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Број резултата: 7


Тражим те

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Погледом дугим ка небу
тражим делић свог живота
не јављају ми се звезде моје
да ме обасјају твојим осмехом
Таласи што зраче из мојих очију
буде безброј успомена на тебе
крадем облике са твога лица
остављам песак у тишини
Тражим те изгубљена у сновима
у жамору људи
обавио ме неки вео
тражим те летећи небом
ветар те понео
као неку стару марамицу
И не знам више шта тражим
познати пејзажи
тако чудна местима
која не могу да ти поклоним
По било ком трагу да те јурим
сенке ти цртам
отиске стопала и сенке што се губе
срећа не полази са мном
Тражим те изгубљена у сновима
у жамору људи
обавио ме неки вео
тражим те летећи небом
ветар те понео
као неку стару марамицу
И не знам више шта тражим
познати пејзажи
са тако чудним местима
које ти не могу поклонити
…и тражим те

The Party-Hard Girl from Belén

I party the hardest in my family
The prettiest Black woman ever born
In Havana's neighborhood of Belén
I, I am the one who arrives at the party
And when I start dancing with my spongy little waist
I draw all the fearless handsomes
From out of the crowd
I've got hot sauce and peppers
In my atomic waist
And when I dance 'rumba' music
Let me leave my own juicy flair on it
Because I party the hardest in Belén
Because of my little waist
The men go crazy for me
Because of my little waist
(Because of your little waist)
Yeah, I party the hardest in Belén
(Because of your little waist)
Hey, those men go crazy over me
(Because of your little waist)
It's because I have hot sauce and peppers in my walk
(Because of your little waist)
Hey, Belén, Mari Belén, Mari Belén, I could die
(Because of your little waist)
They call me the 'guarachera' rhythm lady of Cuba
(Because of your little waist)
Oh, Belén, ay, Belén, Mari Belén, Mari Belén, I could die
(Because of your little waist)
Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén, Belén...

The Modern-Day Herbalist

There's a rumor about an announcement going around
And it goes:
The herbalist is here in town, is here in town
I bring you some root beer plant for the throat
I bring you some Monkey's hand for bloating and swelling
I bring you some nerve plant for your destiny
I bring you some common rue for the guy who's sneezing
I also bring basil for skinny people
Some Jesuit's tea for those flare-ups
Some vetiver for the guy who can't see
And with this herb, you'll get married
~ ~ ~
Hey, yeah, I bring you some root beer plant
For the throat
And with this herb, you'll get married
Oh, yeah, I bring you some common rue
For the guy who's sneezing
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Jesuit's tea
For those flare-ups
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Monkey's hand
For bloating and swelling
And with this herb, you'll get married
~ ~ ~
And with this herb, you'll get married
Hey you, my modern-day herbalist
Modern day herbalist
And with this herb, you'll get married
Hey, yeah, I bring you some root beer plant
For the throat
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some Jesuit's tea
For those flare-ups
And with this herb, you'll get married
Yeah, I bring you some vetiver
For the guy who can't see
And with this herb, you'll get married


Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Abambelé, practice love
Defend your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
Abambelé, practice love
Protect your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
And it goes on
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Why did Songo hit Borondongo?
Because Borondongo hit Bernabé.
Why did Borondongo hit Bernabé?
Because Bernabé hit Muchilanga.
Why did Bernabé hit Muchilanga?
Because Muchilanga pushed Burundanga on him.
Why did Muchilanga push Burundanga on him?
Because Burundanga's feet are swollen.
Eh! What a fuss.

Life is a Carnival

Versions: #1#2#3#4
Anyone that thinks that life is unfair
They really need to know it's not like that
Life is a beautiful thing, we have to live it
Anyone that thinks they are alone and that it's wrong
They really need to know it's not like that
In this life there's no one alone, there's always someone
Oh, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Anyone that thinks that life is always cruel
They really need to know it's not like that
There are only some bad moments, then it all passes
Anyone that thinks that this will never change
They really need to know it's not like that
Smile through all of those hardships, and it will end right
Oh, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and singing trough it is lovely
Oh oh oh, ah, no need to cry (no need to cry)
You see, life is a carnival, and those sorrows disappear singing
(Carnival) Is to laugh free
(No need to cry) To enjoy life
(Carnival) To delight yourself
We need to live on singing
(Carnival) Life is a carnival
(No need to cry), We can all sing
(Carnival) Oh my friends
We need to live on singing
(Carnival) To anyone that thinks out there
(No need to cry) That life is so cruel
(Carnival) They'll never be alone
(We need to live on singing) God is with them
For those that complain a lot (Out)
For those that always criticize (Out)
For those who use weapons (Out)
For those that contaminate us (Out)
For those that make war (Out)
For those that live sinning (Out)
For those that mistreat us (Out)
For those that infect us (Out)

Koji hod ima ova crnka *

Kako hoda ova crnka
Ova crnka pravi ršum*
A kad je ljudi gledaju
Ona ljulja od zadovoljstva još brže
Ova crnka ima dobar hod*
A ide sredinom ulice
Ako želite ići pravo
Dobro gledajte napred
Jer možete naleteti na neki kamen
I za sve dobro platiti
Ako želite biti prvi
Bolje idite polako
Uživate lepo u životu
Ali pazite dok hodate
Ova crnka ima dobru figuru*
Kad ide sredinom ulice
Kad ljudi umru
Kaže se bio je dobar
A ako je dobar za života
Da je /glup/ je ko noć i dan
Kada neki dođu da mi kažu istinu
Ne mogu podneti koliko lažu
Uživajte dobro u životu
Ali ipak pazite dok hodate
Ova crnka graciozno hoda
Kad ide sredinom ulice
Koji ritam
Ne ide ona trotoarom već sredinom ulice
Boginja noći, slatka kao lubenica
Nijedna druga nije kao ona
Dođimo ovamo zajedno
Jer će nas ta crna lepotica učiniti srećnim
Druge ne želim
(Ona je ta koja me inspiriše)
Bez nje sam mrtav
Ona mi nedostaje da odmorim srce
Drugu ne želim
Ako nisam sa njom očajan sam
Umirem bez nje.

Kad sam s tobom

Kad sam s tobom
Ne znam šta je lepše
Da li boja neba
Ili kosa tvoja
Ne znam za tugu
Sve je radost
Samo znam da si ti
Ti si život moj
Kad sam s tobom
Ne znam da li onaj povetarc
Tamo ima lepši zvuk
Od tvoga radosnoga smeha
Ako staviš svoje ruke
Oko mene
Više neće biti
Hladne zore
Kada sam s tobom
Ne postoje problemi
Sve što poželim
Naći ću u tvojm zagrljaju
Kad sam s tobom
Ja sam ponosna
I želim da vrištim
Da sam cela tvoja
Kad sam s tobom
Ne znam što je nežnije
Tvoja figura vitka
Ili ptičica zimska
Kad sam s tobom
Ja zasijam od sreće
Slušajući tvoju priču
refren * * *