me
I like when you tell me that you miss me too
That you need me,
Like I you
I'll throw the house out of the window
I know that you're dying of desire as well
If you want, stay until morning
Ay, don't go
Ay, don't go
Let the neighbours have the party
While you and I close the door
Today I'm going to give you what you want
So that you don't go
So that you don't go
Don't let the light come in through the window
Nor let the warmth escape from us
And let your scent remain in my pillow
And that it doesn't go
That it doesn't go
I know clearly everything that I feel
That I don't have time left to doubt it
Baby, I'm dying
I can't get over you
Crazy for seeing you again
That I'm used to missing you
But I want to have you by my side
Baby, I'm dying
I can't get over you, no

Tell Me A Lie

When you don't love me anymore
When I have to leave
Don't have mercy upon me
You're not hurting
My soul waiting
Don't pretend to love me
How many times did I dream of this
Or imagined it
I always thought of the two of us
And if I let you down
I'm sorry, I always tried
You were everything to me, love
If you give me more of your kisses
If you give me more of your lips
Maybe you won't want to come back
If I give you more of my kisses
If I give you more of my lips
Maybe you won't want to leave me
If you give me more of your kisses
If you give me more of your lips
Maybe you won't want to come back
If I give you more of my kisses
If I give you more of my lips
Don't leave me
Tell me a lie again
You know I would never notice with that smile
Pierce my skin
You know I would never expect it, expect it from you

Kako da joj kažem

Stojim na ulici
Pet koraka od njenih vrata
Hladna je noć i bojim se
Da ću se okrenuti i otići
Još uvek me ne zna
Ali smo bili blizu
Dopisivali smo se šest sati na dan
Valjda, izgubio sam pojam o vremenu
Za nju sam samo drugar
Ali se više ne mogu skrivati
Možda mi hladnoća da snage
Ukoliko joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem ko sam
Da sam se lažno predstavio
Kako da joj kažem da u tim porukama
Se krije velika ljubav
Kako da joj kažem istinu
Nemam ništa
Nisam komunikativan
Ali za nju ću dušu dati
Kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem
Svetlo se pali u hodniku
Predosećam da će se vrata otvoriti
Komeša se strah i hrabrost
Mislim da joj vidim siluetu
Ili ću joj sad reći ili se zauvek skrivati
Ili ću se usuditi ili će me zaboraviti
Možda mi hladnoća da snage
Ukoliko joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem ko sam
Da sam se lažno predstavio
Kako da joj kažem da u tim porukama
Se krije velika ljubav
Kako da joj kažem istinu
Nemam ništa
Nisam komunikativan
Ali za nju ću dušu dati
Kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem, kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem da bih za nju umro
Kako da joj kažem, kako da joj kažem
Da je volim, kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem, kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem, kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem, kako da joj kažem
Nemam ništa
Nisam komunikativan
Ali za nju ću dušu dati
Kako da joj kažem
Kako da joj kažem
Nenamerno sam se zaljubio
Nenamerno sam se zaljubio

What is it to you

Remember that although you may be leaving, you are not free,
our past and some paper tie us together,
you won't forget me that easily,
before you leave, think well about it.
You are oppressing my heart,
I don't know if it is my fault or I am right,
what I know is that I love you, that I love you!
What else can I offer you to withhold you?
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
In love there is always right and there is wrong,
In the couple there is always one who complains,
and instead of solving problems, we insist on
hurting each other y behave as if we were strangers,
I am going crazy thinking
that I made a mistake, how and when,
and every three words I pronounce your name,
and it's that I love you so ...
you can't imagine how much!
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?


Ovde sam prestrašen,
Ponovo ću te videti
Ne znam šta da kažem
Vežbao sam pred ogledalom
Čak sam tražio savete
Da bih te nasmejao
Kupio sam karamele
Očešljao sam se onako kako ti se dopada
Molim nebo
da te naš susret usreći
Činiš me ponovo bezazlenim
Više naivnim i možda krhkim
Pored tebe sam poput dečaka i ne želim odrasti
Pojavio se moj polumesec
Pojavila si se ti
Nisam bio mračan ali si me osvetlela
Nisam bio prazan ali si me ispunila
Nisam bio povređen ali si me izlečila
Pogledom ubila
A poljupcem oživela
Sa tvojim okicama
Osetio sam da vidiš dubinu mog bića
Zamišljao sam te nagu
I svi moji oklopi su pali ispred tebe
Činiš me ponovo bezazlenim
Više naivnim i možda krhkim
Pored tebe sam poput dečaka i ne želim odrasti
Pojavio se moj polumesec
Pojavila si se ti
Nisam bio mračan ali si me osvetlela
Nisam bio prazan ali si me ispunila
Nisam bio povređen ali si me izlečila
Pogledom ubila
A poljupcem oživela