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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 18



Теби је свеједно
што си ме сузама дао
откад се нисам насмејала
кад би знао, е кад би знао
Додји, узми ме од хладних ночи
додји, јер нико нече дочи
јер нико нече мочи мени
тебе да замени
Волиш ли ти мене
да л' ти је бар мало жао
колико сам ночи проплакала
кад би знао, е кад би знао
Још ти се надам
као спас у пустој ночи
каквим си ме то ночима дао
кад би знао, е кад би знао

I dug

More at this hour
no one came down
it's full of yours
lies and deception
In this heart more
no one brings love
I have no more strength
no nerves
I dug
and melted ice
I can not anymore
it's your turn
It will fall down this face
tears for a long time yet
they are used to
loneliness and wandering
Do not put on these lips
a smile neither good nor bad
they are tired of
silence and stillness

Go Whilst You're Young

Go whilst you're young,
Whilst you still have time for a sea of changes,
For a flight and a descent, for your tomorrow or today,
Oh just go whilst you're young.
Tonight when the guests leave,
Leave, I'm letting you go,
I give you my blessing and freedom,
because we're broken, aren't we?
Go where you please, kiss anything with a pulse,
But try to maintain at least some standards,
Don't play hide-and-seek, we aren't children
and I no longer have
a single ace up my sleeve.
That's how it goes,
From a young boy you create a prince to be ashamed of,
You fall off the train
and are left even without a place to stand.
We kiss each other like grown-ups,
Because it's all clear to us,
Break the chains whilst we still haven't been fettered together,
because we're broken, aren't we?

Wrong answer

Wait, where are you going?
I go, I leave you
you ask- I answer
I cannot find the door
I do not open it
Since once more you attract me crazily
and you know me, you know me
Terrible is that wrong answer
when I ask you whether you still loves me
and again that wrong answer
may change everything
But pour me a couple of drinks
maybe I might even forget
that you were with another
and from two, three
maybe I might even forgive
that you did not break up with her
Thoughts are slow, the way is slow
as if it the pavement were slippery
I turn slowly
to see whether you are there
but you are not
Since once more you attract me crazily
and you know me, you know me
Terrible is that wrong answer
when I ask you whether you still loves me
and again that wrong answer
may change everything
But pour me a couple of drinks
maybe I might even forget
that you were with another
and from two, three
maybe I might even forgive
that you did not break up with her
Terrible is that wrong answer
when I ask you whether you still loves me
and again that wrong answer
may change everything
But pour me a couple of drinks
maybe I might even forget
that you were with another
and from two, three
maybe I might even forgive
that you did not break up with her


Versions: #2
I know of one city, called Belgrade
I know of one name, but I don't mention it
I know of one city, where you're forever young
I also know one heart, that is cursing it
Once I tried those bitter lips of yours
And who's going to drive away this madness?
Once I tried to erase you from my heart
But every Spring smells like you
I know the color of his shirt, I bought it
I know the taste of his lips, I kissed them
I know who he's drinking wine with tonight
I know that she knows, how I feel
Once I tried those bitter lips of yours
And who's going to drive away this madness?
Once I tried to erase you from my heart
But every Spring smells like you
This memory tears apart everything to me
My Belgrade, hold me (x3)


и няма да ме има,
и надеждата ще заспи като гладно агънце,
но поне вълците ще са сити за момент.
само мигни
и ще умра за теб,
и всичко ще е по-добре за теб,
ръцете ми са отрязани.
Може би съм родена достойна да бъда спомената,
но публично се отречи от името ми,
вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не.
Някога ще имаш деца, които ще те научат,
че правите никога не страдат от любов.
Вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не, недей!
и няма да ме има,
и надеждата ще заспи като гладно агънце,
но поне вълците ще са сити за момент.
само мигни
и ще умра за теб,
и всичко ще е по-добре за теб,
ръцете ми са отрязани.
Може би съм родена достойна да бъда спомената,
но публично се отречи от името ми,
вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не.
Някога ще имаш деца, които ще те научат,
че правите никога не страдат от любов.
Вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не, недей!
Може би съм родена достойна да бъда спомената,
но публично се отречи от името ми,
вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не.
Някога ще имаш деца, които ще те научат,
че правите никога не страдат от любов.
Вярвай на другите, когато ти говорят лошо за мен,
мрази мен, но любовта не, недей!


Ти јеси мангуп, читам ти с лица
теби се свиђа свака сукњица
ал' немаш среће што си ме срео
јер знам шта хоћеш и шта би хтео
Реф. 2x
Играјмо зато, играјмо
љубавну игру заједно
иако си бабарога
и заводник женског рода
А ја сам заводница
мушких срца ломилица
и тебе ћу бабарого
средити ускоро
Права си напаст, не даш ми мира
свуда ме пратиш, то ме нервира
ја хоћу љубав, хоћу да патиш
за многе грехе једном да платиш
Реф. 2x
Те твоје финте то је за клинке
ја хоћу чари праве љубави
Ја хоћу снове вечно да трају
и да се будим у загрљају
Hi there. Its me Lord of the Hell! This translation made by me. If it helped you please like, comment or vote! If it didnt pls tell me the problem as comment.

'All crimes will reveal in sinful night'
-Lord of the Hell

Can't See The End

Can’t see the end, the questions continue
I ask myself again and again
If I can endure through these things
Then as if it’s nothing, I say, why can’t I?
Actually, it’s been really hard
The fact that there’s not a single person
Who will listen to my secrets that
I’ve been keeping makes me sad
This reality makes me cry
Can’t see the end
When I open my eyes in bed
I still haven’t come out of my gravity defying dream
Is it morning? Is it night? I don’t even know
As I wash away the haziness at the sink
But everything stays the same
I see myself in the mirror with
several days worth of makeup
My skin is ruined and I feel like I lost my goal
The dark circles underneath just get deeper
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Can’t see the end
I ran all the way from the start without rest, but why
Where did my usual self go?
What am I chasing after every day?
I pray every day that it
won’t be a lie
when I say I’m ok
But why are the expectations so high?
I wipe away the bursting tears
I think of my family and dream once again
Can’t see the end,
leave me alone
Actually, I’m miserable,
after I finish a packed schedule
Expectations from friends and family
follow me into bed
I can’t even close my eyes and sleep
I forgot how to go for it all
Now I have a habit of avoiding the little things
Can’t see the end, typical words “have strength”
It’s not the same as before,
why am I so desperate?
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Maybe what I want is over there at the end
Getting what I want will be harder than just
But I can’t be impatient
If I’m lost again, I need to find it again
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)

Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)