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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 6


Dobro jutro Voljena

Jutros sam se probudio bez tebe
Plakao sam sasvim sam
Probudio sam se praznih ruku
Jedam dio mi nedostaje
Da li sam u noćnoj mori
Da li sam povjerovao u laž
Jutros sam se probudio bez tebe
Od mojih suza nerazumnih
U mojim rukama teku
Razumijem da si dio mene
Zavijese sam razmakao
U nebo sam pogledao
Ako si u oblacima izgubljena
Kada bi pala kiša
Da si mi sa prozora u srce kapnula
Ako si juče zaželjela želju, ako si je zaželjela
Volio bih da si pored mene, držao bih te čvsto
Dobro jutro voljena, jesi li se probudila iz tvog slatkog srca?
Jesi li jutros slikala ruže umijesto mene?
Da li si me lagala ili si me zavaravala?
Razdvajanje je poslijednja riječ, šta ti misliš?
Moje ruže ne cvjetaju
Sunce, koje svakog jutra izlazi, jutros ne sija
Ruke su mi hladne, gdje god da si od mene otišla
Nesvjestan sam mene
Dani će proći, čežnja će se završiti
Vjeruješ li u to, da će moje suze stati?

If We Become Us

If We Become Us
Cem Belevi
Is it always the same?
Coated with sadness?
North, south, east, west
All four directions of love
Should we never be?
Should we hide it in the wells?
Should we ban it for both of us?
Or should we unite?
From my night, from my day, from my dream, from my imagination
If only you would get out of them, and I would sleep, and when I am awake if only you would be there next to me. If only I can hug you with my all and meet my reality, If only I could mix with your tears when I kiss you
And we become us
If only we can lay together in the sky forever
If we hold on to the ever-shining star
And there day by day, step by step we if we increase
And then, our two lives come together
This was a Lie
My heart got lost in it
Love? or a toy?
Should we play?
Should we hide it in the wells?
Should we ban it for both of us?
Or should we unite?
From my night, from my day, from my dream, from my imagination
If only you would get out of them, and I would sleep, and when I am awake if only you would be there next to me. If only I can hug you with my all and meet my reality, When I kiss you from your tears...

Leyla & Mecnun (Laila & Majnun)

Never,some things who won't be same as before
Never,same clothes who won't stay the same as before
Short visits have been appreciated for a thousand years
We stopped by,we were been saturated with of each other,the banquets ended
Don't seek Mecnun (Mejnun),Don't me stall
And you don't have Leyla (Laila) either
Whatever happened to us it happened
İt became from us only this much
I don't have any strength

Seven Worlds

I used to be like a mad mountain, cannot be destroyed
I didnt use to be driven away because of winds
I wouldnt even move, even if seven worlds came over me
I wasnt to disrupt, because of what happened
I know me, and wise and cruel
and who has seen, and the past
When did your wind sank into my breath
I understood, the past
If you took your love, what remains from me?
I dont know how to get used to the darkness, without you
If you took your love, what remains from me?
Maybe I live, my eyes blind, my ears deaf

Otvoreno oružje

Колико си лијепа када се вратиш
Види, дао сам ти руже на путу
Јесен је завршено за нас лето дошло је
Дошао сам да отворим оружје
Не чувај се против твог лица
Праведно дисање је мој пут кући
Изгорео сам кад сам се приближио
Нисам одговоран за ватру ако не нестаје
Мој Боже! Како је створила црту
Мој ум је на томе
Она нема опис, изгледа одела
Колико си лијепа када се вратиш
Види, дао сам ти руже на путу
Јесен је завршено за нас лето дошло је
Дошао сам да отворим оружје
Колико си лијепа када се вратиш
Волим те више од свега
О, погледај и ти такође
Другачије нисам могао